CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_claims_admin() RETURNS "bool" LANGUAGE "plpgsql" AS $$ BEGIN IF session_user = 'authenticator' THEN -------------------------------------------- -- To disallow any authenticated app users -- from editing claims, delete the following -- block of code and replace it with: -- RETURN FALSE; -------------------------------------------- IF extract(epoch from now()) > coalesce((current_setting('', true)::jsonb)->>'exp', '0')::numeric THEN return false; -- jwt expired END IF; If current_setting('', true)::jsonb->>'role' = 'service_role' THEN RETURN true; -- service role users have admin rights END IF; IF coalesce((current_setting('', true)::jsonb)->'app_metadata'->'claims_admin', 'false')::bool THEN return true; -- user has claims_admin set to true ELSE return false; -- user does NOT have claims_admin set to true END IF; -------------------------------------------- -- End of block -------------------------------------------- ELSE -- not a user session, probably being called from a trigger or something return true; END IF; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_my_claims() RETURNS "jsonb" LANGUAGE "sql" STABLE AS $$ select coalesce(nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::jsonb -> 'app_metadata', '{}'::jsonb)::jsonb $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_my_claim(claim TEXT) RETURNS "jsonb" LANGUAGE "sql" STABLE AS $$ select coalesce(nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::jsonb -> 'app_metadata' -> claim, null) $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_claims(uid uuid) RETURNS "jsonb" LANGUAGE "plpgsql" SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public AS $$ DECLARE retval jsonb; BEGIN IF NOT is_claims_admin() THEN RETURN '{"error":"access denied"}'::jsonb; ELSE select raw_app_meta_data from auth.users into retval where id = uid::uuid; return retval; END IF; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_claim(uid uuid, claim text) RETURNS "jsonb" LANGUAGE "plpgsql" SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public AS $$ DECLARE retval jsonb; BEGIN IF NOT is_claims_admin() THEN RETURN '{"error":"access denied"}'::jsonb; ELSE select coalesce(raw_app_meta_data->claim, null) from auth.users into retval where id = uid::uuid; return retval; END IF; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_claim(uid uuid, claim text, value jsonb) RETURNS "text" LANGUAGE "plpgsql" SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT is_claims_admin() THEN RETURN 'error: access denied'; ELSE update auth.users set raw_app_meta_data = raw_app_meta_data || json_build_object(claim, value)::jsonb where id = uid; return 'OK'; END IF; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_claim(uid uuid, claim text) RETURNS "text" LANGUAGE "plpgsql" SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT is_claims_admin() THEN RETURN 'error: access denied'; ELSE update auth.users set raw_app_meta_data = raw_app_meta_data - claim where id = uid; return 'OK'; END IF; END; $$; NOTIFY pgrst, 'reload schema';