// ==UserScript== // @name Hubitat UI enhancements // @description Hubitat UI enhancements // @version 1.2 // @grant unsafeWindow // @include* // @require https://code.highcharts.com/stock/highstock.js // @require https://code.highcharts.com/stock/modules/data.js // @require https://code.highcharts.com/stock/highcharts-more.js // @require https://code.highcharts.com/stock/modules/exporting.js // @require https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.js // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== const appsWithRules = ['Rule Machine', 'Rule Machine Legacy']; const capabilitiesToIgnoreInGraph = ['driver', 'batteryLastReplaced', 'lastCheckin', 'notPresentCounter', 'restoredCounter', 'colorName', 'mediaSource', 'status']; (function () { onLocationChanged(); if (!document.title.includes('Hubitat')) { document.title = `Hubitat - ${document.title}`; } var nav = document.getElementsByTagName("nav")[0]; if (nav) { if (![...nav.getElementsByClassName('mdl-navigation__link')].find(item => item.innerText.includes('Rule'))) { var link = document.createElement("a"); link.classList.add("mdl-navigation__link"); link.href = "/installedapp/list?display=rulemachine"; link.innerHTML = "Rules"; nav.insertBefore(link, nav.childNodes[8]); } } if (window.location.href.endsWith('/installedapp/list?display=rulemachine')) { document.title = 'Hubitat - Rules'; document.getElementById('divHeaderPageName').innerHTML = 'Rules'; nav.getElementsByClassName('is-active')[0].classList.remove('is-active'); link.classList.add('is-active'); var appTable = document.getElementById('app-table'); var divs = appTable.getElementsByClassName('app-row-link'); var ruleMachine = [...divs].find(div => div.children[0].innerText == 'Rule Machine'); var ruleMachineId = ruleMachine.parentElement.getAttribute('data-id'); var buttonsContainer = document.getElementById('buttonsContainer'); buttonsContainer.children[0].remove(); buttonsContainer.children[0].innerHTML = ` Create New Rule `; var appRows = [...divs].filter(div => appsWithRules.some(app => app == div.children[0].innerText)); var rules = appRows.flatMap(appRow => [...appRow.parentElement.parentElement.children].slice(1).map(rule => rule.children[2])).sort( function(x, y) { if (x.innerText < y.innerText) { return -1; } if (x.innerText > y.innerText) { return 1; } return 0; }); //appTable.children[0].children[0].children[1].remove(); appTable.children[0].style.display = 'none'; var tbody = appTable.children[1]; tbody.innerHTML = ''; var lastRoom = ''; rules.forEach(rule => { if (rule) { var ruleName = rule.children[0].innerText; var splitter = ruleName.includes('-') ? '-' : ' '; var room = ruleName.split(splitter)[0].trim(); if (room != lastRoom) { var trRoom = document.createElement("tr") trRoom.classList.add("group"); trRoom.innerHTML = `${room}`; tbody.append(trRoom); } lastRoom = room; var tr = document.createElement("tr") tr.innerHTML = `
`; tbody.append(tr); } }); } else if (window.location.href.endsWith('/mainPage/selectActions')) { waitForRuleEditor(false); } else if (window.location.pathname == '/dashboards') { var headers = document.body.getElementsByTagName('header'); if (headers && headers[0]) headers[0].remove(); } else if (window.location.href.includes('/device/edit/')) { var navigation = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0].children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0]; var graphLink = document.createElement('span'); var href = navigation.children[navigation.children.length - 1].href; graphLink.innerHTML = ``; navigation.appendChild(graphLink); } else if (window.location.href.includes('/device/events/') && window.location.href.includes('display=graph')) { var deviceId = document.getElementById('events-table').getAttribute('data-device-id'); var mdlTtable = document.getElementById('mdl-table'); mdlTtable.innerHTML = '
'; try { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.responseType = 'json'; req.onload = function () { try { var capabilities = req.response.data.map(d => d[1]).filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i && capabilitiesToIgnoreInGraph.indexOf(v) === -1); var chart = { chart: { type: 'area' }, title: { text: "Events" }, //subtitle: { text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ? 'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' : 'Pinch the chart to zoom in' }, //zoomType: 'x', xAxis: { type: 'datetime', ordinal: false }, yAxis: capabilities.map(capability => getYAxis(capability)), series: capabilities.map(capability => { var data = req.response.data.filter(d => d[1] == capability).map(d => { var result = [(new moment(d[7], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZZ')).valueOf(), getCapabilityValue(capability, d[2])]; return result; }).sort((d1, d2) => d1[0] - d2[0]); var series = { name: capability, color: "#0071A7", type: "area", data: data, step: "left", yAxis: capabilities.indexOf(capability) }; return series; }), rangeSelector: { //selected: 2 buttons: [ { type: 'minute', count: 5, text: '5m', title: 'View 5 minutes' }, { type: 'minute', count: 30, text: '30m', title: 'View 30 minutes' }, { type: 'hour', count: 1, text: '1h', title: 'View 1 hour' }, { type: 'hour', count: 4, text: '4h', title: 'View 4 hours' }, { type: 