'Notepad++ search term: '(?!;)(.*)(video\() 'unsigned char - "" '!= - <> '(?!\t)(.*)\-=(.*) - \1 = \1 - \2 '(?!\t)(.*)\+=(.*) - \1 = \1 + \2 '(?!(\t|s|u|b| ))(.*)\((.*, .*)\) - \2 \3 'void - Sub '\nint - Function '(\n)End If - (\n)End Sub 'ghostmove\((.*)\) - ghostMove \1 'light\((.*)\) - light \1 'video\('(\w)', '(\w)', '(\w)' (.*)\) - video "\1", "\2", "\3" \4 '\treturn - \tExit Sub But watch out for something after Exit Sub as it indicates a function return Option Explicit Randomize ' Thalamus 2018-07-19 ' Added/Updated "Positional Sound Playback Functions" and "Supporting Ball & Sound Functions" ' Changed UseSolenoids=1 to 2 ' Thalamus 2018-11-01 : Improved directional sounds ' !! NOTE : Table not verified yet !! ' Options ' Volume devided by - lower gets higher sound Const VolDiv = 2000 ' Lower number, louder ballrolling/collition sound Const VolCol = 10 ' Ball collition divider ( voldiv/volcol ) ' The rest of the values are multipliers ' ' .5 = lower volume ' 1.5 = higher volume Const VolBump = 2 ' Bumpers volume. Const VolRol = 1 ' Rollovers volume. Const VolGates = 1 ' Gates volume. Const VolMetal = 1 ' Metals volume. Const VolRB = 1 ' Rubber bands volume. Const VolRH = 1 ' Rubber hits volume. Const VolPo = 1 ' Rubber posts volume. Const VolPi = 1 ' Rubber pins volume. Const VolPlast = 1 ' Plastics volume. Const VolTarg = 1 ' Targets volume. Const VolWood = 1 ' Woods volume. Const VolKick = 1 ' Kicker volume. Const VolSpin = 1.5 ' Spinners volume. Const VolFlip = 1 ' Flipper volume. '---------- UltraDMD Unique Table Color preference ------------- Dim DMDColor, DMDColorSelect, UseFullColor Dim DMDPosition, DMDPosX, DMDPosY, DMDSize, DMDWidth, DMDHeight UseFullColor = "False" ' "True" / "False" DMDColorSelect = "Green" ' Rightclick on UDMD window to get full list of colours DMDPosition = True ' Use Manual DMD Position, True / False DMDPosX = 0 ' Position in Decimal DMDPosY = 0 ' Position in Decimal DMDSize = True ' Use Manual DMD Size, True / False DMDWidth = 512 ' Width in Decimal DMDHeight = 128 ' Height in Decimal 'Note open Ultradmd and right click on window to get the various sizes in decimal GetDMDColor Sub GetDMDColor Dim WshShell,filecheck,directory Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If DMDSize then WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\w",DMDWidth,"REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\h",DMDHeight,"REG_DWORD" End if If DMDPosition then WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\x",DMDPosX,"REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\y",DMDPosY,"REG_DWORD" End if WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\fullcolor",UseFullColor,"REG_SZ" WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\color",DMDColorSelect,"REG_SZ" End Sub '--------------------------------------------------- If ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 5 Then MsgBox "VB Script Engine 5.0 or higher required" 'Const BallSize = 48 ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile("core.VBS") 'ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile("variables.vb") 'ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile("Lights.vb") Pi = Round(4 * Atn(1), 6) Dim Controller Set Controller = CreateObject("B2S.Server") Controller.Run 'Various Variables Dim TextStr2, B2SOn, DOFs Const LMEMTableConfig="LMEMDOFTables.txt" 'B2S/DOF version sub SaveLMEMConfig Dim FileObj Dim LMConfig dim temp1 dim tempb2s tempb2s=0 if B2SOn=true then if DOFs = true then tempb2s=2 else tempb2s=1 end if else tempb2s=0 end if Set FileObj=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FileObj.FolderExists(UserDirectory) then Exit Sub End if Set LMConfig=FileObj.CreateTextFile(UserDirectory & LMEMTableConfig,True) LMConfig.WriteLine tempb2s LMConfig.Close Set LMConfig=Nothing Set FileObj=Nothing end Sub 'B2S/DOF version sub LoadLMEMConfig Dim FileObj Dim LMConfig dim tempC dim tempb2s Set FileObj=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FileObj.FolderExists(UserDirectory) then Exit Sub End if If Not FileObj.FileExists(UserDirectory & LMEMTableConfig) then Exit Sub End if Set LMConfig=FileObj.GetFile(UserDirectory & LMEMTableConfig) Set TextStr2=LMConfig.OpenAsTextStream(1,0) If (TextStr2.AtEndOfStream=True) then Exit Sub End if tempC=TextStr2.ReadLine TextStr2.Close tempb2s=cdbl(tempC) if tempb2s=0 then B2SOn=false DOFs = false elseif tempb2s= 1 then B2SOn=true DOFs = false elseif tempb2s= 2 then B2SOn=true DOFs = true end if Set LMConfig=Nothing Set FileObj=Nothing end sub 'B2S/DOF version Function SoundFX (sound) If DOFs = true Then SoundFX = "" Else SoundFX = sound End If End Function 'B2S/DOF version Sub DOF(dofevent, dofstate) If B2SOn = True Then If dofstate = 2 Then Controller.B2SSetData dofevent, 1 Controller.B2SSetData dofevent, 0 Else Controller.B2SSetData dofevent, dofstate End If End If End Sub 'B2S/DOF version Sub resetAllRGBDOF() Dim x For x = 150 to 170 DOF x, 0 Next End Sub 'B2S/DOF version Sub Table1_exit() SaveLMEMConfig if B2SOn Then Controller.Stop If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then If UltraDMD.IsRendering Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering End If UltraDMD = NULL End If End Sub Sub SetBackGlass(side, color) On Error Resume Next If B2SOn = True Then Select Case Side Case 1: If color = "white" Then Controller.B2SSetData 4, 1 If color = "red" Then Controller.B2SSetData 1, 1 If color = "green" Then Controller.B2SSetData 2, 1 If color = "blue" Then Controller.B2SSetData 3, 1 If color = "purple" Then Controller.B2SSetData 5, 1 Case 2: If color = "white" Then Controller.B2SSetData 9, 1 If color = "red" Then Controller.B2SSetData 6, 1 If color = "green" Then Controller.B2SSetData 7, 1 If color = "blue" Then Controller.B2SSetData 8, 1 If color = "purple" Then Controller.B2SSetData 10, 1 End Select End If End Sub Sub BackGlassOff(side) On Error Resume Next If B2SOn = True Then If side = 1 OR side = 2 Then Controller.B2SSetData 1, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 2, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 3, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 4, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 5, 0 End If If side = 2 OR side = 3 Then Controller.B2SSetData 6, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 7, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 8, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 9, 0 Controller.B2SSetData 10, 0 End If End If End Sub Set mMagnaSave = New cvpmMagnet : With mMagnaSave .InitMagnet TrSw24m, 17 .size = 160 .GrabCenter = False End With Set AutoPlunger = New cvpmImpulseP With AutoPlunger .InitImpulseP TrAutoPlunge, 50, 1 .CreateEvents "AutoPlunger" End With Dim AllowTest AllowTest = 0 'EP- Set this to 1 to allow test buttons Sub Table1_KeyDown(ByVal keycode) If keycode = PlungerKey Then Plunger.PullBack 'AutoPlunger.PullBack End If If keycode = LeftFlipperKey Then LFlip 1 End If If keycode = RightFlipperKey Then RFlip 1 End If If keycode = LeftTiltKey Then Nudge 90, 2 End If If keycode = RightTiltKey Then Nudge 270, 2 End If If keycode = CenterTiltKey Then Nudge 0, 2 End If If keycode = 9 Then 'EP- Menu button, i.e. button #8 If CoinDoorState = 1 Then Select Case MenuNumber Case 1: MenuNumber = 4 MenuItem = "Options 3" Case 2: MenuNumber = 1 MenuItem = "Solenoids" Case 3: MenuNumber = 2 MenuItem = "Options 1" Case 4: MenuNumber = 3 MenuItem = "Options 2" End Select DMDScene "", MenuItem, 15, "", -1, 14, 16665, 14, 100 playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 255 End If If run=3 AND CoinDoorState = 0 Then ShowGameStatus() End If End If If keycode = 10 Then 'EP- Menu button, i.e. button #9 If CoinDoorState = 1 Then Select Case MenuNumber Case 1: MenuNumber = 2 MenuItem = "Options 1" Case 2: MenuNumber = 3 MenuItem = "Options 2" Case 3: MenuNumber = 4 MenuItem = "Options 3" Case 4: MenuNumber = 1 MenuItem = "Solenoids" End Select DMDScene "", MenuItem, 15, "", -1, 14, 16665, 14, 100 playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 255 End If If run=3 AND CoinDoorState = 0 Then ShowGameStatus() End If End If If keycode = 11 Then 'Did user press the switch, or press it during a game and aborted the game? EP- Enter button, i.e. button #0 If CoinDoorstate = 1 Then If run=0 Then 'video('A', 'Z', 'Z', 0, 0, 255) 'Play a fake video menuAbortFlag = 0 'Clear flag ShowOptions(MenuNumber) End If If run=3 Then if (menuAbortFlag = 0) Then 'Did user press the Enter switch during a game? 'extraBalls = 1 'TESTING! 'video('A', 'Z', 'Z', 0, 0, 255) 'Play a fake video menuAbortFlag = 1 'Set flag stopMusic() ball = ballsPerGame 'This will end the game ShowOptions(MenuNumber) End If End If Else 'EP- Tell the user to open the door first End If End If If keycode = 207 Then 'EP- Coin Door, i.e. End key CoinDoorState = CoinDoorState * -1 CoinDoorOpenClose() End If ' keycode for the End key to simulate opening the CoinDoor() If keycode = AddCreditKey Then CabCoin() If keycode = StartGameKey Then If (cursorPos <> 50) Then modeTimer = Int(375000/cycleAdjuster) 'EP- Have to put this in LFlip routine if (inChar = 91 and cursorPos > 0) Then 'Backspace? cursorPos = cursorPos - 1 'Send cursor back initials(cursorPos) = 32 'Set that initial back to an empty SPACE playSFX 1, "O", "R", "Z", 255 End If if (inChar <> 91) Then 'Set a character, as long as it's not a backspace initials(cursorPos) = inChar 'Set the character If inChar = 92 Then initials(cursorPos) = 32 cursorPos = cursorPos + 1 if (cursorPos = 3) Then 'Done? playSFX 1, "O", "R", "Y", 255 cursorPos = 99 'Set flag to exit else playSFX 1, "O", "R", "Y", 255 End If End If if (cursorPos <> 3) Then 'Don't bother changing this on last press ' video('Z', whichPlayer + 48, cursorPos + 48, loopVideo, 0, 0) sendInitials inChar, HSPlace NameEntry HSCheck, HSPlace End If Else CabStart(run) End If End If '************ '*Test kicker stuff '************ If AllowTest = 1 Then If KeyCode = 208 Then ModeStart() If keycode = 200 Then ServeBall() If Keycode = 30 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -45, 20, 0 If Keycode = 31 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -35, 60, 0 If Keycode = 32 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -25, 30, 0 If Keycode = 33 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -18, 30, 0 If Keycode = 34 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -9, 25, 0 If Keycode = 35 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -4, 25, 0 If Keycode = 36 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick -0, 25, 0 If Keycode = 37 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 5, 30, 0 If Keycode = 38 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 9, 25, 0 If Keycode = 39 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 15, 50, 0 If Keycode = 40 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 20, 20, 0 If Keycode = 47 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 28, 60, 0 If Keycode = 48 Then KiTest1.CreateBall.ID= 21:KiTest1.Kick 45, 30, 0 If Keycode = 20 Then If NOT (BallMoverHold is Nothing) Then BallMoverHold.X = KiHold.X BallMoverHold.Y = KiHold.Y TrSw57_UnHit() End If End If If Keycode = 21 Then BallMoverHold.X = TrSw57.X:BallMoverHold.Y = TrSw57.Y:KiHold.Kick 0, 0, 0':TrSw57_Hit() If Keycode = 19 Then KiTest1.CreateBall:KiTest1.Kick 0, 0, 0 End If End Sub Sub Table1_KeyUp(ByVal keycode) If keycode = PlungerKey Then Plunger.Fire 'AutoPlunger.Fire End If If keycode = LeftFlipperKey Then LFlip 0 End If If keycode = RightFlipperKey Then RFlip 0 End If End Sub '******************** '* UltraDMD stuff '******************** Dim UltraDMD Const UltraDMD_VideoMode_Stretch = 0 Const UltraDMD_VideoMode_Top = 1 Const UltraDMD_VideoMode_Middle = 2 Const UltraDMD_VideoMode_Bottom = 3 Const UltraDMD_Animation_FadeIn = 0 Const UltraDMD_Animation_FadeOut = 1 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ZoomIn = 2 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ZoomOut = 3 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOffLeft = 4 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOffRight = 5 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOnLeft = 6 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOnRight = 7 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOffUp = 8 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOffDown = 9 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOnUp = 10 Const UltraDMD_Animation_ScrollOnDown = 11 Const UltraDMD_Animation_None = 14 Sub LoadUltraDMD On Error Resume Next Set UltraDMD = CreateObject("UltraDMD.DMDObject") If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.Init End If If UltraDMD is Nothing Then MsgBox "No UltraDMD found. This table MAY run without it (but why would you want to??)." Set UltraDMD = Nothing Exit Sub End If UltraDMD.Init If Not UltraDMD.GetMajorVersion = 1 Then MsgBox "Incompatible Version of UltraDMD found." Exit Sub End If If UltraDMD.GetMinorVersion < 0 Then MsgBox "Incompatible Version of UltraDMD found. Please update to version 1.0 or newer." Exit Sub End If Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim curDir curDir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".") Set fso = nothing If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.SetProjectFolder curDir & "\America's Most Haunted.UltraDMD" UltraDMD.SetVideoStretchMode UltraDMD_VideoMode_Middle End If End Sub Sub DMDScene (background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause, animateout, prio) 'regular DMD call with priority If prio >= OldDMDPrio Then DMDSceneInt background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause, animateout OldDMDPrio = prio End If End Sub Sub DMDSceneInt (background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause, animateout) 'This gets called if the priority is greater than or equal to the current scene in order to interrupt it Dim X If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause*PauseAdjuster, animateout If pause > 0 OR animateIn < 14 OR animateOut < 14 Then TiDMDScore.Enabled = False TiDMDScore.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Sub DMDSceneQ (background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause, animateout) 'EP- Called to queue up a video Dim X If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause*PauseAdjuster, animateout If pause > 0 OR animateIn < 14 OR animateOut < 14 Then TiDMDScore.Enabled = False TiDMDScore.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Sub DMDSceneEOB (background, toptext, topbright, bottomtext, bottombright, animatein, pause, animateout, prio) 'Special DMD call at the EoB If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 "eba.gif", "", 0, "", 0, 14, 1, 14 UltraDMD.DisplayScene00ExWithID "EoB", False, background, toptext, topbright, -1, bottomtext, bottombright, -1, animatein, pause*PauseAdjuster, animateout TiEoB.Enabled = 1 End If End Sub Sub TiEoB_timer() If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then Select Case EoBStep Case 1 UltraDMD.ModifyScene00 "EoB", " ", EVP_Total(player) EoBStep = 2 Case 2 UltraDMD.ModifyScene00 "EoB", " ", photosTaken(player) EoBStep = 3 Case 3 UltraDMD.ModifyScene00 "EoB", " ", GhostsDefeated(player) EoBStep = 4 Case 4 UltraDMD.ModifyScene00 "EoB", " ", bonus EoBStep = 5 Case 5 EoBStep=6 Case 6 UltraDMD.ModifyScene00 "EoB", "", "" EoBStep = 1 me.enabled = false End Select End If End Sub Sub TiDMDScore_Timer() If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then On Error Resume Next If Not UltraDMD.IsRendering Then 'When the scene finishes rendering, then immediately display the scoreboard me.Enabled = False DMDScore() End If On Error GoTo 0 End If End Sub Sub DMDScore() If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then On Error Resume Next OldDMDPrio = 0 UltraDMD.DisplayScoreboard numPlayers, Player, PlayerScore(1), PlayerScore(2), PlayerScore(3), PlayerScore(4), "Ball " & Ball, "Credits " & credits On Error GoTo 0 End If End sub '***** End UltraDMD ************ 'B2S/DOF version LoadLMEMConfig 'B2S/DOF version if B2SOn then Set Controller = CreateObject("B2S.Server") Controller.B2SName = "americamosthaunted" Controller.Run() Controller.B2SSetData 35,4 If Err Then MsgBox "Can't Load B2S.Server." End If LoadUltraDMD() Sub Table1_Init() Dim X, Y For X = 1 to 4 MainTrough(X).CreateBall MainTrough(X).Kick 58, 10, 0 Next For Each Y in MainTrough 'Set each kicker to be occupied Y.UserValue = 1 Next Set BallMoverHold = Nothing WaLeftSide1.TimerInterval = 1 Wall10.TimerInterval = 1 Wall23.TimerInterval = 3000 TiZero.Enabled = 0 TiDMDScore.Enabled = 0 Wall26.TimerInterval = 150 '******** Table Option Stuff*********** If Not IsNumeric(LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids")) Then SaveValue "AMH", "Solenoids", AMHOptionsSol SaveValue "AMH", "Options 1", AMHOptions1 SaveValue "AMH", "Options 2", AMHOptions2 SaveValue "AMH", "Options 3", AMHOptions3 Else DoOptions() End If If Not IsNumeric(LoadValue("AMH", "HSPoints0")) Then SetDefaultScores() Else LoadHighScores() End If '************************************** NoGame1 'EP- What happens when the machine turns on and gets before the "while run==0" loop End Sub '************************ '* My first attempt at an options menu '************************ Sub DoOptions() Dim FlipPower, SlingPower, PopPower, LeftVUKPower, RightVUKPower, LaunchPower, X 'Solenoids FlipPower = (LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") AND option1) * 515 '** LeftFlipper.PowerLaw = FlipPower 'EP- Set the right and left flippers to 0.4 of whatever the player chose LeftFlipper.strength = FlipPower '** RightFlipper.PowerLaw = FlipPower RightFlipper.strength = FlipPower PopPower = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") AND Option3)/256) * 0.5 For Each X in Bumpers X.Force = PopPower 'EP- Set all the Pop Bumpers to 1.6 the value of whatever the player chose Next LeftVUKPower = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") AND Option4)/4096) * 5 VUKPower = LeftVUKPower 'EP- Set the door VUK power to be 5 times whatever the player chose RightVUKPower = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") AND Option5)/65536) * 6 ScoopPower = RightVUKPower 'EP- Set the scoop to be 3 times whatever the player chose LaunchPower = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") AND Option6)/1048576) * 10 PlungerStrength = LaunchPower AutoPlunger.Strength = PlungerStrength 'EP- Set the AutoPlunger strength to be 10 times what the player chose 'Options 1 FreePlay = (LoadValue("AMH", "Options 1") AND Option1) 'EP- Free Play N/Y 0, 1 CoinsPerCredit = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 1") AND Option2)/16) 'EP- Coins per credit 1-9 BallsPerGame = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 1") AND Option3)/256) + 1 'EP- Balls per game 1-9 AllowExtraBalls = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 1") AND Option8)/268435456) 'EP- Are extra balls allowed; Y/N/100k/500k/1 million, 1-5 'Options 2 SpotProgress = (LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option1) 'EP- How many pops are spotted at the start of the game (to make it easier to light the mode) 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 AllowReplay = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option2)/16) 'EP- Are replays allowed N/Y 0, 1 AllowMatch = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option3)/256) 'EP- Are matches allowed N/Y 0, 1 Tournament = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option4)/4096) 'EP- Is tournament mode on N/Y 0, 1 EVP_EBSetting = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option5)/65536) * 5 'EP- How many EVPs needed to collect extra ball ComboTimerStart = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option6)/1048576) * 2400 'EP- How long a player has to make a combo shot ZeroPointBall = ((LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") AND Option8)/268435456) 'EP- If a ball scores nothing, save it Y/N 'Options 3 ScoopSaveStart = (LoadValue("AMH", "Options 3") AND Option1) * 15 'EP- How long the Ball Saver is on after shooting out of the scoop End Sub Const Option1 = 15 'bits 1-4, 2^0 Const Option2 = 240 'bits 5-8, 2^4 Const Option3 = 3840 'bits 9-12, 2^8 const Option4 = 61440 'bits 13-16, 2^12 Const Option5 = 983040 'bits 17-20, 2^16 Const Option6 = 15728640 'bits 21-24, 2^20 Const Option7 = 251658240 'bits 25-28, 2^24 Const Option8 = 1879048192 'bits 29-32, 2^28 Dim AMHOptionsSol, AMHOptions1, AMHOptions2, AMHOptions3, AMHMenuSol, AMHMenuOptions1, AMHMenuOptions2, AMHMenuOptions3, MenuItem, MenuNumber, DefaultSol, DefaultOptions1, DefaultOptions2, DefaultOptions3 DefaultSol = 5592325 DefaultOptions1 = 33555217 DefaultOptions2 = 36831504 DefaultOptions3 = 2 MenuNumber = 1 MenuItem = "Solenoids" AMHOptionsSol = LoadValue("AMH", "Solenoids") If AMHOptionsSol = "" Then AMHOPtionsSol = DefaultSol 'EP- if nothing is loaded, load the default AMHOptions1 = LoadValue("AMH", "Options 1") If AMHOptions1 = "" Then AMHOPtions1 = DefaultOptions1 AMHOptions2 = LoadValue("AMH", "Options 2") If AMHOptions2 = "" Then AMHOPtions2 = DefaultOptions2 AMHOptions3 = LoadValue("AMH", "Options 3") If AMHOptions3 = "" Then AMHOPtions3 = DefaultOptions3 Sub ShowOptions(whichMenu) Select Case whichMenu Case 1: If Not IsObject(AMHMenuSol) Then Set AMHMenuSol = New cvpmDips With AMHMenuSol .AddForm 530, 200, "America's Most Haunted Solenoid Options" .AddFrameExtra 0, 10, 40, "Flippers", Option1, Array("1**", 1, "2", 2, "3", 3, "4", 4, "5*", 5, "6", 6, "7", 7, "8", 8, "9", 9) ' .AddFrameExtra 50, 10, 35, "Slings", Option2, Array("1", 1*16, "2", 2*16, "3", 3*16, "4", 4*16, "5*", 5*16, "6", 6*16, "7", 7*16, "8", 8*16, "9", 9*16) .AddFrameExtra 50, 10, 35, "Slings", Option2, Array("Not", 0, "Yet", 0, "If", 0, "ever", 0) .AddFrameExtra 95, 10, 30, "Pops", Option3, Array("1", 1*256, "2", 2*256, "3", 3*256, "4", 4*256, "5*", 5*256, "6", 6*256, "7", 7*256, "8", 8*256, "9", 9*256) .AddFrameExtra 135, 10, 50, "Left VUK", Option4, Array("1**", 1*4096, "2**", 2*4096, "3**", 3*4096, "4**", 4*4096, "5*", 5*4096, "6", 6*4096, "7", 7*4096, "8", 8*4096, "9", 9*4096) .AddframeExtra 195, 10, 70, "Right Scoop", Option5, Array("1", 1*65536, "2", 2*65536, "3", 3*65536, "4", 4*65536, "5*", 5*65536, "6", 6*65536, "7", 7*65536, "8", 8*65536, "9", 9*65536) .AddFrameExtra 275, 10, 80, "Auto Launcher", Option6, Array("1**", 1*1048576, "2**", 2*1048576, "3", 3*1048576, "4", 4*1048576, "5*", 5*1048576, "6", 6*1048576, "7", 7*1048576, "8", 8*1048576, "9", 9*1048576) .AddLabel 0,225,100,15,"* Default Value" .AddLabel 0,240,305,15,"** Not suggested as it may make the game un-playable" End With End If AMHOptionsSol = AMHMenuSol.ViewDipsExtra(AMHOptionsSol) SaveValue "AMH", "Solenoids", AMHOptionsSol Case 2: If Not IsObject(AMHMenuOptions1) Then Set AMHMenuOptions1 = New cvpmDips With AMHMenuOptions1 .AddForm 530, 200, "America's Most Haunted Options 1" .AddFrameExtra 0, 10, 90, "Free Play", Option1, Array("No", 0, "Yes*", 1) .AddFrameExtra 100, 10, 90, "Coins Per Credit", Option2, Array("1*", 1*16, "2", 2*16, "3", 3*16, "4", 4*16, "5", 5*16, "6", 6*16, "7", 7*16, "8", 8*16) .AddFrameExtra 200, 10, 90, "Balls Per Game", Option3, Array("1", 1*256, "2", 2*256, "3*", 3*256, "4", 4*256, "5", 5*256, "6", 6*256, "7", 7*256, "8", 8*256, "9", 9*256) .AddFrameExtra 300, 10, 90, "Tilt Warning", Option4, Array("Not Yet", 0) .AddframeExtra 400, 10, 90, "Video Mode Speed", Option5, Array("We can dream", 0, "of a day", 0, "when I put in", 0, "A video mode", 0) .AddFrameExtra 500, 10, 90, "SFX Volume", Option6, Array("Not Yet", 0) .AddFrameExtra 600, 10, 90, "Music Volume", Option7, Array("Not Yet", 0) .AddFrameExtra 700, 10, 90, "Extra Balls", Option8, Array("No", 0, "Yes*", 1*268435456, "100 K", 2*268435456, "500 K", 3*268435456, "1 Million", 4*268435456) End With End If AMHOptions1 = AMHMenuOptions1.ViewDipsExtra(AMHOptions1) SaveValue "AMH", "Options 1", AMHOptions1 Case 3: If Not IsObject(AMHMenuOptions2) Then Set AMHMenuOptions2 = New cvpmDips With AMHMenuOptions2 .AddForm 530, 200, "America's Most Haunted Options 2" .AddFrameExtra 0, 10, 90, "Spot Pops", Option1, Array("0*", 0, "3", 3, "6", 6, "9", 9, "12", 12) .AddFrameExtra 100, 10, 90, "Replay?", Option2, Array("No", 0, "Yes*", 1*16) .AddFrameExtra 200, 10, 90, "Match?", Option3, Array("No", 0, "Yes*", 1*256) .AddFrameExtra 300, 10, 90, "Tournament?", Option4, Array("No*", 0, "Yes", 1*4096) .AddframeExtra 400, 10, 90, "Extra Ball @", Option5, Array("5", 1*65536, "10*", 2*65536, "15", 3*65536, "20", 4*65536) .AddFrameExtra 500, 10, 90, "Combo Timer", Option6, Array("2", 1*1048576, "4", 2*1048576, "6*", 3*1048576, "8", 4*1048576, "10", 5*1048576) .AddFrameExtra 600, 10, 90, "Video Mode", Option7, Array("I dream of", 0, "a day when", 0, "I put in a", 0, "Video mode", 0) .AddFrameExtra 700, 10, 90, "Zero Point Ball", Option8, Array("No", 0, "Yes*", 1*268435456) End With End If AMHOptions2 = AMHMenuOptions2.ViewDipsExtra(AMHOptions2) SaveValue "AMH", "Options 2", AMHOptions2 Case 4: If Not IsObject(AMHMenuOptions3) Then Set AMHMenuOptions3 = New cvpmDips With AMHMenuOptions3 .AddForm 530, 200, "America's Most Haunted Solenoid Options" .AddFrameExtra 0, 10, 50, "Scoop Time", Option1, Array("1", 1, "2*", 2, "3", 3, "4", 4, "5", 5) End With End If AMHOptions3 = AMHMenuOptions3.ViewDipsExtra(AMHOptions3) SaveValue "AMH", "Options 3", AMHOptions3 End Select DoOptions() End Sub Sub SetDefaultScores() ' setHighScore 0, 20000000, "B", "U", "G" setHighScore 0, 2000, "B", "U", "G" ' setHighScore 1, 17000000, "C", "O", "W" setHighScore 1, 1700, "C", "O", "W" ' setHighScore 2, 15000000, "B", "F", "K" setHighScore 2, 1500, "B", "F", "K" ' setHighScore 3, 12000000, "P", "E", "D" setHighScore 3, 1200, "P", "E", "D" ' setHighScore 4, 10000000, "B", "J", "H" setHighScore 4, 1000, "B", "J", "H" End Sub Sub SetHighScore(whichPosition, theScore, char0, char1, char2) 'Puts high score on EEPROM If whichPosition < 5 Then SaveValue "AMH", "HSPoints" & whichPosition, theScore SaveValue "AMH", "HSName" & whichPosition, char0 & char1 & char2 End If End Sub Sub GetHighScore(whichPosition) HighScores(whichPosition) = LoadValue("AMH", "HSPoints" & whichPosition) TopPlayers(whichPosition * 3) = Left(LoadValue("AMH", "HSName" & whichPosition), 1) TopPlayers((whichPosition * 3) + 1) = Mid(LoadValue("AMH", "HSName" & whichPosition), 2, 1) TopPlayers((whichPosition * 3) + 2) = Right(LoadValue("AMH", "HSName" & whichPosition), 1) End Sub Sub LoadHighScores() 'EP- Don't need to check if scores are present as that was already checked prior to calling this sub Dim x For x = 0 to 4 getHighScore(x) Next End Sub '************************ '*********************************************************** '* Ben Heck Code '*********************************************************** Sub NoGame1() MachineReset() 'Comment this out when testing board OFF the machine multiTimer = 0 'Use to run backglass lights multiCount = 0 leftRGB(0) = 175 leftRGB(1) = 175 leftRGB(2) = 175 rightRGB(0) = 175 rightRGB(1) = 175 rightRGB(2) = 175 run = 0 LoadHighScores() modeTimer = 0 'Use for Attract Mode houseKeeping() 'Check a few times, so we don't get a false positive on the door open or close state ' if (bitRead(cabinet, Door) = 0) Then 'Is door open? We need to check even if DOOR WARN is disabled ' coinDoorState = 1 'Set state to OPEN ' Else ' coinDoorState = 0 'Set state to CLOSED ' End If 'Serial.println(coinDoorDetect) ' switchDebounceClear(16, 63) 'Reset debounces manually just in case drainTries = 0 'We haven't tried to kick the drain yet animatePF 0, 30, 1 'Original attract lights, set to repeat modeTimer = 0 multiTimer = 0 TiZero.Enabled = 1 Wall26.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub Dim DMDAttract:DMDAttract = 1 Dim CurAttract:CurAttract = 1 Sub Wall26_Timer() Dim AttractSpacer, Z, Y Debug.Print "timer running" If DMDAttract = 0 Then DMDAttract = 1 If Not UltraDMD.IsRendering then Debug.Print "Not rendering" Select Case DMDAttract Case 1: CurAttract = 1 UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 "AT0_Rev_2.gif", "", 0, "", 0, 14, 185 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 2 Case 2: CurAttract = 2 If freePlay = 0 Then If Credits < 1 Then UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 "AT2.gif", "", 0, "", 0, 14, 180 * pauseadjuster, 14 End If Else Dim X X = Random(6)*2 UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 "", "FREE PLAY!!", 15, "", -1, 14, 90 * pauseadjuster, 14 End If DMDAttract = 3 Case 3: CurAttract = 3 If FreePlay = 1 OR Credits > 0 Then UltraDMD.DisplayScene00 "AT1.gif", "", 0, "", 0, 14, 180 * pauseadjuster, 14 End If DMDAttract = 1 Case 4: CurAttract = 4 z = 13 - Len(HighScores(0)) For Y = 0 to z AttractSpacer = AttractSpacer & " " Next UltraDMD. DisplayScene00 "", "Show Producer: (1st)", 10, TopPlayers(0) & TopPlayers(1) & TopPlayers(2) & AttractSpacer & HighScores(0), 15, 14, 200 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 1 Case 5: CurAttract = 5 z = 13 - Len(HighScores(1)) For Y = 0 to z AttractSpacer = AttractSpacer & " " Next UltraDMD. DisplayScene00 "", "Team Leader: (2nd)", 10, TopPlayers(3) & TopPlayers(4) & TopPlayers(5) & AttractSpacer & HighScores(1), 15, 14, 200 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 1 Case 6: CurAttract = 6 z = 13 - Len(HighScores(2)) For Y = 0 to z AttractSpacer = AttractSpacer & " " Next UltraDMD. DisplayScene00 "", "Psychic: (3rd)", 10, TopPlayers(6) & TopPlayers(7) & TopPlayers(8) & AttractSpacer & HighScores(2), 15, 14, 200 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 1 Case 7: CurAttract = 7 z = 13 - Len(HighScores(3)) For Y = 0 to z AttractSpacer = AttractSpacer & " " Next UltraDMD. DisplayScene00 "", "Research: (4th)", 10, TopPlayers(9) & TopPlayers(10) & TopPlayers(11) & AttractSpacer & HighScores(3), 15, 14, 200 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 1 Case 8: CurAttract = 8 z = 13 - Len(HighScores(4)) For Y = 0 to z AttractSpacer = AttractSpacer & " " Next UltraDMD. DisplayScene00 "", "Tech: (5th)", 10, TopPlayers(12) & TopPlayers(13) & TopPlayers(14) & AttractSpacer & HighScores(4), 15, 14, 200 * pauseadjuster, 14 DMDAttract = 1 End Select End If End Sub Sub TiZero_Timer() If (run = 0) Then 'While waiting for a start condition. Attract mode houseKeeping() if (countBalls() < 4) Then 'Not enough balls in trough? ballSearch() End If if (attractLights) Then AttractMode() 'stressTest() End If if (SwLFlip = 1) Then if (tournament) Then 'If Tourney, both flippers do same thing Update(holdTourneyScores) 'Jump to last game's scores and stay there Else 'Normal operation Update(highScoreTable) 'Jump to High Score Table End If End If if (SwRFlip = 1) Then if (tournament) Then 'If Tourney, both flippers do same thing Update(holdTourneyScores) 'Jump to last game's scores and stay there Else 'Normal operation if (showScores) Then Update(lastGameScores) 'Jump to last game's scores Else 'If there wasn't a last game, jump to High Scores Update(highScoreTable) 'Jump to last game's scores and stay there End If End If End If Else Wall26.TimerEnabled = 0 DMDAttract = 0 StartGame() Timer.Enabled = 1 Me.Enabled = 0 End If End Sub Sub NoGame2() ' leftDebounce = 0 ' LFlipTime = -10 'Make flipper re-triggerable, with debounce ' LholdTime = 0 'Disable hold timer. ' digitalWrite(LFlipHigh, 0) 'Turn off high power ' digitalWrite(LFlipLow, 0) 'Switch off hold current ' rightDebounce = 0 ' RFlipTime = -10 'Make flipper re-triggerable, with debounce ' RholdTime = 0 'Disable hold timer ' digitalWrite(RFlipHigh, 0) 'Turn off high power ' digitalWrite(RFlipLow, 0) 'Switch off hold current Timer.Enabled = 0 if (menuAbortFlag = 0) Then 'Game ended normally? (we didn't abort by entering the menu?) GameOver() 'Do normal game over stuff gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + numPlayers 'Increment games played saveAudits() 'Save game stats End If End Sub Sub Wall23_timer() me.Timerenabled = 0 NoGame1() End Sub Sub Timer_Timer() 'The Main Loop of the Game. We always keep this at the top houseKeeping() 'Do lights, switch debounce, get cab switches and control solenoids ' flippers() 'EP- Disabling as this is an event driven game Timers() 'Event timers if (run = 2) Then 'Ball has been loaded, waiting for the ball to be launched? if (Sw57 = 0) Then 'Ball launched off shooter lane? launchCounter = launchCounter + 1 'Serial.print("LAUNCH#") 'Serial.println(launchCounter, DEC) run = 3 'Set condition ' playMusic "M", 2 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End If End If if (run = 3) Then 'If NOT in a drain state, do Logic and Switches logic() 'Think about things! Think... different... ' switchCheck() 'Interpet the switches EP- Again, we're not cycle driven here secondsCounter = secondsCounter + 1 if (secondsCounter > cycleSecond) Then 'Count # of seconds game has been active secondsCounter = 0 totalBallTime = totalBallTime + 1 End If End If '** PrFlipperL.RotY = LeftFlipper.CurrentAngle '** PrFlipperR.RotY = RightFlipper.CurrentAngle End Sub Sub TopMenu() 'EP- I'm not even going to think about doing maintenance stuff until I get the rest of this done End Sub Sub ShowGameStatus() End Sub sub addPlayer() 'Adds additional players beyond Player 1 if (numPlayers < 4) Then '4 player limit. numPlayers = numPlayers + 1 video "K", "P", numPlayers, noExitFlush, 45, 255 'Show new player intro, with NO NUMBERS if (run <> 3) Then 'Ball still in shooter lane? customScore "K", player, 64 + skillShot, allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Update Skill Shot display '; numbers 10, 2, 44, 27, numPlayers 'Update Number of players indicator End If playSFX 0, "A", numPlayers + 64, 1 + random(4), 255 'ADJUST BASED OFF PLAYER ADDED Else 'Player subtract only works in free play, and only removes players who haven't started a ball yet if (freePlay and player < 4) Then 'If player 3 is ready to launch, Player 4 can be removed. But if player 4 is up, you are stuck with 4 players numPlayers = player 'Change the total number of players to whichever player is up ' video "K", "R", "1" + numPlayers, noExitFlush, 0, 255 'Show message (with offset in filename) EP- I don't have this gif, I have an old gif pack if (run <> 3) Then 'Ball still in shooter lane? customScore "K", player, 64 + skillShot, allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Update Skill Shot display '; numbers 10, 2, 44, 27, numPlayers 'Update Number of players indicator End If playSFX 0, "P", "9", 65 + random(4), 255 'Random "I'm sitting this one out" quotes from Prison mode End If End If End Sub sub AttractMode() 'Runs my slightly less crappy light show modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(1000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'digitalWrite(startLight, 0) modeTimer = 0 if (lightCurrent = 0) Then GIpf(0) setCabModeFade 255, 0, 0, 25 End If if (lightCurrent = 10) Then GIpf(128) setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 25 End If if (lightCurrent = 15) Then GIpf(208) setCabModeFade 255, 255, 255, 25 End If if (lightCurrent = 25) Then GIpf(240) End If lightCurrent = lightCurrent + 1 if (lightCurrent > lightEnd) Then 'Loop the animation lightCurrent = lightStart End If End If multiTimer = multiTimer + 1 'Increment the light timer if (multiTimer > Int(5000/CycleAdjuster)) Then multiTimer = 0 'Reset timer if (multiCount) Then leftRGB(0) = leftRGB(0) + 1 leftRGB(1) = leftRGB(1) - 1 leftRGB(2) = leftRGB(2) + 1 rightRGB(0) = rightRGB(0) - 1 rightRGB(1) = rightRGB(1) + 1 rightRGB(2) = rightRGB(2) - 1 if (leftRGB(0) = 250) Then multiCount = 0 'Change direction End If Else leftRGB(0) = leftRGB(0) - 1 leftRGB(1) = leftRGB(1) + 1 leftRGB(2) = leftRGB(2) - 1 rightRGB(0) = rightRGB(0) + 1 rightRGB(1) = rightRGB(1) - 1 rightRGB(2) = rightRGB(2) + 1 if (leftRGB(0) = 100) Then multiCount = 1 'Change direction End If End If doRGB() End If End Sub sub AutoPlunge(whatTime) 'Loads a ball and shoots it. If called again before sequence completes, it will enqueue additional balls whatTime = Int(whatTime/cycleAdjuster) 'EP- adjusting it so here so I don't have to do this every time this sub is called if (plungeTimer) Then 'Already active? ballQueue = ballQueue + 1 'Add a ball to the queue, plunge it once current ball is launched Exit Sub 'Abort End If if (whatTime < Int(25002/CycleAdjuster)+2) Then 'Not the minimum? Set it to minimum whatTime = Int(25002/CycleAdjuster)+2 End If plungeTimer = whatTime End Sub sub balconyApproach() 'Fresh hit on right orbit? (Didn't roll down from ORBS or back from balcony) Dim X animatePF 230, 10, 0 if (hellMB and minion(player) < 100) Then tourGuide 0, 8, 4, 50000, 1 'Check for GHOST CATCH End If if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Prison? tourGuide 0, 6, 4, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! End If if (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) Then 'Fighting the Hotel Ghost? (can't do tour during the Control Box search) tourGuide 1, 5, 4, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then 'War fort? x = random(8) playSFX 0, "W", "5", 65 + x, 210 'Random Army Ghost lines if (tourGuide(0, 4, 4, 25000, 0) = 0) Then video "W", "5", 65 + x, allowSmall, 79, 250 'Synced taunt video End If 'Check that part of the tour (no WHOOSH sound needed) End If if (barProgress(player) > 69 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Haunted Bar? tourGuide 0, 3, 4, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Hospital? tourGuide 1, 1, 4, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! End If if (skillShot) Then 'On the off chance it somehow gets by the ORB rollovers on a launch... if (skillShot = 2) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 Else skillShotSuccess 0, 255 'Failure, so just disable it End If End If if (Advance_Enable) Then 'Are we trying to advance theater? playSFX 0, "T", "9", "Y", 200 'Run and jump sound video "T", "9", "Y", allowSmall, 35, 200 'Run and jump animation End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Trying to weaken demon DemonCheck(4) End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? BoxCheck(3) 'Check / flag box for this location End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(4) End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? 'TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! 'Sweet Jumps! playSFX 0, "T", "9", "Y", 200 'Run and jump sound video "T", "9", "Y", allowSmall, 35, 210 'Run and jump animation End If if (minionMB > 9) Then 'Minion Jackpot increase? minionJackpotIncrease() lightningStart(Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) MagnetSet(100) End If End Sub sub balconyJump() 'What happens when you successfully make the Balcony Jump 'There are 4 possible things that happen when you make the Balcony Jump '1: No Mode Active / Theater Not started = Show combo, advance theater '2: Theater Active = Do not show combo (but light it as one) Advance Super Jumps, add 500k per jump. Not combo timer dependent (but mode itself is timed) '3: No Mode Active / Theater Completed = Do not show combo, advance Super Jumps, add 100k per jump with combo timer active '4: Other Mode Active = Show combo, normal logic (most logic uses the balcony approach, but make the jump to score/light combo) if (theProgress(player) < 3 and Advance_Enable) Then 'CASE 1: Are we eligible to advance Theater? comboCheck(4) 'Normal combo check TheaterAdvance() 'Advance Theater Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) = 100 and Advance_Enable) Then 'CASE 3: Theater has been completed? sweetJumpBonus = sweetJumpBonus + 100000 '100k added per jump. Resets when combo times out. sweetJump = sweetJump + 1 'So making shot ALWAYS awards at least 100k, and that increases if you combo shots together if (sweetJump > 12) Then 'Limit the animations/SFX, but no limits of total # of Sweet Jumps and bonus value sweetJump = 12 'You only get 15 seconds per shot in theater mode, so unless you make a jump a second End If 'highly unlikely you'll ever hit the limit of 12 playSFX 1, "T", "S", 64 + sweetJump, 255 'Whooshing jump sound FX video "T", "J", 64 + sweetJump, allowSmall, 30, 255 'Jump Complete video showValue sweetJumpBonus, 0, 1 Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'During Theater mode, spam this shot for Sweet Jumps! sweetJumpBonus = sweetJumpBonus + 500000 '500k more per jump (worth more in actual mode. Resets when you add time by hitting ghost. Risk/reward! sweetJump = sweetJump + 1 if (sweetJump > 12) Then 'Limit the animations, but no limits of total # of Sweet Jumps sweetJump = 12 'You only get 15 seconds per shot in theater mode, so unless you make a jump a second End If 'highly unlikely you'll ever hit the limit of 12 playSFX 1, "T", "S", 64 + sweetJump, 255 'Whooshing jump sound FX video "T", "J", 64 + sweetJump, allowSmall, 30, 255 'Jump Complete video showValue sweetJumpBonus, 0, 1 Exit Sub End If 'If in another mode, or Theater is lit but not collected, prompt standard combos comboCheck(4) 'Normal combo check comboVideoFlag = 0 'Nothing active? Reset video combo flag AddScore(5000) 'Some points 'Nothing going on default prompt video "C", "G", "E", allowSmall, 39, 250 'Regular Combo to the Right -> playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! End Sub sub ballElevatorLogic() 'What happens when a ball goes in the Elevator on second floor 'Serial.println("BALL IN HELLAVATOR") if (Mode(player) <> 3) Then 'Prevents Ghost Whore from taunting you when loading MB in her mode ghostLooking(165) End If if (HellBall = 0) Then 'Ball just went into Hellavator, and we're allowed to lock balls? if (hotProgress(player) = 30) Then 'Waiting for Jackpot Enable shot? HellBall = 10 'Set flag for ball Transit ElevatorSet hellDown, 20 'Move elevator down light 41, 0 'Flasher OFF HotelLightJackpot() Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Waiting for first shot in Theater Mode? HellBall = 10 'Set flag for ball Transit TheaterPlay(1) Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) = 4) Then 'Third locked ball for Demon Mode? DemonLock3() Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) = 3 and Advance_Enable = 1) Then 'Ready to start Hotel Mode? HotelStart1() Exit Sub 'So the ghost doesn't move End If if (hellLock(player) = 1) Then 'Can we lock a ball? We don't care where the elevator actually is (that caused a bug) light 41, 0 'Turn off flasher HellBall = 10 'Set flag for ball Transit ElevatorSet hellDown, 150 'Move elevator down (was 175) light 25, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(24) 'Other state BLINKS light 30, 0 'Lock is NOT lit if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'Minion MB is a MB without hell locks, but if Hell is enabled, we must be in Hell MB, or Hell MB + Minion MB video "Q", "J", "D", 1, 20, 255 'Jackpot! playSFX 0, "Q", "J", "D", 255 showValue hellJackpot(player), 40, 1 flashCab 255, 255, 255, 50 strobe 26, 5 if (hellMB) Then customScore "Q", "B", "A", allowAll OR loopVideo, 90 'Custom Score: Ramp increase, Ghost Catch End If Else 'Only increase if we AREN'T in a multiball callHits = 0 'Reset # of Call Hits AddScore(50000) 'Some points lockCount(player) = lockCount(player) + 1 'Increase count to Multiball. Need 3. killQ() video "Q", "A", lockCount(player), 0, 56, 255 'Show people going down in an elevator, or MB starting animation light 26, 0 'Clear hotel progress lights light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 41, 0 'Turn off flasher blink(30) 'Set lights if (lockCount(player) = 1) Then 'One ball locked light 26, 7 flashCab 255, 0, 255, 100 End If if (lockCount(player) = 2) Then 'Two balls locked? light 26, 7 light 27, 7 flashCab 255, 0, 255, 100 End If if (lockCount(player) = 3) Then 'Three balls locked? blink 26 blink 27 blink 28 multiBallStart(1) Else playSFX 0, "Q", "A", lockCount(player), 255 'Ball 1 or 2 LOCKED! animatePF 74, 30, 0 'Vertical lock swoosh End If End If End If End If End Sub sub ballExitElevatorLogic() 'Serial.println("HELL EXITED") HellBall = 0 'Clear flag if (hellLock(player)) Then 'Can balls be locked? if (multiBall = 0 and lockCount(player) < 3) Then 'Haven't started multiball yet, but we are able to? 'Once a Ball is locked, revert the Ramp Lights to HOTEL state light 25, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(24) 'Other state BLINKS light 30, 0 'Lock is NOT lit now (elevator is down) if (Advance_Enable) Then 'We're not in a mode? See if we paint Hotel Lights... if (hotProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Able to advance hotel? if (hotProgress(player) = 0) Then 'Show how far it is pulse(26) light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 1) Then light 26, 7 pulse(27) light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 2) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 pulse(28) light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 3) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 light 28, 7 pulse(29) End If Else 'Hotel complete? No lights. (they didn't leave the light on for ya) light 26, 0 light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If End If End If End If End Sub sub ballSave() 'Call this to set (enable) Ball Save. Time can vary per player if (saveTimer < ((saveCurrent(player) + 2) * cycleSecond)) Then 'If you're awarded a 30 second ball save, don't want a new one that's less! 8-22-14 fix saveTimer = ((saveCurrent(player) + 2) * cycleSecond) 'Default is 5 seconds, can be changed in menu 8-22-14 fix 'blink(56) 'Blink the SPOOK AGAIN light End If spookCheck() 'See what to do with the light End Sub sub ballSaveScoop() 'If scoop shoots right down the drain, you get ball back (2 second "silent" ball save) Dim calculateTime calculateTime = scoopSaveStart * cycleMilliSecond if (saveTimer < calculateTime) Then '1.5 seconds - 2 is a BIT too much saveTimer = calculateTime 'Now it's user defined, in milliseconds 'saveTimer = 18000 'Just low enough to prevent light from turning on End If spookCheck() 'See what to do with the light End Sub sub ballSearch() 'Can't find balls? This routine tries to find them if (Sw22) Then 'Ball in Basement Scoop? ' Coil(ScoopKick, scoopPower) KiVUK1.Enabled = 0 MoveBall BallMover2, KiVUK1, KiVUK3, 210, ScoopPower, 0 PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("ballrelease"),KiVUK1,VolKick DOF 122, 2 KiVUK1.TimerEnabled = 1 'Start a timer that will re-enabled the VUK very shortly after the kick-out Sw22 = 0 'Serial.println("Ball BASEMENT SCOOP") End If if (Sw23) Then 'Ball behind door? ' Coil(LeftVUK, vukPower) VUKKicker KiDoor, vukPower 'EP- My version of the VUK kicker 'Serial.println("Ball LEFT VUK") End If if (Sw57) Then 'Ball in shooter lane? 'Serial.println("Ball Search KICK") ' Coil(Plunger, plungerStrength) 'Kick it out! AutoPlunger.AutoFire DOF 124, 2 'Serial.println("Ball SHOOTER LANE") End If End Sub sub ballSearchDebounce(onOff) 'EP- No debounce needed End Sub sub ballClear() 'Like ball search, clears out locked balls End Sub 'Functions for Bar Ghost Mode 4........................ sub BarAdvance() 'X number of pops advances bar AddScore(popScore) areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 'Total mode progress barProgress(player) = barProgress(player) + 1 'Increment Bar Progress flashCab 0, 255, 0, 10 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color if (barProgress(player) > 0 and barProgress(player) < 26) Then ' and centerTimer = 0) 'If we haven't filled it yet, show the progress video "B", "A", BarProgress(player)+64, allowBar OR allowSmall OR preventRestart, 40, 250 ' showProgressBar(4, 3, 12, 26, barProgress player) * 4, 4 ' showProgressBar(5, 10, 12, 27, barProgress player) * 4, 2 End If if (barProgress(player) = 6) Then playSFX 0, "B", "1", random(4) + 65, 250 'Advance sound 1 Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) = 18) Then playSFX 0, "B", "2", random(4) + 65, 250 'Advance sound 2 Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) = 26) Then 'Did we fill the bar? killQ() stopVideo(0) video "B", "4", "0", 0, 90, 255 'Prompt for Bar Ghost Lit (can override Center Shot playSFX 0, "B", "3", random(4) + 65, 250 'Advance sound 3 'centerTimer = 25000 'Prevents pop bumper jackpot from overiding prompt video barProgress(player) = 50 '50 indicates Mode is ready to start. popLogic(3) 'Pops won't do anything else until you start the mode spiritGuideEnable(0) showScoopLights() 'Update the Scoop Lights Exit Sub End If popToggle() stereoSFX 1, "B", "Z", random(3) + 65, 100, leftVolume, rightVolume End Sub sub BarStart() 'What happens when we shoot the scoop to start Bar Mode 3 light 45, 0 'Turn off the mode start light in player bank restartKill 3, 1 'In case we got the Restart comboKill() 'So combo lights don't appear after the mode storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Bar modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore startScore/2 minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 255 'Blue mode color setCabModeFade 0, 63, 0, 200 'Set mode color to DIM GREEN, fade to that color popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP Mode(player) = 3 'Ghost whore mode start! Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode has started, others can't DoorSet DoorOpen, 100 light 45, 7 'Turn BAR start light SOLID blink(60) 'Blink the Mode Light during battle. blink(17) 'Blink the targets for the Ghost Whore blink(18) blink(19) Light 16, 0 barProgress(player) = 60 'Set flag, ghost waiting to be touched! jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Reset this just in case videoModeCheck() loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop 'Serial.println("GHOST START") 'VOICE CALL, GHOST APPEARS TargetTimerSet 50000, TargetDown, 100 'Put targets down slowly so we notice. killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "B", "4", "A", 1, 120, 255 'Show the Ghost! playSFX 0, "B", "4", random(3) + 65, 255 'Mode start dialog. Come resist my charms! ' playMusic "B", "1" 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" customScore "B", "1", "A", allowAll OR loopVideo, 36 'Shoot the Ghost custom score prompt '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner '; numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right ScoopTime = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) 'Flag to kick the ball back out hellEnable(0) 'We can lock balls during this mode, but not until we trap the ball showProgress 1, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Allow balls to be trapped skip = 30 'Set skip mode to Bar Ghost End Sub sub BarLogic() 'What happens during Ghost Battle Mode Dim X if (barProgress(player) > 69 and barProgress(player) < 80) Then modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Random ghost taunt? playSFX 0, "B", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Will not override advance dialog video "B", "8", "A", allowSmall, 45, 254 'Will not override video 'MagnetSet(200) End If if (modeTimer > Int(160000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Kaminski prompt? modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer playSFX 0, "B", "7", 65 + random(8), 255 'Will not override advance dialog video "B", "7", "A", allowSmall, 65, 254 'Will not override video 'MagnetSet(200) End If End If if (barProgress(player) > 79 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Battling Ghost whore multiball! modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(70000/CycleAdjuster)) Then lightningStart(1) 'Do some lightning! x = random(2) if (x) Then playSFX 0, "B", "B", random(10), 255 'Team Leader commanding ghost to leave and stuff Else playSFX 1, "L", "G", random(8), 255 'Random lightning End If End If if (modeTimer > Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)) Then modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer End If End If End Sub sub BarTrap() 'What happens when you shoot the ghost and she captures your teammate if (restartTimer) Then restartKill 3, 1 comboKill() 'So combo lights don't appear after the mode storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Bar modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 255 'Blue mode color popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP Mode(player) = 3 'Ghost whore mode start! Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode has started, others can't DoorSet DoorOpen, 100 tourReset(58) 'Reset the Tour bits ' playMusic "B", "1" 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" End If setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 200 'Turn lighting GREEN (with envy) AddScore startScore/2 'Points for getting trapped barProgress(player) = 70 'Advance the mode. dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Disable dirty pool check (since we DO want to trap the ball) trapTargets = 1 'A ball is trapped! modeTimer = 0 'Reset mode timer activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Remove an active ball killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "B", "6", "A", 1, 135, 255 'Kaminski trapped! playSFX 1, "B", "6", random(4) + 65, 255 'You're mine now sugar! pulse(17) 'Now pulse the lights pulse(18) pulse(19) hellEnable(1) 'We can lock balls during this mode, but not until we trap the ball customScore "B", "1", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 33 'Clear Targets for Multiball custom message ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'We re-send these in case a quick restart occurred EP- can't discern what these are ' numbers(10, 9, 88, 0, 0) 'Ball # upper right '; numbers "", Ball, "", "" tourReset(58) 'Tour: Left orbit, door, up middle, right orbit. 'Hotel path: Can lock balls 'Scoop: Steals kegs ghostAction = Int(140000/CycleAdjuster) AutoPlunge(70000) 'Set flag to launch second ball skip = 35 End Sub sub BarTarget(whichTarget) 'Logic for determining which targets in Bar Ghost mode have been cleared ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine. MagnetSet(100) ghostFlash(100) if (gTargets(whichTarget) = 1) Then 'Already hit that one? playSFX 0, "B", "7", 83 + random(8), 255 'Will not override advance dialog video "B", "8", "D", allowSmall, 45, 255 '"Clear Flashing Targets to start Multiball" AddScore(25000) 'Some points Else targetsHit = targetsHit + 1 'Increase how many targets we've hit if (targetsHit = 2) Then 'Almost ready? customScore "B", "1", "C", allowAll OR loopVideo, 32 'Clear Targets MULTIBALL READY!!! End If gTargets(whichTarget) = 1 'Set the flag that we hit this light 17 + whichTarget, 7 'Make light SOLID AddScore(250000) modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer to asub overlap if (gTargets(0) = 1 and gTargets(1) = 1 and gTargets(2) = 1) Then 'Cleared them all? BarMultiball() 'Begin multiball Else playSFX 0, "B", "5", 88 + random(3), 255 'Ghost yelp! video "B", "8", "E", allowSmall, 23, 255 'Ghost whacked! (or maybe life bar?) videoQ "B", "8", 65 + targetsHit, allowSmall, 30, 200 'How many hits are left End If End If End Sub sub BarMultiball() 'When you free your teammate and multiball to bash the ghost spiritGuideEnable(0) ghostAction = 0 kegsStolen = 0 'Shooting the scoops lets you steal up to 10 kegs of beer for bonus points whoreJackpot = 0 'Reset this per instance AddScore(winScore) 'Points for beating ghost ' playMusic "G", "S" musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer for exorcist quotes ' ModeWon(player) |= 1 << 3 'Set BAR WON bit for this player. ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 8 if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If ' swDebounce(24) = 50000 'Temporarily set Ghost Hit debounce really high so ball release won't trigger a Jackpot barProgress(player) = 80 'Set flag for Ghost Whore Multiball light 60, 7 'Bar mode light solid because A Winner Is You! pulse(16) 'Pulse "Make Contact" strobe 17, 3 pulse(47) 'Pulse Scoop Camera for beer stealing TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 50 'Put targets down fairly quickly trapTargets = 0 'Ball is no longer trapped activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos playSFX 0, "B", "9", 65 + random(4), 255 'I'm Free! Let's get her dialog video "B", "9", "A", 1, 121, 255 'Play Mad Ghost video 'videoQ('B', '9', 'B', 2, 0, 255) 'Jackpot Prompt manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + 75000 'Set what next Jackpot is worth, boss value + (Whore Hits * 75k) customScore "B", "1", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 36 'Custom Score: Hit ghost for JACKPOTS! ' numbers(8, numberScore | 2, 0, 0, player) 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers(9, numberScore | 2, 72, 27, 0) 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right numbers "", "", "", EVP_Jackpot(player) ' numbers(10, 9, 88, 0, 0) 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" dirtyPoolMode(1) multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost End Sub sub BarWin() 'When down to last ball, mode 3 is won DOF 134, 2 Dim x if (multiBall) Then 'Was a MB stacked? multiBallEnd(1) 'End it, with flag that it's ending along with a mode End If multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) comboKill() spiritGuideEnable(1) ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 'Fade out ghost ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/cycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) lightningKill() setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset to default color if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If light 16, 0 'Turn off "Make Contact" light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 light 60, 7 'Turn Bar Mode solid because we won! light 45, 0 'Make sure BAR START is off Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None barProgress(player) = 100 'Flag that reminds us this mode has been won playSFX 0, "B", "9", 89 + random(2), 255 'I'm Free! Let's get her dialog ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "B", "0", "Z", noExitFlush, 59, 255 'Play Death Video '; numbersPriority(0, numberFlash | 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233) 'Load Mode Total Points numbers "", "", ModeTotal, ModeTotal modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "B", "0", "V", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Mode Total: ' ModeWon(player) |= 1 << 3 'Set BAR WON bit for this player. ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 8 ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'For bonuses Advance_Enable = 1 if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBalllight 2 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random(2), 255) '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready checkModePost() hellEnable(1) for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next showProgress 0, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want End Sub Function BarFail() 'Returns a 1 if we can try again, 0 if not Dim x multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) spiritGuideEnable(1) killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) lightningKill() setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset to default color ' if (ModeWon(player) & (1 << 3)) Then 'Did we win this mode before? If ((ModeWon(player) AND 8) = 8) Then light 60, 7 'Make Hospital Mode light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 60, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If light 16, 0 'Turn off "Make Contact" light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 hellEnable(1) TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Release the ball and let it drain, or be caught by player! trapTargets = 0 'BROKEN if (barProgress(player) = 60) Then 'Didn't even hit the ghost to start? 'dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Don't want to trap balls anymore loopCatch = 0 'No longer want to trap ball checkModePost() 'In this condition, you lose your ball ' if (modeRestart(player) & (1 << 3)) Then 'Able to restart Bar? if ((modeRestart(player) AND 8) = 8) Then ' modeRestart(player) &= ~(1 << 3) 'Clear the restart bit modeRestart(player) = (modeRestart(player) AND 247) barProgress(player) = 50 pulse(45) 'Pulse BAR GHOST start light popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP Else barProgress(player) = 0 'Gotta start over! if (fortProgress(player) < 50) Then 'Haven't completed the Fort yet? popLogic(1) 'Set pops to advance Fort Else popLogic(2) 'Else, have them re-advance Bar Ghost until we get it End If light 45, 0 'Turn off BAR GHOST start light End If BarFail = 0 Exit Function 'In this condition, you lose your ball End If 'Else, you must have started the Bar Fight! ' if (modeRestart(player) & (1 << 3) and tiltFlag = 0) Then 'Able to restart Bar? if (((modeRestart(player) AND 8) = 8) AND tiltFlag = 0) Then ' modeRestart(player) &= ~(1 << 3) 'Clear the restart bit modeRestart(player) = (modeRestart(player) AND 247) restartBegin 3, 11, 25000 'Enable a restart! barProgress(player) = 60 'Waiting for Ghostly Embrace! loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Disable dirty pool, like Ghost Start does doorLogic() 'Since we opened the door, see what we're supposed to do with it if mode ends blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 'Count the ball we just released ' playMusic "H", "2" 'Hurry Up Music! musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "B", "0", "Y", 1, 109, 255 'Mode fail! Shoot door to restart! playSFX 0, "B", "R", 65 + random(6), 255 'You've got 5 seconds to come back honey! BarFail = 1 Exit Function 'Flag to prevent a drain! Else 'End mode, and let the ball drain barProgress(player) = 0 'Gotta start over if (fortProgress(player) < 50) Then 'Haven't completed the Fort yet? popLogic(1) 'Set pops to advance Fort End If dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Don't want to trap balls anymore checkModePost() TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Release the ball... TargetTimerSet 20000, TargetUp, 10 'and put targets back up after a bit showProgress 0, player BarFail = 0 Exit Function End If for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next showProgress 0, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want End Function 'Functions for Bar Ghost Mode 4........................ sub callButtonLogic() 'What to do when player hits Call Elevator button. Mostly, when you CAN'T control it for MB if (hellLock(player) = 0) Then AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 1 and patientStage) Then 'In hospital, trying to poison ghosts? AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub 'Can't move it End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Hotel mode uses elevator too much, so no MB with it AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) > 3 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Doing Theater mode? AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) > 2 and hotProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Doing or about to start Hotel mode? AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) > 0 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'In wizard mode? AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound Exit Sub End If 'If none of those, then you can control it if (HellLocation = hellDown) Then 'If Hell was DOWN, move it UP AddScore(25000) if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'Hellavator multiball mode active? video "Q", "J", "A", 1, 42, 200 'Jackpot ready! playSFX 2, "Q", "J", "A", 200 blink(41) 'Hell flasher strobe 26, 4 'Strobe the first 4 lights blink(30) 'Blink LOCK. Sort of makes sense. light 24, 0 'In MB, once up, Hellavator can't be moved light 25, 0 'So turn off both lights if (hellMB) Then customScore "Q", "B", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Custom Score: JACKPOT READY! End If Else light 24, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(25) 'Other state BLINKS video "Q", "A", "B", 1, 42, 200 'Hellavator Lock is Lit! playSFX 2, "Q", "A", "B", 210 pulse(30) 'Elevator UP, Lock is lit! (and so am I!) blink(41) 'Flash Hellavator flasher light 26, 0 'Clear hotel progress lights light 27, 0 light 28, 0 'Show multiball progress if (lockCount(player) = 0) Then 'No balls locked? blink(26) 'Blink "1" End If if (lockCount(player) = 1) Then 'One ball locked already? light 26, 7 '1 solid, blink 2 blink(27) End If if (lockCount(player) = 2) Then 'Two balls locked? light 26, 7 '1 and 2 solid, blink 3 light 27, 7 blink(28) End If End If ElevatorSet hellUp, 100 'Send Hellavator to 2nd Floor. End If if (HellLocation = hellUp) Then 'If Hell was UP, move it DOWN (unless Hell MB active awaiting Jackpot) AddScore(25000) if (multiBall) AND (multiballHell) Then 'Hellavator multiball mode active? Don't let button do ANYTHING (keep hellavator UP) video "Q", "A", "6", 1, 30, 200 'Right Ramp Builds value! playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'CLUNK! strobe 26, 5 'Strobe first 5 lights Else light 25, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(24) 'Other state BLINKS ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Send Hellavator to 1st Floor. light 26, 0 'Turn off lights. We'll rebuild them for Hotel progress light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 light 30, 0 'Turn off LOCK light 41, 0 'Turn off Hell Flasher playSFX 2, "Q", "A", "A", 210 'Sound no matter what! if (Advance_Enable) Then 'Modes can be advanced, and Hotel hasn't been won yet? if (hotProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Able to advance hotel? if (hotProgress(player) = 0) Then pulse(26) light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 1) Then light 26, 7 pulse(27) light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 2) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 pulse(28) light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 3) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 light 28, 7 pulse(29) End If video "Q", "A", "A", 1, 42, 200 'Advance Hotel Open! Else 'Hotel already complete! light 26, 0 light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 video "Q", "A", "C", 1, 42, 200 'Path Open! End If Else video "Q", "A", "C", 1, 42, 200 'Path Open! End If End If End If End Sub sub centerPathCheck() 'When a ball is shot up the middle, and hasn't fallen from the jump ramp Dim X animatePF 210, 10, 0 if (hellMB and minion(player) < 100) Then tourGuide 1, 8, 2, 50000, 1 'Check for GHOST CATCH Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Prison? tourGuide 2, 6, 2, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) Then 'Fighting the Hotel Ghost? (can't do tour during the Control Box search) tourGuide 2, 5, 2, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then 'War fort? Dim Y X = random(8) If X=0 Then Y=79 If X=1 Then Y=81 If X=2 Then Y=50 If X=3 Then Y=47 If X=4 Then Y=49 If X=5 Then Y=110 If X=6 Then Y=77 If X=7 Then Y=67 playSFX 0, "W", "5", 65 + x, 210 'Random Army Ghost lines if (tourGuide(2, 4, 2, 25000, 0) = 0) Then video "W", "5", 65 + x, allowSmall, Y, 250 'Synced taunt video End If 'Check that part of the tour (no WHOOSH sound needed) Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) > 69 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Haunted Bar? tourGuide 1, 3, 2, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Hospital? tourGuide 2, 1, 2, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Trying to weaken demon DemonCheck(2) Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? BoxCheck(2) 'Check / flag box for this location Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(2) Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! Exit Sub End If AddScore(50000) '50k points up the center to make shot satisfying! playSFX 2, "E", "Z", 1 + random(3), 225 'Default Thunder sound! lightningStart(Int(5998/CycleAdjuster)-1) 'Lightning FX End Sub sub checkRoll() 'Check GLIR rollovers for completion 'Set GLIR lights to what they should be laneChange() 'playSFX(0, 'F', '1', 'J', 200) 'Negative rollover sound with BEEPS 'playSFX(0, 'F', '1', 'K', 200) 'Negative rollover sound NO BEEPS if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we IN a photo hunt? ' if (rollOvers(player) = B11111111) Then If ((rollOvers(player) AND 255) = 255) Then AddScore(100000) '100k points for spelling it during Photo Hunt! rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers blink(52) 'Blink GLIR for a bit blink(53) blink(54) blink(55) displayTimerCheck(89999) 'Check if anything was running, set new value playSFX 2, "F", "1", "M", 201 'Modified version of the "X More to Light Photo Hunt" sound End If Exit Sub 'OK, don't get to do anything else! End If ' if (GLIR(player) > 0 and rollOvers(player) = B11111111) Then 'GLIR spelled, not triggered yet? if (GLIR(player) > 0 AND ((rollOvers(player) AND 255) = 255)) Then if (GLIRlit(player) = 0) Then 'Haven't earned a Photo Hunt yet? GLIR(player) = GLIR(player) - 1 'Decrease spell counter if (GLIR(player) = 0) Then 'Did we spell GLIR enough times? if (GLIRneeded(player) < 9) Then GLIRneeded(player) = GLIRneeded(player) + 1 'Increase target # needed, max is 9 End If GLIR(player) = GLIRneeded(player) 'Set counter to new target # GLIRlit(player) = 1 'Flag set - can be started! rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers blink(52) 'Blink GLIR for a bit blink(53) blink(54) blink(55) displayTimerCheck(89999) 'Check if anything was running, set new value AddScore(20000) 'Can it be started, or must we wait? if (Mode(player) = 0 and Advance_Enable = 1) Then 'Able to start a mode? playSFX 0, "F", "1", 65 + random(4), 200 '"Photo Hunt is Lit!" prompt. Higher priority, will override normal rollover sound video "F", "1", "A", 1, 45, 200 'GLIR, photo hunt is lit! showScoopLights() 'Update scoop lights animatePF 30, 14, 0 'GLIR whoosh animation Else 'Have to wait until mode is over? playSFX 0, "F", "1", 69 + random(4), 200 'Ghost Locating Infrared Ready! video "F", "1", "B", allowSmall, 45, 200 'Photo Hunt ready after mode ends End If Else 'Reset GLIR lights, prompt how many more spells to light PHOTO HUNT playSFX 2, "F", "1", "I", 200 'Need to spell it again sound FX video "F", "S", GLIR(player), allowSmall, 37, 200 'SPELL GLIR X MORE TIMES TO LIGHT PHOTO HUNT AddScore(20000) rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers blink(52) 'Blink GLIR for a bit blink(53) blink(54) blink(55) displayTimerCheck(89999) 'Properly end anything that may already be using the timer End If Else 'If we already lit Photo Hunt, just award points playSFX 2, "F", "1", "M", 200 'Modified version of the "X More to Light Photo Hunt" sound AddScore(20000) rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers blink(52) 'Blink GLIR for a bit blink(53) blink(54) blink(55) displayTimerCheck(89999) 'Properly end anything that may already be using the timer End If Else '; video "F", "X", 64 + (rollOvers(player) AND 15), allowSmall, 0, 200 'Show what letters we have earned thus far (whenever a rollover is hit, even if hit already) End If End Sub sub laneChange() 'Changes lighted lanes when flippers pressed if ((rollOvers(player) AND 136) = 136) Then 'B10001000) Then 'G lit? light 52, 7 Else light 52, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 68) = 68) Then 'B01000100) Then 'L lit? light 53, 7 Else light 53, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 34) = 34) Then '& B00100010) Then 'I lit? light 54, 7 Else light 54, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 17) = 17) Then 'B00010001) Then 'R lit? light 55, 7 Else light 55, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 36) = 36) Then 'B00100100) Then 'O lit? light 32, 7 Else light 32, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 18) = 18) Then 'B00010010) Then 'R lit? light 33, 7 Else light 33, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 9) = 9) Then 'B00001001) Then 'B lit? light 34, 7 Else light 34, 0 End If End Sub sub checkModePost() 'After a mode is over, check to see if we need to do anything doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door checkRoll() 'See if we enabled GLIR Ghost Photo Hunt during that mode elevatorLogic() 'Did the mode move the elevator? Re-enable it and lock lights targetLogic(1) 'Where the Ghost Targets should be, up or down. In most cases, also see if we should reset Minion popLogic(0) 'Figure out what mode the Pops should be in End Sub sub checkOrb(videoYes) 'See if ORB has been completed if ((orb(player) AND 63) <> 63) Then 'Not all ORB lanes complete? if (videoYes) Then playSFX 1, "O", "R", random(2) + 65, 100 'The orb that will repopulate the Earth. Nobody knows how it works. Only that it does. video "O", "R", 64 + (orb(player) AND 7), allowSmall, 40, 250 'Play video of what IS lit. Lower than skill shot priority End If laneChange() Else 'All lit? Advance multipler! if (bonusMultiplier < 1) Then '9 is the limit bonusMultiplier = 1 'If for some reason it's ZERO, make sure it's at least 1 End If bonusMultiplier = bonusMultiplier + 1 'Increase the Bonus Multipler if (bonusMultiplier = 10) Then '9 is the limit bonusMultiplier = 9 End If playSFX 1, "O", "R", "C", 110 'Rollover + WIN sound! (Slightly higher priority) video "O", "R", bonusMultiplier, allowSmall, 60, 250 'Play OR ASCII 48 + multipler (2-9 ASCII) blink(32) 'Blink ORB blink(33) blink(34) displayTimerCheck(44999) 'Properly end anything that may already be using the timer orb(player) = 0 'Clear player's ORB variable so it can be reset even during the flash End If End Sub sub comboCheck(whichShot) comboVideoFlag = 0 'The default is a standard combo. If we're not in a mode, and that shot advance is complete, it'll do Ghost Catch Combo instead if (comboTimer > 0 and comboShot = whichShot) Then 'Did we hit the Combo? comboVideoFlag = 1 'Default is a normal combo, but check if it isn't if (Advance_Enable) Then 'Not in a mode? See if this shot advance has been completed yet Select Case whichShot case 0: 'Left orbit, and Prison is complete? if ((ModeWon(player) AND 64) = 64) Then comboVideoFlag = 0 video "C", "G", "A", allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Left net catch End If case 1: if ((ModeWon(player) AND 2) = 2) Then 'Door VUK, and Hospital is complete? comboVideoFlag = 0 video "C", "G", "A", allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Left net catch End If case 2: 'comboVideoFlag = 0 'video('C', 'G', 'A' + random(2), allowSmall, 0, 255) 'Left or right net catch case 3: if ((ModeWon(player) AND 32) = 32) Then 'Hotel path, and hotel complete? comboVideoFlag = 0 video "C", "G", "B", allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Right net catch End If case 4: if ((ModeWon(player) AND 4) = 4) Then 'Theater jump, and Theater complete? comboVideoFlag = 0 video "C", "G", "B", allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Right net catch End If End Select End If if (comboVideoFlag) Then 'Default combo? if (whichShot = 2) Then 'Combo up middle? Make sure it won't override Pop Graphics and mess up numbers or progress bars comboVideoFlag = 0 'Allow pops video to override Combo indicator End If videoCombo "C", "O", comboCount, allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 10, 255 'Combo Video (1x to 5x) playSFX 1, "C", "O", comboCount, 200 'Combo sound FX if (comboCount = 9) Then 'Max combo? Double points, reset # combos AddScore((comboCount * comboScore) * 2) comboCount = 1 Else 'Normal points, increase combos AddScore(comboCount * comboScore) comboCount = comboCount + 1 End If Else killQ() videoQ "C", "G", comboCount, allowSmall OR noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Enqueue Combo X Indicator (1 to 9) to appear after Net Catch playSFX 1, "C", "C", 65 + random(10), 200 'Net whoosh + scream Combo sound FX if (comboCount = 9) Then 'Max combo? Double points, reset # combos AddScore((comboCount * comboScore) * 2) comboCount = 1 Else 'Normal points, increase combos AddScore(comboCount * comboScore) comboCount = comboCount + 1 End If End If light photoLights(comboShot), 0 'Turn that light off End If End Sub sub comboKill() Dim X if (comboTimer) Then for x=0 To 5 light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions Next light photoLights(comboShot), 0 'Turn off existing light, if any comboCount = 1 'Reset # of combos comboVideoFlag = 0 'Reset video flag comboShot = 99 'Set target shot to out of range comboTimer = 0 End If End Sub sub comboSet(whichShot, howMuchTime) 'Sets the next combo shot, and how much time you get for it if (comboEnable = 0) Then Exit Sub End If if (comboTimer) Then if (tourLights(comboShot) = 0) Then 'If the previous Combo Icon isn't flashing for a Tour mode... light photoLights(comboShot), 0 'Turn off previous Combo Shot Lamp End If End If comboTimer = howMuchTime 'Set timer. Default was 80000 cycles, about 3.5 seconds comboShot = whichShot 'Set location of what shot to hit for combo blink(photoLights(comboShot)) 'Blink that light! End Sub Function countBalls() 'Counts the balls in the trough Dim x:x = 0 'Balls found Dim y ' int xx = B00001000 'Bit to check ' while (xx != B10000000) Then ' if (xx & switches(7)) Then 'Is there a ball there? ' x = ' x - 1 'Up the count ' End If ' xx <<= 1 'Bitshift to the left ' End If ' return x 'Return how many balls we found If Sw59=1 Then x = x + 1 If Sw60=1 Then x = x + 1 If Sw61=1 Then x = x + 1 If Sw62=1 Then x = x + 1 countBalls = x End Function Function countGhosts() 'Returns how many Ghost Bosses have been beaten Dim howMany:howMany = 0 Dim bitChecker:bitChecker = 65 Dim x for x=0 To 5 if ((ModeWon(player) AND bitChecker) = bitChecker) Then howMany = howMany + 1 End If ' bitChecker >>= 1 bitChecker = ShiftRight(bitChecker, 1) Next CountGhosts = howMany ' return howMany End Function 'Functions for Demon Battle Wizard Mode 10........................ sub DemonLock1() 'Wizard Mode Started! AddScore(advanceScore) comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store and clear lamps allLamp(0) minionEnd(0) DoorSet DoorClosed, 500 'Close the door slowly trapDoor = 1 'Flag that ball should be trapped behind door TargetTimerSet cycleSecond, TargetDown, 250 'Put the targets down ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Send Hellavator to 1st Floor. light 41, 0 updateRollovers() 'Update ORB and GLIR if (wiki(player) < 255) Then pulse(0) Else light 0, 7 End If if (tech(player) < 255) Then pulse(1) Else light 1, 7 End If if (psychic(player) < 255) Then pulse(51) Else if (scoringTimer) Then 'Double scoring active so the light blinks blink(51) Else light 51, 7 'Completed, so it's solid End If End If 'comboEnable = 0 'Combos during Control Box search would be confusing, so no deProgress(player) = 2 'Starting to lock balls Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode started, disable advancement until we are done minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress Mode(player) = 10 'Set DEMON mode ACTIVE for player spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide hellEnable(0) 'No hellavator light 24, 0 'Hellavator Call buttons OFF light 25, 0 light 13, 7 'Fight Demon light SOLID! blink(17) 'Flash ghost targets blink(18) blink(19) blink(63) 'Blink DEMON MODE light! GIpf(96) ' playMusic "D", "1" 'Wind, rusty swing set musicplayer "bgout_D1.mp3" playSFX 0, "D", "A", 65 + random(3), 255 'Mode start dialog killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "D", "A", "A", allowSmall, 130, 255 'Ghost & Swing Set 'numbers(0, numberScore OR 2, 0, 27, player) 'Put player score 'videoQ('D', 'A', 'B', allowSmall OR loopVideo, 0, 255) 'Ghost & Swing Set, looping with Prompt customScore "D", "A", "B", allowSmall OR loopVideo, 130 'Ghost & Swing Set prompt loop '; numbers(8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 27, player) 'Put player score activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Remove a ball from being "Active" AutoPlunge(67500) 'Set flag to launch second ball deProgress(player) = 2 'We've locked the first ball. Now shoot for GHOST dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Switching to manual videoModeCheck() loopCatch = catchBall 'Set flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop setCabModeFade 32, 0, 0, 350 'Set mode color to DIM RED End Sub sub DemonLock2() AddScore(advanceScore) dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Disable dirty pool check (since we DO want to trap the ball) comboKill() 'MagnetSet(100) 'Hold the ball 'TargetTimerSet(5000, TargetUp, 1) 'Put the targets up quickly trapTargets = 1 'A ball is trapped on purpose! ElevatorSet hellUp, 300 'Send Hellavator UP blink(41) light 16, 0 'Turn off ghost lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 GIpf(32) modeTimer = Int(55000/cycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't decrement much during video strobe 26, 6 'Strobe the HELLAVATOR shot ' playMusic "D", "2" 'LOUDER Wind, rusty swing set musicplayer "bgout_D2.mp3" playSFX 0, "D", "B", 65 + random(3), 255 'Mode start dialog killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "D", "B", "A", allowSmall, 130, 255 'Ghost & Swing Set 'videoQ('D', 'B', 'B', allowSmall OR loopVideo, 0, 255) 'Loop it! customScore "D", "B", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 85 'Ghost & Swing Set prompt loop '; numbers(8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 27, player) 'Put player score activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Remove a ball from being "Active" AutoPlunge(67500) 'Set flag to launch second ball deProgress(player) = 4 'We've locked the second ball. Now shoot for HELLAVATOR setCabModeFade 64, 0, 0, 500 'Set mode color to MEDIUM red End Sub sub DemonLock3() Dim X, Y killScoreNumbers() 'Don't leave score onscreen during demon intro comboKill() comboEnable = 0 'Combos during Demon Hunt would be confusing setGhostModeRGB 255, 0, 00 'Red demon ghost HellBall = 10 'Flag to say elevator is in transit ElevatorSet hellDown, 200 'Move elevator down light 41, 0 DoorSet DoorOpen, 50 'Close the door light 26, 0 'Turn off strobing Hellavator lights light 13, 0 'Turn off FIGHT DEMON GIpf(0) x = random(3) 'Make sure audio and video match If x = 0 Then Y = 232 If x = 1 Then Y = 255 If x = 2 Then Y = 223 killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos ' playMusic "D", "E" 'Until we get final music ready musicplayer "bgout_de.mp3" playSFX 0, "D", "C", 65 + x, 255 'Demon start dialog video "D", "C", 65 + x, allowSmall, Y, 255 customScore "D", "D", 76 + random(1), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Ghost & Swing Set prompt loop '; numbers(8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player) 'Put player score numbers "", Ball, "", "" 'Ball # upper right activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Remove a ball from being "Active" deProgress(player) = 8 'Waits for tunnel ball to hit scoop. Then, IT'S ON! End Sub sub DemonStart() Dim X comboKill() modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points x = 0 for x=57 To 62 'Pulse the MODE LIGHTS to serve as Demon Health Bar pulse(x) Next AutoPlunge(90000) 'Set flag to launch 4th ball LeftTimer = Int(85000/CycleAdjuster) 'Kick out the left VUK ball ScoopTime = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) 'Kick out right scoop ball TargetTimerSet 80000, TargetDown, 1 'Put the targets down to release ball trapTargets = 0 'No balls are trapped trapDoor = 0 dirtyPoolMode(1) 'In case a ball gets up there somehow for x=0 To 5 photoLocation(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions light photoLights(x) - photoStrobe(x), 0 'Turn off the Strobe Next photoCurrent = random(5) 'Random location, but NOT the scoop to start photoLocation(photoCurrent) = 255 'Set which one has the DEMON SHOT 'pulse(photoLights(photoCurrent)) strobe photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Strobe as many under it as we can demonLife = 6 'How many hits are left to go. Win when this reaches 0 modeTimer = Int(95000/CycleAdjuster) 'At the start, this times how long until Target bank goes back up (about one second after they go down) DoctorTimer = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) 'How much time you've got before the shot moves. They move faster the more you collect activeBalls = activeBalls + 3 'Add the balls we've just released. The one being autolaunched will make it 4 multipleBalls = 1 'Brief ball saver saveTimer = Int(180000/CycleAdjuster) 'Manually set this high as we wait for balls spookCheck() 'Check what to do with Spook Light 'blink(56) 'Blink the SPOOK AGAIN light deProgress(player) = 9 'DEMON BATTLE has begun! This will also cause the Left VUK ball to be kicked out (once leftTimer reaches 0) setCabModeFade 255, 0, 0, 200 'Red lightning End Sub sub DemonState() 'What sort of looping video the demon should be doing if (deProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Jackpots FTW? if (activeBalls = 1) Then customScore "D", "Z", "Y", allowSmall OR loopVideo, 130 'Demon almost dead, Hit to Win! Else customScore "D", "J", 5 + random(1), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 150 'Weak demon defense, left or right, Hit for JACKPOTS! End If Else customScore "D", "D", 76 + random(1), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Normal Demon Defense, left or right, plus Prompt End If 'numbers(0, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player) 'Show small player's score in upper left corner of screen End Sub sub DemonMove() 'Change the demon's position Dim X x = 0 for x=0 To 5 photoLocation(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions light photoLights(x) - photoStrobe(x), 0 'Turn off the Strobe Next x = photoCurrent 'Set x to current location, so WHILE LOOP will execute at least once Do while (x = photoCurrent) 'Don't select same location twice - so it always MOVES x = random(5) 'Don't select scoop Loop photoCurrent = x 'Update current location photoLocation(photoCurrent) = 255 'Set which one has the DEMON SHOT 'pulse(photoLights(photoCurrent)) strobe photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Strobe the shot! End Sub sub DemonCheck(whichSpot) killQ() 'A lot of queued videos going on, so clear it each time if (deProgress(player) = 20) Then AddScore(50000) 'Some points if (activeBalls = 1) Then 'Only score jackpots with 2 or more balls video "D", "Z", "X", allowSmall OR loopVideo, 130, 255 'Hit Demon To Win! numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" 'Show small player's score in upper left corner of screen Else video "D", "J", "0", 0, 45, 230 'Hit Demon for Jackpots! (lower priority than Jackpot Advance display) DemonState() End If playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! Exit Sub 'Don't do this other stuff End If if (photoLocation(whichSpot) = 255) Then 'Did we hit the demon? ghostFlash(50) flashCab 255, 255, 255, 10 'Flash from black to Default Mode Color AddScore(activeBalls * 1000000) 'The more balls, the more points light demonLife + 56, 0 'Turn OFF the current light demonLife = demonLife - 1 'Decrement if (demonLife = 0) Then 'Did we beat him? lightSpeed = 1 'Back to normal DemonDefeated() Else 'Normal whacking dialog playSFX 0, "D", demonLife, 65 + random(3), 255 'Random dialog, 3 for each of the hits (5-1) if (whichSpot < 3) Then video "D", "D", "J", noExitFlush, 44, 255 'Looks left Else video "D", "D", "K", noExitFlush, 44, 255 'Looks right End If videoQ "D", "D", demonLife, noExitFlush OR noEntryFlush, 45, 255 DemonState() DemonMove() 'Change camera location DoctorTimer = DoctorTimer - Int(7000/CycleAdjuster) 'Targets move faster as you collect them modeTimer = DoctorTimer 'Reset timer before next move lightSpeed = lightSpeed + 1 'Increase! End If Else 'Miss! playSFX 0, "G", "T", 65 + random(18), 255 'Taunt player video "D", "D", 69 + random(1), allowSmall OR noExitFlush, 60, 255 'Demon taunt (left or right) DemonState() AddScore(2500) 'A few points flashCab 16, 0, 0, 75 'Darker red flash End If End Sub sub DemonJackpot() killQ() ghostFlash(50) jackpotMultiplier = activeBalls AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player) * jackpotMultiplier) 'The 'mo balls the 'mo betta! playSFX 0, "D", "J", 65 + random(7), 255 'Jackpot sounds! video "D", "J", activeBalls, noExitFlush, 50, 255 'Bonus based off how many balls we have showValue EVP_Jackpot(player) * jackpotMultiplier, 40, 1 'Show what jackpot value was DemonState() ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine. lightningStart(Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)) 'Demon lightning! End Sub sub DemonDefeated() 'After you hit the 6 strobing shots, Defenses are down and it's JACKPOT time! Dim X TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 1 'Put the targets down to release ball for x=0 To 5 photoLocation(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions light photoLights(x) - photoStrobe(x), 0 'Turn off the Strobe Next deProgress(player) = 20 'Now we're in BASH MODE! strobe 17, 3 'Strobe targets and pulse JACKPOT pulse(16) light 63, 7 'DEMON BATTLE solid GIpf(224) 'Lights back on! killQ() playSFX 0, "D", "0", 65 + random(3), 255 'Defeat Dialog! video "D", "D", "0", noExitFlush, 60, 255 'Demon sad if (activeBalls = 1) Then 'videoQ('D', 'Z', 'X', allowSmall OR loopVideo OR noEntryFlush, 0, 255) 'Demon almost dead, Hit to Win! 'numbers(0, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player) 'Show small player's score in upper left corner of screen customScore "D", "Z", "X", allowSmall OR loopVideo, 130 'Hit demon to WIN, then Demon on Ropes 'DemonState() loopCatch = catchBall 'Set that we're ready to catch the final ball multipleBalls = 0 Else 'videoQ('D', 'J', '0', noEntryFlush OR noExitFlush, 0, 255) 'Hit Demon for Jackpots! DemonState() multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back End If dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Disable dirty pool check (since we DO want to trap the ball) ' playMusic "G", "S" 'One more time! musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost End Sub sub DemonWin() DOF 134, 2 killQ() videoPriority(0) ghostFlash(50) lightningStart(1) AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player) * (ballsPerGame - ball)) 'Extra points if you complete this on balls 1 or 2 if (scoringTimer) Then 'Done? scoreMultiplier = 1 'Multiplier done scoringTimer = 0 'Reset timer animatePF 0, 0, 0 'Kill animations light 51, 7 'Light Psychic solid (done) End If killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() video "D", "0", "1", 0, 513, 255 'Demon Death + End Credits allLamp(0) light 63, 7 'All lights off but DEMON BATTLE solid ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine. musicVolume(0) = 80 'Temp volume increase musicVolume(1) = 80 volumeSFX 3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 2000 'Reset to default color ' playMusic "T", "E" 'Until we get final music ready musicplayer "bgout_te.mp3" TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Trap ball using targets deProgress(player) = 50 'Flag that mode is won! animatePF 179, 10, 1 'Center explode! modeTimer = Int(300000/CycleAdjuster) End Sub sub DemonFailLock() 'What happens if you fail while trying to lock the 3 balls loopCatch = 0 'Not trying to catch the ball killTimer(0) ' Coil(LeftVUK, vukPower) 'Kick out Ball 1 VUKKicker KiDoor, vukPower TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Release Ball 2 trapTargets = 0 'No balls are supposed to be trapped now trapDoor = 0 DemonFail() End Sub sub DemonFailBattle() 'What happens if you fail while trying to clear the shots and get to demon multipleBalls = 0 TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Make sure balls don't get trapped lightningKill() DemonFail() End Sub sub DemonFail() 'General fail conditions for Demon Mode modeTimer = 0 lightSpeed = 1 'Set this back to normal killNumbers() setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 0 'Turn off the Red Ghost setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color comboEnable = 1 'Allow combos loadLamp(player) spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Allow Spirit Guide again light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 light 26, 0 'Turn off the strobing Hellavator lights light 63, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() ghostMove 90, 10 'Turn ghost back to center ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 deProgress(player) = 1 'You can restart this mode as many times as you want blink(13) 'Blink the light to restart Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door checkRoll() 'See if we enabled GLIR Ghost Photo Hunt during that mode elevatorLogic() 'Did the mode move the elevator? Re-enable it and lock lights popLogic(0) 'Figure out what mode the Pops should be in End Sub 'END DEMON BATTLE FUNCTIONS sub demonQualify() 'Check this after every mode, to see if we are ready to light WIZARD MODE DEMON BATTLE 'All bosses beaten, MB started once, 3 minions defeated, and Photo Hunt completed once? 'if (hitsTolight player) > 1 and minionsBeat(player) > minionMB1 Then if (ModeWon(player) = 126 and photosNeeded(player) > 3 and hitsTolight(player) > 1 and minionsBeat(player) > minionMB1) Then deProgress(player) = 1 'TEST DEMON MODE READY TO START blink(13) 'BLINK LIGHT doorLogic() videoSFX "D", "0", "0", allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, "A", "Z", 90 + random(2), 255 End If End Sub sub doGhostActions() if (ghostAction < Int(10001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Guarding door? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(5000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 5, 50 End If if (ghostAction = 1) Then ghostMove 15, 50 ghostAction = Int(10000/CycleAdjuster) End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(10000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(20001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Hit condition? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(19999/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 130, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(18000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 110, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(17000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 120, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(16000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 80, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(15000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 70, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(14000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 80, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(12000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 75, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(10001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then ghostMove 90, 5 ghostAction = 0 End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(39999/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(10000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'War Fort Ball Hold? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(99999/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 110, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(97999/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 70, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(95999/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 110, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(93999/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 90, 5 End If if (ghostAction = Int(76000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 170, 20 End If if (ghostAction = Int(70000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 60, 2 End If if (ghostAction = Int(54000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 90, 100 ghostLook = 1 'Allow ghost to look around again if (goldHits > 9 and goldHits < 100) Then 'Still collecting gold? ghostAction = Int(209999/CycleAdjuster) Else ghostAction = Int(319999/CycleAdjuster) 'Else, normal pose End If End If End If if (ghostAction > Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(150001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Holding Ball? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(125000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 65, 300 End If if (ghostAction = Int(100010/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 115, 300 ghostAction = Int(150000/CycleAdjuster) End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(150000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(200000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Sexy Dance? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(199990/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 75, 100 End If if (ghostAction = Int(180000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 105, 50 End If if (ghostAction = Int(160001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then ghostMove 90, 100 ghostAction = 0 End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(210000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(230000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Ghost hit, leading into Guarding Door? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 Select Case ghostAction 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case Int(229900/CycleAdjuster): ghostMove 140, 2 case Int(220000/CycleAdjuster): ghostMove 125, 50 case Int(218000/CycleAdjuster): ghostMove 120, 50 case Int(214000/CycleAdjuster): ghostMove 115, 50 case Int(213000/CycleAdjuster): ghostMove 125, 50 case Int(211000/CycleAdjuster): 'This will lead into ghost turning back towards door ghostMove 115, 50 End Select Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(199999/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(210001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Guarding door? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(205000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostMove 5, 50 End If if (ghostAction = Int(200001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then ghostMove 15, 50 ghostAction = Int(209999/CycleAdjuster) End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(300000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(320001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Guarding Front? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 if (ghostAction = Int(310000/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then ghostMove 80, 50 End If if (ghostAction = Int(300001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then ghostMove 100, 50 ghostAction = Int(319999/CycleAdjuster) End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(320000/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(340000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Ghost hit, leading into Guarding Front? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 Select Case ghostAction 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case Int(339990/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 160, 2 case Int(334000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 150, 50 case Int(330000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 135, 50 case Int(328000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 126, 50 case Int(326000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 134, 50 case Int(324000/CycleAdjuster) 'This will lead into ghost guarding the front ghostMove 127, 50 case Int(322000/CycleAdjuster) 'This will lead into ghost guarding the front ghostMove 133, 50 End Select Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(399999/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(499999/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Minion animations? ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 Select Case (ghostAction) 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case Int(468000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 120, 2 case Int(466000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 60, 2 case Int(464000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 110, 5 case Int(462000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 70, 5 case Int(460000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 90, 5 'Centers if (minion(player) <> 10 and minion(player) <> 100) Then 'Minion over? End motion ghostAction = 0 End If case Int(450000/CycleAdjuster) 'This will lead into ghost guarding the front ghostMove 60, 150 case Int(425000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 120, 150 case Int(400000/CycleAdjuster) ghostAction = Int(450005/CycleAdjuster)+5 End Select Exit Sub End If if (ghostAction > Int(499999/CycleAdjuster) and ghostAction < Int(510000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ghostAction = ghostAction - 1 Select Case ghostAction 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case Int(509990/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 70 + (random(2) * 40), 5 'Either goto 70 or 110 case Int(500000/CycleAdjuster) ghostMove 90, 150 ghostAction = 0 'Cancel motion End Select Exit Sub End If End Sub sub doorDo() 'When ball goes past Door Opto ghostLooking(15) if (extraLit(player)) Then 'Extra ball available? Exit Sub 'Door should be open, let the ball past End If 'Other door opto functions won't work until EB is collected (such as Advance Hospital or Confederate Gold) if (Mode(player) = 6 and convictState = 1) Then 'Fighting warden ghost and the door is closed? video "P", "8", "Y", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Door opens, Prompt for next shot playSFX 0, "P", "Y", 65 + random(4), 255 AddScore(50000) '50k for hitting the door convictState = 2 'Advance state DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Open door quickly! light 14, 0 'Turn off Camera blink strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the entire shot modeTimer = 0 'Reset this so prompt won't happen for a bit Exit Sub 'Abort out so default doesn't occur End If if ((hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) and convictState = 1) Then 'Evicting ghosts from the Hotel? Uses same variables as Prison Free Ghost video "L", "E", "1", allowSmall, 62, 255 'Door opens, Prompt for next shot playSFX 0, "L", "E", 1 + random(4), 255 'Knocking sound, random prompt AddScore(50000) '50k for hitting the door convictState = 2 'Advance state DoorSet DoorOpen, 200 'Open door slowly light 14, 0 'Turn off Camera blink strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the entire shot Exit Sub 'Abort out so default doesn't occur End If if (fortProgress(player) > 59 and fortProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Fighting the War Fort? if (goldHits < 10) Then 'Not already collecting gold (10) or disabled (100)? WarGoldStart() End If if (goldHits = 100) Then 'Already beat it? killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "W", "G", "I", allowSmall, 60, 255 'No more gold! playSFX 0, "W", "G", random(4), 255 'Ghost lamenting the lack of gold ' DoorLocation = DoorClosed - 10 'Put it to be slightly opened ' myservo(DoorServo).write(DoorLocation) 'Send that value to the servo PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 10 DoorSet DoorClosed, 1000 'Then make it go back closed End If Exit Sub End If if (Advance_Enable = 1 and hosProgress(player) = 0) Then ' and deProgress(player) = 0) Then 'Are we elible to advance modes? if (theProgress(player) < 3 or theProgress(player) = 100) Then 'Theater isn't lit, or has been won already? HospitalAdvance() 'Advance Hospital Exit Sub End If End If if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9 and hosTrapCheck = 0) Then 'Are we trying to bash open the door, and there wasn't a ball search error? if (DoctorState = 0) Then 'Evil doctor ghost NOT distracted? Dim X ' DoorSet DoorClosed + 5, 5 'Open door slighty PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 5 modeTimer = Int(8000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set timer to close it back up AddScore(10000) 'A few points video "H", "5", "A", allowSmall, 99, 200 'Same video for every clip x = random(1) '50/50 chance it plays CLUNK or CLUNK + Voice Prompt if (x) Then playSFX 0, "H", "5", "Z", 255 'Play taunts H5A-H5D Else playSFX 0, "H", "5", random(8) + 65, 255 'Play taunts H5A-H5D End If End If if (DoctorState = 1) Then 'Evil doctor ghost IS distracted? AddScore(countSeconds * 50000) PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 20 'Open door slighty modeTimer = Int(8000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set timer to close it back up killTimer(0) 'Kill the timer DoctorState = 0 'Reset flag doctorHits = 0 'Reset this so there's a prompt next time you hit ghost light 8, 0 'Disable strobe state ghostAction = Int(5500/CycleAdjuster) 'Re-enable ghost jitters if (hosProgress(player) = 6) Then 'First bash? video "H", "6", "J", allowSmall, 60, 200 'Ball hits door, ghost blocks, 2 HITS TO GO! playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player), 74 + random(3), 255 customScore "H", "7", "E", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Shoot Ghost 2 shots to go! End If if (hosProgress(player) = 7) Then 'Second bash? video "H", "6", "K", allowSmall, 60, 200 'Ball hits door, ghost blocks, 1 HIT TO GO! playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player), 74 + random(3), 255 customScore "H", "7", "F", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Shoot Ghost 2 shots to go! End If hosProgress(player) = hosProgress(player) + 1 'Advance progress. If Hospital Logic section sees this as a "9", we start Multiball Battle! if (hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Not the winning hit yet? pulse(17) pulse(18) pulse(19) light hosProgress(player) + 1, 7 'Use number to indicate progress End If End If Exit Sub End If 'Default Action if no other logic. This actually should never happen, but make a CLUNK sound and slightly move door if it does if (DoorLocation = DoorClosed) Then 'Door closed when we hit it? ' DoorLocation = DoorClosed - 10 'Put it to be slightly opened ' myservo(DoorServo).write(DoorLocation) 'Send that value to the servo PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 10 DoorSet DoorClosed, 1000 'Then make it go back closed playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound AddScore(5000) 'Some points End If End Sub sub doorLogic() 'What to do with the door at the end of a mode DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'The default is OPEN, but... if (deProgress(player) = 1) Then 'Eligible to start Demon Battle? DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 Exit Sub End If if (extraLit(player)) Then 'Extra ball available? DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Make sure the door is open pulse(15) 'Pulse the light Exit Sub 'Return out of this, EB always top priority Else light 15, 0 'If not lit, turn light off (it may have been collected during a mode, thus old lights) End If if (Mode(player) = 6 or (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40)) Then 'A mode one-two punching the door? if (convictState = 1) Then DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 Else DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 End If Exit Sub End If if (hellMB or minionMB) Then 'Hell MB isn't in progress? DoorSet DoorOpen, 25 'Make sure the door is open Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then if (goldHits = 10) Then 'Stealing confederate gold? DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Make sure the door is open End If if (goldHits < 10 or goldHits = 100 or fortProgress(player) = 59) Then 'Trying to open door, or Gold already complete, or mode just started? DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 End If Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Eligible to start Theater? DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Make sure door is open Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) = 2) Then 'On second shot of Demon Battle? DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Door should be closed Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Are we trying to save our friend in hospital? DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Door needs to be closed! Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) > 0 and hosProgress(player) < 4) Then 'Advancing Hospital mode? DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Make sure door is open if (hosProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Was doctor mode ready? pulse(11) 'Turn off that light for now End If End If if (hosProgress(player) = 99) Then 'Did we FAIL doctor mode? pulse(11) 'Re-lite it DoorSet DoorOpen, 500 'Open door SLOWLY hosProgress(player) = 3 'Set progress to re-enable state Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) = 100 and Advance_Enable = 1) Then 'If hospital mode has been won, keep door open for combos (and to reduce wear) DoorSet DoorOpen, 100 Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) = 0 and Mode(player) = 0) Then 'Gotta start Hospital? Door is closed, unless we're in a mode in which case, don't touch the door don't touch the door! DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 End If End Sub sub DoorSet(dTarget, dSpeed) If dSpeed > 300 Then dSpeed = 300 'EP- My error trap dSpeed = (((DoorFast)/300) * (300 - dspeed)) + DoorSlow 'EP- I've got to adjust for BH's code ' if (dSpeed < 1) Then 'Error trap ' dSpeed = 100 'EP- But, this virtual door moves different than a physical one ' End If if (dTarget > DoorOpen) Then 'Error trap dTarget = DoorOpen End If if (dTarget < DoorClosed) Then 'Error trap dTarget = DoorClosed End If DoorSpeed = dSpeed 'How fast to move DoorTarget = dTarget 'Where to move to. DoorTimer = 0 'Reset cycle timer WaDoor.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub sub dirtyPoolCheck() 'If a mode ends with a condition where a ball could be stuck under the ghost, call this routine to check and clear it if (dirtyPoolChecker = 0) Then 'We WANT to trap balls behind targets? Exit Sub 'Abort! End If 'Serial.println("Dirty Pool Check...") dirtyPoolTimer = 1 'Set the timer for Dirty Pool Logic End Sub sub dirtyPoolMode(whatToDo) '0 = Ignore balls trapped behind targets (some modes) 1 = Check for them and remove (normal) dirtyPoolChecker = whatToDo End Sub sub dirtyPoolLogic() dirtyPoolTimer = dirtyPoolTimer + 1 if (dirtyPoolTimer = 10) Then 'First event? MagnetSet(75) 'Trigger the Magnet End If if (dirtyPoolTimer > 9 and dirtyPoolTimer < Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ' and barProgress(player) != 65) Then 'Wait until 20k mark before checking if Bar Trap if (Sw24 = 1) Then 'As SOON as something blocks the opto, trigger Dirty Pool magFlag = 0 'Disable the Magnet Hold Pulses playSFX 0, "D", "P", random(5), 255 'Dirty Pool Prompt! AddScore(250000) TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put targets down TargetTimerSet 15000, TargetUp, 5 'Set timer to put them back up after ball rolls out. It'll check again once they're up dirtyPoolTimer = Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set this to Ball Detected Countdown, so Detected only occurs once End If End If if (dirtyPoolTimer = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Enough time to grab ball? dirtyPoolTimer = 0 'OK to proceed! End If if (dirtyPoolTimer = Int(120000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'If a ball was found, wait about a second and make sure it's rolled out dirtyPoolTimer = 0 'Disable it for now, but targets will check again once they're up End If End Sub sub displayTimerCheck(newTimerValue) 'Call this before using the Display Timer. If something already running, this ends it properly newTimerValue = Int(newTimerValue/CycleAdjuster) if (newTimerValue) Then 'Setting a new value? if (displayTimer > 0 and displayTimer < Int(45000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Was ORB flashing? ' if (orb(player) & B00100100) Then 'O lit? If ((orb(player) AND 36) = 36) Then light 32, 7 Else light 32, 0 End If if ((orb(player) And 18) = 18) Then 'R lit? light 33, 7 Else light 33, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 9) = 9) Then 'B lit? light 34, 7 Else light 34, 0 End If End If if (displayTimer > Int(45000/CycleAdjuster) and displayTimer < Int(90000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Was GLIR flashing as this started? 'Set GLIR lights to what they should be if ((rollOvers(player) And 136) = 136) Then 'G lit? light 52, 7 Else light 52, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 68) = 68) Then 'L lit? light 53, 7 Else light 53, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 34) = 34) Then 'I lit? light 54, 7 Else light 54, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 17) = 17) Then 'R lit? light 55, 7 Else light 55, 0 End If End If displayTimer = newTimerValue Else 'we're just updating both ORB and GLIR updateRollovers() End If End Sub sub Drain(drainType) 'What happens when you drain. Check for ball save, extra balls, DRAIN if neither if (lightningGo) Then 'So it won't get stuck on, even during a ball save lightningEnd(10) End If if (tiltFlag) Then 'Were we in a Tilt state when ball drained? if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 90) Then 'Doctor MB, but a Tilt? HospitalFail() 'Mode FAIL! Gotta start over End If if (barProgress(player) > 59 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Bar MB, but a Tilt? BarFail() 'Mode FAIL! Gotta start over End If Else 'Normal drain? drainSwitch = drainSwitch + 1 'Increment the drain switch # 'Serial.print("+Drain Switch = ") 'Serial.println(drainSwitch, DEC) if (saveTimer or (scoreBall = 0 and zeroPointBall = 1)) Then 'Ball save active, or it was a Zero Point Ball with save enabled? activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Have to subtract one here before AutoPlunge will ADD one. AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Auto-plunge a freebie ball. Give it a little time in case trough empty video "E", "B", "Z", allowSmall, 37, 255 'Keep shooting! if (activeBalls = 0) Then 'No MB or anything going on? playSFX 0, "Y", "A", random(4), 255 '"Don't Touch that Dial!" (high priority) Else playSFX 0, "Y", "A", random(4), 150 '"Don't Touch that Dial!" (medium priority) End If if (multiBall = 0 and multipleBalls = 0) Then 'In multiball, ball save doesn't reset on a ball loss, rather there's an overall "grace period" like AFM the best game EVAH saveTimer = 0 'No more ball save for you! light 56, 0 'Turn off Spook Again End If Exit Sub 'Leave this function End If activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Decrement # of balls on the playfield if (activeBalls = 1) Then 'Down to our last ball? 'These first 3 modes can stack with normal Hellavator MB. If a Hell MB was active, these win conditions will terminate the multiball if (Mode(player) = 1 and hosProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Bashing the Doctor Ghost? HospitalWin() 'Mode complete, reset stuff. Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 1 and hosProgress(player) > 4 and hosProgress(player) < 9 and hosTrapCheck = 1) Then 'Bashing the Doctor Ghost? HospitalRestart() 'Allow quick restart! Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) = 30 or hotProgress(player) = 35) Then 'Battling Hotel Ghost? HotelWin() 'Mode complete, reset stuff. Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'Ghost Whore battle? BarWin() 'Mode complete, reset stuff. Exit Sub End If 'If none of those modes were active (finishing up) then we end Multiball normally if (multiBall) Then 'If we weren't in a Ghost mode, then end like normal multiball multiBallEnd(0) 'We need to check this first because if stacked with other modes, things might not get cleared properly Exit Sub End If if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 20) Then 'Last ball, and you didn't free all 3? PrisonDrainCheck(0) Exit Sub End If if (priProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Last ball and you released all 3? PrisonDrainCheck(1) Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Down to our last ball? This is the WIN CONDITION! killQ() video "D", "Z", "X", allowSmall OR loopVideo, 130, 255 'Hit Demon To Win! text, then Demon on Ropes ' numbers(0, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player) 'Show small player's score in upper left corner of screen numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" loopCatch = catchBall 'Set that we're ready to catch the final ball End If playSFX 2, "Q", "Z", "Z", 200 'Else, negative sound! Exit Sub 'Return to main loop End If if (activeBalls > 1) Then '2 or more balls still active? if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Saving our friends? PrisonDrainCheck(1) Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Prompt with current multiplier killQ() video "P", "7", 67 + activeBalls, noExitFlush, 39, 255 DemonState() End If playSFX 2, "Q", "Z", "Z", 200 'Negative sound! Exit Sub 'Return to main loop End If if (activeBalls < 1) Then 'Don't let it go below zero activeBalls = 0 End If 'This has to be after the ActiveBalls check else we'll get a false FAIL condition if MB stacked on Ghost Whore and any balls lost if (barProgress(player) > 59 and barProgress(player) < 80) Then 'Haven't saved our friend from Ghost Whore yet? if (BarFail() = 1) Then 'One more chance? Exit Sub 'Asub drain! End If 'Else, drain! activeBalls = 0 End If if (hosProgress(player) > 4 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Were we trying to save our friend from Ghost Doctor? if (HospitalFail() = 1) Then 'Able to restart it? (returns a 1) if (hosTrapCheck = 1) Then 'Were we looking for a ball? hosTrapCheck = 0 'Clear flag, do NOT re-add ball # Else activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 'Count the ball we've freed End If Exit Sub End If 'Else, drain! activeBalls = 0 End If End If if (restartTimer) Then restartKill 0, 0 'In case one is active End If DrainPre() 'Things to do before we start the drain (mostly end active modes) killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos killNumbers() 'Disable Numbers display comboKill() 'Disable any Combos AutoEnable = 0 'Disable flippers LeftFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip DOF 101, 0 RightFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), RightFlipper, VolFlip DOF 102, 0 run = 1 'Set condition so player can launch the new ball callHits = 0 'How many times you've hit Call this ball (resets per player) 'rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers light 52, 0 light 53, 0 light 54, 0 light 55, 0 ghostMove 90, 10 'Center ghost storeLamp(player) 'Store current player's lamps in memory. This is after we've done the Pre-drain stuff, so it's relevant for the next ball animatePF 149, 30, 0 'Ball fade animation. Will also cancel out any other animations in progress 'allLamp(0) 'Turn off all lamps scoringTimer = 0 'Terminate any scoring timers scoreMultiplier = 1 'Reset multipler skip = 0 drainTries = 0 if (tiltFlag = 0) Then 'Don't award bonus, or show video / music if tilt drainTimer = Int(70005/CycleAdjuster)+5 '160005 'Timer for Drain events. System keeps running. EOBnumbers 0, areaProgress(player) * 13370 'Send AREA PROGRESS EOBnumbers 1, EVP_Total(player) * 250000 'Send EVPS COLLECTED EOBnumbers 2, photosTaken(player) * 500250 'Send PHOTOS TAKEN EOBnumbers 3, ghostsDefeated(player) * 1000000 'Send GHOSTS DEFEATED bonus = (areaProgress(player) * 13370) + (EVP_Total(player) * 250000) + (photosTaken(player) * 500250) + (ghostsDefeated(player) * 1000000) bonus = bonus * bonusMultiplier 'Multiply it bonusMultiplier = 1 'Reset multiplier (it's per ball so don't need unique variable per player) 'EOBnumbers(4, bonus) 'Send TOTAL BONUS AddScore(bonus) 'Before switching players, increase score by bonus ' playMusic "B", "F" 'Shorter music musicplayer "bgout_BF.mp3" VideoEOB "E", "B", 64 + ball, noEntryFlush OR allowLarge, 131, 255 'Play EOB video EOBnumbers 4, bonus 'Send TOTAL BONUS GIpf(192) setCabColor 64, 64, 64, 200 Else drainTimer = Int(25000/cycleAdjuster) 'Faster cycle, and skips the audio callout cabColor 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0 doRGB() 'Set cab immediately to RED! drainTries = 0 'We haven't tried to kick the drain yet End If End Sub sub DrainLogic() 'DRAIN functions are in-line. This is the logic that executes if (Switch(63) and kickTimer = 0) Then 'Something in the drain, and we didn't just try to kick it? drainClear() 'Unload the drain! End If if (drainTimer = Int(69000/CycleAdjuster)) Then '178500) Then GIpf(128) allLamp(0) 'Turn off all lamps after the Fade Animation has a chance to start EOBnumbers 4, bonus 'Send TOTAL BONUS again to make sure EOB numbers are enabled (instead of seeing blank scores) End If if (drainTimer = Int(68000/CycleAdjuster)) Then '177000) Then GIpf(0) End If if (drainTimer = Int(65000/CycleAdjuster)) Then '177000) Then playSFX 0, "Y", 66 + random(3), random(10), 150 'Ball drain quote from 3 Team Members (not super high priority so won't override other dialog) End If if ((SwRFlip=1) or (SwLFlip=1)) Then 'Skipping past? if (countBalls() = 4 and drainTimer > Int(18000/cycleAdjuster) and drainTimer < Int(69000/cycleAdjuster)) Then 'All balls accounted for, and eligible part of sequence? video "E", "C", 64 + ball, 0, 54, 255 'Play ending flash (will also kill EOB numbers)) drainTimer = Int(17000/CycleAdjuster) 'Speed this up ' playMusic "B", "G" 'Ending beat musicplayer "bgout_BG.mp3" 'video('E', 'C', '@' + ball, 0, 0, 255) 'Play ending flash End If End If if (drainTimer = Int(10001/CycleAdjuster)+1 and countBalls() < 4) Then 'Don't continue until all balls are accounted for drainTimer = Int(10100/CycleAdjuster) End If if (drainTimer = Int(10000/cycleAdjuster)) Then 'Last thing we do... (sped up a little) drainTimer = 0 drainSwitch = 63 'Manually set the drain switch number (will goto 62 once new ball loads) GIpf(0) 'In case we somehow got past it ballsPlayed = ballsPlayed - 1 'Increase counter videoPriority(0) 'Erase video priority if (extraBalls) Then 'Have more than zero extra balls? extraBalls = extraBalls - 1 'Subtract one... loadLamp(player) 'We basically treat this as a drain, but we don't advance the ball # or player # playSFX 0, "Y", "A", 5 + random(3), 255 'Same ghost hunter shoots again! if (numPlayers = 1) Then video "S", "A", "C", 0, 29, 255 Else video "S", "A", "D", 0, 29, 255 End If skillShotNew(0) 'Set up a Skill Shot, but show video AFTER the Shoot Again prompt (0) Else 'No extra balls? Advance balls or player # as normal if (numPlayers > 1) Then 'More than 1 player? player = player + 1 'Advance which player is up if (player > numPlayers) Then 'Past the end? player = 1 'Back to Player 1 ball = ball + 1 'Went through all 4 players, increment ball # End If loadLamp(player) 'Load new player's lamps into memory End If if (numPlayers = 1) Then ball = ball + 1 loadLamp(player) End If if (ball < ballsPerGame) Then 'Game not over yet? video "K", "9", "9", 0, 1, 255 'STATIC transition skillShotNew(1) 'Set up a Skill Shot! End If End If tiltFlag = 0 'Reset this in case we got here from a tilt. We do it here so it won't prevent Match music from playing if (ball = ballsPerGame) Then 'Game over? (man?) 'stopMusic() 'Eventually we'll let GAME OVER handle this NoGame2() 'EP- Had to put this here to manually "continue" the main loop since while loops don't work here. Exit Sub 'Exit routine, since game is over Else Update(0) 'Make sure we're not in Attract Mode. ' playMusic "L", "1" musicplayer "bgout_L1.mp3" End If 'EVP_Total = 0 'Reset single-ball bonuses popCount = 0 'Pops per ball (takes 10 to get an EVP) GIpf(224) sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter Advance_Enable = 1 Mode(player) = 0 badExit = 0 'Haven't gone in VUK yet tiltCounter = 0 'Reset to zero comboKill() slingCount = 0 showProgress 0, player 'Set progress lights minionDamage = 1 'Default damage checkModePost() 'Set things on the playfield for the new current player AutoEnable = 255 'Enable flippers ghostLook = 0 dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Check for Dirty Pool Balls spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Mode 0, it can always be lit hellEnable(1) 'Enable the Hellavator on this ball GLIRenable(1) 'In case you tilted with GLIR disabled 'orb(player) = 0 'Clear player's ORB variable so it can be reset scoreBall = 0 'No points scored on this ball as yet tiltTimer = 0 comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want loadBall() 'Load a new ball flashCab 255, 255, 255, 10 'Flash from black to Default Mode Color End If End Sub sub DrainPre() 'Mode-specific things to do at the start of a drain if (minion(player)) Then 'In a Minion Battle? minionEnd(3) 'End it with drain flag, but allow a restart End If if (Mode(player) = 7 or Mode(player) = 99) Then 'Were we in GHOST PHOTO HUNT? photoFail(1) 'Fail flag 0, meaning failed because of drain End If if (tiltFlag) Then if (multiBall) Then 'We need to do this AFTER photo hunt clear in case they were stacked multiBallEnd(0) End If End If if (hotProgress(player) > 9 and hotProgress(player) < 30) Then 'In hotel mode, but not before multiball? OR, if tilt, also kill it HotelFail() End If if (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40 and tiltFlag) Then 'Did we tilt out during Multiball? HotelFail() End If if (fortProgress(player) > 49 and fortProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Were we in War Fort mode? WarFail() 'End that mode End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Doing the THEATER PLAY? TheaterFail(1) 'End that mode, with no animations (1) End If if (deProgress(player) > 1 and deProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Locking balls to start Demon Battle? DemonFailLock() 'Do fail condition for that End If if (deProgress(player) > 8 and deProgress(player) < 21) Then 'Lost all balls before defeating demon? DemonFailBattle() 'Do fail condition for that End If if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 99) Then 'Trying to free friends, or bash the Prison Warden? PrisonFail() End If End Sub sub drainClear() kickPulse = 0 'Make sure PWM timer is reset kickTimer = Int(8000/CycleAdjuster) 'WAS 10,000 'Wait 10k cycles, then kick hold for 10k cycles kickFlag = 1 'Set flag that ball is being kicked from the drain End Sub sub ElevatorSet(dTarget, dSpeed) dSpeed = ((((ElevatorFast - ElevatorSlow)/600) * (600 - dSpeed))/10) + ElevatorSlow HellSpeed = dSpeed 'How fast to move HellTarget = dTarget 'Where to move to. HellTimer = 0 'Reset cycle timer TiElevator.Enabled = 1 End Sub sub elevatorLogic() hellEnable(1) 'Losing a mode re-enables the Hellavator Lock if (hotProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Able to start Hotel mode? ElevatorSet hellUp, 200 'Move the elevator into 2nd floor position blink(41) 'HELL FLASHER light 26, 7 'Re-light advance numbers light 27, 7 light 28, 7 pulse(29) 'Pulse Hotel Ghost light 24, 0 'Call button lights off light 25, 0 Exit Sub End If 'Default state is hellavator down, Lock enabled ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Send Hellavator to 1st Floor. light 41, 0 'Flasher OFF blink(24) 'Blink the UP button light 25, 7 'DOWN is solid, since elevator is there light 30, 0 'Turn OFF "Lock" light End Sub sub Enable() 'The kernel calls this every cycle to enable the Watchdog Timer on the solenoids ' digitalWrite(solenable, 1) 'Pulse enable line ' digitalWrite(solenable, 0) 'EP- Since the only place this is called is in at StartGame() and in the mainenance menu I'm gonna do what I think need to be done Dim X WaSlingLeft.SlingShotThreshold = 5 WaSlingRight.SlingShotThreshold = 5 AutoEnable = 255 For Each X in Bumpers X.Force = 15 Next End Sub sub evpPops() popCount = popCount + 1 'Increase pop counter popToggle() 'Toggle left and right 'Pops will only show video/numbers if we haven't JUST shot up center if (popCount < 10) Then 'Not enough for an EVP, normal pop EVP_Jackpot(player) = EVP_Jackpot(player) + 2030 sendJackpot(0) 'Send jackpot value to score #0 AddScore(2030 * popCount) video "E", "J", popCount, allowLarge, 30, 239 'Jackpot display, with EVP progress bar '; numbersPriority(6, 1, 255, 12, EVP_Jackpot player), 239 'Send numbers with current EVP value, and it will only display on videos matching this priority numbers "", "", EVP_Jackpot(player), EVP_Jackpot(player) stereoSFX 1, "E", "V", 1 + random (3), 200, leftVolume, rightVolume End If if (popCount = 10) Then 'Enough for an EVP? leftVolume = 100 'Center the volume rightVolume = 100 AddScore(5000 * popCount) popCount = 0 'Reset pop total EVP_Total(player) = EVP_Total(player) + 1 'Increase our EVP's this ball EVP_Jackpot(player) = EVP_Jackpot(player) + 11110 sendJackpot(0) 'Send current jackpot value to score #0 AddScore(EVP_Total(player) * 11110) 'Ten times the points for an EVP! if (EVP_Total(player) < EVP_EBtarget(player)) Then 'haven't gotten enough for an EVP yet? '; video "E", "V", "3", allowSmall, 0, 241 'Higher priority so Score doesn't override '; numbersPriority(5, 2, 20, 26, EVP_EBtarget(player) - EVP_Total player), 241 'A small number to show how many EVP's we've gotten in total playSFX 1, "E", "V", 65 + random(8), 201 'Higher priority so regular pops don't override EVP voice Else 'Guess we got enough for an Extra Ball! Select Case allowExtraBalls 'Give whatever the settings allow for Extra Ball case 1: 'Allow Extra Balls? video "S", "A", "B", allowSmall, 64, 255 playSFX 0, "A", "X", 67 + random(2), 255 'EXTRA BALL! extraBalls = extraBalls + 1 'Player gets another ball! spookCheck() 'See what to do with the Spook Again light case 2: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 100000 '100k numbers "", "", "100,000", "100,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(100000) case 3: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 500000 '500k numbers "", "", "500,000", "500,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(500000) case 4: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 1000000 '1 mil numbers "", "", "1,000,000", "1,000,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(1000000) End Select EVP_Total(player) = 0 'Reset counter EVP_EBtarget(player) = EVP_EBtarget(player) + EVP_EBsetting 'Increase # you need for EB if (EVP_EBtarget(player) > 99) Then EVP_EBtarget(player) = 99 End If End If End If End Sub sub extraBallLight(queueYes) if (allowExtraBalls) Then extraLit(player) = extraLit(player) + 1 'Increase available EB collects pulse(15) 'Pulse the light DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Open the door if (queueYes = 1) Then 'Flag that we should prompt EB is lit? video "S", "A", "A", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Extra Ball is lit playSFX 0, "A", "X", 65 + random(2), 150 'Low priority voice call "Extra Ball is Lit!" End If if (queueYes = 2) Then videoSFX "S", "A", "A", allowSmall, 45, 255, 0, "A", "X", 65 + random(2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If End If End Sub sub extraBallCollect() lightningStart(1) extraLit(player) = extraLit(player) - 1 'Subtract ball lit extraBallGet = extraBallGet + 1 'Increment master counter Select Case (allowExtraBalls) case 1: 'Allow Extra Balls? video "S", "A", "B", allowSmall, 64, 255 playSFX 0, "A", "X", 67 + random(2), 255 'EXTRA BALL! extraBalls = extraBalls + 1 'Player gets another ball! spookCheck() 'See what to do with the Spook Again light case 2: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 100000 '100k numbers "", "", "100,000", "100,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(100000) case 3: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 500000 '500k numbers "", "", "500,000", "500,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(500000) case 4: video "S", "A", "E", allowAll, 45, 255 '; numbers 5, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, 1000000 '1 mil numbers "", "", "1,000,000", "1,000,000" playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment AddScore(1000000) End Select if (extraLit(player) < 1) Then 'No more collects available? light 15, 0 'Turn off collect light End If doorLogic() 'See what the door state should be now that EB was collected End Sub sub GameOver() Dim X, XX, Y, Z, ZZ, abortLoop, tempSort for x=0 To 7 killTimer(x) 'Make sure all timers are dead. You never know. Next killScoreNumbers() playSFX 0, "A", "A", 65 + random(11), 255 'Ending quote abortLoop = 1 'How the sort loop knows when to move onto the next player tempSort = 0 pPos(0) = 1 'Default values. When done, 0 = player # with highest score, 3 = player # with lowest score pPos(1) = 2 pPos(2) = 3 pPos(3) = 4 if (numPlayers > 1) Then 'If there is more than 1 player... player = 0 'Set NO active player (so all scores appear same size during score entry) Else player = 1 End If ball = 0 'Disable BALL # from appearing Update(0) 'Update A/V with this info allLamp(0) 'Turn off all lamps for x=0 To 2 'Bubble sort the scores. It also sorts non-playing scores of 0 if (playerScore(pPos(x + 1)) > playerScore(pPos(x + 0))) Then tempSort = pPos(x + 0) pPos(x + 0) = pPos(x + 1) pPos(x + 1) = tempSort End If Next Wall10.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub Sub Wall10_Timer() me.TimerEnabled = 0 GameOver0() End Sub Dim HSCheck:HSCHeck = 1 Dim HSPlace:HSPlace = 0 Dim GotHS:GotHS = 2 Sub GameOver0() Dim X, XX, Y, Z, ZZ, abortLoop, tempSort If HSCheck < numPlayers+1 Then Debug.Print "Checking HS, cursor POS: " & cursorPOS for y=0 To 4 'Check this score against high scores 0 to 4 Debug.Print "Player: " & cDbl(playerScore(HSCheck)) & " HS check: " & cDbl(highScores(y)) if (cDbl(playerScore(HSCheck)) >= cDbl(highScores(y))) Then 'Did player beat this high score? Equalling it will also bump it down a place Debug.Print "Score higher than " & y ' playMusic "N", "E" 'Only play the music if a player got a high score musicplayer "bgout_ne.mp3" for z=4 To y+1 Step -1 'Shift scores down one space below new high score highScores(z) = highScores(z - 1) topPlayers((z * 3) + 0) = topPlayers(((z - 1) * 3) + 0) topPlayers((z * 3) + 1) = topPlayers(((z - 1) * 3) + 1) topPlayers((z * 3) + 2) = topPlayers(((z - 1) * 3) + 2) Next for zz = 0 To 4 'Send the newly sorted top 5 scores from RAM to EEPROM setHighScore zz, highScores(zz), topPlayers((zz * 3) + 0), topPlayers((zz * 3) + 1), topPlayers((zz * 3) + 2) Next SaveValue "AMH", "HSPoints" & y, PlayerScore(HSCheck) SaveValue "AMH", "HSName" & y, "" HSPlace = y cursorPos = 0 initials(0) = 95 'What player has entered (starts as empty spaces) initials(1) = 95 initials(2) = 95 GotHS = 1 nameEntry HSCHeck, HSPlace 'Get initials from player, and show which place they got Exit For Else GotHS = 0 End If Next End If If GotHS = 0 Then WaLeftSide1.TimerEnabled = 1 End If End Sub Sub GameOver1() End Sub Sub WaLeftSide1_Timer() Me.TimerEnabled = 0 GameOver2() End Sub Dim tempcount:tempcount = 0 Sub GameOver2() Dim X, XX, Y, Z, ZZ, abortLoop, tempSort animatePF 0, 0, 0 'Turn off PF animations repeatMusic(0) 'Music will play and then terminate (disable auto looping) if (allowMatch) Then Dim Match, MatchFlag, divider match = random(10) matchFlag = 0 for x=1 To (numPlayers) 'Break player's scores down into 2 digit numbers for match SetScore(x) 'Send that player's score one more time before we "rip it up" for match math divider = 1000000000 'Divider starts at 1 billion for xx=0 To 7 'Seven places will get us the last 2 digits of a 10 digit score if (playerScore(x) >= divider) Then playerScore(x) = playerScore(x) MOD divider End If divider = Divider / 10 Next if (playerScore(x) = (match * 10)) Then 'Did we match? matchFlag = matchFlag + 1 'Count it up! matchGet = matchGet + 1 'Increase master counter End If Next 'numbers 0, 8, 128, 0, 0 'Send numbers with current EVP value, and it will only display on videos matching this priority video "N", "A", match, allowAll, 75, 255 'Match video of the random number we generated '; numbers 0, 8, 128, 0, 0 'Show all scores for Match animation if (matchFlag) Then 'Does one of the player's scores match? credits = credits + matchFlag 'Award a credit for each match! ' playMusic "Z", "1" 'WIN music musicplayer "bgout_z1.mp3" Else Debug.Print "failed" ' playMusic "Z", "0" 'LOSE music musicplayer "bgout_z0.mp3" End If Else video "N", "9", "9", 0, 45, 255 'Game Over Screen! stopMusic() End If ' delay(250) 'EP- I'm assuming delay is a built-in function for the propeller? showScores = 1 'Now that there has been a game, set the flag to show last scores during attract mode startingAttract = lastGameScores 'Start Attract mode with last game's scores. When machine reset runs, it will send the data run = 0 'Reset run state for when we cycle back around. HSCheck = 1 GotHS = 2 inChar = 65 Wall23.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub sub nameEntry(whichPlayer, whichPlace) 'EP- this is where name entry stuff would go If cursorPOS = 99 Then LoadHighScores() cursorPos = 50 GotHS = 0 HSCheck = HSCheck + 1 Wall10.TimerEnabled = 1 Exit Sub End If GotHS = 1 videoPriority(0) 'Set low priority so Match will override Name Entry when we exit here If inChar = 65 Then DMDScene "", "Z< " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & Chr(inChar+1) & Chr(inChar+2) & Chr(inChar+3), 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & Chr(inChar) & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 ElseIf inChar = 66 Then DMDScene "", "< " & Chr(inChar-1) & " " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & Chr(inChar+1) & Chr(inChar+2) & Chr(inChar+3), 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & Chr(inChar) & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 ElseIf inChar = 89 Then DMDScene "", Chr(inChar-3) & Chr(inChar-2) & Chr(inChar-1) & " " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & Chr(inChar+1) & "< ", 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & Chr(inChar) & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 ElseIf inChar = 90 Then DMDScene "", Chr(inChar-3) & Chr(inChar-2) & Chr(inChar-1) & " " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & "< A", 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & Chr(inChar) & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 ElseIf inChar = 91 Then DMDScene "", "XYZ " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & " AB", 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & "<" & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 elseIf inChar = 92 Then DMDScene "", "YZ< " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & "ABC", 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & "Space" & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 Else DMDScene "", Chr(inChar-3) & Chr(inChar-2) & Chr(inChar-1) & " " & "Player " & HSCheck & " " & Chr(inChar+1) & Chr(inChar+2) & Chr(inChar+3), 15, Chr(Initials(0)) & Chr(Initials(1)) & Chr(Initials(2)) & " " & Chr(inChar) & " ", 15, 14, 16665, 14, 255 End If modeTimer = Int(375000/cycleAdjuster) 'need to get out of initials screen after this time houseKeeping() modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 'Start countering down to bailing out of initials End sub Sub SendInitials(whichLetter, whichPlace) Dim tempinitials tempinitials = Chr(initials(0)) & Chr(initials(1)) & Chr(initials(2)) SaveValue "AMH", "HSName" & whichPlace, tempinitials End Sub sub GLIRenable(enableOrNot) if (enableOrNot) Then 'MSB prevents start. So we clear it to allow Photo Hunt GLIRlit(player) = GLIRlit(player) AND 127 Else GLIRlit(player) = GLIRlit(player) OR 128 'If we want to disable it, set MSB (probably just used for Minion MB End If showScoopLights() End Sub sub ghostColor(RedG, GreenG, BlueG) ghostRGB(0) = RedG ghostRGB(1) = GreenG ghostRGB(2) = BlueG doRGB() End Sub Sub ghostFlash(whatTime) If whatTime < 80 Then whatTime = 80 Dim bulb '** FlGhostG.alpha = 125 '** FlGhostR.alpha = 125 '** FlGhostB.alpha = 125 '** PrGhost.Image = "Ghost2" for each bulb in Ghost_RGB bulb.Color=RGB(255,255,255) next ghostFadeTimer = Int(whatTime/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(whatTime/CycleAdjuster) End Sub sub ghostLooking(whereTo) 'Ghost looks at a spot, gets bored, then turns back to center if (barProgress(player) = 60 and restartTimer = 0) Then 'Ghost waiting for your embrace, but we're not trying to jump back in for quick restart? if (whereTo <> 80 and whereTo <> 100) Then 'Don't put quotes on the sling hits playSFX 0, "B", "5", 65 + random(8), 255 'I'm over here baby! video "B", "5", "A", allowSmall, 54, 255 'Ghost talking video AddScore(5230) 'A few points ghostAction = Int(199999/CycleAdjuster) 'Ghost does "sexy, alluring" dance End If Exit Sub End If if (ghostLook = 1 or Advance_Enable = 0) Then if (ghostAction = 0) Then 'No ghost action going on? ghostMove whereTo, 10 'Ghost looks wherever. ghostBored = Int(15000/CycleAdjuster) + Int(random(15000)/CycleAdjuster) 'Set bored timer. End If End If End Sub sub ghostSet(whereTo) 'Moves the ghost and sets that as his new position ' GhostLocation = -(whereto - 90) 'Update location ' myservo(GhostServo).write(GhostLocation) 'Set servo GhostMove -(whereto-90), 100 End Sub Sub GhostMove(whereto, whatspeed) 'EP- BH code is approx. +90 degrees from mine I could adjust the primitive but I don't wanna :-P whatspeed = (((GhostFast - GhostSlow)/700) * (700 - whatSpeed)) + GhostSlow 'EP- In the code, the higher the number, the slower it moves, so I have to compensate for that here GhostSpeed = whatspeed/4 'EP- This is an approximation of the speed difference GhostTarget = -(whereto - 90) 'EP- Also, +rotation for BH is CCW, and it's CW for me, I can't change that WaGhost.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub sub hellEnable(enableType) '1 = You can lock balls in the Hellavator and move it 0 = You can't and Hellavator stays down if (enableType) Then 'Enable the Hellavator? hellLock(player) = 1 'Allow locks / stacking Hell MB if (hotProgress(player) <> 3) Then 'Only set these lights if Hotel Mode isn't ready to go (also uses hellavator) if (HellSpeed) Then 'In motion? Base this off where it's headed, not where it IS if (HellTarget = hellDown) Then 'Re-enable elevator call button & lights blink(24) 'Blink the UP button light 25, 7 'DOWN is solid, since elevator is there light 30, 0 'Turn OFF "Lock" light light 41, 0 'Flasher OFF End If if (HellTarget = hellUp) Then blink(25) 'Blink the DOWN button light 24, 7 'UP is solid, since elevator is there pulse(30) 'LOCK is lit! blink(41) 'Turn on HELL FLASHER End If Else 'Not in motion? Normal check if (HellLocation = hellDown) Then 'Re-enable elevator call button & lights blink(24) 'Blink the UP button light 25, 7 'DOWN is solid, since elevator is there light 30, 0 'Turn OFF "Lock" light light 41, 0 'Flasher OFF End If if (HellLocation = hellUp) Then blink(25) 'Blink the DOWN button light 24, 7 'UP is solid, since elevator is there pulse(30) 'LOCK is lit! blink(41) 'Turn on HELL FLASHER End If End If End If Else 'Disable it? hellLock(player) = 0 ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Send Hellavator to 1st Floor. light 41, 0 'Turn off HELL FLASHER light 24, 0 'Turn off both lights light 25, 0 light 30, 0 'Lock is NOT lit End If End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR HOSPITAL MODE 1................................. sub HospitalAdvance() 'Logic that runs as we advance Hospital Mode 1 Dim X AddScore(advanceScore) flashCab 0, 255, 0, 100 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color if (hosProgress(player) > 3) Then 'Has mode already started, or are we waiting for the door to close? Exit Sub 'I'm not even sure how this would happen with the ball lock, but who knows? End If hosProgress(player) = hosProgress(player) + 1 'Normal advance areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 if (hosProgress(player) > 0 and hosProgress(player) < 4) Then 'First 3 advances? playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player), random(4) + 65, 255 'Play hxA-hxD.wav files pulse(hosProgress(player) + 8) 'Pulse next one video "H", hosProgress(player), "A", allowSmall, 75, 200 'Play first 3 videos End If if (hosProgress(player) < 4) Then 'Always fill lights and set door for x=0 To hosProgress(player)-1 'in case we did a Double Advance light x + 8, 7 'Completed lights to SOLID pulse(x + 9) 'Pulse the next light Next DoorSet DoorOpen, 300 'Set door to creak open, 25 cycles per position End If if (hosProgress(player) = 4) Then 'Mode start? Mode(player) = 1 'Set hospital mode ACTIVE for player 1. Advance_Enable = 0 'At this point we can't advance any other modes until Ghost is defeated or we loose. DoorSet DoorClosed, 1 'DoorSet DoorClosed, 50 'Shut door fast! End If End Sub sub HospitalStart() 'What happens when we shoot "Doctor Ghost" when lit Dim whichClip videoModeCheck() restartKill 1, 1 'In case we got the Restart comboKill() 'So combo lights don't appear after the mode storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Hospital modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore(startScore) minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress setGhostModeRGB 0, 255, 0 'Green mode color setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 200 'Set mode color to GREEN, fade to that color popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP ghostLook = 0 ghostBored = 0 'Prevents his look action from happening LeftTimer = 1 'Set this so it can't re-trigger if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If pulse(17) pulse(18) pulse(19) light 8, 0 light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 'Turn off advance lights blink(57) 'Blink the HOSPITAL mode light tourReset(43) 'Tour: Left orbit, center shot, right orbit, scoop hosProgress(player) = 6 'Set flag so mode only "starts" once killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos whichClip = random(3) + 65 'Get the number first so they match ASCII A-C video "H", "4", whichClip, allowSmall, 135, 255 'Play hxA-hxD.wav files playSFX 0, "H", "4", whichClip, 255 'Play hxA-hxD.wav files customScore "H", "7", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Shoot Ghost custom score prompt ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner numbers PlayerScore(Player), "", "", "" ' numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Reset this just in case ghostAction = Int(5100/CycleAdjuster) 'Set flag for him to jiggle near door TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Put targets UP! patientStage = 0 'What stage of Ghost Patient you're at patientsSaved = 0 'How many you saved, through Murder! DoctorState = 0 'Set ghost to start as Not Distracted modeTimer = 0 'Used to animate the door 'BLINK GHOST LIGHTS SO WE KNOW TO HIT HIM! ' playMusic "B", "1" 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Remove a ball from being "Active" AutoPlunge(100000) 'Set flag to launch second ball hellEnable(1) showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights DoorSet DoorClosed, 1 trapDoor = 1 'Flag that ball should be trapped behind door hosTrapCheck = 0 skip = 10 End Sub sub HospitalLogic() 'Stuff that happens during Doctor Ghost Battle if (hosProgress(player) = 4) Then 'Mode just started, door closing? ' if (DoorSpeed = 0) Then 'Did door stop moving yet? (Is it closed?) if WaDoor.TimerEnabled = 0 Then 'EP- Since the movement of the door isn't based on Doorspeed, it's based on the timer HospitalStart() '"Officially" start mode End If End If if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Are we trying to save our friend? if (DoctorState = 1 and popsTimer = 0) Then 'Ghost distracted? DoctorTimer = DoctorTimer + 1 'Increment timer if (DoctorTimer = (DoctorTarget / 2)) Then 'Only used for Seconds counter countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 'Hurry-Up beep Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Y", 1 'Beeps End If End If if (DoctorTimer = DoctorTarget) Then 'Time to move? Ghost moves every other second DoctorTimer = 0 'Reset timer ghostMove GhostLocation - 11, 700 'Move ghost back towards door... ' ghostMove -(PrGhost.ObjRotZ-90)-10, 700 'EP- I'm not sure why the previous doesn't work countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 'Subtract! '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 'Hurry-Up beep Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Y", 1 'Beeps End If if (GhostLocation <= (GhostDistracted - 10) AND GhostLocation >= (GhostDistracted - 19)) Then 'Did he move twice? playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player) + 48, 71 + random(3), 255 'Doctor dictates video "H", "6", "Z", allowSmall, 75, 200 'Video of dictating End If if (GhostLocation <= GhostMiddle AND GhostLocation >= GhostMiddle-9) Then 'Is ghost halfway back? playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player) + 48, random(3) + 68, 255 'Kaminski pleas for help! End If if (GhostLocation <= GhostAtDoor+5) Then 'Is ghost back to door? playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player) + 48, 71 + random(3), 255 'Doctor dictates video "H", "6", "Z", allowSmall, 75, 200 'Video of dictating with PROMPT killTimer(0) DoctorState = 0 'Set Doctor Flag to NOT distracted - must hit Ghost again! ghostAction = Int(5500/CycleAdjuster) 'Set flag for him to jiggle near door light 8, 0 'Switch lights back light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 pulse(17) pulse(18) pulse(19) light hosProgress(player) + 1, 7 'Use number to indicate progress End If End If End If End If if (hosProgress(player) = 9) Then 'Did we just bash the door a 3rd time, freeing our friend? HospitalMultiball() End If if (hosProgress(player) = 10) Then 'During Doctor Ghost multiball! Dim X modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(120000/CycleAdjuster)) Then lightningStart(1) x = random(10) if (x < 5) Then playSFX 0, "H", "C", random(9), 200 'Team Leader commanding ghost to leave and stuff Else playSFX 0, "L", "G", random(8), 200 'Random lightning End If End If if (modeTimer = Int(150000/CycleAdjuster)) Then modeTimer = 0 End If End If End Sub sub HospitalSwitchCheck() 'What happens when you hit the Ghost Targets during the battle if (hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Still trying to distract the ghost? video "H", "6", "A", allowSmall, 62, 200 'Ghost distracted away from door! doctorHits = doctorHits + 1 AddScore(50000 * doctorHits) 'Spam the doctor for more points ghostMove GhostDistracted, 20 'Move the ghost away from door if (doctorHits = 1) Then 'First time we've hit him? playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player) + 48, random(3) + 65, 200 'Play the progress + A B or C clips Else playSFX 2, "H", "0", 2 + random(4), 190 'Random ghost wails of agony! Lower priority than Ghost Doctor Rambling End If customScore "H", "7", hosProgress(player) + 65, allowAll OR loopVideo, 70 'Shoot Door custom prompt 3 2 1 to go (files ending G H I if (doctorHits = 4) Then 'Repeat the loop to remind player what to do (prompt on hit 1) doctorHits = 0 End If 'You can keep distracting the ghost but we DON'T advance until you then hit the door. light 16, 0 'Switch lights back light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 strobe 8, 7 ghostFlash(100) ghostAction = 0 'Disable Ghost Jitters countSeconds = 21 'Ghost goes from 120 to 10, 110 degrees, 10 degrees per move, 11 moves, move every other second = 22 seconds '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Show the Numbers timer DoctorState = 1 'Set flag that ghost is distracted DoctorTimer = 0 'Reset timer DoctorTarget = longSecond * 2 'New target End If End Sub sub HospitalMultiball() 'Ghost defeated, beat the crap out of him AddScore(winScore) '5 mil for beating him sendJackpot(0) 'Send current jackpot value to Score #0 spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during MB ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 'Disable this. strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the door for POISON! light 57, 7 'HOSPITAL solid = Mode Won! blink(16) 'Blink the JACKPOT light strobe 17, 3 killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos ' playMusic "G", "S" 'Play annoying Ghost Squad theme! musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" playSFX 0, "H", "8", 74 + random(3), 255 'Let's kick his ass quotes video "H", "8", "J", allowSmall, 84, 255 '"Escape" video ghostMove 90, 20 TargetTimerSet 50, TargetDown, 10 'TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Allow Ghost bashing! DoorSet DoorOpen, 1 'Open door fast! We'll close it upon losing second ball KickLeft 16000, vukPower 'Release captured ball! trapDoor = 0 'Flag that ball shouldn't be trapped behind door activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 'Increase active balls to 2. ballSave() 'Ball save on Multiball customScore "B", "1", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 36 'Custom Score: Hit ghost for JACKPOTS! ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(Player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, numberScore OR 2, 72, 27, 0 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right numbers "", "", "", EVP_Jackpot ' numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer for exorcist quotes hosProgress(player) = 90 'Set this so the "End Battle" can start only once. It's at 90 until left VUK kicks, then goes to 10 ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 2 'Set HOSPITAL WON bit for this player. if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If videoModeCheck() multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost End Sub sub HospitalWin() 'We come here when down to 1 ball in multiball DOF 134, 2 Dim X if (multiBall) Then 'Was a MB stacked? multiBallEnd(1) 'End it, with flag that it's ending along with a mode End If multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) comboKill() spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Allow it patientStage = 0 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 light 8, 0 'Turn off Hospital Advance lights light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 light 16, 0 'Turn off Make Contact light 57, 7 'Make Hospital Mode light solid, since it HAS been won light 31, 0 killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() playSFX 0, "H", "9", 88 + random(3), 255 'Mode Complete dialog killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "H", "9", "X", noExitFlush, 59, 255 'Mode won, prevent numbers '; numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points as Number modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "H", "9", "Y", noEntryFlush OR 3, 0, 233 'Mode Total Video ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None hosProgress(player) = 100 'Prevents a restart ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 2 'Set HOSPITAL WON bit for this player. ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'For bonuses Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready checkModePost() for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights End Sub Function HospitalFail() 'You fail when you lose your second ball before freeing Friend. But we do logic to see if you get a Do-Over, or a Drain. Dim X multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Allow Spirit Guide again patientStage = 0 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color killTimer(0) killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() ' swDebounce(23) = 25000 light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 trapDoor = 0 'Flag that ball shouldn't be trapped behind door modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points if ((ModeWon(player) AND 2)=2) Then 'Did we win this mode before? light 57, 7 'Make Hospital Mode light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 57, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If ghostMove 90, 20 'Turn ghost back to center ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started 'checkModePost() hellEnable(1) if ((modeRestart(player) AND 2) = 2 AND tiltFlag = 0) Then 'Able to restart Hospital? modeRestart(player) = modeRestart(player) AND 253 'Clear the restart bit if (hosTrapCheck = 0) Then 'Don't kick the ball if we already did that LeftTimer = Int(16000/CycleAdjuster) 'Manually set the kick out. LeftPower = vukPower End If modeTimer = Int(25000/CycleAdjuster) DoorSet DoorOpen, 2 'Open door quickly ghostMove 10, 255 'Ghost will slowly turn towards door! restartBegin 1, 11, 25000 'Enable a restart! hosProgress(player) = 3 'Allows you to re-start the mode strobe 8, 3 'Strobe lights under door light 9, 0 light 10, 0 blink(11) 'Blink GHOST DOCTOR ' playMusic "H", "2" 'Hurry Up Music! musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "H", "8", "Y", allowSmall, 121, 255 'Mode fail! Shoot door to restart! playSFX 0, "H", "Z", random(6) + 65, 255 'Mode FAIL dialog showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights HospitalFail = 1 'Flag to prevent a drain! Else 'End mode, and let the ball drain checkModePost() if (tiltFlag = 0) Then LeftTimer = Int(1100/CycleAdjuster) 'Manually set the kick out super quick LeftPower = vukPower 'A tilt does a ball search, no need to in that condition End If hosProgress(player) = 0 'Gotta start over light 11, 0 'Turn off Doctor Ghost light showProgress 0, player HospitalFail = 0 End If comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next showProgress 0, player End Function 'END FUNCTIONS HOSPITAL MODE 1.................. sub HospitalRestart() 'Allows a quick restart if a Ball Search fucked up the mode multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Allow Spirit Guide again patientStage = 0 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/cycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color killTimer(0) killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 trapDoor = 0 'Flag that ball shouldn't be trapped behind door hosTrapCheck = 0 'Clear this! modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started 'checkModePost() hellEnable(1) DoorSet DoorOpen, 2 'Open door quickly ghostMove 90, 20 'Turn ghost back to center ghostLook = 0 'Ghost won't look around ghostAction = 0 'Disable its animation hosProgress(player) = 3 'Allows you to re-start the mode strobe 8, 3 'Strobe lights under door light 9, 0 light 10, 0 blink(11) 'Blink GHOST DOCTOR killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "H", "8", "Y", allowSmall, 121, 255 'Mode fail! Shoot door to restart! playSFX 0, "H", "Z", random(6) + 65, 255 'Mode FAIL dialog showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End Sub Function hotelPathLogic() Dim X, Y animatePF 220, 10, 0 ghostLooking(160) comboCheck(3) 'Always check for combo shot! if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Prison? tourGuide 1, 6, 3, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then 'War fort? if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'If MB stacked, first collect Tour. Once collected, it returns a 0 allows Jackpot increase if (tourGuide(1, 4, 3, 0, 0)) = 0 Then 'Already did this part of tour? multiBallJackpotIncrease() End If Else x = random(8) If X=0 Then Y=79 If X=1 Then Y=81 If X=2 Then Y=50 If X=3 Then Y=47 If X=4 Then Y=49 If X=5 Then Y=110 If X=6 Then Y=77 If X=7 Then Y=67 playSFX 0, "W", "5", 65 + x, 210 'Random Army Ghost lines if (tourGuide(1, 4, 3, 25000, 0)) = 0 Then video "W", "5", 65 + x, allowSmall, Y, 250 'Synced taunt video End If 'Check that part of the tour (no WHOOSH sound needed) End If hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Hospital Mode? if ((hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) and (multiBall AND multiballHell)) Then multiBallJackpotIncrease() hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (hosProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Hospital, fighting the Ghost Doctor? if (patientStage = 0) Then 'Haven't got the poison yet, and have a MB? Then this advances Jackpot if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then multiBallJackpotIncrease() hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function Else video "H", "7", "A", allowSmall, 70, 240 'Sick ghost in bed playSFX 0, "I", "P", 65 + random(4), 240 '"Kill.... me...." strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the door for POISON! hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If Else video "H", "7", "C", allowSmall, 63, 255 'Ghost freed! playSFX 0, "I", "P", 83 + random(8), 255 '"Die!" "Thank you kind sir!" patientsSaved = patientsSaved + 1 showValue ((patientsSaved * 250000) + patientStage * 10000), 40, 1 'Flash the points we got patientStage = 0 'Reset patient stage strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the door for POISON! hellEnable(1) 'Until you make the Poison shot, you can go for multiball. Re-enable MB here if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then strobe 26, 5 'If MB active, re-strobe Ramp for Jackpot Increase Else light 26, 0 'Turn off RAMP STROBE End If hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If End If End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Trying to weaken demon DemonCheck(3) hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Advance_Enable and hotProgress(player) < 3) Then 'Able to advance modes, and Hotel not started yet? HotelAdvance() hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(3) hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 5) Then 'Hotel ghost? if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Hotel shot isn't used during control box search AddScore(10000) 'Some points EVP_Jackpot(player) = EVP_Jackpot(player) + 25000 'Moar points plz! '; numbers 3, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, EVP_Jackpot(player) 'Load Jackpot value Points as a number numbers "", "", EVP_Jackpot(player), EVP_Jackpot(player) video "Q", "J", "C", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 255 'Show new Jackpot value playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Generic shot WHOOSH sound strobe 26, 5 'Strobe first 5 lights to indicate Hotel Path still does something (builds jackpot 'video 'L', '5', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 255 'Prompt to shoot flashing camera icons hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (hotProgress(player) = 35) Then 'When fighting ghost, only time you can shoot through Hotel shot is if you've hit Hellavator to light Jackpot AddScore(100000) 'Some points playSFX 0, "L", "8", 73 + random(8), 255 'Hit the ghost for Jackpot! video "L", "G", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 29, 250 'Show Multiplier hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'If stacked with Ghost Euthanasia, don't advance value if we need to euthanize ghost multiBallJackpotIncrease() hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End If comboVideoFlag = 0 'Nothing active? Reset video combo flag AddScore(5000) 'Some points video "C", "G", "D", allowSmall, 39, 250 'Regular Combo to the Left <- playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! hotelPathLogic = 1 Exit Function End Function 'FUNCTIONS FOR HOTEL MODE 5................................. sub HotelAdvance() 'What happens when we shoot up right ramp and advance Hotel Dim X AddScore(advanceScore) flashCab 0, 255, 0, 100 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color hotProgress(player) = hotProgress(player) + 1 'Advance progress (will be at least 1) areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 if (hotProgress(player) < 4) Then 'First 3 advances? playSFX 0, "L", hotProgress(player), random(4) + 65, 255 'First 3 sets of Hotel advance sounds. video "L", hotProgress(player), "A", allowSmall, 60, 255 'Adance videos pulse(26) 'Have 1 pulsing at minimum if (hotProgress(player) < 4) Then 'First 3 advances? for x=0 To hotProgress(player)-1 'Fill the lights! light x + 26, 7 'Completed lights to SOLID pulse(x + 27) 'Pulse the next light Next End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Did we go here the 3rd time? ElevatorSet hellUp, 200 'Move the elevator into 2nd floor position light 24, 0 'Turn off CALL ELEVATOR lights light 25, 0 blink(41) 'Blink HELL FLASHER End If End Sub sub HotelStart1() 'Ball goes into Hellavator, heading down... videoModeCheck() comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode has started, others can't Mode(player) = 5 'Mode has begun, enable its logic minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore(startScore) ' setFadeRGB 200, 140, 0, 1000 'Fade into a kind of brown colored ghost ghostModeRGB(0) = 200 'EP- This is the only place in the code where he calls this sub, so I'm leaving it out ghostModeRGB(1) = 140 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(1000/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int((1000/10)/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 600 'Turn lighting GREEN (with envy popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP light 29, 7 'Bellboy ghost SOLID, we found him blink(61) 'Blink Hotel Mode light hotProgress(player) = 10 'Set flag to "Elevator Dropping" playSFX 0, "L", "4", 65 + random(4), 255 'Play l5A-l5D.wav files killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "L", "4", "A", allowSmall, 66, 255 'Video of button pushed hellLock(player) = 0 'Since we use the Hellavator for Jackpots, can't stack a MB HellBall = 10 'Set flag so it won't retrigger ElevatorSet hellStuck, 600 'Send elevator to Stuck position slowly showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights skip = 50 'Set skip event for Elevator move End Sub sub HotelStart2() 'Ball gets stuck, gotta find control box! Dim X hotProgress(player) = 15 'Set flag to "Ball Rolling Towards Scoop" playSFX 0, "L", "4", 69 + random(4), 255 'Play l5A-l5D.wav files video "L", "4", "B", allowSmall, 120, 255 'Video of button pushed ElevatorSet hellDown, 300 'Send elevator to basement to release the ball customScore "L", "P", "A", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Shoot Camera Icons! custom score prompt ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" light 41, 0 'Turn off HELL FLASHER for x=0 To 4 ControlBox(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations Next if (tournament = 0) Then 'Unless we're in tourney mode where 3rd shot always wins... ControlBox(random(5)) = 255 'Randomly select ONE location to have the control box. (255 flag) End If DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Open the Spooky Door, if it isn't already if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If pulse(7) 'Pulse all the Camera Lights, sans Hotel one pulse(14) pulse(23) pulse(39) pulse(47) 'Set STROBING lights to indicate shots. Can't do this until we write the LIGHT SAVE STATE CODE strobe 26, 5 'Strobe first 5 lights to indicate Hotel Path still does something (builds jackpot modeTimer = 0 'Reset mode timer for prompts photoWhich = 0 'We use this to count the shots. In tourney mode, 3rd shot always finds control box. TargetTimerSet 5000, TargetUp, 100 ' playMusic "B", "1" 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" hellLock(player) = 0 'Disable lock manually comboEnable = 0 'Combos during Control Box search would be confusing, so no skip = 0 'Reset skip ability End Sub sub HotelLogic() 'Logic during control box search / ghost battle if (hotProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Waiting for the elevator to get stuck? if (HellLocation = hellStuck) Then 'Did the Hellavator make it to the Stuck position? HotelStart2() 'Time for Battle! Find control box and banish ghost! End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Looking for control box? modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(150000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Random ghost taunt? modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer playSFX 0, "L", "5", 65 + random(22), 200 'Will not override advance dialog video "L", "5", "A", allowSmall, 60, 100 'Will not override video End If End If End Sub sub HotelMultiball() 'What happens when you find the control box jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Starts at 1 AddScore(winScore) 'You won, so Point Get light 7, 0 'Turn off all CAMERA LIGHTS light 14, 0 light 23, 0 light 39, 0 light 47, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. light 61, 7 'HOTEL solid = Mode Won! blink(17) 'Blink ADVANCE JACKPOT blink(18) blink(19) light 16, 0 'Make sure JACKPOT is off strobe 26, 6 'Strobe the Hotel Lights pulse(14) 'Pulse the door for Ghost Eviction tourReset(43) 'Tour: Left orbit, up center, right orbit, scoop OLD Tour: Left orbit, spooky VUK, up center, balcony targetReset() 'Reset the target ' playMusic 'G', 'S' 'Play annoying Ghost Squad theme! musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" playSFX 0, "L", "7", 65 + random(3), 255 'Yeah! We fuckin' did it! killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "L", "7", "A", allowSmall, 91, 255 'Pull lever video videoQ "L", "8", "D", allowSmall, 30, 200 '"Ramp lights Jackpot" sendJackpot(0) 'Send jackpot value to score #0 customScore "L", "P", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 60 'Prompt for Ramp and Target Multiplier ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, numberScore OR 2, 72, 27, 0 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right numbers "", "", "", hellJackpot ' numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" ghostMove 90, 15 if (extraLit(player) = 0) Then 'An EB could be lit, and not collected during Control Box search. DoorSet DoorClosed, 200 'Else, closes the door for GHOST EVICTION! End If TargetTimerSet 10, TargetUp, 10 'Put targets UP ElevatorSet hellUp, 100 'Move elevator UP so you can shoot it to Light Jackpot blink(41) 'HELL FLASHER! hotProgress(player) = 30 'Set this so the "End Battle" can start only once. ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 32 'Set HOTEL WON bit for this player. if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If convictState = 1 'Use same variable as Prison Free Ghost for GHOST EVICTION! convictsSaved = 0 'Reset How many you've evicted AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Set flag to launch second ball multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want End Sub sub HotelLightJackpot() hotProgress(player) = 35 'Set JACKPOT READY! playSFX 0, "L", "8", 73 + random(8), 255 'Hit the ghost for Jackpot! killQ() 'CHANGE VIDEO TO DISPLAY WHAT JACKPOT IS LIT video "L", "G", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 29, 250 'Show Multiplier 'videoQ 'L', '8', 'B', allowSmall, 0, 240 'Ghost cowers! customScore "B", "1", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 36 'Custom Score: Hit ghost for JACKPOT! sendJackpot(0) 'Send updated jackpot value to score #0 light 17, 0 'First turn them all off light 18, 0 light 19, 0 'Blink the Ghost Targets that we hit already if (gTargets(0) = 1) Then blink(17) End If if (gTargets(1) = 1) Then blink(18) End If if (gTargets(2) = 1) Then blink(19) End If pulse(16) 'Pulse MAKE CONTACT light 26, 0 'Turn OFF Hotel Stobe TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put targets down End Sub sub HotelJackpot() blink(17) 'Blink ADVANCE JACKPOT blink(18) blink(19) light 16, 0 'Make sure JACKPOT is off strobe 26, 6 'Strobe the Hotel Lights targetReset() 'Reset the target values so we can re-multiply Jackpot ElevatorSet hellUp, 100 'Move elevator down blink(41) killQ() ghostFlash(50) playSFX 0, "L", "8", 81 + random(4), 255 'Jackpot sounds! video "L", "J", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 45, 255 'Jackpot animation showValue EVP_Jackpot(player) * jackpotMultiplier, 40, 1 'Show what jackpot value was customScore "L", "P", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 60 'Prompt for Ramp and Target Multiplier hotProgress(player) = 30 'Reset flag, we need to re-enable Jackpot TargetTimerSet 8000, TargetUp, 5 'Put targets back up ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Whack routine jackpotMultiplier = 1 sendJackpot(0) 'Send updated jackpot value (no multiplier now) to score #0 End Sub sub HotelWin() 'When down to 1 ball, mode is won! DOF 134, 2 multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) 'Load the original lamp state back in comboKill() light 61, 7 'HOTEL solid = Mode Won! AddScore(5000000) '5 mil for beating him convictState = 0 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) killNumbers() killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost Lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 light 26, 0 'Turn off Advance Lights light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 if (videoMode(player) = 0) Then TargetTimerSet 5000, TargetUp, 100 'Put targets back up, but not so fast ball is caught End If playSFX 0, "L", "9", 65 + random(4), 255 'Mode Complete dialog killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "L", "9", "A", noExitFlush, 63, 255 'Play Death Video ' numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points numbers "", "", ModeTotal, ModeTotal modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "L", "9", "B", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Mode Total: ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None hotProgress(player) = 100 'Can't be restarted ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 32 'Set HOTEL WON bit for this player. ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'For bonuses Advance_Enable = 1 'Other modes can start now if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready checkModePost() hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights spiritGuideEnable(1) End Sub sub HotelFail() multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) 'Load the original lamp state back in comboKill() convictState = 0 spiritGuideEnable(1) ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 killNumbers() killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() light 7, 0 'Turn off all CAMERA LIGHTS light 14, 0 light 23, 0 light 39, 0 light 47, 0 light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost Lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 if ((ModeWon(player) AND 32) = 32) Then 'Did we win this mode before? light 61, 7 'Make Hospital Mode light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 61, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Make sure Hellavator is down light 25, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(24) 'Other state BLINKS light 30, 0 'Lock is NOT lit modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Other modes can start now if ((modeRestart(player) AND 32) = 32) Then 'Able to restart Hotel? modeRestart(player) = ModeRestart(player) AND 223 'Clear the restart bit hotProgress(player) = 3 'Reset this to 2. Shoot the right ramp again will raise elevator and let you try again. Else hotProgress(player) = 0 'Reset this to 2. Shoot the right ramp again will raise elevator and let you try again. End If showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights checkModePost() hellEnable(1) End Sub 'END HOTEL MODE 5................................. sub BoxCheck(whichSpot) 'Code for looking for control box. Maybe update using Photo Hunt code? (it's much better) if (ControlBox(whichSpot) = 255) Then 'Control box found? (this will never actually occur in Tournament mode) ControlBox(whichSpot) = 1 'Set "Checked Here" flag HotelMultiball() Exit Sub 'Don't do other checks (prevents "miss" dialog when you actually get it) End If if (ControlBox(whichSpot) = 1) Then 'Did we already check here? playSFX 0, "L", "6", 85 + random(5), 255 '"You already looked there!" video "L", "6", 85 + random(6), allowSmall, 45, 200 'Video of search 'videoQ 'L', '5', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 100 'Prompt to find Camera shot End If if (ControlBox(whichSpot) = 0) Then 'First time we've checked here? photoWhich = photoWhich + 1 ControlBox(whichSpot) = 1 'Set "Checked Here" flag 'videoQ 'L', '5', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 100 'Prompt to find Camera shot Select Case whichSpot 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case 0: light 7, 0 case 1: light 14, 0 case 2: light 23, 0 case 3: light 39, 0 case 4: light 47, 0 End Select if (tournament and photoWhich = 3) Then 'In tournament mode, the 3rd unique Camera Shot you hit always = mode win HotelMultiball() Else playSFX 0, "L", "6", 65 + random(13), 255 'Play the "Its not here" sound l6A - l6E video "L", "6", 65 + random(14), allowSmall, 45, 200 'Video of search End If End If End Sub sub KickLeft(kickTime, lStrength) kickTime = Int(kickTime/CycleAdjuster) if (hosProgress(player) > 3 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Helps prevent ball ejects... Exit Sub 'Dring Doctor battle End If badExit = 1 'Prevents re-triggering. If ball doesn't go down left habitrail, this flag will kick ball if it ends up back in scoop LeftTimer = kickTime LeftPower = lStrength End Sub sub leftOrbitLogic() Dim X, Y animatePF 190, 10, 0 if (hellMB and minion(player) < 100) Then tourGuide 3, 8, 0, 50000, 1 'Check for GHOST CATCH, and give default 50k if we've already hit that spot Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then 'War fort active? x = random(8) If X = 0 Then Y = 79 If X = 1 Then Y = 81 If X = 2 Then Y = 50 If X = 3 Then Y = 47 If X = 4 Then Y = 49 If X = 5 Then Y = 110 If X = 6 Then Y = 77 If X = 7 Then Y = 67 playSFX 0, "W", "5", 65 + x, 210 'Random Army Ghost lines if tourGuide(3, 4, 0, 25000, 0) = 0 Then video "W", "5", 65 + x, allowSmall, Y, 250 'Synced taunt video End If 'Check that part of the tour (no WHOOSH sound needed) Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) > 69 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Haunted Bar active? tourGuide 3, 3, 0, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Hospital active? tourGuide 3, 1, 0, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) Then 'Fighting the Hotel Ghost? (can't do tour during the Control Box search) tourGuide 3, 5, 0, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Prison mode active? tourGuide 3, 6, 0, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! Exit Sub End If if (Advance_Enable and priProgress(player) < 4) Then 'Advancing Prison 1 2 3, or making 4th orbit shot to start? PrisonAdvance() 'Advance Prison (backstory)) Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? BoxCheck(0) 'Check / flag box for this location Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(0) Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! Exit Sub End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Fighting the Demon? DemonCheck(0) Exit Sub End If if (minionMB > 9) Then 'Minion MB Jackpot Increase? minionJackpotIncrease() MagnetSet(100) lightningStart(Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) Exit Sub End If comboVideoFlag = 0 'Nothing active? Reset video combo flag AddScore(5000) 'Some points video "C", "G", "E", allowSmall, 39, 250 'Regular Combo to the Right -> playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! Exit Sub End Sub Function leftVUKlogic() animatePF 200, 10, 0 'Check if ball is supposed to be held behind door. If so, don't execute combos 'BALL HOLD GOES HERE IF WE END UP MAKING THAT if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Should ball stay locked? leftVUKLogic = 0 Exit Function 'Do nothing End If if (deProgress(player) > 1 and deProgress(player) < 9) Then leftVUKLogic = 0 'Prevents ball from being kicked out Exit Function End If 'OK, normal shot, continue: if (badExit) Then 'Did ball not successfully exit the VUK and roll down the habitrail? KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 0 Exit Function 'Do nothing End If comboCheck(1) if (extraLit(player)) Then 'Extra ball lit? extraBallCollect() 'Award it! KickLeft 31000, vukPower 'Kick it out! leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Advance_Enable and theProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Ready to start Theater mode? TheaterStart() 'If THEATER and DOCTOR are both lit, THEATER starts first. leftVUKLogic = 0 Exit Function 'If THEATER is WON, DOCTOR can be started End If 'If THEATER fails (time out or drain) THEATER RE-LITES and will start if you shoot there again if (Mode(player) = 1 and hosProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Hospital battle? AddScore(100000) 'Poison Points! video "H", "7", "B", allowSmall, 60, 255 'Poison Grab! playSFX 0, "I", "P", 69 + random(8), 255 if (patientStage < 5) Then patientStage = patientStage + 1 'You can get up to 5 extra poisons for extra points. Not sure why. Who cares? End If hellEnable(0) 'Disable Hell Lock (also puts Elevator to DOWN). Can't enable MB until you make right ramp shot to euthanize ghost patient light 8, 0 'Turn OFF door strobe strobe 26, 5 'Turn ON hotel path strobe KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 6 and convictState = 2) Then 'We opened the door, now time to free a ghost? video "P", "8", "Z", allowSmall, 29, 255 'Ghost freed! playSFX 0, "P", "Z", 65 + random(4), 255 convictsSaved = convictsSaved + 1 showValue convictsSaved * 100000, 40, 1 'Flash what you scored for saving this convict convictState = 1 'Go back to Door Closed state DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Open door quickly! light 8, 0 'Turn off strobing pulse(14) 'Blink Camera shot modeTimer = 0 'Reset this so prompt won't happen for a bit KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if ((hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) and convictState = 2) Then 'Fighting the Hotel Ghost? (can't do tour during the Control Box search) 'Ghost Eviction! convictsSaved = convictsSaved + 1 video "L", "E", "2", allowSmall, 36, 255 'Ghost Evicted! playSFX 0, "L", "E", 65 + random(9), 255 'Random boot + ghost sound FX if (convictsSaved < 10) Then 'Haven't evicted them all yet? showValue convictsSaved * 100000, 40, 1 'Flash what you scored for saving this convict convictState = 1 'Go back to Door Closed state DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Close door light 8, 0 'Turn off strobing pulse(14) 'Pulse Camera shot Else 'Kick out 10 to win? videoQ "L", "E", "9", 2, 30, 255 'All ghosts evicted! showValue convictsSaved * 250000, 40, 1 'Flash what you scored for evicting this ghost convictState = 255 'Set this state to asub further triggers DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Close door light 8, 0 'Turn off strobing light 14, 0 'Turn off camera light End If KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (barProgress(player) > 69 and barProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Haunted Bar? tourGuide 2, 3, 1, 25000, 1 'Check that part of the tour! KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (hellMB and minion(player) < 100) Then tourGuide 2, 8, 1, 50000, 1 'Check for GHOST CATCH, and give default 50k if we've already hit that spot KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (goldHits = 10) Then 'Collecting gold? killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "W", "G", "F", allowSmall, 50, 255 'Got some gold! playSFX 0, "W", "G", 77 + random(8), 255 'Ka-ching, Kaminski happy, Ghost mad! AddScore(500000) 'One meeeeleon points! goldTotal = goldTotal + 500000 'Keep track of how much gold we got X multiplier KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'Kick it out fairly quickly leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (deProgress(player) = 1 and Advance_Enable) Then 'Ready to start Demon Battle, and can start a mode? DemonLock1() leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function 'Don't want the ball to be kicked out (like Doctor Ghost mode) End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Trying to weaken demon DemonCheck(1) if (activeBalls > 1) Then KickLeft(7000 + ( activeBalls - 1) * 6300), vukPower 'Give player a slight break... the more balls active the longer it is Else KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default End If leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Advance_Enable and (hosProgress(player) > 0 and hosProgress(player) < 4)) Then 'IS this this 2nd or 3rd time we've hit this? HospitalAdvance() 'Advance Hospital KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'If both DOCTOR and THEATER are lit, DOCTOR GHOST MODE starts first. leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? BoxCheck(1) 'Check / flag box for this location KickLeft 11000, vukPower 'Roll the ball back down leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (hotProgress(player) = 30 or hotProgress(player) = 35) Then 'Hotel ghost battle? KickLeft 11000, vukPower 'Kick it out leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(1) KickLeft 11000, vukPower leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? if (theProgress(player) = 11) Then 'Waiting for Shot 2, in which case this shot is CORRECT? TheaterPlay(1) 'Advance the play! leftVUKLogic = 0 Exit Function 'No combo Else TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'Kick it out quick leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function End If End If comboVideoFlag = 0 'Nothing active? Reset video combo flag AddScore(5000) 'Some points KickLeft 7000, vukPower 'The default 'Nothing going on default prompt video "C", "G", "E", allowSmall, 39, 250 'Regular Combo to the Right -> playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! leftVUKLogic = 1 Exit Function 'Can combo End Function sub lightningFX(lightStage) lightningGo = 1 'Creates a lightning effect using a number from 0-10000 'Send it a lobbed off modeTimer value to add lightning to speech calls if (lightStage < Int(27000/CycleAdjuster)) Then Select Case (lightStage) case Int(100/CycleAdjuster): if (random(10) < 5) Then cabLeft 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(1) Else cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) End If doRGB() case Int(3000/CycleAdjuster): GIpf(192) case Int(3500/CycleAdjuster): lightningPWM = 0 cabLeft 0, 0, 0 cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(2) doRGB() case Int(4000/CycleAdjuster): GIpf(128) case Int(5000/CycleAdjuster): GIpf(0) case Int(19000/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 20 SetBackGlass 1, "blue" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() GIpf(224) light 40, 1 light 41, 1 light 42, 1 backglass 0, 1 case Int(21000/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 20 SetBackGlass 1, "blue" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() GIpf(96) light 40, 1 light 41, 1 light 42, 0 backglass 1, 0 case Int(22000/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(1) cabRight 0, 0, 10 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" doRGB() GIpf(32) light 40, 1 light 41, 0 light 42, 0 backglass 1, 0 case Int(24000/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 10 SetBackGlass 1, "blue" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() GIpf(0) light 40, 0 light 41, 0 light 42, 0 backglass 0, 1 case Int(25000/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(1) cabRight 0, 0, 5 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" doRGB() backglass 1, 0 case Int(25200/CycleAdjuster): cabLeft 0, 0, 5 SetBackGlass 1, "blue" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() backglass 0, 1 case Int(26000/CycleAdjuster): lightningEnd(50) End Select if (lightStage > Int(6000/CycleAdjuster) and lightStage < Int(19000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Turn off both RGB's and flash the inserts all BRIGHT lightningPWM = lightningPWM + 1 'Serial.println lightningPWM, DEC if (lightningPWM = Int(400/cycleAdjuster)) Then cabLeft 200, 200, 255 SetBackGlass 1, "white" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() GIpf(160) light 40, 0 'light 41, 1 light 42, 0 End If if (lightningPWM > Int(800/cycleAdjuster)) Then lightningPWM = 0 cabLeft 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(1) cabRight 200, 200, 255 SetBackGlass 2, "white" doRGB() GIpf(64) light 40, 1 'light 41, 0 light 42, 1 End If End If End If if (lightStage > Int(49999/cycleadjuster) and lightStage < Int(99999/cycleadjuster)) Then Select Case (lightStage) case Int(50005/cycleAdjuster+5): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(2) GIpf(224) doRGB() case Int(50500/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 64 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" SetBackGlass 1, "blue" GIpf(0) doRGB() case Int(51000/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" SetBackGlass 1, "blue" GIpf(224) doRGB() case Int(51500/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(2) GIpf(0) doRGB() case Int(52000/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 64 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" SetBackGlass 1, "blue" GIpf(224) doRGB() case Int(52500/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" SetBackGlass 1, "blue" GIpf(0) doRGB() case Int(53000/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(2) GIpf(224) doRGB() case Int(53500/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 64 SetBackGlass 2, "blue" SetBackGlass 1, "blue" GIpf(0) doRGB() case Int(55000/cycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 SetBackGlass 2, "white" SetBackGlass 1, "white" setCabColor 0, 0, 0, 20 case Int(57000/cycleAdjuster): lightningEnd(10) End Select End If if (lightStage > Int(99999/cycleadjuster) and lightStage < Int(120000/CycleAdjuster)) Then lightningPWM = lightningPWM + 1 if (lightningPWM = Int(300/cycleAdjuster)) Then cabLeft 255, 0, 0 SetBackGlass 1, "red" cabRight 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(3) doRGB() GIpf(160) End If if (lightningPWM > Int(600/CycleAdjuster)) Then lightningPWM = 0 cabLeft 0, 0, 0 BackGlassOff(1) cabRight 255, 0, 0 SetBackGlass 2, "red" doRGB() GIpf(64) End If if (lightStage = Int(119999/cycleadjuster)) Then 'Fade to black complete? Fade back up to mode color lightningEnd(25) End If End If End Sub sub lightningEnd(resumeSpeed) lightningTimer = 0 'Finish cycle backglass 1, 1 lightningGo = 0 'Effect is done! flashCab 0, 0, 0, resumeSpeed 'Fade back into normal color from Black GIpf(224) End Sub sub lightningStart(theValue) if (lightningTimer = 0) Then lightningTimer = theValue End If End Sub sub lightningKill() lightningTimer = 0 'Finish cycle backglass 1, 1 lightningGo = 0 'Effect is done! GIpf(224) End Sub sub loadBall() launchCounter = 0 if (Sw57 = 0) Then 'No ball in shooter lane? AutoPlunge(25005) Else 'Serial.print("BALL ALREADY LOADED: ") plungeTimer = Int(24000/CycleAdjuster) 'Manually set plunge timer to skip ball loading part End If End Sub sub logic() 'This doesn't run if we're in a Ball Drain. if (loopCatch = ballCaught) Then 'Trying to catch a ball under ghost? Check these conditions: if (barProgress(player) = 60) Then 'Ball caught by ghost? loopCatch = 0 'Clear this BarTrap() 'Proceed End If if (deProgress(player) = 2) Then 'Second ball caught? loopCatch = 0 'Clear this DemonLock2() 'Proceed End If if (minionMB = 20) Then 'Minion Multiball, ready to catch ball? loopCatch = 0 minionMBtrap() End If if (deProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Final shot to demon, and ball was caught? loopCatch = 0 DemonWin() 'You won the game! End If if (videoMode(player) = 1) Then if (barProgress(player) <> 60 and Advance_Enable = 1 and minion(player) <> 10) Then loopCatch = 0 '; runVideoMode() 'EP- disabling for now until I can figure out how to do a video mode End If End If End If if (minion(player) = 100 and modeTimer > Int(99999/cycleadjuster) and popsTimer = 0) Then 'Minion MB, and a player has trapped a ball? (not the one trapped on mode start) modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer > (Int(Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)/cycleAdjuster) + longSecond)) Then modeTimer = Int(Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)/CycleAdjuster) countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 'Subtract! ' numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1) 'Update the Numbers Timer. EP- I don't know what this is supposed to be updating, maybe I'll figure it out later if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 'Hurry-Up countdown Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 1 'Beeps End If if (countSeconds = 0) Then 'Time's up! Kill timer number, release ball (no jackpot) minionMBjackpot(1) End If End If End If if (hellMB and modeTimer < Int(80000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Modetimer stays under 99999 in case Minion is stacked with Hell MB modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer > Int(69999/cycleadjuster)) Then 'A large range, to ensure the lights get activated properly modeTimer = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) 'Should stop it from progressing lightSpeed = 1 flashCab 0, 0, 0, 25 if (Mode(player) = 0) Then 'Not in a mode? showProgress 1, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style End If minionLights() popLogic(0) 'Figure out what the pops should be doing 'BLINK THE MINION LIGHTS tourReset(58) 'Tour: Left orbit, door VUK, up middle, right orbit (excludes Hotel and Scoop) blink(24) 'Call button light status light 25, 7 'Current state is HIT TO GO UP blink(41) 'Blink the hellavator flasher strobe 26, 5 'Strobe all lights on that shot except Camera (since it's used for combos) blink(49) 'Blink the Multiball Progress light Else Select Case (modeTimer) case Int(8840/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 35, 0, 35, 35, 0, 35 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(2) Exit Sub case Int(10840/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) GIpf(96) Exit Sub case Int(23870/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 70, 0, 70, 70, 0, 70 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(3) Exit Sub case Int(25870/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) GIpf(64) modeTimer = 28000 Exit Sub case Int(38700/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 105, 0, 105, 105, 0, 105 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(4) Exit Sub case Int(40700/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) GIpf(0) modeTimer = 43000 Exit Sub case Int(46400/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 140, 0, 140, 140, 0, 140 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(5) Exit Sub case Int(48400/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) GIpf(0) Exit Sub case Int(53780/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 175, 0, 175, 175, 0, 175 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(7) Exit Sub case Int(55780/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) GIpf(0) Exit Sub case Int(57420/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 210, 0, 210, 210, 0, 210 setcabColor 0, 0, 0, 50 allLamp(5) Exit Sub case Int(59420/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() lightSpeed = 5 strobe 3, 5 'Strobe EVERYTHING! strobe 8, 7 strobe 20, 4 strobe 26, 6 strobe 36, 4 strobe 43, 5 strobe 56, 7 Exit Sub case Int(60000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(128) Exit Sub case Int(60500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(64) Exit Sub case Int(61000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(32) Exit Sub case Int(61500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() GIpf(128) Exit Sub case Int(62000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(64) Exit Sub case Int(62500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() GIpf(32) lightSpeed = 10 Exit Sub case Int(63000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(128) Exit Sub case Int(64500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() GIpf(64) Exit Sub case Int(65000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(32) Exit Sub case Int(65500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() GIpf(128) Exit Sub case Int(66000/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 doRGB() GIpf(192) Exit Sub case Int(66500/CycleAdjuster): cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 doRGB() GIpf(224) allLamp(0) Exit Sub End Select End If End If if (Mode(player) = 7 or Mode(player) = 99) Then 'In GHOST PHOTO HUNT, or FINAL FLASH? photoLogic() End If if (multiBall) AND (multiballLoading) Then 'Multiball ready, loading balls onto play? multiTimer = multiTimer - 1 if (multiTimer = 1) Then 'Just about done? AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Auto launch a ball. ballSave() 'Enable ball save multiTimer = autoPlungeFast + 100 'Spit out another ball pretty quickly multiCount = multiCount - 1 'Decrement count if (multiCount = 0) Then 'Did we kick out all balls requested? multiBall =(multiBall AND 254) 'EP- 254 is NOT multiballLoading 'Clearing loading bit multiBall = multiBall OR multiballLoaded 'Change multiball condition to "All Balls Ejected" multiTimer = 0 'Cancel timer End If End If End If if (wiki(player) = 255 and tech(player) = 255 and psychic(player) = 255) Then 'All 3 team members SPELLED? pulse(0) 'Pulse lights again pulse(1) pulse(51) wiki(player) = 0 tech(player) = 0 psychic(player) = 0 if (videoModeEnable) Then if (Advance_Enable and minion(player) < 10) Then 'Modes can be advanced, and a Minion isn't active? videoQ "S", "V", "A", allowSmall, 45, 250 'Video Mode Ready! videoMode(player) = 1 'Ready to collect loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 50 'Put targets down blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) Else videoQ "S", "V", "B", allowSmall, 45, 250 'Video Mode Ready After Mode Ends videoMode(player) = 10 End If Else AddScore(500000) 'If no VM, just give points End If End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Hospital Mode active? HospitalLogic() End If if (Mode(player) = 3 or barProgress(player) = 60) Then 'Bar mode active? BarLogic() End If if (Mode(player) = 4) Then 'Fighting the War Fort ghost? WarLogic() End If if (Mode(player) = 5) Then 'Hotel Mode active? HotelLogic() End If if (Mode(player) = 6) Then 'Prison Mode active? PrisonLogic() End If if (ghostAction and ghostBored = 0) Then 'Flag to have the ghost be doing something? doGhostActions() End If if (ghostBored and ghostTimer = 0) Then 'Ghost turns back to center, unless there's a Ghost Move Timer going on ghostBored = ghostBored - 1 if (ghostBored = Int(10000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Time up? ghostMove GhostLocation + 10, 5 'Ghost turns to the front. End If if (ghostBored = Int(7000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Time up? ghostMove GhostLocation - 10, 5 'Ghost turns to the front. End If if (ghostBored = Int(3000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Time up? ghostMove GhostLocation + 10, 5 'Ghost turns to the front. End If if (ghostBored = 1) Then 'Time up? ghostMove 90, 100 'Ghost turns to the front. ghostBored = 0 End If End If if (minion(player) = 12) Then 'Waiting for targets? if (TargetLocation >= TargetUp) Then 'Did targets make it back up? minion(player) = 1 'NOW allow mode to start again End If End If if (goldHits = 10 and popsTimer = 0) Then 'Are we stealing gold during the War Fort mode? WarGoldLogic() End If if (restartTimer) Then if (hosProgress(player) = 3 and modeTimer) Then 'Giving the ball back? Make sure players know flipper works! modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer >= Int(11000/CycleAdjuster) and modeTimer <= Int(11100/CycleAdjuster)) Then LeftFlipper.RotateToEnd PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperUp"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip End If if (modeTimer >= Int(10500/CycleAdjuster) and modeTimer <= Int(10600/CycleAdjuster)) Then LeftFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip End If if (modeTimer >= Int(8000/CycleAdjuster) and modeTimer <= Int(8100/CycleAdjuster)) Then LeftFlipper.RotateToEnd PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperUp"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip End If if (modeTimer >= Int(4000/CycleAdjuster) and modeTimer <= Int(4100/CycleAdjuster)) Then LeftFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip End If End If End If End Sub sub MachineReset() Dim X ' Serial.println("System Reset") cabColor 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 'Dim lighting setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 0 'Set ghost to off ghostColor 0, 0, 0 allLamp(0) 'Turn off lamps ' myservo(Targets).write(TargetDown) 'Put targets down TargetSet TargetDown ' myservo(HellServo).write(hellDown) 'Hellavator down ElevatorSet hellDown, 600 ' myservo(DoorServo).write(DoorOpen) 'Open Door DoorSet DoorOpen, 600 ' myservo(GhostServo).write(90) 'Center Ghost GhostMove 90, 600 ' for x=0 to 4 'Send the high scores to display (in case they changed, or at start of game) ' sendHighScores(x) ' End If lightSpeed = 1 'Speed at which the lights change ' Update(startingAttract) 'Set attract mode to ON (also sets Freeplay, number credits) AttractLights = 1 'EP- Since Update doesn't do anything, have to set the variable manually End Sub sub MagnetSet(setMagTimer) ' Coil(Magnet, 255) 'Magnet on for 100ms to catch ball DOF 132, 2 mMagnaSave.MagnetOn = 1 '** mMagnaSave.GrabCenter = 1 magFlag = magFlagTime 'This is how many MS to pulse it 100 times a second. If it exceeds 10, magnet will be "solid on" MagnetTimer = 50*Int(setMagTimer/CycleAdjuster) 'Set total time EP- multiplied by 50, may need to adjust this more '** If MagnetTimer < 10 Then MagnetTimer = 10 MagnetCount = 0 'Reset PWM counter End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR MINION GHOST............................ sub minionStart() AddScore(startScore) setGhostModeRGB 128, 128, 128 'Set ghost to white setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 200 'Light the cabinet BLUE minion(player) = 10 'Set flag that we've started playSFXQ 0, "M", "D", random(10), 255 'Something Something Specter! if (minionHitProgress(player)) Then 'Have we already attacked this class Minion? minionHits = minionHitProgress(player) 'Set how many hits we have left Else 'If not, old school just get next value for that particular class minion 3 hits, 4 hits, etc minionHits = minionTarget(player) 'Count DOWN instead of UP to make it easier to pick video End If minionHitProgress(player) = 0 'Clear the flag no matter what if (hellMB = 0) Then musicplayer "bgout_MI.mp3" 'Minion music, unless a full Hellavator MB has started modeTotal = 0 'This will be only mode active, so reset mode total 'No HMB active, so OK to show custom Minion Score customScore "M", "M", "Y", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'SHOOT GHOST! ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, 2, 122, 0, minionHits 'Hits to Go upper right numbers "", minionHits, "", "" End If 'playSFX 1, 'M', 'C', '0', 255 'Ghost Minion Found Sound if (minionsBeat(player) > 8) Then playSFX 0, "M", "C", "9", 255 'You can keep beating them, but they only go up to Class 9 video "M", "F", "9", allowSmall, 29, 250 'Ghost level cap at 9 Else playSFX 0, "M", "C", 1 + minionsBeat(player), 255 'It's a class 1-9 video "M", "F", 1 + minionsBeat(player), allowSmall, 29, 250 'Show which level ghost we're fighting End If strobe 17, 3 'Strobe the Ghost Targets if (minionHits <= minionDamage) Then 'Almost defeat? Will next hit kill it? if (minionsBeat(player) = minionMB1 or minionsBeat(player) = minionMB2) Then 'Multiball Minion? if (hellMB) Then videoQ "M", "9", "1", 2, 38, 100 'Hit Ghost to STACK multiballs Else videoQ "M", "9", "0", 2, 38, 100 'Hit ghost for Multiball! End If Else videoQ "M", "9", 64 + 1, 2, 30, 100 '1 hit to go! End If Else videoQ "M", "9", 64 + minionHits, 2, 30, 100 'More than a single hit to beat minion? Show how many End If if ((minionsBeat(player) = minionMB1 or minionsBeat(player) = minionMB2) and hellMB = 0) Then 'Can this Minion Battle start a Minion MB, and Hell MB isn't active? hellEnable(0) 'Disable Hell Locks Else hellEnable(1) 'Else, enable them End If TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 50 'Put targets back up, but not so fast ball is caught ghostAction = Int(425005/CycleAdjuster)+5 'Ghost guarding GLIRenable(0) 'Fighting a minion, you can't GLIR End Sub sub minionHitLogic() Dim mX, x minionHits = minionHits - minionDamage lightningStart(Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) killQ() 'Prevents incorrect hit # from appearing if (minionHits > 0) Then 'Haven't won yet? ghostFlash(100) DOF 133, 2 mX = 65 + random(10) 'Get a random ASCII letter A-J playSFX 1, "N", "8", mX, 255 'Sound to match animation video "M", "8", mX, allowSmall, 46, 255 'Ghost hit animation animatePF 104, 15, 0 'Minion hit, stuff flies off if (hellMB = 0) Then ' numbers 9, 2, 122, 0, minionHits 'Updated Hits to Go upper right numbers "", minionHits, "", "" End If if (minionHits <= minionDamage) Then 'Almost defeat? Will next hit kill it? if (minionsBeat(player) = minionMB1 or minionsBeat(player) = minionMB2) Then 'Multiball Minion? playSFX 0, "M", "D", 70 + random(3), 255 'Hit the ghost for Multiball! (has a gap so it plays after Whack Sound. Pre-dates playSFXQ command if (hellMB) Then videoQ "M", "9", "1", 2, 38, 100 'Hit Ghost to STACK multiballs Else videoQ "M", "9", "0", 2, 38, 100 'Hit ghost for Multiball! End If Else 'Normal minion videoQ "M", "9", 64 + minionHits, 2, 30, 100 'How many hits to go playSFXQ 1, "M", "D", 65 + random(5), 255 '"Let's finish him off!" same channel as Whack Sound, will play after it's done End If Else videoQ "M", "9", 64 + minionHits, 2, 30, 100 'How many hits to go End If ghostAction = Int(468005/CycleAdjuster)+5 'Minion hit, leading into guarding motion AddScore(minionTarget(player) * 50000) 'Add score if (minionsBeat(player) > 3) Then 'The more difficult minions? Magnet Fun! x = minionsBeat(player) - 3 'Reduce range if (x > 9) Then 'Limit it from 1 to 9 x = 9 End If ' Coil Magnet, 50 + (x * 20) 'Magnet pulse! Stronger the more minions you fight MagnetSet(x*100) End If Else ghostAction = Int(468005/CycleAdjuster)+5 'Minion hit, leading into guarding motion if (minionsBeat(player) = minionMB1 or minionsBeat(player) = minionMB2) Then 'Multiball Minion? minionMB = 1 'Flag saying Multiball can start if (minionsBeat(player) = minionMB2) Then 'Also, starting the second Minion MB also lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there End If End If if (minionMB = 1) Then 'Multiball flag set? minionMultiballStart() Else minionWin() 'Normal Minion End End If End If End Sub sub minionLights() 'Set Minion Lights to whatever they should be if (minion(player) = 0) Then 'Can't advance minions? Exit Sub 'Do nothing End If if (minion(player) = 10) Then 'Fighting a Ghost Minion? strobe 17, 3 'Strobe his lights light 16, 0 'Make sure JACKPOT is off Exit Sub End If pulse(17) 'Pulse all 3 by default (they're at least lit) pulse(18) pulse(19) if (minionsBeat(player) < 3) Then 'First 3 minions, where you can just hit any targets 3 times? pulse(17) 'Pulse all 3 by default (they're at least lit) pulse(18) pulse(19) if (minionHits = 2) Then 'Make lights solid to count how many we've hit light 19, 7 End If if (minionHits = 1) Then light 18, 7 light 19, 7 End If Else 'Otherwise it's a level 4+, meaning targets have to be hit individually light 17, 7 'Start with them on (lit then pulse whichever ones we haven't hit it light 18, 7 light 19, 7 if ((targetBits AND 4)=4) Then pulse(17) End If if ((targetBits ANd 2)=2) Then pulse(18) End If if ((targetBits AND 1)=1) Then pulse(19) End If End If End Sub sub minionWin() DOF 134, 2 'ghostAction = 0 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFlash(300) 'Flash minion, fade to black ghostMove 90, 100 blink(17) 'Blink targets during kill animation blink(18) 'They'll get changed to PULSE after ball release blink(19) light 16, 0 'Turn off MAKE CONTACT MagnetSet(350) 'Catch ball minion(player) = 11 'Set flag for mode ending, to put targets up AFTER magnet release ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'Keep track for bonuses minionsBeat(player) = minionsBeat(player) + 1 'Keep track for Multiball if (hellMB) Then setCabModeFade 255, 0, 255, 50 'Turn color back to Magenta End If if (minionsBeat(player) > 254) Then 'Got a kill screen coming up! minionsBeat(player) = 254 End If AddScore(minionsBeat(player) * 100000) killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos playSFX 0, "M", "E", 65 + random(8), 255 'Sound for light-sucking, different "Minion Defeated" quotes video "M", "9", 88 + random(1), noExitFlush, 57, 255 'Ghost sucked into light! M9X or M9Y, left or right flip ' numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Flash the total points scored in mode numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal videoQ "M", "9", "Z", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Minion Mode Total: minionHits = 3 '3 hits to find another minion minionTarget(player) = minionTarget(player) + 1 'Increase the hits it takes if (minionTarget(player) > 9) Then 'At limit? minionTarget(player) = 3 'Reset it End If GLIRenable(1) 'Re-enable GLIR animatePF 44, 30, 0 'Minion kill animation! (one shot if (hellMB = 0) Then killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points End If End Sub sub minionEnd(endType) ghostAction = 0 light 17, 0 'Turn off lights as default light 18, 0 light 19, 0 if (minionMB) Then light 7, 0 'Turn off Jackpot Lights light 39, 0 minionMB = 0 End If ghostAction = 0 lightningKill() if (multiBall) Then cabModeRGB(0) = 255 'Manually set Cabinet RGB mode cabModeRGB(1) = 0 cabModeRGB(2) = 255 flashCab 255, 255, 255, 50 'Go back to Magenta color Else setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 200 'Reset cabinet color End If targetReset() 'Reset target flags if (endType = 0 and minion(player) = 10) Then 'We are disabling Minions because a different mode started, but we were battling one when mode started? minionHitProgress(player) = minionHits 'Store the progress of how much we damaged him, so it's retrieved when next battle starts End If 'This gets reset because you'll still have to hit targets to bring back the minion (though his "power" will be lower) if (endType = 3) Then if (minion(player) > 9 and minion(player) < 100) Then 'Were we fighting a standard minion when the ball drained? minionHitProgress(player) = minionHits 'Store the progress of how much we damaged him, so it's retrieved when next battle starts Else minionHitProgress(player) = 0 'Make sure this is clear minionHits = 3 End If ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 'Fade out the minion ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) TargetTimerSet 10000, TargetUp, 100 'Put the targets back up minion(player) = 1 'Set flag minion fight can be restarted once the player gets the ball back pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() Exit Sub End If minionHits = 3 'First 3 minions, this counts hits. Minions 3+, used to play incrementing target sound if (endType = 1) Then 'Flag that mode ended with WIN + Reset targets? minion(player) = 1 'Set flag minion fight can be restarted once the targets are back up if (videoMode(player) = 10 and hellMB = 0) Then 'If Hell MB not active, and Video Mode paused, re-enable it videoMode(player) = 1 loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop Else TargetTimerSet 9000, TargetUp, 10 'Put the targets back up End If pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) if (Mode(player) = 0) Then 'No main modes active, and if (multiBall = 0) Then 'Hellavator Multiball not active? ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Revert to normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" 'EP- PlayMusic is the method used to actually play music, so I can't define my own; I'll have to replace every instance End If End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then ' playMusic "H", "2" 'Photo hunt music musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" End If Exit Sub End If if (endType = 2) Then 'Flag that mode ended with WIN? + Do not reset targets yet.. minion(player) = 1 'Set flag minion fight can be restarted once the targets are back up pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) if (Mode(player) = 0) Then ' playMusic "M", "2" 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then ' playMusic "H", "2" 'Photo hunt music musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" End If Exit Sub End If minion(player) = 0 'Set flag to disable Minion Battle End Sub sub minionMultiballStart() AddScore(150000) comboKill() 'So combo lights don't appear after the mode if (hellMB = 0) Then 'Hell MB isn't in progress? ' playMusic 'M', 'M' 'Only need to switch to MB music if not stacked with Hell MB musicplayer "bgout_MB.mp3" 'EP- This is exactly the same as MM.mp3... I don't know why there's two storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps. If HellMB active, this has already been done allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps so we can repaint them modeTotal = 0 'If Hell MB was active it already did this, so we don't want to erase that value unless Hell MB didn't start End If spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Hospital dirtyPoolMode(0) 'We want to trap balls! 'PAINT LAMPS HERE! (double check) strobe 3, 5 'Strobe left orbit strobe 36, 4 'Strobe right orbit pulse(16) 'Pulse JACKPOT light 17, 0 'Turn off lights light 18, 0 light 19, 0 blink(2) 'Blink MINION MASTER progress light ghostLook = 0 'Ghost doesn't look around ghostAction = Int(110000/CycleAdjuster) 'Ghost guarding ball minion(player) = 100 'Set flag that we're in Minion Multiball Mode minionMB = 10 'Flag that says a Ball is trapped under the ghost! Advance_Enable = 0 'Disable mode advancement setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 50 'Bright blue! minionJackpot = 100000 'Starting Jackpot value if (hellMB = 0) Then manualScore 5, minionJackpot 'Store jackpot in Score #5 customScore "M", "M", "W", allowAll OR loopVideo, 60 'Ghost Lites, Orbits Build Jackpot ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" ' numbers 10, numberScore OR 2, 68, 27, 5 'Use Score #5 to display the Minion Jackpot Value '; EP- Not sure what to put here End If killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "M", "M", "1", allowSmall, 87, 255 'Minion MB Start! playSFX 0, "M", "M", "D", 255 'Ghost Minion Multiball! MagnetSet(100) 'Hold the ball. TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Trap it using the targets trapTargets = 1 'Ball should be trapped behind targets DoorSet DoorOpen, 25 'Make sure the door is open 'NEEDS IF STILL LOADING CONDITION! if (multiBall) Then 'If a MB is active, it has to be Hellavator MB from Mode 0 if (multiBall AND multiballLoading) Then 'It can be in 2 states - active 2 balls or more), or still loading its balls (unlikely BUT POSSIBLE multiCount = multiCount + 1 'If it's still loading balls, then 3 will be active. We can only load 1 more. multiBall = multiBall OR multiballMinion 'Set Minion MB bit Else 'Much more likely that HellMB is already underway multiBall = multiBall OR (multiballMinion OR multiballLoading) 'Set Minion MB bit, and Ball Loading bit since we need more balls multiTimer = 10 'Next ball will be kicked out pretty quickly multiCount = (4 - activeBalls) 'Figure out how many balls we can add. 2 balls active = add 2. 3 balls active = add 1 if (multiCount <> countBalls()) Then 'If this number doesn't match # of balls in the trough... multiCount = countBalls() 'then set the value to how many balls are actually in the trough End If End If tourClear() 'Turn off the Tour Ghost Catch lights hellEnable(1) 'Enable this so Hell Jackpots can still be collected Else multiBall = multiBall OR (multiballMinion OR multiballLoading) 'Set Minion MB bits, and Ball Loading bit multiTimer = 10 'Next ball will be kicked out pretty quickly multiCount = 2 'We'll add 2 balls if (countBalls() < multiCount) Then 'If, somehow, there is less than 2 balls in trough... multiCount = countBalls() 'then set the value to how many balls are actually in the trough End If hellEnable(0) 'Can't stack the Hell MB on Minion MB (only the other way around) End If popLogic(0) 'Figure out what the pops should be doing showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights (not each mode's advancement modeTimer = Int(99999/CycleAdjuster) 'Prevents timer from starting until second ball trapped End Sub sub minionMBtrap() ghostLook = 0 'Ghost doesn't look around ghostAction = Int(110000/cycleAdjuster) 'Ghost guarding ball setCabModeFade 0, 0, 128, 50 'Medium Blue video "M", "M", "7", 0, 27, 255 'Ghost catches ball (don't show numbers yet... modeTimer = Int(100000/cycleAdjuster) 'Setup timer countSeconds = 13 '10 seconds to collect jackpot '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. videoQ "M", "M", "8", allowSmall OR noEntryFlush, 29, 255 'Can you collect Jackpot in time? Arrows to numbers if (hellMB = 0) Then customScore "M", "M", "X", allowAll OR loopVideo, 60 'Ghost Lites, Orbits Build Jackpot End If playSFX 0, "M", "M", 65 + random(2), 255 'Ghost catch & chuckle minionMB = 10 'Flag that says a Ball is trapped under the ghost! MagnetSet(150) 'Hold the ball. TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Trap it using the targets trapTargets = 1 pulse(16) 'Pulse JACKPOT light 17, 0 'Turn off lights light 18, 0 light 19, 0 'videoQ 'M', 'M', '2', allowSmall, 0, 255) 'Collect Jackpot Countdown! (arrows point at timers End Sub sub minionMBjackpot(timeRelease) killNumbers() 'Kill any numbers that are flashing killTimer(0) 'Kill the timer (either we got jackpot or it timed out doesn't matter) modeTimer = Int(99999/CycleAdjuster) 'Prevents timer from showing until next target trapped ghostLook = 1 'Ghost CAN look around ghostAction = 0 'Ghost guarding ball cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 'Set cab DARK... setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 50 '..and flash it back to BRIGHT BLUE if (hellMB = 0) Then customScore "M", "M", "W", allowAll OR loopVideo, 60 'Ghost Lites, Orbits Build Jackpot End If if (timeRelease = 0) Then video "M", "M", "3", allowSmall, 20, 255 'Minion Jackpot! The really fancy animation playSFX 0, "M", "M", 73 + random(3), 255 'Jackpot! showValue (minionJackpot + countSeconds * 50000), 40, 1 'You get jackpot value + seconds remaining bonus Else 'Jackpot timed out - automatic ball release no points playSFX 2, "M", "Z", "Z", 255 'Sizzle sound with laugh video "M", "M", "9", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Minion Jackpot! The really fancy animation End If minionMB = 20 'Flag that says a Ball has been freed! loopCatch = catchBall 'Set flag that we want to catch the ball TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Drop targets quickly trapTargets = 0 light 16, 0 'Turn OFF jackpot pulse(17) 'Strobe target lights pulse(18) pulse(19) End Sub sub minionJackpotIncrease() strobe 3, 5 'Strobe left orbit strobe 36, 4 'Strobe right orbit minionJackpot = minionJackpot + 100000 'Increase Jackpot manualScore 5, minionJackpot 'Store jackpot in Score #5 playSFX 0, "M", "M", 5 + random(2), 255 'Jackpot increase sound, Male or Female scream playSFXQ 0, "M", "M", 70 + random(3), 255 'Team leader random compliment if (hellMB) Then 'If stacked, video that explicitly says "Minion Jackpot" As if anyone would be watching DMD ' numbers 7, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, minionJackpot 'Load Jackpot value Points as a number numbers "", "", minionJackpot, minionJackpot video "M", "M", "6", noEntryFlush OR 3, 30, 255 'Show new Jackpot value Else video "M", "M", "5", allowSmall, 26, 255 'New Jackpot Value display showValue minionJackpot, 40, 0 'Show new value after video (but don't add it to score End If End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR MINION GHOST............................ sub modeAction() 'If MODETIMER set, check this logic if (deProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Ending credits? switchDead = 0 'Prevent ball search during credits modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer = Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Fade out music fadeMusic 1, 0 End If if (modeTimer = Int(10000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Release ball TargetSet(TargetDown) setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 0 'Turn off Ghost Color End If if (modeTimer = 0) Then 'Restart player's game! stopMusic() ' musicVolume(0) = 35 'Set back to normal ' musicVolume(1) = 35 ' volumeSFX(3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1)) TargetTimerSet 1000, TargetUp, 1 'Put targets back up right away! restartPlayer(player) light 63, 7 'DEMON BATTLE solid End If End If if (deProgress(player) = 9) Then 'Waiting for ball to clear targets? modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer = 1) Then modeTimer = DoctorTimer 'Default time before target moves again TargetTimerSet 10, TargetUp, 1 'Put targets back up right away! deProgress(player) = 10 'MB officially started End If End If if (deProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Trying to WEAKEN the demon? modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer = 1) Then modeTimer = DoctorTimer 'Default time before target moves again playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'MOVEMENT SOUND DemonMove() End If End If if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer = 1) Then DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Close door back up End If End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100 and popsTimer = 0) Then 'Doing the THEATER GHOST PLAY? modeTimer = modeTimer - 1 if (modeTimer = 1) Then modeTimer = longSecond 'Reset timer countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 'Reduce seconds left if (countSeconds = 0) Then 'Out of time? TheaterFail(0) 'Time's up, Fail mode, allow animation and speech Else ' numbers 0, numberStay | 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1) 'Update the Numbers Timer EP- Can't figure out what these do shotValue = shotValue - 10000 ' numbers(9, 2, 70, 27, shotValue) 'Shot Value numbers "", shotValue, "", "" if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then 'Count down 5 4 3 2 1 playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 1 'Beeps End If End If End If End If End Sub Sub MoveDoor() 'EP- This is empty because it's handled by the WaDoor_timer sub End Sub Sub MoveEleveator() 'EP- This is empty because it's handled by the TiElevator_timer sub End Sub Sub MoveTarget() 'EP- This is empty because it's handled by the WaGhostTarget_timer sub End Sub sub multiBallStart(notRandomAward) restartKill 0, 0 if (Mode(player) = 0) Then 'Not in a mode? Advance_Enable = 0 'Can't advance during multiball hellMB = 1 'Set flag that Hellavator MB has started catchValue = 1 'Cycle 1 of the Ghost Catch volumeSFX 3, 80, 80 'Temp higher volume music modeTimer = 2000 'Let's do some wicked smart lighting! DoorSet DoorOpen, 500 'Open the door so we can shoot through it for Ghost Catch! (only if no Main Modes active ghostSet(140) ghostMove 90, 400 if (videoMode(player) = 1) Then 'Video Mode was ready to start? videoMode(player) = 10 'Gonna have to wait loopCatch = 0 TargetTimerSet 1000, TargetUp, 50 'Put targets back up manually minionEnd(2) 'Allow minions End If if (minion(player) < 10) Then 'Minion or other mode isn't active? modeTotal = 0 'No other modes active, so reset mode total. If Minion is stacked with MB, the totals combine End If if (notRandomAward) Then ' playMusic 'M', 'P' 'Also, only change music if we're not in a mode musicplayer "bgout_MP.mp3" End If comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps so we can repaint them 'PAINT LAMPS HERE!!!!!!!!!! blink(49) 'Blink the MB light during mode modeTotal = 0 'Since no mode is active, we can store a value for Hellavator mode cabModeRGB(0) = 255 'Manually set Cabinet RGB mode cabModeRGB(1) = 0 cabModeRGB(2) = 255 cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 'Goto black quickly... doRGB() Else hellMB = 0 blink(41) 'Blink the hellavator strobe 26, 5 'Strobe all lights on that shot except Camera (since it's used for combos blink(49) 'Blink the Multiball Progress light if (notRandomAward) Then playSFX 1, "Q", "A", "6", 255 'Bells, beeps and ghost noises - non music version End If End If multiBall = multiballLoading OR multiballHell 'Set Multiball loading flag (bit 0) and the flag that says Hell MB is active if (notRandomAward) Then multiTimer = Int(60000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set timer. playSFX 0, "Q", "A", "3", 255 'MULTIBALL!!! (syncs with music FX Else multiTimer = Int(8000/CycleAdjuster) 'If Spirit Guide award, give next ball right away and don't say MULTIBALL!!! End If multiCount = 2 'We'll kick out 2 balls, for 3 total. if (countBalls() < multiCount) Then 'If, somehow, there is less than 2 balls in trough... multiCount = countBalls() 'then set the value to how many balls are actually in the trough End If hitsToLight(player) = hitsToLight(player) + 1 'Increase # of call button presses you'll need next time, max 4 if (hitsToLight(player) > 4) Then 'Max out at 4 hits to light lock hitsToLight(player) = 4 End If 'hellEnable(0) 'Put elevator down, can't lock anymore if (hellMB) Then videoQ "Q", "A", "5", 0, 129, 200 'Ramp builds, Hellavator Collects, Flashing shots catch ghosts manualScore 6, hellJackpot(player) 'Current Hell Jackpot Value customScore "Q", "B", "A", allowAll OR loopVideo, 90 'Custom Score: Hit ghost for JACKPOTS! ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right numbers "", Ball, "", "" ' numbers 10, numberScore OR 2, 84, 27, 6 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right numbers "", "", "", hellJackpot(player) Else videoQ "Q", "A", "4", 0, 86, 200 'Ramp builds, Hellavator Collects (What we show when MB is stacked with mode - no ghost catching End If End Sub sub multiBallJackpotIncrease() AddScore(10710) 'Some points just for making the shot hellJackpot(player) = hellJackpot(player) + 250000 'Add 250k to player's jackpot value manualScore 6, hellJackpot(player) 'Current Hell Jackpot Value killQ() 'numbers 3, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, hellJackpot(player) 'Load Jackpot value Points as a number 'video 'Q', 'J', 'C', noEntryFlush OR B00000011, 0, 255 'Show new Jackpot value video "Q", "J", "C", allowAll, 45, 255 'Show new Jackpot value ' numbers 7, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, hellJackpot(player) 'Load Jackpot value Points as a number '; numbers "", "", hellJackpot(player), hellJackpot(player) playSFX 2, "Q", "J", "C", 255 'Whooshing sound flashCab 128, 0, 128, 50 strobe 26, 5 'Strobe first 5 lights End Sub sub multiBallEnd( modeStacked) Dim endState loopCatch = 0 'Don't watch to catch balls! killQ() killNumbers() multiBall = multiBall AND 240 'We just want the MSB's that store MB states (mask off the Loaded flags) endState = 0 'Multiball can end 5 ways: '1 = Hell MB, nothing else active '2 = Hell MB, during a mode (usually ends when mode does) '3 = Minion MB '4 = Hell MB stacked with Minion MB '5 = Hell MB, with a Minion active if (multiBall = multiballHell) Then 'It's either a plain HMB, or one stacked on another mode if (modeStacked or Mode(player)) Then endState = 2 Else if (minion(player) > 9 and minion(player) < 100) Then endState = 5 Else endState = 1 End If End If End If if (multiBall = multiballMinion) Then 'It was a Minion MB? endState = 3 End If if (multiBall = (multiballMinion OR multiballHell)) Then 'Minion MB stacked onto Hell MB? endState = 4 End If 'Serial.print("ENDSTATE: ") 'Serial.println(endState) 'A/V functions only here (since we suppress those if TILT) if (tiltFlag = 0) Then 'If ended normally (not a tilt) restart lights and music as needed if (endState = 1) Then video "Q", "Z", "Z", allowAll, 45, 255 'Multiball Mode Total: ' numbers 1, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal 'Show Hell MB Mode Total Points numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Play the normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color (obviously don't want to do that if mode active killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() End If if (endState = 4 or endState = 3) Then AddScore(minionsBeat(player) * 250000) 'If stacked, we end it as Minion MB End playSFX 0, "M", "I", "W", 255 'Shortened version of Ghost Into Light video "M", "9", 88 + random(1), noExitFlush, 57, 255 'Ghost sucked into light! M9X or M9Y, left or right flip ' numbers 1, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal 'Flash the total points scored in mode '; numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal videoQ "M", "M", "4" , noEntryFlush OR allowAll, 45, 255 'Minion MB Total: ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'Keep track for bonuses minionsBeat(player) = minionsBeat(player) + 1 'Keep track for Multiball minionTarget(player) = minionTarget(player) + 1 'Increase the hits it takes if (minionTarget(player) > 9) Then 'At limit? minionTarget(player) = 3 'Reset it End If ' playMusic 'M', '2' '...But if in Minion MB, change music as that mode ends along with multiball musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color (obviously don't want to do that if mode active killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() End If if (endState = 5) Then 'If normal, non-MB minion battle still active, resume Minion Music video "Q", "Z", "Z", allowLarge OR allowSmall, 45, 255 'Multiball Mode Total: ' numbers 1, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal 'Show Hell MB Mode Total Points numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal ' playMusic 'M', 'I' 'Play the minion music musicplayer "bgout_MI.mp3" setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 50 'Light the cabinet BLUE quickly killScoreNumbers() 'Reset score numbers (so they don't bleed over into new display) customScore "M", "M", "Y", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'Change to MINION custom score ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" ' numbers 9, 2, 122, 0, minionHits 'Hits to Go upper right numbers "", minionHits, "", "" End If End If 'OK now do the logic part of the modes ending if (Mode(player) = 0 and modeStacked = 0) Then 'Not in a mode or just coming out of one? Advance_Enable = 1 'Re-enable advance tourClear() 'Clear the Ghost Catch lights targetReset() 'Reset Ghost target flags ghostAction = 0 'Clear ghost movements (obviously don't want to do that if mode active) multipleBalls = 0 loadLamp(player) 'Not sure if we need this? showProgress 0, player 'Show all the Main Progress lights if (minion(player) < 10) Then 'If Minion isn't active, go ahead and reset mode points modeTotal = 0 End If End If if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'Hell MB was active? Do stuff to end it. Dim x lockCount(player) = 0 'Reset these so we can start normal MB over again callHits = 0 hellMB = 0 'It's over! light 49, 7 'Regular Multiball complete! if (Advance_Enable = 0) Then 'No modes active that might have Tour Shots? if (videoMode(player) and minion(player) <> 10) Then 'Video mode ready, and not fighting a minion? '; videoModeLite() End If for x=0 To 4 'Kill the camera lights light 26 + x, 0 Next End If End If if (multiBall AND multiballMinion) Then 'Minion MB was active? minion(player) = 1 'Since we must have been in Mode 0 on entry, re-enable Minion pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) killTimer(0) 'Kill the Jackpot timer ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFlash(300) 'Flash minion, fade to black trapTargets = 0 'No matter what, balls no longer trapped if (videoMode(player)) Then 'Video mode ready? Leave targets down at end videoModeLite() Else if (TargetLocation <> TargetDown or minionMB = 10) Then 'Targets up, or headed that way? A ball might be trapped behind them TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put them down... TargetTimerSet 10000, TargetUp, 10 'and after a second, put the back up Else TargetTimerSet 1000, TargetUp, 10 'Else, put them up immediately End If End If light 7, 0 'Turn off jackpot lights light 39, 0 light 16, 0 'Turn off MAKE CONTACT light 2, 7 'Light MINION MASTER solid. No matter what you do, you've won the mode! minionMB = 0 'Clear the mode spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Allow Spirit Guide again minionHits = 3 'Set # of hits to 3 (for target sounds) if (barProgress(player) <> 70 and deProgress(player) <> 4 and minion(player) <> 10) Then 'Unless your friend trapped by a ghost, or Demon Advance... dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Don't want to trap balls anymore End If Else if (minion(player) <> 10) Then targetLogic(0) 'Not minion mode? See where the targets should be automatically (unless in a mode) End If End If 'Stuff that happens no matter what multiBall = 0 multiTimer = 0 ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 'Send Hellavator to 1st Floor. light 41, 0 'Hellavator flasher off light 25, 7 'Current state is SOLID blink(24) 'Other state BLINKS light 30, 0 'Lock is NOT lit light 31, 0 'Make sure camera isn't blinking either minionLights() 'See what they should be set at 'checkModePost() 'We're going to do this manually doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door checkRoll() 'See if we enabled GLIR Ghost Photo Hunt during that mode elevatorLogic() 'Did the mode move the elevator? Re-enable it and lock lights popLogic(0) 'Figure out what mode the Pops should be in GLIRenable(1) 'Re-enable GLIR (will also paint Scoop Lights for us) if (Advance_Enable = 0) Then 'If in a mode... hellEnable(0) 'DISABLE more MB - Can only start MB once per mode (if mode allows) Else hellEnable(1) 'If not in a mode, eligible again demonQualify() End If End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR PHOTO HUNT MODE 7............................ sub photoStart() 'When you shoot scoop with Photo Hunt lit Dim X videoModeCheck() lightSpeed = 2 'Fast light speed restartKill 0, 0 AddScore(500000) comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Photo Hunt 'MINION LIGHTS??? pulse(17) 'Pulse the Ghost Loop Lights pulse(18) pulse(19) modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points if (NOT(minionMB) and minion(player) < 10) Then 'Not in a Minion Mode? setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 0 'Set Ghost to black. But this way we can make him flash End If TargetTimerSet 100, TargetDown, 350 'Put targets down, ghost loop adds time setCabModeFade 25, 0, 0, 300 'Kind of dim red "darkroom" lighting photosToGo = photosNeeded(player) 'See how many photos we need. playSFX 0, "F", "2", 62 + photosToGo, 255 'Mode start dialog, based off photos needed killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "F", "2", "A", allowSmall, 83, 255 GLIR(player) = 255 'Set flag that we are IN photo hunt mode Mode(player) = 7 'Ghost photo hunt mode! Advance_Enable = 0 'Can't advancd until we win or lose (or drain) photoTimer = Int(70000/cycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't start for an extra second countSeconds = photoSecondsStart(player) 'Time left to hit shot '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. We do "-1" so it'll display a zero. DoorSet DoorOpen, 5 'Open the Spooky Door, if it isn't already hellEnable(0) 'Can't lock balls showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights (do this first so the BLINK PROGRESS will work blink(50) 'Blink the PHOTO ACE progress light customScore "F", "2", "Z", allowAll OR loopVideo, 84 'Custom Score: Strobing Shots for Photos! ' numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Player's score numbers playerScore(player), "", "", "" photoValue = (countSeconds * 10000) + (100000 * (photosNeeded(player) - 2)) ' numbers 9, 2, 70, 27, photoValue 'Photo Value numbers "", "", "", photoValue ' numbers 10, 2, 122, 0, photosToGo 'How many photos are left numbers "", photoValue, "", "" ' playMusic 'H', '2' 'Hurry-up music musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" ScoopTime = Int(55000/CycleAdjuster) 'Kick out the ball for x=0 To 5 photoLocation(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions Next photoCurrent = random(5) 'Select a camera, but not the one on the scoop (since we just came from there if (extraLit(player) and photoCurrent = 1) Then 'If Extra Ball lit and first photo is same shot, make first photo left orbit photoCurrent = 0 End If photoWhich = 0 'Used for tourney path if (tournament) Then photoCurrent = photoPath(photoWhich) 'Pre-determined first shot if in Tournament Mode End If photoLocation(photoCurrent) = 255 'Which one has the camera strobe (photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent)), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Strobe as many under it as we can End Sub sub photoLogic() 'What goes on during Photo Hunt Mode photoTimer = photoTimer - 1 Select Case photoTimer case Int(149999/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(7) case Int(149500/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) case Int(149000/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(7) case Int(148500/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) case Int(148200/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(7) case Int(147900/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(6) case Int(147600/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(5) case Int(147300/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(4) case Int(147000/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(3) case Int(146700/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(2) case Int(146400/CycleAdjuster): allLamp(0) case Int(146000/CycleAdjuster): if (photosToGo) Then 'Not done yet? loadLamp(tempLamp) 'Restore previous lights from temp memory strobe (photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent)), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Strobe as many under it as we can photoTimer = longSecond * 2 'A grace period of a few seconds before timer starts to decement again Else photoWin() End If case 1: if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Still in Photo hunt mode? strobe (photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent)), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Make sure STROBE is on! photoTimer = longSecond 'Reset timer countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 'Reduce seconds left photoValue = photoValue - 10000 'Lose 10k points per second ' numbers 9, 2, 70, 27, photoValue 'Update Photo Value numbers "", "", "", photoValue if (countSeconds = 0) Then 'Out of time? photoFail(0) 'Fail blog! Else '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then 'Count down 5 4 3 2 1 playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 1 'Beeps End If End If End If End Select End Sub sub photoCheck(whichSpot) 'Checking if your shot has the Ghost Photo if (photoLocation(whichSpot) = 255) Then 'A ghost photo found? photoLocation(whichSpot) = 0 'Clear that location! (8-22-14 fix) flashCab 255, 255, 200, 20 'Flash of white, then back to red mode color photoTimer = Int(150000/CycleAdjuster) 'Reset this, a little higher to trigger LIGHT SHOW AddScore((countSeconds * 10000) + (100000 * (photosNeeded(player) - 2))) '10 grand per second remaining + ()100k * # Times You've Started Photo Hunt) countSeconds = photoSecondsStart(player) 'Time left to hit shot photoValue = (countSeconds * 10000) + (100000 * (photosNeeded(player) - 2)) 'Re-calculate next photo value ' numbers 9, 2, 70, 27, photoValue 'Update display Photo Value numbers "", "", "", photoValue '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer so we see the new number right away photosTaken(player) = photosTaken(player) + 1 'Total number for bonus photosToGo = photosToGo - 1 'Reduce this ' numbers 10, 2, 122, 0, photosToGo 'Update how many photos are left numbers "", photosToGo, "", "" ghostFlash(50) 'Flash the ghost. In photo mode only, fades to black. If minion, goes back to medium white light (photoLights(whichSpot) - photoStrobe(whichSpot)), 0 'Turn off the Strobe if (photosToGo > 0) Then 'Didn't win yet? playSFX 0, "F", "3", 65 + random(8), 255 'Good, catch another! video "F", "3", 65 + random(9), allowSmall, 47, 255 'Show ghost photo videoQ "F", "9", 64 + photosToGo, allowSmall, 30, 255 'Follow-up video saying how many we have to go photoCurrent = whichSpot 'Set X to be the current shot, so we don't pick 2 in a row Do while (photoCurrent = whichSpot) 'If random camera is same as last, loop continues photoCurrent = random(5) 'Pick from any of the first 5 shots (not the scoop) if (extraLit(player) and photoCurrent = 1) Then 'If Extra Ball is lit and we choose the door VUK, choose something else photoCurrent = whichSpot End If Loop photoWhich = photoWhich + 1 'Used for tourney path if (tournament) Then photoCurrent = photoPath(photoWhich) 'Pre-determined next shot if in Tournament Mode End If photoLocation(photoCurrent) = 255 'Which new location has the camera strobe (photoLights(photoCurrent) - photoStrobe(photoCurrent)), photoStrobe(photoCurrent) + 1 'Strobe the shot! if (photoCurrent = 3) Then 'Make SURE this one sticks! strobe 26, 6 End If if (photosToGo = 1) Then lightSpeed = 3 'If last shot, make the lights pulse even faster! End If Else 'Ending stuff. Mode TRULY ends after the flash finishes comboKill() 'AWARD BONUS OF TOTAL PHOTOS * SOMETHING DOF 111, 2 killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers AddScore(1000000 * photosNeeded(player)) '1 million for each photo you got! Nice win bonus! killQ() playSFX 0, "F", "4", 65 + random(4), 255 'Win dialog! video "F", "3", 65 + random(9), noExitFlush, 47, 255 'Show final photo ' numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal videoQ "F", "9", "Y", noEntryFlush OR 3, 57, 233 'Photo Hunt Mode Total: End If storeLamp(tempLamp) 'Store the lights in temp slot 5 since we're about to do an animation Else 'Not a photo shot? playSFX 0, "F", "3", 73 + random(8), 255 'Taunt player video "F", "2", "C", allowSmall, 74, 200 'Empty frame + prompt AddScore(5000) 'A few points End If End Sub sub photoWin() 'What happens when you collect X photos in time DOF 134, 2 modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode total loadLamp(player) 'Load the original lamp state back in light 50, 7 'Light PHOTO ACE progress solid! if (photosNeeded(player) < 9) Then 'Under the max? photosNeeded(player) = photosNeeded(player) + 1 'Increase # of photos required photoSecondsStart(player) = photoSecondsStart(player) - 1 'Decrease 1 second off the timer per photo End If photoEnd(1) 'Win condition, 1 = request new music if (photosNeeded(player) = 6) Then 'Light EXTRA BALL on 3rd successful Photo Hunt extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If if (photosNeeded(player) = 4) Then 'First photo hunt success? Check if Demon Mode is ready demonQualify() End If End Sub sub photoFail( reasonFail) 'What happens when you DON'T loadLamp(player) comboKill() if (photosNeeded(player) = 3) Then 'Haven't won a Photo Hunt yet? light 50, 0 'Make sure progress light is OFF End If light 43, 0 killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers if (reasonFail = 0) Then 'Fail via drain we pass a 1, and thus, don't do the video or speech killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos playSFX 0, "F", "5", 65 + random(8), 10 'Fail dialog video "F", "9", "Z", noExitFlush, 57, 255 'Show final photo ' numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points numbers "", "", modeTotal, modeTotal videoQ "F", "9", "X", noEntryFlush OR 3, 57, 233 'Photo Hunt Mode Total: photoEnd(1) 'Send a 1 meaning START new music Else photoEnd(0) 'We ARE in a drain. Send a 0 meaning DON'T start new music End If End Sub sub photoEnd( musicChange) 'What happens after WIN or LOSE, regardless, to close out the mode. Other modes need this! Dim X lightSpeed = 1 'Normal light speed GLIR(player) = GLIRneeded(player) 'How many times you'll have to spell GLIR to restart killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color for x=0 To 5 photoLocation(x) = 0 'Clear Control Box locations light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions Next rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear bits light 43, 0 'Turn off GLIR MODE LIGHT if (NOT(minionMB) and minion(player) < 10) Then 'Not in a Minion Mode? light 16, 0 'Turn off the Make Contact light that may have been left on the cached Light Data End If if (musicChange) Then if (minionMB = 0 and minion(player) < 10) Then 'Not in Minion Multiball, or fighting a Minion? ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End If if (minionMB > 9) Then 'Minion MB? ' playMusic 'M', 'I' 'Placeholder for Minion MB theme musicplayer "bgout_MI.mp3" End If if (minionMB < 10 and minion(player) > 9) Then 'Just fighting a minion? ' playMusic 'M', 'I' musicplayer "bgout_MI.mp3" End If End If photoTimer = 0 'Kill this timer Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode to ZERO Advance_Enable = 1 'Can advance modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points checkModePost() hellEnable(1) spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Re-enable spirit guide showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights photosToGo = 0 'This is often used to check if mode active, so set it to ZERO End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR PHOTO HUNT MODE 7............................ sub popCheck() if (skillShot) Then if (skillShot = 1) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 Else skillShotSuccess 0, 0 'Failure, so just disable it End If 'return 'The pop hit for skill shot can also advance other stuff 8-22-14 fix End If 'Wasn't a skill shot, so continue as per normal if (Advance_Enable = 0) Then 'In a mode of some sort? evpPops() 'Do EVP pops Else if (popMode(player) = 1) Then 'Advancing Fort? if (fortProgress(player) < 50) Then WarAdvance() End If End If if (popMode(player) = 2) Then 'Advancing Bar? if (barProgress(player) < 50) Then BarAdvance() End If End If if (popMode(player) = 3) Then 'Done advancing Bar and Fort? evpPops() 'Do EVP pops End If End If End Sub sub popLogic(popType) if (popType = 0) Then 'Need to Figure out what Pop Mode we should be in? if (barProgress(player) = 50 or fortProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Eligible to start Bar mode or War Fort mode? popType = 3 'Then pops should do EVPs light 20, 0 'Do the lights, and return so nothing else can trigger light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(20) Exit Sub End If if (fortProgress(player) > 99) Then 'Has War Fort already been won? popType = 2 'Then Advance Bar End If if (barProgress(player) > 79) Then 'Has Bar Ghost already been won? popType = 1 'Then Advance Fort End If if (fortProgress(player) > 99 and barProgress(player) > 79) Then 'Both have been won? popType = 3 'EVP's from now on End If if (fortProgress(player) < 100 and barProgress(player) < 80) Then 'Neither have been won? if (barProgress(player) > fortProgress(player)) Then popType = 2 'If Bar is progressed further, light it Else popType = 1 'Else they're both 0, or Fort is further End If End If if (Advance_Enable = 0) Then 'If in a mode of some kind, always Jackpot Advance / EVP popType = 3 End If End If if (popType = 1) Then 'Advancing Fort? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(21) End If if (popType = 2) Then 'Advancing Bar? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(22) End If if (popType = 3) Then 'EVP pops? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(20) End If popMode(player) = popType End Sub sub popToggle() if (leftVolume > rightVolume) Then leftVolume = 10 rightVolume = 100 Else leftVolume = 100 rightVolume = 10 End If End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR PRISON MODE 6............................ sub PrisonAdvance() 'The first 3 advances AddScore(advanceScore) flashCab 0, 255, 0, 100 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color priProgress(player) = priProgress(player) + 1 areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 if (priProgress(player) < 3) Then 'First 2 advances? light (2 + priProgress(player)), 7 'Current number solid. pulse(3 + priProgress(player)) 'Pulse the next playSFX 0, "P", priProgress(player)+ 48, random(4) + 65, 255 'Play 1 of 4 audio clips video "P", priProgress(player) + 48, "A", allowSmall, 60, 254 'Run video End If if (priProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Third advance? light 3, 7 'Make sure the first 3 are solid... light 4, 7 light 5, 7 blink(6) 'Blink "Prison Lock" playSFX 0, "P", "3", random(3) + 65, 255 'Play 1 of 3 audio clips video "P", "3", "A", allowSmall, 90, 254 'Run video End If if (priProgress(player) = 4) Then 'Fourth orbit shot to start mode? priProgress(player) = 6 'Set flag so that when it hits basement Prison Mode will start (left orbit won't do anything now) End If 'priProgress(player) = 4 is the 4th shot up the orbit. This then goes to ORBS or Basement to Lock the first ball 'We do this to prevent the 3rd orbit shot from also locking the first ball End Sub sub PrisonAdvance2() 'Locking the balls killQ() 'Combos fuck this up sometimes, so just in case... AddScore(advanceScore) 'flashCab 0, 255, 0, 200 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color priProgress(player) = priProgress(player) + 1 'Advance progress. First time here this will be 6. Will get incremented to 7 to start mode 8-22-14 fix if (priProgress(player) < 7) Then 'First 2 balls? 8-22-14 update, this will never occur now light (priProgress(player) - 2), 7 'Make light solid. video "P", 44 + priProgress(player), "B", allowSmall, 124, 255 'Video of Ball Locked playSFX 0, "P", "4", 60 + priProgress(player), 255 'Ah, I'm trapped! Next person get down there! End If if (priProgress(player) = 7) Then 'Locked 3rd Ball? (actually just the 4th shot) PrisonStart() End If End Sub sub PrisonStart() 'Prison Ghost Battle Dim x videoModeCheck() modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore(startScore) comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(1) popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress setGhostModeRGB 255, 131, 0 'Orange ghost! setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 200 'Turn lighting GREEN (with envy Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode started, disable advancement until we are done Mode(player) = 6 'Set theater mode ACTIVE for player teamSaved = 0 'Reset how many members saved jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Reset this just in case blink(62) 'Blink the PRISON mode light. tourReset(46) 'Tour: Left orbit, center shot, hotel path, right orbit ' playMusic 'B', '1' 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" x = random(3) 'Video clip must match audio killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "P", "4", 68 + x, allowSmall, 219, 255 playSFX 0, "P", "4", 68 + x, 255 'Mode start dialog 'videoQ 'P', '5', 'G', loopVideo OR allowSmall, 0, 200 'The ghost behind all 3 targets! hellEnable(0) 'Disable the Hellavator Call & Lock customScore "P", "5", "G", allowAll OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner '; numbers 9, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right '; numbers 10, 2, 2, 27, 3 'Show balls left to add '; numbers 11, 2, 116, 27, 1 'Jackpot multiplier convictState = 1 'State of Prison Ghost (Need to open door) convictsSaved = 0 'Reset How many you've saved 'DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Close the door for this state pulse(14) 'Pulse the door shot if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If TargetTimerSet 10000, TargetUp, 100 'Put the targets back up pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) targetReset() priProgress(player) = 9 'Set flag to delay scoop when the ball gets there hellEnable(0) 'Can't do multiball since this is a 4 ball mode anyway showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights doorLogic() End Sub sub PrisonLogic() if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 20) Then 'Trying to free your friends? modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer > Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Prisoner prompt? if (convictState = 1) Then 'Haven't opened the door yet? playSFX 1, "P", "X", 65 + random(4), 255 'Prompt to do that video "P", "8", "X", 3, 38, 254 Else 'NEW VIDEO HERE: video "P", "8", "V", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Door is open Prompt to SHOOT VUK playSFX 1, "P", "V", 65 + random(4), 255 End If modeTimer = 0 End If End If if (priProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Prison multiball? modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(65000/cycleAdjuster)) Then 'Prisoner prompt? if (convictState = 1) Then 'Haven't opened the door yet? playSFX 1, "P", "X", 65 + random(4), 255 'Prompt to do that video "P", "8", "X", 3, 38, 254 Else video "P", "8", "V", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Door is open Prompt to SHOOT VUK playSFX 1, "P", "V", 65 + random(4), 255 End If End If if (modeTimer = Int(130000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Team member prompt? playSFX 0, "P", 65 + random(4), random(10), 255 modeTimer = 0 End If End If End Sub sub PrisonDrainCheck( whenDrain) if (whenDrain) Then '1 = Drain after all balls free if (activeBalls = 3) Then 'Did we lose first member? playSFX 0, "P", "9", 65 + random(3), 255 'Heather calls it quits video "P", "9", "X", allowSmall, 30, 255 'She leaves videoQ "P", "7", "F", allowSmall, 39, 255 'Prompt how many balls are left End If if (activeBalls = 2) Then 'Did we lose second member? playSFX 0, "P", "9", 68 + random(3), 255 'Misty calls it quits video "P", "9", "Y", allowSmall, 30, 255 'She leaves videoQ "P", "7", "E", allowSmall, 39, 255 'Prompt how many balls are left End If if (activeBalls = 1) Then 'Did we lose third member? PrisonWin() Else jackpotMultiplier = activeBalls 'Update jackpot multipler sendJackpot(0) 'Send jackpot value to score #0 End If Else '0 = Drain before all balls free if (priProgress(player) = 11) Then 'Did we lose first member? playSFX 0, "P", "9", 65 + random(3), 255 'Heather calls it quits video "P", "9", "X", allowSmall, 30, 255 'She leaves End If if (priProgress(player) = 12) Then 'Did we lose second member? playSFX 0, "P", "9", 68 + random(3), 255 'Misty calls it quits video "P", "9", "Y", allowSmall, 39, 255 'She leaves End If '; numbers 11, 2, 116, 27, activeBalls 'Update Jackpot multiplier - 1 End If End Sub sub PrisonRelease() priProgress(player) = priProgress(player) + 1 modeTimer = 0 if (priProgress(player) = 11) Then 'First player freed? AddScore(startScore * 1) if (ScoopTime and spiritGuide(player)) Then 'If both are YES, the ball is in the scoop doing a Spirit Guide, so ENQUEUE release video videoSFX "P", "7", "A", 2, 71, 200, 0, "P", "5", 88 + random(3), 200 Else 'Normal playSFX 0, "P", "5", 88 + random(3), 255 'Heather is free! video "P", "7", "A", allowSmall, 71, 255 videoQ "P", "7", 67 + activeBalls + 1, allowSmall, 39, 200 End If teamSaved = teamSaved + 1 AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Autolaunch ball! pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) targetReset() customScore "P", "5", 64 + (targetBits AND 7), allowAll OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front '; numbers 10, 2, 2, 27, 2 'Show balls left to add '; numbers 11, 2, 116, 27, activeBalls + 1) 'Jackpot multiplier (add one since the ball won't be loaded yet End If if (priProgress(player) = 12) Then 'Second player freed? AddScore(startScore * 2) if (ScoopTime and spiritGuide(player)) Then 'If both are YES, the ball is in the scoop doing a Spirit Guide, so ENQUEUE release video videoSFX "P", "7", "B", 2, 71, 200, 0, "P", "6", 88 + random(3), 200 Else 'Normal playSFX 0, "P", "6", 88 + random(3), 255 'Misty is free! video "P", "7", "B", allowSmall, 71, 255 videoQ "P", "7", 67 + activeBalls + 1, allowSmall, 39, 255 End If teamSaved = teamSaved + 1 AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Autolaunch ball! pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) targetReset() customScore "P", "5", 64 + (targetBits AND 7), allowAll OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front '; numbers 10, 2, 2, 27, 1 'Show balls left to add '; numbers 11, 2, 116, 27, activeBalls + 1) 'Jackpot multiplier (add one since the ball won't be loaded yet End If if (priProgress(player) = 13) Then 'Third player freed? Start JACKPOT MODE! AddScore(startScore * 3) if (ScoopTime and spiritGuide(player)) Then 'If both are YES, the ball is in the scoop doing a Spirit Guide, so ENQUEUE release video videoSFX "P", "7", "C", 2, 100, 200, 0, "P", "7", 88 + random(3), 200 Else 'Normal playSFX 0, "P", "7", 88 + random(3), 255 'Kaminski is free! video "P", "7", "C", allowSmall, 100, 255 videoQ "P", "7", 67 + activeBalls + 1, allowSmall, 39, 255 End If teamSaved = teamSaved + 1 priProgress(player) = 20 'Flag that we're now bashing the hell out of the ghost. AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast) 'Autolaunch ball! TargetTimerSet 100, TargetDown, 1 'Put the targets down quickly so we can get JACPOTS light 62, 7 'Light mode SOLID = Win ' playMusic 'G', 'S' 'Amazing Ghost Squad theme! musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" 'All balls released, so now we ease up a bit and allow a Ball Save time multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers so we can rebuild them jackpotMultiplier = activeBalls + 1 'Update jackpot value sendJackpot(0) 'Send jackpot value to score #0 customScore "B", "1", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 36 'Custom Score: Hit ghost for JACKPOTS! '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Put player score upper left '; numbers 9, numberScore OR 2, 72, 27, 0 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right '; numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right ' ModeWon(player) OR= 1 << 6 'Set PRISON WON bit for this player. ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 64 if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If End If End Sub sub PrisonJackpot() MagnetSet(50) 'Catch ball briefly video "P", "9", 65 + random(2), allowSmall, 45, 255 'One of two Jackpot Bash videos (left or right playSFX 0, "P", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Jackpot Sound! ghostFlash(50) ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Whack routine showValue (EVP_Jackpot(player) * activeBalls), 40, 1 End Sub sub PrisonWin() DOF 134, 2 multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values AddScore(winScore) loadLamp(player) comboKill() convictState = 0 light 3, 0 'Turn off mode counter lights light 4, 0 light 5, 0 light 6, 0 light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost Lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 62, 7 'Old Prison solid = Mode Won! killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() ghostMove 90, 20 ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color light 62, 7 'Light mode SOLID = Win ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started TargetTimerSet 5000, TargetUp, 100 'Put targets back up, but not so fast ball is caught killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos playSFX 0, "P", "9", 88 + random(3), 255 'Ghost dies, We fuckin' did it! video "P", "9", "Z", noExitFlush, 101, 255 'Play Death Video '; numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "P", "9", "V", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Prison Mode Total: ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None priProgress(player) = 100 'Reset this for no real reason. if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready checkModePost() hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights End Sub sub PrisonFail() multipleBalls = 0 tourClear() 'Clear the tour lights / values loadLamp(player) 'Bring in the old lights comboKill() convictState = 0 light 2, 0 'Turn off mode counter lights light 3, 0 light 4, 0 light 5, 0 light 16, 0 'Turn off Ghost Lights light 17, 0 light 18, 0 killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/cycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color if ((ModeWon(player) AND 64)=64) Then 'Did we win this mode before? light 62, 7 'Make Prison Mode light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 62, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points 'playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None if ((modeRestart(player) AND 64)=64) Then 'Able to restart Prison? modeRestart(player) = modeRestart(player) AND 191 'Clear the restart bit priProgress(player) = 3 'When you come back, Prison lock will already be lit Else priProgress(player) = 0 'Blew it a second time? Gotta start all over! End If checkModePost() hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the Main Progress lights End Sub sub restartPlayer(whichPlayer) Dim X animatePF 0, 0, 0 x = whichPlayer popMode(x) = random(2) + 1 'Starts either 1 = Fort or 2 = Bar (3 = EVP but never starts in that mode) if (popMode(x) = 1) Then 'Start out Advancing Fort? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(21) End If if (popMode(x) = 2) Then 'Start Out Advancing Bar? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(22) End If Mode(x) = 0 SetScore(x) 'Set player's score on DMD ModeWon(x) = 0 'Clear the bits of what modes they've won modeRestart(x) = 126 'At the start each player gets 1 re-start chance per mode tourComplete(x) = 0 'Which tours player has completed hosProgress(x) = 0 theProgress(x) = 0 barProgress(x) = spotProgress 'Can be changed in settings fortProgress(x) = spotProgress 'Can be changed in settings hotProgress(x) = 0 priProgress(x) = 0 deProgress(x) = 100 'You completed Demon Mode! lockCount(x) = 0 'Reset # of locked Hellavator balls spiritProgress(x) = 0 'If tourney mode, players get awards in sequence spiritGuide(x) = 1 'Spirit guide is always lit to start for each player EVP_Jackpot(x) = 1000000 'Reset to 1 million 'Don't Reset EVP's! photosTaken(x) = 0 'Total photos a player got. areaProgress(x) = 0 'How many mode-advancing shots each player has made ghostsDefeated(x) = 0 photosNeeded(x) = 3 photoSecondsStart(x) = 21 'How many seconds to get a ghost photo GLIR(x) = 1 'At the start of the game, spell GLIR once to light Photo hunt, then twice, 3 times, ect. GLIRneeded(x) = 1 'How many GLIR spells player needs to light PHOTO HUNT GLIRlit(x) = 0 'Zero PHOTO HUNTS lit to start minion(x) = 1 'Each player starts with Minion Fight enabled minionTarget(x) = 3 '3 hits for first Minion Battle minionHits = 3 'Reset this minionsBeat(x) = 0 'How many minions you've beaten. minionHitProgress(x) = 0 'No minion damage progress yet TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Put targets UP so we can enagage Minion Battle! 'Don't reset ORB or Extra Balls! wiki(x) = 0 tech(x) = 0 psychic(x) = 0 rollOvers(x) = 0 hellLock(x) = 1 'Always start with Hell lock enabled hellJackpot(x) = 1000000 'Starting MB jackpot value hitsToLight(x) = 1 'How many times you have to press "Call" before hellavator moves / lights for lock (starts with just 1) callHits = 0 'How many times you've hit Call this ball (resets per player) minionEnd(1) 'The default is to enable the Minion Battle doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door elevatorLogic() 'Can lock balls, Hellavator is Lit scoreMultiplier = 1 'This will almost always be 1 trapDoor = 0 'Flags if the ball should be trapped or not trapTargets = 0 slingCount = 0 spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Mode 0, it can always be lit bonusMultiplier = 1 'Reset multiplier (it's per ball so don't need unique variable per player) modeTimer = 0 HellBall = 0 tiltCounter = 0 'Reset to zero sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter Advance_Enable = 1 'Game starts with all modes eligible for advancement. AutoEnable = 255 ' 255 /enables everything 'The ball under the ghost is Active Ball #1. Release it and there is no need to change the value setCabMode defaultR, defaultG, defaultB 'Set the cab mode to default color comboKill() dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Check for Dirty Pool Balls Update(0) 'Update with the current info comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want GLIRenable(1) ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" showProgress 0, player 'Reset progress lights storeLamp(x) 'Store the status of every lamp in that player's memory End Sub sub restartBegin(whichMode, startingSeconds, startingTimer) restartMode = whichMode 'If we fail, which mode progress do we reset? restartSeconds = startingSeconds 'How many seconds you get restartTimer = Int(startingTimer/CycleAdjuster) 'Start this above 25k to give player time to get the ball back '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, restartSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. End Sub sub restartKill(whichKill, whatReason) 'Fail to get a restart? Reset whatever mode we were trying to restart. killTimer(0) 'Turn off timer restartTimer = 0 'Disable the timer restartSeconds = 0 'Clear the seconds if (whichKill = restartMode and whatReason = 1) Then 'Did we restart the same mode we just failed? restartTimer = 0 'Disable the timer restartSeconds = 0 'Clear the seconds restartMode = 0 'Clear the mode and return Exit Sub End If if (whichKill = 0 and restartMode) Then 'Did we get here via a drain, and there was a restart mode active? Select Case (restartMode) 'Kill whatever restart mode was active (since the call to here wasn't explicit) case 1: 'Hospital Restart Fail hosProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 checkModePost() showProgress 0, player case 2: 'Theater Fail theProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 checkModePost() showProgress 0, player case 3: 'Bar fail barProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Check for Dirty Pool! loopCatch = 0 'Disable loop catch checkModePost() showProgress 0, player End Select showProgress 0, player restartMode = 0 Exit Sub End If 'OK, player must have timed out the restart and game is still active video "B", "0", "X", allowSmall, 26, 200 'Restart time out video if (Advance_Enable) Then ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Go back to normal music if nothing is going on musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End If Select Case (whichKill) case 1: 'Hospital Restart Fail hosProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 checkModePost() showProgress 0, player case 2: 'Theater Fail theProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 checkModePost() showProgress 0, player case 3: 'Bar fail barProgress(player) = 0 ghostMove 90, 20 dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Check for Dirty Pool! loopCatch = 0 'Disable loop catch checkModePost() showProgress 0, player End Select showProgress 0, player restartMode = 0 End Sub sub rollLeft() 'Lane change LEFT rollOvers(player) = (ShiftLeft(rollOvers(player), 1) AND 255) OR (ShiftRight(rollOvers(player), 7)) ' orb(player) = (orb(player) << 1) | (orb(player) >> 5) 'Top 2 MSB's of ORB are unused. Rotate lower 6. orb(player) = (ShiftLeft(orb(player), 1) AND 63) OR ShiftRight(orb(player), 5) laneChange() 'checkRoll() 'checkOrb(0) End Sub sub rollRight() 'Lane change RIGHT rollOvers(player) = (ShiftRight(rollOvers(player), 1)) OR (ShiftLeft(rollOvers(player), 7) AND 255) 'Rotate bit right ' orb(player) = (orb(player) >> 1) | (orb(player) << 5) 'Top 2 MSB's of ORB are unused. Rotate lower 6 orb(player) = ShiftRight(orb(player), 1) OR (ShiftLeft(orb(player), 5) AND 63) laneChange() 'checkRoll() 'checkOrb(0) End Sub sub scoopDo() 'What to do when the ball is shot into the scoop (a lot can happen!) if (barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'In ghost whore multiball? if (kegsStolen < 10) Then video "B", "0", "W", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Kaminski with beer playSFX 0, "B", "K", 65 + random(8), 255 'Kaminski comments about free beer kegsStolen = kegsStolen + 1 showValue kegsStolen * 100000, 40, 1 Else video "B", "0", "U", allowSmall, 38, 255 '"No Kegs Left!" playSFX 0, "B", "K", 73 + random(4), 255 End If End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'If Touring the Hospital, complete % of tour and kick out. tourGuide 0, 1, 5, 505010, 1 'Give more points than normal (scoop is harder shot) Exit Sub End If if (hotProgress(player) > 29 and hotProgress(player) < 40) Then 'Fighting the Hotel Ghost? (can't do tour during the Control Box search) tourGuide 0, 5, 5, 505010, 1 'Give more points than normal (scoop is harder shot) Exit Sub End If if (Advance_Enable and fortProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Eligible to start War Fort? WarStart() Exit Sub End If if (Advance_Enable and barProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Eligible to start Bar? BarStart() Exit Sub 'Return so other modes can't start End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? BoxCheck(4) 'Check / flag box for this location ScoopTime = 20000 'Kick out the ball Exit Sub 'Return so other modes can't start End If if (GLIRlit(player) = 1 and Advance_Enable = 1) Then 'Flag for Photo Hunt Start? Must equal 1, so if MSB set, will prevent a start GLIRlit(player) = 0 'Decrement how many we have photoStart() 'Start that mode! Exit Sub 'Return so other modes can't start End If if (deProgress(player) > 9 and deProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Trying to weaken demon DemonCheck(5) Exit Sub End If if (Mode(player) = 7) Then 'Are we in Ghost Photo Hunt? photoCheck(5) Exit Sub 'Return so other modes can't start End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Theater Ghost? if (theProgress(player) = 12) Then 'Waiting for Shot 3, in which case this shot is CORRECT? TheaterPlay(1) 'Advance the play! Exit Sub Else TheaterPlay(0) 'Incorrect shot, ghost will bitch! Exit Sub End If End If End If 'If none of those things are active, we do Spirit Guide (if lit) if (spiritGuide(player) = 255) Then 'Spirit guide not lit? video "S", "G", "Y", allowSmall, 42, 250 'Spell Team Members prompt Exit Sub 'Just give the ball back End If if (spiritGuide(player) = 1) Then 'Player has a Spirit Guide, but can we collect it? if (spiritGuideActive = 1) Then 'Spirit guide is LIT and available at the moment spiritGuideStart() 'Do routine Exit Sub Else video "S", "G", "X", allowSmall, 30, 250 'Available after mode ends Exit Sub End If End If End Sub sub sendJackpot(whichNumber) 'Adds any multipliers to jackpot and sends that current # to the display 'Most jackpots use a simple multipler. Check if it's a fancy one first. if (barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'Fighting ghost whore? Then it's special. So special. if (whoreJackpot < 10) Then 'Play the normal-ish ones for first 10 hits manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + ((whoreJackpot + 1) * 100000) 'Update the value for score display Else manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + ((whoreJackpot + 1) * 200000) 'Update the value for score display End If Exit Sub End If if (jackpotMultiplier = 0) Then 'Did we forget to set it? manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) 'Send normal value Else manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) * jackpotMultiplier 'Send multiplied value End If End Sub sub showProgress(modeStatus, whichPlayer) 'modeStatus: '0000 - Not in a mode, show overall mode progress, path progress, ORB, GLIR '0001 - In a mode, show overall mode progress, ORB and GLIR basically, just no paths if (HellSpeed) Then 'In motion? Base this off where it's headed, not where it IS if (HellTarget = hellDown) Then light 41, 0 'Turn OFF Hell Flasher End If if (HellTarget = hellUp) Then blink(41) 'Turn ON Hell Flasher End If Else 'Not in motion? Normal check if (HellLocation = hellDown) Then 'State of Hellavator may have changed during mode so update its flasher to match its position. Notice how I used "its" properly both times? light 41, 0 'Turn OFF Hell Flasher End If if (HellLocation = hellUp) Then blink(41) 'Turn ON Hell Flasher End If End If if (modeStatus = 0 and Advance_Enable = 1) Then 'Show all the mode path progress 1 2 3 indicators, etc if (priProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Able to advance or restart Prison? if (priProgress(player) = 0) Then 'Always fill lights pulse(3) light 4, 0 light 5, 0 light 6, 0 End If if (priProgress(player) = 1) Then 'Always fill lights light 3, 7 pulse(4) light 5, 0 light 6, 0 End If if (priProgress(player) = 2) Then 'Always fill lights light 3, 7 light 4, 7 pulse(5) light 6, 0 End If if (priProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Third advance? pulse(3) 'Pulse the 3 lights pulse(4) 'As player locks balls, lights go from Pulse to Solid pulse(5) blink(6) 'Blink "Prison Lock" End If if (priProgress(player) > 2 and priProgress(player) < 8) Then 'Locking Balls? light 3, 7 'First 3 solid light 4, 7 light 5, 7 blink(6) 'Blink "Prison Lock" End If Else light 3, 0 light 4, 0 light 5, 0 light 6, 0 End If if (hosProgress(player) < 90) Then 'Able to advance hospital if (hosProgress(player) = 0) Then pulse(8) light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 End If if (hosProgress(player) = 1) Then light 8, 7 pulse(9) light 10, 0 light 11, 0 End If if (hosProgress(player) = 2) Then light 8, 7 light 9, 7 pulse(10) light 11, 0 End If if (hosProgress(player) = 3) Then light 8, 7 light 9, 7 light 10, 7 pulse(11) End If Else 'Can't restart it! light 8, 0 light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Able to advance hotel? if (hotProgress(player) = 0) Then pulse(26) light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 1) Then light 26, 7 pulse(27) light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 2) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 pulse(28) light 29, 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 3) Then light 26, 7 light 27, 7 light 28, 7 pulse(29) End If Else light 26, 0 light 27, 0 light 28, 0 light 29, 0 End If if (theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Able to advance Theater? if (theProgress(player) = 0) Then pulse(36) light 37, 0 light 38, 0 light 12, 0 End If if (theProgress(player) = 1) Then light 36, 7 pulse(37) light 38, 0 light 12, 0 End If if (theProgress(player) = 2) Then light 36, 7 light 37, 7 pulse(38) light 12, 0 End If if (theProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Ready to start? light 36, 7 light 37, 7 light 38, 7 pulse(12) light 11, 0 'If doctor AND theater both ready, Theater gets priority End If Else 'Can't start or re-start, all lights OFF light 36, 0 'Turn them all OFF light 37, 0 light 38, 0 light 12, 0 End If if (minionMB = 10) Then 'Is that going on as well? light 16, 0 'Turn OFF make contact pulse(17) 'Strobe target lights pulse(18) pulse(19) pulse(39) End If if (minionMB = 20) Then 'Is that going on as well? pulse(16) 'Pulse MAKE CONTACT light 17, 0 'Turn off lights light 18, 0 light 19, 0 pulse(7) End If End If laneChange() 'Update ORB and GLIR 'updateRollovers() 'Update ORB and GLIR if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) AND 2)=2) Then 'Hospital? light 57, 7 End If if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) AND 4)=4) Then 'Theater? light 58, 7 End If if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) ANd 8)=8) Then 'Haunted bar? light 60, 7 End If if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) AND 16)=16) Then 'War fort? light 59, 7 End If if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) AND 32)=32) Then 'Hotel? light 61, 7 End If if ((ModeWon(whichPlayer) AND 64)=64) Then 'Prison? light 62, 7 End If if (deProgress(whichPlayer) = 100) Then 'Already beat it once? light 63, 7 'Light is solid! End If if (wiki(player) < 255) Then pulse(0) Else light 0, 7 End If if (tech(player) < 255) Then pulse(1) Else light 1, 7 End If if (psychic(player) < 255) Then pulse(51) Else if (scoringTimer) Then 'Double scoring active so the light blinks blink(51) Else light 51, 7 'Completed, so it's solid End If End If showScoopLights() if (extraLit(player)) Then 'Extra ball lit? pulse(15) 'Pulse the light Else light 15, 0 'If not, that sucker should be OFF End If 'Overall Progress Towards Demon Mode if (photosNeeded(player) > 3) Then 'Did you complete at least 1 photo hunt? light 50, 7 End If if (hitsToLight(player) > 1) Then 'Completed a Hellavator Multiball? light 49, 7 End If if (ModeWon(whichPlayer) = 126) Then 'Beat all Ghost Bosses? light 48, 7 'Light is solid! End If if (minionsBeat(player) > minionMB1) Then 'Beat 3 or more minions? light 2, 7 End If End Sub sub showScoopLights() if (theProgress(player) = 12) Then 'Waiting for third shot for Theater? TheaterStrobe() 'Turn the strobe back on, return Exit Sub End If 'Show what the scoop can do. 'Dimly light lights = available but not Top Priority light 43, 0 light 44, 0 light 45, 0 light 46, 0 light 47, 0 Dim guideBright:guideBright = 7 'By default, these can be Bright (Pulsing) Dim glirBright:glirBright = 7 'If they get modifed, they will light differently 'This code doesn't control priority, just makes the lights represent priority 'CONDITIONS WHERE CAMERA LIGHT MIGHT BE ON if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Searching for the Control Box? if (ControlBox(4) = 1) Then 'Did we already check here? light 47, 0 'Camera is OFF End If if (ControlBox(4) = 0 or ControlBox(4) = 255) Then 'Haven't checked there yet? pulse(47) 'Camera is PULSING End If End If if (tourLights(5) = 1) Then 'If a TOUR LIGHT is set here, make sure it resumes blinking blink(photoLights(5)) End If if (barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'Ghost whore multiball? pulse(47) 'Pulse Scoop Camera for beer stealing End If if (Advance_Enable and fortProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Eligible to start War Fort? guideBright = 1 glirBright = 1 pulse(44) End If if (Advance_Enable and barProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Eligible to start Bar? guideBright = 1 glirBright = 1 pulse(45) End If light 43, 0 'Default is GLIR off if (GLIRlit(player) = 129) Then 'GLIR is lit but has been disabled for this mode (MSB set) light 43, 1 'Light it dimly lest we forget about it End If if (GLIRlit(player) = 1) Then 'OK GLIR is lit and no specific limitation set on it (usually via Minion Mode) if (Advance_Enable) Then 'Modes can be started? pulse(43) 'Pulse that sucker guideBright = 1 '... and indicate Spirit Guide is low priority (if it happens to be lit also) Else 'GLIR is dim light 43, 1 End If End If if (spiritGuide(player) = 1) Then 'Is it lit / has been earned (EARN THIS!!!) if (spiritGuideActive) Then 'Can it currently be collected? if (guideBright = 7) Then 'GLIR doesn't have priority? pulse(46) 'Pulse SPIRIT GUIDE Else light 46, guideBright 'Earned, but not what scoop will award at this time so dim End If Else light 46, 1 'We earned it, but can't collect at this time, so dim End If Else light 46, 0 'Not even lit, so it's off End If End Sub sub skillShotNew(show1st) 'Call this to randomly pick a Skill Shot and enable it (either on Player 1 Ball 1 or next player start) skillShot = random(3) 'Pick 1, 2 or 3 skillShot = skillShot + 1 'Pops = 1, ORBS = 2, Basement = 3 'videoPriority(0) 'Zero out video priority if (numPlayers = 1) Then 'In single player games, do not indicate Player # customScore "K", "0", 64 + skillShot, allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Custom Score for skill shot 'video('K', '0', 64 + skillShot, loopVideo | allowSmall, 0, 1) if (ball > 1) Then ' playSFX 0, 'S', '0' + skillShot, 'A' + random(3), 255) 'Psychic skill shot prompt PlaySFX 0, "S", skillShot, 65 + random(3), 255 End If Else 'Multiplayer, show which player is up and has the skill shot customScore "K", player, 64 + skillShot, allowSmall OR loopVideo, 120 'Custom Score for skill shot 'video('K', '0', 64 + skillShot, loopVideo | allowSmall, 0, 1) ' numbers(10, 2, 44, 27, numPlayers) 'Number of players, just after Player X current indicator '; numbers "", "", " "&numPlayers, "" if (ball > 1) Then playSFX 0, "S", skillShot, 65 + random(3), 255 'Psychic skill shot prompt End If End If numbers PlayerScore(player), "", "", "" 'Put player score upper left, using Double Zeros numbers "", Ball, "", "" 'Ball # upper right End Sub sub skillShotSuccess(didSucceed, showMiss) 'What happens when you make the skill shot Dim skillValue 'This happens no matter what ballSave() 'Start the ballsaver at this point and check what to do with Spook Again light 'killQ() 'Disable any queued videos 'killNumbers() killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() skillValue = 0 if (didSucceed) Then video "K", "0", "0", 0, 55, 255 'Top priority success video! playSFX 1, "A", "E", random(8), 255 'Success Dialog! (temp) Select Case (skillShot) 'Gonna be 1, 2 or 3 case 1: skillValue = 250000 'Pops a bit harder case 2: skillValue = 125000 'Orbs easiest case 3: skillValue = 500000 'Behind hellavator hardest End Select showValue skillValue * ball, 40, 1 'Show the value after video AddScore skillValue * ball '500k pops, 1 mil ORB, 1.5 mil Basement X Ball # (so worth more on Ball 3) Else if (showMiss) Then video "K", "0", "1", 0, 22, showMiss 'Put in a SKILL SHOT MISSED graphic here (very low priority) playSFX 0, "Q", "Z", "Z", 200 'Else, negative sound! 'playSFX(0, 'S', 'H', '0' + random(8), 255) 'Give player shit Else DMDScore() 'EP- Added to clear up the DMD queue End If End If skillShot = 0 'Disable skill shot modeTimer = 0 'Reset the timer End Sub sub skippable() 'If a skippable event is active (SKIP > 0) this function decides what to jump to if player chooses to speed things up Select Case skip 'Choose what to do! case 10: 'Hospital Ghost Stuff (probably just the beginning) if (plungeTimer > Int(25010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Waiting for second ball? plungeTimer = Int(25010/CycleAdjuster) + 1 'Set it to near-immediate load state End If case 20: 'Theater Ghost (beginning and every subsequent shot!) if (LeftTimer > Int(6010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Beginning of theater? (Eject from behind door) LeftTimer = Int(6010/CycleAdjuster) modeTimer = longSecond * 2 'Remove grace period on timer End If case 21: 'Theater Ghost second shot, waiting for elevator to go down if (HellLocation > hellDown) Then 'Did the Hellavator not make it to the stuck position yet? ElevatorSet hellDown, 5 'Speed up the hellavator! modeTimer = longSecond * 2 End If case 22: 'Theater Ghost third shot waiting for left VUK? if (LeftTimer > Int(6010/CycleAdjuster)) Then LeftTimer = Int(6010/CycleAdjuster) modeTimer = longSecond * 2 'Remove grace period on timer End If case 23: 'Theater Ghost (beginning and every subsequent shot!) if (ScoopTime > Int(9010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Waiting for ball to eject scoop? ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) 'KIck it out now! TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 50 'Put targets down quickly modeTimer = longSecond 'Remove grace period End If case 30: 'Bar ghost "waiting for embrace" if (ScoopTime > Int(9010/CycleAdjuster)) Then ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 30 'Put targets down quickly End If case 35: 'Bar ghost "waiting for embrace" if (plungeTimer > Int(25010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Waiting for second ball? plungeTimer = Int(25010/CycleAdjuster) + 1 'Set it to near-immediate load state End If case 40: 'War ghost, probably just the mode opening (rest is pretty fast) if (ScoopTime > Int(9010/CycleAdjuster)) Then TargetTimerSet 10, TargetUp, 50 'These might not be up yet, so do it now quickly ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) End If case 50: 'Hotel ghost. Elevator move 1, elevator move 2 + scoop eject if (HellLocation > hellStuck) Then 'Did the Hellavator not make it to the stuck position yet? ElevatorSet hellStuck, 5 'Speed up the hellavator! End If case 55: 'Hotel ghost. Waiting for ball to get ejected from scoop if (ScoopTime > Int(9010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Waiting for ball to start Control Box Search? ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) 'KIck it out now! End If case 60: 'Scoop eject while Ghost is talking about devouring friends if (ScoopTime > Int(9010/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Waiting for ball to start Control Box Search? ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) 'KIck it out now! End If End Select skip = 0 'Reset skip no matter what '; video "K", "A", "A", 0, 0, 255 'White to black transition If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering End If End Sub sub spiritGuideStart() 'When you shoot into the scoop with Spirit Guide lit 'pulse(46) light 46, 0 'Turn off its light 'volumeSFX(3, 100, 100) 'Temp music volume increase if (tournament) Then spiritGuide(player) = spiritProgress(player) 'If in tourney mode, see what award is next End If Do while (spiritGuide(player) < 99) 'Repeat this until we give an award that doesn't conflict with anything going on if (tournament = 0) Then spiritGuide(player) = random(18) '18 Get a random number End If 'If that award is valid, we add 100 to its value to leave this loop 'There are several points awards so there's always something valid Select Case spiritGuide(player) 'Turn off the lights when we hit them case 0: 'Light GLIR if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (GLIR(player) > 0 and GLIR(player) < 100) and Mode(player) = 0 and minion(player)) Then spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Approved, continue End If case 1: 'Lite HOSPITAL if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 2) = 0 and hosProgress(player) < 3 and theProgress(player) < 3) Then 'Hospital hasn't been won, or in progress? spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 2: '500,000 points spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 3: 'Reveal Minion? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and minion(player) = 1 and videoMode(player) = 0) Then 'Not in a mode, and Minion is able to be started, and we're not waiting for Video Mode start? spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 4: 'Lite theater? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 4) = 0 and theProgress(player) < 3 and hosProgress(player) < 3) Then 'Can't enable Theater and Hospital at same time spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 5: '1,000,000 points spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 6: 'Advance Bonus? spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 7: 'Lite War Fort? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 8) = 0 and fortProgress(player) < 50 and barProgress(player) < 50 and videoMode(player) = 0) Then 'Can't enable War and Bar at the same time spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 8: '2,000,000 spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 9: ' 30 seconds Ball Save spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 10: 'Lite Haunted Bar? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 16) = 0 and fortProgress(player) < 50 and barProgress(player) < 50 and videoMode(player) = 0) Then 'Can't enable War and Bar at the same time spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 11: '3,000,000 points spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 12: 'Start Multiball? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and lockCount(player) = 0 and multiBall = 0 and minionMB = 0 and videoMode(player) = 0) Then spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 13: 'Lite Hotel? if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 32) = 0 and hotProgress(player) < 3) Then spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 14: '3,666,000 spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 15: 'Award EVP spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed case 16: 'Lite Prison Lock if (Advance_Enable = 1 and (ModeWon(player) AND 64) = 0 and priProgress(player) < 3) Then 'If not in a mode, or doing this already, it's a good award spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If case 17: 'Lite extra ball? if (ball > 2 and allowExtraBalls) Then 'Won't give you one on Ball 1 or 2, hahaha! Or if they're disabled spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 100 'Award approved, proceed End If End Select if (tournament and spiritGuide(player) < 99) Then 'Current award wasn't valid? spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) + 1 'If in tourney mode, see what award is next spiritProgress(player) = spiritProgress(player) + 1 'Advance our progress as well if (spiritGuide(player) > 17) Then 'Did we somehow get them ALL??? spiritGuide(player) = 0 'Reset back to 0 spiritProgress(player) = 0 End If End If Loop killQ() 'Disable an Enqueued videos spiritProgress(player) = spiritProgress(player) + 1 'Advance our progress since we collected that one if (spiritProgress(player) > 17) Then 'Did we somehow get them ALL??? spiritProgress(player) = 0 'Reset back to 0 End If if (Advance_Enable) Then playMusicOnce "S", "G" 'Switch to Spirit Guide Theme playSFX 2, "S", "G", random(9), 255 'Spirit Guide! video "S", "G", spiritGuide(player) - 35, 0, 84, 255 'Play video A-R ScoopTime = Int(60000/CycleAdjuster) 'Award is given as ball is shot out (we'll have to play with the timing) Else video "U", "Q", spiritGuide(player) - 35, 0, 32, 255 'Play video A-R ScoopTime = Int(25000/CycleAdjuster) 'Award is given as ball is shot out (we'll have to play with the timing) playSFX 2, "S", "G", "B", 255 'Orchestra hits... playSFX 1, "S", "G", random(9), 255 'Spirit Guide! End If End Sub sub spiritGuideAward() 'It gives you the award and spits out ball Dim X 'volumeSFX(3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1)) 'Revert to normal volume spiritGuide(player) = spiritGuide(player) - 100 'Set the number back to normal Select Case spiritGuide(player) 'Award whatever prize we came up with. It's already approved, so just DO IT case 0: 'Light GLIR if (GLIRneeded(player) < 9) Then 'Getting free GLIR also increases spellings required to get more (to be fair) GLIRneeded(player) = GLIRneeded(player) + 1 'Increase target # needed, max is 9 End If GLIR(player) = GLIRneeded(player) 'Set counter to new target # GLIRlit(player) = 1 'Set flag rollOvers(player) = 0 'Clear rollovers blink(52) 'Blink GLIR for a bit blink(53) blink(54) blink(55) showScoopLights() 'Update lights displayTimerCheck(89999) 'Check if anything was running, set new value playSFX 0, "F", "1", 65 + random(4), 200 '"Photo Hunt is Lit!" prompt. Higher priority, will override normal rollover sound video "F", "1", "A", allowSmall, 45, 200 'GLIR, photo hunt is lit! case 1: 'Lite HOSPITAL hosProgress(player) = 3 for x=0 To hosProgress(player)-1 'in case we did a Double Advance light x + 8, 7 'Completed lights to SOLID Next pulse hosProgress(player) + 8 'Pulse DOCTOR GHOST light video "H", hosProgress(player), "A", allowSmall, 75, 200 'Prompts to shoot for it playSFX 0, "H", hosProgress(player), random(4) + 65, 255 DoorSet DoorOpen, 500 'Set door to creak open, 25 cycles per position case 2: '500,000 points AddScore(500000) case 3: 'Reveal Minion? minionStart() case 4: 'Lite theater? theProgress(player) = 3 'Set progress light 36, 7 light 37, 7 light 38, 7 pulse(12) if (hosProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Can only start one or the other, Theater has priority light 11, 0 End If playSFX 0, "T", "3", random(4) + 65, 255 video "T", "3", "A", allowSmall, 90, 255 'Play video light theProgress(player) + 34, 7 'Solid progress light pulse(12) 'Blink light 12 for Theater Start DoorSet DoorOpen, 50 'Open the door. case 5: '1,000,000 points AddScore(1000000) case 6: 'Advance Bonus? orb(player) = 63 'Manually set them to Rolled Over checkOrb(1) case 7: 'Lite War Fort? video "W", "0", "0", 0, 90, 255 'Prompt for Army Ghost Lit playSFX 0, "W", "3", random(4) + 65, 250 'Prompt for Mode Start fortProgress(player) = 50 '50 indicates Mode is ready to start. popLogic(3) 'EVP pops spiritGuideEnable(0) showScoopLights() 'Update the Scoop Lights case 8: '2,000,000 AddScore(2000000) case 9: ' 30 seconds Ball Save saveTimer = 30 * cycleSecond 'Huge ball saver! spookCheck() 'See what to do with the light 'blink(56) 'Blink the SPOOK AGAIN light case 10: 'Lite Haunted Bar? video "B", "4", "0", 0, 90, 255 'Prompt for Bar Ghost Lit playSFX 0, "B", "3", random(4) + 65, 255 'Advance sound 3 barProgress(player) = 50 '50 indicates Mode is ready to start. popLogic(3) 'Pops won't do anything else until you start the mode spiritGuideEnable(0) showScoopLights() 'Update the Scoop Lights case 11: '3,000,000 points AddScore(3000000) case 12: 'Start Multiball? 'NEEDS MANUAL SETTINGS!!! stopMusic() blink(26) 'Need to do a few things manually... blink(27) blink(28) multiBallStart(0) if (hellMB = 1) Then hellMB = 10 'Set flag that music / mode has begun! volumeSFX 3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1) 'Back to normal ' playMusic "M", "B" 'The multiball music! musicplayer "bgout_MB.mp3" multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost End If case 13: 'Lite Hotel? hotProgress(player) = 3 playSFX 0, "L", hotProgress(player), random(4) + 65, 255 'First 3 sets of Hotel advance sounds. video "L", hotProgress(player), "A", allowSmall, 60, 255 'Adance videos light 26, 7 'Light hotel status solid light 27, 7 light 28, 7 pulse(29) 'Pulse HOTEL GHOST ElevatorSet hellUp, 200 'Move the elevator into 2nd floor position blink(41) light 24, 0 'Turn off CALL ELEVATOR lights light 25, 0 case 14: '3,666,000 AddScore(3666000) case 15: 'Award EVP popCount = EVP_Target - 1 'Set it so we'll get one evpPops() case 16: 'Lite Prison Lock priProgress(player) = 3 'Set progress light 3, 7 'Make 3 lights solid light 4, 7 'As player locks balls, lights go from Pulse to Solid light 5, 7 blink(6) 'Blink "Prison Lock" playSFX 0, "P", "3", random(3) + 65, 255 'Play 1 of 3 audio clips video "P", "3", "A", allowSmall, 90, 255 'Run video case 17: 'Lite extra ball? extraBalllight 1 End Select spiritGuide(player) = 255 'Flag that Spirit Guide needs to be re-lit End Sub sub spiritGuideEnable(enableYesNo) spiritGuideActive = enableYesNo 'Set incoming state showScoopLights() 'Scoop lights will show updated state End Sub sub spiritGuidelight if (spiritGuide(player) = 255) Then 'Needs to be re-lit? spiritGuide(player) = 1 'Set Spirit Guide as active if (spiritGuideActive) Then 'Can we hit Spirit Guide? pulse(46) videoQ "S", "P", "Z", allowSmall, 0, 10 'Spirit Guide LIT! Else light 46, 0 videoQ "S", "P", "Y", allowSmall, 0, 10 'Spirit Guide ready after mode ENDS End If End If End Sub sub spookCheck() 'See what the Spook Again light should be doing if (drainTimer or tiltFlag) Then 'First, see if game is drained or tilted. if (extraBalls) Then 'If extra ball active, leave the light solid light 56, 7 Else light 56, 0 'Otherwise turn it off (either ball save = 0 or you tilted) End If Else 'Not in a tilt/drain condition? We either have ball save, extra ball lit or nothing lit if (extraBalls) Then 'An extra ball? if (saveTimer > cycleSecond2) Then 'If save time is active, keep blinking it until save timer is over blink 56 Else light 56, 7 'No more save timer? Light SPOOK AGAIN solid (this code will get called when Save Timer finishes) End If Else if (saveTimer <= cycleSecond2) Then 'Save timer either done or just about done? light 56, 0 'Turn it off Else blink 56 'Else it's still active so blink End If End If End If End Sub sub StartGame() 'Resets all variables, player progress, sets up initial lights Dim x animatePF 0, 0, 0 'Kill attract mode animations menuAbortFlag = 0 'In case user tries to enter a menu during a game Enable() 'Allow solenoids videoPriority(0) 'Reset video priority killNumbers() 'Clear all numbers backglass 1, 1 'Can't remember what this does setGhostModeRGB 0, 0, 0 'Set ghost to off ' ballSearchDebounce(0) 'In case the trap debounce was changed during a ball search kickFlag = 0 'Clear flag, ball kick complete drainTries = 0 GIpf(224) 'All GI on to start ' sfxVolume(0) = sfxDefault ' sfxVolume(1) = sfxDefault ' volumeSFX(0, sfxVolume(0), sfxVolume(1)) ' volumeSFX(1, sfxVolume(0), sfxVolume(1)) ' volumeSFX(2, sfxVolume(0), sfxVolume(1)) ' musicVolume(0) = musicDefault ' musicVolume(1) = musicDefault ' volumeSFX(3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1)) repeatMusic(1) 'Set music to repeat ' randomSeed(micros()) 'Reset randomizer EP- Already did this at the top of the script allLamp(0) 'Clear the lights 'Set all game start variables here: player = 1 numPlayers = 1 ball = 1 'SET ALL STARTING LAMPS pulse(3) 'PRISON 1 and THEATER 1 are different in production version pulse(8) pulse(22) pulse(26) pulse(36) 'PRISON 1 and THEATER 1 are different in production version pulse(0) 'Wiki, Tech and Psychic pulse pulse(1) pulse(51) 'Reset all player Progress for x=1 To 4 popMode(player) = random(2) + 1 'Starts either 1 = Fort or 2 = Bar (3 = EVP but never starts in that mode) if (SwLFlip = 1) Then 'Left flipper at start makes it begin with Bar popMode(player) = 2 End If if (SwRFlip = 1) Then 'Right flipper = fort popMode(player) = 1 End If if (popMode(player) = 1) Then 'Start out Advancing Fort? