module SYMPHONY module View # Set this to false to set Battle View to Empty. # All Sprites of actors as well as Icon (Weapon, Item...) will be hide. # All other Symphony Tags are still available. EMPTY_VIEW = false # Set Party default Direction. For Number of Direction, check NumPad on the # Keyboard. Troop Direction will be opposited with Party Direction. PARTY_DIRECTION = 4 # Set Party default Location. If You have more than 4 Actors in Battle, You # have to add more index in the hash below. # For example: If you have 5 Actors, You will have to add default Location # for 5th Actor by adding: 4 => [Location X, Location Y], # (Don't forget the comma at the end of each line) ACTORS_POSITION = { # Begin. 0 => [480, 224], 1 => [428, 244], 2 => [472, 264], 3 => [422, 244], 4 => [452, 284], } # End. end # View module Visual # Set this to false to disable Weapon Icon creating for non-charset Battlers. # Recommend not to enable this, unless You use a Battler which doesn't show # its own weapon in the Battler-set. WEAPON_ICON_NON_CHARSET = false # Set this to true to disable auto Move Posing. When set this to false, # You can let the actor to change to any pose while moving. DISABLE_AUTO_MOVE_POSE = true # Set this to true to enable shadow beneath battler. BATTLER_SHADOW = true # Enemies default attack animation ID. # First Attack Animation and Second Attack Animation can be defined by # notetags and respectively. ENEMY_ATTACK_ANIMATION = 1 end # Visual module Fixes # Set this to false to disable auto turn-off the immortal flag. Many people # forgot to turn-off immortal flag in an actions sequence, so the targets # remain alive even their HP reach zero. # Auto Turn-off Immortal will be push to Finish Actions. AUTO_IMMORTAL_OFF = true end # Fixes end # SYMPHONY module SYMPHONY module DEFAULT_ACTIONS #========================================================================== # Default Magic Actions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are the default magic actions for all Magic Skills as well as Certain # hit Skills. Battlers will play these actions when use a Magic/Certain Hit # Skill unless You customize it with Symphony Tags. #========================================================================== MAGIC_SETUP =[ ["MESSAGE"], ["MOVE USER", ["FORWARD", "WAIT"]], ["POSE", ["USER", "CAST"]], ["STANCE", ["USER", "CAST"]], ] # Do not remove this. MAGIC_WHOLE =[ ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "TRUE"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SKILL FULL"]], ] # Do not remove this. MAGIC_TARGET =[ ] # Do not remove this. MAGIC_FOLLOW =[ ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ] # Do not remove this. MAGIC_FINISH =[ ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "FALSE"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["RETURN ORIGIN"]], ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ["WAIT", ["12", "SKIP"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Default Physical Actions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are the default physical actions for all Physical Skills as well as # Normal Attack. Battlers will play these actions when use a Physical # Skill unless You customize it with Symphony Tags. #========================================================================== PHYSICAL_SETUP =[ ["MESSAGE"], ["MOVE USER", ["FORWARD", "WAIT"]], ] # Do not remove this. PHYSICAL_WHOLE =[ ] # Do not remove this. PHYSICAL_TARGET =[ ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "TRUE"]], ["POSE", ["USER", "FORWARD"]], ["STANCE", ["USER", "FORWARD"]], ["MOVE USER", ["TARGET", "BODY", "WAIT"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SINGLE SWING"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SKILL FULL", "unless attack"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["ATTACK FULL", "if attack"]], ] # Do not remove this. PHYSICAL_FOLLOW =[ ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ] # Do not remove this. PHYSICAL_FINISH =[ ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "FALSE"]], ["ICON DELETE", ["USER", "WEAPON"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["RETURN ORIGIN"]], ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ["WAIT", ["12", "SKIP"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Default Item Actions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are the default item actions for all Items. Battlers will play these # actions when use an Item unless You customize it with Symphony Tags. #========================================================================== ITEM_SETUP =[ ["MESSAGE"], ["MOVE USER", ["FORWARD", "WAIT"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["ITEM FLOAT"]], ] # Do not remove this. ITEM_WHOLE =[ ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "TRUE"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["ITEM FULL"]], ] # Do not remove this. ITEM_TARGET =[ ] # Do not remove this. ITEM_FOLLOW =[ ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "FALSE"]], ] # Do not remove this. ITEM_FINISH =[ ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["RETURN ORIGIN"]], ["WAIT FOR MOVE"], ["WAIT", ["12", "SKIP"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Critical Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the critical action. This action will be played when a battler # scores a critical hit. #========================================================================== CRITICAL_ACTIONS =[ ["SCREEN", ["FLASH", "30", "255", "255", "255"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Miss Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the miss action. This action will be played when a battler attacks # miss. #========================================================================== MISS_ACTIONS =[ ["POSE", ["TARGET", "EVADE"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Evade Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the evade action. This action will be played when a battler evades. #========================================================================== EVADE_ACTIONS =[ ["POSE", ["TARGET", "EVADE"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Fail Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the fail action. This action will be played when a battler fails # on casting skill. #========================================================================== FAIL_ACTIONS =[ ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Damaged Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the damaged action. This action will be played when a battler is # damaged. #========================================================================== DAMAGED_ACTION = [ ["POSE", ["TARGET", "DAMAGE"]], ["STANCE", ["TARGET", "STRUCK"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Counter Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the counter action. This action will be played when a battler # counters an attack. #========================================================================== COUNTER_ACTION = [ ["MOVE COUNTER SUBJECT", ["FORWARD", "WAIT"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SINGLE SWING COUNTER"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SKILL FULL COUNTER"]], ["ICON DELETE", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "WEAPON"]], ["POSE", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "BREAK"]], ["STANCE", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "BREAK"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Reflect Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the reflect action. This action will be played when a battler # reflects a magic. #========================================================================== REFLECT_ACTION = [ ["MOVE REFLECT SUBJECT", ["FORWARD", "WAIT"]], ["POSE", ["REFLECT SUBJECT", "CAST"]], ["STANCE", ["REFLECT SUBJECT", "CAST"]], ["AUTO SYMPHONY", ["SKILL FULL COUNTER"]], ["POSE", ["REFLECT SUBJECT", "BREAK"]], ["STANCE", ["REFLECT SUBJECT", "BREAK"]], ] # Do not remove this. #========================================================================== # Substitute Action # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the reflect action. This action will be played when a battler # reflects a magic. #========================================================================== SUBSTITUTE_ACTION = [ ["TELEPORT SUBSTITUTE SUBJECT", ["TARGET", "BODY", "WAIT"]], ] # Do not remove this. SUBSTITUTE_END_ACTION = [ ["TELEPORT SUBSTITUTE SUBJECT", ["ORIGIN", "WAIT"]], ] # Do not remove this. end # DEFAULT_ACTIONS end # SYMPHONY module SYMPHONY AUTO_SYMPHONY = { # Start # "Key" => [Symphony Sequence], #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: return origin # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This AutoSymphony returns the active battler and all of its targets back # to their original locations. Used often at the end of a skill, item, # or any other action sequence. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "RETURN ORIGIN" => [ ["STANCE", ["USER", "ORIGIN"]], ["MOVE USER", ["ORIGIN", "WAIT"]], ["POSE", ["USER", "BREAK"]], ["MOVE EVERYTHING", ["ORIGIN"]], ], # end RETURN ORIGIN #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: single swing # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This causes the active battler to perform a single-handed weapon swing # downwards. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "SINGLE SWING" => [ ["ICON CREATE", ["USER", "WEAPON"]], ["ICON", ["USER", "WEAPON", "SWING"]], ["POSE", ["USER", "2H SWING"]], ["STANCE", ["USER", "ATTACK"]], ], # end SINGLE SWING #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: single swing counter # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This causes the countering battler to perform a single-handed weapon # swing downwards. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "SINGLE SWING COUNTER" => [ ["ICON CREATE", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "WEAPON"]], ["ICON", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "WEAPON", "SWING"]], ["POSE", ["COUNTER SUBJECT", "2H SWING"]], ["STANCE", ["USER", "ATTACK"]], ], # end SINGLE SWING COUNTER #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: item float # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This causes the active battler to enter a "Cast" stance to make the # active battler appear to throw the item upward. The icon of the item # is then created and floats upward. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "ITEM FLOAT" => [ ["POSE", ["USER", "CAST"]], ["STANCE", ["USER", "ITEM"]], ["ICON CREATE", ["USER", "ITEM"]], ["ICON", ["USER", "ITEM", "FLOAT", "WAIT"]], ], # end ITEM FLOAT #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: attack full # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This triggers the full course for an attack effect. Attack's animation # plays and waits until it ends. The damage, status changes, and anything # else the attack may do to the target. Once the attack effect is over, # the target is sent sliding backwards a little bit. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "ATTACK FULL" => [ ["ATTACK EFFECT", ["COUNTER CHECK"]], ["ATTACK ANIMATION", ["WAIT"]], ["ATTACK EFFECT", ["WHOLE"]], ["MOVE TARGETS", ["BACKWARD"]], ], # end ATTACK FULL #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: skill full # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This trigger the full course for a skill's effect. The skill animation # plays and waits to the end. The damage, status changes, and anything # else the skill may do to the target. Once the skill effect is over, the # target is sent sliding backwards a little bit. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "SKILL FULL" => [ ["SKILL EFFECT", ["COUNTER CHECK"]], ["SKILL EFFECT", ["REFLECT CHECK"]], ["SKILL ANIMATION", ["WAIT"]], ["SKILL EFFECT", ["WHOLE"]], ["MOVE TARGETS", ["BACKWARD", "unless skill.for_friend?"]], ], # end SKILL FULL #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: skill full counter # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This trigger the full course for a skill's effect. The skill animation # plays and waits to the end. The damage, status changes, and anything # else the skill may do to the target. Once the skill effect is over, the # target is sent sliding backwards a little bit. # This trigger is used in countering/reflecting skill. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "SKILL FULL COUNTER" => [ ["ATTACK ANIMATION", ["TARGETS", "WAIT", "if attack"]], ["SKILL ANIMATION", ["TARGETS", "WAIT", "unless attack"]], ["SKILL EFFECT", ["WHOLE"]], ["MOVE TARGETS", ["BACKWARD", "unless skill.for_friend?"]], ], # end SKILL FULL COUNTER #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # autosymphony: item full # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This triggers the full course for an item's effect. The item animation # plays and waits to the end. The damage, status changes, and anything # else the item may do to the target. Once the skill effect is over, the # target is sent sliding backwards a little bit. # --- WARNING --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is a default-used AutoSymphony. Do not remove this. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "ITEM FULL" => [ ["SKILL EFFECT", ["COUNTER CHECK"]], ["SKILL EFFECT", ["REFLECT CHECK", "unless skill.for_all?"]], ["SKILL ANIMATION", ["WAIT"]], ["ICON", ["USER", "ITEM", "FADE OUT", "WAIT"]], ["ICON DELETE", ["USER", "ITEM"]], ["SKILL EFFECT", ["WHOLE"]], ["MOVE TARGETS", ["BACKWARD", "unless item.for_friend?"]], ], # end ITEM FULL } # Do not remove this. end # SYMPHONY #============================================================================== # ■ Regular Expression #============================================================================== module REGEXP module SYMPHONY SETUP_ANI_ON = /<(?:SETUP_ACTION|setup action|setup)>/i SETUP_ANI_OFF = /<\/(?:SETUP_ACTION|setup action|setup)>/i WHOLE_ANI_ON = /<(?:WHOLE_ACTION|whole action|whole)>/i WHOLE_ANI_OFF = /<\/(?:WHOLE_ACTION|whole action|whole)>/i TARGET_ANI_ON = /<(?:TARGET_ACTION|target action|target)>/i TARGET_ANI_OFF = /<\/(?:TARGET_ACTION|target action|target)>/i FOLLOW_ANI_ON = /<(?:FOLLOW_ACTION|follow action|follow)>/i FOLLOW_ANI_OFF = /<\/(?:FOLLOW_ACTION|follow action|follow)>/i FINISH_ANI_ON = /<(?:FINISH_ACTION|finish action|finish)>/i FINISH_ANI_OFF = /<\/(?:FINISH_ACTION|finish action|finish)>/i SYMPHONY_TAG_NONE = /[ ]*(.*)/i SYMPHONY_TAG_VALUES = /[ ]*(.*):[ ]*(.*)/i ATK_ANI1 = /<(?:ATK_ANI_1|atk ani 1):[ ]*(\d+)>/i ATK_ANI2 = /<(?:ATK_ANI_2|atk ani 2):[ ]*(\d+)>/i end end # Scan values: /\w+[\s*\w+]*/i #============================================================================== # ■ DataManager #============================================================================== module DataManager #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: load_database #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class < 0 when :whole return @whole_actions_list.size > 0 when :target return @target_actions_list.size > 0 when :follow return @follow_actions_list.size > 0 when :finish return @finish_actions_list.size > 0 end end end # RPG::BaseItem #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Battle - Defines Tags Names #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: perform_actions_list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def perform_actions_list(actions, targets) #--- Create Formers --- former_action = @action former_values = (@action_values != nil) ? @action_values.clone : nil former_targets = (@action_targets != nil) ? @action_targets.clone : nil former_item = (@scene_item != nil) ? @scene_item.clone : nil #--- Create Current --- @action_targets = targets actions.each { |action| @action = action[0].upcase; @action_values = action[1] @action_values.each { |s| s.upcase! if s.is_a?(String) } if @action_values break unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) break if @subject && @subject.dead? next unless action_condition_met case @action.upcase when /ANIMATION[ ](\d+)|SKILL ANIMATION|ATTACK ANIMATION|ANIMATION/i action_animation when /ATTACK EFFECT|SKILL EFFECT/i action_skill_effect when /AUTO SYMPHONY|AUTOSYMPHONY/i action_autosymphony when /ICON CREATE|CREATE ICON/i action_create_icon when /ICON DELETE|DELETE ICON/i action_delete_icon when "ICON", "ICON EFFECT" action_icon_effect when /ICON THROW[ ](.*)/i action_icon_throw when /IF[ ](.+)/i action_condition when /JUMP[ ](.*)/i action_move when /MESSAGE/i action_message when /MOVE[ ](.*)/i action_move when /IMMORTAL/i action_immortal when /POSE/i action_pose when /STANCE/i action_stance when /UNLESS[ ](.+)/i action_condition when /TELEPORT[ ](.*)/i action_move when "WAIT", "WAIT SKIP", "WAIT FOR ANIMATION", "WAIT FOR MOVE", "WAIT FOR MOVEMENT", "ANI WAIT" action_wait else imported_symphony end } #--- Release Formers --- @action = former_action @action_values = former_values @action_targets = former_targets @scene_item = former_item end end # Scene_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Battle - Defines Tags Actions #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_condition_met #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_condition_met target = @action_targets[0] targets = @action_targets user = @subject skill = item = @scene_item attack = false if @counter_subject || (user.current_action && user.current_action.attack?) attack = true end weapons = user.weapons if @action_condition ||= [] @action_condition.pop if @action.upcase == "END" if @action_condition.size > 0 @action_condition.each { |action_condition| action_condition =~ /(IF|UNLESS)[ ](.+)/i condition_type = $1.upcase condition_value = $2.downcase #--- if condition_type == "IF" return false unless eval(condition_value) elsif condition_type == "UNLESS" return false if eval(condition_value) end } end if @action_values @action_values.each { |value| case value when /IF[ ](.*)/i eval("return false unless " + $1.to_s.downcase) when /UNLESS[ ](.*)/i eval("return false if " + $1.to_s.downcase) end } end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: get_action_mains #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_action_mains result = [] case @action.upcase when /(?:USER)/i result.push(@subject) if @subject when /(?:TARGET|TARGETS)/i result = @action_targets when /(?:COUNTER SUBJECT)/i result = [@counter_subject] when /(?:REFLECT SUBJECT)/i result = [@reflect_subject] when /(?:SUBSTITUTE SUBJECT)/i result = [@substitute_subject] when /(?:ACTORS|PARTY|ACTORS LIVING)/i result = $game_party.alive_members when /(?:ALL ACTORS|ACTORS ALL)/i result = $game_party.battle_members when /(?:ACTORS NOT USER|PARTY NOT USER)/i result = $game_party.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /(?:ENEMIES|TROOP|ENEMIES LIVING)/i result = $game_troop.alive_members when /(?:ALL ENEMIES|ENEMIES ALL)/i result = $game_troop.battle_members when /(?:ENEMIES NOT USER|ENEMIES NOT USER)/i result = $game_troop.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /ACTOR[ ](\d+)/i result.push($game_party.battle_members[$1.to_i]) when /ENEMY[ ](\d+)/i result.push($game_troop.battle_members[$1.to_i]) when /(?:EVERYTHING|EVERYBODY)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members when /(?:EVERYTHING NOT USER|EVERYBODY NOT USER)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /(?:ALLIES|FRIENDS)/i result = @subject.friends_unit.alive_members if @subject when /(?:OPPONENTS|RIVALS)/i result = @subject.opponents_unit.alive_members if @subject when /(?:FRIENDS NOT USER)/i if @subject result = @subject.friends_unit.alive_members result.delete(@subject) end when /(?:FOCUS)/i result = @action_targets result.push(@subject) if @subject when /(?:NOT FOCUS|NON FOCUS)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members result -= @action_targets result.delete(@subject) if @subject else; end return result.compact end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: get_action_targets #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_action_targets result = [] @action_values.reverse.each { |value| next if value.nil? case value.upcase when /(?:USER)/i result.push(@subject) if @subject when /(?:TARGET|TARGETS)/i result = @action_targets when /(?:COUNTER SUBJECT)/i result = [@counter_subject] when /(?:REFLECT SUBJECT)/i result = [@reflect_subject] when /(?:SUBSTITUTE SUBJECT)/i result = [@substitute_subject] when /(?:ACTORS|PARTY|ACTORS LIVING)/i result = $game_party.alive_members when /(?:ALL ACTORS|ACTORS ALL)/i result = $game_party.battle_members when /(?:ACTORS NOT USER|PARTY NOT USER)/i result = $game_party.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /(?:ENEMIES|TROOP|ENEMIES LIVING)/i result = $game_troop.alive_members when /(?:ALL ENEMIES|ENEMIES ALL)/i result = $game_troop.battle_members when /(?:ENEMIES NOT USER|ENEMIES NOT USER)/i result = $game_troop.