# Fold Python #### Intelligent Folding System for Python ![alt tag](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1652825/code/sublime/foldpython/foldpython_basics.gif) ## Intro You can fold, navigate, extend python code in a very fast and easy way. instant fold all methods, leaving docstrings visible, extending your current code. ## Features * Folding code, fold and unfold contents where the cursor exists * Smart selecting, selecting needed pieces of code * Smart folding getters and setters, getters and setters will be folded as one * Easy navigation trough code structure : Go upwards in code blocks, go inside children * Documentation folding, folding all python code except documentation strings * Extending code, creating new siblings putting keywords correct so Sublime autocomplete can take over the rest ## Installation * Use [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control "Sublime Package Control") * `ctrl+shft+p` then select `Package Control: Install Package` * install `Fold Python` Alternatively, download the package from [GitHub](https://github.com/svenfraeys/SublimeFoldPython "SublimeFoldPython") into your `Packages` folder ## Key Bindings Fold Python is only accesible and useful when used trough shortcuts. All key bindings are using following pattern `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Key` OR Key binding are now also connected with `Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Key` to improve usability * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up` : Move up in code / Go to parent * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down` : Move down in code / Go to adult * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left` : Fold Code / Go to Parent * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right` : Unfold Code / Go to Child * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PageUp` : Go to First Sibling / Go to Parent * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PageDown` : Go to Last Sibling / Go to next Adult * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Home` : Go to parent * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+End` : Go to all children * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Space` : Select all siblings * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H` : Help mode, Fold content but not docstrings * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I` : Invert selection, Select all other siblings * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0` : Fold to depth 0 starting from selection * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1` : Fold to depth 1 starting from selection * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2` : Fold to depth 2 starting from selection * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N` : Create a new sibling starting from selection * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I` : Go to import section of code * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G` : Show a list of all items in visible region. This way you can easily jump to a section in your view * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S` : Collapse all siblings including current cursors * `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V` : Collapse all siblings not including current cursors ## Commands A list of commands are added to access using `Ctrl+Shift+P`. all commands start with "Fold Python : command name" ## What's new? 21 july 2014 * added shortcut * bug fixing * added fold python commands in `Ctrl+Shift+P` 26 march 2014 * Go to import command created * List all items in visible region for fast navigation 25 march 2014 * Folding Getters and Setters as one * Create new sibling will apply an autocomplete command ## Settings you can edit Key Binding and Settings in `Preferences > Package Settings > Fold Python` * fold_getters_setters : fold getter and matching setter together as one ## Contributors People that helped me to improve this addon ! * duqcyxwd ## Todo * change shortcuts to a more usable shortcut list