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse(21) End If if (popMode(player) = 2) Then 'Start Out Advancing Bar? light 20, 0 light 21, 0 light 22, 0 pulse 22 End If Mode(x) = 0 playerScore(x) = 0 'Clear scrores SetScore(x) 'Clear them on DMD replayPlayer(x) = 0 'Nobody's gotten a replay yet ModeWon(x) = 0 'Clear the bits of what modes they've won modeRestart(x) = 126 'B01111110 'At the start each player gets 1 re-start chance per mode tourComplete(x) = 0 'B00000000 'Which tours player has completed hosProgress(x) = 0 theProgress(x) = 0 barProgress(x) = spotProgress 'Can be changed in settings fortProgress(x) = spotProgress 'Can be changed in settings hotProgress(x) = 0 priProgress(x) = 0 deProgress(x) = 0 lockCount(x) = 0 'Reset # of locked Hellavator balls spiritProgress(x) = 0 'If tourney mode, players get awards in sequence spiritGuide(x) = 1 'Spirit guide is always lit to start for each player EVP_Jackpot(x) = 1000000 'Starts at 1 million EVP_Total(x) = 0 'How many EVP's each player has collected EVP_EBtarget(x) = EVP_EBsetting 'Load the setting for how many EVP's each player must get to earn Extra Ball photosTaken(x) = 0 'Total photos a player got. areaProgress(x) = 0 'How many mode-advancing shots each player has made ghostsDefeated(x) = 0 photosNeeded(x) = 3 photoSecondsStart(x) = 21 'How many seconds to get a ghost photo GLIR(x) = 1 'At the start of the game, spell GLIR once to light Photo hunt, then twice, 3 times, ect. GLIRneeded(x) = 1 'How many GLIR spells player needs to light PHOTO HUNT GLIRlit(x) = 0 'Zero PHOTO HUNTS lit to start minion(x) = 1 'Each player starts with Minion Fight enabled minionTarget(x) = 3 '3 hits for first Minion Battle minionHits = 3 'Reset this minionsBeat(x) = 0 'How many minions you've beaten. minionHitProgress(x) = 0 'No minion damage progress yet orb(x) = 0 extraLit(x) = 0 'No extra balls lit wiki(x) = 0 tech(x) = 0 psychic(x) = 0 rollOvers(x) = 0 hellLock(x) = 1 'Always start with Hell lock enabled storeLamp(x) 'Store the status of every lamp in that player's memory hellJackpot(x) = 1000000 'Starting MB jackpot value hitsTolight(x) = 1 'How many times you have to press "Call" before hellavator moves / lights for lock (starts with just 1 saveCurrent(x) = saveStart 'Set each player's Ball Save time to the default to start. Spelling TECH can increase it! videoMode(x) = 0 'Video mode not lit to start Next scoreMultiplier = 1 'This will almost always be 1 comboTimerStart = comboSeconds * longSecond 'Compute actual timer setting minionDamage = 1 'Default damage TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Put targets UP by default so we can enagage Minion Battle! callHits = 0 'How many times you've hit Call this ball (resets per player) 'deProgress(1) = 1 'TEST DEMON MODE READY TO START 'blink(13) 'BLINK LIGHT trapDoor = 0 'Flags if the ball should be trapped or not trapTargets = 0 doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door elevatorLogic() 'Can lock balls, Hellavator is Lit targetLogic(1) 'Where the Ghost Targets should be, up or down targetReset() 'Reset state of targets multiTimer = 0 'Used in attract mode, so clear it just in case multiCount = 0 slingCount = 0 spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Mode 0, it can always be lit bonusMultiplier = 1 'Reset multiplier (it's per ball so don't need unique variable per player) modeTimer = 0 HellBall = 0 badExit = 0 'Haven't gone in VUK yet tiltCounter = 0 'Reset to zero ghostLook = 0 sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter Advance_Enable = 1 'Game starts with all modes eligible for advancement. AutoEnable = 255 ' 255 /enables everything activeBalls = 0 'Starts at ZERO setCabMode defaultR, defaultG, defaultB 'Set the cab mode to default color comboKill() dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Check for Dirty Pool Balls Update(0) 'Update with the current info video "K", "9", "9", 0, 0.2, 255 'STATIC transition skillShotNew(1) 'Prep a Skill Shot! scoreBall = 0 'No points scored on this ball as yet comboEnable = 1 'OK combo all you want GLIRenable(1) ' playMusic "L", "1" musicplayer "bgout_L1.mp3" playSFX 0, "A", "A", 1 + random(4), 255 'Team leader intro lines ballQueue = 0 drainSwitch = 63 'Set starting drain switch, just in case loadBall() 'Manually load a ball into shooter lane. GhostMove 90, 10 'EP- Adding this since I added the ghost turning away at machine reset End Sub Sub SwitchCheck() 'EP- This is event driven so we don't need to check switches every cycle End Sub sub switchDeadCheck() if (coinDoorState = 0) Then 'Do we care if door is open, and is it open? switchDead = 0 'Reset timer Exit Sub 'No ball search with door open End If if (LFlip=0 and (RFlip)=0 and ballSearchEnable=1 and Sw57=0) Then 'We're not cradling the ball, and the ball isn't sitting in the shooter lane? Do a ball search! if (switchDead = deadTop + 1) Then if (trapTargets = 0) Then if (TargetLocation >= TargetUp) Then 'Targets up? TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put targets directly down TargetTimerSet 12000, TargetUp, 10'After a second, put them back up Else TargetSet(TargetJog) 'Put targets up partially TargetTimerSet 8000, TargetDown, 10 'And back down quickly End If Else TargetSet(TargetJog) 'Put targets down partially TargetTimerSet 8000, TargetUp, 10 'After a second, put them back up End If if (HellLocation = hellUp) Then hellCheck = 10 'Set state 1 ElevatorSet hellDown, 100 End If if (HellLocation = hellDown) Then hellCheck = 20 'Set state 2 ElevatorSet hellUp, 100 End If End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer)) Then if (trapDoor = 0) Then 'Don't kick this if a ball is SUPPOSED to be trapped behind door ' Coil LeftVUK, vukPower VUKKicker KiDoor, vukPower Else if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9 and hosTrapCheck = 0) Then 'Ball trapped for Hospital Mode? Coil LeftVUK, vukPower VUKKicker LeftVUK, vukPower activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 'Add the ball we just kicked out back to the Active Ball count LeftTimer = 0 'A little bit of a gap ' swDebounce(23) = 500 'Manually set the debounce hosTrapCheck = 1 'Hospital ball search mode End If End If End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer * 2)) Then Coil ScoopKick, scoopPower VUKKicker KiVUK3, scoopPower if (DoorLocation = DoorOpen) Then doorCheck = 20 'Set state 1 DoorSet DoorClosed, 500 End If if (DoorLocation = DoorClosed) Then doorCheck = 10 'Set state 2 DoorSet DoorOpen, 1 End If End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer * 3)) Then ' Coil drainKick, drainStrength End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer * 4)) Then ' Coil Bump0, PopPower End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer * 5)) Then ' Coil Bump1, PopPower End If if (switchDead = deadTop + (searchTimer * 6)) Then ' Coil Bump2, PopPower switchDead = Int(50000/CycleAdjuster) End If Else switchDead = 0 'Ball isn't actually trapped, reset timer End If End Sub sub TargetSet(dTarget) 'Puts the Target Bank to a specified position if (dTarget = TargetUp) Then dirtyPoolCheck() End If TargetLocation = dTarget ' TargetTarget = dTarget 'EP- I added this ' myservo(Targets).write(TargetLocation) WaGhostTarget.TimerEnabled = 1 End Sub sub TargetTimerSet(dDelay, dTarget, dSpeed) ' TargetSpeed = 0 'Clear this flag so we don't move until after delay, EP- commenting out because this was causing it not to move when it should TargetDelay = Int(dDelay/cycleadjuster) 'How long before Targets start to move If TargetDelay < 1 Then TargetDelay = 1 TargetTarget = dTarget 'Where to move to. TargetNewSpeed = ((((TargetFast - TargetSlow)/500) * (500 - dSpeed)) + DoorSlow)*2 'What the speed will be when we start TargetTimer = 0 'Reset cycle timer End Sub sub targetLogic(resetMinion) 'showGameStatus() 'For debugging if (videoMode(player) > 0 and Advance_Enable and Mode(player) = 0) Then 'Video mode is available, and we're not in a mode? videoModeLite() Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) > 5 and hosProgress(player) < 9) Then 'Friend trapped behind door? TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Keep targets UP Exit Sub End If if (hosProgress(player) = 90) Then 'Bashing Dr. Ghost? (not paging him) TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Keep targets DOWN Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) = 60 or barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'Ghost waiting for your embrace, or Bashing Ghost Whore Multiball? TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put targets down, so player can restart Ghost Whore Exit Sub End If if (barProgress(player) = 70) Then 'Ghost Whore has your friend trapped still? dirtyPoolMode(0) 'Don't check for Dirty Pool TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Keep targets UP Exit Sub End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60) Then 'Fighting the Army Ghost Soldiers? TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Targets should be UP Exit Sub End If if (fortProgress(player) > 69 and fortProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Fighting the Army Ghost Himself? TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Make sure targets are down so we can hit him Exit Sub End If if (minionMB > 9) Then 'Doing a Minion MB? Exit Sub 'Do nothing End If if (minion(player) > 9) Then 'Was fighting a minion during Photo Hunt? Exit Sub End If TargetSet(TargetUp) 'Default is TARGETS UP if (resetMinion) Then pulse(17) 'Ghost targets strobe for MINION BATTLE! pulse(18) pulse(19) light 16, 0 'Turn off Jackpot by default minionEnd(1) 'The default is to enable the Minion Battle End If End Sub Sub targetReset() targetsHit = 0 'We've hit no targets TargetBits = 7 'Set targets as NOT HIT gTargets(0) = 0 'Set G Targets to NOT HIT gTargets(1) = 0 gTargets(2) = 0 End Sub sub Timers() 'Check all game function timers. 'SwitchLogic() 'Debounce timers and stuff if (drainTimer) Then 'Are we in a drain? drainTimer = drainTimer - 1 DrainLogic() ballClear() 'Make sure locks are clear Else 'Normal function if (HellSpeed) Then 'Is the elevator supposed to be moving? ' MoveElevator() 'Do routine. End If ' if (TargetSpeed) Then 'Is the target supposed to be moving? ' MoveTarget() ' End If ' if (DoorSpeed) Then 'Is the door supposed to be moving? ' MoveDoor() 'Do routine. ' End If End If if (plungeTimer) Then 'Auto-plunge in progress? plungeTimer = plungeTimer - 1 'Decrement counter if (plungeTimer = Int(25001/CycleAdjuster)+1 and Sw59 = 0) Then 'bitRead(switches(7), 3) = 0) Then 'At first event point, but ball not ready to be loaded? 'Serial.println("BALL NOT READY") plungeTimer = plungeTimer + Int(10000/CycleAdjuster) 'Give it more time to roll in place End If if (plungeTimer = Int(25000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Second event point. A ball must have been in the load position to get here 'Serial.print("LOAD BALL: ") 'Coil(LoadCoil, loadStrength) 'Try to load ball from trough ServeBall() 'EP- my version of trying to load the ball skip = 0 End If if (plungeTimer > Int(5001/CycleAdjuster)+1 and plungeTimer < Int(25000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'At any point after the ball load? if (Sw57 = 1) Then 'bitRead(switches(7), 1) = 1) Then 'As soon as the ball hits the switch... 'Serial.println("LOAD GOOD") activeBalls = activeBalls + 1 '...Set a new ball as officially active! If you swat it away before autoplunge, doesn't matter drainSwitch = drainSwitch - 1 'Advance which switch drains the ball 'Serial.print("-Drain Switch = ") 'Serial.println(drainSwitch, DEC) if (run = 1) Then 'Start of game or new ball? run = 2 'spookCheck() 'Save timer won't be started until Skill Shot collected. Thus spookCheck won't give proper result blink(56) 'A new game/ball will always have a ball save, so blink it manually here launchCounter = 0 plungeTimer = 0 'Don't autoplunge it 'Serial.println("Start-of-Ball Load Complete") Else plungeTimer = Int(5000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set plunge point. This gives ball a 4000 cycle delay to "settle" End If End If End If if (plungeTimer = Int(5001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Ready to "take the plunge?" Make sure ball is there... if (Sw57 = 0) Then 'bitRead(switches(7), 1) = 0) Then 'Ball isn't there? 'Serial.println("LOAD FAIL - RETRY") plungeTimer = Int(25001/CycleAdjuster)+1 'Reset timer to try and re-load ball from trough End If End If ' if (plungeTimer = 1000 and bitRead(switches(7), 1) = 1) Then 'At second event point, and a ball is there to launch? if (plungeTimer = Int(1000/CycleAdjuster) AND Sw57 = 1) Then 'EP- 'Serial.println("Auto-plunging NOW") ' Coil(Plunger, plungerStrength) 'EP- Gotta put in my ball launcher routine AutoPlunger.AutoFire DOF 124, 2 if saveTimer > 42 Then DOF 131, 2 End If if (plungeTimer = 0 and ballQueue and countBalls() > 0) Then 'Was another autolaunched ball queued during previous launch? (somehow?) ballQueue = ballQueue - 1 AutoPlunge(autoPlungeFast + 5000) 'Launch another fairly quickly End If End If if (LeftOrbitTime) Then LeftOrbitTime = LeftOrbitTime - 1 End If if (ScoopTime) Then ScoopTime = ScoopTime - 1 if (drainTimer = 0) Then 'Flash before the ball shoots out ' switch(ScoopTime) Then Select Case ScoopTime 'EP- Multiply the following case number by 12 to get their original numbers, and do some rounding too case 750: '9000: skip = 0 'If you were waiting on something, the wait is over! playSFX 2, "S", "G", "V", 100 ' GIword OR= (1 << 4) 'EP- Commenting out all GIword since I cannot figure out what it does Light 42, 7 light 43, 0 light 44, 0 light 45, 0 light 46, 0 light 47, 7 case 670: ' GIword &= ~(1 << 4) Light 42, 0 case 580: playSFX 2, "S", "G", "W", 100 ' GIword OR= (1 << 4) Light 42, 7 light 46, 7 case 500: ' GIword &= ~(1 << 4) Light 42, 0 case 420: playSFX 2, "S", "G", "X", 100 ' GIword OR= (1 << 4) Light 42, 7 light 45, 7 case 330: ' GIword &= ~(1 << 4) Light 42, 0 case 250: playSFX 2, "S", "G", "Y", 100 ' GIword OR= (1 << 4) Light 42, 7 light 44, 7 case 170: ' GIword &= ~(1 << 4) Light 42, 0 case 130: animatePF 240, 10, 0 'Scoop explode animation case 80: playSFX 2, "S", "G", "Z", 100 ' GIword OR= (1 << 4) Light 42, 7 light 43, 7 case 1: ' GIword &= ~(1 << 4) Light 42, 0 showScoopLights() 'Restore the lights End Select End If if (ScoopTime = 83) Then 'Scoop timer just about done? We check it at 1000 so the kick post can't retrigger the scoop if (hellMB = 1) Then hellMB = 10 'Set flag that music / mode has begun! volumeSFX 3, musicVolume(0), musicVolume(1) 'Back to normal ' playMusic "M", "B" 'The multiball music! musicplayer "bgout_MB.mp3" multipleBalls = 1 'When MB starts, you get ballSave amount of time to loose balls and get them back ballSave() 'That is, Ball Save only times out, it isn't disabled via the first ball lost End If if (priProgress(player) = 9) Then priProgress(player) = 10 'Set mode as started modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer End If if (fortProgress(player) = 59) Then 'We don't blink these lights until player gets the ball, so they notice them more I guess? fortProgress(player) = 60 blink(17) 'Blink the targets for the Soldier. blink(18) blink(19) End If ' Coil(ScoopKick, scoopPower) 'Kick out ball KiVUK1.Enabled = 0 MoveBall BallMover2, KiVUK1, KiVUK3, 204, scoopPower, 0 Playsound SoundFX("ballrelease") DOF 122, 2 KiVUK1.TimerEnabled = 1 'Start a timer that will re-enabled the VUK very shortly after the kick-out Sw22 = 0 if (Tunnel) Then Tunnel = 0 'Clear flag, if set End If if (spiritGuide(player) > 99 and spiritGuide(player) < 200) Then 'Are we supposed to award Spirit Guide thing? spiritGuideAward() End If ballSaveScoop() 'Grace period in case ball goes down drain End If End If if (MagnetTimer) Then 'Ghost Magnet enabled? MagnetCount = MagnetCount + 1 'Increment PWM timer if (MagnetCount > 0) Then 'End of cycle? MagnetCount = 0 'Reset PWM counter MagnetTimer = MagnetTimer - 1 'Decrement main timer. ' if (SolTimer(Magnet) = 0) Then 'Magnet not on? if (magFlag) Then '** centercounter = centercounter + 1 mMagnaSave.MagnetOn = 1 '** If centercounter >= 5 Then mMagnaSave.GrabCenter = 0 '** elseIf (magFlag < 1) AND (mMagnaSave.MagnetOn = 1) Then else mMagnaSave.MagnetOn = 0 'EP- my implementation of the magnet '** centercounter = 0 End If End If if (fortProgress(player) = 99) Then 'Ending War mode? if (MagnetTimer < 2) Then 'Just about done? WarOver() 'Finish the mode End If End If if (theProgress(player) = 50) Then 'Ending theater mode? if (MagnetTimer < 2) Then 'Just about done? TheaterOver() 'Finish the mode End If End If if (MagnetTimer = 10) Then if (minion(player) = 11) Then magFlag = 0 'Clear the flag so magnet is no longer pulsed (but timing stays the same) minionEnd(1) 'End the mode, with flag to advance Minion Hits End If End If if (MagnetTimer = 1) Then 'Just about done? if (minion(player) <> 11) Then magFlag = 0 'Clear the flag so magnet is no longer pulsed (but timing stays the same) ' swDebounce(24) = 5000 'Manually enable the ghost switch debounce so if we hit them with our job, won't reactivate End If End If End If if (orbTimer) Then orbTimer = orbTimer - 1 End If if (LeftTimer) Then LeftTimer = LeftTimer - 1 if (drainTimer = 0) Then if (LeftTimer = Int(6000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 7 End If if (LeftTimer = Int(5000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 0 End If if (LeftTimer = Int(4000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 7 End If if (LeftTimer = Int(3000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 0 End If if (LeftTimer = Int(2000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 7 End If if (LeftTimer = Int(1000/CycleAdjuster)) Then light 40, 0 End If End If if (LeftTimer = Int(1000/CycleAdjuster)) Then ' switchDebounce(23) 'Set the debounce just in case ' Coil(LeftVUK, vukPower) VUKKicker KiDoor, vukPower 'EP- My version of the VUK kicker skip = 0 if (hosProgress(player) = 90) Then 'Just started Doctor Ghost Battle? hosProgress(player) = 10 'Ball is kicked, officially started! End If End If End If if (rampTimer) Then rampTimer = rampTimer - 1 End If if (centerTimer) Then centerTimer = centerTimer - 1 End If if (popsTimer) Then popsTimer = popsTimer - 1 End If if (TargetDelay) Then 'Target set to move after a delay? TargetDelay = TargetDelay - 1 'Decrement if (loopCatch = checkBall) Then 'Trying to catch the ball? if (TargetDelay = 25) Then 'Almost ready to check? MagnetSet(100) 'Pulse magnet again End If if (TargetDelay < 1) Then 'Timed out? Ball must not be there. Bummer. magFlag = 0 'Clear the pulse flag TargetTimerSet 1, TargetDown, 2 'Keep targets down so you can re-trap loopCatch = catchBall 'Reset state, we still need to catch the ball killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "D", "Z", "A", allowSmall, 20, 255 'Speed Demon Bonus! showValue 100000, 40, 1 'It's a combo value * Ghosts defeated because why not? playSFX 2, "D", "Z", "X", 255 'Vrooom! Just like a Mustang! End If if (TargetDelay < 25 and Sw24 = 1) Then 'After second pulse, we consider a ball in opto to be a good catch MagnetSet(100) 'Pulse it again to make sure it stays there while targets are going up TargetDelay = 0 'Clear this just in case TargetSpeed = TargetNewSpeed 'Allow targets to move up TargetSet targetTarget ' cabDebounce(ghostOpto) = 10000 'Make sure it doesn't re-trigger opto loopCatch = ballCaught 'External logic will take it from here. Allow targets to go up End If Else if (TargetDelay < 1) Then 'Ready to move targets? TargetSpeed = TargetNewSpeed 'Set Speed flag to start targets moving TargetSet targetTarget TargetDelay = 0 'Clear this just in case End If End If End If if (loadChecker) Then 'Did we just try to load a ball? loadChecker = loadChecker - 1 if (loadChecker = 1) Then 'Timer just about done? if (Sw57 = 0) Then 'bitRead(switches(7), 1) = 0) Then 'Did ball not load into shooter lane properly? 'Serial.println("LOAD FAIL, RE-TRYING...") loadBall() 'Try and re-load it. End If End If End If if (saveTimer > 0 and popsTimer = 0 and kickTimer = 0) Then 'Save timer doesn't decrement during pops action or when a ball is being kicked from drain saveTimer = saveTimer - 1 if (saveTimer = cycleSecond2 or saveTimer = (cycleSecond2 - 10) or saveTimer < 10) Then 'Light turns off about TWO seconds before it's actually done. Double check near very end as well spookCheck() 'Check what to do with the light End If End If if (modeTimer) Then modeAction() End If if (displayTimer) Then displayTimer = displayTimer - 1 'Decrement timer if (displayTimer > 0 and displayTimer < Int(45000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Flashing ORB win? if (displayTimer = 1) Then 'Just about done? 'orb(player) = 0 'Clear player's ORB variable so it can be reset checkOrb(0) displayTimer = 0 End If End If if (displayTimer > Int(45000/CycleAdjuster) and displayTimer < Int(90000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Flashing GLIR spelling? if (displayTimer = Int(45001/CycleAdjuster)+1) Then 'Just about done? checkRoll() 'See what status the lights should be and set them to that (just in case they changed during the blinking) displayTimer = 0 End If End If End If if (ghostFadeTimer) Then ghostFadeTimer = ghostFadeTimer - GhostFadeSpeed if (ghostFadeTimer <= 1) Then 'Just about done? Dim xRed, xGreen, xBlue '** ghostFadeTimer = ghostFadeAmount 'Reset timer '** If FlGhostB.alpha > Int(ghostModeRGB(2)/2) Then FlGhostB.Alpha = FlGhostB.Alpha - gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostB.alpha < Int(ghostModeRGB(2)/2) Then FlGhostB.Alpha = FlGhostB.Alpha + gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostR.alpha > Int(ghostModeRGB(0)/2) Then FlGhostR.Alpha = FlGhostR.Alpha - gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostR.alpha < Int(ghostModeRGB(0)/2) Then FlGhostR.Alpha = FlGhostR.Alpha + gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostG.alpha > Int(ghostModeRGB(1)/2) Then FlGhostG.Alpha = FlGhostG.Alpha - gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostG.alpha < Int(ghostModeRGB(1)/2) Then FlGhostG.Alpha = FlGhostG.Alpha + gFadeSpeed '** If FlGhostG.alpha = Int(ghostModeRGB(1)/2) AND FlGhostR.alpha = Int(ghostModeRGB(0)/2) AND FlGhostB.alpha = Int(ghostModeRGB(2)/2) Then '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost0" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost1" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 128 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 128 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 128 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost2" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 131 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost3" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 255 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost4" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 255 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost5" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost6" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost7" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 200 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 140 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost8" '** GhostFadeTimer = 0 '** End If xRed = Bi2Dec(Right(Dec2Bi(GiLight2.Color), 8)) xGreen = Bi2Dec(Mid(Dec2Bi(GiLight2.Color), 9, 8)) xBlue = Bi2Dec(Left(Dec2Bi(GiLight2.Color), 8)) If xRed > ghostModeRGB(0) Then xRed = xRed - gFadeSpeed If xRed < ghostModeRGB(0) Then xRed = xRed + gFadeSpeed If xGreen > ghostModeRGB(1) Then xGreen = xGreen - gFadeSpeed If xGreen < ghostModeRGB(1) Then xGreen = xGreen + gFadeSpeed If xBlue > ghostModeRGB(2) Then xBlue = xBlue - gFadeSpeed If xBlue < ghostModeRGB(2) Then xBlue = xBlue + gFadeSpeed For each bulb in Ghost_RGB bulb.color = RGB(xRed, xGreen, xBlue) Next if (xRed = ghostModeRGB(0)) AND (xGreen = ghostModeRGB(1)) AND (xBlue = ghostModeRGB(2)) Then ghostFadeTimer = 0 For each bulb in Ghost_RGB bulb.color = RGB(ghostModeRGB(0), ghostModeRGB(1), ghostModeRGB(2)) Next End If End If End If if (RGBtimer) Then 'Changing the cabinet lighting? Dim Bulb, tRed, tGreen, tBlue, lRed, lGreen, lBlue, RGBFlag RGBFlag = 0 RGBtimer = RGBtimer - 1 if (RGBtimer < 1) Then 'Time to change? RGBtimer = RGBspeed 'Reset timer '** Dim X '** Dim RGBflag 'Set flag to 0. This checks if all 3 have reached their target (since some might be closer to others when starting) '** RGBflag = 0 '** for x = 0 To 2 'Make current colors match the target '** if (left_RGB(x).alpha > Int(targetRGB(x) / 10)) Then '** left_RGB(x).alpha = left_rgb(x).alpha - 1 '** End If '** if (left_rgb(x).alpha < Int(targetRGB(x) / 10)) Then '** left_rgb(x).alpha = left_rgb(x).alpha + 1 '** End If '** if (left_rgb(x).alpha = int(targetRGB(x) / 10)) Then '** RGBflag = RGBflag + 1 'Did we reach it? Increase flag counter '** End If '** Left_Lights(x).alpha = Left_RGB(x).alpha * 10 '** Right_Lights(x).alpha = Left_Lights(x).alpha '** right_rgb(x).alpha = left_rgb(x).alpha 'Make both sides the same color '** Next lRed = Bi2Dec(Right(Dec2Bi(GiLight9.Color), 8)) '-EP take one light's color, change it to a binary string, look at the 8 bits on the right, and convert that into a decimal lGreen = Bi2Dec(Mid(Dec2Bi(GiLight9.Color), 9, 8)) '-EP Do the same but look at the middle 8 bits lBlue = Bi2Dec(Left(Dec2Bi(GiLight9.Color), 8)) '-EP Do the same but look at the left 8 bits tRed = Bi2Dec(Right(Dec2Bi(RGBTarget), 8)) '-EP and again, but looking at the target RGB color tGreen = Bi2Dec(Mid(Dec2Bi(RGBTarget), 9, 8)) tBlue = Bi2Dec(Left(Dec2Bi(RGBTarget), 8)) If lRed = tRed Then RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 ElseIf lRed > tRed Then '-EP if the red bits haven't reached their target, then decrease their amount lRed = lRed - rgbfadeamount If lRed <= tRed Then lRed = tRed RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If ElseIf lRed < tRed Then '-EP rgbfadeamount is defined at the top of this Sub lRed = lRed + rgbfadeamount If lRed >= tRed Then lRed = tRed RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If End If If lGreen = tGreen Then RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 ElseIf lGreen > tGreen Then lGreen = lGreen - rgbfadeamount If lGreen <= tGreen Then lGreen = tGreen RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If ElseIf lGreen < tGreen Then lGreen = lGreen + rgbfadeamount If lGreen >= tGreen Then lGreen = tGreen RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If End If If lBlue = tBlue Then RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 ElseIf lBlue > tBlue Then lBlue = lBlue - rgbfadeamount If lBlue <= tBlue Then lBlue = tBlue RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If ElseIf lBlue < tBlue Then lBlue = lBlue + rgbfadeamount If lBlue >= tBlue Then lBlue = tBlue RGBFlag = RGBFlag + 1 End If End If For Each bulb in Right_RGB bulb.Color = RGB(lRed, lGreen, lBlue) next For Each bulb in Left_RGB bulb.Color = RGB(lRed, lGreen, lBlue) next if (RGBflag = 3) Then 'If all 3 reached target, we're done! RGBtimer = 0 'Clear timer to finish mode 'BackGlass Stuff Dim BGColorL If targetRGB(0) > 0 AND targetRGB(1) = 0 AND targetRGB(2) > 0 Then BGColorL = "purple" If targetRGB(0) > 0 AND targetRGB(1) = 0 AND targetRGB(2) = 0 Then BGColorL = "red" If targetRGB(0) > 0 AND targetRGB(1) > 0 AND targetRGB(2) > 0 Then BGColorL = "white" If targetRGB(0) = 0 AND targetRGB(1) > 0 AND targetRGB(2) = 0 Then BGColorL = "green" If targetRGB(0) = 0 AND targetRGB(1) = 0 AND targetRGB(2) > 0 Then BGColorL = "blue" backglassoff(2) SetBackGlass 1, BGColorL SetBackGlass 2, BGColorL End If doRGB() End If End If if (comboTimer) Then comboTimer = comboTimer - 1 if (comboTimer = 0) Then 'Time's up for Combo? if (tourLights(comboShot) = 0) Then 'If camera icon isn't still being used for a Tour shot... light photoLights(comboShot), 0 'Turn off the Combo Shot Lamp End If if (theProgress(player) = 100) Then 'CASE 3: Theater has been completed? Reset Sweet Jumps score counter sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter End If comboCount = 1 'Reset the count for next time comboVideoFlag = 0 'Clear flag End If End If if (skillShot > 0 and run = 3) Then 'This timer lets us sense a half-ass skill shot attempt modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer > Int(100000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Keep it from getting too high, like Towlie modeTimer = Int(10000/CycleAdjuster) End If End If if (dirtyPoolTimer) Then dirtyPoolLogic() End If if (restartTimer) Then restartTimer = restartTimer - 1 if (restartTimer = 1) Then restartSeconds = restartSeconds - 1 restartTimer = longSecond if (restartSeconds = 0) Then 'Out of time? restartKill restartMode, 0 'Kill whatever we were trying to restart Else ' numbers 0, numberStay | 4, 0, 0, restartSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. numbers "", "", "", "" 'EP- Fairly certain this isn't right, but I'll see what it does End If End If End If if (lightningTimer) Then lightningTimer = lightningTimer + 1 lightningFX(lightningTimer) End If if (HellSafe) Then HellSafe = HellSafe - 1 'Decrement it if (HellSafe = 1 and HellBall = 10) Then 'Ball didn't hit the middle Subway switch in time? 'Serial.println("BALL MISSING RE-TRYING") hellCheck = 20 'Set state, which means Go Back to Up, then come back down ElevatorSet hellUp, 100 'Send hellavator up 'Set timer to Cycles it will take for hell to go back up + Cycles it'll take to come back down HellSafe = ((hellUp - hellDown) * 100) + ((hellUp - hellDown) * 200) + subwayTime Kihellevator.Kick 205, 10, 70 End If End If if (lightStatus) Then animationTimer = animationTimer + 1 if (animationTimer > animationTarget) Then animationTimer = 0 lightCurrent = lightCurrent + 1 if (lightCurrent > lightEnd) Then if (lightStatus) AND (lightLoop) Then lightCurrent = lightStart Else if (scoringTimer) Then 'If Psychic scoring is active, we interrupted the animation animatePF 119, 30, 1 'Restart looping Psychic animation Else lightStatus = 0 End If End If End If End If End If if (scoringTimer) Then scoringTimer = scoringTimer - 1 if (scoringTimer = Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) Then 'Just about done? '; video "S", "P", "J", allowSmall, 0, 200 'Video for it playSFX 2, "S", "1", "Z", 200 'Replace with DOUBLE SCORING hurry-up prompt End If if (scoringTimer = 1) Then 'Done? scoreMultiplier = 1 'Multiplier done scoringTimer = 0 'Reset timer '; video "S", "P", "K", allowSmall, 0, 200 'Psychic Scoring OVER! playSFX 2, "S", "2", "Z", 200 'Double Scoring Over prompt animatePF 0, 0, 0 'Kill animations light 51, 7 'Light Psychic solid (done) End If End If End Sub Sub Tilt() End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR THEATER MODE 2............................ sub TheaterAdvance() 'Logic to advance Theater Mode 2 Dim X AddScore(advanceScore) flashCab 0, 255, 0, 100 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color theProgress(player) = theProgress(player) + 1 areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 if (theProgress(player) < 3) Then 'First 3 advances? video "T", 48 + theProgress(player), "A", allowSmall, 90, 255 'Play first 3 videos, based off how far we are playSFX 0, "T", theProgress(player) + 48, random(4) + 65, 255 for x=0 To theProgress(player)-1 light 36 + x, 7 'Light all progress, in case we Double Advance Next pulse(theProgress(player) + 36) 'Pulse the next one End If 'MAKE SURE THIS DOESN'T COLLIDE WITH DOCTOR GHOST MODE START, BECAUSE RIGHT NOW IT COULD if (theProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Prompt shot for Mode Start. video "T", "3", "A", allowSmall, 90, 255 'Play first 3 videos, based off how far we are playSFX 0, "T", "3", random(4) + 65, 255 light 36, 7 'Manually set them solid light 37, 7 light 38, 7 pulse(12) 'Blink light 12 for Theater Start DoorSet DoorOpen, 250 'Open the door. if (hosProgress(player) = 3) Then 'Had doctor ready? light 11, 0 'Gonna have to wait! End If End If End Sub sub TheaterStart() 'What happens when we shoot "Theater Ghost" when lit restartKill 2, 1 'In case we got the Restart comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(0) 'No spirit guide during Theater hellEnable(0) 'Can't do multiball in this mode modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore(startScore) popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress setGhostModeRGB 255, 255, 0 'Yellow Ghost setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 100 'Green cab jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Reset this just in case if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If pulse(17) 'Pulse Ghost Targets (they add extra time) pulse(18) pulse(19) pulse(39) 'Jump light ElevatorSet hellUp, 300 'Make sure elevator is UP blink(41) theProgress(player) = 10 'Set flag for the mode being started Mode(player) = 2 'Set mode to 2 Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode started, disable advancement until we are done TargetTimerSet 10, TargetUp, 50 'Just in case if (minion(player) = 10) Then 'In a minion battle? minionEnd(0) 'End mode, with flag to NOT re-enable it End If DoorSet DoorClosed, 1 'Shut door fast! light 12, 0 'Turn off THEATER start mode light blink(58) 'Blink the Theater mode light. 'VOICE CALL, GHOST APPEARS killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "T", "4", "A", allowSmall, 170, 255 'Ghost reveal! playSFX 0, "T", "5", 65 + random(4), 255 'Mode start dialog ' playMusic 'B', '1' 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Starts at ZERO. Increases with each SWEET JUMP. Resets if you hit the Ghost Targets for more time sweetJump = 0 modeTimer = Int(130000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't start for an extra second countSeconds = TheaterTime 'How many seconds to get to hit the shot '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update the Numbers Timer. We do "-1" so it'll display a zero. shotValue = (10000 * countSeconds) + 500000 'Starting shot value customScore "T", "P", "A", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'Shoot Ghost custom score prompt '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner '; numbers 9, 2, 70, 27, shotValue 'Shot Value '; numbers 10, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right strobe 26, 6 'Strobe HOTEL LIGHTS - path 1 strobe 36, 4 'Strobe JUMP SHOT - combo on camera appearing or going away won't affect it KickLeft 106000, vukPower 'Kick back ball 'KickLeft 90000, vukPower 'Kick back ball showProgress 1, player 'Show the Main Progress lights videoModeCheck() skip = 20 'Set theater skip mode 1 End Sub sub TheaterPlay(yesNo) 'What happens when you shoot the strobing paths if (yesNo = 0) Then 'Sent with with a flag that this ISN'T the shot we want? playSFX 0, "T", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Ghost gives you shit TheaterStrobe() 'Make sure correct shot is LIT if (theProgress(player) = 13) Then 'Should we prompt to SHOOT GHOST? video "T", "4", "E", allowSmall, 80, 255 'Ghost upset, prompt to SHOOT GHOST TO FINISH Else video "T", "4", "C", allowSmall, 80, 255 'Ghost upset, prompt to SHOOT NEXT STROBING End If Exit Sub End If AddScore((10000 * countSeconds) + 500000) '10k per second left + 250k per correct shot countSeconds = TheaterTime 'Reset timer shotValue = (10000 * countSeconds) + 500000 'Reset shot value '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update timer '; numbers 9, 2, 70, 27, shotValue 'Update shot value if (theProgress(player) = 10) Then 'First shot? modeTimer = Int(120000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't start for an extra second ElevatorSet hellDown, 550 'Move elevator down light 41, 0 killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "T", "7", "A", allowSmall, 182, 255 'Scene 1 playSFX 0, "T", "7", "A", 255 'Play dialog 1 light 26, 0 'Turn OFF the HOTEL STROBE strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the SPOOKY DOOR shot! customScore "T", "P", "B", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'Shoot DOOR custom score prompt theProgress(player) = 11 'Advance this DoorSet DoorOpen, 500 'Open door for next shot skip = 21 'Second skip event Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) = 11) Then 'Second shot? modeTimer = Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't start for an extra second killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "T", "7", "B", allowSmall, 148, 255 'Scene 1 playSFX 0, "T", "7", "B", 255 'Play dialog 1 light 8, 0 'Turn OFF the SPOOKY DOOR STROBE strobe 43, 5 'Strobe BASEMENT SCOOP path customScore "T", "P", "C", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'Shoot SCOOP custom score prompt theProgress(player) = 12 'Advance this KickLeft 76000, vukPower 'Kick it out slowly DoorSet DoorClosed, 500 'Close door for next shot skip = 22 'Third skip event Exit Sub End If if (theProgress(player) = 12) Then 'Third shot? modeTimer = Int(80000/cycleAdjuster) 'Set high so timer doesn't start for an extra second killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "T", "7", "C", allowSmall, 133, 255 'Scene 1 playSFX 0, "T", "7", "C", 255 'Play dialog 1 light 43, 0 'Turn OFF the SPOOKY DOOR STROBE blink(16) 'Blink the GHOST TARGET lights blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) customScore "T", "P", "D", allowAll OR loopVideo, 120 'Shoot Ghost custom score prompt TargetTimerSet 5000, TargetDown, 400 'Put down the Ghost Targets very slowly theProgress(player) = 13 'Advance this ScoopTime = Int(62500/CycleAdjuster) 'Kick out scoop, at a slower rate skip = 23 'Fourth skip event Exit Sub End If End Sub sub TheaterStrobe() 'Reset whatever light SHOULD be strobing strobe 36, 4 'Strobe JUMP SHOT - combo on camera appearing or going away won't affect it Select Case theProgress(player) case 10: strobe 26, 6 'Strobe HOTEL LIGHTS - path 1 case 11: strobe 8, 7 case 12: strobe 43, 5 case 13: blink(16) 'Blink the GHOST TARGET lights blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) End Select End Sub sub TheaterWin() DOF 134, 2 loadLamp(player) 'Restore what the lamps were doing before this mode started comboKill() spiritGuideEnable(1) ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(800/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color MagnetSet(1200) 'Catch ball and hold for remaining lines light 58, 7 'Set THEATER LIGHT solid! modeTimer = 0 'Disable timer killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() light 36, 0 light 37, 0 light 38, 0 light 39, 0 light 12, 0 'Theater Mode Solid! AddScore(winScore) playSFX 0, "T", "7", "D", 255 'Mode win dialog killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "T", "7", "D", noExitFlush, 215, 255 'Mode won, prevent numbers '; numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points as Number modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "T", "7", "E", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Mode Total Video sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" theProgress(player) = 50 'Sets a flag so when MAGNET finishes and releases the ball, it will totally finish the mode End Sub sub TheaterOver() Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 4 'Set THEATER WON bit for this player. if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If ghostsDefeated(player) = ghostsDefeated(player) + 1 'For bonuses Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started hellEnable(1) theProgress(player) = 100 'Mode done and can't be restarted if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If if (videoMode(player) > 0) Then 'Video mode is available? videoModeLite() 'Enable it, leave targets down Else TargetTimerSet 10000, TargetUp, 100 minionEnd(2) 'Re-enable Minion find but do NOT let it control targets since this mode needs to do that End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready 'checkModePost() 'Doing this manually so we can skip the Target Logic (we're handling that!) doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door checkRoll() 'See if we enabled GLIR Ghost Photo Hunt during that mode elevatorLogic() 'Did the mode move the elevator? Re-enable it and lock lights 'targetLogic(1) 'Where the Ghost Targets should be, up or down popLogic(0) 'Figure out what mode the Pops should be in showProgress 0, player End Sub sub TheaterFail( reasonFail) loadLamp(player) 'Restore what the lamps were doing before this mode started comboKill() spiritGuideEnable(1) ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() sweetJumpBonus = 0 'Reset score (hitting it adds value) sweetJump = 0 'Reset video/SFX counter modeTimer = 0 'Disable timer killTimer(0) 'Turn off numbers if ((ModeWon(player) AND 4)=4) Then 'Did we win this mode before? light 58, 7 'Make Theater Mode light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 58, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If if (reasonFail = 0) Then 'Fail via drain we pass a 1, and thus, don't do the video or speech modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started checkModePost() hellEnable(1) if ((modeRestart(player) AND 4)=4) Then 'Able to restart theater? modeRestart(player) = modeRestart(player) AND 251 'Clear the restart bit playSFX 0, "T", "9", 65 + random(4), 255 'A-D fail quotes video "T", "4", "H", allowSmall, 105, 255 'Mode Fail, Shoot door to Restart DoorSet DoorOpen, 100 'Make sure door is open restartBegin 2, 11, 25000 'Enable a restart! Mode 2, for 5 seconds, starting timer value theProgress(player) = 3 'Allows you to re-start the mode showProgress 0, player 'Re-load other stuff light 9, 0 light 10, 0 light 11, 0 strobe 8, 4 'Strobe lights under door ' playMusic 'H', '2' 'Hurry Up Music! musicplayer "bgout_H2.mp3" Else light 12, 0 'Turn off Theater Ghost light playSFX 0, "T", "9", 65 + random(4), 255 'A-D fail quotes video "T", "4", "D", allowSmall, 111, 255 'Mode Fail, NO RESTART PROMPT theProgress(player) = 0 'Gotta start over pulse(36) 'Reset theater advance lights light 37, 0 light 38, 0 showProgress 0, player ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" End If Else modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started if ((modeRestart(player) AND 4)=4) Then 'Able to restart theater? modeRestart(player) = modeRestart(player) AND 251 'Clear the restart bit theProgress(player) = 3 'Allows you to re-start the mode Else theProgress(player) = 0 pulse(36) 'Reset theater advance lights light 37, 0 light 38, 0 End If showProgress 0, player checkModePost() 'Disable for testing hellEnable(1) End If 'Show the lights End Sub 'END FUNCTIONS FOR THEATER MODE 2............................ Function tourGuide(whichBit, whichMode, whichLight, nullPoints, nullSound) 'Returns: '0 = You already got this one '1 = You completed this part of the tour! '10 = You completed this tour! (4 of 4) '99 = You completed ALL tours! if ((tourBits AND (shiftLeft(1, whichBit))) = (shiftLeft(1, whichBit))) Then 'Already hit this one? AddScore(nullPoints) 'A few points so shot logic doesn't have to worry about awarding anything if (nullSound) Then playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Generic shot WHOOSH sound End If tourGuide = 0 Exit Function 'Return a null End If 'OK so we must not have hit this one yet, proceed: light photoLights(whichLight), 0 'Turn out that light tourLights(whichLight) = 0 'Clear the tour lights for combo protection tourBits = tourBits OR shiftLeft(whichBit, 1) 'Set the bit tourTotal = tourTotal + 1 'Increase tour total if (tourTotal > 4) Then 'Just in case we forget to reset it for a mode tourTotal = 4 End If 'CHANGE TO A SOUND EFFECT!!! 'playMusicOnce 'T', '0' + tourTotal 'Music for each advance if (whichMode = 8) Then 'Multiball? stopVideo(0) video "C", "G", 65 + random(2), noExitFlush, 12, 255 'Net catch left or right if (whichLight <> 2) Then 'Don't show number video on center shot since pops will override it '; numbers 7, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, catchValue * 100500 'Value multiplies every time you clear all 4 numbers "", "", catchValue*100500, catchValue*100500 videoQ "C", "G", "C", noEntryFlush OR 3, 30, 255 'Mode Total: End If AddScore(catchValue * 100500) 'And add it to the score playSFX 0, "Q", "C", 65 + random(5), 250 'Sound + Heather compliment if (tourTotal = 4) Then catchValue = catchValue + 1 if (catchValue > 255) Then 'Could be possible. You never know. catchValue = 1 End If 'Re-light the shots! tourReset(58) 'Tour: Left orbit, door VUK, up middle, right orbit (excludes Hotel and Scoop End If Else if (tourTotal = 4) Then 'Completed this tour? tourComplete(player) = tourComplete(player) OR ShiftRight(whichMode, 1) 'Set flag that we completed the tour playSFX 1, "A", "X", "F", 255 'Tour complete sound if ((tourComplete(player) AND 126) = 126) Then video "R", "7", "A", 0, 45, 255 'NEED A VIDEO FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!! showValue 10000000, 40, 1 '10 MEEEEEELION! TourGuide = 99 Exit Function 'Completed all tours! Else video "R", whichMode, 64 + tourTotal, 0, 45, 210 'Show the correct video showValue 3000000, 40, 1 'Completing tour = 3 million TourGuide = 10 Exit Function 'Completed this tours! End If Else video "R", whichMode, 64 + tourTotal, 0, 45, 210 'Show the correct video playSFX 1, "A", "X", "E", 255 'Tour advance sound showValue 500000 * tourTotal, 40, 1 '500k, 1 mil, 1.5 mil, then 3 million! TourGuide = 1 Exit Function 'Return that we got 1 End If End If End Function sub tourReset(whichLights) 'Quickly sets the Tour Lights for a mode Dim X, bitChecker 'photoLights() = Then7, 14, 23, 31, 39, 47End If bitChecker = 32 for x=0 To 5 if ((whichLights AND bitChecker) = bitChecker) Then blink(photoLights(x)) tourLights(x) = 1 'Set that a Tour Light is here Else tourLights(x) = 0 End If bitChecker = ShiftRight(bitChecker, 1) Next tourBits = 0 tourTotal = 0 End Sub sub tourClear() 'Gets rid of the Tour Lights mode end or fail, tilt Dim X for x=0 To 5 light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the light tourLights(x) = 0 'Clear the value so it won't interfere with combos / scoop light Next tourBits = 0 tourTotal = 0 End Sub 'FUNCTIONS FOR WAR FORT MODE 3............................ sub WarAdvance() AddScore(popScore) flashCab 0, 255, 0, 10 'Flash the GHOST BOSS color areaProgress(player) = areaProgress(player) + 1 fortProgress(player) = fortProgress(player) + 1 if (fortProgress(player) > 0 and fortProgress(player) < 26) Then ' and centerTimer = 0) Then video "WA", "Z", fortprogress(player), allowBar OR allowSmall OR preventRestart, 40, 250 'Advance video EP- Had to adjust since DMD doesn't have a progress bar ' showProgressBar(4, 3, 12, 26, fortProgress player) * 4, 4 ' showProgressBar(5, 10, 12, 27, fortProgress player) * 4, 2 End If if (fortProgress(player) = 6) Then playSFX 0, "W", "1", random(4) + 65, 250 'Advance sound 1 Exit Sub End If if (fortProgress(player) = 18) Then playSFX 0, "W", "2", random(4) + 65, 250 'Advance sound 2 Exit Sub End If if (fortProgress(player) = 26) Then 'Did we fill the bar? Prompt for Mode Start! killQ() stopVideo(0) video "W", "0", "0", 0, 90, 255 'Prompt for Army Ghost Lit playSFX 0, "W", "3", random(4) + 65, 250 'Prompt for Mode Start 'centerTimer = 25000 'Prevents pop bumper jackpot from overiding prompt video fortProgress(player) = 50 '50 indicates Mode is ready to start. popLogic(3) 'EVP pops spiritGuideEnable(0) showScoopLights() 'Update the Scoop Lights 'pulse(44) 'Pulse the ARMY GHOST start light 'light 43, 0 'Turn off PHOTO HUNT start. If eligible, it will light after mode over 'light 46, 0 'Turn off SPIRIT GUIDE. If eligible, it will re-light during mode Exit Sub End If popToggle() 'playSFX(0, 'W', 'Z', random 10) + 65, 100 'Else, play the normal War Advance pop bumper sounds stereoSFX 1, "W", "Z", random(10) + 65, 100, leftVolume, rightVolume End Sub sub WarStart() Dim whichIntro, X light 44, 0 'Turn off blinking ARMY GHOST light before storing lamp state comboKill() storeLamp(player) 'Store the state of the Player's lamps allLamp(0) 'Turn off the lamps spiritGuideEnable(1) 'Spirit Guide available during mode. It will turn OFF until you start War Fort, turn ON after you make the shot to start War Fort modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points AddScore(startScore) 'One mil just for starting. comboKill() minionEnd(0) 'Disable Minion mode, even if it's in progress TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put them down so we'll notice them come UP setGhostModeRGB 255, 0, 255 'Magenta setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 200 'cabinet color GREEN popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP tourReset(46) 'Tour: Left orbit, up middle, hotel path, right orbit (excludes Door and Scoop 'Door is used for CONFEDERATE GOLD! 'Scoop = Spirit Guide if (countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Is this the last Boss Ghost to beat? blink(48) 'Blink that progress light End If light 44, 7 'Turn WAR FORT start light SOLID blink(59) 'Blink the Mode Light during battle. pulse(14) 'Pulse Door Camera (secret GOLD MODE!) Advance_Enable = 0 'Mode started, disable advancement until we are done modeTimer = 0 'We'll use this if player Goes for the Gold! goldHits = 0 goldTotal = 0 'Total Gold score Mode(player) = 4 'War Fort Mode officially started! gTargets(0) = 0 'Reset the 3 Ghost target status gTargets(1) = 0 gTargets(2) = 0 light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 goldTimer = 0 modeTimer = 0 fortProgress(player) = 59 'Flag to BLINK the soldiers lights upon Scoop Kick. Then it switches to 60, mode begun! soldierUp = 7 'Set all soldiers to be up warHits = 0 'How many times we've hit the War ghost ghostLook = 1 'Allow ghost to look around again 'VOICE CALL, GHOST APPEARS whichIntro = random(3) If whichIntro = 0 Then X = 154 If whichIntro = 1 Then X = 166 If whichIntro = 2 Then X = 168 playSFX 0, "W", "4", whichIntro + 65, 255 'Mode start dialog video "W", "0", whichIntro + 49, allowSmall, X, 255'Video that matches ' playMusic 'B', '1' 'Boss battle music! musicplayer "bgout_B1.mp3" hellEnable(1) 'You can lock balls and get MB stacked on this mode doorLogic() 'See what the door should do TargetTimerSet 85000, TargetUp, 50 'Bring them up in about 8 seconds ScoopTime = Int(120000/CycleAdjuster) showProgress 1, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style ghostAction = Int(320000/cycleAdjuster) videoModeCheck() customScore "W", "A", 64 + soldierUp, allowAll OR loopVideo, 150 'Shoot score with targets in front '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner '; numbers 9, 9, 88, 0, 0 'Ball # upper right skip = 40 End Sub sub WarFight() playSFX 0, "W", "6", 65 + random(3), 255 'Soldier hit noise + "Defense are down let's get this ghost!" modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer for exorcist quotes customScore "W", "C", "0", allowAll OR loopVideo, 100 'Shoot score with targets in front '; numbers 8, numberScore OR 2, 0, 0, player 'Show player's score in upper left corner '; numbers 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 'Cancel #9 fortProgress(player) = 70 'Now we are fighting the ghost himself! pulse(16) 'Pulse the MAKE CONTACT light TargetSet(TargetDown) 'Put down the targets ' playMusic 'G', 'S' 'Play annoying Ghost Squad theme! musicplayer "bgout_GS.mp3" jackpotMultiplier = 1 'Reset this just in case End Sub sub WarLogic() Dim X if (ScoopTime = 0) Then 'Don't count while the ball is in the scoop if (fortProgress(player) = 60) Then 'Trying to knock down soldiers? modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(120000/cycleAdjuster)) Then x = random(10) if (x < 5) Then playSFX 0, "W", "A", random(10), 200 'Random team leader prompts Else playSFX 2, "L", "G", random(8), 200 'Random lightning lightningStart(Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) End If modeTimer = 0 End If End If if (fortProgress(player) > 69 and fortProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Fighting the Army Ghost? modeTimer = modeTimer + 1 if (modeTimer = Int(120000/CycleAdjuster)) Then lightningStart(1) 'Do some lightning! x = random(10) if (x < 5) Then playSFX 0, "W", "B", random(10), 100 'Random team leader prompts Else playSFX 2, "L", "G", random(8), 100 'Random lightning lightningStart(Int(50000/CycleAdjuster)) End If End If if (modeTimer = Int(150000/CycleAdjuster)) Then modeTimer = 0 End If End If End If End Sub sub WarTrap() Dim whichBallWhack ghostLook = 0 ghostBored = 0 'Prevents his look action from happening fortProgress(player) = fortProgress(player) + 1 if (fortProgress(player) = 71) Then 'First hit where he throws it back? AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player)) light 19, 0 'Turn off Light 3 - his "health bar" whichBallWhack = random(4) 'Taunts 1-4 playSFX 0, "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 65, 255 'Play SFX video "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 65, allowSmall, 68, 255 'Ghost hit, throws back ball customScore "W", "C", "1", allowAll OR loopVideo, 100 'Shoot score with targets in front 'videoQ 'W', 'B', '1', allowSmall, 0, 200 'Ghost ready to fight! MagnetSet(300) 'Catch ball. ghostFlash(50) ghostAction = Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front End If if (fortProgress(player) = 72) Then 'Second hit where he throws it back? AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player)) light 18, 0 'Turn off Light 2 - his "health bar" whichBallWhack = random(4) 'Taunts 5-8 playSFX 0, "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 69, 255 'Play SFX video "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 69, allowSmall, 90, 255 'Ghost hit, throws back ball customScore "W", "C", "2", allowAll OR loopVideo, 100 'Shoot score with targets in front 'videoQ 'W', 'B', '2', allowSmall, 0, 200 MagnetSet(300) 'Catch ball. ghostFlash(50) ghostAction = Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front End If if (fortProgress(player) = 73) Then 'Third hit? if (multiBall AND multiballHell) Then 'If MB active, give points but don't end mode until second ball is gone fortProgress(player) = 72 'Make this loop AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player)) 'You can get a lot more jackpots this way! light 18, 0 'Turn off Light 2 - his "health bar" whichBallWhack = random(8) 'Taunts 5-8 playSFX 0, "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 65, 255 'Play SFX video "W", "7", whichBallWhack + 65, allowSmall, 680, 255 'Ghost hit, throws back ball customScore "W", "C", "Z", allowAll OR loopVideo, 100 'Shoot score with targets in front sendJackpot(0) 'Update jackpot value '; numbers 9, numberScore OR 2, 72, 27, 0 'Use Score #0 to display the Jackpot Value bottom off to right MagnetSet(400) 'Catch ball. ghostFlash(50) ghostAction = Int(100000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front Else 'If we aren't in a stacked MB, third hit wins mode MagnetSet(500) 'Catch ball. WarWin() End If End If End Sub sub WarGoldStart() goldHits = goldHits + 1 'Increase # of Gold Hits if (goldHits = 1) Then video "W", "G", "A", allowSmall, 60, 255 '2 HITS TO GO playSFX 0, "W", "G", 65 + random(4), 255 AddScore(50000) ' DoorLocation = DoorClosed - 10 'Put it to be slightly opened ' myservo(DoorServo).write(DoorLocation) 'Send that value to the servo PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 10 DoorSet DoorClosed, 1000 'Then make it go back closed ghostMove 10, 10 'Ghost looks at door. ghostBored = Int((5000 + random(15000))/cycleAdjuster) 'Set bored timer. End If if (goldHits = 2) Then video "W", "G", "B", allowSmall, 60, 255 '1 HIT TO GO playSFX 0, "W", "G", 69 + random(4), 255 AddScore(50000) ' DoorLocation = DoorClosed + 20 'Put it to be slightly opened ' myservo(DoorServo).write(DoorLocation) 'Send that value to the servo PrDoor.ObjRotZ = DoorClosed + 20 DoorSet DoorClosed, 1000 'Then make it go back closed ghostMove 10, 10 'Ghost looks at door. ghostBored = 5000 + random(15000) 'Set bored timer. End If if (goldHits = 3) Then 'Gold Mode Start! AddScore(100000) goldHits = 10 'Set flag that we're collecting gold video "W", "G", "C", allowSmall, 90, 255 'Gold Mode Start! playSFX 0, "W", "G", 73 + random(4), 255 'Mode start dialog DoorSet DoorOpen, 50 'Open the door light 14, 0 'Turn off blinking camera strobe 8, 7 'Strobe the DOOR SHOT countSeconds = GoldTime 'You've got 20 seconds to get a lot of gold! goldTotal = 0 'Keep track of score goldTimer = Int(30000/cycleAdjuster) 'Seconds countdown timer. Start a little higher to give player a chance ghostAction = Int(206000/CycleAdjuster) 'Guarding door '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update display End If End Sub sub WarGoldLogic() goldTimer = goldTimer - 1 if (goldTimer = 1) Then 'Just about done? goldTimer = longSecond 'Reset Mode Timer countSeconds = countSeconds - 1 'Decrease seconds counter if (countSeconds) Then 'If Not Zero... '; numbers 0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1 'Update display if (countSeconds > 1 and countSeconds < 7) Then 'Count down 5 4 3 2 1 playSFX 2, "A", "M", 47 + countSeconds, 1 Else playSFX 2, "Y", "Z", "Z", 1 'Beeps End If Else 'Time's up! WarGoldEnd() End If End If End Sub sub WarGoldEnd() DoorSet DoorClosed, 5 'Close the door killTimer(0) 'Turn off timer numbers light 8, 0 'Turn off strobe ghostAction = 0 if (goldTotal) Then 'Did player collect some? video "W", "G", "G", allowSmall, 45, 255 'Gold Mode Win! showValue goldTotal, 40, 0 'Flash the total points scored via Gold (don't add it to score since it has been already! playSFX 0, "W", "G", 85 + random(6), 255 'Mode end dialog goldHits = 100 'Set flag so mode can't be re-started light 14, 0 'Camera OFF we're done Else video "W", "G", "H", allowSmall, 60, 255 'Gold Mode Fail! playSFX 0, "W", "G", 4 + random(4), 255 'Mode end dialog goldHits = 0 'Set flag so mode CAN be re-started! blink(14) 'Blink camera for re-start End If ghostAction = Int(319999/CycleAdjuster) End Sub sub WarWin() DOF 134, 2 if (multiBall) Then 'Was a MB stacked? multiBallEnd(1) 'End it, with flag that it's ending along with a mode End If tourClear() loadLamp(player) 'Load the original lamp state back in spiritGuideEnable(1) comboKill() killNumbers() 'Turn off numbers if (goldHits < 100) Then goldHits = 0 'Enable Gold for next time if we didn't get it End If AddScore(winScore) ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(200/cycleAdjuster) ghostFadeAmount = Int(200/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color light 59, 7 'War Fort solid = Mode Won! light 16, 0 'Turn off MAKE CONTACT light light 17, 0 'Clear the lights for a bit light 18, 0 light 19, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 ghostMove 90, 50 killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos video "W", "9", "A", noExitFlush, 87, 255 'Play Death Video '; numbersPriority 0, numberFlash OR 1, 255, 11, modeTotal, 233 'Load Mode Total Points modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points videoQ "W", "9", "B", noEntryFlush OR 3, 45, 233 'Mode Total: playSFX 0, "W", "8", random(4) + 65, 255 'Mode end dialog fortProgress(player) = 99 ' playMusic 'M', '2' 'Normal music musicplayer "bgout_M2.mp3" if (videoMode(player) = 0) Then 'Video mode is available? TargetTimerSet 60000, TargetUp, 50 'Put targets back up, but not so fast ball is caught End If End Sub sub WarFail() Dim X tourClear() loadLamp(player) 'Load the original lamp state back in spiritGuideEnable(1) comboKill() killNumbers() 'Turn off numbers if (goldHits < 100) Then goldHits = 0 'Enable Gold for next time if we didn't get it End If if ((ModeWon(player) AND 8)=8) Then 'Did we win this mode before? light 59, 7 'Make light solid, since it HAS been won Else light 59, 0 'Haven't won it yet, turn it off End If ghostModeRGB(0) = 0 ghostModeRGB(1) = 0 ghostModeRGB(2) = 0 ghostFadeTimer = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) 'Fade out ghost ghostFadeAmount = Int(100/CycleAdjuster) setCabModeFade defaultR, defaultG, defaultB, 100 'Reset cabinet color killScoreNumbers() 'Disable any custom score numbers (so they won't pop up next time we build a custom score display) killCustomScore() light 16, 0 'Turn off "Make Contact" light 17, 0 light 18, 0 light 19, 0 ghostLook = 1 'Ghost will now look around again. ghostAction = 0 ghostMove 90, 50 modeTotal = 0 'Reset mode points Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None 'fortProgress(player) = 50 '50 indicates Mode is ready to start. You can re-start the Ghost Whore fight if ((modeRestart(player) AND 16)=16) Then 'Able to restart War Fort? modeRestart(player) = modeRestart(player) AND 239 'Clear the restart bit fortProgress(player) = 50 'Mode start light re-lit pulse(44) 'Pulse the ARMY GHOST start light popLogic(3) 'Set pops to EVP showProgress 0, player Else 'End mode, and let the ball drain light 44, 0 'Make sure Army Ghost light is OFF dirtyPoolMode(1) 'Don't want to trap balls anymore fortProgress(player) = 0 'Gotta start over if (barProgress(player) < 50) Then 'Haven't completed the Bar yet? popLogic(2) 'Set pops to advance Bar Else popLogic(1) 'Else, have them re-advance War Fort until we get it End If showProgress 0, player End If Advance_Enable = 1 checkModePost() for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style End Sub sub WarOver() Dim X Advance_Enable = 1 'Allow other modes to be started Mode(player) = 0 'Set mode active to None fortProgress(player) = 100 'Flag that reminds us this mode has been won ModeWon(player) = ModeWon(player) OR 16 'Set WAR FORT WON bit for this player. if (videoMode(player) > 0) Then 'Video mode is available? blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) videoMode(player) = 1 'Set to active loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop End If if (countGhosts() = 6) Then 'This the final Ghost Boss? Light BOSSES solid! light 48, 7 End If minionEnd(2) 'Re-enable Minion find but do NOT let it control targets since this mode needs to do that 'Manually do checkModePost logic, omitting Target Logic doorLogic() 'Figure out what to do with the door elevatorLogic() 'Did the mode move the elevator? Re-enable it and lock lights popLogic(0) 'Figure out what mode pops should be in if (countGhosts() = 2 or countGhosts() = 5) Then 'Defeating 2 or 5 ghosts lights EXTRA BALL extraBallLight(2) 'Light extra ball, no prompt we'll do there 'videoSFX('S', 'A', 'A', allowSmall, 0, 255, 0, 'A', 'X', 'A' + random 2), 255 '"Extra Ball is Lit!" End If demonQualify() 'See if Demon Mode is ready for x=0 To 5 'Make sure the MB lights are off light 26 + x, 0 Next hellEnable(1) showProgress 0, player 'Show the progress, Active Mode style End Sub 'END FUNCTIONS FOR WAR FORT MODE 3............................ sub videoModeLite() 'Allows player to trap ball under ghost to start Video Mode TargetTimerSet 10, TargetDown, 1 blink(17) blink(18) blink(19) videoMode(player) = 1 'Set to active loopCatch = catchBall 'Flag that we want to catch the ball in the loop End Sub sub videoModeCheck() 'See if video mode ready and if so, pause it until mode is complete if (videoMode(player) = 1) Then videoMode(player) = 10 loopCatch = 0 End If End Sub Function Switch(switchGet) 'EP- Since swithces actually throw Hit Events, this is not needed End Function Function cabSwitch(switchGet) 'EP- See above End Function Sub switchDebounce(whichSwitch) 'EP- See above End Sub Sub switchDebounceClear(startingX, EndingX) 'EP- See above End Sub Sub switchTest() End Sub Sub switchBinary() End Sub Sub solenoidsOff() End Sub Sub SetGhostModeRGB(R, G, B) 'Separate sub to set the ghost color I could probably just set the color in code itself. Would be useful if I actually did some fading GhostModeRGB(0) = R GhostModeRGB(1) = G GhostModeRGB(2) = B DoRGB() Dim bulb for each bulb in Ghost_RGB bulb.Color=RGB(R,G,B) next Li64.intensity = GILight1.intensity * 80 '** FlGhostR.alpha = R/2 '** FlGhostG.alpha = G/2 '** FlGhostB.alpha = B/2 '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost0" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost1" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 128 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 128 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 128 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost2" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 131 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost3" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 255 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost4" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 255 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost5" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 0 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost6" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 255 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost7" '** If GhostModeRGB(0) = 200 AND GhostModeRGB(1) = 140 AND GhostModeRGB(2) = 0 Then PrGhost.Image = "Ghost8" End Sub Sub setCabMode(lR, lG, lB) 'Set the current cabinet mode color, cabinet immediately turns this color (game start, ball end, etc) cabModeRGB(0) = lR 'Store colors in memory cabModeRGB(1) = lG cabModeRGB(2) = lB cabColor cabModeRGB(0), cabModeRGB(1), cabModeRGB(2), cabModeRGB(0), cabModeRGB(1), cabModeRGB(2) RGBTarget = RGB(cabModeRGB(0), cabModeRGB(1), cabModeRGB(2)) doRGB() backglassoff(2) setBackGlass 1, "white" SetBackGlass 2, "white" End Sub Sub setcabmodefade(lR, lG, lB, theSpeed) 'Set the current cabinet mode color and fades to it at a certain speed (good for mode starts and ends) cabModeRGB(0) = lR 'Store colors in memory cabModeRGB(1) = lG cabModeRGB(2) = lB RGBspeed = theSpeed/10 RGBtimer = RGBspeed 'How quickly it should change targetRGB(0) = cabModeRGB(0) 'Fade to mode colors targetRGB(1) = cabModeRGB(1) targetRGB(2) = cabModeRGB(2) RGBTarget = RGB(targetRGB(0), targetRGB(1), targetRGB(2)) If lG = 255 Then 'setCabModeFade 0, 255, 0, 600 DOF 156, 1 ElseIf lB = 255 Then 'setCabModeFade 0, 0, 255, 50 DOF 157, 1 Else 'setCabModeFade 0, 0, 0, 50 resetallRGBDof() End If End Sub Sub flashCab(lR, lG, lB, flashSpeed) 'Flash cab to this color, then fade back to normal mode color cabColor lR, lG, lB, lR, lG, lB 'Flash of color, sets current color to this RGBspeed = flashSpeed/10 'RGB timer will fade back to default mode color RGBtimer = RGBspeed 'How quickly it should change targetRGB(0) = cabModeRGB(0) 'Tell system to fade back to normal mode cabinet colors targetRGB(1) = cabModeRGB(1) targetRGB(2) = cabModeRGB(2) RGBTarget = RGB(targetRGB(0), targetRGB(1), targetRGB(2)) If lR = 0 Then If lG = 0 Then 'flashCab 0, 0, 255, 50 DOF 150, 2 Else If flashSpeed = 10 Then 'flashCab 0, 255, 0, 10 DOF 151, 2 ElseIf flashSpeed = 100 Then 'flashCab 0, 255, 0, 100 DOF 152, 2 Else 'flashCab 0, 255, 0, 200 DOF 153, 2 End If End If ElseIf lR = 16 Then 'flashCab 16, 0, 0, 75 DOF 154, 2 Else 'flashcab 255, 255, * DOF 155, 2 End If End Sub Sub cabColor(lR, lG, lB, rR, rG, rB) 'Set cabinet lights directly to a certain color. Doesn't store value dim bulb 'dim rF,gF,bF dim rN,gN,bN,rL,gL,bL rL=0 gL=0 bL=0 rN=0 gN=0 bN=0 If lR = 0 Then If lB = 128 Then 'cabColor 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128 DOF 158, 1 ElseIf lB = 255 Then 'cabColor 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 255 DOF 159, 1 Else 'cabColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 resetallRGBDof() End If ElseIf lR = 35 Then 'cabColor 35, 0, 35, 35, 0, 35 resetallRGBDof() ElseIf lR = 70 Then 'cabColor 70, 0, 70, 70, 0, 70 resetallRGBDof() ElseIf lR = 105 Then 'cabColor 105, 0, 105, 105, 0, 105 resetallRGBDof() ElseIf lR = 140 Then 'cabColor 140, 0, 140, 140, 0, 140 DOF 160, 1 ElseIf lR = 175 Then 'cabColor 175, 0, 175, 175, 0, 175 DOF 160, 1 ElseIf lR = 210 Then 'cabColor 210, 0, 210, 210, 0, 210 DOF 161, 1 ElseIf lR = 255 Then If lG = 255 Then 'cabColor 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 DOF 162, 1 Else If rR = 0 Then 'cabColor 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0 DOF 163, 1 Else 'cabColor 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255 DOF 164, 1 End If End If End If for each bulb in Left_RGB bulb.Color=RGB(lR,lG,lB) If lR > 0 then rL = 255 else rL = 0 If lG > 0 then gL = 255 else gL = 0 If lB > 0 then bL = 255 else bL = 0 bulb.colorFull=RGB(rL,gL,bL) next for each bulb in Right_RGB bulb.Color=RGB(rR,rG,rB) If lR > 0 then rN = 255 else rN = 0 If lG > 0 then gN = 255 else gN = 0 If lB > 0 then bN = 255 else bN = 0 bulb.colorFull=RGB(rN,gN,bN) next '** FlGlobalRedL.alpha = lR/10 '** FlGlobalRedL1.alpha = lR '** FlGlobalGreenL.alpha = lG/10 '** FlGlobalGreenL1.alpha = lG '** FlGlobalBlueL.alpha = lB/10 '** FlGlobalBlueL1.alpha = lB '** FlGlobalRedR.alpha = lR/10 '** FlGlobalRedR1.alpha = lR '** FlGlobalGreenR.alpha = lG/10 '** FlGlobalGreenR1.alpha = lG '** FlGlobalBlueR.alpha = lB/10 '** FlGlobalBlueR1.alpha = lB 'BackGlass Stuff Dim BGColorL, BGColorR If lR > 0 AND lG = 0 AND lB > 0 Then BGColorL = "purple" If lR > 0 AND lG = 0 AND lB = 0 Then BGColorL = "red" If lR > 0 AND lG > 0 AND lB > 0 Then BGColorL = "white" If lR = 0 AND lG = 0 AND lB = 0 Then BGColorL = "off" If lR = 0 AND lG > 0 AND lB = 0 Then BGColorL = "green" If lR = 0 AND lG = 0 AND lB > 0 Then BGColorL = "blue" If rR > 0 AND rG = 0 AND rB > 0 Then BGColorR = "purple" If rR > 0 AND rG = 0 AND rB = 0 Then BGColorR = "red" If rR > 0 AND rG > 0 AND rB > 0 Then BGColorR = "white" If rR = 0 AND rG = 0 AND rB = 0 Then BGColorR = "off" If rR = 0 AND rG > 0 AND rB = 0 Then BGColorR = "green" If rR = 0 AND rG = 0 AND rB > 0 Then BGColorR = "blue" backglassoff(2) SetBackGlass 1, BGColorL SetBackGlass 2, BGColorR End Sub Sub cabLeft(lR, lG, lB) 'Sets current left cab color to this value If lR = 255 Then DOF 165, 1 Else resetallRGBDof() End If Dim bulb For Each bulb in Left_RGB bulb.Color = RGB(lR, lG, lB) Next '** FlGlobalRedL.alpha = lR/10 '** FlGlobalRedL1.alpha = lR '** FlGlobalGreenL.alpha = lG/10 '** FlGlobalGreenL1.alpha = lG '** FlGlobalBlueL.alpha = lB/10 '** FlGlobalBlueL1.alpha = lB End Sub Sub cabRight(lR, lG, lB) 'Sets current right cab color to this value If lR = 255 Then DOF 165, 1 Else resetallRGBDof() End If Dim bulb For Each bulb in Right_RGB bulb.Color = RGB(lR, lG, lB) Next '** FlGlobalRedR.alpha = lR/10 '** FlGlobalRedR1.alpha = lR '** FlGlobalGreenR.alpha = lG/10 '** FlGlobalGreenR1.alpha = lG '** FlGlobalBlueR.alpha = lB/10 '** FlGlobalBlueR1.alpha = lB 'doRGB() End Sub Sub setCabColor(cR, cG, cB, theSpeed) RGBspeed = theSpeed/10 RGBtimer = RGBspeed 'How quickly it should change targetRGB(0) = cR * 0.3 targetRGB(1) = cG * 0.3 targetRGB(2) = cB * 0.3 RGBTarget = RGB(targetRGB(0), targetRGB(1), targetRGB(2)) End Sub Sub DoRGB() ' EP- More hardware stuff, sending bits and bytes to the controller to physically turn on lights and what-not End Sub Sub RGBByte(RGBvalue) End Sub sub animatePF(startingFrame, totalFrames, repeatLights) if (startingFrame = 0 and totalFrames = 0) Then 'Kill animation? lightStatus = 0 'Clear status flag and return Exit Sub Else ' lightStatus = lightAnimate | (repeatLights << 6) 'Set the animate bit, plus repeat flag if set EP- I don't get this; LightAnimate never changes (in this code), so lightStatus is only ever equal to 128 or 192 (if repeatLights is either 0 or 1 and after the bit shift) ' lightStatus is only ever (as far as I can tell) 0, 128, or 192; It seems it only matters, in the code, if lightStatus is either 0 or not 0. ' There must be something in the propeller coding to determine if a PF animation loops or not lightStatus = lightAnimate + repeatLights LightLoop = repeatLights 'EP- This is nowhere in the code, but I'm assuming this will get me what I want End If lightStart = startingFrame 'Set starting frame lightCurrent = startingFrame 'Set current position (at start) lightEnd = startingFrame + totalFrames 'Calculate end position now to save a step later End Sub sub blink(whichLamp) Dim X if (lampState(whichLamp) = 3) Then 'Was this light strobing? for x=whichLamp To (whichLamp + strobeAmount(whichLamp))-1 ' lamp(x) = 0 'Clear all strobing lights. light_inserts(x).Intensity = 0 '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" '** If whichLamp = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 0 Next End If lampState(whichLamp) = 1 End Sub sub pulse(whichLamp) Dim X if (lampState(whichLamp) = 3) Then 'Was this light strobing? for x=whichLamp To (whichLamp + strobeAmount(whichLamp))-1 ' lamp(x) = 0 'Clear all strobing lights. '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" light_inserts(x).Intensity = 0 '** If whichLamp = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 0 lampState(x) = 0 Next End If lampState(whichLamp) = 2 End Sub sub light(whichLamp, howBright) Dim X if (lampState(whichLamp) = 3) Then 'Was this light strobing? for x=whichLamp To (whichLamp + strobeAmount(whichLamp))-1 ' lamp(x) = 0 'Clear all strobing lights above it '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" light_inserts(x).Intensity = 0 '** If whichLamp = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 0 '** If whichLamp = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 0 lampState(x) = 0 Next End If if (howBright) Then 'Any light at all? if (whichLamp > 39 and whichLamp < 43) Then DOF 200 + whichLamp, 1 lampState(whichLamp) = 10 'Normal lamp state, will NOT OR with animation Else if (whichLamp > 39 and whichLamp < 43) Then DOF 200 + whichLamp, 0 lampState(whichLamp) = 0 'No light (OK to OR with animation) End If ' lamp(whichLamp) = howBright light_inserts(whichLamp).Intensity = howBright '** light_inserts(whichLamp).OnImage = "Playfield-On" & howBright & "-2" '** If whichLamp = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = howbright * 36.42 '** If whichLamp = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = howbright * 36.42 '** If whichLamp = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = howbright * 36.42 End Sub sub strobe(whichLamp, howMany) Dim X lampState(whichLamp) = 3 strobeAmount(whichLamp) = howMany 'Set total number of lights to strobe (includes starting light) for x=whichLamp+1 To (whichLamp + strobeAmount(whichLamp))-1 lampState(x) = 33 'Clear lamp states of strobing lights. Example, if one was set to blink, strobe overwrites it. Next End Sub sub storeLamp(whichPlayer) 'Stores current lamp values into specified player's lamp memory Dim X, lampPointer lampPointer = (whichPlayer - 1) * 64 'Start at 0, 64, 128, 192 for x=0 To 63 lampPlayers(lampPointer) = light_inserts(x).Intensity '** lampPlayers(lampPointer) = light_inserts(x).OnImage statePlayers(lampPointer) = lampState(x) strobePlayers(lampPointer) = strobeAmount(x) lampPointer = lampPointer + 1 Next End Sub sub loadLamp(whichPlayer) 'Load specified player's lamp memory into current display Dim X, lampPointer lampPointer = (whichPlayer - 1) * 64 'Start at 0, 64, 128, 192 for x=0 To 63 light_inserts(x).Intensity = lampPlayers(lampPointer) '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = lampPlayers(lampPointer) lampState(x) = statePlayers(lampPointer) strobeAmount(x) = strobePlayers(lampPointer) lampPointer = lampPointer + 1 Next spookCheck() End Sub sub allLamp(allValue) 'Turns off strobes, blinks, pulses. Sets all lamps to single value. Dim X for x=0 To 63 light_inserts(x).Intensity = allValue '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On" & allValue & "-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = allValue * 36.42 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = allValue * 36.42 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = allValue * 36.42 if (allValue) Then lampState(x) = 10 Else lampState(x) = 0 End If strobeAmount(x) = 0 Next spookCheck() 'See what Spook Again light should be doing End Sub sub updateRollovers() 'Call this to update the GLIR and ORB lights if ((orb(player) AND 36)=36) Then 'O lit? light 32, 7 Else light 32, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 18)=18) Then 'R lit? light 33, 7 Else light 33, 0 End If if ((orb(player) AND 9)=9) Then 'B lit? light 34, 7 Else light 34, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 136)=136) Then 'G lit? light 52, 7 Else light 52, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 68)=68) Then 'L lit? light 53, 7 Else light 53, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 34)=34) Then 'I lit? light 54, 7 Else light 54, 0 End If if ((rollOvers(player) AND 17)=17) Then 'R lit? light 55, 7 Else light 55, 0 End If End Sub Sub Coil(whichCoil, HowLong) End Sub Sub GIbg(theValue) ' EP- This is where some Back Box lighting stuff would go End Sub Sub GIpf(theValue) ' EP- This has something to do with Playfield illumination, but I don't know what. ' GIword &= B11111111 << 8 'Clear lower byte ' GIword |= theValue 'Set lower byte to incoming If ((theValue AND 32) = 32) Then GI 3, 1 Else GI 3, 0 End If If ((theValue AND 64) = 64) Then GI 2, 1 Else GI 2, 0 End If If ((theValue AND 64) = 64) Then GI 1, 1 Else GI 1, 0 End If End Sub Sub BackGlass(leftBG, rightBG) ' EP- More back box stuff? End Sub Sub defaultSettings() ' EP- This is where we'd load default settings... if I could ever figure out how to store them End Sub Sub LoadSettings() ' EP- This is where we'd load settings... if I could ever figure out how to store them End Sub Sub saveSettings() ' EP- This is where we'd store settings... End Sub Sub saveAudits() End Sub Sub clearAudits() End Sub Sub NameGame(str) End Sub Sub printName() End Sub Sub printInitials() End Sub Sub printVersion() End Sub sub houseKeeping() 'Run this routine all the time. It does lighting, checks cabinet switches, and enables solenoids On Error Resume Next Dim X Dim strobeFlag:strobeFlag = 0 'Whether or not we should move the strobing lights on this cycle blinkTimer = blinkTimer + lightSpeed if (blinkTimer > blinkSpeed1) Then blinkTimer = 0 End If strobeTimer = strobeTimer + lightSpeed if (strobeTimer > strobeSpeed) Then strobeTimer = 0 strobeFlag = 1 'Set strobe flag. End If pulseTimer = pulseTimer + lightSpeed if (pulseTimer > pulseSpeed) Then pulseTimer = 0 if (pulseDir = 0) Then pulseLevel = pulseLevel + 1 if (pulseLevel > 8) Then pulseDir = 1 End If End If if (pulseDir = 1) Then pulseLevel = pulseLevel - 1 if (pulseLevel < 1) Then pulseDir = 0 End If End If End If for x=0 to 63 'Cycle through lights, cab switches and solenoids if (lampState(x) = 0) Then 'Light is off? if (lightStatus) Then 'Animations active? light_inserts(x).Intensity = CInt(Mid(lightShow(lightcurrent), x+1, 1)) '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On" & CInt(Mid(lightShow(lightcurrent), x+1, 1)) & "-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = CInt(Mid(lightShow(lightcurrent), x+1, 1)) * 36.42 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = CInt(Mid(lightShow(lightcurrent), x+1, 1)) * 36.42 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = CInt(Mid(lightShow(lightcurrent), x+1, 1)) * 36.42 Else light_inserts(x).Intensity = 0 If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 300 + x, 0 '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 0 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 0 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 0 End If End If if (lampState(x) = 1) Then 'Light set to blink? if (blinkTimer < blinkSpeed0) Then light_inserts(x).Intensity = 8 If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 300 + x, 1 '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On7-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 255 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 255 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 255 End If if (blinkTimer > blinkSpeed0) Then light_inserts(x).Intensity = 0 If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 300 + x, 0 '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 0 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 0 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 0 End If End If if (lampState(x) = 2) Then 'Light set to pulsate? (0-8, 7-0) light_inserts(x).Intensity = pulseLevel '** light_inserts(x).OnImage = "Playfield-On" & pulseLevel & "-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = pulseLevel * 36.42 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = pulseLevel * 36.42 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = pulseLevel * 36.42 End If if (lampState(x) = 3) Then 'Light set to strobe? If (x + strobePos(x)) > 67 Then Exit Sub if (strobeFlag) Then 'Did we roll over timer, and ready to strobe? strobePos(x) = strobePos(x) + 1 if (strobePos(x) = strobeAmount(x)) Then '(lampState(x) >> 2) - 1) Then strobePos(x) = 0 End If End If light_inserts(x + strobePos(x)).Intensity = 8 On Error Resume Next If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 400 + x, 1 '** light_inserts(x + strobePos(x)).OnImage = "Playfield-On7-2" '** If x = 40 Then Fl40.alpha = 255 '** If x = 41 Then Fl41.alpha = 255 '** If x = 42 Then Fl42.alpha = 255 if (strobePos(x) = 0) Then light_inserts(x + strobeAmount(x) - 1).Intensity = 0 If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 400 + x, 0 '** light_inserts(x + strobeAmount(x) - 1).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" Else light_inserts(x + (strobePos(x) - 1)).Intensity = 0 If (X >39 and x < 43) Then DOF 300 + x, 0 '** light_inserts(x + (strobePos(x) - 1)).OnImage = "Playfield-On0-2" End If End If Next End Sub Sub EOBNumbers(whichNum, numValue) End Sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub GI(WhichGI, WhichState) Dim X Dim bulb If WhichState = 1 Then Select Case WhichGI Case 1: For X=0 to 5 'slings, rubbers(above slings), lanes for each bulb in GI_lights1 bulb.state = 1 next '** For X=0 to 5 '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 0 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 1 Next Case 2: For X=6 To 9 'right main plastic, left main plastic, right ramp surround, ghost surround for each bulb in GI_lights2 bulb.state = 1 next '** For X=6 To 9 '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 0 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 1 Next Case 3: For X=10 To 11 'right of bumpers, top loop for each bulb in GI_lights3 bulb.state = 1 next '** For X=10 To 11 '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 0 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 1 '** RaBack.Image = "Back Board Baked On" Next End Select Else Select Case WhichGI Case 1: For X=0 to 5 for each bulb in GI_lights1 bulb.state = 0 next '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 1 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 0 Next Case 2: For X=6 To 9 for each bulb in GI_lights2 bulb.state = 0 next '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 1 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 0 Next Case 3: For X=10 To 11 for each bulb in GI_lights3 bulb.state = 0 next '** PlasticsOn(X).IsDropped = 1 '** PlasticsOff(X).IsDropped = 0 '** RaBack.Image = "Back Board Baked" Next End Select End If End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub VideoSFX(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP, channel, folder, clip0, clip1, sP) Video v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP PlaySFX channel, folder, clip0, clip1, sP End Sub Sub videoQ(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP) Dim vid, animLength, topRight, bottomRight, topLeft, bottomLeft, Spacer, onTop, onBottom animLength = progressBar If (vidAttributes AND loopVideo) = 128 Then animLength = 999999 If IsNumeric(v3) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If v3 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v3 = Chr(v3) End If End If If IsNumeric(v2) Then If v2 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v2 = Chr(v2) End If End If vid = Cstr(v1&v2&v3)&".gif" DMDSceneQ vid, onTop, 15, onBottom, 15, 14, animLength, 14 End Sub Sub videocombo(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP) Dim vid, animLength, topRight, bottomRight, topLeft, bottomLeft, Spacer, onTop, onBottom animLength = progressBar If (vidAttributes AND loopVideo) = 128 Then animLength = 999999 If IsNumeric(v3) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If v3 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v3 = Chr(v3) End If End If If IsNumeric(v2) Then If v2 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v2 = Chr(v2) End If End If vid = Cstr(v1&v2&v3)&".gif" if (comboVideoFlag) Then 'If the "Combo!" video is playing, enqueue this next file instead videoQ v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP comboVideoFlag = 0 Exit Sub 'Then abort out of this function End If DMDSceneQ vid, onTop, 15, onBottom, 15, 14, animLength, 14 End Sub Sub VideoEoB(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP) Dim vid vid = Cstr(v1&v2&Chr(v3))&".gif" DMDSceneEOB vid, " ", -1, AreaProgress(player), 14, 14, progressBar, 14, vP End Sub sub video(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP) ' EP- I'm completely rewriting this since we don't use the propellor and UltraDMD has different functions/methods ' I'm using the progressBar argument as the video length since we don't have a progress bar Dim vid, animLength, topRight, bottomRight, topLeft, bottomLeft, Spacer, onTop, onBottom animLength = progressBar If (vidAttributes AND loopVideo) = 128 Then animLength = 999999 If IsNumeric(v3) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If v3 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v3 = Chr(v3) End If End If If IsNumeric(v2) Then If v2 > 30 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 v2 = Chr(v2) End If End If vid = Cstr(v1&v2&v3)&".gif" if (comboVideoFlag) Then 'If the "Combo!" video is playing, enqueue this next file instead videoQ v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, progressBar, vP comboVideoFlag = 0 Exit Sub 'Then abort out of this function End If DMDScene vid, onTop, 15, onBottom, 15, 14, animLength, 14, vP ' dataOut(0) = v1 ' dataOut(1) = v2 ' dataOut(2) = v3 ' dataOut(3) = vidAttributes ' dataOut(4) = progressBar ' dataOut(5) = vP ' sendData(0x02) 'Video Attribute Bit Settings: '0 = No numbers allowed 'B00000001 = Small numbers allowed (corners, most allow it for timers) 'B00000010 = Large numbers allowed (most will block these) 'B00000011 = All numbers allowed (probably not used much) 'B10000000 = Video will loop itself End Sub Sub numbers(uL, uR, bL, bR) ' EP- I cannot for the life of me figure this out, I'm just going to interpret things as best as possible using the comments ' If uL <> "" Then CustNumbersUL = uL ' If uR <> "" Then CustNumbersUR = uR ' If bL <> "" Then CustNumbersBL = bL ' If bR <> "" Then CustNumbersBR = bR '******************* '* Remove the following if you ever figure out how to implement this '******************* CustNumbersUL = "" CustNumbersUR = "" CustNumbersBL = "" CustNumbersBR = "" '******************* Stop removing************** ' dataOut(0) = 1 'Which graphic type it is (numbers) ' dataOut(1) = whichNumber 'Which number we're setting. 0-7 standard numbers, 8-11 custom score display numbers ' dataOut(2) = numType 'Send type of number. Default numbers always terminate with currently playing video ' dataOut(3) = numX ' dataOut(4) = numY ' makeLong(5, numValue) ' dataOut(9) = 0 'Not used here, but we need to clear it in case there's crap in the buffer ' sendData(0x04) 'NumType (4 LSB's): '0 = Numbers off. Unless you set the "end flag" you must do this manually to turn off numbers, else they will appear on everything. '1 = Large number, XY position (good for score bonus, jackpot values) '2 = Small number, XY position. (good for timers, in the screen corners) ' XY positions are ignored for modes 3-5: '3 = (2) small numbers, upper left and right corners (good for countdown timers) '4 = (2) small numbers, lower left and right corners (good for countdown timers) '5 = (4) small numbers, all four corners '6 = Small single number, show Double Zeros (such as for a small score) '7 = Flash the number after currently playing video ends '8 = Show all four scores on right hand side of screen for Match animation '9 = Display Ball # at specified number position 'Set Number as Timer: 'B0001000 OR'd into Numbertype 'FX commands (3 MSB's) '001xxxxx - Flash the number every other frame '010xxxxx - Number displays Player's score (player # determined by number value) '100xxxxx - Reserved for future use End Sub Sub KillNumbers() CustNumbersUL = "" CustNumbersUR = "" CustNumbersBL = "" CustNumbersBR = "" End Sub Sub KillScoreNumbers() CustNumbersUL = "" CustNumbersUR = "" CustNumbersBL = "" CustNumbersBR = "" End Sub Sub KillCustomScore() ' EP- I don't know what to do here End Sub Sub ShowValue(numValue, flashTime, scoreFlag) if (scoreFlag) Then AddScore(numValue) 'Increase the score (AddScore automatically applies multiplier) End If DMDScene "", numvalue, 15, "", 0, 14, flashTime*50, 14, 50 End Sub sub killTimer(whichNumber) 'Terminate a permanent number (usually a timer number) ' numbers whichNumber, numberStay, 0, 0, 0 numbers "", "", "", "" 'EP- I'm just guessing here End Sub sub AddScore(scoreAmount) playerScore(player) = playerScore(player) + (scoreAmount * scoreMultiplier) scoreBall = 1 'Flag that points were indeed scored this ball (free ball if you don't) SetScore(player) if (Advance_Enable = 0 or minion(player) > 0) Then 'In some sort of mode? modeTotal = modeTotal + (scoreAmount * scoreMultiplier) 'Increase the Mode Score too End If if (playerScore(player) >= replayValue and replayPlayer(player) = 0 and allowReplay > 0) Then 'Enough for a replay, and they're allowed? replayPlayer(player) = 1 'Set flag so this can only happen once 'video('S', 'R', 'P', 0, 0, 255) 'Replay sound and graphic 'playSFX(0, 'A', 'X', 'Z', 255) replayGet = replayGet + 1 if (freePlay = 0) Then 'Only advance this if it's actually in freeplay mode credits = credits + 1 DOF 126, 1 DOF 111, 2 End If Update(255) 'Send current data, and 255 means Set Replay Notice Flag End If If Not UltraDMD.IsRendering Then DMDScore() End Sub Sub CustomScore(v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, length) ' EP- I'm just going to treat this like a normal video call VideoQ v1, v2, v3, vidAttributes, length, 255 End Sub sub Update(itsState) ' EP- Hardware stuff, sending stuff to the propeller End Sub sub stopVideo(doWhat) '0 Stop (1 or resume?) playing video '0 = Stop video ' 1 = Resume video from where we left off, and finish/loop it (Not implemented yet) ' video(doWhat, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering End If End Sub sub playSFX(whichChannel, folder, clip0, clip1, priority) ' EP- Complete re-write since we don't have any hardware stuff Dim clip2play If IsNumeric(clip1) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If clip1 > 9 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 clip1 = Chr(clip1) End If End If If IsNumeric(clip0) Then If clip0 > 9 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 clip0 = Chr(clip0) End If End If clip2play = Cstr(folder & clip0 & clip1) 'EP- And some calls actually add a number to the letter; I will have to change the call which means going through all 380+ calls If priority >= SndChannel(whichChannel) Then StopSound SndPlaying(whichChannel) PlaySound clip2play SndChannel(whichChannel) = priority SndPlaying(whichChannel) = clip2play TiChannel0.Enabled = 1 TiChannel1.Enabled = 1 TiChannel2.Enabled = 1 TiChannel3.Enabled = 1 TiChannel4.Enabled = 1 TiChannel5.Enabled = 1 TiChannel6.Enabled = 1 TiChannel7.Enabled = 1 End If End Sub Dim LeftRight:Leftright = -0.8 Sub stereoSFX(whichChannel, folder, clip0, clip1, priority, leftValue, rightValue) 'EP- VP can't really do stereo FX, so this is just going to be a regualr sound fx player Dim clip2play If IsNumeric(clip1) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If clip1 > 9 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 clip1 = Chr(clip1) End If End If clip2play = Cstr(folder & clip0 & clip1) 'EP- And some calls actually add a number to the letter; I will have to change the call which means going through all 380+ calls If priority >= SndChannel(whichChannel) Then StopSound SndPlaying(whichChannel) PlaySound clip2play, 0, 1, LeftRight, 0, 0, 0, 0 SndChannel(whichChannel) = priority SndPlaying(whichChannel) = clip2play TiChannel0.Enabled = 1 TiChannel1.Enabled = 1 TiChannel2.Enabled = 1 TiChannel3.Enabled = 1 TiChannel4.Enabled = 1 TiChannel5.Enabled = 1 TiChannel6.Enabled = 1 TiChannel7.Enabled = 1 End If LeftRight = LeftRight * -1 End Sub Sub PlaySFXQ(whichChannel, folder, clip0, clip1, priority) ' EP- I don't feel like setting up timers to constantly check if a channel is clear and as soon as it is clear to play this sound, but that's how you would do it ' EP- As of right now, it's just the same as PlaySFX, so if the priority is high enough, it'll stop the sound Dim clip2play If IsNumeric(clip1) Then 'EP- Many calls pass in the ansii number for the letter If clip1 > 9 Then 'EP- But some clips actually are just a number 0-9 clip1 = Chr(clip1) End If End If clip2play = Cstr(folder & clip0 & clip1) 'EP- And some calls actually add a number to the letter; I will have to change the call which means going through all 380+ calls If priority >= SndChannel(whichChannel) Then StopSound SndPlaying(whichChannel) PlaySound clip2play SndChannel(whichChannel) = priority SndPlaying(whichChannel) = clip2play TiChannel0.Enabled = 1 TiChannel1.Enabled = 1 TiChannel2.Enabled = 1 TiChannel3.Enabled = 1 TiChannel4.Enabled = 1 TiChannel5.Enabled = 1 TiChannel6.Enabled = 1 TiChannel7.Enabled = 1 End If End Sub Sub KillQ() If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering End If End Sub sub volumeSFX(whichChannel, volLeft, volRight) ' EP- Leaving blank for now, possibly fore-ev-er End Sub sub GLIRenable(enableOrNot) if (enableOrNot) Then 'MSB prevents start. So we clear it to allow Photo Hunt ' GLIRlit(player) &= B01111111 GLIRlit(player) = (GLIRlit(player) AND 127) Else ' GLIRlit(player) |= B10000000 'If we want to disable it, set MSB (probably just used for Minion MB) GLIRlit(player) = GLIRlit(player) OR 128 End If showScoopLights() End Sub sub comboKill() Dim X if (comboTimer) Then for x=0 To 5 light photoLights(x), 0 'Turn off the 6 camera positions Next light photoLights(comboShot), 0 'Turn off existing light, if any comboCount = 1 'Reset # of combos comboVideoFlag = 0 'Reset video flag comboShot = 99 'Set target shot to out of range comboTimer = 0 End If End Sub Sub StopMusic() EndMusic() End Sub Sub FadeMusic(fadeSpeed, fadeTarget) ' EP- Leaving this blank since, as far as I know, VP can't fade music End Sub Sub SetScore(whichPlayer) ' I'm leaving this blank as it seems to be about setting a bit to display on the DMD End Sub Sub ManualScore(whichScore, whatValue) ' EP- Hopefully this doesn't actually update the score; I hope it just displays it, so I'll leave it blank for now End Sub sub videoPriority(newPriority) 'Manually sets a new priority, such as 0, allowing us to load a new low-priority video such as Skill Shot Loop ' video 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, newPriority If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering End If End Sub sub RepeatMusic(yesNo) MusicRepeats = yesNo End Sub '******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** '* Shoopity's (EP) implementation of stuff '******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** '******************************* '* Switches '****************************** Sub WaSw16_Hit() DOF 109, 2 if (wiki(player) < 255) Then 'Hasn't been completed yet? wiki(player) = wiki(player) + 1 'Increment counter Else AddScore(5000) 'Some points for hitting inert target playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 250 'REJECT sound '; video "S", "W", "F", allowSmall, 0, 255 'VIDEO THAT SAYS COMPLETE REST TO RE-LITE WIKI End If if (wiki(player) < 4) Then 'Not spelled yet? video "S", "W", 64 + wiki(player), allowSmall, 30, 250 'Advance letters playSFX 2, "S", "A", "X", 250 'Normal WIKI sound AddScore(25000) End If if (wiki(player) = 4) Then minionDamage = minionDamage + 1 'Increase the damage Minion will take, this ball only if (minionDamage > 5) Then 'Top off at 5 minionDamage = 5 End If AddScore(100000) video "S", "W", "D", 0, 30, 255 'WIKI completed! videoQ "S", "W", 69 + minionDamage, 0, 0, 238 'Show 2-5x Minion Damage (it will never be lower than 2 here) playSFX 0, "S", "A", "X", 255 'WIKI complete sound wiki(player) = 255 'Set TECH to complete (must complete all 3 light restart / re-light) light 0, 7 'Light WIKI solid spiritGuidelight 'If it needs to be re-lit, re-lite it End If End Sub Sub WaSw17_Hit() DOF 125, 2 if (tech(player) < 255) Then 'Hasn't been completed yet? tech(player) = tech(player) + 1 'Increment counter Else AddScore(5000) 'Some points for hitting inert target playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 250 'REJECT sound '; video "S", "T", "F", allowSmall, 0, 255 'VIDEO THAT SAYS COMPLETE REST TO RE-LITE TECH End If if (tech(player) < 4) Then 'Not spelled yet? video "S", "T", 64 + tech(player), allowSmall, 30, 250 playSFX 2, "S", "A", "Y", 250 'Normal TECH sound AddScore(25000) End If if (tech(player) = 4) Then AddScore(200000) video "S", "T", 64 + tech(player), allowSmall, 30, 255 'TECH complete, Overclocked! playSFX 0, "S", "B", "Y", 255 'OVERCLOCKED sound tech(player) = 255 'Set TECH to complete (must complete all 3 light restart / re-light) light 1, 7 'Light tech solid saveCurrent(player) = saveCurrent(player) + 2 'Add 2 seconds to this player's Ball Save timer spiritGuidelight 'If it needs to be re-lit, re-lite it End If End Sub Sub WaSw18_Hit() TargetBankTargetsHit() 'EP- Run the logic for not caring which target is hit Dim TargetHit If PrBankTop.Z >= TargetUp Then ' switchDebounce(19) 'Debounce the other switches so only gets hit at once ' switchDebounce(20) targetHit = 1 'Set flag if (minion(player) = 1 and minionsBeat(player) > 2) Then 'Can Minion be advanced, and it is Minion 3 or higher? targetBits = (targetBits AND 251) '~B00000100 'Clear that bit light 17, 7 'Turn that light SOLID if (gTargets(0) = 0) Then 'Haven't hit this one yet? minionHits = minionHits - 1 'Used to set incrementing sound if (minionHits = 2) Then 'Make lights solid to count how many we've hit playSFX 2, "M", "J", "0", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If if (minionHits = 1) Then playSFX 2, "M", "J", "1", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If gTargets(0) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this ghostMove 90, 250 'Ghost only reacts if you HAVEN'T hit that target yet AddScore(minionTarget(player) * 10510) 'Increase score flashCab 0, 0, 255, 50 'Brief flash to blue Else playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Clunking sound AddScore(1000) 'Nominal points End If if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? killQ() video "M", "I", 64 + targetBits, allowSmall, 30, 210 'Show which blocks are cleared videoQ "M", "I", "G", allowSmall, 25, 100 '"Clear targets to find minions" Else minionStart() 'Start the battle! End If End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(0) = 1) Then 'Ghost already hit? video "W", "B", "H", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show ball missing him, 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, allowSmall, 0, 200) 'then back to Soldier View playSFX 0, "W", "9", "Z", 255 'Soldier miss noise! AddScore(5000) End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(0) = 0) Then 'Are we trying to knock down Ghost Soldiers? if (goldHits = 10) Then ghostAction = Int(229999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turns back towards door Else ghostAction = Int(339999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front End If AddScore(250000) soldierUp = soldierUp AND 251 '~B00000100 'Subtract that soldier 'playSFX(0, 'W', '9', 'A' + random(16), 255) 'Soldier hit noise! (will be more random later on) light 17, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. video "W", "A", "H", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show soldier on left knocked down gTargets(0) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this if (soldierUp = 0) Then 'All soldiers down? WarFight() Else playSFX 0, "W", "9", 65 + random(16), 255 'Soldier hit noise! customScore "W", "A", 64 + soldierUp, allowAll OR loopVideo, 150 'Shoot score with targets in front 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, allowSmall, 0, 200) End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 30) Then 'Are we trying to qualify Hotel Jackpots? if (gTargets(0) = 0) Then 'Target not hit yet playSFX 0, "L", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Jackpot multiplier sound + voice jackpotMultiplier = jackpotMultiplier + 1 video "L", "M", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 26, 255 'Show multiplier 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot light 17, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. gTargets(0) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this AddScore(100000) sendJackpot(0) 'Send updated jackpot value to score #0 if (jackpotMultiplier = 3) Then 'Jackpot maxed out? customScore "L", "P", "C", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Change prompt to only mention Ramp (no more point hitting ghost) End If Else playSFX 0, "L", "W", 65 + random(8), 255 'Oh noes! video "L", "8", "A", allowSmall, 20, 240 'Ghost worried! 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot AddScore(10000) End If End If if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 13) Then 'Are we freeing our friends from Ghost Prison? ghostFlash(100) targetBits = targetBits AND 251 '~B00000100 'Clear that bit light 17, 7 'Turn that light SOLID if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? if (gTargets(0) = 1) Then AddScore(10) 'Pwned playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'CLUNK! Else AddScore(50070) 'Increase score gTargets(0) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this playSFX 2, "P", "5", 85 + random(3), 200 'Random chain whack sound ' video "P", "A", "Y", 0, 0, 255 'Flash transition EP- Removing because I don't want a flash transition customScore "P", "5", 64 + (targetBits AND 7), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front End If Else PrisonRelease() 'Release a friend End If modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer so ghost prompt doesn't override audio End If if (barProgress(player) = 70) Then 'Trying to free our friend from Ghost Whore? BarTarget(0) End If End If End Sub Sub WaSw19_Hit() TargetBankTargetsHit() 'EP- Run the logic for not caring which target is hit Dim TargetHit If PrBankTop.Z >= TargetUp Then ' switchDebounce(18) 'Debounce the other switches so only gets hit at once ' switchDebounce(20) targetHit = 1 'Set flag if (minion(player) = 1 and minionsBeat(player) > 2) Then 'Can Minion be advanced? targetBits = targetBits AND 253 '~B00000010 'Clear that bit light 18, 7 'Turn that light OFF if (gTargets(1) = 0) Then 'Haven't hit this one yet? minionHits = minionHits - 1 'Used to set incrementing sound if (minionHits = 2) Then 'Make lights solid to count how many we've hit playSFX 2, "M", "J", "0", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If if (minionHits = 1) Then playSFX 2, "M", "J", "1", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If gTargets(1) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this ghostMove 90, 250 'Ghost only reacts if you HAVEN'T hit that target yet AddScore(minionTarget(player) * 10510) 'Increase score flashCab 0, 0, 255, 50 'Brief flash to blue Else playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Clunking sound End If if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? killQ() video "M", "I", 64 + targetBits, allowSmall, 30, 210 'Show which blocks are cleared videoQ "M", "I", "G", 2, 25, 100 '"Clear targets to find minions" Else minionStart() 'Start the battle! End If End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(1) = 1) Then 'Ghost already hit? video "W", "B", "I", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show ball missing him, 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, 2, 0, 200) 'then back to Soldier View playSFX 0, "W", "9", "Z", 255 'Soldier miss noise! AddScore(5000) End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(1) = 0) Then 'Are we trying to knock down Ghost Soldiers? if (goldHits = 10) Then ghostAction = Int(229999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turns back towards door Else ghostAction = Int(339999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front End If AddScore(250000) soldierUp = soldierUp AND 253 '~B00000010 'Subtract that soldier 'playSFX(0, 'W', '9', 'A' + random(16), 255) 'Soldier hit noise! light 18, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. video "W", "A", "I", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show soldier in middle knocked down gTargets(1) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this if (soldierUp = 0) Then WarFight() Else playSFX 0, "W", "9", 65 + random(16), 255 'Soldier hit noise! customScore "W", "A", 64 + soldierUp, allowAll OR loopVideo, 150 'Shoot score with targets in front 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, allowSmall, 0, 200) End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 30) Then 'Are we trying to qualify Hotel Jackpots? if (gTargets(1) = 0) Then 'Target not hit yet playSFX 0, "L", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Jackpot multiplier sound + voice jackpotMultiplier = jackpotMultiplier + 1 video "L", "M", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 26, 255 'Show multiplier 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot light 18, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. gTargets(1) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this AddScore(100000) sendJackpot(0) 'Send updated jackpot value to score #0 if (jackpotMultiplier = 3) Then 'Jackpot maxed out? customScore "L", "P", "C", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Change prompt to only mention Ramp (no more point hitting ghost) End If Else playSFX 0, "L", "W", 65 + random(8), 255 'Oh noes! video "L", "8", "A", allowSmall, 20, 240 'Ghost worried! 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot AddScore(10000) End If End If if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 13) Then 'Freeing friends from prison? ghostFlash(100) targetBits = targetBits AND 253 '~B00000010 'Clear that bit light 18, 7 'Turn that light SOLID if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? if (gTargets(1) = 1) Then AddScore(10) 'Pwned playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'CLUNK! Else AddScore(50070) 'Increase score 'video('P', '5', 64 + (targetBits & B00000111), allowSmall | loopVideo, 0, 200) 'Show which blocks are cleared playSFX 2, "P", "5", 85 + random(3), 200 'Random chain whack sound gTargets(1) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this ' video "P", "A", "Y", 0, 0, 255 'Flash transition customScore "P", "5", 64 + (targetBits AND 7), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front End If Else PrisonRelease() 'Release a friend End If modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer so ghost prompt doesn't override audio End If if (barProgress(player) = 70) Then 'Trying to free our friend from Ghost Whore? BarTarget(1) End If End If End Sub Sub WaSw20_Hit() TargetBankTargetsHit() 'EP- Run the logic for not caring which target is hit Dim TargetHit If PrBankTop.Z >= TargetUp Then ' switchDebounce(18) 'Debounce the other switches so only gets hit at once ' switchDebounce(19) targetHit = 1 'Set flag if (minion(player) = 1 and minionsBeat(player) > 2) Then 'Can Minion be advanced? targetBits = targetBits AND 254 '~B00000001 'Clear that bit light 19, 7 'Turn that light OFF if (gTargets(2) = 0) Then 'Haven't hit this one yet? minionHits = minionHits - 1 'Used to set incrementing sound if (minionHits = 2) Then 'Make lights solid to count how many we've hit playSFX 2, "M", "J", "0", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If if (minionHits = 1) Then playSFX 2, "M", "J", "1", 250 'Minion target SFX (slightly longer) ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement End If gTargets(2) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this ghostMove 90, 250 'Ghost only reacts if you HAVEN'T hit that target yet AddScore(minionTarget(player) * 10510) 'Increase score flashCab 0, 0, 255, 50 'Brief flash to blue Else playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Clunking sound End If if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? killQ() video "M", "I", 64 + targetBits, allowSmall, 30, 210 'Show which blocks are cleared videoQ "M", "I", "G", allowSmall, 25, 100 '"Clear targets to find minions" Else minionStart() 'Start the battle! End If End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(2) = 1) Then 'Ghost already hit? video "W", "B", "J", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show ball missing him, 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, allowSmall, 0, 200) 'then back to Soldier View playSFX 0, "W", "9", "Z", 255 'Soldier miss noise! AddScore(5000) End If if (fortProgress(player) = 60 and gTargets(2) = 0) Then 'Are we trying to knock down Ghost Soldiers? if (goldHits = 10) Then ghostAction = Int(229999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turns back towards door Else ghostAction = Int(339999/cycleadjuster) 'Set WHACK routine, turn back towards front End If AddScore(250000) soldierUp = soldierUp AND 254 '~B00000001 'Subtract that soldier 'playSFX(0, 'W', '9', 'A' + random(16), 255) 'Soldier hit noise! light 19, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. video "W", "A", "J", allowSmall, 32, 255 'Show soldier on right knocked down gTargets(2) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this if (soldierUp = 0) Then WarFight() Else playSFX 0, "W", "9", 65 + random(16), 255 'Soldier hit noise! customScore "W", "A", 64 + soldierUp, allowAll OR loopVideo, 150 'Shoot score with targets in front 'videoQ('W', 'A', 64 + soldierUp, allowSmall, 0, 200) End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 30) Then 'Are we trying to qualify Hotel Jackpots? if (gTargets(2) = 0) Then 'Target not hit yet playSFX 0, "L", "8", 65 + random(8), 255 'Jackpot multiplier sound + voice jackpotMultiplier = jackpotMultiplier + 1 video "L", "M", jackpotMultiplier, allowSmall, 26, 255 'Show multiplier 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot light 19, 7 'Turn that light SOLID. gTargets(2) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this AddScore(100000) sendJackpot(0) 'Send updated jackpot value to score #0 if (jackpotMultiplier = 3) Then 'Jackpot maxed out? customScore "L", "P", "C", allowAll OR loopVideo, 30 'Change prompt to only mention Ramp (no more point hitting ghost) End If Else playSFX 0, "L", "W", 65 + random(8), 255 'Oh noes! video "L", "8", "A", allowSmall, 20, 240 'Ghost worried! 'videoQ('L', '8', 'E', allowSmall, 0, 200) 'Ramp re-lights Jackpot AddScore(10000) End If End If if (priProgress(player) > 9 and priProgress(player) < 13) Then 'Are we trying to Free Friends from Prison? ghostFlash(100) targetBits = targetBits AND 254 '~B00000001 'Clear that bit light 19, 7 'Turn that light SOLID if (targetBits) Then 'Haven't cleared them all yet? if (gTargets(2) = 1) Then AddScore(10) 'Pwned playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'CLUNK! Else AddScore(50070) 'Increase score 'video('P', '5', 64 + (targetBits & B00000111), allowSmall | loopVideo, 0, 200) 'Show which blocks are cleared playSFX 2, "P", "5", 85 + random(3), 200 'Random chain whack sound gTargets(2) = 1 'Set the flag that we already hit this ' video "P", "A", "Y", 0, 0, 255 'Flash transition customScore "P", "5", 64 + (targetBits AND 7), allowSmall OR loopVideo, 177 'Shoot score with targets in front End If Else PrisonRelease() 'Release a friend End If modeTimer = 0 'Reset timer so ghost prompt doesn't override audio End If if (barProgress(player) = 70) Then 'Trying to free our friend from Ghost Whore? BarTarget(2) End If End If End sub Sub TrSw24m_Hit() mMagnaSave.AddBall ActiveBall End Sub Sub TrSw24m_UnHit() mMagnaSave.RemoveBall ActiveBall End Sub Sub TrSw24_Hit() Sw24 = 1 If (MagnetTimer = 0 and TargetLocation = TargetDown) Then 'GHOST HIT? (the loop) switchDead = 0 'Since it's not a matrix switch, we set this manually animatePF 179, 10, 0 'Center explode! if (photosToGo) Then killQ() 'Disable any Enqueued videos playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! photoTimer = longSecond * 2 'Reset timer, with a little padding countSeconds = countSeconds + loopSecondsAdd photoValue = (countSeconds * 10000) + (100000 * (photosNeeded(player) - 2)) 'Re-calculate next photo value ' numbers(9, 2, 68, 27, photoValue) 'Update display Photo Value numbers "", photoValue, "", "" ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Whack routine if (countSeconds > 60) Then 'At limit? countSeconds = 25 'Reset AddScore(500000) 'Give secret bonus killQ() ' numbers(1, numberFlash | 1, 255, 11, 500000) '500k numbers "", "", "500,000", "500,000" video "F", "9", "V", noEntryFlush Or 3, 30, 255 playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 Else video "F", "9", "U", allowSmall, 30, 255 'Timer add message playSFX 2, "A", "Z", "Z", 255 'Whoosh! End If '; numbers(0, numberStay | 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1) 'Update the Numbers Timer. We do "-1" so it'll display a zero. EP- don't know what this is updating flashCab 255, 0, 0, 50 'Bright red, brief flash End If if (deProgress(player) = 20 and activeBalls > 1) Then 'Bashing Demon, and not on our last ball? DemonJackpot() End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 50) Then 'Theater Ghost? TheaterWin() 'Mode complete! End If if (minion(player) = 10) Then 'Are we fighting a Minion? minionHitLogic() End If if (fortProgress(player) > 69 and fortProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Are we fighting the War Ghost? WarTrap() End If if (loopCatch = catchBall) Then 'Trying to catch the ball? loopCatch = checkBall 'Change state that we're checking to see if ball actually caught MagnetSet(255) 'Hold the ball. TargetTimerSet 1000, TargetUp, 2 'Put targets up quickly to catch ball. This is also how much time before we check again if the ball is actually there End If if (barProgress(player) = 80) Then 'Ghost Whore multiball? Dim X 'lightningStart(1) lightningStart(Int(5998/CycleAdjuster)-1) 'Lightning FX ghostFlash(50) ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Ghost whacked whoreJackpot = whoreJackpot + 1 'Increase jackpot number. First hit will make this 1 modeTimer = Int(30000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set timer so a quote happens soon after the hit if (whoreJackpot < 10) Then 'Play the normal-ish ones for first 9 hits playSFX 0, "B", "0", 65 + random(9), 255 'Sound depends on jackpot progress video "B", "0", 64 + whoreJackpot, allowSmall, 35, 10 'Gets knocked closer and closer to the well x = EVP_Jackpot(player) + (whoreJackpot * 75000) 'Calculate Current value of jackpot AddScore(x) 'The more you hit her, the more you score! showValue x, 40, 1 'Flash the value onscreen if (whoreJackpot = 9) Then 'Is next one a SUPER JACKPOT? manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + ((whoreJackpot + 1) * 250000) Else 'Else, default value manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + ((whoreJackpot + 1) * 75000) End If Else '10th is a SUPER but then resets if (adultMode) Then playSFX 0, "B", "0", 74 + random(6), 255 'Hope the kids are in bed! Else playSFX 0, "B", "0", "O", 255 'More tame Super Jackpot callout End If video "B", "0", "J", allowSmall, 35, 10 'At 10+, show SUPER JACPOT x = EVP_Jackpot(player) + (whoreJackpot * 250000) 'Current value AddScore(x) 'The more you hit her, the more you score! showValue x, 40, 1 'Flash the value onscreen whoreJackpot = 0 'Gotta start over now manualScore 0, EVP_Jackpot(player) + ((whoreJackpot + 1) * 75000) 'Show value for reset "Next Jackpot" End If End If if (hosProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Doctor Ghost Multiball? lightningStart(1) ghostFlash(50) AddScore(EVP_Jackpot(player)) playSFX 0, "H", "9", random(8) + 65, 255 'Jackpot sounds! video "H", "9", random(2) + 65, allowSmall, 48, 200 'Left or right ball animations ghostAction = Int(20000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set WHACK routine. if (lightningGo = 0) Then 'If a lightning FX isn't currently going modeTimer = Int(60000/CycleAdjuster) 'set Mode Timer so we're less likely to override the next one End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 35) Then 'Eligible for Hotel Jackpots? HotelJackpot() lightningStart(1) End If if (priProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Bashing Prison Ghost? lightningStart(1) PrisonJackpot() End If End If End Sub Sub TrSw24_UnHit() Sw24 = 0 End Sub Sub TrSw28_Hit() if (hotelPathLogic()) Then 'Function says we can set a combo? if (DoorLocation = DoorOpen) Then 'Can shoot through the door? comboSet random(2), comboTimerStart 'Door VUK set as combo DOF 118, 2 Else 'If not, prison path is the combo (flow isn't as good oh well) comboSet 0, comboTimerStart End If End If End Sub Sub WaSw29_Hit() 'See if we can press it first DOF 123, 2 if (hotProgress(player) <> 3) Then 'Hotel Mode not ready to start? callHits = callHits + 1 'Increment # of call hits End If if (callHits = hitsToLight(player) or multiBall > 0) Then 'Did we hit it enough, or is Multiball active? callHits = callHits - 1 'Decrement this so future hits will do this same action callButtonLogic() 'Move hellavator, if we can Else if (hotProgress(player) <> 3) Then AddScore(10000) video "Q", "P", (hitsToLight(player) - callHits), allowSmall, 56, 240 'Pushing button in vain, how many hits are left playSFX 2, "Q", "P", (hitsToLight(player) - callHits), 200 'Sound effect to match Else AddScore(10000) playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 100 'Door clunking sound End If End If End Sub Sub WaSw30_Hit() DOF 110, 2 ' playSFX 2, "S", "A", "Z", 250 'EP- None of the other targets have a sound here if (psychic(player) < 255) Then 'Can be advanced? psychic(player) = psychic(player) + 1 Else if (scoringTimer) Then 'Double scoring active? '; video "S", "P", "I", allowSmall, 0, 255 'Scoring TIME EXTEND playSFX 2, "S", "A", "Z", 250 'Replace with DOUBLE SCORING time extension prompt scoringTimer = scoringTimer + (3 * longSecond) 'Add about 3 seconds AddScore(10000) 'Some points for hitting inert target Else AddScore(5000) 'Some points for hitting inert target playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 250 'REJECT sound '; video "S", "P", "L", allowSmall, 0, 255 'VIDEO THAT SAYS COMPLETE REST TO RE-LITE PSYCHIC End If End If if (psychic(player) < 7) Then 'Not spelled yet? video "S", "P", 64 + psychic(player), allowSmall, 30, 250 playSFX 2, "S", "A", "Z", 250 AddScore(25000) End If if (psychic(player) = 7) Then 'Psychic Spelled? video "S", "P", "G", allowSmall, 30, 255 'Video for it playSFX 2, "S", "B", "Z", 250 'Replace with DOUBLE SCORING sound scoringTimer = 20 * longSecond 'Set double scoring timer scoreMultiplier = 2 'Double scoring! animatePF 119, 30, 1 'Psychic Scoring light animation (loops) AddScore(200000) 'Double points for spelling the longer word psychic(player) = 255 'Reset counter blink(51) 'Blink the Psychic light spiritGuidelight 'If it needs to be re-lit, re-lite it End If End Sub Sub TrSw31_Hit() ' switchDead = 0 'Since it's not a matrix switch, we set this manually EP- Disabling for now, it has to do with a ball search doorDo() If WaDoor.IsDropped = 0 Then DOF 113, 2 End Sub Sub TrSw32_Hit() balconyJump() DOF 118, 2 rampTimer = 0 'Reset ramp timer. comboSet 4, comboTimerstart End Sub sub TrSw33_Hit() If orbTimer=0 Then if (rampTimer = 0) Then 'Ball didn't roll back down from ramp? rampTimer = Int(16000/cycleAdjuster) 'About 1.5 second before the time out ghostLooking(165) balconyApproach() Else playSFX 1, "T", "9", "V", 200 'Run abort sound video "T", "9", "V", allowSmall, 30, 200 'Run abort animation End If End If End Sub Sub TrSw34_Hit() if (skillShot) Then 'We'll count this as a Pop Skill shot, if somehow ball slipped through the pops unlikely, but possible if (skillShot = 1) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 Else skillShotSuccess 0, 255 'Failure, so just disable it End If End If if (centerTimer = 0 and popsTimer = 0) Then 'Wasn't a weak shot up the middle, or just came down from the Pops? centerTimer = longSecond 'Set timer. This prevents roll-backs, or Pop Values overriding what center shot triggered if (rampTimer = 0) Then 'Not a jump fail? Normal switch actions below: comboCheck(2) 'Combos to itself centerPathCheck() 'See what to do. Defaults to hopefully satisfying lighting sound + FX comboSet 2, comboTimerStart Else 'Did a jump fail? 