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /ACTOR[ ](\d+)/i result.push($game_party.battle_members[$1.to_i]) when /ENEMY[ ](\d+)/i result.push($game_troop.battle_members[$1.to_i]) when /(?:EVERYTHING|EVERYBODY)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members when /(?:EVERYTHING NOT USER|EVERYBODY NOT USER)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members result.delete(@subject) if @subject when /(?:ALLIES|FRIENDS)/i result = @subject.friends_unit.alive_members if @subject when /(?:OPPONENTS|RIVALS)/i result = @subject.opponents_unit.alive_members if @subject when /(?:FRIENDS NOT USER)/i if @subject result = @subject.friends_unit.alive_members result.delete(@subject) end when /(?:NOT FOCUS|NON FOCUS)/i result = $game_party.alive_members + $game_troop.alive_members result -= @action_targets result.delete(@subject) when /(?:FOCUS)/i result = @action_targets result.push(@subject) if @subject else; end } return result.compact end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_animation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_animation targets = get_action_targets targets = @action_targets if ["SKILL ANIMATION", "ATTACK ANIMATION"].include?(@action.upcase) return if targets.size == 0 #--- case @action.upcase when /ANIMATION[ ](\d+)/i animation_id = [$1.to_i] when "SKILL ANIMATION", "ANIMATION" return unless @subject.current_action.item animation_id = [@subject.current_action.item.animation_id] when "ATTACK ANIMATION" animation_id = [@subject.atk_animation_id1] animation_id = [@subject.atk_animation_id2] if @subject.atk_animation_id2 > 0 && @action_values[1].to_i == 2 when "LAST ANIMATION" animation_id = [@last_animation_id] end mirror = true if @action_values.include?("MIRROR") #--- animation_id = [@subject.atk_animation_id1] if animation_id == [-1] #--- ani_count = 0 animation_id.each { |id| wait_for_animation if ani_count > 0 mirror = !mirror if ani_count > 0 animation = $data_animations[id] #--- return unless animation if animation.to_screen?; targets[0].animation_id = id; end if !animation.to_screen? targets.each {|target| target.animation_id = id} end targets.each {|target| target.animation_mirror = mirror} ani_count += 1 } @last_animation_id = animation_id[0] return unless @action_values.include?("WAIT") wait_for_animation end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_skill_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_skill_effect return unless @subject return unless @subject.alive? return unless @subject.current_action.item targets = @action_targets.uniq #--- substitute --- substitutes = [] targets.each { |target| substitutes.push(target.friends_unit.substitute_battler) } substitutes = substitutes.uniq #--- item = @subject.current_action.item #--- if @action_values.include?("CLEAR") targets.each { |target| target.result.set_calc; target.result.clear } return end #--- if @action_values.include?("COUNTER CHECK") targets.each { |target| target.result.set_counter } return elsif @action_values.include?("REFLECT CHECK") targets.each { |target| target.result.set_reflection } return end #--- array = [] array.push("calc") if @action_values.include?("CALC") array = ["perfect"] if @action_values.include?("PERFECT") @action_values.each {|value| array.push(value.downcase) unless ["PERFECT", "CALC"].include?(value)} array = ["calc", "dmg", "effect"] if @action_values.include?("WHOLE") || @action_values.size == 0 #--- substitute flag --- if substitutes substitutes.each { |substitute| next unless substitute substitute.result.clear_bes_flag array.each {|value| str = "substitute.result.set_#{value}"; eval(str)} } end #--- targets.each { |target| target.result.clear_bes_flag array.each {|value| str = "target.result.set_#{value}"; eval(str)} item.repeats.times { invoke_item(target, item) } target.result.clear_change_target @substitute_subject.result.clear_change_target if @substitute_subject } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_autosymphony #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_autosymphony key = @action_values[0].to_s.upcase return unless SYMPHONY::AUTO_SYMPHONY.include?(key) actions_list = SYMPHONY::AUTO_SYMPHONY[key] perform_actions_list(actions_list, @action_targets) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_create_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_create_icon targets = get_action_targets return if targets.size == 0 return if SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW #--- case @action_values[1] when "WEAPON", "WEAPON1" symbol = :weapon1 attachment = :hand1 when "WEAPON2" symbol = :weapon2 attachment = :hand2 when "SHIELD" symbol = :shield attachment = :shield when "ITEM" symbol = :item attachment = :middle else symbol = @action_values[1] attachment = :middle end #--- case @action_values[2] when "HAND", "HAND1" attachment = :hand1 when "HAND2", "SHIELD" attachment = :hand2 when "ITEM" attachment = :item when "MIDDLE", "BODY" attachment = :middle when "TOP", "HEAD" attachment = :top when "BOTTOM", "FEET", "BASE" attachment = :base end #--- targets.each { |target| next if target.sprite.nil? next if !target.use_charset? && !SYMPHONY::Visual::WEAPON_ICON_NON_CHARSET && [:weapon1, :weapon2].include?(symbol) target.create_icon(symbol, @action_values[3].to_i) next if target.icons[symbol].nil? target.icons[symbol].set_origin(attachment) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_delete_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_delete_icon targets = get_action_targets return if targets.size == 0 #--- case @action_values[1] when "WEAPON", "WEAPON1" symbol = :weapon1 when "WEAPON2" symbol = :weapon2 when "SHIELD" symbol = :shield when "ITEM" symbol = :item else symbol = @action_values[1] end #--- targets.each { |target| target.delete_icon(symbol) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_icon_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_icon_effect targets = get_action_targets return if targets.size == 0 #--- case @action_values[1] when "WEAPON", "WEAPON1" symbol = :weapon1 when "WEAPON2" symbol = :weapon2 when "SHIELD" symbol = :shield when "ITEM" symbol = :item else symbol = @action_values[1] end #--- targets.each { |target| icon = target.icons[symbol] next if icon.nil? total_frames = 8 case @action_values[2] when "ANGLE" angle = @action_values[3].to_i icon.set_angle(angle) when "ROTATE", "REROTATE" angle = @action_values[3].to_i angle = -angle if @action_values[2] == "REROTATE" total_frames = @action_values[4].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_angle(angle, total_frames) when /ANIMATION[ ](\d+)/i animation = $1.to_i if $data_animations[animation].nil?; return; end total_frames = $data_animations[animation].frame_max total_frames *= 4 unless $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] total_frames *= YEA::CORE::ANIMATION_RATE if $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] icon.start_animation($data_animations[animation]) when /MOVE_X[ ](\d+)/i move_x = $1.to_i total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_movement(move_x, icon.y, total_frames) when /MOVE_Y[ ](\d+)/i move_y = $1.to_i total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_movement(icon.x, move_y, total_frames) when /CUR_X[ ]([\-]?\d+)/i move_x = icon.x + $1.to_i total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_movement(move_x, icon.y, total_frames) when /CUR_Y[ ]([\-]?\d+)/i move_y = icon.y + $1.to_i total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_movement(icon.x, move_y, total_frames) when "FADE IN" total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 rate = Integer(256.0/total_frames) icon.set_fade(rate) when "FADE OUT" total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 8 if total_frames == 0 rate = Integer(256.0/total_frames) icon.set_fade(-rate) when "FLOAT" total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 24 if total_frames == 0 icon.create_move_direction(8, total_frames, total_frames) when "SWING" total_frames = 10 icon.set_angle(0) icon.create_angle(90, total_frames) when "UPSWING" total_frames = 10 icon.set_angle(90) icon.create_angle(0, total_frames) when "STAB", "THRUST" total_frames = 8 direction = Direction.direction(target.pose) direction = Direction.opposite(direction) if target.sprite.mirror case direction when 8 icon_direction = 8 icon.set_angle(-45) when 4 icon_direction = 4 icon.set_angle(45) when 6 icon_direction = 6 icon.set_angle(-135) when 2 icon_direction = 2 icon.set_angle(135) end icon.create_move_direction(Direction.opposite(icon_direction), 40, 1) icon.update icon.create_move_direction(icon_direction, 32, total_frames) when "CLAW" total_frames = 8 direction = Direction.direction(target.pose) direction = Direction.opposite(direction) if target.sprite.mirror case direction when 8 icon_direction = 7 back_direction = 3 when 4 icon_direction = 1 back_direction = 9 when 6 icon_direction = 3 back_direction = 7 when 2 icon_direction = 9 back_direction = 1 end icon.create_move_direction(back_direction, 32, 1) icon.update icon.create_move_direction(icon_direction, 52, total_frames) end #--- if @action_values.include?("WAIT") update_basic while icon.effecting? end } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_icon_throw #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_icon_throw mains = get_action_mains targets = get_action_targets return if mains.size == 0 #--- case @action_values[1] when "WEAPON", "WEAPON1" symbol = :weapon1 when "WEAPON2" symbol = :weapon2 when "SHIELD" symbol = :shield when "ITEM" symbol = :item else symbol = @action_values[1] end #--- mains.each { |main| icon = main.icons[symbol] next if icon.nil? total_frames = @action_values[3].to_i total_frames = 12 if total_frames <= 0 arc = @action_values[2].to_f #--- targets.each { |target| move_x = target.screen_x move_y = target.screen_y - target.sprite.height / 2 icon.create_movement(move_x, move_y, total_frames) icon.create_arc(arc) if @action_values.include?("WAIT") update_basic while icon.effecting? end } } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_condition #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_condition @action_condition ||= [] @action_condition.push(@action.dup) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_message #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_message user = @subject return unless user item = @subject.current_action.item return unless item @log_window.display_use_item(@subject, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_move #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_move movers = get_action_mains return unless movers.size > 0 return if SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW #--- Get Location --- case @action_values[0] #--- when "FORWARD", "BACKWARD" distance = @action_values[1].to_i distance = @action_values[0] == "FORWARD" ? 