pragma solidity ^0.4.3; /** * @title ECCMath * * Functions for working with integers, curve-points, etc. * * @author Andreas Olofsson ( */ library ECCMath { /// @dev Modular inverse of a (mod p) using euclid. /// "a" and "p" must be co-prime. /// @param a The number. /// @param p The mmodulus. /// @return x such that ax = 1 (mod p) function invmod(uint a, uint p) internal constant returns (uint) { if (a == 0 || a == p || p == 0) throw; if (a > p) a = a % p; int t1; int t2 = 1; uint r1 = p; uint r2 = a; uint q; while (r2 != 0) { q = r1 / r2; (t1, t2, r1, r2) = (t2, t1 - int(q) * t2, r2, r1 - q * r2); } if (t1 < 0) return (p - uint(-t1)); return uint(t1); } /// @dev Modular exponentiation, b^e % m /// Basically the same as can be found here: /// /// @param b The base. /// @param e The exponent. /// @param m The modulus. /// @return x such that x = b**e (mod m) function expmod(uint b, uint e, uint m) internal constant returns (uint r) { if (b == 0) return 0; if (e == 0) return 1; if (m == 0) throw; r = 1; uint bit = 2 ** 255; bit = bit; assembly { loop: jumpi(end, iszero(bit)) r := mulmod(mulmod(r, r, m), exp(b, iszero(iszero(and(e, bit)))), m) r := mulmod(mulmod(r, r, m), exp(b, iszero(iszero(and(e, div(bit, 2))))), m) r := mulmod(mulmod(r, r, m), exp(b, iszero(iszero(and(e, div(bit, 4))))), m) r := mulmod(mulmod(r, r, m), exp(b, iszero(iszero(and(e, div(bit, 8))))), m) bit := div(bit, 16) jump(loop) end: } } /// @dev Converts a point (Px, Py, Pz) expressed in Jacobian coordinates to (Px", Py", 1). /// Mutates P. /// @param P The point. /// @param zInv The modular inverse of "Pz". /// @param z2Inv The square of zInv /// @param prime The prime modulus. /// @return (Px", Py", 1) function toZ1(uint[3] memory P, uint zInv, uint z2Inv, uint prime) internal constant { P[0] = mulmod(P[0], z2Inv, prime); P[1] = mulmod(P[1], mulmod(zInv, z2Inv, prime), prime); P[2] = 1; } /// @dev See _toZ1(uint[3], uint, uint). /// Warning: Computes a modular inverse. /// @param PJ The point. /// @param prime The prime modulus. /// @return (Px", Py", 1) function toZ1(uint[3] PJ, uint prime) internal constant { uint zInv = invmod(PJ[2], prime); uint zInv2 = mulmod(zInv, zInv, prime); PJ[0] = mulmod(PJ[0], zInv2, prime); PJ[1] = mulmod(PJ[1], mulmod(zInv, zInv2, prime), prime); PJ[2] = 1; } } library Secp256k1 { // TODO separate curve from crypto primitives? // Field size uint constant pp = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F; // Base point (generator) G uint constant Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798; uint constant Gy = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8; // Order of G uint constant nn = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141; // Cofactor // uint constant hh = 1; // Maximum value of s uint constant lowSmax = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0; // For later // uint constant lambda = "0x5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72"; // uint constant beta = "0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee"; /// @dev See Curve.onCurve function onCurve(uint[2] P) internal constant returns (bool) { uint p = pp; if (0 == P[0] || P[0] == p || 0 == P[1] || P[1] == p) return false; uint LHS = mulmod(P[1], P[1], p); uint RHS = addmod(mulmod(mulmod(P[0], P[0], p), P[0], p), 7, p); return LHS == RHS; } /// @dev See Curve.isPubKey function isPubKey(uint[2] memory P) internal constant returns (bool isPK) { isPK = onCurve(P); } /// @dev See Curve.isPubKey // TODO: We assume we are given affine co-ordinates for now function