CREATE INDEX ON :Painting(id); CREATE INDEX ON :Artist(name); CREATE INDEX ON :Classification(name); CREATE INDEX ON :Department(name); //paintings and classifications LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "" AS row CREATE (o:Painting {id:row.`Object ID`, title:row.Title, dateFrom:row.`Object Begin Date`, dateTo:row.`Object End Date`, url:row.`Link Resource`, culture:coalesce(row.Culture,'Unavailable')}) WITH o, split(row.Classification, '|') AS classifications unwind classifications as classification MERGE (c:Classification {name:classification}) WITH o, c CREATE (o)-[:HAS_CLASSIFICATION]->(c); //load the artists LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "" AS row MATCH (o:Painting {id:row.`Object ID`}) WITH split(coalesce(row.`Artist Display Name`, 'Unknown'), '|') AS artists, split(row.`Artist End Date`,'9999') AS endYears, o WITH artists, endYears, range(0,size(artists)-1) as no, o FOREACH (n IN no| MERGE (a:Artist {name:artists[n], endYear:coalesce(trim(endYears[n]),9999)}) CREATE (o)-[:HAS_ARTIST]->(a)); MATCH (a:Artist) set a.endYear = toInteger(a.endYear); //remove unknown artists MATCH (a:Artist) WHERE contains('Unknown') OR contains('Unidentified') DETACH DELETE a; //add departments LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "" AS row MERGE (d:Department {name:row.Department}) WITH d, row MATCH (o:Painting {id:row.`Object ID`}) CREATE (o)-[:IN_DEPARTMENT]->(d)