# Alfae: A Launcher For Almost Everything [![CI Build](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/Alfae/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/Alfae/actions) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/suchmememanyskill/Alfae/total)](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/Alfae/releases) [![Version](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/suchmememanyskill/Alfae)](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/Alfae/releases) [![Donations](https://img.shields.io/badge/Support%20on-Ko--Fi-red)](https://ko-fi.com/suchmememanyskill) This launcher supports both linux and windows. Windows games on linux are configured trough 'Boot Profiles' Bundled plugins: - Local Games Integration: Allows you to add games stored locally to the launcher - Epic Games Integration: Allows you to log into, download and run games from Epic Games - Steam Exporter: Allows exporting currently installed games to steam, including images. Also provides Proton Boot Profiles for linux - Bottles Integration: Imports bottles as Boot Profiles for linux. Also is able to import all things bottles considerers as programs into Launcher - Itch.Io Integration: Allows you to log into, download and run games from itch.io - Gog Integration: Allows you to log into, download and run games from GOG ## Credits ### General - [Uses the Roboto font from Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto) ### Itch.io - [go-itchio](https://github.com/itchio/go-itchio) for API documentation ### Epic Games - Bundles [Legendary](https://github.com/derrod/legendary) in binary form ### GOG - Bundles [Heroic-gogdl](https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/heroic-gogdl) in binary form - [Heroic](https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher) for GOG API documentation