kind: DaemonSet apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: sync namespace: openshift-node annotations: | This daemon set provides dynamic configuration of nodes and relabels nodes as appropriate. | [ {"from":{"kind":"ImageStreamTag","name":"node:v3.11"},"fieldPath":"spec.template.spec.containers[?(\"sync\")].image"} ] spec: selector: matchLabels: app: sync updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 50% template: metadata: labels: app: sync component: network type: infra sync annotations: '' spec: serviceAccountName: sync terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1 # Must be hostPID because it invokes operations on processes in the host space. hostPID: true # Must be hostNetwork in order to schedule before any network plugins are loaded. hostNetwork: true priorityClassName: system-node-critical containers: # The sync container is a temporary config loop until Kubelet dynamic config is implemented. It refreshes # the contents of /etc/origin/node/ with the config map ${BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_NAME} from the openshift-node # namespace. It will restart the Kubelet on the host if it detects the node-config.yaml has changed. # # 1. Dynamic Kubelet config must pull down a full configmap # 2. Nodes must relabel themselves # - name: sync image: " " command: - /bin/bash - -c - | #!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # set by the node image unset KUBECONFIG trap 'kill $(jobs -p); exit 0' TERM # track the current state of the config if [[ -f /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml ]]; then md5sum /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml > /tmp/.old else touch /tmp/.old fi if [[ -f /etc/origin/node/volume-config.yaml ]]; then md5sum /etc/origin/node/volume-config.yaml > /tmp/.old-volume.config else touch /tmp/.old-volume-config fi # loop until BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_NAME is set while true; do file=/etc/sysconfig/origin-node if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift-node ]]; then file=/etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift-node elif [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/origin-node ]]; then file=/etc/sysconfig/origin-node else echo "info: Waiting for the node sysconfig file to be created" 2>&1 sleep 15 & wait continue fi name="$(sed -nE 's|^BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_NAME=([^#].+)|\1|p' "${file}" | head -1)" if [[ -z "${name}" ]]; then echo "info: Waiting for BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_NAME to be set" 2>&1 sleep 15 & wait continue fi # in the background check to see if the value changes and exit if so pid=$BASHPID ( while true; do if ! updated="$(sed -nE 's|^BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_NAME=([^#].+)|\1|p' "${file}" | head -1)"; then echo "error: Unable to check for bootstrap config, exiting" 2>&1 kill $pid exit 1 fi if [[ "${updated}" != "${name}" ]]; then echo "info: Bootstrap configuration profile name changed, exiting" 2>&1 kill $pid exit 0 fi sleep 15 done ) & break done mkdir -p /etc/origin/node/tmp # periodically refresh both node-config.yaml and relabel the node while true; do if ! oc extract "configmaps/${name}" -n openshift-node --to=/etc/origin/node/tmp --confirm --request-timeout=10s --config /etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig "--token=$( cat /var/run/secrets/ )" > /dev/null; then echo "error: Unable to retrieve latest config for node" 2>&1 sleep 15 & wait $! continue fi # does the openshift-ca.crt exist if [[ -f /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/openshift-ca.crt ]]; then md5sum /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/openshift-ca.crt > /tmp/.old-openshift-ca else cat /dev/null > /tmp/.old-openshift-ca fi md5sum /run/secrets/ > /tmp/.new-openshift-ca if [[ "$( cat /tmp/.old-openshift-ca )" != "$( cat /tmp/.new-openshift-ca )" ]]; then cp /run/secrets/ /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/openshift-ca.crt update-ca-trust fi KUBELET_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/KUBELET_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE 2>/dev/null) || : if ! [[ -z "$KUBELET_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE" ]]; then #Patching node-config for hostname override echo "nodeName: $KUBELET_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE" >> /etc/origin/node/tmp/node-config.yaml fi # detect whether the node-config.yaml or volume-config.yaml has changed, and if so trigger a restart of the kubelet. if [[ ! -f /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml ]]; then cat /dev/null > /tmp/.old fi if [[ ! -f /etc/origin/node/volume-config.yaml ]]; then cat /dev/null > /tmp/.old-volume-config fi md5sum /etc/origin/node/tmp/node-config.yaml > /tmp/.new if [[ ! -f /etc/origin/node/tmp/volume-config.yaml ]]; then cat /dev/null > /tmp/.new-volume-config else md5sum /etc/origin/node/tmp/volume-config.yaml > /tmp/.new-volume-config fi trigger_restart=false if [[ "$( cat /tmp/.old )" != "$( cat /tmp/.new )" ]]; then mv /etc/origin/node/tmp/node-config.yaml /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml trigger_restart=true fi if [[ "$( cat /tmp/.old-volume-config )" != "$( cat /tmp/.new-volume-config )" ]]; then mv /etc/origin/node/tmp/volume-config.yaml /etc/origin/node/volume-config.yaml trigger_restart=true fi if [[ "$trigger_restart" = true ]]; then SYSTEMD_IGNORE_CHROOT=1 systemctl restart tuned || : echo "info: Configuration changed, restarting kubelet" 2>&1 # TODO: kubelet doesn't relabel nodes, best effort for now # if args="$(openshift-node-config --config /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml)"; then labels=$(tr ' ' '\n' <<<$args | sed -ne '/^--node-labels=/ { s/^--node-labels=//; p; }' | tr ',\n' ' ') if [[ -n "${labels}" ]]; then echo "info: Applying node labels $labels" 2>&1 if ! oc label --config=/etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig "node/${NODE_NAME}" ${labels} --overwrite; then echo "error: Unable to apply labels, will retry in 10" 2>&1 sleep 10 & wait $! continue fi fi else echo "error: The downloaded node configuration is invalid, retrying later" 2>&1 sleep 10 & wait $! continue fi if ! pkill -U 0 -f '(^|/)hyperkube kubelet '; then echo "error: Unable to restart Kubelet" 2>&1 sleep 10 & wait $! continue fi fi # annotate node with md5sum of the config oc annotate --config=/etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig "node/${NODE_NAME}" \"$( cat /tmp/.new | cut -d' ' -f1 )" --overwrite cp -f /tmp/.new /tmp/.old cp -f /tmp/.new-volume-config /tmp/.old-volume-config sleep 180 & wait $! done env: - name: NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName securityContext: runAsUser: 0 privileged: true volumeMounts: # Directory which contains the host configuration. We read from this directory - mountPath: /etc/origin/node/ name: host-config - mountPath: /etc/sysconfig name: host-sysconfig-node readOnly: true - mountPath: /var/run/dbus name: var-run-dbus readOnly: true - mountPath: /run/systemd/system name: run-systemd-system readOnly: true - mountPath: /etc/pki name: host-pki volumes: # In bootstrap mode, the host config contains information not easily available # from other locations. - name: host-config hostPath: path: /etc/origin/node - name: host-sysconfig-node hostPath: path: /etc/sysconfig - hostPath: path: /var/run/dbus name: var-run-dbus - hostPath: path: /run/systemd/system name: run-systemd-system - hostPath: path: /etc/pki type: "" name: host-pki # Sync daemonset should tolerate all taints to make sure it runs on all nodes tolerations: - operator: "Exists"