{ "info": { "name": "AWS WAF API Get Change Token", "_postman_id": "6272bcb0-55fc-4a7c-b544-524e3a3b4279", "description": "Service: AWS WAFWhen you want to create, update, or delete AWS WAF objects, get a change token and include the change token in the create, update, or delete request.", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.0.0/" }, "item": [ { "name": "Web ACL", "item": [ { "id": "de012006-7be0-49c2-bccc-aedd63a773b3", "name": "associateWebACL", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=AssociateWebACL?ResourceArn=ResourceArn&WebACLId=WebACLId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAF RegionalAssociates a web ACL with a resource." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "c3ece49c-1008-4097-b8f0-bc42bc77834f" } ] }, { "id": "f804c60c-6dc2-4d5d-a6d0-ec9df189a917", "name": "createWebACL", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateWebACL?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&DefaultAction=DefaultAction&MetricName=MetricName&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates a WebACL, which contains the Rules that identify the CloudFront web requests that you want to allow, block, or count." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "7efd798f-7fd6-4d8b-adc4-07a518c6b1e2" } ] }, { "id": "292be7af-dd1a-421f-8d0d-7f25734036f4", "name": "deleteWebACL", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteWebACL?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&WebACLId=WebACLId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "ce9039bb-da31-47c7-a854-e179a8e3b87a" } ] }, { "id": "e7f09e1c-f1f4-41a9-b886-8da186e6e8b9", "name": "disassociateWebACL", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DisassociateWebACL?ResourceArn=ResourceArn", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAF RegionalRemoves a web ACL from the specified resource." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "31f28ce2-8495-4f85-bdd4-878819c6d87a" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Byte Match Set", "item": [ { "id": "74f575bd-7278-4122-b704-1c29ef59c495", "name": "createByteMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateByteMatchSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates a ByteMatchSet." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "dcdd4eda-c729-4a59-885c-61eb3150c482" } ] }, { "id": "ee9ff53e-ac06-4b50-806b-5f9548bc0368", "name": "deleteByteMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteByteMatchSet?ByteMatchSetId=ByteMatchSetId&ChangeToken=ChangeToken", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "7fe75aef-38ec-428d-b23a-1c144a42a1e2" } ] }, { "id": "28cb432d-9f0c-42a8-be68-20eb72b8b9e4", "name": "getByteMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=GetByteMatchSet?ByteMatchSetId=ByteMatchSetId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFReturns the." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "c80769ec-d065-4acd-853c-ade70a9de2b8" } ] } ] }, { "name": "IP Sets", "item": [ { "id": "1dbfcd5a-0bc3-4293-8f37-e678075e634e", "name": "createIPSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateIPSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates an." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "475943a8-6d19-4110-85bb-9a6750bdffb7" } ] }, { "id": "4658b8b0-8496-4dc7-a5f3-17623b617a49", "name": "deleteIPSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteIPSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&IPSetId=IPSetId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes an." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "ccf7e348-3067-4d41-a9e8-54045d73f068" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Rules", "item": [ { "id": "47c93bbc-4e0f-4530-aaed-e2d83d0a2087", "name": "createRule", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateRule?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&MetricName=MetricName&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates a Rule, which contains the IPSet objects, ByteMatchSet objects, and \n\t\t\tother predicates that identify the requests that you want to block." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "eb36611e-9eb0-4162-bccd-8ccbb9887622" } ] }, { "id": "b63f4936-ca8e-4d58-8573-13380514d168", "name": "deleteRule", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteRule?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&RuleId=RuleId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "42b9ffba-105e-4677-a474-819b1ad11125" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Size Constraint Set", "item": [ { "id": "6ed33634-f1d7-4bd1-83cf-74154b74a250", "name": "createSizeConstraintSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateSizeConstraintSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates a SizeConstraintSet." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "4062cee0-619c-4e99-8136-a54e3f29a1c5" } ] }, { "id": "47229a1e-8034-4d18-bfb7-171b797683ed", "name": "deleteSizeConstraintSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteSizeConstraintSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&SizeConstraintSetId=SizeConstraintSetId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "98cca7c8-a0fb-49db-a05f-c05cbe9b485e" } ] } ] }, { "name": "SQL Injection Match Set", "item": [ { "id": "1c5a561b-6cba-443c-8e41-e0aa1dcf2039", "name": "createSqlInjectionMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "049c901c-72b7-437c-8280-9603cfe5c8b0" } ] }, { "id": "1046b60d-e9d5-4c9b-942a-22028de425c0", "name": "deleteSqlInjectionMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&SqlInjectionMatchSetId=SqlInjectionMatchSetId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes a." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "68d6b615-8f54-4463-be29-12e2d641b3ab" } ] } ] }, { "name": "XSS Match Set", "item": [ { "id": "9ca8f6bd-9093-4b0e-baff-2004cb8ecfdc", "name": "createXssMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=CreateXssMatchSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&Name=Name", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFCreates an." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "169d1cb2-5962-4769-b9a6-b3b4a31a35f4" } ] }, { "id": "45813e03-3864-42f1-90f6-c21e662ff5de", "name": "deleteXssMatchSet", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=DeleteXssMatchSet?ChangeToken=ChangeToken&XssMatchSetId=XssMatchSetId", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFPermanently deletes an." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "55873931-d88a-4c14-be48-db6d8ba2cdb5" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Change Token", "item": [ { "id": "c7a41d3d-788d-4d92-8c24-9c56089dd8b7", "name": "getChangeToken", "request": { "url": "http://example.com/api/?Action=GetChangeToken?ChangeToken=ChangeToken", "method": "GET", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Service: AWS WAFWhen you want to create, update, or delete AWS WAF objects, get a change token and include the change token in the create, update, or delete request." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "446e4357-054c-4a58-a1d4-9402a1551801" } ] } ] } ] }