# LSP-cspell A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for Sublime's LSP. Provided through [Spelling Checker](https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/vscode-spell-checker). > Please see Spelling Checker [documentation](https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/vscode-spell-checker) for more info. The majority of the documentation can be applied to LSP-cspell, with the exception of VS Code specific settings. ### Installation * Install [LSP](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP) and `LSP-cspell` via Package Control. * Restart Sublime. ### Configuration There are some ways to configure the package and the language server. - From `Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-cspell` - From the command palette `Preferences: LSP-cspell Settings` ### Add-On Language Dictionaries Steps: 1. Search [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=%40cspell%2Fdict-) for your dictionary. For example, for the Portuguese dictionary look for `@cspell/dict-pt-pt`. 2. Follow the instructions in the [README](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cspell-dict-pt-pt#user-content-installation) of the package. 3. Set the `"cSpell.language"` to `"pt"` (if you want Portuguese) or `"en,pt"` (if you want English and Portuguese). ### Add-On Specialized Dictionaries See the following [example](./examples/add-on-specialized-dictionaries) on how to configure specialized dictionaries.