--- title: "Parameterization of linked cyclides" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2018-08-28' tags: R, graphics, rgl, geometry, maths, asymptote output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no prettify: yes linenums: yes prettifycss: minimal highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- In a [previous post](https://laustep.github.io/stlahblog/posts/linkedCyclides.html), I have shown how to draw some linked cyclides as unions of circles. In fact it is easy to parametrize the linked cyclides. We show how to do so with R. ```r # "inverse" Hopf map hopfinverse <- function(q, t){ 1/sqrt(2*(1+q[3])) * c(q[1]*cos(t)+q[2]*sin(t), sin(t)*(1+q[3]), cos(t)*(1+q[3]), q[1]*sin(t)-q[2]*cos(t)) } # stereographic projection stereog <- function(x){ c(x[1], x[2], x[3])/(1-x[4]) } # rotation in 4D space (right-isoclinic) rotate4d <- function(alpha, beta, xi, vec){ a = cos(xi) b = sin(alpha)*cos(beta)*sin(xi) c = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(xi) d = cos(alpha)*sin(xi) p = vec[1]; q = vec[2]; r = vec[3]; s = vec[4] c(a*p - b*q - c*r - d*s, a*q + b*p + c*s - d*r, a*r - b*s + c*p + d*q, a*s + b*r - c*q + d*p) } phi <- 1 # -pi/2 < phi < pi/2; close to pi/2 <=> big hole f1 <- function(theta, t){ p <- c(cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)) h <- hopfinverse(p, t) hr <- rotate4d(pi/2, 0, 1, h) stereog(hr) } f2 <- function(theta, t){ p <- c(cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)) h <- hopfinverse(p, t) hr <- rotate4d(pi/2, 2*pi/3, 1, h) stereog(hr) } f3 <- function(theta, t){ p <- c(cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)) h <- hopfinverse(p, t) hr <- rotate4d(pi/2, 4*pi/3, 1, h) stereog(hr) } f1x <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f1(u,v)[1]) f1y <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f1(u,v)[2]) f1z <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f1(u,v)[3]) f2x <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f2(u,v)[1]) f2y <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f2(u,v)[2]) f2z <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f2(u,v)[3]) f3x <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f3(u,v)[1]) f3y <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f3(u,v)[2]) f3z <- Vectorize(function(u,v) f3(u,v)[3]) library(misc3d) library(rgl) open3d(windowRect=c(50,50,550,550)) view3d(90,0) n <- 300 parametric3d(f1x,f1y,f1z, umin=0,umax=2*pi, vmin=0,vmax=2*pi, n=n, smooth=TRUE, color="chocolate") parametric3d(f2x,f2y,f2z, umin=0,umax=2*pi, vmin=0,vmax=2*pi, n=n, smooth=TRUE, color="midnightblue", add=TRUE) parametric3d(f3x,f3y,f3z, umin=0,umax=2*pi, vmin=0,vmax=2*pi, n=n, smooth=TRUE, color="firebrick4", add=TRUE) ``` This code generates the following picture: ![](figures/linkedCyclidesParametric.png) And here is a `three.js` drawing: Finally, here is a beautiful Asymptote rendering: ![](figures/linkedCyclidesParametric_asy.png) It is generated by this code: ```c settings.render = 4; settings.outformat = "pdf"; // import modules import three; import solids; import palette; // overall settings currentprojection = orthographic(20,6,6); viewportmargin = (10,10); size(10cm); currentlight = ((3,3,0)); // "inverse" Hopf map ---------------------------------------------------------- real[] hopfinverse(triple q, real t){ real f = 1/sqrt(2*(1+q.z)); real[] out = {f*(q.x*cos(t)+q.y*sin(t)), f*sin(t)*(1+q.z), f*cos(t)*(1+q.z), f*(q.x*sin(t)-q.y*cos(t))}; return out; } // stereographic projection ---------------------------------------------------- triple stereog(real[] x){ return (x[0],x[1],x[2])/(1-x[3]); } // rotation in 4D space (right-isoclinic) -------------------------------------- real[] rotate4d(real alpha, real beta, real xi, real[] vec){ real a = cos(xi); real b = sin(alpha)*cos(beta)*sin(xi); real c = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(xi); real d = cos(alpha)*sin(xi); real p = vec[0]; real q = vec[1]; real r = vec[2]; real s = vec[3]; real[] out = {a*p - b*q - c*r - d*s, a*q + b*p + c*s - d*r, a*r - b*s + c*p + d*q, a*s + b*r - c*q + d*p}; return out; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real phi = 1.2; triple f(real theta, real t, real beta){ triple p = (cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)); real[] h = hopfinverse(p, t); real[] hr = rotate4d(pi/2, beta, 1, h); return stereog(hr); } triple f1(pair uv){ return f(uv.x, uv.y, 0); } triple f2(pair uv){ return f(uv.x, uv.y, 2pi/3); } triple f3(pair uv){ return f(uv.x, uv.y, 4pi/3); } splinetype[] Notaknot = {notaknot,notaknot,notaknot}; surface