' Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
' This code released under the terms of the 
' Microsoft Public License (MS-PL, http://opensource.org/licenses/ms-pl.html.)
On Error Resume Next
Dim arrSubKeys, arrSubKeys2
Dim objFSO, objShell, objFile, objReg, objConn, objExec
Dim strComputer, strKeyPath, strNewSource
Dim strWorkstationName, strDBPath, strSubKey, strSubKey2(), strKeyPath02,  strRetValue00
Dim strRetValue01, strRetValue02, strRetValNew02, strRetValNew03, strRetValNew04, strRetValNew05, strRetValNew06, strRetValNew07, strRetValNew08, strRetValNew09, strRetValue10, strRetValNew10, strRetValNew11, strRetValNew12, strRetValNew13, strRetValNew14, strRetValNew14a, strRetValNew14b, strRetValNew15, strRetValNew15a, strRetValNew15b, strRetValNew16, strRetValNew17, strRetValNew18
Const HKCR = &H80000000 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppEnding = 8
' Checking for Elevated permissions
Dim oShell, oExec
szStdOutszStdOut = ""
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = oShell.Exec("whoami /groups")
Do While (oExec.Status = cnWshRunning)
    WScript.Sleep 100
       if not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
                szStdOut = szStdOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
       end If
 select case oExec.ExitCode
   case 0
       if not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
           szStdOut = szStdOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
       End If
       If instr(szStdOut,"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level") Then
                wscript.echo "Elevated, executing script and gathering requested data"
           if instr(szStdOut,"Mandatory Label\Medium Mandatory Level")  Then
          Wscript.echo "Not Elevated must run from Administrative commmand line."
          Wscript.echo "Gathering requested data..."
           end If
      End If
   case Else
       if not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
          wscript.echo oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
       end If
       end select
' Leaving strNewSource will result in no search path updating.
' Currently DO NOT EDIT these.
strNewSource = ""
strNewRTMSource = ""
' Define string values
strComputer = "."
strSQLName = "SQL"
strDotNetName = ".NET"
strVStudioName = "Visual Studio"
strXML = "XML"
strOWC = "Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components"
strKeyPath = "Installer\Products"
strKeyPath2 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products"
strNValue00 = "ProductName"
strNValue01 = "PackageName"
strNValue02 = "LastUsedSource"
strNValue03 = "InstallSource"
strNValue04 = "LocalPackage"
strNValue05 = "DisplayVersion"
strNValue06 = "InstallDate"
strNValue07 = "UninstallString"
strNValue08 = "PackageCode"
strNValue09 = "MediaPackage"
strNValue10 = "InstallSource"
strNValue11 = "AllPatches"
strNValue12 = "NoRepair"
strNValue13 = "MoreInfoURL"
strNValue14 = "PackageName"
strNValue15 = "LastUsedSource"
strNValue16 = "Uninstallable"
strNValue17 = "DisplayName"
strNValue18 = "Installed"
If WScript.arguments.count <> 1 Then
   WScript.echo "Usage: cscript " & WScript.scriptname & " outputfilename.txt"
End If
'--Setup the output file
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtFile = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.arguments(0), ForWriting, True)
If err.number <> 0 Then
    WScript.echo "Error 0x" & myHex(err.number,8) & ": " & err.source & " - " & err.description
End If
txtFile.writeline "Products installed on the local system"
txtFile.writeline " "
txtFile.writeline " "
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'--Set up the registry provider.
Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & _
Set wiInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
'--Enumerate the "installer\products" key on HKCR
objReg.EnumKey HKCR, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys
For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys
' Define the various registry paths
strProduct01 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey
strKeyPath02 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey & "\SourceList"
strKeyPath03 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey & "\SourceList\Media"
strInstallSource = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & strSubKey & "\InstallProperties\"
strInstallSource2 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & strSubKey & "\patches\"
strInstallSource3 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Patches"
strInstallSource5 = "SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Patches\"
strInstallSource6 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
strInstallSource7 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\"
strInstallSource8 = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\"
' Pull the intial values
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strProduct01, strNValue00, strRetValue00
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue01, strRetValue01
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue02, strRetValue02
strRetValNew02 = Mid(strRetValue02, 5)
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath03, strNValue09, strRetValue09
strRetValue10 = strNewRTMSource & strRetValue09
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue03, strRetValNew03
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue04, strRetValNew04
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue05, strRetValNew05
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue06, strRetValNew06
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue07, strRetValNew07
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue10, strRetValNew10
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue12, strRetValNew12
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue13, strRetValNew13
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2, strNValue11, strRetValNew11
' Pull the Product Code from the Uninstall String
strProdCode = strRetValNew07
  ProdCodeLen = Len(strProdCode)
  ProdCodeLen = ProdCodeLen - 14
strRetValNew08 = Right(strProdCode, ProdCodeLen)
' Pull out path from LastUsedSource
strGetRealPath = strRetValue02
  GetRealPath = Len(strRetValue02)
strRealPath = Mid(strRetValue02, 5, GetRealPath)
' Identifie the string in the ProductName
If instr(1, strRetValue00, strSQLName, 1) Then
' Start the log output
    txtFile.writeline "================================================================================"
    txtFile.writeline "PRODUCT NAME   : " & strRetValue00
    txtFile.writeline "================================================================================"
    txtFile.writeline "  Product Code: " & strRetValNew08
    txtFile.writeline "  Version     : " & strRetValNew05
    txtFile.writeline "  Most Current Install Date: " & strRetValNew06
    txtFile.writeline "  Target Install Location: "  & strRetValNew13
    txtFile.writeline "  Registry Path: "
    txtFile.writeline "   HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strKeyPath02
    txtFile.writeline "     Package    : " & strRetValue01
    txtFile.writeline "  Install Source: " & strRetValue10
    txtFile.writeline "  LastUsedSource: " & strRetValue02
'   txtFile.writeline "Does this file on this path exist? " & strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01
    If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01) Then
    txtFile.writeline  " "
        txtFile.writeline "    " & strRetValue01 & " exists on the LastUsedSource path, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " !!!! " & strRetValue01 & " DOES NOT exist on the path in the path " & strRealPath & " !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " Action needed, re-establish the path to " & strRealPath
' Placeholder for altering the LastUsedSource by adding source location and Forcing search of list
'        If strNewSource <> "" Then
'        txtFile.writeline "      New Install Source Path Added: " & strNewSource
'        wiInstaller.AddSource strRetValNew08, "", strNewSource
'        Else
'        If strNewRTMSource <> "" Then
'        wiInstaller.AddSource strRetValNew08, "", strNewRTMSource
'        txtFile.writeline "      Forcing SourceList Resolution For: " & strRetValNew08
'        wiInstaller.ForceSourceListResolution strRetValNew08, ""
'        End If
'        End If
    End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "Installer Cache File: " & strRetValNew04
    If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew04) Then
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Package exists in the Installer cache, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline "    Any missing packages will update automatically if needed assuming that"
        txtFile.writeline "    the LastUsedSource exists."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Should you get errors about " & strRetValNew04 & " or " & strRealPath & strRetValue01 & " then you"
        txtFile.writeline "    may need to manually copy the file, if file exists replace the problem file, " 
        txtFile.writeline "    Copy and paste the following command line into an administrative command prompt:"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & chr(34) & " " &strRetValNew04
        txtFile.writeline " "
    ElseIf fso.fileexists(strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01) Then
              fso.CopyFile strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01, strRetValNew04
        If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew04) Then
          txtFile.writeline " "
          txtFile.writeline "     Missing cache file replaced by copying " & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & " to " & strRetValNew04
          txtFile.writeline "     Previously missing package " & strRetValNew04 &  " now exists in the Installer cache."
          txtFile.writeline " "
        End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " !!!! " & strRetValNew04 & " DOES NOT exist in the Installer cache. !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Action needed, recreate or re-establish path to the directory:"
        txtFile.writeline "       " & strRealPath & "then rerun this script to update installer cache and results"
        txtFile.writeline "     The path on the line above must exist at the root location to resolve"
        txtFile.writeline "     this problem with your msi/msp file not being found or corrupted,"
        txtFile.writeline "     In some cases you may need to manually copy the missing file or manually"
        txtFile.writeline "     replace the problem file overwriting it is exist: " 
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & chr(34) & " " &strRetValNew04
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Replace the existing file if prompted to do so."
