{ "info": { "name": "Charity Navigator Get Advisory", "_postman_id": "84563487-7274-4588-8dca-f77b186a3f7b", "description": "Retrieve the full set of Charity Navigator advisories for a specified\norganization. An advisory is a cautionary communication from Charity Navigator,\nadvising of unusual events or behavior related to a known organization.", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.0.0/" }, "item": [ { "name": "Organizations", "item": [ { "id": "2d30a063-ea08-4b58-8d9e-8bc1b82a3394", "name": "searchOrganizations", "request": { "url": "http://api.data.charitynavigator.org/v2/Organizations?app_id=%7B%7D&app_key=%7B%7D&categoryID=%7B%7D&causeID=%7B%7D&cfcCharities=%7B%7D&city=%7B%7D&donorPrivacy=%7B%7D&fundraisingOrgs=%7B%7D&maxRating=%7B%7D&minRating=%7B%7D&noGovSupport=%7B%7D&pageNum=%7B%7D&pageSize=%7B%7D&rated=%7B%7D&scopeOfWork=%7B%7D&search=%7B%7D&searchType=%7B%7D&sizeRange=%7B%7D&sort=%7B%7D&state=%7B%7D&zip=%7B%7D", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve a list of the organizations available in the Charity Navigator Data\nStore. Allows paged retrieval, simple and advanced searching." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "9e912bac-781e-4635-995e-9fd9f8b173d6" } ] }, { "id": "96a08fad-1d86-4b63-ac5c-528777d5ff92", "name": "getOrganization", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.data.charitynavigator.org", "path": [ "v2", "Organizations/:ein" ], "query": [ { "key": "app_id", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "app_key", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false } ], "variable": [ { "id": "ein", "value": "{}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve full detail of a single Organization. This is a composite set of\ninformation describing an organization that may engage in charitable work.\nNormally the Organization data structure includes a single legal entity, though\nlegal entity information may be excluded in exceptional cases." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "88423ff8-358d-46fe-9aec-4f89921a8451" } ] }, { "id": "21402842-0ed7-484d-834d-1806e770e27c", "name": "getRatings", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.data.charitynavigator.org", "path": [ "v2", "Organizations/:ein/Ratings" ], "query": [ { "key": "app_id", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "app_key", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "pageNum", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "pageSize", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false } ], "variable": [ { "id": "ein", "value": "{}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve all Charity Navigator ratings for a single organization.
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![Content\nSubscription](https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/597611/CharityNavigator/FA-Data-Table-16.png\n\"Included with the paid Content Subscription.\")" }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "f003529c-e79b-4388-b286-ec54c531ee40" } ] }, { "id": "5e0f8fc4-3fd0-487a-a177-0ecda02e5d67", "name": "getAdvisories", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.data.charitynavigator.org", "path": [ "v2", "Organizations/:ein/Advisories" ], "query": [ { "key": "app_id", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "app_key", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "pageNum", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "pageSize", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "status", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false } ], "variable": [ { "id": "ein", "value": "{}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve the full set of Charity Navigator advisories for a specified\norganization. An advisory is a cautionary communication from Charity Navigator,\nadvising of unusual events or behavior related to a known organization." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "7233344a-d44d-4e7e-93e0-93f69da1e822" } ] }, { "id": "01627d4d-8c1d-4fd4-ba12-22b2406babfc", "name": "getAdvisory", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.data.charitynavigator.org", "path": [ "v2", "Organizations/:ein/Advisories/:AdvisoryID" ], "query": [ { "key": "app_id", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false }, { "key": "app_key", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false } ], "variable": [ { "id": "AdvisoryID", "value": "{}", "type": "string" }, { "id": "ein", "value": "{}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve full details of a single Advisory, under a given organization. An\nadvisory is a cautionary communication from Charity Navigator, advising of\nunusual events or behavior related to a known organization." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "5b50ca04-863a-44ba-bf47-fc42085f4713" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Lists", "item": [ { "id": "be214db0-9529-4f8c-820e-5905358c2691", "name": "getLists", "request": { "url": "http://api.data.charitynavigator.org/v2/Lists?app_id=%7B%7D&app_key=%7B%7D&pageNum=%7B%7D&pageSize=%7B%7D", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve a set of Lists defined in Charity Navigator. Each entry in this\ncollection is a curated or generated list of organizations, published by Charity\nNavigator.
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![Content\nSubscription](https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/597611/CharityNavigator/FA-Data-Table-16.png\n\"Included with the paid Content Subscription.\")" }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "cb37cc6c-3ab7-4770-95ab-68393964534b" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Categories", "item": [ { "id": "82fe16fd-ff22-408c-adf0-2015d6587ceb", "name": "getCategories", "request": { "url": "http://api.data.charitynavigator.org/v2/Categories?app_id=%7B%7D&app_key=%7B%7D", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Returns metadata for Charity Navigator's classification hierarchy for\ncharitable Organizations. Category is the top-level classifier, and each\ncategory may contain a number of Causes.
![Content\nSubscription](https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/597611/CharityNavigator/FA-Data-Table-16.png\n\"Included with the paid Content Subscription.\")" }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "78aadfbc-04eb-4755-a14c-4e345ac3153f" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Advisory", "item": [ { "id": "f9683e63-bf13-4fb5-8a67-1ba711b90a23", "name": "getAllActiveAdvisories", "request": { "url": "http://api.data.charitynavigator.org/v2/Advisory?app_id=%7B%7D&app_key=%7B%7D&pageNum=%7B%7D&pageSize=%7B%7D", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "*/*", "disabled": false } ], "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Retrieve the full set of Charity Navigator advisories for a specified\norganization. An advisory is a cautionary communication from Charity Navigator,\nadvising of unusual events or behavior related to a known organization." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "ac30e149-e705-41c4-8724-de186859da46" } ] } ] } ] }