# Some tipps and experiences with Github Markdown Some things that took me a while to find out. You have to [view the source](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stoerr/til/develop/Github/GithubMarkdownTipps.md) to find out how it's done. ## Images ![Alttext](image.png) ## Videos The only way to directly include a video I've yet found was to use the editor on Github itself, which uploads the video as an Github asset. Outcome e.g.: [See here for some otherwise unsuccessful tests](https://github.com/ist-dresden/composum-AI/blob/e7f3a0af1102506d1b25be440751094a3f6d857e/archive/investigations/VideoTest.md) ## Accordions If you want to hide details on first glance:


## Note box | ⚠️ NOTE: | This is an emphasized note box | |----------|--------------------------------|