// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var isUnderscoreDefined, indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; isUnderscoreDefined = function(root) { var isFunction, us; isFunction = function(obj) { return typeof obj === 'function'; }; return isFunction(us = root != null ? root._ : void 0) && isFunction(us.isObject) && isFunction(us.isFunction) && isFunction(us.keys) && isFunction(us.map) && isFunction(us.clone) && isFunction(us.extend); }; (function(root, factory) { var deps, ref, ref1; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { deps = []; if (!isUnderscoreDefined(root)) { deps.push("underscore"); } return define("enumerationjs", deps, factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { return module.exports = factory(require('underscore')); } else if (((ref = root.Package) != null ? (ref1 = ref.underscore) != null ? ref1._ : void 0 : void 0) != null) { return root.Enumeration = factory(root.Package.underscore._); } else if (root._) { return root.Enumeration = factory(root._); } else { throw new ReferenceError("underscore global object '_' must be defined. Get the bundled version of enumerationjs here : https://github.com/sveinburne/enumerationjs/#bundled or install underscore : http://underscorejs.org/ "); } })(this, function(_) { var Enumeration, baseCreate, createObject, defineNonEnumerableProperty, enumTypes, freezeObject; enumTypes = []; defineNonEnumerableProperty = (function() { if (((typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? window.attachEvent : void 0) && !(typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? window.addEventListener : void 0)) || (Object.defineProperty == null)) { return function(obj, name, prop) { return obj[name] = prop; }; } else { return function(obj, name, prop) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { value: prop, configurable: false }); }; } })(); freezeObject = Object.freeze || _.identity; baseCreate = (function() { var create; create = Object.create || function(prototype) { var ctor; ctor = function() {}; ctor.prototype = prototype; return new ctor(); }; return function(prototype) { if (!_.isObject(prototype)) { return {}; } return create(prototype); }; })(); createObject = function(prototype, props) { var result; result = baseCreate(prototype); if (props) { _.extend(result, props); } return result; }; Enumeration = (function() { /** * @return {array} an array containing all the registered enumTypes */ Enumeration.list = function() { return _.clone(enumTypes); }; /* * */ Enumeration.types = Enumeration.list; /** * Static function that creates an enum object value. Uniqueness guarantied by object reference. * This objects's unique own field is the Enumeration name. It's read only. * @param {string or number} key the enum name, recommanded uppercase * @param {string or object} descriptor a string that identifies this value, or an object with fields that will be copied on the returned value. In this case * a field '_id' must be provided * @param {object} valueProto a prototype the returned object will inherit from * @param {string} enumType a string identifying the Enumeration instance this enum constant is bound to * @param {object} enumerationProto : the prototype shared with Enumeration instance.prototype */ Enumeration.constant = function(enumName, descriptor, valueProto, ids, enumerationProto) { var defineReadOnlyProperty, identifier, key1, methods, properties, prototype, testReserved, val1, valueIsObject; identifier = descriptor._id || descriptor; valueIsObject = descriptor._id != null; if (indexOf.call(ids, identifier) >= 0) { throw "Duplicate identifier : " + identifier; } else { ids.push(identifier); } methods = { id: function() { return identifier; }, key: function() { return enumName; }, describe: function() { var prop; return enumName + ":" + identifier + (valueIsObject ? " {" + ((function() { var ref, results; ref = _.extend(descriptor, valueProto); results = []; for (enumName in ref) { prop = ref[enumName]; if (!(_.isFunction(prop))) { results.push(enumName + ":" + prop); } } return results; })()) + "}" : ""); } }; testReserved = function(object) { var field, results; results = []; for (field in object) { if (indexOf.call(_.keys(_.extend({}, methods, enumerationProto)), field) >= 0) { throw "Reserved field " + field + " cannot be passed as enum property"; } } return results; }; testReserved(valueProto); prototype = baseCreate(enumerationProto); _.extend(prototype, methods, valueProto); properties = {}; defineReadOnlyProperty = function(key0, value0) { return properties[key0] = value0; }; if (_.isObject(descriptor)) { testReserved(descriptor); if (descriptor._id == null) { throw "field '_id' must be defined when passing object as enum constant"; } if (_.isObject(descriptor._id)) { throw "_id descriptor field must be of type string or number"; } for (key1 in descriptor) { val1 = descriptor[key1]; if (key1 !== '_id') { defineReadOnlyProperty(key1, val1); } } } return freezeObject(createObject(prototype, properties)); }; /** * @param {string} enumType A string identifying the type of this Enumeration instance * @param {object} enumValues an object which keys are the enum names, and values are each enum descriptor. * A descriptor can be a single unique identifier (string or number), or an object whose fields will be copied on the enum constant instance. In this case * a field '_id' must be provided identifying this enum constant. * @param {object} proto [optional] a prototype each enum constant will inherit from */ function Enumeration(enumType, enumValues, proto) { var idToKeyMap, ids, key, self, val, writeConstant; if (proto == null) { proto = {}; } idToKeyMap = _.object(_.map(enumValues, function(key, value) { return [key._id || key, value]; })); self = function() { return self.pretty(); }; ids = []; if (!_.isString(enumType)) { throw "missing or bad enumType value : must be a string"; } if (!_.isObject(enumValues) || _.isArray(enumValues)) { throw "missing or bad enumValues : must be an object"; } if (indexOf.call(enumTypes, enumType) >= 0) { throw enumType + " already exists!"; } else { if (((function() { var i, len, ref, results; ref = _.keys(enumValues); results = []; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { key = ref[i]; if (key === "pretty" || key === "from" || key === "value") { results.push(key); } } return results; })()).length > 0) { throw "Cannot have enum constant as one amongst reserved enumeration property [pretty,from]"; } } self.prototype = { type: function() { return enumType; } }; writeConstant = (function(_this) { return function(descriptor, key) { return self[key] = Enumeration.constant(key, descriptor, proto, ids, self.prototype); }; })(this); for (key in enumValues) { val = enumValues[key]; writeConstant(val, key); } defineNonEnumerableProperty(self, 'pretty', function() { return enumType + ":" + ((function() { var results; results = []; for (key in enumValues) { results.push("\n\t" + self[key].describe()); } return results; })()); }); defineNonEnumerableProperty(self, 'from', function(identifier, throwOnFailure) { if (throwOnFailure == null) { throwOnFailure = false; } return self[idToKeyMap[identifier]] || ((function() { if (throwOnFailure) { throw "identifier " + identifier + " does not match any"; } })()); }); freezeObject(self); enumTypes.push(enumType); return self; } return Enumeration; })(); return Enumeration; }); }).call(this);