--- swagger: "2.0" info: title: GitHub description: GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over 24 million people use GitHub to build amazing things together across 67 million repositories. With the collaborative features of GitHub.com and GitHub Business, it has never been easier for individuals and teams to write faster, better code. termsOfService: https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service/#b-api-terms version: 1.0.0 host: api.github.com basePath: / schemes: - http produces: - application/json consumes: - application/json paths: /organizations: get: summary: Get Organizations description: Get all organizations operationId: getOrganizations x-api-path-slug: organizations-get responses: 200: description: OK tags: - organizations definitions: asset: properties: content_type: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get download_count: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get label: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get state: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get uploader: description: This is a default description. type: get assetPatch: properties: label: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get blob: properties: content: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get blobs: properties: sha: description: This is a default description. type: get branch: properties: _links: description: This is a default description. type: get commit: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get comment: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get commentBody: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get commit: properties: author: description: This is a default description. type: get commit: description: This is a default description. type: get committer: description: This is a default description. type: get files: description: This is a default description. type: get parents: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get stats: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get commitBody: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get line: description: This is a default description. type: get number: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get position: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get commitComments: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get commit_id: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get line: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get position: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get compare-commits: properties: ahead_by: description: This is a default description. type: get base_commit: description: This is a default description. type: get behind_by: description: This is a default description. type: get commits: description: This is a default description. type: get diff_url: description: This is a default description. type: get files: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get patch_url: description: This is a default description. type: get permalink_url: description: This is a default description. type: get status: description: This is a default description. type: get contents-path: properties: _links: description: This is a default description. type: get content: description: This is a default description. type: get encoding: description: This is a default description. type: get git_url: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get type: description: This is a default description. type: get createDownload: properties: accesskeyid: description: This is a default description. type: get acl: description: This is a default description. type: get bucket: description: This is a default description. type: get content_type: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get download_count: description: This is a default description. type: get expirationdate: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get mime_type: description: This is a default description. type: get createFile: properties: commit: description: This is a default description. type: get content: description: This is a default description. type: get createFileBody: properties: committer: description: This is a default description. type: get content: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get deleteFile: properties: commit: description: This is a default description. type: get content: description: This is a default description. type: get deleteFileBody: properties: committer: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get deployment: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get payload: description: This is a default description. type: get ref: description: This is a default description. type: get deployment-resp: properties: created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get creator: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get payload: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get statuses_url: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get deployment-statuses-create: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get state: description: This is a default description. type: get target_url: description: This is a default description. type: get downloadBody: properties: content_type: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get downloads: properties: content_type: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get download_count: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get editTeam: properties: name: description: This is a default description. type: get emojis: properties: 100: description: This is a default description. type: get 1234: description: This is a default description. type: get "+1": description: This is a default description. type: get -1: description: This is a default description. type: get 8ball: description: This is a default description. type: get a: description: This is a default description. type: get ab: description: This is a default description. type: get event: properties: actor: description: This is a default description. type: get commit_id: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get event: description: This is a default description. type: get issue: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get events: properties: actor: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get org: description: This is a default description. type: get payload: description: This is a default description. type: get public: description: This is a default description. type: get repo: description: This is a default description. type: get type: description: This is a default description. type: get feeds: properties: current_user_actor_url: description: This is a default description. type: get current_user_organization_url: description: This is a default description. type: get current_user_public: description: This is a default description. type: get current_user_url: description: This is a default description. type: get timeline_url: description: This is a default description. type: get user_url: description: This is a default description. type: get fork: properties: clone_url: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get fork: description: This is a default description. type: get forks: description: This is a default description. type: get forks_count: description: This is a default description. type: get full_name: description: This is a default description. type: get git_url: description: This is a default description. type: get homepage: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get forkBody: properties: organization: description: This is a default description. type: get gist: properties: comments: description: This is a default description. type: get comments_url: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get files: description: This is a default description. type: get forks: description: This is a default description. type: get git_pull_url: description: This is a default description. type: get git_push_url: description: This is a default description. type: get history: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get gitCommit: properties: author: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get parents: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: description: This is a default description. type: get gitRefPatch: properties: force: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get gitignore-lang: properties: name: description: This is a default description. type: get source: description: This is a default description. type: get headBranch: properties: object: description: This is a default description. type: get ref: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get headBranchBody: properties: force: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get hookBody: properties: active: description: This is a default description. type: get add_events: description: This is a default description. type: get issue: properties: assignee: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get labels: description: This is a default description. type: get milestone: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get issueBody: properties: assignee: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get labels: description: This is a default description. type: get milestone: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get issuesComment: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get user: description: This is a default description. type: get key: properties: id: description: This is a default description. type: get key: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get keyBody: properties: key: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get label: properties: color: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get markdown: properties: context: description: This is a default description. type: get mode: description: This is a default description. type: get text: description: This is a default description. type: get merge: properties: merged: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get mergePullBody: properties: commit_message: description: This is a default description. type: get mergesBody: properties: base: description: This is a default description. type: get commit_message: description: This is a default description. type: get head: description: This is a default description. type: get mergesConflict: properties: message: description: This is a default description. type: get mergesSuccessful: properties: author: description: This is a default description. type: get comments_url: description: This is a default description. type: get commit: description: This is a default description. type: get committer: description: This is a default description. type: get merged: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get parents: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get meta: properties: git: description: This is a default description. type: get hooks: description: This is a default description. type: get milestone: properties: closed_issues: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get creator: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get due_on: description: This is a default description. type: get number: description: This is a default description. type: get open_issues: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get milestoneBody: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get due_on: description: This is a default description. type: get state: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get milestoneUpdate: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get due_on: description: This is a default description. type: get state: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get notificationMarkRead: properties: last_read_at: description: This is a default description. type: get notifications: properties: id: description: This is a default description. type: get last_read_at: description: This is a default description. type: get reason: description: This is a default description. type: get repository: description: This is a default description. type: get subject: description: This is a default description. type: get unread: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get orgTeamsPost: properties: name: description: This is a default description. type: get repo_names: description: This is a default description. type: get organization: properties: avatar_url: description: This is a default description. type: get blog: description: This is a default description. type: get company: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get email: description: This is a default description. type: get followers: description: This is a default description. type: get following: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get location: description: This is a default description. type: get organizationAsTeamMember: properties: errors: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get participationStats: properties: all: description: This is a default description. type: get owner: description: This is a default description. type: get patchGist: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get patchOrg: properties: billing_email: description: This is a default description. type: get company: description: This is a default description. type: get email: description: This is a default description. type: get location: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get postComment: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get postGist: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get files: description: This is a default description. type: get public: description: This is a default description. type: get postRepo: properties: auto_init: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get gitignore_template: description: This is a default description. type: get has_downloads: description: This is a default description. type: get has_issues: description: This is a default description. type: get has_wiki: description: This is a default description. type: get homepage: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get private: description: This is a default description. type: get team_id: description: This is a default description. type: get pullRequest: properties: _links: description: This is a default description. type: get additions: description: This is a default description. type: get base: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get changed_files: description: This is a default description. type: get closed_at: description: This is a default description. type: get comments: description: This is a default description. type: get commits: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get deletions: description: This is a default description. type: get pullUpdate: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get state: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get pullsComment: properties: _links: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get commit_id: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get position: description: This is a default description. type: get updated_at: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get user: description: This is a default description. type: get pullsCommentPost: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get commit_id: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get position: description: This is a default description. type: get pullsPost: properties: base: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get head: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get putSubscription: properties: created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get ignored: description: This is a default description. type: get reason: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribed: description: This is a default description. type: get thread_url: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get rate_limit: properties: [] readme: properties: _links: description: This is a default description. type: get content: description: This is a default description. type: get encoding: description: This is a default description. type: get git_url: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get path: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get