'PERSON FALLING + SCREAM video "T", "9", "Z", allowSmall, 34, 200 'Kaminski falling if (theProgress(player) < 10) Then 'Haven't started theater? playSFX 0, "T", "J", random(9) + 65, 240 Else 'Fall but no theater prompt playSFX 0, "T", "H", random(9) + 65, 240 End If rampTimer = 0 'Reset timer End If End If End Sub Sub TrSw35_Hit() if (skillShot) Then if (skillShot = 3) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 Else skillShotSuccess 0, 255 'Failure, show message (high priority) End If End If if (ghostLook = 1) Then 'Ghost "watches" ball go down subway ghostLooking(165) End If if (Advance_Enable and priProgress(player) > 3 and priProgress(player) < 7) Then 'We've hit the left orbit a 4th time and are ready to lock ball? PrisonAdvance2() End If Tunnel = 2 End Sub Sub TrSw36_Hit() if (HellBall = 10) Then 'Came from Hellavator? ballExitElevatorLogic() 'Do logic for that End If if (Tunnel <> 2) Then 'Unless it came from upper entry... Tunnel = 1 'Set flag so scoop will just kick, not advance. End If End Sub Sub TrSw38_Hit() 'Left orbit UPPER switch hit? if (skillShot) Then 'Going for Skill Shot? skillShotSuccess 0, 255 'Failure, so disable it End If if (LeftOrbitTime) Then 'If lower target WAS hit first, we count this as a Left Orbit Shot. Prevents event from activating via launch or pop actions LeftOrbitTime = 0 'Clear it comboCheck(0) ghostLooking(10) leftOrbitLogic() comboSet 0, comboTimerStart 'Sets a combo to itself End If End Sub Sub TrSw39_Hit() 'Left orbit LOWER switch hit? if (skillShot) Then 'Going for Skill Shot? skillShotSuccess 0, 255 'Failure, so disable it End If if (LeftOrbitTime = 0) Then 'Upper orbit was not hit first? LeftOrbitTime = Int(15000/CycleAdjuster) 'Set timer to indicate upper motion (going UP to Zero) End If End Sub Sub TrSw40_Hit() if (skillShot) Then if (skillShot = 2) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 Else skillShotSuccess 0, 0 'Failure, so just disable it End If End If orbTimer = Int(40000/CycleAdjuster) ' if (orb(player) & B00100100) Then 'Already lit? If ((orb(player) AND 36) = 36) Then AddScore(10000) Else 'Not yet lit? AddScore(30000) DOF 114, 2 ' orb(player) |= B00100100 'Set bits orb(player) = orb(player) OR 36 checkOrb(1) 'Set lights, with video update End If End Sub Sub TrSw41_Hit() '"R" if (skillShot) Then if (skillShot = 2) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 else skillShotSuccess 0, 0 'Failure, so just disable it End If end If orbTimer = Int(40000/CycleAdjuster) if ((orb(player) AND 18) = 18) Then 'Already lit? AddScore 10000 else 'Not yet lit? AddScore 30000 DOF 115, 2 ' orb(player) |= B00010010 'Set bits orb(player) = orb(player) OR 18 checkOrb 1 'Set lights End If End Sub Sub TrSw42_Hit() '"B" if (skillShot) Then if (skillShot = 2) Then 'Did we hit the Skill shot? skillShotSuccess 1, 0 'Success! DOF 117, 2 else skillShotSuccess 0, 0 'Failure, so just disable it End If end If orbTimer = Int(40000/CycleAdjuster) if ((orb(player) AND 9) = 9) Then 'Already lit? AddScore 10000 else 'Not yet lit? AddScore 30000 DOF 116, 2 ' orb(player) |= B00001001 'Set bits orb(player) = orb(player) OR 9 checkOrb 1 'Set lights End If End Sub Sub KiHellEvator_Hit() 'Is there a ball in the Hellavator? Switch 43 Set BallElevator = ActiveBall ballElevatorLogic() BallInElevator = 1 End Sub Sub TrSw48_hit() DOF 127, 2 playSFX 2, "F", "1", "K", 205 'Always a "bad" sound. Priority will override any "good" completion sound ' rollOvers(player) |= B10001000 'Add bit rollOvers(player) = rollOvers(player) OR 136 AddScore(10000) checkRoll() 'Puts the bit on the lamp and checks if full End Sub Sub TrSw49_Hit() DOF 128, 2 if (badExit) Then 'If BadExit was set, clear it (checks that VUK'd ball rolled down the habitrail) badExit = 0 End If ' if ((rollOvers(player) & B01000100) = 0) Then 'Not already lit? If ((rollOvers(player) AND 68) = 0) Then playSFX 2, "F", "1", "0", 205 'Low priority sound Else playSFX 2, "F", "1", "L", 205 'Rollover when already lit sound FX (reduced version of normal) End If ' rollOvers(player) |= B01000100 Add bit rollOvers(player) = rollOvers(player) OR 68 AddScore(5000) checkRoll() 'Puts the bit on the lamp and checks if full End Sub Sub TrSw54_Hit() DOF 129, 2 ' if ((rollOvers(player) & B00100010) = 0) Then 'Not already lit? If (((rollOvers(player) AND 34) = 34)) Then playSFX 2, "F", "1", "0", 205 'Low priority sound Else playSFX 2, "F", "1", "L", 205 'Rollover when already lit sound FX (reduced version of normal) End If ' rollOvers(player) |= B00100010 'Add rollOvers(player) = rollOvers(player) OR 34 AddScore(5000) checkRoll() 'Puts the bit on the lamp and checks if full End Sub Sub TrSw55_Hit() DOF 130, 2 playSFX 2, "F", "1", "K", 205 'Always a "bad" sound. Priority will override any "good" completion sound ' rollOvers(player) |= B00010001 'Add bit rollOvers(player) = rollOvers(player) OR 17 AddScore(10000) checkRoll() 'Puts the bit on the lamp and checks if full End Sub Dim BallMoverHold Sub TrSw57_Hit() Sw57 = 1 If (BallMoverHold Is Nothing) Then Set BallMoverHold = ActiveBall if (run = 3 and plungeTimer = 0) Then 'The ball has started? Check conditions if (skillShot > 0) Then 'Did it fall back after shitty skill shot attempt? Give player greif! 'Serial.println("SKILL FAIL RUN=2") run = 2 'Reset condition if (launchCounter > 1) Then 'A couple failed attempts? if (numPlayers = 1) Then 'In single player games, do not indicate Player # playSFX 0, "S", "H", random(8), 255 'Give player shit Else 'Multiplayer, show which player is up and has the skill shot playSFX 0, "S", "I", random(8), 255 'Give player shit End If launchCounter = 0 End If Else 'Ball was launched, it bounced back here somehow. Kick it out! 'Serial.println("On shooter lane during game KICK (Run=3)") ' Coil(Plunger, plungerStrength) AutoPlunger.AutoFire End If End If End Sub Sub TrSw57_UnHit() Sw57 = 0 End Sub '*************************** End Switches ************************** Sub TargetBankTargetsHit() 'Any of the 3 targets hit? DOF 108, 2 'Some modes don't require you to be specific if (minion(player) = 1 and minionsBeat(player) < 3) Then 'First 3 minions, hit any target 3 times to reveal minionHits = minionHits - 1 flashCab 0, 0, 255, 50 'Brief flash to blue if (minionHits > 0) Then 'Haven't made 3 hits yet? AddScore(10000) video "M", "H", minionHits, allowSmall, 40, 210 'Show how many hits we need to find minion if (minionHits = 2) Then 'Make lights solid to count how many we've hit 'pulse(17) 'Apparently this was confusing, so just keep pulsing them I guess? 'pulse(18) 'light 19, 7 playSFX 2, "M", "I", "0", 250 'Minion target SFX End If if (minionHits = 1) Then 'pulse(17) 'light 18, 7 'light 19, 7 playSFX 2, "M", "I", "1", 250 'Minion target SFX End If ghostAction = Int(509998/cycleadjuster) 'Slight ghost movement Else light 17, 7 light 18, 7 light 19, 7 minionStart() End If End If if (hotProgress(player) = 20) Then 'Looking for control box? modeTimer = 0 'Hit ghost for random taunt playSFX 0, "L", "5", 65 + random(22), 200 'Will not override advance dialog video "L", "5", "A", allowSmall, 60, 100 'Will not override video AddScore(10000) End If if (Mode(player) = 1) Then 'Are we distracting Ghost Doctor? If so, we don't care which switch was hit. HospitalSwitchCheck() End If if (theProgress(player) > 9 and theProgress(player) < 100) Then 'Doing the Theater Ghost play? countSeconds = countSeconds + 5 'Increase 5 seconds modeTimer = Int(40000/CycleAdjuster) 'Reset seconds countdown timer playSFX 0, "T", "0", 65 + random(8), 250 'Will not override advance dialog if (countSeconds > TheaterTime) Then countSeconds = TheaterTime video "T", "4", "F", allowSmall, 54, 255 'Ghost talking TIMER MAXED OUT Else video "T", "4", "G", allowSmall, 54, 255 'Ghost talking TIMER ADD 5 SECONDS End If '; numbers(0, numberStay OR 4, 0, 0, countSeconds - 1) 'Update numbers station shotValue = (10000 * countSeconds) + 500000 'Recalculate shot value '; numbers(9, 2, 70, 27, shotValue) 'Update Shot Value AddScore(10000) sweetJumpBonus = 0 'BUT it resets your Sweet Jumps meter! sweetJump = 0 End If if (minionMB = 10) Then 'Ball trapped there for Minion Multiball? minionMBjackpot(0) 'Score jackpot, release ball ' cabDebounce(ghostOpto) = 10000 'Temporarily set it higher so ball behind targets won't re-trigger opto when it bounces up End If if (deProgress(player) = 10) Then 'Haven't weakened the demon yet? playSFX 0, "D", "Z", 65 + random(15), 255 'Prompt that we can't hit demon yet video "D", "D", "I", noExitFlush, 60, 255 'Shoot flashing shots! DemonState() End If End Sub '************** '* SlingShots '************** Sub WaSlingLeft_Slingshot() Leftsling = True PlaySoundAtVol Soundfx("left_slingshot"), ActiveBall, 1 DOF 103, 2 slingCount = slingCount + 1 if (slingCount > 6) Then playSFX 2, "C", "B", 65 + random(21), 100 'Ghost wail + Team Dialog AddScore(20000) slingCount = 0 Else playSFX 2, "C", "A", 65 + random(14), 99 'Low priority ghost wail AddScore(5000) End If End Sub Dim Leftsling:Leftsling = False Sub LS_Timer() If Leftsling = True and Left1.ObjRotZ < -11 then Left1.ObjRotZ = Left1.ObjRotZ + 2 If Leftsling = False and Left1.ObjRotZ > -24 then Left1.ObjRotZ = Left1.ObjRotZ - 2 If Left1.ObjRotZ >= -7 then Leftsling = False If Leftsling = True and Left2.ObjRotZ > -216.5 then Left2.ObjRotZ = Left2.ObjRotZ - 2 If Leftsling = False and Left2.ObjRotZ < -203.5 then Left2.ObjRotZ = Left2.ObjRotZ + 2 If Left2.ObjRotZ <= -212.5 then Leftsling = False If Leftsling = True and Left3.TransZ > -23 then Left3.TransZ = Left3.TransZ - 4 If Leftsling = False and Left3.TransZ < -0 then Left3.TransZ = Left3.TransZ + 4 If Left3.TransZ <= -23 then Leftsling = False End Sub 'Sub LeftSlingShot_Timer:Me.TimerEnabled = 0:End Sub Sub WaSlingRight_Slingshot() Rightsling = True PlaySoundAtVol Soundfx("right_slingshot"), ActiveBall, 1 DOF 104, 2 slingCount = slingCount + 1 if (slingCount > 6) Then playSFX 2, "C", "B", 65 + random(21), 100 'Ghost wail + Team Dialog AddScore(20000) slingCount = 0 Else playSFX 2, "C", "A", 65 + random(14), 99 'Low priority ghost wail AddScore(5000) End If End Sub Dim Rightsling:Rightsling = False Sub RS_Timer() If Rightsling = True and Right1.ObjRotZ > 11 then Right1.ObjRotZ = Right1.ObjRotZ - 2 If Rightsling = False and Right1.ObjRotZ < 24 then Right1.ObjRotZ = Right1.ObjRotZ + 2 If Right1.ObjRotZ <= 7 then Rightsling = False If Rightsling = True and Right2.ObjRotZ < 216.5 then Right2.ObjRotZ = Right2.ObjRotZ + 2 If Rightsling = False and Right2.ObjRotZ > 203.5 then Right2.ObjRotZ = Right2.ObjRotZ - 2 If Right2.ObjRotZ >= 212.5 then Rightsling = False If Rightsling = True and Right3.TransZ > -23 then Right3.TransZ = Right3.TransZ - 4 If Rightsling = False and Right3.TransZ < -0 then Right3.TransZ = Right3.TransZ + 4 If Right3.TransZ <= -23 then Rightsling = False End Sub '************** '************** '* Bumpers '************** Sub Bumpers_Hit(X) if X = 1 Then DOF 105, 2 elseif X = 0 Then DOF 106, 2 elseif X = 2 Then DOF 107, 2 end if popsTimer = longSecond '30000 Set pops timer so ball doesn't trigger center shot if rolls down there popCheck() 'Check the pops! PlaysoundAtVol Soundfx("fx_bumper1"), ActiveBall, 1 End Sub Set BallElevator = Nothing Sub TiElevator_Timer() If (PrElevator.Z < HellTarget AND ElevatorDir = 1) OR (PrElevator.Z > HellTarget AND ElevatorDir = -1) Then DOF 112, 2 End If If PrElevator.Z > HellTarget Then ElevatorDir = -1 If PrElevator.Z < HellTarget Then ElevatorDir = 1 PrElevator.Z = (PrElevator.Z + (HellSpeed * ElevatorDir)) If PrElevator.Z > 40 Then KiHellEvator.Enabled = 1 Else KiHellEvator.Enabled = 0 If PrElevator.Z >= HellTarget AND ElevatorDir = 1 Then me.Enabled = 0:PrElevator.Z = HellTarget If PrElevator.Z <= HellTarget AND ElevatorDir = -1 Then me.Enabled = 0:PrElevator.Z = HellTarget If Not (BallElevator Is Nothing) Then BallElevator.Z = PrElevator.Z + 2 If PrElevator.Z <= HellDown + 2 Then BallElevator.X = kiTroughEnter2.X BallElevator.Y = kiTroughEnter2.Y BallElevator.Z = 100 KiHellEvator.kick 0, 0, 0 DOF 120, 2 Set BallElevator = nothing End If If PrElevator.Z = HellUp Then KiHellEvator.kick 0, 0, 0 End If HellLocation = Int(PrElevator.Z) End Sub Sub UpdateFlipperLogo_Timer LFLogo.RotY = LeftFlipper.CurrentAngle RFlogo.RotY = RightFlipper.CurrentAngle LFLogo1.RotY = LeftFlipper.CurrentAngle RFlogo1.RotY = RightFlipper.CurrentAngle LFLogo2.RotY = LeftFlipper.CurrentAngle RFlogo2.RotY = RightFlipper.CurrentAngle PRGhost1.ObjRotZ = PrGhost.ObjRotZ PRDoor1.ObjRotZ = PrDoor.ObjRotZ dim bulb if NightDay <= 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights1 bulb.intensity = 12 next end if if NightDay <= 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights2 bulb.intensity = 15 next end if if NightDay <= 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights3 bulb.intensity = 15 next end if if NightDay > 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights1 bulb.intensity = 8 next end if if NightDay > 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights2 bulb.intensity = 8 next end if if NightDay > 15 then for each bulb in GI_Lights3 bulb.intensity = 8 next end if 'Li41a.State = Li41.State 'Li42a.State = Li42.State Li40b.Intensity = Li40.Intensity * 5 Li41b.Intensity = Li41.Intensity * 5 Li42b.Intensity = Li42.Intensity * 5 Li40a.Intensity = Li40.Intensity * 5.71 Li41a.Intensity = Li41.Intensity * 5.71 Li42a.Intensity = Li42.Intensity * 5.71 End Sub Function dSin(degrees) dsin = sin(degrees * Pi/180) if ABS(dSin) < 0.000001 Then dSin = 0 if ABS(dSin) > 0.999999 Then dSin = 1 * sgn(dSin) End Function Function Dec2Bi(DecimalNum) Dim tmp Dim n n = Cstr(DecimalNum) tmp = n Mod 2 n = n \ 2 Do While n <> 0 tmp = Cstr(n Mod 2) & tmp n = n \ 2 Loop Do while len(tmp)<24 tmp = "0" & tmp Loop Dec2Bi = tmp End Function Public Function Bi2Dec(Binary) Dim n Dim s For s = 1 To Len(Binary) n = n + (Mid(Binary, Len(Binary) - s + 1, 1) * (2 ^ (s - 1))) Next Bi2Dec = n End Function Sub WaGhost_Timer() GhostLocation = -(Int(PrGhost.ObjRotZ)-90) If PrGhost.ObjRotZ > GhostTarget Then GhostDir = -1 If PrGhost.ObjRotZ < GhostTarget Then GhostDir = 1 PrGhost.ObjRotZ = (PrGhost.ObjRotZ + (GhostSpeed * GhostDir)) If PrGhost.ObjRotZ >= GhostTarget AND GhostDir = 1 Then WaGhost.TimerEnabled = 0 PrGhost.ObjRotZ = GhostTarget End If If PrGhost.ObjRotZ <= GhostTarget AND GhostDir = -1 Then WaGhost.TimerEnabled = 0 PrGhost.ObjRotZ = GhostTarget End If End Sub Sub WaDoor_Timer() If (PrDoor.ObjRotZ < DoorTarget AND DoorDir = 1) OR (PrDoor.ObjRotZ > doortarget AND DoorDir = -1) Then DOF 112, 2 End If If PrDoor.ObjRotz > doortarget Then DoorDir = -1 If PrDoor.ObjRotZ < doortarget Then DoorDir = 1 PrDoor.ObjRotZ = (PrDoor.ObjRotZ + (DoorSpeed * Doordir)) If PrDoor.ObjRotZ >= doortarget AND DoorDir = 1 Then WaDoor.TimerEnabled = 0 PrDoor.ObjRotZ = doortarget End If If PrDoor.ObjRotZ <= doortarget AND DoorDir = -1 Then WaDoor.TimerEnabled = 0 PrDoor.ObjRotZ = doortarget End If If PrDoor.ObjRotZ <= 60 Then WaDoor.IsDropped = 0 Else WaDoor.IsDropped = 1 End Sub Sub WaGhostTarget_Timer() 'EP- Sub to move the primitive If (PrBankTop.Z < TargetLocation AND BankDir = 1) OR (PrBankTop.Z > TargetLocation AND BankDir = -1) Then DOF 112, 2 End If Dim X, prim If PrBankTop.Z > TargetLocation Then BankDir = -1 If PrBankTop.Z < TargetLocation Then BankDir = 1 For Each prim in TargetBank prim.Z = prim.Z + (TargetSpeed * BankDir) Next If PrBankTop.Z <= TargetLocation AND BankDir = -1 Then WaGhostTarget.TimerEnabled = 0 For Each prim in TargetBank prim.Z = TargetLocation Next End If If PrBankTop.Z <= 3 Then For Each X in TargetBankWalls X.IsDropped = 1 Next End If If PrBankTop.Z >= 3 Then For Each X in TargetBankWalls X.IsDropped = 0 Next End If If PrBankTop.Z >= TargetLocation AND BankDir = 1 Then WaGhostTarget.TimerEnabled = 0 For Each prim in TargetBank prim.Z = TargetLocation Next End If End Sub Sub TrAutoPlunger_Hit() AutoPlunger.AddBall End Sub Sub TrAutoPlunger_UnHit() AutoPlunger.RemoveBall End Sub Sub MusicPlayer(song) EndMusic lastMusic(1) = CurrentMusic(1) PlayMusic song CurrentMusic(1) = song End Sub Sub PlayMusicOnce(clip1, clip2) Dim X X = "bgout_" & clip1 & clip2 & ".mp3" PlayMusic X RepeatMusic(0) MusicRestart = 1 End Sub Sub Table1_MusicDone() If MusicRepeats = 1 Then MusicPlayer CurrentMusic(1) End If If MusicRestart = 1 Then MusicPlayer lastMusic(1) MusicRestart = 0 RepeatMusic(1) End If End Sub '********************* '*Kicker and trough stuff '********************* Sub KiDrain_Hit() 'Switch 63 If ActiveBall.ID > 20 Then me.destroyball:Exit Sub:End If PlaySoundAt "drain", KiDrain Set BallMover3 = ActiveBall 'Set the object so that we can... MoveBall BallMover3, KiMaintrough, me, 58, 8, 0 'Move the ball, to the main trough, coming from the drain BallsInTrough = BallsInTrough + 1 'Increase the number of tracked balls in the main trough Drain 0 End Sub Sub KiMainTrough1_Hit() 'When the bottom most kicker gets hit... Set BallMover4 = ActiveBall 'Set the Object so that we can move the ball when the ServeBall Sub gets called me.UserValue = 1 'Set me to occupied Sw59 = 1 End Sub Sub KiMainTrough2_Hit() 'For the rest of the kickers, when they get hit, we'll... me.UserValue = 1 ' set it to occupied and... Sw60 = 1 If MainTrough(0).Uservalue = 0 Then me.kick 58, 8, 0:me.UserValue = 0:Sw60 = 0 'If the next kicker in line is empty, then kick the ball out of me and set me to empty End Sub Sub KiMainTrough3_Hit() me.UserValue = 1 Sw61 = 1 If MainTrough(1).Uservalue = 0 Then me.kick 58, 8, 0:me.UserValue = 0:Sw61 = 0 End Sub Sub KiMainTrough4_Hit() me.UserValue = 1 Sw62 = 1 If MainTrough(2).Uservalue = 0 Then me.kick 58, 8, 0:me.UserValue = 0:Sw62 = 0 End Sub Dim BallMover, BallMover2, BallMover3, BallMover4 Sub KiBasement1_Hit() 'If the ball hits either of the basement entrances (behind the Hellevator)... Set BallMover = ActiveBall 'Set the object so we can move it and... MoveBall BallMover, KiTroughEnter, KiBasement1, 0, 0, 0 'Move the ball, to the Basement trough entrance, coming from me PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("kicker_enter_center"),KiBasement1,1 End Sub Sub KiBasement2_Hit() 'Same as previous Set BallMover = ActiveBall MoveBall BallMover, KiTroughEnter, KiBasement2, 0, 0, 0 PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("kicker_enter_center"),KiBasement2,1 End Sub Sub KiVUK1_Hit() 'Switch 21 Set BallMover = ActiveBall 'When the basement exit/VUK gets hit, set the Object so we can... MoveBall BallMover, KiVUK4, me, 0, 0, 0 'Move it back into the Basement trough, coming from me Sw22 = 1 PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("kicker_enter_center"),KiVUK1,VolKick End Sub Sub KiVUK3_Hit() 'Switch 22 Set BallMover2 = ActiveBall 'When the bottom of the basement trough gets hit, set the Object so we can... ScoopTime = Int(9010/CycleAdjuster) 'The default. Can be changed by the following: if (Tunnel = 1) Then 'Did ball get to the tunnel from the Hellavator? if (hellMB = 1) Then ScoopTime = Int(32500/CycleAdjuster) 'Sync to music and stuff. Re-test on the real, metal subway at Chuck's End If if (theProgress(player) = 11) Then 'If ball rolled down from hellavator, remove that Skip Event skip = 0 End If if (hotProgress(player) = 15) Then 'Did we just start Control Box Search? ScoopTime = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) 'Kick it out, after a longer delay hotProgress(player) = 20 'Set flag that ball is out and can find Control Boxes! skip = 55 'Set skip event for ball scoop eject End If if (deProgress(player) = 8) Then 'Ready to start DEMON BATTLE? DemonStart() End If End If if (Tunnel = 2) Then 'Ball came down from rear? (not hellavator) if (Advance_Enable and priProgress(player) > 4 and priProgress(player) < 7) Then 'First 2 locks? if (priProgress(player) = 6) Then 'Second ball lock has shorted speech ScoopTime = Int(80000/CycleAdjuster) Else ScoopTime = Int(85000/CycleAdjuster) End If End If if (priProgress(player) = 9) Then 'Did we lock the third ball down through upper Basement subway? ScoopTime = Int(130000/CycleAdjuster) 'Delay for storytelling skip = 60 'Allow a skip once the ball is in position End If End If if (Tunnel = 0) Then 'Was ball just shot right into Basement? ghostLooking(120) scoopDo() End If End Sub Sub KiVUK1_Timer() 'Re-enable the VUK KiVUK1.Enabled = 1 me.timerEnabled = 0 End Sub Sub KiDoor_Hit() 'Switch 23 Sw23 = 1 if (trapDoor = 0) Then 'Ball isn't supposed to be trapped behind door? Then check the switch! (This prevents switch from counting during Ball Search) if (LeftTimer = 0) Then 'ball goes into VUK behind door? if (leftVUKlogic() = 1) Then 'Call function. If it returns a 1, we are allowed to set a new combo if (HellLocation = hellDown) Then 'Only light the combo if the Hotel Path is open comboSet 3, comboTimerStart 'Enable a combo at Hotel Path Else comboSet 4, comboTimerStart 'Else, Theater Path End If End If End If End If if (hosTrapCheck = 1) Then if (activeBalls > 1 and LeftTimer = 0) Then 'Ball back in VUK, and we still have 2+ balls active? activeBalls = activeBalls - 1 'Subtract the ball we just caught hosTrapCheck = 0 'Clear the flag DoorSet DoorClosed, 1 'Close the door and continue as normal End If End If End Sub Sub KiDoor_UnHit() Sw23 = 0 PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("ballrelease"),KiDoor,VolKick DOF 121, 2 End Sub Sub KiDoor_Timer() me.kick -100, 50, 90 me.TimerEnabled = 0 End Sub Sub VUKKicker(whichkicker, power) whichkicker.kick -100, power, 85 End Sub Sub MoveBall(ball, dest, source, S1, S2, S3) 'The precious ball mover routine that moves the Ball, to the Dest, and making sure the Source is what kicks it ball.X = dest.X ball.Y = dest.Y source.kick S1, S2, S3 End Sub '********* End kicker stuff Sub TiChannel0_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(0) = 0 SndPlaying(0) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel1_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(1) = 0 SndPlaying(1) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel2_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(2) = 0 SndPlaying(2) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel3_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(3) = 0 SndPlaying(3) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel4_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(4) = 0 SndPlaying(4) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel5_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(5) = 0 SndPlaying(5) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel6_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(6) = 0 SndPlaying(6) = "" End Sub Sub TiChannel7_Timer() me.enabled = 0 SndChannel(7) = 0 SndPlaying(7) = "" End Sub Function Random(howrandom) Random = Int(Rnd*howrandom) End Function Sub CoinDoorOpenClose() 'EP- what to do when the user opens the door (i.e. pushes the End key) if (CoinDoorstate = 1) Then 'Is door open? video "A", "T", "Z", 0, 45, 100 'Play video DMDSceneQ "", MenuItem, 15, "", -1, 14, 16665, 14 playSFX 2, "X", "X", "8", 255 End If if (CoinDoorstate = -1) Then 'Is door closed? playSFX 2, "X", "X", "9", 255 DMDScene "AT0 Rev 2.gif", "", 0, "", 0, 14, 183, 14, 100 End If End Sub Function ShiftLeft(Value, n) Dim Tmp Dim i Tmp = Value For i = 0 To n - 1 Tmp = Tmp * 2 Next ShiftLeft = CInt(Tmp) End Function Function ShiftRight(Value, n) Dim Tmp Dim i Tmp = Value For i = 0 To n - 1 Tmp = Tmp \ 2 Next ShiftRight = CInt(Tmp) End Function Sub RFlip(dir) if (AutoEnable) Then '& EnableFlippers) Then 'Flippers available? Then allow player to activate them. EP- EnableFlippers is a constant, I don't understand why you have to check if a constant is there... IT'S A CONSTANT if (skip) Then 'and flipperCheck) Then 'Was either flipper hit during a skippable animation? skippable() 'Check what to skip to! End If If dir = 1 Then RightFlipper.RotateToEnd PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("flipperupright"), RightFlipper, VolFlip DOF 102, 1 RollRight() If SkillShot Then If Sw57 = 1 Then skillShot = skillShot + 1 if (skillShot > 3) Then skillShot = 1 End If video "K", "9", "9", 0, 5, 255 'Static transition shot if (numPlayers = 1) Then 'In single player games, do not indicate Player # customScore "K", "0", 64 + skillShot, 5, 999999 'Custom Score for skill shot Else 'Multiplayer, show which player is up and has the skill shot customScore "K", player, 64 + skillShot, 5, 999999 'Custom Score for skill shot End If PlaySFX 1, "S", "9", "9", 255 'Static sound End If End If Else RightFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), RightFlipper, VolFlip DOF 102, 0 End If End If If dir = 1 Then If (cursorPos <> 50) Then playSFX 1, "O", "R", "W", 255 modeTimer = Int(375000/cycleAdjuster) inChar = inChar + 1 if (inChar > 92) Then inChar = 65 End If NameEntry HSCheck, HSPlace End If If DMDAttract > 0 Then If CurAttract < 4 Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering DMDAttract = 4 Else UltraDMD.CancelRendering DMDAttract = CurAttract + 1 If DMDAttract > 8 Then DMDAttract = 4 End If End If End If SwRFlip = dir End Sub Sub LFlip(dir) if (AutoEnable) Then '& EnableFlippers) Then 'Flippers available? Then allow player to activate them. EP- EnableFlippers is a constant, I don't understand why you have to check if a constant is there... IT'S A CONSTANT if (skip) Then 'and flipperCheck) Then 'Was either flipper hit during a skippable animation? skippable() 'Check what to skip to! End If If dir = 1 Then LeftFlipper.RotateToEnd PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("flipperupleft"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip DOF 101, 1 RollLeft() If SkillShot Then If Sw57 = 1 Then skillShot = skillShot - 1 if (skillShot < 1) Then skillShot = 3 End If video "K", "9", "9", 0, 2, 255 'Static transition shot if (numPlayers = 1) Then 'In single player games, do not indicate Player # customScore "K", "0", 64 + skillShot, 5, 999999 'Custom Score for skill shot Else 'Multiplayer, show which player is up and has the skill shot customScore "K", player, 64 + skillShot, 5, 999999 'Custom Score for skill shot End If PlaySFX 1, "S", "9", "9", 255 'Static sound End If End If Else LeftFlipper.RotateToStart PlaySoundAtVol SoundFX("FlipperDown"), LeftFlipper, VolFlip DOF 101, 0 End If End If If dir = 1 Then If (cursorPos <> 50) Then playSFX 1, "O", "R", "W", 255 modeTimer = Int(375000/cycleAdjuster) inChar = inChar - 1 if (inChar < 65) Then inChar = 92 End If NameEntry HSCheck, HSPlace End If If DMDAttract > 0 Then Debug.Print "Going to HS" If CurAttract < 4 Then UltraDMD.CancelRendering DMDAttract = 4 Else UltraDMD.CancelRendering DMDAttract = CurAttract - 1 If DMDAttract < 4 Then DMDAttract = 8 End If End If End If SwLFlip = dir End Sub Sub CabCoin() 'EP- Broke this out as this is event driven coinsIn = coinsIn + 1 coinsInserted = coinsInserted + 1 'Master counter for moolah! if (coinsIn = coinsPerCredit) Then coinsIn = 0 playSFX 0, "C", "B", 65 + random(20), 255 'Ghost wail + Team Dialog credits = credits + 1 DOF 126, 1 if (credits > 99) Then credits = 99 'Once I would have asked "why would anyone try this?" but now I know better End If ' if (runType) Then ' Update(0) 'Updates freeplay and coins. ' Else ' Update(1) 'Updates freeplay and coins, attract mode to PRESS START! ' End If Else playSFX 0, "C", "A", 65 + random(12), 255 'Just a ghost wail End If End Sub Sub CabStart(runType) 'EP- Broke this out as this is event driven if (runType) Then 'Game running already? Have at least started Player 1? 'if (ball = 1 and numPlayers < 4) Then 'Can we add a player? if (ball = 1) Then 'Can only add players on Ball 1 if (freePlay = 0) Then 'Not on freeplay? if (credits) Then 'Then we need a credit credits = credits - 1 addPlayer() Update(0) End If Else 'If on freeplay, go for it! addPlayer() 'Add player will handle past 4 players Update(0) 'Update credits End If End If Else 'Game wasn't running? Start of the game with Player 1 if (countBalls() = 4) Then 'Must have 4 balls to start if (freePlay = 0) Then 'Not on freeplay? if (credits) Then 'Then we need a credit credits = credits - 1 If Credits < 1 Then DOF 126, 0 run = 1 'Set condition to advance game ' Update(0) 'Turn off attract mode AttractLights = 0 End If Else 'If on freeplay, go for it! run = 1 'Set condition to advance game ' Update(0) 'Turn off attract mode AttractLights = 0 End If Else video "A", "B", "0" + (4 - countBalls()), 0, 60, 255 'LOAD 1-4 MORE BALLS playSFX 2, "H", "0", "0", 255 'Door clunking sound End If End If End Sub Sub ServeBall() Dim X If Not (BallMover4 is Nothing) Then 'Only move the ball if the object has been correctly set (to reduce errors) BallMover4.X = KiLaunch.X 'EP- Move the ball to the launcher location BallMover4.Y = KiLaunch.Y KiMainTrough1.Kick 58, 10, 0 'EP- Kick it, but remember that KiMainTrough1 still owns the ball, so he's the one that has to kick it KiMainTrough1.UserValue = 0 PlaysoundAtVol SoundFX("ballrelease"),KiMainTrough1,VolKick DOF 119, 2 Set BallMover4 = Nothing BallsInTrough = BallsInTrough - 1 'Reduce number of balls in trough Else ' EP- Play kicking sound without a ball... shouldn't ever happen, but you never know End If For Each X in MainTrough 'Kick all the balls in the trough X.Kick 0, 5, 0 X.UserValue = 0 Next Sw59 = 0 'EP- Set all the switches to 0 while they move to the next kicker position Sw60 = 0 Sw61 = 0 Sw62 = 0 End Sub '***************************************************** '* Variables '***************************************************** 'America's Most Haunted 'Variables and Constants Definitions Const CycleAdjuster = 8 Const cycleMilliSecond= 12 Const cycleSecond= 1000 '12000 'How many kernel cycles per second Const cycleSecond2= 2000 '24000 Const cycleSecond4= 4000 '48000 Const longSecond= 1250 '15000 'How many cycles appx a "long" second for timers Const popScore= 10000 Const advanceScore= 50000 Const comboScore= 75000 Const startScore= 250000 Const winScore= 1000000 Const loopSecondsAdd= 3 'How many seconds you gain in Photo Hunt by shooting the loop 'Modify NumberType Const numberScore= 64 '"01000000" 'Draws number as Player (Number Value's) score. Use to build custom score displays Const numberFlash= 32 '"00100000" Const numberStay= 16 '"00010000" Const returnPixels= 32 '"00100000" 'Before drawing this character, place the existing left and rightmost pixels in the Outbuffer data return buffer 'Modify Video Type Const loopVideo= 128 '"10000000" 'Should video start over after it ends? Const preventRestart= 64 '"01000000" 'If video called is already playing, don't restart it (just let it keep playing) Const noEntryFlush= 32 '"00100000" 'Do not flush graphics on video start (for instance, to have a number appear on an enqueued video) Const noExitFlush= 16 '"00010000" 'Do not flush graphics on video end Const allowBar= 4 '"00000100" 'Can show Progess Bar during a video? Const allowLarge= 2 '"00000010" 'Can show large numbers on the video? Const allowSmall= 1 '"00000001" 'Can show small numbers on the video? Const allowAll= 3 '"00000011" 'Allow both large and small numbers on the video Const manualStep= 8 '"00001000" 'Video frames must be advanced manually 'Graphic Mode Commands Const clearScreen= 128 '"10000000" 'Erase buffer Const loadScreen= 64 '"01000000" 'Load buffer dimo display memory 'Attract Mode Starting Podims Const highScoreTable= 2 'Jump to High Score Table in attract mode Const lastGameScores= 7 'Jump to Last Scores Const holdTourneyScores=15 'Jump to Last Scores, hold on screen for 20 seconds to write down 'loopCatch Bits Const catchBall= 1 '"00000001" 'Flag that means try and catch the ball next time it comes in the loop Const checkBall= 2 '"00000010" 'Flag that we're checking if ball actually caught Const ballCaught= 128 '"10000000" 'Flag that the ball has been caught in the loop 'Multiball Bits Const multiballLoading= 1 '"00000001" 'Bit that says multiball is loading Const multiballLoaded= 2 '"00000010" 'Bit that says all balls have been loaded for MB Const multiballMinion= 128 '"10000000" 'Bit that says this is a Minion Multiball! Const multiballHell= 64 '"01000000" 'Bit that says this is a Hellavator Multiball! (it can be both!) dim adultMode:adultMode = 1 'Disables some of the worst lines. To some extent. A little.? dim coinDoorState:coinDoorState = -1 '99 'If coin door is open (1) or not (0) or don't know (99) EP- open = 1, closed = -1 dim coinDoorDetect:coinDoorDetect = 1 'Whether or not we care if the door is open or not (1 = care, 0 = don't. Use 0 for games without a door switch) dim skip:skip = 0 'If NOT ZERO, a skippable event is occurring. The value indicates which event is occurring, so the system knows what to do if player chooses to skip dim tiltTimer:tiltTimer = 0 'If a tilt was detected dim tiltSense:tiltSense = 45000 'If second tilt is detected before timer gets lower than this value, game goes dimo TILT dim timerTop:timerTop = 50000 'Starting timer value for tilt dim tiltFlag:tiltFlag = 0 'If a tilt occurred dim tiltCounter:tiltCounter = 0 'How many warnings you got dim tiltLimit:tiltLimit = 3 'Warning limit dim whichMenu:whichMenu = 1 'Which menu we are in dim whichSelection:whichSelection = 1 'What is selected dim menuAbortFlag:menuAbortFlag = 0 'If you try to enter the menu during a game, it sets this flag, ends game, and puts you back in the main loop dim audioSwitch:audioSwitch = 0 'Speaks which switch has been tested, in case your PF is in front of DMD dim dataOut(16) 'What we're sending to the Propeller 'dim dataIn(16) 'We can get up to 16 bytes at a time from the Propeller 'dim eepromChecksum:eepromChecksum = 1 'Location 14 on the output buffer. When EEPROM data is fetched, same number is placed in location 14 of returned data dim freePlay:freePlay = 1 'If the machine is Free Play or not (default = TRUE) dim coinsIn:coinsIn = 0 'How many coins you've inserted. Once it equals coinsPerCredit, a credit is awarded! dim coinsPerCredit:coinsPerCredit = 2 'Good old 25 cents per game! dim credits:credits = 0 '1 credit per coin event. dim replayValue:replayValue = 50000000 'Free credit if player exceeds this score Dim replayPlayer(5) 'Flag if a player has acheived a replay this round dim allowReplay:allowReplay = 1 'If game awards replays or not (default is YES) dim allowMatch:allowMatch = 1 'If we should do match animation at end of game dim gamesPlayed:gamesPlayed = 0 'Total games played since last reset dim ballsPlayed:ballsPlayed = 0 'Counts balls played to compute average ball time dim totalBallTime:totalBallTime = 0 'Total seconds a ball is in play. Divide by ballsPlayed to get average dim averageBallTime:averageBallTime = 1 'Calculate and store here dim secondsCounter:secondsCounter = 0 'Counts seconds to add to totalBallTime dim extraBallGet:extraBallGet = 0 'How many extra balls have been earned dim replayGet:replayGet = 0 'How many replays have been earned dim matchGet:matchGet = 0 'How many matches succeeded dim coinsInserted:coinsInserted = 0 'How many coins / tokens inserted dim dollars:dollars = 0 'Displays Earnings dim cents:cents = 0 'Displays Earnings dim debugSwitch:debugSwitch = 0 dim ballSearchEnable:ballSearchEnable = 1 'If we should look for balls or no ' Mode-specific variables------------------------------------------ dim Mode(5) 'What mode is currently active. dim ModeWon(5) 'What modes player has won dim modeRestart(5) 'What modes player is eligible to restart Binary B01111110 like Mode Won dim restartTimer:restartTimer = 0 'Timer for seconds dim restartSeconds:restartSeconds = 0 'Timer for Restart dim restartMode:restartMode = 0 'What mode we're trying to restart, so game knows what to "kill" if they miss dim popMode(5) 'What the pop bumber is advancing for each player. ( 1 is fort, 2 is bar) dim popActive:popActive = 0 'If any pop was hit during a cycle dim tourBits:tourBits = 0 'Set the 4 LSB's in this to "tour" the haunted locations and enable bonus perks (just like COD!) dim tourTotal:tourTotal = 0 'Counts the bits we've hit dim tourLights(6) 'Which tour lights should be on. We keep a copy here so Combo Timeouts won't erase Tour Shots dim tourComplete(5) 'Which tours the player has completed. Do all 6 for SUPER POdimS! dim Advance_Enable:Advance_Enable = 1 'Default is 1. Set to 0 if a Ghost Battle is in progress. dim loopCatch:loopCatch = 0 'Used for catching balls in the Ghost Loop and making sure they're caught before proceeding ' Hellvator Multiball------------------------------- dim multipleBalls:multipleBalls = 0 'A flag that says a mode is using multiple balls, but isn't a Minion or Hellavator multiball. Confusing, I know dim multiBall:multiBall = 0 'Multiball. Bit 7 = Minion MB, Bit 1 = All balls launched Bit 0 = Launching Balls dim hellMB:hellMB = 0 'Flag used to tell Hell MB apart from Minion MB (also if we can catch ghosts or not) dim catchValue:catchValue = 0 'How many times you've caught all 4 in multiball (adds multiplier) dim lockCount(5) 'How many balls have been soft locked in the Hellavator dim multiCount:multiCount = 0 'How many balls the game should auto-launch for a Multiball dim multiTimer:multiTimer = 0 dim hellJackpot(5) 'Starting MB jackpot value dim hitsTolight(5) 'How many times you have to press "Call" before hellavator moves / lights for lock dim callHits:callHits = 0 'How many times you've hit Call this ball (resets per player) ' Video Mode--------------------- dim videoMode(5) '1:videoMode(5) '1 = Mode Ready! 10 = Mode ready when current mode ends 100 = Instruction Screen 101 = Started! dim ghostY:ghostY = 0 'Y position of ghost dim videoModeEnable:videoModeEnable = 1 'If Video Mode can be started or not. I sure hope not. I hate video modes! dim videoCount:videoCount = 0 dim videoSpeed:videoSpeed = 0 'Speed at which the video advances dim videoCycles:videoCycles = 0 dim frameNumber:frameNumber = 0 'Which frame of video we are on dim vidBank:vidBank = 0 'What we're loading next, A or B dim videoSpeedStart:videoSpeedStart = 4 'Default speed at which the video advances ' Team Member Spelling & Ghost Minions ------------------------------- dim wiki(5) dim tech(5) dim psychic(5) dim scoringTimer:scoringTimer = 0 'How long DOUBLE SCORING will go on dim minionDamage:minionDamage = 1 'How much damage you cause per hit minion dim minion(5) 'The state of the Minion fight per player dim minionTarget(5) 'How many hits to beat the minion dim minionHits:minionHits = 0 'How many times you've hit the minion. Resets on mode start / ball loss. Is signed if you go below 0 with double damage dim minionsBeat(5) 'How many minions the player has beaten dim minionHitProgress(5) 'Saves how many hits you previously got on a Minion if you start another mode before beating him dim minionMB:minionMB = 0 'Flag to keep track of Minion Multiball dim minionJackpot:minionJackpot = 0 'What current Jackpot is Const minionMB1 = 2 'Which Minions give MB (Needs to be 1 below, IE, if third minion gives MB, set to 2, for 9th, set to 8 Const minionMB2 = 8 dim comboSeconds:comboSeconds = 0 'How many seconds combos are lit for. Can be changed in menu dim comboTimerStart:comboTimerStart = 7200 '72000 'Cycle counter for how long combos are lit. Default = 6 seconds dim comboVideoFlag:comboVideoFlag = 0 'If a combo was hit, this flag makes it so the next video is enqueued (so we see COMBO + normal shot video) dim comboCount:comboCount = 1 'How many combos player has made dim comboTimer:comboTimer = 0 'Time left to get a combo dim comboShot:comboShot = 0 'Which Camera Shot has the combo lit (0-5) dim comboEnable:comboEnable = 0 '0 = No combos allowed (some modes) 1 = Combos OK! (mode modes, but check!) dim hellLock(5) 'If you can lock balls in the Hellavator or not dim spiritGuide(5) 'If spirit guide is lit, and what was awarded if you shoot it dim spiritGuideActive:spiritGuideActive = 0 'During multi-ball and some other things, Spirit Guide is disabled dim spiritProgress(5) 'If in tourney mode, this tracks players progress through spirit guide (but still skip awards they've already claimed) Const teamWiki= 128 '"10000000" 'Bit values for teamMod flags Const teamTech= 64 '"01000000" Const teamPsychic= 32 '"00100000" dim EVP_Target:EVP_Target = 10 'How many pops to get an EVP dim popCount:popCount = 0 'How many pops we have dim EVP_Total(5) 'How many EVP's each player has collected dim EVP_EBtarget(5) 'How many EVP's each player must get to earn Extra Ball dim EVP_EBsetting:EVP_EBsetting = 10 'Defaults to 10, can be changed in menu if I remember to add it in dim EVP_Jackpot(5) 'Jackpot value per player. dim jackpotMultiplier:jackpotMultiplier = 0 'Current multiplier for the mode dim photosTaken(5) 'Total photos a player got. dim areaProgress(5) 'How many mode-advancing shots each player has made dim ghostsDefeated(5) 'Total ghosts defeated per ball dim orb(5) 'Which ORB roll over lanes have been hit dim bonus:bonus = 0 'Total bonus at end of ball dim bonusMultiplier:bonusMultiplier = 0 'Multipliers per ball dim scoreMultiplier:scoreMultiplier = 1 'Can be used for double scoring and stuff. Right now just for Psychic Scoring dim zeroPointBall:zeroPointBall = 1 'If you score zero podims on a ball 1 means you get it back, 0 means too bad sucker! 'General Mode Variables------------------------------------------ dim gTargets(3) 'Which of the Ghost Targets have been cleared. dim targetBits:targetBits = 7 'Which targets have NOT been cleared (starts at B00000111) dim targetsHit:targetsHit = 0 'How many of the 3 targets you have hit dim saveStart:saveStart = 5 '50000 'The default amount of ball save time, in seconds EP- apparently this is fixed in the newer code dim saveCurrent(5) 'How much Save Start time each player has (can be increased during game) dim saveTimer:saveTimer = 0 'Timer for Ball Save dim scoopSaveStart:scoopSaveStart = 151 '1510 'Ball save time, in milliseconds, when ball is ejected from scoop (default 1.5 seconds) dim drainTimer:drainTimer = 0 'Timer for events after a ball drain dim modeTimer:modeTimer = 0 'Timer for stuff in modes, like random taunts and hurry ups dim displayTimer:displayTimer = 0 'Timer for display actions dim skillShot:skillShot = 0 'If skill shot is enabled, and which one we're going for dim launchCounter:launchCounter = 0 'For debug purposes. Counts how many times it's tried to load the ball 'Hospital - Mode 1 dim hosProgress(5) dim hosTrapCheck:hosTrapCheck = 0 'Flag if a ball search has to occur and kick out the VUK dim DoctorState:DoctorState = 0 '0 = Guarding door, 1 = Distracted dim DoctorTimer:DoctorTimer = 0 'Count up timer. When it reaches limit, ghost moves back towards door a bit. dim DoctorTarget:DoctorTarget = 0 'Target amount before move. With each hit, ghost moves a little faster. dim DoctorSeconds:DoctorSeconds = 0 'Hurry-up timer display. Not really in seconds. dim doctorHits:doctorHits = 0 'Only prompt on Doctor hits every 3 times dim patientStage:patientStage = 0 'What stage of Ghost Patient you're at dim patientsSaved:patientsSaved = 0 'How many you saved, through Murder! dim badExit:badExit = 0 'If = 0, then ball ejected properly, rolled down habitrail and hit left inlane switch 'Theater - Mode 2 dim theProgress(5) 'The progress in Theater Mode dim sweetJumpBonus:sweetJumpBonus = 0 'How many podims you get for SWEET JUMPS dim sweetJump:sweetJump = 0 'How many JUMPS you've done (directs what video plays) dim shotValue:shotValue = 0 'Keeps track of what next shot is worth. Decrements each second. Const TheaterTime = 21 '16 seconds, plus some slop for the display 'Bar - Mode 3 dim spotProgress:spotProgress = 0 'What level the pops start at (0 - 12 spot halfway) dim barProgress(5) 'How many pops have advanced the Bar dim whoreJackpot:whoreJackpot = 0 'How many Jackpots on Ghost Whore. dim kegsStolen:kegsStolen = 0 'How many kegs have been stolen! 'War Fort - Mode 4 dim fortProgress(5) 'How many pops have advanced in the Fort Mode dim soldierUp:soldierUp = 0 dim warHits:warHits = 0 dim goldHits:goldHits = 0 'How many hits on the door dim goldTimer:goldTimer = 0 'How long to get the gold! dim goldTotal:goldTotal = 0 'How much you collected Const GoldTime = 21 '20 SECONDS TO COLLECT GOLD 'Hotel - Mode 5 dim hotProgress(5) dim ControlBox(6) 'Flag to set where the random control box is, and where we've checked already dim HellBall:HellBall = 0 'Status of what the ball in the Hellavator is doing. dim hellCheck:hellCheck = 0 'Used to check if a ball is stuck in the Hellavator 'Prison - Mode 6 dim priProgress(5) dim Tunnel:Tunnel = 0 'Did the ball just roll through the tunnel? Used for Basement Scoop switch logic dim teamSaved:teamSaved = 0 'How many members we've saved dim convictState:convictState = 0 'Freeing convict ghosts. 1 = Need to open door 2 = Need to shoot scoop dim convictsSaved:convictsSaved = 0 'How many you've saved. Maybe we use this for a bonus or something 'Ghost Photo Hunt - Mode 7 dim rollOvers(5) 'GLIR rollover targets. Use LSB's dim GLIR(5) 'Flag if GLIR is lit and can be started dim GLIRneeded(5) 'How many times each player must spell GLIR to light Photo Hunt dim GLIRlit(5) 'If GLIR is lit for a player. If MSB bit set, prevents it from being started (usually when a Minion is active) dim photosToGo:photosToGo = 0 'How many photos left to collect (from 9-0 to 3-0) dim photosNeeded(5) 'Number of photos each player must collect. (starts at 3) dim photoTimer:photoTimer = 0 'Timer used just for photo mode! dim countSeconds:countSeconds = 0 'How many seconds left. Used for other modes, too dim photoLocation(6) 'What shots have valid photos dim photoCurrent:photoCurrent = 0 'Which location (0-5) currently has the photo dim photoLights:photoLights = Array(7, 14, 23, 31, 39, 47) 'The lamp number of the Camera Icons, from left to right dim photoStrobe:photoStrobe = Array(4, 6, 3, 5, 3, 4) 'How many south of Camera icon that you can strobe dim photoSecondsStart(5) 'How many seconds you get to collect a photo dim photoValue:photoValue = 0 'Current value of photos (decreases every second!) dim photoPath:photoPath = Array(1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0) 'Sequence in which to make the shots if in Tournament Mode (with overflow just in case) dim photoWhich:photoWhich = 0 'How many we've taken per round of Photo Hunt (used to guide tourney path) 'Demon Battle - Mode 10 dim deProgress(5) 'How far you are through the mode dim demonLife 'How weak Demon is '****EP- We don't need debounce stuff**** Const trapSwitchSlow= 500 '5000 'When finding balls, the "slow" reaction time for switches Const trapSwitchNormal= 20 '200 'The default switch ramp time for trapped balls 'Switch 0.........................................7 dim switchDead:switchDead = 0 'Checks to see if the ball is stuck Const defaultR = 128 'Default "mode 0" colors (medium white) Const defaultG = 128 Const defaultB = 128 Const tempLamp = 5 'Memory area for temp light animations dim lightningTimer:lightningTimer = 0 'To flash some lightning dim lightningGo:lightningGo = 0 'If a lightning effect is occuring dim lightningPWM:lightningPWM = 0 'For PWM lightning FX dim leftRGB(3) 'RGB colors of left cabinet GI dim rightRGB(3) 'RGB colors of right cabinet GI dim cabModeRGB(3) 'The default colors of the cabinet for each Mode (not the same as generic white default colors) dim targetRGB(3) 'RGB color the cabinet lighting is trying to get to dim RGBtimer:RGBtimer = 0 'Times how quickly the RGB changes (100 cycles is good) dim RGBspeed:RGBspeed = 0 'How quickly it changes dim ghostRGB(3) 'The current RGB color of the ghost dim ghostModeRGB(3) 'What color the ghost should be for the mode dim ghostFadeTimer:ghostFadeTimer = 0 'Flag for if the ghost should fade dim ghostFadeAmount:ghostFadeAmount = 0 'What amount the timer should reset to dim GIword:GIword = 0 'The general illumination that will get sent out dim animationTimer:animationTimer = 0 'How many kernel cycles before animation advances dim lightStart:lightStart = 0 'What frame # the PF animation starts on dim lightCurrent:lightCurrent = 0 'What frame # the PF animation is currently on dim lightEnd:lightEnd = 0 'Last frame in this animation. When lightCurrent++ > lightEnd, we revert to lightStart dim lightStatus:lightStatus = 0 'Control byte for insert light animations Const animationTarget= 80 '800 '12,000 HZ / 15 FPS = 800 kernel cycles per light frame 'Const lightAnimate B10000000 'Bit 7 enables animation dim lightAnimate:lightAnimate = 1 'EP- doing my best to understand this 'Const lightLoop B01000000 'Bit 6 causes animation to loop back to lightStart until disabled dim lightLoop:lightLoop = 1 'EP- doing my best to understand this 'dim lightData(8) 'Bits of each byte control the lights, for a total of 64. What actually gets output to the pins. 'dim lightCol:lightCol = 0 'Current Column byte we are displaying (rows = bits) 'dim lightColBit:lightColBit = 1 ' Shifts left with each row to trigger Darlingtoin arrays 'dim lightRowBit:lightRowBit = 1 'Used to build each byte of Column data 'dim lightGap:lightGap = 0 'Ghost-busting gap 'dim lightPWM:lightPWM = 0 'PWM Timer for lights 'Const lightcyclefreq 8000 'Number of times per second to run the light routine (8000 / 8 columns / 8 cycles PWM = 125 HZ) dim lamp(65) 'PWM values for all 64 lights dim lampState(65) 'What state each light is in 0:lampState(65) 'What state each light is in 0 = standard, 1 = blink, 2 = strobe + 3, 4 = pulsate dim strobeAmount(65) dim lampPlayers(321) 'Stores a player's lamps dim statePlayers(321) 'Stores a player's lamp states dim strobePlayers(321) 'Stores a player's strobe states dim lampnum:lampnum = 0 'Which lamp we are computing at the moment (used in dimerrupt) dim lightNumber:lightNumber = 0 'The lamp number pulled from the op code dim pulseDir:pulseDir = 0 'What direction the pulse is going dim pulseLevel:pulseLevel = 0 'Current pulse level (for all lights) dim pulseTimer:pulseTimer = 0 'Timer for the pulses dim strobePos(65) 'Which lamp the stobe is on (0:strobePos(65) 'Which lamp the stobe is on (0 = target, 2 = third) dim strobeTimer:strobeTimer = 0 dim blinkTimer:blinkTimer = 0 'Timer for blinking the lights dim dirtyPoolTimer:dirtyPoolTimer = 0 'Checks if a ball is stuck under the ghost. Check this after modes where it's possible. dim dirtyPoolChecker:dirtyPoolChecker = 1 'If the game should check for Dirty Pool. Modes that want to trap the ball should set this to 0 until complete. dim trapTargets:trapTargets = 0 'If a ball is trapped behind targets, set this flag so ball search won't release it dim trapDoor:trapDoor = 0 'Flag that a ball is to be held behind the door in the VUK (Hospital Mode / Demon locks) dim LeftTimer:LeftTimer = 0 dim LeftPower:LeftPower = 0 dim RightTimer:RightTimer = 0 dim RightPower:RightPower = 0 dim centerTimer:centerTimer = 0 'Avoid double hits on Pop Bumper Path, and supresses video on Pops dim popsTimer:popsTimer = 0 'If ball rolls out of pops, keeps Center Shot from triggering dim rampTimer:rampTimer = 0 'Avoids double hits on the Ramp Approach switch dim orbTimer:orbTimer = 0 'Avoids false scores on Balcony Approach switch dim slingCount:slingCount = 0 'Counts the Sling Hits. Dialog once at 4 hits, resets when Timer is zero dim lightSpeed:lightSpeed = 1 'How fast blinks, pulsates and strobes occur. Depends on kernel speed too. Default = 1 Const strobeSpeed= 125 '1000 'Number of cycles before the strobe advances Const pulseSpeed= 63 '500 'Number of cycles before the pulse changes values Const blinkSpeed0= 250 '2000 'Number of cycles before the blink changes Const blinkSpeed1= 500 '4000 'Number of cycles before the blink changes dim LeftVUKTime:LeftVUKTime = 0 'Kickout timer for left VUK (behind door) dim ScoopTime:ScoopTime = 0 'Kickout timer for Basement Scoop dim LeftOrbitTime:LeftOrbitTime = 0 'Timer that lefts us know which way the ball is going on Left Orbit. dim UpperOrbitTime:UpperOrbitTime = 0 'Timer after upper switch hit on orbit. Used to avoid double advance on Prison Lock dim LFlipTime:LFlipTime = -1 'Timer for flipper high current dim RFlipTime:RFlipTime = -1 'Timer for flipper high current dim LholdTime:LholdTime = 0 'Timers for hold coil PWM dim RholdTime:RholdTime = 0 'Timers for hold coil PWM 'dim leftDebounce:leftDebounce = 0 'Flipper buttons don't use the built-in Cabinet Button Debounce 'dim rightDebounce:rightDebounce = 0 'These variables do it manually dim plungeTimer:plungeTimer = 0 'Timer for Autoplunging! dim ballQueue:ballQueue = 0 'If another ball is added DURING a plunge timer event. Unlikely, but possible. '----------------------------------------------------------------------- dim drainSwitch:drainSwitch = 63 'Which ball counter switch acts as drain dim tournament:tournament = 0 'If game is in Tournament Mode or no (1 = YES 0 = NO) dim ball:ball = 0 'Starts at ball 1, should ball = 4 game is over (man) dim ballsPerGame:ballsPerGame = 4 'At which ball count the game ends. Should be the # of balls you want, plus 1. (so for a 1 ball game it'd be 2) dim activeBalls:activeBalls = 0 'How many balls are on the playfield dim extraBalls:extraBalls = 0 'Flag that gives current player an extra ball after drain / bonus dim allowExtraBalls:allowExtraBalls = 1 'Should game allow extra balls? dim extraLit(5) 'If player has an Extra Ball lit or not dim scoreBall:scoreBall = 0 'Whetever or not a player scored on a ball or not dim playerScore(5) 'Each player's score. Use 1-4, skipping 0 dim numPlayers:numPlayers = 0 'Total # of players in the game dim loadChecker:loadChecker = 0 'On first load, makes sure ball fully loaded. dim modeTotal:modeTotal = 0 'Total podims you made in a mode dim showScores:showScores = 0 'Don't show scores during attract mode until there's been a game completed dim startingAttract:startingAttract = 1 'When machine resets, which part of the Attract Mode it should goto dim attractLights:attractLights = 1 'If the machine should do lighting Attract Mode. Usually yes, but disabled in Debug Mode dim player:player = 0 'Player currently playing dim run:run = 0 'What state the machine is in during attract and game start modes dim kickTimer:kickTimer = 0 'How long before a ball is kicked out of the drain dim kickPulse:kickPulse = 0 'To pulse the kicker coil dim kickFlag:kickFlag = 0 'Flag that says ball has been kicked from the drain. Keeps Ball Switch 4 from accidentally triggering a double drain dim pPos(4) 'Sorts the scores at the end of a game 0:pPos(4) 'Sorts the scores at the end of a game 0 = highest, 3 = lowest dim highScores(5) 'Best (0) and 5th (4) dim initials(3) 'What has been entered on the initial screen dim topPlayers(15) 'The top players initials dim inChar:inChar = 65 'Which character the player is entering dim cursorPos:cursorPos = 50 'Cursor position of character entry (0-2) Hitting START on character 2 finishes entry '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Const drainStart= 10000 '100000 dim ghostLook:ghostLook = 1 'Should the ghost look at shots as they're made? dim ghostAction:ghostAction = 0 'Timer / control for making the ghost do things. dim ghostBored:ghostBored = 0 'After looking someplace, eventually the ghost gets bored and turns back to center. dim MagnetTimer:MagnetTimer = 0 'How long should the magnet stay on? dim MagnetCount:MagnetCount = 0 'This is used to PWM the magnet. dim magFlag:magFlag = 0 'If the magnet should be pulsing or not during the timer dim HellLocation:HellLocation = 0 'Location of the Hellavator dim HellTarget:HellTarget = 0 'Where were are trying to move the elevator dim HellSpeed:HellSpeed = 0 'Speed (in cycles) to move elevator, set to 0 to indicate target acquired dim HellTimer:HellTimer = 0 'Counts cycles between moves dim HellSafe:HellSafe = 0 'Checks if ball successfully exits Hellavator dim DoorLocation:DoorLocation = 0 'Location of the Spooky Door dim DoorTarget:DoorTarget = 0 'Where were are trying to move the door to dim DoorSpeed:DoorSpeed = 0 'Speed (in cycles) to move door, set to 0 to indicate target acquired dim DoorTimer:DoorTimer = 0 'