# LSP-ruff This is a helper package that automatically installs and updates [ruff](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff) for you. Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter and code transformation tool, written in Rust. ## Requirements To use this package, you must have: - An executable `python` (on Windows) or `python3` (on Linux/macOS) - The [LSP](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP) package - For Ubuntu and Debian users, you must also install python3-venv with apt - It's recommended to also install the [LSP-json](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP-json) package which will provide auto-completion and validation for this package's settings. ## Configuration There are multiple ways to configure the package and the language server. - Global configuration: `Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-ruff` - Project-specific configuration: From the Command Palette run `Project: Edit Project` and add your settings in: ```js { "settings": { "LSP": { "LSP-ruff": { "initializationOptions": { "settings": { // Put your settings here } } } } } } ``` ## Code Actions on Save The following "code actions on save" are supported: - `source.fixAll` - `source.organizeImports` - `source.fixAll.ruff` - `source.organizeImports.ruff` You can use those with the `lsp_code_actions_on_save` LSP Setting to automatically apply specific actions on saving the file.