jQuery(document).ready(function() { //find status var $status = jQuery('#pmpro_updates_status'); var $row = 1; var $count = 0; var $title = document.title; var $cycles = ['|','/','-','\\']; var $timeout = 30; // 30 seconds var $error_count = 0; //start updates and update status if($status && $status.length > 0) { $status.html($status.html() + '\n' + 'JavaScript Loaded. Starting updates.\n'); function pmpro_updates() { jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl,type:'GET', timeout: $timeout * 1000, dataType: 'html', data: 'action=pmpro_updates', error: function( xml, status, error ) { $error_count++; // If we haven't failed 3 times, try again. if ( $error_count < 3 ) { $status.html($status.html() + ( status == 'timeout' ? 't ' : 'x ') ); // Wait for a second to let things settle and then try again. setTimeout(function() { pmpro_updates();}, 1000); } else { // We have failed 3 times. Alert the user and stop the updates. if ( status == 'timeout' ) { if ( window.confirm( 'Timeout error after ' + $timeout + ' seconds. Would you like to try again with a ' + ( $timeout + 30 ) + ' second timeout?' ) ) { $timeout = $timeout + 30; pmpro_updates(); } } else if ( status == 'error' && error ) { // Likely the case with a PHP error. alert( error + '. Try refreshing. If this error occurs again, check your PHP error logs or seek help on the PMPro member forums.'); } else if ( status == 'error' ) { // Likely the case if the user tries to nagivate away from the update page. alert( 'This update could not complete. Try refreshing. If this error occurs again, seek help on the PMPro member forums.'); } } }, success: function(responseHTML){ $error_count = 0; if (responseHTML.indexOf('[error]') > -1) { alert('Error while running update: ' + responseHTML + ' Try refreshing. If this error occurs again, seek help on the PMPro member forums.'); document.title = $title; } else if(responseHTML.indexOf('[done]') > -1) { $status.html($status.html() + '\nDone!'); document.title = '! ' + $title; jQuery('#pmpro_updates_intro').html('All updates are complete.'); location.reload(1); } else { $count++; // Regex to find any string between square brackets. re = /\[.*\]/; // Get all strings between square brackets. progress = re.exec(responseHTML); // If there is a string between square brackets, update the progress bar. if ( progress && progress.length > 0 ) { // Assume progress is something like [1/10]. jQuery('#pmpro_updates_progress').html(progress[0] + ' ' + parseInt(eval(progress[0].replace(/\[|\]/ig, ''))*100) + '%'); } // Update the status area. $status.html($status.html() + responseHTML.replace(re, '')); // Title bar animation. document.title = $cycles[$count%4] + ' ' + $title; $update_timer = setTimeout(function() { pmpro_updates();}, 200); } //scroll the text area unless the mouse is over it if (jQuery('#status:hover').length != 0) { $status.scrollTop($status[0].scrollHeight - $status.height()); } } }); } var $update_timer = setTimeout(function() { pmpro_updates();}, 200); } });