16 : 8 if distance <= 0 frames = @action_values[2].to_i frames = 8 if frames <= 0 movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? direction = mover.direction destination_x = mover.screen_x destination_y = mover.screen_y case direction when 1; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / 2 when 2; move_x = distance * 0; move_y = distance * 1 when 3; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / 2 when 4; move_x = distance * -1; move_y = distance * 0 when 6; move_x = distance * 1; move_y = distance * 0 when 7; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / -2 when 8; move_x = distance * 0; move_y = distance * -1 when 9; move_x = distance / 2; move_y = distance / -2 else; return end destination_x += @action_values[0] == "FORWARD" ? move_x : - move_x destination_y += @action_values[0] == "FORWARD" ? move_y : - move_y mover.face_coordinate(destination_x, destination_y) unless @action_values[0] == "BACKWARD" mover.create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames) case @action.upcase when /JUMP[ ](.*)/i arc_scan = $1.scan(/(?:ARC)[ ](\d+)/i) arc = $1.to_i mover.create_jump(arc) end } #--- when "ORIGIN", "RETURN" frames = @action_values[1].to_i frames = 20 if frames <= 0 movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? destination_x = mover.origin_x destination_y = mover.origin_y next if destination_x == mover.screen_x && destination_y == mover.screen_y if @action_values[0] == "ORIGIN" mover.face_coordinate(destination_x, destination_y) end mover.create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames) case @action.upcase when /JUMP[ ](.*)/i arc_scan = $1.scan(/(?:ARC)[ ](\d+)/i) arc = $1.to_i mover.create_jump(arc) end } #--- when "TARGET", "TARGETS", "USER" frames = @action_values[2].to_i frames = 20 if frames <= 0 #--- case @action_values[0] when "USER" targets = [@subject] when "TARGET", "TARGETS" targets = @action_targets end #--- destination_x = destination_y = 0 case @action_values[1] when "BASE", "FOOT", "FEET" targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x; destination_y += target.screen_y side_l = target.screen_x - target.sprite.width/2 side_r = target.screen_x + target.sprite.width/2 side_u = target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_d = target.screen_y movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? if side_l > mover.origin_x destination_x -= target.sprite.width/2 destination_x -= mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_r < mover.origin_x destination_x += target.sprite.width/2 destination_x += mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_u > mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y -= target.sprite.height elsif side_d < mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y += mover.sprite.height end } } #--- when "BODY", "MIDDLE", "MID" targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x destination_y += target.screen_y - target.sprite.height / 2 side_l = target.screen_x - target.sprite.width/2 side_r = target.screen_x + target.sprite.width/2 side_u = target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_d = target.screen_y movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? if side_l > mover.origin_x destination_x -= target.sprite.width/2 destination_x -= mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_r < mover.origin_x destination_x += target.sprite.width/2 destination_x += mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_u > mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y -= target.sprite.height elsif side_d < mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y += mover.sprite.height end destination_y += mover.sprite.height destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/2 if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] && $imported["BattleSymphony-HB"] destination_y += mover.sprite.height if mover.use_8d? && target.use_hb? destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/4 if mover.use_hb? && target.use_8d? end } } #--- when "CENTER" targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x destination_y += target.screen_y - target.sprite.height/2 } #--- when "HEAD", "TOP" targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x destination_y += target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_l = target.screen_x - target.sprite.width/2 side_r = target.screen_x + target.sprite.width/2 side_u = target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_d = target.screen_y movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? if side_l > mover.origin_x destination_x -= target.sprite.width/2 destination_x -= mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_r < mover.origin_x destination_x += target.sprite.width/2 destination_x += mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_u > mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y -= target.sprite.height elsif side_d < mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y += mover.sprite.height end destination_y += mover.sprite.height destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/2 if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] && $imported["BattleSymphony-HB"] destination_y += mover.sprite.height if mover.use_8d? && target.use_hb? destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/4 if mover.use_hb? && target.use_8d? end } } #--- when "BACK" targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x destination_y += target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_l = target.screen_x - target.sprite.width/2 side_r = target.screen_x + target.sprite.width/2 side_u = target.screen_y - target.sprite.height side_d = target.screen_y movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? if side_l > mover.origin_x destination_x += target.sprite.width/2 destination_x += mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_r < mover.origin_x destination_x -= target.sprite.width/2 destination_x -= mover.sprite.width/2 elsif side_u > mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y -= target.sprite.height elsif side_d < mover.origin_y - mover.sprite.height destination_y += mover.sprite.height end destination_y += mover.sprite.height destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/2 if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] && $imported["BattleSymphony-HB"] destination_y += mover.sprite.height if mover.use_8d? && target.use_hb? destination_y -= mover.sprite.height/4 if mover.use_hb? && target.use_8d? end } } #--- else targets.each { |target| destination_x += target.screen_x destination_y += target.screen_y } end #--- destination_x /= targets.size destination_y /= targets.size movers.each { |mover| next unless mover.exist? next if mover.screen_x == destination_x && mover.screen_y == destination_y case @action.upcase when /MOVE[ ](.*)/i mover.face_coordinate(destination_x, destination_y) mover.create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames) when /TELEPORT[ ](.*)/i mover.screen_x = destination_x mover.screen_y = destination_y when /JUMP[ ](.*)/i arc_scan = $1.scan(/(?:ARC)[ ](\d+)/i) arc = $1.to_i mover.face_coordinate(destination_x, destination_y) mover.create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames) mover.create_jump(arc) end } #--- end #--- return unless @action_values.include?("WAIT") wait_for_move end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_immortal #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_immortal targets = get_action_targets return unless targets.size > 0 targets.each { |target| next unless target.alive? case @action_values[1].upcase when "TRUE", "ON", "ENABLE" target.immortal = true when "OFF", "FALSE", "DISABLE" target.immortal = false target.refresh perform_collapse_check(target) end } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_pose targets = get_action_targets return unless targets.size > 0 #--- case @action_values[1] when "BREAK", "CANCEL", "RESET", "NORMAL" targets.each { |target| target.break_pose } return when "IDLE", "READY" pose_key = :ready when "DAMAGE", "DMG" pose_key = :damage when "PIYORI", "CRITICAL", "DAZED", "DAZE", "DIZZY" pose_key = :critical when "MARCH", "FORWARD" pose_key = :marching when "VICTORY", "POSE" pose_key = :victory when "EVADE", "DODGE" pose_key = :dodge when "DOWN", "DOWNED", "FALLEN" pose_key = :fallen when "2H", "2H SWING" pose_key = :swing2h when "1H", "1H SWING" pose_key = :swing1h when "2H REVERSE", "2H SWING REVERSE" pose_key = :r2hswing reverse_pose = true when "1H REVERSE", "1H SWING REVERSE" pose_key = :r1hswing reverse_pose = true when "CAST", "INVOKE", "ITEM", "MAGIC" pose_key = :cast when "CHANT", "CHANNEL", "CHARGE" pose_key = :channeling else; return end #--- return unless $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] #--- targets.each { |target| next unless target.exist? next unless target.use_8d? target.pose = pose_key target.force_pose = true target.reverse_pose = reverse_pose } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_stance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_stance targets = get_action_targets return unless targets.size > 0 #--- case @action_values[1] when "BREAK", "CANCEL", "RESET", "NORMAL" targets.each { |target| target.break_pose } return when "IDLE", "READY" pose_key = :idle when "DAMAGE", "DMG", "STRUCK" pose_key = :struck when "PIYORI", "CRITICAL", "DAZED", "DAZE", "DIZZY", "WOOZY" pose_key = :woozy when "VICTORY" pose_key = :victory when "EVADE", "DODGE", "DEFEND" pose_key = :defend when "DOWN", "DOWNED", "FALLEN", "DEAD" pose_key = :dead when "SWING", "ATTACK", "SLASH" pose_key = :attack when "CAST", "INVOKE", "MAGIC" pose_key = :magic when "ITEM" pose_key = :item when "SKILL", "PHYSICAL" pose_key = :skill when "FORWARD", "MOVE", "TARGET" pose_key = :advance when "ORIGIN", "BACK", "RETREAT" pose_key = :retreat else pose_key = @action_values[1].downcase.to_sym end #--- return if !$imported["BattleSymphony-HB"] && !$imported["BattleSymphony-CBS"] #--- targets.each { |target| next unless target.exist? next if !target.use_hb? && !target.use_cbs? target.pose = pose_key target.force_pose = true } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # action_wait #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_wait case @action when "WAIT FOR ANIMATION" wait_for_animation return when "WAIT FOR MOVE", "WAIT FOR MOVEMENT" wait_for_move return end frames = @action_values[0].to_i frames *= $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] ? YEA::CORE::ANIMATION_RATE : 4 if @action == "ANI WAIT" skip = @action_values.include?("SKIP") skip = true if @action == "WAIT SKIP" skip ? wait(frames) : abs_wait(frames) end end # Scene_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Battle - Imported Symphony Configuration #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: imported_symphony #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def imported_symphony case @action.upcase #--- Start Importing --- #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # sample symphony # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This is the most basic sample, it will put a line which contains # action name and action values in Console. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- when /SAMPLE SYMPHONY/i action_sample_symphony #--- End Importing --- else if SYMPHONY::AUTO_SYMPHONY.include?(@action.upcase) @action_values = [@action.upcase] @action = "AUTO SYMPHONY" action_autosymphony end end end end # Scene_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Battle - Imported Symphony Actions #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: action_sample_symphony #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_sample_symphony str = "#{@action.upcase}: " @action_values.each {|value| str += "#{value} "} puts str end end # Scene_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Battler #============================================================================== class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :origin_x attr_accessor :origin_y attr_accessor :screen_x attr_accessor :screen_y attr_accessor :pose attr_accessor :immortal attr_accessor :icons attr_accessor :direction attr_accessor :force_pose attr_accessor :reverse_pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_initialize initialize def initialize bes_initialize @screen_x = 0 @screen_y = 0 #--- @move_x_rate = 0 @move_y_rate = 0 #--- @immortal = false #--- @icons = {} @force_pose = false @reverse_pose = false #--- @hp = 1 # Fix Change Party in Battle. #--- @arc = 0 @parabola = {} @f = 0 @arc_y = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_charset? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_charset? return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_8d? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_8d? false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_hb? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_hb? false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_cbs? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_cbs? false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: emptyview? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def emptyview? return SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def battler ? : self.enemy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_custom_charset? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_custom_charset? if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"]; return true if use_8d?; end if $imported["BattleSymphony-HB"]; return true if use_hb?; end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: screen_z #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_z return 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: on_battle_start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_on_battle_start on_battle_start def on_battle_start reset_position #--- bes_on_battle_start #--- return if && !$game_party.battle_members.include?(self) set_default_position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_default_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_default_position @move_rate_x = 0 @move_rate_y = 0 #--- @destination_x = self.screen_x @destination_y = self.screen_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: correct_origin_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def correct_origin_position # Compatible end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: reset_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset_position break_pose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: break_pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def break_pose @direction = SYMPHONY::View::PARTY_DIRECTION @direction = Direction.opposite(@direction) if self.enemy? #--- @pose = Direction.pose(@direction) #--- @force_pose = false @reverse_pose = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: pose= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pose=(pose) @pose = pose return if && !$game_party.battle_members.include?(self) self.sprite.correct_change_pose if SceneManager.scene.spriteset end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: can_collapse? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def can_collapse? return false unless dead? unless actor? return false unless sprite.battler_visible array = [:collapse, :boss_collapse, :instant_collapse] return false if array.include?(sprite.effect_type) end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: weapons #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def weapons return [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: equips #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def equips return [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: add_state #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_add_state add_state def add_state(state_id) bes_add_state(state_id) #--- Fix Death pose --- return unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) break_pose if state_id == death_state_id end end # Game_Battler #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Actor #============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: use_sprite? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_sprite? return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_charset? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_charset? return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_default_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_default_position super return if @origin_x && @origin_y return unless $game_party.battle_members.include?(self) @origin_x = @screen_x = @destination_x = SYMPHONY::View::ACTORS_POSITION[index][0] @origin_y = @screen_y = @destination_y = SYMPHONY::View::ACTORS_POSITION[index][1] return unless emptyview? @origin_x = @screen_x = @destination_x = self.screen_x @origin_y = @screen_y = @destination_y = self.screen_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: reset_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset_position super @origin_x = @origin_y = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: screen_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_screen_x screen_x def screen_x emptyview? ? bes_screen_x : @screen_x end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: screen_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_screen_y screen_y def screen_y emptyview? ? bes_screen_y : @screen_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: correct_origin_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def correct_origin_position return if @origin_x && @origin_y @origin_x = @screen_x = SYMPHONY::View::ACTORS_POSITION[index][0] @origin_y = @screen_y = SYMPHONY::View::ACTORS_POSITION[index][1] return unless emptyview? @origin_x = @screen_x = @destination_x = self.screen_x @origin_y = @screen_y = @destination_y = self.screen_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sprite index = $game_party.battle_members.index(self) return nil unless index return nil unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) return SceneManager.scene.spriteset.actor_sprites[index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: perform_collapse_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def perform_collapse_effect if $game_party.in_battle @sprite_effect_type = :collapse unless self.use_custom_charset? Sound.play_actor_collapse end end end # Game_Actor #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Enemy #============================================================================== class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: correct_origin_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def correct_origin_position @origin_x ||= @screen_x @origin_y ||= @screen_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: use_charset? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_charset? return super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sprite return nil unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) return SceneManager.scene.spriteset.enemy_sprites.reverse[self.index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: atk_animation_id1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_animation_id1 return enemy.atk_animation_id1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: atk_animation_id2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_animation_id2 return enemy.atk_animation_id2 end end # Game_Enemy #============================================================================== # ■ Sprite_Battler #============================================================================== class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :effect_type attr_accessor :battler_visible #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_initialize initialize def initialize(viewport, battler = nil) bes_initialize(viewport, battler) correct_change_pose if @battler #--- self.visible = false if SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW && (@battler.nil? || #--- return if SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW #--- return unless SYMPHONY::Visual::BATTLER_SHADOW #--- @charset_shadow = @charset_shadow.bitmap = Cache.system("Shadow") @charset_shadow.ox = @charset_shadow.width / 2 @charset_shadow.oy = @charset_shadow.height end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pose @battler.pose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_update update def update bes_update #--- return if SYMPHONY::View::EMPTY_VIEW #--- return unless SYMPHONY::Visual::BATTLER_SHADOW #--- @charset_shadow.opacity = self.opacity @charset_shadow.visible = self.visible @charset_shadow.x = self.x + (self.mirror ? 0 : - 2) @charset_shadow.y = self.y + 2 @charset_shadow.z = self.z - 1 #--- @charset_shadow.opacity = 0 if @battler.nil? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_dispose dispose def dispose bes_dispose dispose_shadow end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: dispose_shadow #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_shadow @charset_shadow.dispose if @charset_shadow end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_update_bitmap update_bitmap def update_bitmap correct_change_pose if @timer.nil? @battler.use_charset? ? update_charset : bes_update_bitmap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_origin #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_update_origin update_origin def update_origin @battler.update_visual @battler.use_charset? ? update_charset_origin : bes_update_origin end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_charset #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_charset @battler.set_default_position unless pose #--- update_charset_bitmap update_src_rect end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: correct_change_pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def correct_change_pose @pattern = 1 @timer = 15 @back_step = false @last_pose = pose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_charset_origin #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_charset_origin if bitmap self.ox = @cw / 2 self.oy = @ch end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: graphic_changed? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def graphic_changed? @character_name != @battler.character_name || @character_index != @battler.character_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_character_bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_character_bitmap self.bitmap = Cache.character(@character_name) sign = @character_name[/^[\!\$]./] if sign && sign.include?('$') @cw = bitmap.width / 3 @ch = bitmap.height / 4 else @cw = bitmap.width / 12 @ch = bitmap.height / 8 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_charset_bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_charset_bitmap if graphic_changed? @character_name = @battler.character_name @character_index = @battler.character_index set_character_bitmap end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_src_rect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_src_rect @timer -= 1 if @battler.force_pose array = [] array = Direction.index_8d(pose) if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] && @battler.use_8d? if !@battler.reverse_pose && @pattern < 2 && @timer <= 0 @pattern += 1 @timer = array[2].nil? ? 15 : array[2] elsif @battler.reverse_pose && @pattern > 0 && @timer <= 0 @pattern -= 1 @timer = array[2].nil? ? 15 : array[2] end else #--- Quick Fix @pattern = 2 if @pattern > 2 @pattern = 0 if @pattern < 0 #--- End if @timer <= 0 @pattern += @back_step ? -1 : 1 @back_step = true if @pattern >= 2 @back_step = false if @pattern <= 0 @timer = 15 end end #--- @battler.break_pose unless pose direction = Direction.direction(pose) character_index = @character_index #--- if $imported["BattleSymphony-8D"] && @battler.use_8d? array = Direction.index_8d(pose) character_index = array[0] direction = array[1] end sx = (character_index % 4 * 3 + @pattern) * @cw sy = (character_index / 4 * 4 + (direction - 2) / 2) * @ch self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: revert_to_normal #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def revert_to_normal self.blend_type = 0 self.color.set(0, 0, 0, 0) self.opacity = 255 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: animation_set_sprites # Make Animation Opacity independent of Sprite Opacity #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_animation_set_sprites animation_set_sprites def animation_set_sprites(frame) bes_animation_set_sprites(frame) cell_data = frame.cell_data @ani_sprites.each_with_index do |sprite, i| next unless sprite pattern = cell_data[i, 0] if !pattern || pattern < 0 sprite.visible = false next end sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] end end end # Sprite_Battler #============================================================================== # ■ Spriteset_Battle #============================================================================== class Spriteset_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :actor_sprites attr_accessor :enemy_sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: create_actors # Fixed Large Party. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_actors max_members = $game_party.max_battle_members @actor_sprites = { } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: update_actors # Fixed Change Party. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_actors @actor_sprites.each_with_index do |sprite, i| party_member = $game_party.battle_members[i] if party_member != sprite.battler sprite.battler = $game_party.battle_members[i] #--- if party_member party_member.reset_position party_member.correct_origin_position party_member.break_pose if party_member.dead? end sprite.init_visibility if sprite.battler && !sprite.battler.use_custom_charset? end sprite.update end end end # Spriteset_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Sprite_Object #============================================================================== class Sprite_Object < Sprite_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport = nil) super(viewport) #--- @dest_angle = 0 @dest_x = 0 @dest_y = 0 #--- @angle_rate = 0 @move_x_rate = 0 @move_y_rate = 0 @fade_rate = 0 #--- @arc = 0 @parabola = {} @f = 0 @arc_y = 0 #--- @battler = nil @offset_x = 0 @offset_y = 0 @offset_z = 0 @attach_x = 0 @attach_y = 0 @attachment = :middle end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_battler(battler = nil) @battler = battler update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_position(x, y) @dest_x = self.x = x @dest_y = self.y = y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_angle(angle) @dest_angle = self.angle = angle @dest_angle = self.angle = -angle if mirror_battler? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_icon(index) return if index <= 0 bitmap = Cache.system("Iconset") self.bitmap ||= bitmap self.src_rect.set(index % 16 * 24, index / 16 * 24, 24, 24) self.ox = self.oy = 12 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_origin #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_origin(type) @offset_z = 2 @attachment = type case type when :item self.ox = 12 self.oy = 12 @offset_y = -@battler.sprite.height @offset_x = -@battler.sprite.width / 2 when :hand1 self.ox = 24 self.oy = 24 @attach_y = -@battler.sprite.height/3 @attach_x = -@battler.sprite.width/5 when :hand2 self.ox = 24 self.oy = 24 @attach_y = -@battler.sprite.height/3 @attach_x = @battler.sprite.width/5 when :middle self.ox = 12 self.oy = 12 @offset_y = -@battler.sprite.height/2 when :top self.ox = 12 self.oy = 24 @offset_y = -@battler.sprite.height when :base self.ox = 12 self.oy = 24 end self.y = @battler.screen_y + @attach_y + @offset_y + @arc_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set_fade #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_fade(rate) @fade_rate = rate end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_angle(angle, frames = 8) return if angle == self.angle @dest_angle = angle @dest_angle = - @dest_angle if mirror_battler? frames = [frames, 1].max @angle_rate = [(self.angle - @dest_angle).abs / frames, 2].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_arc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_arc(arc) @arc = arc @parabola[:x] = 0 @parabola[:y0] = 0 @parabola[:y1] = @dest_y - self.y @parabola[:h] = - (@parabola[:y0] + @arc * 5) @parabola[:d] = (self.x - @dest_x).abs end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames = 12) return if self.x == destination_x && self.y == destination_y @arc = 0 @dest_x = destination_x @dest_y = destination_y frames = [frames, 1].max @f = frames.to_f / 2 @move_x_rate = [(self.x - @dest_x).abs / frames, 2].max @move_y_rate = [(self.y - @dest_y).abs / frames, 2].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_move_direction #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_move_direction(direction, distance, frames = 12) case direction when 1; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / 2 when 2; move_x = distance * 0; move_y = distance * 1 when 3; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / 2 when 4; move_x = distance * -1; move_y = distance * 0 when 6; move_x = distance * 1; move_y = distance * 0 when 7; move_x = distance / -2; move_y = distance / -2 when 8; move_x = distance * 0; move_y = distance * -1 when 9; move_x = distance / 2; move_y = distance / -2 else; return end #--- move_x += self.x move_y += self.y #--- create_movement(move_x, move_y, frames) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_angle @arc == 0 ? update_movement : update_arc update_position update_opacity end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_angle return if @angle_rate == 0 @angle_rate = 0 if self.angle == @dest_angle value = [(self.angle - @dest_angle).abs, @angle_rate].min self.angle += (@dest_angle > self.angle) ? value : -value end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_arc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_arc return unless [@move_x_rate, @move_y_rate].any? { |x| x != 0 } #--- value = [(self.x - @dest_x).abs, @move_x_rate].min @offset_x += (@dest_x > self.x) ? value : -value @parabola[:x] += value #--- if @dest_x == self.x self.y = @dest_y else a = (2*(@parabola[:y0]+@parabola[:y1])-4*@parabola[:h])/(@parabola[:d]**2) b = (@parabola[:y1]-@parabola[:y0]-a*(@parabola[:d]**2))/@parabola[:d] @arc_y = a * @parabola[:x] * @parabola[:x] + b * @parabola[:x] + @parabola[:y0] end #--- @move_x_rate = 0 if self.x == @dest_x @move_y_rate = 0 if self.y == @dest_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_movement return unless [@move_x_rate, @move_y_rate].any? { |x| x != 0 } @move_x_rate = 0 if self.x == @dest_x @move_y_rate = 0 if self.y == @dest_y value = [(self.x - @dest_x).abs, @move_x_rate].min @offset_x += (@dest_x > self.x) ? value : -value value = [(self.y - @dest_y).abs, @move_y_rate].min @offset_y += (@dest_y > self.y) ? value : -value end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_position if @battler != nil self.mirror = mirror_battler? update_attachment(self.mirror) attach_x = self.mirror ? -@attach_x : @attach_x self.x = @battler.screen_x + attach_x + @offset_x self.y = @battler.screen_y + @attach_y + @offset_y + @arc_y self.z = @battler.screen_z + @offset_z else self.x = @offset_x self.y = @offset_y self.z = @offset_z end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_attachment #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_attachment(mirror = false) case @attachment when :hand1 self.ox = mirror ? 