isPubKey(uint[3] memory P) internal constant returns (bool isPK) { uint[2] memory a_P; a_P[0] = P[0]; a_P[1] = P[1]; isPK = onCurve(a_P); } /// @dev See Curve.validateSignature function validateSignature(bytes32 message, uint[2] rs, uint[2] Q) internal constant returns (bool) { uint n = nn; uint p = pp; if(rs[0] == 0 || rs[0] >= n || rs[1] == 0 || rs[1] > lowSmax) return false; if (!isPubKey(Q)) return false; uint sInv = ECCMath.invmod(rs[1], n); uint[3] memory u1G = _mul(mulmod(uint(message), sInv, n), [Gx, Gy]); uint[3] memory u2Q = _mul(mulmod(rs[0], sInv, n), Q); uint[3] memory P = _add(u1G, u2Q); if (P[2] == 0) return false; uint Px = ECCMath.invmod(P[2], p); // need Px/Pz^2 Px = mulmod(P[0], mulmod(Px, Px, p), p); return Px % n == rs[0]; } /// @dev See Curve.compress function compress(uint[2] P) internal constant returns (uint8 yBit, uint x) { x = P[0]; yBit = P[1] & 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; } /// @dev See Curve.decompress function decompress(uint8 yBit, uint x) internal constant returns (uint[2] P) { uint p = pp; var y2 = addmod(mulmod(x, mulmod(x, x, p), p), 7, p); var y_ = ECCMath.expmod(y2, (p + 1) / 4, p); uint cmp = yBit ^ y_ & 1; P[0] = x; P[1] = (cmp == 0) ? y_ : p - y_; } // Point addition, P + Q // inData: Px, Py, Pz, Qx, Qy, Qz // outData: Rx, Ry, Rz function _add(uint[3] memory P, uint[3] memory Q) internal constant returns (uint[3] memory R) { if(P[2] == 0) return Q; if(Q[2] == 0) return P; uint p = pp; uint[4] memory zs; // Pz^2, Pz^3, Qz^2, Qz^3 zs[0] = mulmod(P[2], P[2], p); zs[1] = mulmod(P[2], zs[0], p); zs[2] = mulmod(Q[2], Q[2], p); zs[3] = mulmod(Q[2], zs[2], p); uint[4] memory us = [ mulmod(P[0], zs[2], p), mulmod(P[1], zs[3], p), mulmod(Q[0], zs[0], p), mulmod(Q[1], zs[1], p) ]; // Pu, Ps, Qu, Qs if (us[0] == us[2]) { if (us[1] != us[3]) return; else { return _double(P); } } uint h = addmod(us[2], p - us[0], p); uint r = addmod(us[3], p - us[1], p); uint h2 = mulmod(h, h, p); uint h3 = mulmod(h2, h, p); uint Rx = addmod(mulmod(r, r, p), p - h3, p); Rx = addmod(Rx, p - mulmod(2, mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p), p); R[0] = Rx; R[1] = mulmod(r, addmod(mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p - Rx, p), p); R[1] = addmod(R[1], p - mulmod(us[1], h3, p), p); R[2] = mulmod(h, mulmod(P[2], Q[2], p), p); } // Point addition, P + Q. P Jacobian, Q affine. // inData: Px, Py, Pz, Qx, Qy // outData: Rx, Ry, Rz function _addMixed(uint[3] memory P, uint[2] memory Q) internal constant returns (uint[3] memory R) { if(P[2] == 0) return [Q[0], Q[1], 1]; if(Q[1] == 0) return P; uint p = pp; uint[2] memory zs; // Pz^2, Pz^3, Qz^2, Qz^3 zs[0] = mulmod(P[2], P[2], p); zs[1] = mulmod(P[2], zs[0], p); uint[4] memory us = [ P[0], P[1], mulmod(Q[0], zs[0], p), mulmod(Q[1], zs[1], p) ]; // Pu, Ps, Qu, Qs if (us[0] == us[2]) { if (us[1] != us[3]) { P[0] = 0; P[1] = 0; P[2] = 0; return; } else { _double(P); return; } } uint h = addmod(us[2], p - us[0], p); uint r = addmod(us[3], p - us[1], p); uint h2 = mulmod(h, h, p); uint h3 = mulmod(h2, h, p); uint Rx = addmod(mulmod(r, r, p), p - h3, p); Rx = addmod(Rx, p - mulmod(2, mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p), p); R[0] = Rx; R[1] = mulmod(r, addmod(mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p - Rx, p), p); R[1] = addmod(R[1], p - mulmod(us[1], h3, p), p); R[2] = mulmod(h, P[2], p); } // Same as addMixed but params are different and mutates P. function _addMixedM(uint[3] memory P, uint[2] memory Q) internal constant { if(P[1] == 0) { P[0] = Q[0]; P[1] = Q[1]; P[2] = 