@prefix : . @prefix dc: . @prefix doid: . @prefix envo: . @prefix faldo: . @prefix g: . @prefix ge: . @prefix ncbi: . @prefix obi: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix so: . @prefix subt: . @prefix typon: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . faldo:Begin rdfs:subClassOf faldo:Position . faldo:End rdfs:subClassOf faldo:Position . faldo:ForwardStrandPosition rdfs:subClassOf faldo:ExactPosition . faldo:Reference a owl:Class ; rdf:comment "a g:Contig that is referenced in some :Marker" ; rdfs:subClassOf g:Contig . faldo:ReverseStrandPosition rdfs:subClassOf faldo:ExactPosition . faldo:position a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "the numerical location of a position" ; rdfs:domain faldo:Position . dc:description "Upload_Date" . a owl:DatatypeProperty ; dc:description "O-Type" ; rdfs:comment "o-antigen" ; rdfs:domain :spfyId . a owl:DatatypeProperty ; dc:description "H-Type" ; rdfs:comment "h-antigen" ; rdfs:domain :spfyId . a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "subject species" ; rdfs:domain :spfyId . a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "k-antigen" ; rdfs:domain :spfyId . dc:date a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "submission date" ; rdfs:domain g:Genome . dc:description a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "class descriptor" ; rdfs:domain g:Genome . g:DNASequence a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "a dna sequence" ; rdfs:domain g:Contig . g:Description a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "record.description" ; rdfs:domain g:Contig . g:Identifier a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "accession number ie. record.id" ; rdfs:domain g:Contig . : a owl:Ontology ; dc:license . :AntimicrobialResistanceGene dc:description "AMR_Gene" ; rdfs:subClassOf :Marker . :PanGenomeRegion rdfs:subClassOf :Marker . :VirulenceFactor dc:description "Virulence_Factor" ; rdfs:subClassOf :Marker . :hasPart_SO__gfv a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:range g:Contig . :hasPart_fal_fal a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain faldo:Region ; rdfs:range faldo:Position . :hasPart_fal_sup a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain faldo:Region ; rdfs:range :Marker . :hasPart_gfv_SO_ a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain g:Genome ; rdfs:range . :hasPart_gfv_fal a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain g:Contig ; rdfs:range faldo:Region . :hasPart_sup_gfv a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain :spfyId ; rdfs:range g:Genome . :isFoundIn_SO__gfv a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:range g:Genome . :isFoundIn_fal_fal a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain faldo:Position ; rdfs:range faldo:Region . :isFoundIn_fal_gfv a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain faldo:Region ; rdfs:range g:Contig . :isFoundIn_gfv_SO_ a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain g:Contig ; rdfs:range . :isFoundIn_gfv_sup a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain g:Genome ; rdfs:range :spfyId . :isFoundIn_sup_fal a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:domain :Marker ; rdfs:range faldo:Region . faldo:ExactPosition rdfs:subClassOf faldo:Position . a owl:Class ; dc:description "Bag_of_Contigs" ; rdfs:comment "bag of contigs" . :Marker a owl:Class ; dc:description "Any_Marker" . faldo:Position a owl:Class . faldo:Region a owl:Class ; rdf:comment "a region containing the start and the end positions" . g:Genome a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "genome instance" . :spfyId a owl:Class ; dc:description "SpfyId" ; rdfs:comment ":spfyid" . g:Contig a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "a contig" .