0 : 24 self.oy = 24 @attach_y = -@battler.sprite.height/3 @attach_x = -@battler.sprite.width/5 when :hand2 self.ox = mirror ? 0 : 24 self.oy = 24 @attach_y = -@battler.sprite.height/3 @attach_x = @battler.sprite.width/5 else @attach_x = 0 @attach_y = 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_attachment #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_opacity self.opacity += @fade_rate end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mirror_battler? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mirror_battler? return false if @battler.sprite == nil direction = Direction.direction(@battler.pose) return true if [9, 6, 3].include?(direction) return true if @battler.sprite.mirror return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # effecting? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def effecting? [@angle_rate,@move_y_rate,@move_x_rate,@fade_rate].any? { |x| x > 0 } end end # Sprite_Object #============================================================================== # ■ Direction #============================================================================== module Direction #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.pose(direction) case direction when 4; return :left when 6; return :right when 8; return :up when 2; return :down when 7; return :left when 1; return :left when 9; return :right when 3; return :right end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.non8d_pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.non8d_pose(pose) case pose when :down_l; return :left when :down_r; return :right when :up_l; return :left when :up_r; return :right end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.pose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.direction(pose) case pose when :left; return 4 when :right; return 6 when :up; return 8 when :down; return 2 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.opposite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.opposite(direction) case direction when 1; return 9 when 2; return 8 when 3; return 7 when 4; return 6 when 6; return 4 when 7; return 3 when 8; return 2 when 9; return 1 else; return direction end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.face_coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.face_coordinate(screen_x, screen_y, destination_x, destination_y) x1 = Integer(screen_x) x2 = Integer(destination_x) y1 = Graphics.height - Integer(screen_y) y2 = Graphics.height - Integer(destination_y) return if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 #--- angle = Integer(Math.atan2((y2-y1),(x2-x1)) * 1800 / Math::PI) if (0..225) === angle or (-225..0) === angle direction = 6 elsif (226..675) === angle direction = 9 elsif (676..1125) === angle direction = 8 elsif (1126..1575) === angle direction = 7 elsif (1576..1800) === angle or (-1800..-1576) === angle direction = 4 elsif (-1575..-1126) === angle direction = 1 elsif (-1125..-676) === angle direction = 2 elsif (-675..-226) === angle direction = 3 end return direction end end # Direction #============================================================================== # ■ Game_ActionResult #============================================================================== class Game_ActionResult #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: clear_hit_flags #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_clear_hit_flags clear_hit_flags def clear_hit_flags return unless @calc bes_clear_hit_flags @temp_missed = @temp_evaded = @temp_critical = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: clear_bes_flag #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_bes_flag @perfect_hit = false @calc = false @dmg = false @effect = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: clear_change_target #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_change_target @check_counter = false @check_reflection = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_perfect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_perfect @perfect_hit = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_calc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_calc @calc = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_dmg #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_dmg @dmg = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_effect @effect = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_counter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_counter @check_counter = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_reflection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_reflection @check_reflection = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: used= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def evaded=(flag) @evaded = @temp_evaded.nil? ? flag : @temp_evaded end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: used= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def critical=(flag) @critical = @temp_critical.nil? ? flag : @temp_critical end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: used= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def misssed=(flag) @missed = @temp_missed.nil? ? flag : @temp_missed end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: hit? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_hit? hit? def hit? bes_hit? || (@used && @perfect_hit) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: dmg? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dmg? @dmg || !SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: effect? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def effect? @effect || !SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: has_damage? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def has_damage? [@hp_damage, @mp_damage, @tp_damage].any? { |x| x > 0 } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: check_counter? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_counter? @check_counter end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: check_reflection? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_reflection? @check_reflection end end # Game_ActionResult #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Battler #============================================================================== class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: backup_actions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def backup_actions @backup_actions = @actions.dup if @actions end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: restore_actions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def restore_actions @actions = @backup_actions.dup if @backup_actions @backup_actions.clear @backup_actions = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_cnt #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_item_cnt item_cnt def item_cnt(user, item) return 0 unless @result.check_counter? return bes_item_cnt(user, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_mrf #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_item_mrf item_mrf def item_mrf(user, item) return 0 unless @result.check_reflection? return 0 if @magic_reflection return bes_item_mrf(user, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: state_resist_set #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_state_resist_set state_resist_set def state_resist_set result = bes_state_resist_set result += [death_state_id] if @immortal result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_execute_damage execute_damage def execute_damage(user) return unless @result.dmg? bes_execute_damage(user) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: make_damage_value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_make_damage_value make_damage_value def make_damage_value(user, item) return unless @result.dmg? bes_make_damage_value(user, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_effect_apply #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_item_effect_apply item_effect_apply def item_effect_apply(user, item, effect) return unless @result.effect? bes_item_effect_apply(user, item, effect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_user_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_item_user_effect item_user_effect def item_user_effect(user, item) return unless @result.effect? bes_item_user_effect(user, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: make_miss_popups #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] alias bes_make_miss_popups make_miss_popups def make_miss_popups(user, item) @result.restore_damage unless @result.effect? bes_make_miss_popups(user, item) unless @result.effect? @result.store_damage @result.clear_damage_values end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: face_coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def face_coordinate(destination_x, destination_y) direction = Direction.face_coordinate(self.screen_x, self.screen_y, destination_x, destination_y) #direction = Direction.opposite(direction) if self.sprite.mirror @direction = direction return if $imported["BattleSymphony-HB"] && self.use_hb? return if SYMPHONY::Visual::DISABLE_AUTO_MOVE_POSE && self.use_custom_charset? @pose = Direction.pose(direction) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: create_movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_movement(destination_x, destination_y, frames = 12) return if @screen_x == destination_x && @screen_y == destination_y @destination_x = destination_x @destination_y = destination_y frames = [frames, 1].max @f = frames.to_f / 2 @move_x_rate = [(@screen_x - @destination_x).abs / frames, 2].max @move_y_rate = [(@screen_y - @destination_y).abs / frames, 2].