1; return; } if(Q[1] == 0) return; uint p = pp; uint[2] memory zs; // Pz^2, Pz^3, Qz^2, Qz^3 zs[0] = mulmod(P[2], P[2], p); zs[1] = mulmod(P[2], zs[0], p); uint[4] memory us = [ P[0], P[1], mulmod(Q[0], zs[0], p), mulmod(Q[1], zs[1], p) ]; // Pu, Ps, Qu, Qs if (us[0] == us[2]) { if (us[1] != us[3]) { P[0] = 0; P[1] = 0; P[2] = 0; return; } else { _doubleM(P); return; } } uint h = addmod(us[2], p - us[0], p); uint r = addmod(us[3], p - us[1], p); uint h2 = mulmod(h, h, p); uint h3 = mulmod(h2, h, p); uint Rx = addmod(mulmod(r, r, p), p - h3, p); Rx = addmod(Rx, p - mulmod(2, mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p), p); P[0] = Rx; P[1] = mulmod(r, addmod(mulmod(us[0], h2, p), p - Rx, p), p); P[1] = addmod(P[1], p - mulmod(us[1], h3, p), p); P[2] = mulmod(h, P[2], p); } // Point doubling, 2*P // Params: Px, Py, Pz // Not concerned about the 1 extra mulmod. function _double(uint[3] memory P) internal constant returns (uint[3] memory Q) { uint p = pp; if (P[2] == 0) return; uint Px = P[0]; uint Py = P[1]; uint Py2 = mulmod(Py, Py, p); uint s = mulmod(4, mulmod(Px, Py2, p), p); uint m = mulmod(3, mulmod(Px, Px, p), p); var Qx = addmod(mulmod(m, m, p), p - addmod(s, s, p), p); Q[0] = Qx; Q[1] = addmod(mulmod(m, addmod(s, p - Qx, p), p), p - mulmod(8, mulmod(Py2, Py2, p), p), p); Q[2] = mulmod(2, mulmod(Py, P[2], p), p); } // Same as double but mutates P and is internal only. function _doubleM(uint[3] memory P) internal constant { uint p = pp; if (P[2] == 0) return; uint Px = P[0]; uint Py = P[1]; uint Py2 = mulmod(Py, Py, p); uint s = mulmod(4, mulmod(Px, Py2, p), p); uint m = mulmod(3, mulmod(Px, Px, p), p); var PxTemp = addmod(mulmod(m, m, p), p - addmod(s, s, p), p); P[0] = PxTemp; P[1] = addmod(mulmod(m, addmod(s, p - PxTemp, p), p), p - mulmod(8, mulmod(Py2, Py2, p), p), p); P[2] = mulmod(2, mulmod(Py, P[2], p), p); } // Multiplication dP. P affine, wNAF: w=5 // Params: d, Px, Py // Output: Jacobian Q function _mul(uint d, uint[2] memory P) internal constant returns (uint[3] memory Q) { uint p = pp; if (d == 0) // TODO return; uint dwPtr; // points to array of NAF coefficients. uint i; // wNAF assembly { let dm := 0 dwPtr := mload(0x40) mstore(0x40, add(dwPtr, 512)) // Should lower this. loop: jumpi(loop_end, iszero(d)) jumpi(even, iszero(and(d, 1))) dm := mod(d, 32) mstore8(add(dwPtr, i), dm) // Don"t store as signed - convert when reading. d := add(sub(d, dm), mul(gt(dm, 16), 32)) even: d := div(d, 2) i := add(i, 1) jump(loop) loop_end: } dwPtr = dwPtr; // Pre calculation uint[3][8] memory PREC; // P, 3P, 5P, 7P, 9P, 11P, 13P, 15P PREC[0] = [P[0], P[1], 1]; var X = _double(PREC[0]); PREC[1] = _addMixed(X, P); PREC[2] = _add(X, PREC[1]); PREC[3] = _add(X, PREC[2]); PREC[4] = _add(X, PREC[3]); PREC[5] = _add(X, PREC[4]); PREC[6] = _add(X, PREC[5]); PREC[7] = _add(X, PREC[6]); uint[16] memory INV; INV[0] = PREC[1][2]; // a1 INV[1] = mulmod(PREC[2][2], INV[0], p); // a2 INV[2] = mulmod(PREC[3][2], INV[1], p); // a3 INV[3] = mulmod(PREC[4][2], INV[2], p); // a4 INV[4] = mulmod(PREC[5][2], INV[3], p); // a5 INV[5] = mulmod(PREC[6][2], INV[4], p); // a6 INV[6] = mulmod(PREC[7][2], INV[5], p); // a7 INV[7] = ECCMath.invmod(INV[6], p); // a7inv INV[8] = INV[7]; // aNinv (a7inv) INV[15] = mulmod(INV[5], INV[8], p); // z7inv for(uint k = 6; k >= 2; k--) { // z6inv to z2inv INV[8] = mulmod(PREC[k + 1][2], INV[8], p); INV[8 + k] = mulmod(INV[k - 2], INV[8], p); } INV[9] = mulmod(PREC[2][2], INV[8], p); // z1Inv for(k = 0; k < 7; k++) { ECCMath.toZ1(PREC[k + 1], INV[k + 9], mulmod(INV[k + 