        txtFile.writeline " "
    End If
    txtFile.writeline " "
    txtFile.writeline strRetValue00 & " Patches Installed "
    txtFile.writeline "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    objReg.EnumKey HKLM, strInstallSource2, arrSubKeys2
    uUpperBounds = UBound(arrSubKeys2,1)
     If err.number = 0  Then
        For Each strSubKey2 in arrSubKeys2
    '    WScript.echo "value = " & strSubKey2
strKeyPath04 = "Installer\Patches\" & strSubKey2 & "\SourceList"
     objReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue16, strRetValue16
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath04, strNValue15, strRetValue15a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath04, strNValue14, strRetValue14a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue15, strRetValue15b
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue14, strRetValue14b
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue17, strRetValue17
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue18, strRetValue18
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue13, strRetValue13a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource3 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue04, strRetValue04a
' Pull the URL from the MoreInfoURL String
strMoreInfoURL = strRetValue13a
  MoreInfoURLLen = Len(strMoreInfoURL)
strRetValue13b = Right(strMoreInfoURL, 42)
' Pull the URL from the LastUsedPath String
strLastUsedPath = strRetValue15a
  LastUsedPathLen = Len(strLastUsedPath)
  'LastUsedPathLen = LastUsedPathLen - 15
strRetValue15c = Mid(strLastUsedPath, 5)
      txtFile.writeline " Display Name:    " & strRetValue17 
      txtFile.writeline " KB Article URL:  " & strRetValue13b
      txtFile.writeline " Install Date:    " & strRetValue18 
              txtFile.writeline "   Uninstallable:   " & strRetValue16 
      txtfile.writeline " Patch Details: "
      txtFile.writeline "   HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Patches\" & strSubKey2
              txtFile.writeline "   PackageName:   " & strRetValue14a
' Determine if someone has modified the Uninstallable state from 0 to 1 allowing possible unexpected uninstalls
              txtFile.writeline "    Patch LastUsedSource: " & strRetValue15a 
              txtFile.writeline "   Installer Cache File Path:     " & strRetValue04a 
        txtFile.writeline "     Per " & strInstallSource3 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\" & strNValue04
              mspFileName = (strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a)
      If strRetValue14a <> "" Then
      If fso.fileexists(strRetValue04a) Then
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Package exists in the Installer cache, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline "    Package will update automatically if needed assuming that"
        txtFile.writeline "    the LastUsedSource exists."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Should you get errors about " & strRetValue04a & " or " & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & " then you"
        txtFile.writeline "    may need to manually copy missing files, if file exists replace the problem file, " 
        txtFile.writeline "    Copy and paste the following command line into an administrative command prompt."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & chr(34) & " " & strRetValue04a
        txtFile.writeline " "
      ElseIf fso.fileexists(mspFileName) Then
              fso.CopyFile mspFileName, strRetValue04a
          If fso.fileexists(strRetValue04a) Then
          txtFile.writeline " "
          txtFile.writeline " Missing cache file replaced by copying " & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & " to " & strRetValue04a
          txtFile.writeline " Previously missing package " & strRetValNew04 &  " now exists in the Installer cache."
          txtFile.writeline " "
          End If
'        End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "!!!! " & strRetValue04a & " package DOES NOT exist in the Installer cache. !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Action needed, recreate or re-establish path to the directory:"
        txtFile.writeline "       " & strRetValue15c & " then rerun this script to update installer cache and results"
        txtFile.writeline "     The path on the line above must exist at the root location to resolve"
        txtFile.writeline "     this problem with your msi/msp file not being found or corrupted,"
        txtFile.writeline "     In some cases you may need to manually copy missing files or manually"
        txtFile.writeline "     replace the problem file, " 
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & chr(34) & " " & strRetValue04a
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Replace the existing file if prompted to do so."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Use the following URL to assist with downloading the patch:"
        txtFile.writeline "      " & strRetValue13b
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " "
      End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
     End If
        txtfile.writeline " "
        txtfile.Writeline "  No Patches Found"
        txtfile.writeline " "
    End If
    End If
Set txtFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing