* [Security](#security) * [Authentication](#authentication) * [PLAIN](#plain) * [OAUTHBEARER](#oauthbearer) * [Together with Pulsar's authentication](#together-with-pulsars-authentication) * [Authorization](#authorization) * [SSL connection](#ssl-connection) # Security KoP supports authentication and SSL connection. ## Authentication By default, KoP is installed with no encryption, authentication, and authorization. You can enable the authentication feature for KoP to improve security. Currently, this feature is **only available in Java**. KoP authentication mechanism uses [Kafka SASL mechanisms](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/kafka/overview-authentication-methods.html) and achieves authentication with [Pulsar token-based authentication mechanism](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-overview/). Consequently, if you want to enable the authentication feature for KoP, you need to enable authentication for the following components: - Pulsar brokers - KoP (some configurations of KoP rely on the configurations of Pulsar brokers) - Kafka clients Currently, KoP supports the following SASL mechanisms: - [`PLAIN`](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/kafka/authentication_sasl/authentication_sasl_plain.html#kafka-sasl-auth-plain) - [`OAUTHBEARER`](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/kafka/authentication_sasl/authentication_sasl_oauth.html#kafka-oauth-auth) They are both based on the [JWT authentication](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-jwt/), so you must configure `authenticationProviders` with `AuthenticationProviderToken`. See following chapters for more details. ### `PLAIN` If you want to enable the authentication feature for KoP using the `PLAIN` mechanism, follow the steps below. 1. Enable authentication on Pulsar broker. For the `PLAIN` mechanism, the Kafka authentication is forwarded to the [JWT authentication](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-jwt/) of Pulsar, so you need to configure the JWT authentication and set the following properties in the `conf/broker.conf` or `conf/standalone.conf` file. (1) Enable authentication for the Pulsar broker. ```properties authenticationEnabled=true authenticationProviders=org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProviderToken ``` (2) Enable authentication between Pulsar broker and KoP. ```properties brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin=org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken brokerClientAuthenticationParameters=token: superUserRoles= ``` (3) Specify the key. For more information, see [Enable Token Authentication on Brokers](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/next/security-jwt/#enable-token-authentication-on-brokers). - If you use a secret key, set the property as below. ```properties tokenSecretKey=file:///path/to/secret.key ``` The key can also be passed inline. ```properties tokenSecretKey=data:;base64,FLFyW0oLJ2Fi22KKCm21J18mbAdztfSHN/lAT5ucEKU= ``` - If you use a public/private key, set the property as below. ```properties tokenPublicKey=file:///path/to/public.key ``` 2. Enable authentication on KoP. Set the following property in the `conf/broker.conf` or `conf/standalone.conf` file. ```properties saslAllowedMechanisms=PLAIN ``` 3. Enable authentication on Kafka client. To forward your credentials, `SASL-PLAIN` is used on the Kafka client side. To enable `SASL-PLAIN`, you need to set the following properties through Kafka JAAS. | Property | Description | Example value | | --- | --- | --- | | `username` | The `username` of Kafka JAAS is `tenant/namespace` or `tenant`, where Kafka’s topics are stored in Pulsar.

**Note** In KoP 2.9.0 or higher, the username can be used with `kafkaEnableMultiTenantMetadata` to implement multi-tenancy for metadata. | empty string | | `password` | `password` must be your token authentication parameters from Pulsar.

The token can be created by Pulsar token tools. The role is the `subject` for the token. It is embedded in the created token and the broker can get `role` by parsing this token. | `token:xxx` | ```properties security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT # or security.protocol=SASL_SSL if SSL connection is used sasl.mechanism=PLAIN sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule \ required username="public/default" password="token:xxx"; ``` ### `OAUTHBEARER` If you want to enable the authentication feature for KoP using the `OAUTHBEARER` mechanism, follow the steps below. 1. Enable authentication on Pulsar broker. Set the following properties in the `conf/broker.conf` or `conf/standalone.conf` file. The properties here are same to that of the `PLAIN` mechanism except `brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin` and `brokerClientAuthenticationParameters`. |Property| Description |Required or optional|Example value |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---|---|--- | `type` | OAuth 2.0 authentication type

The **default** value is `client_credentials` | Optional | `client_credentials` | | `privateKey` | URL to a JSON credential file

The following pattern formats are supported:
- `file:///path/to/file`
- `file:/path/to/file`
- `data:application/json;base64,` | Required |file:///path/to/credentials_file.json | `issuerUrl` | URL of the authentication provider which allows the Pulsar client to obtain an access token | Required | `https://accounts.google.com` | | `audience` | An OAuth 2.0 "resource server" identifier for the Pulsar cluster | Optional |`https://broker.example.com` | | `scope` | The scope of the access request that is expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings | Optional | `api://pulsar-cluster-1/.default` | ```properties authenticationEnabled=true authenticationProviders=org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProviderToken superUserRoles= brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin=org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.oauth2.AuthenticationOAuth2 brokerClientAuthenticationParameters={"type":"client_credentials","privateKey":"file:///path/to/credentials_file.json","issuerUrl":"","audience":""} tokenPublicKey= ``` 2. Enable authentication on KoP. (1) Set the following property in the `conf/broker.conf` or `conf/standalone.conf` file. ```properties saslAllowedMechanisms=OAUTHBEARER ``` (2) Specify the Kafka server callback handler. For the `OAUTHBEARER` mechanism, you can use `AuthenticationProviderToken` or custom your authentication provider to process the access tokens from OAuth 2.0 server. KoP provides a built-in `AuthenticateCallbackHandler` that uses the authentication provider of Pulsar for authentication. You need to configure the following properties in the Pulsar broker's configuration file (e.g. `conf/broker.conf`) ```properties # Use KoP's built-in handler kopOauth2AuthenticateCallbackHandler=io.streamnative.pulsar.handlers.kop.security.oauth.OauthValidatorCallbackHandler # OauthValidatorCallbackHandler configuration file (Java Properties format) kopOauth2ConfigFile=conf/kop-handler.properties ``` (3) Specify the Authentication Method name of the provider (that is, `oauth.validate.method`) in the `conf/kop-handler.properties` file. By default, it uses the `token` authentication method (`AuthenticationProviderToken`). - If you use `AuthenticationProviderToken`, set `oauth.validate.method` to `token` (since `AuthenticationProviderToken#getAuthMethodName()` returns `token`). - If you use other providers, set the `oauth.validate.method` as the result of `getAuthMethodName()` of your `AuthenticationProvider`. For example, if your authentication provider in Pulsar is `AuthenticationProviderAthenz`, then set the following: ```properties oauth.validate.method=athenz ``` as it has the following code in it: ```java @Override public String getAuthMethodName() { return "athenz"; } ``` 3. Enable authentication on Kafka client. (1) Install the KoP built-in callback handler to your local Maven repository. To get an access token from an OAuth 2.0 server, you need to use the KoP built-in callback handler instead of the Kafka login callback handler. ```bash mvn clean install -pl oauth-client -DskipTests ``` (2) Add the following dependencies to the `pom.xml` file. For stable releases, the `pulsar.version` is the same to the `kop.version`. ```xml io.streamnative.pulsar.handlers oauth-client ${kop.version} ``` (3) Configure the producer or consumer with the following **required** properties.
Property Description Example value Note
sasl.login.callback.handler.class Class of SASL login callback handler io.streamnative.pulsar.handlers.kop.security.oauth.OauthLoginCallbackHandler Set the value of this property as the same to the value in the example below.
security.protocol Security protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT
sasl.mechanism SASL mechanism OAUTHBEARER
sasl.jaas.config JAAS configuration org.apache.kafka.coPropertymmon.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule
oauth.issuer.url URL of the authentication provider which allows the Pulsar client to obtain an access token. https://accounts.google.com This property is the same to the issuerUrl property in Pulsar client credentials
oauth.credentials.url URL to a JSON credentials file.

The following pattern formats are supported:
- file:///path/to/file
- file:/path/to/file
- data:application/json;base64,[base64-encoded value]
file:///path/to/credentials_file.json This property is the same to the privateKey property in Pulsar client credentials
oauth.audience OAuth 2.0 "resource server" identifier for the Pulsar cluster. https://broker.example.com This property is the same to the audience property in Pulsar client credentials
oauth.scope The scope of the access request that is expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings. api://pulsar-cluster-1/.default This property is the same to the scope property in Pulsar client credentials
```properties sasl.login.callback.handler.class=io.streamnative.pulsar.handlers.kop.security.oauth.OauthLoginCallbackHandler security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT # or security.protocol=SASL_SSL if SSL connection is used sasl.mechanism=OAUTHBEARER sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule \ required oauth.issuer.url="https://accounts.google.com"\ oauth.credentials.url="file:///path/to/credentials_file.json"\ oauth.audience="https://broker.example.com"; ``` (4) Config the credentials_file.json. The `client_id` and `client_secret` is required fields. And the `tenant` and `group_id` is optional fields. When use `group_id` field and set `kafkaEnableAuthorizationForceGroupIdCheck=true`, then the client will only able to use this group id to consumer. ```json { "client_id": "my-id", "client_secret": "my-secret", "tenant": "my-tenant", "group_id": "my-group-id" } ``` ### Authentication for the Schema Registry KoP supports Confluent's Schema Registry since 2.11. See [schema.md](./schema.md) for a quick start. When KoP enables the authentication, the Schema Registry also requires the authentication from the Kafka client. You need to set the following properties on the client side. ```properties basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO basic.auth.user.info=: ``` ### Together with Pulsar's authentication Since KoP reuses Pulsar's authentication providers for authentication, you can enable KoP's authentication and Pulsar authentication at the same time. For example, you can enable KoP's `PLAIN` SASL mechanism and Pulsar's [TLS authentication](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-tls-authentication/) simultaneously. ```properties superUserRoles=admin authenticationEnabled=true # Enable both AuthenticationProviderToken and AuthenticationProviderTls here authenticationProviders=org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProviderToken,org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProviderTls # Enable JWT authentication at Pulsar side tokenPublicKey=/path/to/my-public.key # Enable PLAIN SASL mechanism for KoP, which reuses the JWT authentication saslAllowedMechanisms=PLAIN # Enable TLS authentication at Pulsar side tlsEnabled=true brokerServicePortTls=6651 webServicePortTls=8443 tlsRequireTrustedClientCertOnConnect=true tlsCertificateFilePath=/path/to/broker.cert.pem tlsKeyFilePath=/path/to/broker.key-pk8.pem tlsTrustCertsFilePath=/path/to/ca.cert.pem # Configure broker's built-in client brokerClientTlsEnabled=true brokerClientTlsTrustCertsFilePath=/path/to/ca.cert.pem brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin=org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationTls brokerClientAuthenticationParameters=tlsCertFile:/path/to/admin.cert.pem,tlsKeyFile:/path/to/my-ca/admin.key-pk8.pem ``` > **Note** > > `tlsEnabled` is actually not required to enable TLS authentication at the broker side. However, for some legacy versions of KoP, you have to enable it. > > The following versions of KoP don't need to enable `tlsEnabled`: > - Pulsar 3.x.y: KoP or later > - Pulsar 2.11.x: KoP or later > - Pulsar 2.10.x: KoP or later See [Transport Encryption using TLS](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-tls-transport/) and [Authentication using TLS](https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-tls-authentication/) for how to generate certificates and keys for TLS authentication. ## Authorization To enable authorization on KoP, please make sure the authentication is enabled. **Note**: For more information, see [Authorization](http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/security-jwt/#authorization). 1. Enable authorization and assign superusers for the Pulsar broker. ```properties authorizationEnabled=true ``` 2. Generate JWT tokens. A token is the credential associated with a user. The association is done through the "`principal`" or "`role`". In the case of JWT tokens, this field is typically referred as `subject`, though they are exactly the same concept. Then, you need to use this command to require the generated token to have a `subject` field set. ```shell $ bin/pulsar tokens create --secret-key file:///path/to/secret.key \ --subject ``` This command prints the token string on stdout. 3. Grant permission to specific role. The token itself does not have any permission associated. The authorization engine determines whether the token should have permissions or not. Once you have created the token, you can grant permission for this token to do certain actions.
The following is an example. ```shell $ bin/pulsar-admin --auth-plugin "org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken" --auth-params "token:" \ namespaces grant-permission / \ --role \ --actions produce,consume ``` ## SSL connection KoP supports the following configuration types for Kafka listeners: - PLAINTEXT - SSL **Example** ```shell listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SSL://localhost:9093 ``` > **Tip** > For how to configure SSL keys, see [Kafka SSL](https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#security_ssl). The following example shows how to connect KoP through SSL. 1. Create SSL related keys. This example creates the related CA and JKS files. ```bash # You need to input a password, for example "server-keystore". keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -genkey # You need to input a password, for example "server". openssl req -new -x509 -keyout ca-key -out ca-cert -days 365 # You need to input a password, for example "server-truststore" keytool -keystore server.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert # You need to input a password, for example "client-truststore" keytool -keystore client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert # You must input the password of server.keystore.jks: "server-keystore" keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -certreq -file cert-file # NOTE: the password followed by `-passin pass:` is the password of ca-cert: "server" openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in cert-file -out cert-signed -days 365 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:server # You must input the password of server.keystore.jks: "server-keystore" keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert # You must input the password of server.keystore.jks: "server-keystore" keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -import -file cert-signed ``` In above example, we have input four passwords: - `server-keystore` for `server.keystore.jks` file - `server` for `ca-cert` and `ca-key` files - `server-truststore` for `server.truststore.jks` file - `client-truststore` for `client.truststore.jks` file 2. Configure the KoP broker. In the StreamNative Platform configuration file (`${PLATFORM_HOME}/etc/pulsar/broker.conf` or `${PLATFORM_HOME}/etc/pulsar/standalone.conf`), add the related configurations that using the jks configurations created in Step 1: ```shell listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SSL://localhost:9093 # You need to use the full path of server.keystore.jks kopSslKeystoreLocation=server.keystore.jks kopSslKeystorePassword=server-keystore kopSslKeyPassword=server-keystore # You need to use the full path of server.truststore.jks kopSslTruststoreLocation=server.truststore.jks kopSslTruststorePassword=server-truststore ``` 3. Configure the Kafka client. (1) Prepare a file named `client-ssl.properties`. The file contains the following information. ```shell security.protocol=SSL # You need to use the full path of client.truststore.jks ssl.truststore.location=client.truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password=client-truststore # The identification algorithm must be empty ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm= ``` (2) Verify the console-producer and the console-consumer. ```shell kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9093 --topic test --producer.config client-ssl.properties kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --topic test --consumer.config client-ssl.properties ``` > **Tip** > For more information, see [Configure Kafka client](https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#security_configclients).