## Contributing * Pull requests are welcome * Please `don't include dist/* files` on your commits. ## Coding convention * eslint: https://eslint.org * eslint rule: https://github.com/summernote/summernote/blob/master/.eslintrc ## Build summernote Summernote uses [`yarn`](https://yarnpkg.com/) as a package manager. ```bash $ yarn install # build full version of summernote: dist/summernote.js $ yarn build ``` At this point, you should now have a `dist/` directory populated with everything you need to use summernote. ## Start local server for developing summernote. run local server with webpack-dev-server and watch. ```bash $ yarn dev # Open a browser on http://localhost:3000. # If you change source code, automatically reload your page. ``` ## Test summernote run tests with Karma and PhantomJS ```bash $ yarn test ``` If you want run tests on other browser, change the values for `browsers` properties in `karma.conf.js`. ```javascript karma: { all: { browsers: ['PhantomJS'], reporters: ['progress'] } } ``` Or, pass `--browsers` argument via `yarn test` command. ```bash $ yarn test -- --browsers Safari,Firefox ``` You can use `Chrome`, `ChromeCanary`, `Firefox`, `Opera`, `Safari`, `PhantomJS` and `IE` beside `PhantomJS`. Once you run `yarn test`, it will watch all JavaScript file. Therefore karma runs tests every time you change code. ## Test a part of test If you would like to run some part of your test codes, use the watch mode. ```bash $ yarn test:watch ``` `karma` will run test and keep waiting other test requests. And then, run `test:grep` in another terminal. Below shows how to run `LinkDialog` related tests only. ```bash $ yarn test:grep LinkDialog ``` ## Prepush Hooks As part of this repo, we use [Husky](https://github.com/typicode/husky) for git hooks. We leverage the prepush hook to prevent bad commits. ## Document structure ```text - body container:
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