9], INV[k + 9], p), p); } // Mult loop while(i > 0) { uint dj; uint pIdx; i--; assembly { dj := byte(0, mload(add(dwPtr, i))) } _doubleM(Q); if (dj > 16) { pIdx = (31 - dj) / 2; // These are the "negative ones", so invert y. _addMixedM(Q, [PREC[pIdx][0], p - PREC[pIdx][1]]); } else if (dj > 0) { pIdx = (dj - 1) / 2; _addMixedM(Q, [PREC[pIdx][0], PREC[pIdx][1]]); } } } } contract owned { address public owner; /* Initialise contract creator as owner */ function owned() { owner = msg.sender; } /* Function to dictate that only the designated owner can call a function */ modifier onlyOwner { if(owner != msg.sender) throw; _; } /* Transfer ownership of this contract to someone else */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner() { owner = newOwner; } } /* * @title AnonymousVoting * Open Vote Network * A self-talling protocol that supports voter privacy. * * Author: Patrick McCorry */ contract AnonymousVoting is owned { // Modulus for public keys uint constant pp = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F; // Base point (generator) G uint constant Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798; uint constant Gy = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8; // Modulus for private keys (sub-group) uint constant nn = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141; uint[2] G; //Every address has an index //This makes looping in the program easier. address[] public addresses; mapping (address => uint) public addressid; // Address to Counter mapping (uint => Voter) public voters; mapping (address => bool) public eligible; // White list of addresses allowed to vote mapping (address => bool) public registered; // Address registered? mapping (address => bool) public votecast; // Address voted? mapping (address => bool) public commitment; // Have we received their commitment? mapping (address => uint) public refunds; // Have we received their commitment? struct Voter { address addr; uint[2] registeredkey; uint[2] reconstructedkey; bytes32 commitment; uint[2] vote; } // Work around function to fetch details about a voter function getVoter() returns (uint[2] _registeredkey, uint[2] _reconstructedkey, bytes32 _commitment){ uint index = addressid[msg.sender]; _registeredkey = voters[index].registeredkey; _reconstructedkey = voters[index].reconstructedkey; _commitment = voters[index].commitment; } // List of timers that each phase MUST end by an explicit time in UNIX timestamp. // Ethereum works in SECONDS. Not milliseconds. uint public finishSignupPhase; // Election Authority to transition to next phase. uint public endSignupPhase; // Election Authority does not transition to next phase by this time. uint public endCommitmentPhase; // Voters have not sent their commitments in by this time. uint public endVotingPhase; // Voters have not submitted their vote by this stage. uint public endRefundPhase; // Voters must claim their refund by this stage. uint public totalregistered; //Total number of participants that have submited a voting key uint public totaleligible; uint public totalcommitted; uint public totalvoted; uint public totalrefunded; uint public totaltorefund; string public question; uint[2] public finaltally; // Final tally bool public commitmentphase; // OPTIONAL phase. uint public depositrequired; uint public gap; // Minimum amount of time between time stamps. address public charity; // TODO: Why cant election authority receive the spoils? uint public lostdeposit; // This money is collected from non active voters... enum State { SETUP, SIGNUP, COMMITMENT, VOTE, FINISHED } State public state; modifier inState(State s) { if(state != s) { throw; } _; } // 2 round anonymous voting protocol // TODO: Right now due to gas limits there is an upper limit // on the number of participants that we can have voting... // I need to split the functions up... so if they cannot // finish their entire workload in 1 transaction, then // it does the maximum. This way we can chain transactions // to complete the job... function AnonymousVoting(uint _gap, address _charity) { G[0] = Gx; G[1] = Gy; state = State.SETUP; question = "No question set"; gap = _gap; // Minimum gap period between stages charity = _charity; } // Owner of contract sets a whitelist of addresses that are eligible to vote. function setEligible(address[] addr) onlyOwner { // We can only handle up 50 people at the moment. if(totaleligible > 50) { throw; } // Sign up the addresses for(uint i=0; i 0 + gap && addresses.length >= 3 && _depositrequired >= 0) { // Ensure each time phase finishes in the future... // Ensure there is a gap of 'x time' between each phase. if(_endSignupPhase-gap < _finishSignupPhase) { return false; } // We need to check Commitment timestamps if phase is enabled. if(enableCommitmentPhase) { // Make sure there is a gap between 'end of registration' and 'end of commitment' phases. if(_endCommitmentPhase-gap < _endSignupPhase) { return false; } // Make sure there is a gap between 'end of commitment' and 'end of vote' phases. if(_endVotingPhase-gap < _endCommitmentPhase) { return false; } } else { // We have no commitment phase. // Make sure there is a gap between 'end of registration' and 'end of vote' phases. if(_endVotingPhase-gap < _endSignupPhase) { return false; } } // Provide time for people to get a refund once the voting phase has ended. if(_endRefundPhase-gap < _endVotingPhase) { return false; } // Require Election Authority to deposit ether. if(msg.value != _depositrequired) { return false; } // Store the election authority's deposit // Note: This deposit is only lost if the // election authority does not begin the election // or call the tally function before the timers expire. refunds[msg.sender] = msg.value; // All time stamps are reasonable. // We can now begin the signup phase. state = State.SIGNUP; // All timestamps should be in UNIX.. finishSignupPhase = _finishSignupPhase; endSignupPhase = _endSignupPhase; endCommitmentPhase = _endCommitmentPhase; endVotingPhase = _endVotingPhase; endRefundPhase = _endRefundPhase; question = _question; commitmentphase = enableCommitmentPhase; depositrequired = _depositrequired; // Deposit required from all voters return true; } return false; } // This function determines if one of the deadlines have been missed // If a deadline has been missed - then we finish the election, // and allocate refunds to the correct people depending on the situation. function deadlinePassed() returns (bool){ uint refund = 0; // Has the Election Authority missed the signup deadline? // Election Authority will forfeit his deposit. if(state == State.SIGNUP && block.timestamp > endSignupPhase) { // Nothing to do. All voters are refunded. state = State.FINISHED; totaltorefund = totalregistered; // Election Authority forfeits his deposit... // If 3 or more voters had signed up... if(addresses.length >= 3) { // Election Authority forfeits deposit refund = refunds[owner]; refunds[owner] = 0; lostdeposit = lostdeposit + refund; } return true; } // Has a voter failed to send their commitment? // Election Authority DOES NOT forgeit his deposit. if(state == State.COMMITMENT && block.timestamp > endCommitmentPhase) { // Check which voters have not sent their commitment for(uint i=0; i endVotingPhase) { // Check which voters have not cast their vote for(i=0; i 0) { // We will need to refund this person. totaltorefund = totaltorefund + 1; } } } state = State.FINISHED; return true; } // Has the deadline passed for voters to claim their refund? // Only owner can call. Owner must be refunded (or forfeited). // Refund period is over or everyone has already been refunded. if(state == State.FINISHED && msg.sender == owner && refunds[owner] == 0 && (block.timestamp > endRefundPhase || totaltorefund == totalrefunded)) { // Collect all unclaimed refunds. We will send it to charity. for(i=0; i finishSignupPhase) { throw; // throw returns the voter's ether, but exhausts their gas. } // Make sure the ether being deposited matches what we expect. if(msg.value != depositrequired) { return false; } // Only white-listed addresses can vote if(eligible[msg.sender]) { if(verifyZKP(xG,r,vG) && !registered[msg.sender]) { // Store deposit refunds[msg.sender] = msg.value; // Update voter's registration uint[2] memory empty; addressid[msg.sender] = totalregistered; voters[totalregistered] = Voter({addr: msg.sender, registeredkey: xG, reconstructedkey: empty, vote: empty, commitment: 0}); registered[msg.sender] = true; totalregistered += 1; return true; } } return false; } // Timer has expired - we want to start computing the reconstructed keys function finishRegistrationPhase() inState(State.SIGNUP) onlyOwner returns(bool) { // Make sure at least 3 people have signed up... if(totalregistered < 3) { return; } // We can only compute the public keys once participants // have been given an opportunity to register their // voting public key. if(block.timestamp < finishSignupPhase) { return; } // Election Authority has a deadline to begin election if(block.timestamp > endSignupPhase) { return; } uint[2] memory temp; uint[3] memory yG; uint[3] memory beforei; uint[3] memory afteri; // Step 1 is to compute the index 1 reconstructed key afteri[0] = voters[1].registeredkey[0]; afteri[1] = voters[1].registeredkey[1]; afteri[2] = 1; for(uint i=2; i endCommitmentPhase) { return; } if(!commitment[msg.sender]) { commitment[msg.sender] = true; uint index = addressid[msg.sender]; voters[index].commitment = h; totalcommitted = totalcommitted + 1; // Once we have recorded all commitments... let voters vote! if(totalcommitted == totalregistered) { state = State.VOTE; } } } // Given the 1 out of 2 ZKP - record the users vote! function submitVote(uint[4] params, uint[2] y, uint[2] a1, uint[2] b1, uint[2] a2, uint[2] b2) inState(State.VOTE) returns (bool) { // HARD DEADLINE if(block.timestamp > endVotingPhase) { return; } uint c = addressid[msg.sender]; // Make sure the sender can vote, and hasn't already voted. if(registered[msg.sender] && !votecast[msg.sender]) { // OPTIONAL Phase: Voters need to commit to their vote in advance. // Time to verify if this vote matches the voter's previous commitment. if(commitmentphase) { // Voter has previously committed to the entire zero knowledge proof... bytes32 h = sha3(msg.sender, params, voters[c].registeredkey, voters[c].reconstructedkey, y, a1, b1, a2, b2); // No point verifying the ZKP if it doesn't match the voter's commitment. if(voters[c].commitment != h) { return false; } } // Verify the ZKP for the vote being cast if(verify1outof2ZKP(params, y, a1, b1, a2, b2)) { voters[c].vote[0] = y[0]; voters[c].vote[1] = y[1]; votecast[msg.sender] = true; totalvoted += 