configuration: {} triggers: - id: "3" configuration: cronExpression: 0 0/15 * * * ? * type: timer.GenericCronTrigger conditions: [] actions: - inputs: {} id: "1" configuration: type: application/javascript;version=ECMAScript-2021 script: >+ /* Timertick script version 1.0 Creates (if needed) and updates two timertick items with a minute and hour value to be used for refreshing graphs. CRON should not be to fast for the minute value (graph will flicker during update). 15 minutes is fine (for a graph showing 1 or 2 hours). The hour timer can be used in day graphs. Usage, in a widget add a key in main compomnent f7-card referring to this item (with a string to make it unique) component: f7-card config: key: = "fan" + items.timertick_hour.state */ var scriptName="timertick"; //init" running"); var now =; //get items var timertick=getAddItem(scriptName); var timertick_h=getAddItem(scriptName+'_hour'); //update item with minute (so 'mirrors 15 minute CRON') and hour value as an integer timertick.postUpdate(Number.parseInt(now.hour()*60+now.minute())); timertick_h.postUpdate(Number.parseInt(now.hour()*60)); //done" done in "+ (-now.getMillisFromNow())+" millisec"); /* ##### functions */ //get an existiing item or create it (by name) function getAddItem(name){ let item=null; let list=searchItem(name); if (list.length>=1){ item=list[0]; }else {'creating item '+name); item=items.addItem({ type: 'Number', name: name, label: name }); } return item; } //search items with name (return list) function searchItem(name){ return items.getItems().filter( function(item){ return (; } ,name); } type: script.ScriptAction