// ==UserScript== // @name ShiftCodes for Borderlands // @namespace https://victor-lange.de/ // @version 2.2 // @description Automatically enters SHiFT-Codes for Borderlands. // @author Victor Lange // @website https://victor-lange.de // @updateURL https://github.com/supermopf/SHiFT-Codes/raw/master/SHiFT-Codes.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/supermopf/SHiFT-Codes/raw/master/SHiFT-Codes.user.js // @match https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js // @connect borderlands.gamerangerz.de // ==/UserScript== var $ = window.jQuery; var ShiftCodes = []; $("div.main.sh_code_redemption_section > div.shift-secondary-title").before( '
' ); $("#BO2Click").click(function() { GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", 0); GM_setValue("ShiftMode", "BO2"); location.reload(); }); $("#PSClick").click(function() { GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", 0); GM_setValue("ShiftMode", "BOPS"); location.reload(); }); $("#BO1Click").click(function() { GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", 0); GM_setValue("ShiftMode", "BO1"); location.reload(); }); $("#BO3Click").click(function() { GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", 0); GM_setValue("ShiftMode", "BO3"); location.reload(); }); $("#NEWClick").click(function() { GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", 0); GM_setValue("ShiftMode", "NEW"); location.reload(); }); $("#ResetClick").click(function() { GM_deleteValue("ShiftIndex"); GM_deleteValue("ShiftMode"); location.reload(); }); var MsgShiftGame = [ "Um weitere SHiFT-Codes einzulösen, starte bitte zuerst ein SHiFT-verbundenes Spiel.", "To continue to redeem SHiFT codes, please launch a SHiFT-enabled title first!" ]; var ContinueRedeemFlag = true; if (GM_getValue("ShiftMode") === undefined) { //Nothing happend } else { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "https://borderlands.gamerangerz.de/?game=" + GM_getValue("ShiftMode"), onload: function(data) { ShiftCodes = JSON.parse(data.responseText); $("div.shift-secondary-title > h1").html( "SHiFT-Code " + (GM_getValue("ShiftIndex") + 1) + " of " + ShiftCodes.length ); if ($(".alert.notice").val() != undefined) { //Alert exists if ( MsgShiftGame.includes( $(".alert.notice") .html() .trim() ) ) { //Start SHiFT Game GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", Number(GM_getValue("ShiftIndex")) - 1); ContinueRedeemFlag = false; alert( "Please start or restart your game! Reload the page to continue!" ); } } if ( GM_getValue("ShiftIndex") <= ShiftCodes.length - 1 && ContinueRedeemFlag ) { console.log(ShiftCodes[GM_getValue("ShiftIndex")]); $("#shift_code_input").val(ShiftCodes[GM_getValue("ShiftIndex")]); $("#shift_code_check").click(); setTimeout(function() { if ($(".redeem_button").length) { $(".redeem_button").click(); } else { alert( "We are too quick... Please wait a minute and redeem this code manually." ); } }, 500); GM_setValue("ShiftIndex", Number(GM_getValue("ShiftIndex")) + 1); } else { if (GM_getValue("ShiftIndex") > ShiftCodes.length - 1) { $("div.shift-secondary-title > h1").html( ShiftCodes.length + " SHiFT-Codes redeemed" ); GM_deleteValue("ShiftIndex"); GM_deleteValue("ShiftMode"); } } } }); }