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You will use the 'key' provided by the /package call." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "adf05f54-33d8-4725-aa29-d7304e81d7b3" } ] }, { "id": "5d6752e1-160d-41a9-a8f8-04805154ef7e", "name": "packageLanguage", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.motaword.com", "path": [ "projects/:id/package/:language" ], "query": [ { "key": "async", "value": "%7B%7D", "disabled": false } ], "variable": [ { "id": "id", "value": "{}", "type": "string" }, { "id": "language", "value": "{}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "body": { "mode": "raw" }, "description": "Package the translation of a specific target language to be downloaded.." }, "response": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "Response_200", "id": "570698b9-5474-45ba-b6ec-f75471a7a988" } ] }, { "id": "43bfab31-07cd-4b48-b133-500c33854176", "name": "getProgress", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "http", "host": "api.motaword.com", "path": [ "projects/:id/progress" ], 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