size: description: This is a default description. type: get type: description: This is a default description. type: get refBody: properties: object: description: This is a default description. type: get ref: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get refsBody: properties: ref: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get release: properties: assets: description: This is a default description. type: get assets_url: description: This is a default description. type: get author: description: This is a default description. type: get body: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get draft: description: This is a default description. type: get html_url: description: This is a default description. type: get id: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get prerelease: description: This is a default description. type: get release-create: properties: body: description: This is a default description. type: get draft: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get prerelease: description: This is a default description. type: get tag_name: description: This is a default description. type: get target_commitish: description: This is a default description. type: get repo: properties: clone_url: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get description: description: This is a default description. type: get fork: description: This is a default description. type: get forks: description: This is a default description. type: get forks_count: description: This is a default description. type: get full_name: description: This is a default description. type: get git_url: description: This is a default description. type: get has_downloads: description: This is a default description. type: get has_issues: description: This is a default description. type: get repoCommit: properties: author: description: This is a default description. type: get committer: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get parents: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get repoCommitBody: properties: author: description: This is a default description. type: get message: description: This is a default description. type: get parents: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: description: This is a default description. type: get repoEdit: properties: description: description: This is a default description. type: get has_downloads: description: This is a default description. type: get has_issues: description: This is a default description. type: get has_wiki: description: This is a default description. type: get homepage: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get private: description: This is a default description. type: get search-code: properties: items: description: This is a default description. type: get total_count: description: This is a default description. type: get search-issues: properties: items: description: This is a default description. type: get total_count: description: This is a default description. type: get search-issues-by-keyword: properties: issues: description: This is a default description. type: get search-repositories: properties: items: description: This is a default description. type: get total_count: description: This is a default description. type: get search-repositories-by-keyword: properties: repositories: description: This is a default description. type: get search-user-by-email: properties: user: description: This is a default description. type: get search-users: properties: items: description: This is a default description. type: get total_count: description: This is a default description. type: get search-users-by-keyword: properties: users: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribition: properties: created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get ignored: description: This is a default description. type: get reason: description: This is a default description. type: get repository_url: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribed: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribitionBody: properties: ignored: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribed: description: This is a default description. type: get subscription: properties: created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get ignored: description: This is a default description. type: get reason: description: This is a default description. type: get subscribed: description: This is a default description. type: get thread_url: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get tag: properties: message: description: This is a default description. type: get object: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get tag: description: This is a default description. type: get tagger: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get tags: properties: message: description: This is a default description. type: get object: description: This is a default description. type: get tag: description: This is a default description. type: get tagger: description: This is a default description. type: get type: description: This is a default description. type: get team: properties: id: description: This is a default description. type: get members_count: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get permission: description: This is a default description. type: get repos_count: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get teamMembership: properties: state: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: properties: sha: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get trees: properties: base_tree: description: This is a default description. type: get sha: description: This is a default description. type: get tree: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get user: properties: avatar_url: description: This is a default description. type: get bio: description: This is a default description. type: get blog: description: This is a default description. type: get collaborators: description: This is a default description. type: get company: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get disk_usage: description: This is a default description. type: get email: description: This is a default description. type: get followers: description: This is a default description. type: get following: description: This is a default description. type: get user-keys-keyId: properties: id: description: This is a default description. type: get key: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get url: description: This is a default description. type: get user-keys-post: properties: key: description: This is a default description. type: get title: description: This is a default description. type: get user-update: properties: bio: description: This is a default description. type: get blog: description: This is a default description. type: get company: description: This is a default description. type: get email: description: This is a default description. type: get hireable: description: This is a default description. type: get location: description: This is a default description. type: get name: description: This is a default description. type: get user-userId: properties: avatar_url: description: This is a default description. type: get bio: description: This is a default description. type: get blog: description: This is a default description. type: get company: description: This is a default description. type: get created_at: description: This is a default description. type: get email: description: This is a default description. type: get followers: description: This is a default description. type: get following: description: This is a default description. type: get gravatar_id: description: This is a default description. type: get hireable: description: This is a default description. type: get x-collection-name: GitHub x-streamrank: polling_total_time_average: "0.16" polling_size_download_average: "16805.74" streaming_total_time_average: "0.09" streaming_size_download_average: "8406.46" change_yes: "3" change_no: "2338" time_percentage: "41" size_percentage: "50" change_percentage: "0" last_run: "2018-05-12" days_run: "8" minute_run: "0" ---