s1=surface(f1,(0,0),(2pi,2pi),35,35,Notaknot,Notaknot); s1.colors(palette(s1.map(abs), Gradient(256,orange,black))); draw(s1,render(merge=true)); surface s2=surface(f2,(0,0),(2pi,2pi),35,35,Notaknot,Notaknot); s2.colors(palette(s2.map(abs), Gradient(256,yellow,black))); draw(s2,render(merge=true)); surface s3=surface(f3,(0,0),(2pi,2pi),35,35,Notaknot,Notaknot); s3.colors(palette(s3.map(abs), Gradient(256,red,black))); draw(s3,render(merge=true)); ``` # Update 2018-12-06 Actually the three cyclides differ from each other by a rotation around the $y$-axis. Thus one can calculate the first one and construct the two other ones by rotation. So we can do like this in R: ```r library(rgl) # "inverse" Hopf map hopfinverse <- function(q, t){ 1/sqrt(2*(1+q[3])) * c(q[1]*cos(t)+q[2]*sin(t), sin(t)*(1+q[3]), cos(t)*(1+q[3]), q[1]*sin(t)-q[2]*cos(t)) } # stereographic projection stereog <- function(x){ c(x[1], x[2], x[3])/(1-x[4]) } # rotation in 4D space (right-isoclinic) rotate4d <- function(alpha, beta, xi, vec){ a = cos(xi) b = sin(alpha)*cos(beta)*sin(xi) c = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(xi) d = cos(alpha)*sin(xi) p = vec[1]; q = vec[2]; r = vec[3]; s = vec[4] c(a*p - b*q - c*r - d*s, a*q + b*p + c*s - d*r, a*r - b*s + c*p + d*q, a*s + b*r - c*q + d*p) } # cyclide parameterization f <- function(phi, theta, t){ # -pi/2 < phi < pi/2 p <- c(cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)) h <- hopfinverse(p, t) hr <- rotate4d(pi/2, 0, 1, h) stereog(hr) } # cyclide as mesh cyclideMesh <- function(phi, nu, nv){ vs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=3, ncol=nu*nv) u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1] v_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nv+1)[-1] for(i in 1:nu){ for(j in 1:nv){ vs[,(i-1)*nv+j] <- f(phi, u_[i], v_[j]) } } tris1 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=3, ncol=nu*nv) tris2 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=3, ncol=nu*nv) nv <- as.integer(nv) for(i in 1L:nu){ ip1 <- ifelse(i==nu, 1L, i+1L) for(j in 1L:nv){ jp1 <- ifelse(j==nv, 1L, j+1L) tris1[,(i-1)*nv+j] <- c((i-1L)*nv+j,(i-1L)*nv+jp1, (ip1-1L)*nv+j) tris2[,(i-1)*nv+j] <- c((i-1L)*nv+jp1,(ip1-1L)*nv+jp1,(ip1-1L)*nv+j) } } out <- tmesh3d( vertices = vs, indices = cbind(tris1, tris2), homogeneous = FALSE ) addNormals(out) } # draw #### phi <- 1.2 mesh1 <- cyclideMesh(phi, 250, 250) n <- 3 beta_ <- seq(0, 2*pi , length.out = n+1)[-1][-n] colors <- viridisLite::viridis(n) open3d(windowRect=c(50,50,550,550)) view3d(0,90) shade3d(mesh1, color = colors[1]) for(i in seq_along(beta_)){ shade3d(rotate3d(mesh1, beta_[i], 0, 1, 0), color = colors[i+1]) } ``` ![](figures/threeCyclidesR.png) And like this in Asymptote: ```c settings.render = 4; // import modules import three; import solids; import palette; // overall settings currentprojection = orthographic(0, 5, 0); viewportmargin = (10,10); size(10cm); currentlight = ((3,3,0)); // "inverse" Hopf map ---------------------------------------------------------- real[] hopfinverse(triple q, real t){ real f = 1/sqrt(2*(1+q.z)); real[] out = {f*(q.x*cos(t)+q.y*sin(t)), f*sin(t)*(1+q.z), f*cos(t)*(1+q.z), f*(q.x*sin(t)-q.y*cos(t))}; return out; } // stereographic projection ---------------------------------------------------- triple stereog(real[] x){ return (x[0],x[1],x[2])/(1-x[3]); } // rotation in 4D space (right-isoclinic) -------------------------------------- real[] rotate4d(real alpha, real beta, real xi, real[] vec){ real a = cos(xi); real b = sin(alpha)*cos(beta)*sin(xi); real c = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(xi); real d = cos(alpha)*sin(xi); real p = vec[0]; real q = vec[1]; real r = vec[2]; real s = vec[3]; real[] out = {a*p - b*q - c*r - d*s, a*q + b*p + c*s - d*r, a*r - b*s + c*p + d*q, a*s + b*r - c*q + d*p}; return out; } // parameterization ------------------------------------------------------------ real phi = 1.2; triple f0(real theta, real t){ triple p = (cos(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)); real[] h = hopfinverse(p, t); real[] hr = rotate4d(pi/2, 0, 1, h); return stereog(hr); } triple f(pair uv){ return f0(uv.x, uv.y); } // draw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ surface s = surface(f, (0,0), (2pi,2pi), 55, 55, Spline); pen[] colors = Rainbow(); surface s1 = s; s1.colors(palette(s1.map(abs), Gradient(256,colors[0],black))); draw(s1, render(merge=true)); surface s2 = rotate(120,Y)*s; s2.colors(palette(s2.map(abs), Gradient(256,colors[10000],black))); draw(s2, render(merge=true)); surface s3 = rotate(240,Y)*s; s3.colors(palette(s3.map(abs), Gradient(256,colors[30000],black))); draw(s3, render(merge=true)); ``` ![](figures/threeCyclidesAsy.png)