1; // Refund the sender their ether.. // Voter has finished their part of the protocol... uint refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; // We can still fail... Safety first. // If failed... voter can call withdrawRefund() // to collect their money once the election has finished. if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; } return true; } } // Either vote has already been cast, or ZKP verification failed. return false; } // Assuming all votes have been submitted. We can leak the tally. // We assume Election Authority performs this function. It could be anyone. // Election Authority gets deposit upon tallying. // TODO: Anyone can do this function. Perhaps remove refund code - and force Election Authority // to explicit withdraw it? Election cannot reset until he is refunded - so that should be OK function computeTally() inState(State.VOTE) onlyOwner { uint[3] memory temp; uint[2] memory vote; uint refund; // Sum all votes for(uint i=0; i 0) { totaltorefund = totaltorefund + 1; } } // Each vote is represented by a G. // If there are no votes... then it is 0G = (0,0)... if(temp[0] == 0) { finaltally[0] = 0; finaltally[1] = totalregistered; // Election Authority is responsible for calling this.... // He should not fail his own refund... // Make sure tally is computed before refunding... // TODO: Check if this is necessary refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; } return; } else { // There must be a vote. So lets // start adding 'G' until we // find the result. ECCMath.toZ1(temp,pp); uint[3] memory tempG; tempG[0] = G[0]; tempG[1] = G[1]; tempG[2] = 1; // Start adding 'G' and looking for a match for(i=1; i<=totalregistered; i++) { if(temp[0] == tempG[0]) { finaltally[0] = i; finaltally[1] = totalregistered; // Election Authority is responsible for calling this.... // He should not fail his own refund... // Make sure tally is computed before refunding... // TODO: Check if this is necessary // If it fails - he can use withdrawRefund() // Election cannot be reset until he is refunded. refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; } return; } // If something bad happens and we cannot find the Tally // Then this 'addition' will be run 1 extra time due to how // we have structured the for loop. // TODO: Does it need fixed? Secp256k1._addMixedM(tempG, G); ECCMath.toZ1(tempG,pp); } // Something bad happened. We should never get here.... // This represents an error message... best telling people // As we cannot recover from it anyway. // TODO: Handle this better.... finaltally[0] = 0; finaltally[1] = 0; // Election Authority is responsible for calling this.... // He should not fail his own refund... // TODO: Check if this is necessary refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; } return; } } // There are two reasons why we might be in a finished state // 1. The tally has been computed // 2. A deadline has been missed. // In the former; everyone gets a refund. In the latter; only active participants get a refund // We can assume if the deadline has been missed - then refunds has ALREADY been updated to // take that into account. (a transaction is required to indicate a deadline has been missed // and in that transaction - we can penalise the non-active participants. lazy sods!) function withdrawRefund() inState(State.FINISHED){ uint refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; } else { // Tell everyone we have issued the refund. // Owner is not included in refund counter. // This is OK - we cannot reset election until // the owner