angular.module('myApp').controller('AppController', ['$scope', '$window', 'rnd', 'default_definition', 'post_script_functions', function(scope, $window, rnd, default_definition, post_script_functions){ scope.margin = 10 scope.user_width = 100 scope.user_height = 50 scope.note_width = 100 scope.note_height = 30 scope.height = 0 scope.width = 0 scope.lines = [] scope.users = [] scope.arrows = [] scope.notes = [] scope.wantHandDraw = false scope.paperSizes = { A0: {width: 2384, height: 3370}, A1: {width: 1684, height: 2384}, A2: {width: 1191, height: 1684}, A3: {width: 842, height: 1191}, A4: {width: 595, height: 842}, } scope.pageSizes = Object.keys(scope.paperSizes) scope.pageSize = 'A4' scope.definition = default_definition scope.$watch('definition', function(){ scope.draw() }) scope.log = function(data){ console && console.log && console.log(data) return data } scope.Math = Math = function(text) { $window.location.href = 'data:application/x-download;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text) } scope.draw = function(){ scope.height = scope.user_height + scope.margin scope.width = -100 scope.users = [] scope.lines = [] scope.arrows = [] scope.notes = [] var lines = scope.definition.split('\n') for (var i in lines) { var line = lines[i].trim() if (/^([^-]*(-+[^-]+)*)(-->|->)(.*):(.*)$/.exec(line) != null) { var from = RegExp.$1.trim() var arrow = RegExp.$3.trim() var to = RegExp.$4.trim() var text = RegExp.$5.trim() // console.log(line+' => from: '+from+', to: '+to+', text: '+text) var ufrom = scope.getUser(from) var uto = scope.getUser(to) scope.arrows.push({ x: ufrom.x + scope.user_width / 2, y: scope.height + scope.user_height / 2, length: Math.abs(ufrom.x - uto.x), direction: uto.x > ufrom.x ? 1 : -1, text: text, dashed: (arrow == '-->') }) scope.height += 50 } else if (/^participant:(.*) as (.*)$/.exec(line) != null) { var who = RegExp.$1.trim() var alias = RegExp.$2.trim() scope.getUser(who, alias) } else if (/^participant:(.*)$/.exec(line) != null) { var who = RegExp.$1.trim() scope.getUser(who) } else if (/^note (left of|right of|over) (.*):(.*)$/.exec(line) != null) { var position = RegExp.$1.trim() var who = RegExp.$2.trim() var text = RegExp.$3.trim() var user = scope.getUser(who) var dx if (position == 'right of') dx = scope.margin else if (position == 'left of') dx = -scope.margin - scope.note_width else if (position == 'over') dx = -scope.note_width / 2 scope.notes.push({ x: user.x + scope.user_width / 2 + dx, y: scope.height, text: text }) scope.height += scope.note_height } } //add height for margin and height for bottom user boxes scope.height += scope.margin + scope.user_height //add vertical lines for (var i in scope.users) { var user = scope.users[i] scope.lines.push({ x: user.x + scope.user_width / 2, y: scope.user_height, dx: 0, dy: scope.height - 2 * scope.user_height }) } //add bottom user boxes for (var i in scope.users) { var user = scope.users[i] scope.users.push({ x: user.x, y: scope.height - scope.user_height, name: }) } // console.log(scope.users, scope.lines, scope.arrows) } scope.getUser = function(name, alias){ for (var i = 0; i < scope.users.length; i++) { var user = scope.users[i] if ( == name || user.alias == name) { return user } } scope.width += 200 var user = { x: scope.width - scope.user_width, y: 0, name: name, alias: alias } scope.users.push(user) return user } scope.byHand = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var points = x1+','+y1 if (scope.wantHandDraw) { rnd.reset() //number of segments (one segment for every 10 pixels) var seg = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2))/10) var inaccuracy = 2 function mod(x){ return x + * inaccuracy - inaccuracy / 2 } var x = x1 var y = y1 var dx = (x2 - x1) / seg var dy = (y2 - y1) / seg for (var i = 1; i < seg; i++) { x += dx y += dy points += ' '+mod(x)+','+mod(y) } } return points+' '+x2+','+y2 } scope.rectByHand = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return [ scope.byHand(x1,y1, x2,y1), scope.byHand(x2,y1, x2,y2), scope.byHand(x2,y2, x1, y2), scope.byHand(x1,y2, x1, y1) ].join(" ") } scope.print = function(){ // PostScript reference: var page = scope.paperSizes[scope.pageSize] var sw = (page.width - 2 * scope.margin) / scope.width var sh = (page.height - 2 * scope.margin) / scope.height var rotate = false var scale = Math.min(sw, sh) if (sw < sh) { rotate = true sw = (page.height - 2 * scope.margin) / scope.width sh = (page.width - 2 * scope.margin) / scope.height scale = Math.min(sw, sh) } var ps = '%!PS\n'+ '/PageSize '+scope.pageSize+'\n'+ (rotate ? page.width+' 0 translate 90 rotate' : '')+'\n'+ scope.margin+' '+scope.margin+' translate\n'+ scale+' '+scale+' scale\n'+ '/UW '+scope.user_width+' def %user_width\n'+ '/UH '+scope.user_height+' def %user_height\n'+ '/NW '+scope.note_width+' def %note_width\n'+ '/NH '+scope.note_height+' def %note_height\n'+ '/wantHandDraw '+(scope.wantHandDraw ? 1 : 0)+' def\n'+ post_script_functions for (var i in scope.users) { var user = scope.users[i] ps += '('') '+user.x+' '+(scope.height-user.y)+' USER\n' } for (var i in scope.lines) { var line = scope.lines[i] ps += line.x+' '+(scope.height-line.y)+' '+line.dx+' '+(-line.dy)+' LINE\n' } for (var i in scope.arrows) { var arrow = scope.arrows[i] ps += '('+arrow.text+') '+arrow.x+' '+(scope.height-arrow.y)+' '+ arrow.direction+' '+arrow.length+' '+(arrow.dashed ? 'DASHED' : '')+'ARROW\n' } for (var i in scope.notes) { var note = scope.notes[i] ps += '('+note.text+') '+note.x+' '+(scope.height-note.y)+' NOTE\n' } ps += 'showpage\n' // console.log(ps) } }])