--- swagger: "2.0" x-collection-name: Google Partners x-complete: 0 info: title: Google Partners API Create user Company Relation description: Creates a user's company relation. Affiliates the user to a company. contact: name: Google url: https://google.com version: v2 host: partners.googleapis.com basePath: / schemes: - http produces: - application/json consumes: - application/json paths: /v2/analytics: get: summary: Get Analytics description: |- Lists analytics data for a user's associated company. Should only be called within the context of an authorized logged in user. operationId: partners.analytics.list x-api-path-slug: v2analytics-get parameters: - in: query name: pageSize description: Requested page size - in: query name: pageToken description: A token identifying a page of results that the server returns - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Analytics /v2/clientMessages:log: post: summary: Get Generic Message Log description: |- Logs a generic message from the client, such as `Failed to render component`, `Profile page is running slow`, `More than 500 users have accessed this result.`, etc. operationId: partners.clientMessages.log x-api-path-slug: v2clientmessageslog-post parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Message /v2/companies: get: summary: Get Companies description: Lists companies. operationId: partners.companies.list x-api-path-slug: v2companies-get parameters: - in: query name: address description: The address to use when searching for companies - in: query name: companyName description: Company name to search for - in: query name: gpsMotivations description: List of reasons for using Google Partner Search to get companies - in: query name: industries description: List of industries the company can help with - in: query name: languageCodes description: List of language codes that company can support - in: query name: maxMonthlyBudget.currencyCode description: The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217 - in: query name: maxMonthlyBudget.nanos description: Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount - in: query name: maxMonthlyBudget.units description: The whole units of the amount - in: query name: minMonthlyBudget.currencyCode description: The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217 - in: query name: minMonthlyBudget.nanos description: Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount - in: query name: minMonthlyBudget.units description: The whole units of the amount - in: query name: orderBy description: How to order addresses within the returned companies - in: query name: pageSize description: Requested page size - in: query name: pageToken description: A token identifying a page of results that the server returns - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: query name: services description: List of services that the returned agencies should provide - in: query name: specializations description: List of specializations that the returned agencies should provide - in: query name: view description: The view of the `Company` resource to be returned - in: query name: websiteUrl description: Website URL that will help to find a better matched company responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Company patch: summary: Update Company description: |- Update company. Should only be called within the context of an authorized logged in user. operationId: partners.updateCompanies x-api-path-slug: v2companies-patch parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: query name: updateMask description: Standard field mask for the set of fields to be updated responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Company /v2/companies/{companyId}: get: summary: Get Company description: Gets a company. operationId: partners.companies.get x-api-path-slug: v2companiescompanyid-get parameters: - in: query name: address description: The address to use for sorting the companys addresses by proximity - in: path name: companyId description: The ID of the company to retrieve - in: query name: currencyCode description: If the companys budget is in a different currency code than this one, thenthe converted budget is converted to this currency code - in: query name: orderBy description: How to order addresses within the returned company - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: query name: view description: The view of `Company` resource to be returned responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Company /v2/companies/{companyId}/leads: post: summary: Get Company Leads description: Creates an advertiser lead for the given company ID. operationId: partners.companies.leads.create x-api-path-slug: v2companiescompanyidleads-post parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' - in: path name: companyId description: The ID of the company to contact responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Lead /v2/exams/{examType}/token: get: summary: Get Exam Token description: Gets an Exam Token for a Partner's user to take an exam in the Exams System operationId: partners.exams.getToken x-api-path-slug: v2examsexamtypetoken-get parameters: - in: path name: examType description: The exam type we are requesting a token for - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Token /v2/leads: get: summary: Get Leads description: |- Lists advertiser leads for a user's associated company. Should only be called within the context of an authorized logged in user. operationId: partners.leads.list x-api-path-slug: v2leads-get parameters: - in: query name: orderBy description: How to order Leads - in: query name: pageSize description: Requested page size - in: query name: pageToken description: A token identifying a page of results that the server returns - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Lead patch: summary: Update Lead description: Updates the specified lead. operationId: partners.updateLeads x-api-path-slug: v2leads-patch parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: query name: updateMask description: Standard field mask for the set of fields to be updated responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Lead /v2/offers: get: summary: Get Offers description: Lists the Offers available for the current user operationId: partners.offers.list x-api-path-slug: v2offers-get parameters: - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Offer /v2/offers/history: get: summary: Get Historical Offers description: Lists the Historical Offers for the current user (or user's entire company) operationId: partners.offers.history.list x-api-path-slug: v2offershistory-get parameters: - in: query name: entireCompany description: if true, show history for the entire company - in: query name: orderBy description: Comma-separated list of fields to order by, e - in: query name: pageSize description: Maximum number of rows to return per page - in: query name: pageToken description: Token to retrieve a specific page - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Lead /v2/partnersstatus: get: summary: Get Partner Status description: |- Gets Partners Status of the logged in user's agency. Should only be called if the logged in user is the admin of the agency. operationId: partners.getPartnersstatus x-api-path-slug: v2partnersstatus-get parameters: - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Status /v2/userEvents:log: post: summary: Log User Event description: Logs a user event. operationId: partners.userEvents.log x-api-path-slug: v2usereventslog-post parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Log /v2/userStates: get: summary: Get States For User description: Lists states for current user. operationId: partners.userStates.list x-api-path-slug: v2userstates-get parameters: - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - User /v2/users/profile: patch: summary: Update User Profile description: |- Updates a user's profile. A user can only update their own profile and should only be called within the context of a logged in user. operationId: partners.users.updateProfile x-api-path-slug: v2usersprofile-patch parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Profile /v2/users/{userId}: get: summary: Get User description: Gets a user. operationId: partners.users.get x-api-path-slug: v2usersuserid-get parameters: - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: path name: userId description: Identifier of the user - in: query name: userView description: Specifies what parts of the user information to return responses: 200: description: OK tags: - User /v2/users/{userId}/companyRelation: delete: summary: Delete user Company Relation description: Deletes a user's company relation. Unaffiliaites the user from a company. operationId: partners.users.deleteCompanyRelation x-api-path-slug: v2usersuseridcompanyrelation-delete parameters: - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: path name: userId description: The ID of the user responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Relation put: summary: Create user Company Relation description: Creates a user's company relation. Affiliates the user to a company. operationId: partners.users.createCompanyRelation x-api-path-slug: v2usersuseridcompanyrelation-put parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/holder' - in: query name: requestMetadata.experimentIds description: Experiment IDs the current request belongs to - in: query name: requestMetadata.locale description: Locale to use for the current request - in: query name: requestMetadata.partnersSessionId description: Google Partners session ID - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId description: Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId description: Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress description: IP address to use instead of the users geo-located IP address - in: query name: requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId description: Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the users ID - in: path name: userId description: The ID of the user responses: 200: description: OK tags: - Relation x-streamrank: polling_total_time_average: 0 polling_size_download_average: 0 streaming_total_time_average: 0 streaming_size_download_average: 0 change_yes: 0 change_no: 0 time_percentage: 0 size_percentage: 0 change_percentage: 0 last_run: "" days_run: 0 minute_run: 0 ---