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: create_jump #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_jump(arc) @arc = arc @parabola[:x] = 0 @parabola[:y0] = 0 @parabola[:y1] = @destination_y - @screen_y @parabola[:h] = - (@parabola[:y0] + @arc * 5) @parabola[:d] = (@screen_x - @destination_x).abs end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: create_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_icon(symbol, icon_id = 0) delete_icon(symbol) #--- icon = case symbol when :weapon1 object = self.weapons[0] icon_id = object.nil? ? nil : object.icon_index when :weapon2 object = dual_wield? ? self.weapons[1] : nil icon_id = object.nil? ? nil : object.icon_index when :shield object = dual_wield? ? nil : self.equips[1] icon_id = object.nil? ? nil : object.icon_index when :item object = self.current_action.item icon_id = object.nil? ? nil : object.icon_index else; end return if icon_id.nil? || icon_id <= 0 icon.set_icon(icon_id) icon.set_battler(self) #--- @icons[symbol] = icon end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: delete_icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def delete_icon(symbol) return unless @icons[symbol] @icons[symbol].dispose @icons.delete(symbol) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: clear_icons #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_icons @icons.each { |key, value| value.dispose @icons.delete(key) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_movement return unless self.is_moving? @move_x_rate = 0 if @screen_x == @destination_x || @move_x_rate.nil? @move_y_rate = 0 if @screen_y == @destination_y || @move_y_rate.nil? value = [(@screen_x - @destination_x).abs, @move_x_rate].min @screen_x += (@destination_x > @screen_x) ? value : -value value = [(@screen_y - @destination_y).abs, @move_y_rate].min @screen_y += (@destination_y > @screen_y) ? value : -value end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_jump #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_jump return unless self.is_moving? #--- value = [(@screen_x - @destination_x).abs, @move_x_rate].min @screen_x += (@destination_x > @screen_x) ? value : -value @parabola[:x] += value @screen_y -= @arc_y #--- if @destination_x == @screen_x @screen_y = @destination_y @arc_y = 0 @arc = 0 else a = (2.0*(@parabola[:y0]+@parabola[:y1])-4*@parabola[:h])/(@parabola[:d]**2) b = (@parabola[:y1]-@parabola[:y0]-a*(@parabola[:d]**2))/@parabola[:d] @arc_y = a * @parabola[:x] * @parabola[:x] + b * @parabola[:x] + @parabola[:y0] end #--- @screen_y += @arc_y @move_x_rate = 0 if @screen_x == @destination_x @move_y_rate = 0 if @screen_y == @destination_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_icons #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_icons @icons ||= {} @icons.each_value { |value| value.update } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_visual #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_visual return unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) return unless SceneManager.scene.spriteset correct_origin_position #--- @arc == 0 ? update_movement : update_jump update_icons end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: is_moving? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_moving? [@move_x_rate, @move_y_rate].any? { |x| x != 0 } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: is_moving? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dual_attack? && self.current_action.attack? && self.dual_wield? && self.weapons.size > 1 end end # Game_Battler #============================================================================== # ■ Sprite_Battler #============================================================================== class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: is_moving? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_moving? return unless @battler @battler.is_moving? end end # Sprite_Battler #============================================================================== # ■ Spriteset_Battle #============================================================================== class Spriteset_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: is_moving? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_moving? self.battler_sprites.any? { |sprite| sprite.is_moving? } end end # Spriteset_Battle #============================================================================== # ■ Window_BattleLog #============================================================================== class Window_BattleLog < Window_Selectable end # Window_BattleLog #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Battle #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: use_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_item @scene_item = item = @subject.current_action.item targets = @subject.current_action.make_targets.compact #--- attack = @subject.current_action.attack? weapon = @subject.weapons[0] w_action = attack && weapon #--- targets = targets * 2 if attack && @subject.dual_attack? #--- Setup Actions --- actions_list = item.setup_actions_list actions_list = weapon.setup_actions_list if w_action && weapon.valid_actions?(:setup) perform_actions_list(actions_list, targets) #--- Item Costs --- @subject.use_item(item) refresh_status #--- YEA - Cast Animation process_casting_animation if $imported["YEA-CastAnimations"] #--- YEA - Lunatic Object if $imported["YEA-LunaticObjects"] lunatic_object_effect(:before, item, @subject, @subject) end #--- Whole Actions --- actions_list = item.whole_actions_list actions_list = weapon.whole_actions_list if w_action && weapon.valid_actions?(:whole) perform_actions_list(actions_list, targets) #--- Target Actions --- actions_list = item.target_actions_list actions_list = weapon.target_actions_list if w_action && weapon.valid_actions?(:target) targets.each { |target| next if target.dead? perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) } #--- Follow Actions --- actions_list = item.follow_actions_list actions_list = weapon.follow_actions_list if w_action && weapon.valid_actions?(:follow) perform_actions_list(actions_list, targets) #--- Finish Actions --- actions_list = item.finish_actions_list actions_list = weapon.finish_actions_list if w_action && weapon.valid_actions?(:finish) immortal_flag = ["IMMORTAL", ["TARGETS", "FALSE"]] if !actions_list.include?(immortal_flag) if SYMPHONY::Fixes::AUTO_IMMORTAL_OFF actions_list = [immortal_flag] + actions_list end end perform_actions_list(actions_list, targets) #--- YEA - Lunatic Object if $imported["YEA-LunaticObjects"] lunatic_object_effect(:after, item, @subject, @subject) end targets.each { |target| next unless @status_window.draw_item(target.index) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: invoke_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_invoke_item invoke_item def invoke_item(target, item) if $imported["YEA-TargetManager"] target = alive_random_target(target, item) if item.for_random? end bes_invoke_item(target, item) #--- Critical Actions --- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::CRITICAL_ACTIONS perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) if target.result.critical #--- Miss Actions --- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::MISS_ACTIONS perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) if target.result.missed #--- Evade Actions --- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::EVADE_ACTIONS perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) if target.result.evaded #--- Fail Actions --- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::FAIL_ACTIONS perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) if !target.result.success #--- Damaged Actions actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::DAMAGED_ACTION perform_actions_list(actions_list, [target]) if target.result.has_damage? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_action #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_execute_action execute_action def execute_action bes_execute_action #--- Reset Flags --- ($game_party.battle_members + $game_troop.members).each { |battler| battler.result.set_calc; battler.result.clear battler.clear_icons battler.set_default_position battler.break_pose } $game_troop.screen.clear_bes_ve if $imported["BattleSymphony-VisualEffect"] @status_window.draw_item(@status_window.index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: invoke_counter_attack #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def invoke_counter_attack(target, item) @log_window.display_counter(target, item) last_subject = @subject @counter_subject = target @subject = target #--- @subject.backup_actions #--- @subject.make_actions @subject.current_action.set_attack #--- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::COUNTER_ACTION perform_actions_list(actions_list, [last_subject]) #--- @subject.clear_actions @subject = last_subject #--- @counter_subject.restore_actions #--- @counter_subject = nil @log_window.display_action_results(@subject, item) refresh_status perform_collapse_check(@subject) perform_collapse_check(target) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: invoke_magic_reflection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def invoke_magic_reflection(target, item) @subject.magic_reflection = true @log_window.display_reflection(target, item) last_subject = @subject @reflect_subject = target @subject = target #--- @subject.backup_actions #--- @subject.make_actions if item.is_a?(RPG::Skill); @subject.current_action.set_skill( else; @subject.current_action.set_item(; end #--- actions_list = SYMPHONY::DEFAULT_ACTIONS::REFLECT_ACTION perform_actions_list(actions_list, [last_subject]) #--- @subject.clear_actions @subject = last_subject #--- @reflect_subject.restore_actions #--- @reflect_subject = nil @log_window.display_action_results(@subject, item) refresh_status perform_collapse_check(@subject) perform_collapse_check(target) @subject.magic_reflection = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: apply_substitute #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias bes_apply_substitute apply_substitute def apply_substitute(target, item) substitute = bes_apply_substitute(target, item) if target != substitute @substitute_subject = substitute end return substitute end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: wait_for_move #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wait_for_move update_for_wait update_for_wait while @spriteset.is_moving? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: spriteset #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def spriteset @spriteset end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compatible overwrite method: separate_ani? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] def separate_ani?(target, item) return false end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: perform_collapse_check #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def perform_collapse_check(target) target.perform_collapse_effect if target.can_collapse? @log_window.wait_for_effect end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: create_log_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #~ def create_log_window #~ @log_window = #~ end end # Scene_Battle