To skip copying pkg files to this hdd uncomment the line below. be aware when using this if your usb mount points switch it will break the links and the games will not load until you plug the drives back in the correct order. //SKIP_DRIVE When using skip drive and mulitple drives at the same time you need to specify the intended mount point of the usb hdd. your first drive should be 0 and second drive should be 1 ending at a maximum of 7. this will prevent the payload writing usb0 links to the usb1 drive if the mount points switch on the console. MOUNT_POINT=0 To check the usb root for the pkg file to save time copying from the internal ps4 drive then uncomment the line below. but remember this will move the pkg from the root directory to the PS4 folder. //CHECK_USB To rename previously linked pkg files to the new format uncomment the line below. //RENAME_APP To disable the processing of icons/art and sound uncomment the line below. //DISABLE_META To leave game updates on the internal drive uncomment the line below. //IGNORE_UPDATES To move DLC to the usb hdd uncomment the line below. //MOVE_DLC To use this list as a list of games you want to move not ignore then uncomment the line below. //MODE_MOVE Example ignore or move usage. CUSAXXXX1 CUSAXXXX2 CUSAXXXX3