# LSP-kotlin Kotlin support for Sublime's LSP plugin. Uses [Kotlin Language Server][kotlin-language-server-repo] to provide validation, formatting and other features for Kotlin files. See linked repository for more information. ### Prerequisites - Java must be installed and configured in your `PATH` ### Installation - Install [LSP][lsp-repo], [LSP-kotlin][lsp-kotlin] and [Kotlin][kotlin-syntax] from Package Control. - Restart Sublime. ### Configuration Open configuration file using command palette with `Preferences: LSP-kotlin Settings` command or opening it from the Sublime menu (`Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-kotlin`). ## Settings The language server doesn't contain customizable settings at the moment. [lsp-repo]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP [lsp-kotlin]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP-kotlin [kotlin-language-server-repo]: https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server [kotlin-syntax]: https://github.com/vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package