# Installation For many, the easiest way to install Prism is as a node module. ```bash npm install -g @stoplight/prism-cli # or yarn global add @stoplight/prism-cli ``` ## Executable Binaries For users without Node.JS and/or npm/Yarn, standalone binaries are provided for [all major platforms](https://github.com/stoplightio/prism/releases). The quickest way to install the appropriate package for your operating system is via this shell script: ```bash curl -L https://raw.githack.com/stoplightio/prism/master/install | sh ``` > The binaries don't automatically update, so you must run it again to install new versions. ## Docker Prism is available as a Docker image. You should specify the major version you'd like to use as a tag: ```bash docker run --init -p 4010:4010 stoplight/prism:4 mock -h api.oas2.yml ``` If the document you want to mock is on your computer, you'll need to mount the directory where the file resides as a volume: ```bash docker run --init --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp -p 4010:4010 stoplight/prism:4 mock -h "/tmp/file.yaml" ``` If you want to start the proxy server, you can run a command like this: ```bash docker run --init --rm -d -p 4010:4010 -v $(pwd):/tmp -P stoplight/prism:4 proxy -h "/tmp/file.yml" http://host.docker.internal:8080 --errors ``` ## Docker Compose Alternatively, you may wish to use prism as part of a docker compose file to aid development environment portability. Below is a minimal example of a working `docker-compose.yml` supporting mocking: ```yaml --- version: '3.9' services: prism: image: stoplight/prism:4 command: 'mock -h /tmp/api.oas3.yml' volumes: - ./api.oas3.yml:/tmp/api.oas3.yml:ro ports: # Serve the mocked API locally as available on port 8080 - '8080:4010' ``` The above can be expanded if you wish to [support TLS termination](../guides/10-nginx-tls-proxy.md). Now everything is installed, review the [Prism concepts](./02-concepts.md).