has been refunded... // Counter only concerns voters! if(msg.sender != owner) { totalrefunded = totalrefunded + 1; } } } // Send the lost deposits to a charity. Anyone can call it. // Lost Deposit increments for each failed election. It is only // reset upon sending to the charity! function sendToCharity() { // Only send this money to the owner uint profit = lostdeposit; lostdeposit = 0; // Try to send money if(!charity.send(profit)) { // We failed to send the money. Record it again. lostdeposit = profit; } } // Parameters xG, r where r = v - xc, and vG. // Verify that vG = rG + xcG! function verifyZKP(uint[2] xG, uint r, uint[3] vG) returns (bool){ uint[2] memory G; G[0] = Gx; G[1] = Gy; // Check both keys are on the curve. if(!Secp256k1.isPubKey(xG) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(vG)) { return false; //Must be on the curve! } // Get c = H(g, g^{x}, g^{v}); bytes32 b_c = sha256(msg.sender, Gx, Gy, xG, vG); uint c = uint(b_c); // Get g^{r}, and g^{xc} uint[3] memory rG = Secp256k1._mul(r, G); uint[3] memory xcG = Secp256k1._mul(c, xG); // Add both points together uint[3] memory rGxcG = Secp256k1._add(rG,xcG); // Convert to Affine Co-ordinates ECCMath.toZ1(rGxcG, pp); // Verify. Do they match? if(rGxcG[0] == vG[0] && rGxcG[1] == vG[1]) { return true; } else { return false; } } // We verify that the ZKP is of 0 or 1. function verify1outof2ZKP(uint[4] params, uint[2] y, uint[2] a1, uint[2] b1, uint[2] a2, uint[2] b2) returns (bool) { uint[2] memory temp1; uint[3] memory temp2; uint[3] memory temp3; // Voter Index uint i = addressid[msg.sender]; // We already have them stored... // TODO: Decide if this should be in SubmitVote or here... uint[2] memory yG = voters[i].reconstructedkey; uint[2] memory xG = voters[i].registeredkey; // Make sure we are only dealing with valid public keys! if(!Secp256k1.isPubKey(xG) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(yG) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(y) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(a1) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(b1) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(a2) || !Secp256k1.isPubKey(b2)) { return false; } // Does c =? d1 + d2 (mod n) if(uint(sha256(msg.sender, xG, y, a1, b1, a2, b2)) != addmod(params[0],params[1],nn)) { return false; } // a1 =? g^{r1} * x^{d1} temp2 = Secp256k1._mul(params[2], G); temp3 = Secp256k1._add(temp2, Secp256k1._mul(params[0], xG)); ECCMath.toZ1(temp3, pp); if(a1[0] != temp3[0] || a1[1] != temp3[1]) { return false; } //b1 =? h^{r1} * y^{d1} (temp = affine 'y') temp2 = Secp256k1._mul(params[2],yG); temp3 = Secp256k1._add(temp2, Secp256k1._mul(params[0], y)); ECCMath.toZ1(temp3, pp); if(b1[0] != temp3[0] || b1[1] != temp3[1]) { return false; } //a2 =? g^{r2} * x^{d2} temp2 = Secp256k1._mul(params[3],G); temp3 = Secp256k1._add(temp2, Secp256k1._mul(params[1], xG)); ECCMath.toZ1(temp3, pp); if(a2[0] != temp3[0] || a2[1] != temp3[1]) { return false; } // Negate the 'y' co-ordinate of g temp1[0] = G[0]; temp1[1] = pp - G[1]; // get 'y' temp3[0] = y[0]; temp3[1] = y[1]; temp3[2] = 1; // y-g temp2 = Secp256k1._addMixed(temp3,temp1); // Return to affine co-ordinates ECCMath.toZ1(temp2, pp); temp1[0] = temp2[0]; temp1[1] = temp2[1]; // (y-g)^{d2} temp2 = Secp256k1._mul(params[1],temp1); // Now... it is h^{r2} + temp2.. temp3 = Secp256k1._add(Secp256k1._mul(params[3],yG),temp2); // Convert to Affine Co-ordinates ECCMath.toZ1(temp3, pp); // Should all match up. if(b2[0] != temp3[0] || b2[1] != temp3[1]) { return false; } return true; } }