'hour', count: 12, text: '12h', title: 'View 12 hours' }, { type: 'day', count: 1, text: '1d', title: 'View 1 day' }, { type: 'week', count: 1, text: '1w', title: 'View 1 week' }, { type: 'month', count: 1, text: '1M', title: 'View 1 month' }, { type: 'month', count: 3, text: '3M', title: 'View 3 months' }, { type: 'month', count: 6, text: '6M', title: 'View 6 months' }, { type: 'ytd', text: 'YTD', title: 'View year to date' }, { type: 'year', count: 1, text: '1y', title: 'View 1 year' }, { type: 'all', text: 'All', title: 'View all' }] }, credits: { enabled: false }, legend: { enabled: true }, navigator: { series: { type: 'area', step: 'left' } } }; window.requestAnimationFrame = unsafeWindow.requestAnimationFrame; Highcharts.stockChart("chart", chart); } catch (ex) { alert(ex); } }; req.open('GET', `/device/events/${deviceId}/dataTablesJson?draw=1&columns[0][search][regex]=false&columns[1][search][regex]=false&columns[2][search][regex]=false&columns[3][search][regex]=false&columns[4][search][regex]=false&columns[5][search][regex]=false&columns[6][search][regex]=false&columns[7][name]=DATE&columns[7][search][regex]=false&order[0][column]=7&order[0][dir]=desc&start=0&length=200`); req.send(); } catch (ex) { alert(ex); } } else if (window.location.href.includes('/device/events/')) { var searchBox = document.getElementById('searchBox').parentElement; var navigationEvents = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0].children[0].children[0].children[0]; navigationEvents.appendChild(searchBox); //this doesn't work and the horizontal scrollbar is still there (width stays at 100%) //document.getElementById('events-table').style.width = 'calc(100% - 2px)'; } })(); //can't be in DOMContentLoaded, it's plain text if (window.location.pathname == '/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo') { if (!document.title) { document.title = 'Hubitat - Route info'; } else if (!document.title.includes('Hubitat')) { document.title = `Hubitat - ${document.title}`; } //encoding fix doesn't work, it would have to change to proper HTML instead of plain text //document.head.innerHTML = ' '; } function getYAxis(capability) { var axis = { title: { text: capability } }; switch (capability) { case 'switch': case 'contact': case 'motion': case 'presence': case 'mute': axis.min = 0; axis.max = 1; axis.tickAmount = 2; //axis.allowDecimals = false; break; case 'level': case 'hue': case 'saturation': case 'position': case 'battery': axis.min = 0; axis.max = 100; axis.tickAmount = 5; break; case 'windowShade': axis.min = 0; axis.max = 2; axis.tickAmount = 3; //axis.allowDecimals = false; break; } return axis; } function getCapabilityValue(capability, value) { switch (capability) { case 'switch': return value == 'on' ? 1 : 0; case 'contact': return value == 'open' ? 1 : 0; case 'motion': return value == 'active' ? 1 : 0; case 'presence': return value == 'present' ? 1 : 0; case 'windowShade': return value == 'open' ? 2 : value == 'closed' ? 0 : 1; case 'mute': return value == 'muted' ? 1 : 0; default: return parseInt(value); } } function waitForRuleEditor(scroll) { if (!document.getElementById('formApp')) { setTimeout(function () { waitForRuleEditor(scroll); }, 300); return; } var parent = document.getElementById('formApp').getElementsByClassName('mdl-grid')[0].children[0].children[0]; var span = parent.children[0]; var ruleText = span.innerHTML; var rules = ruleText.split(/\r?\n/).filter(x => x !== ''); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.innerHTML = `function ruleEdit(action, index) { var ddl = document.getElementById(\`settings[$\{action\}Act]\`); ddl.selectedIndex = action == 'delete' ? index : index + 1; changeSubmit(ddl); return false; }`; document.head.appendChild(script); var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` #ruleEditor { border-collapse: collapse; } #ruleEditor a { display: none; } #ruleEditor tr:hover { background-color: #ffff99; } #ruleEditor tr:hover a{ display: block; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); var rows = ''; var table = document.createElement("table"); table.id = "ruleEditor"; rules.forEach((rule, i) => { rows += ` ${rule} add edit delete `; }); table.innerHTML = rows; parent.replaceChild(table, span); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.id = 'actions'; parent.appendChild(a, 1); onRemove(table, function () { waitForRuleEditor(true); }); if (scroll) { document.getElementById('actions').scrollIntoView(); } } function onLocationChanged() { var oldHref = document.location.href; var bodyList = document.querySelector("body"); var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if (oldHref != document.location.href && document.location.href.endsWith('/mainPage/selectActions')) { oldHref = document.location.href; waitForRuleEditor(false); } }); }); var config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(bodyList, config); } function onRemove(element, callback) { try { const obs = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { for (const el of mutation.removedNodes) { var parent = element; while (parent) { if (el === parent) { obs.disconnect(); callback(); } parent = parent.parentElement; } } } }); obs.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true, }); } catch (ex) { alert(ex); } }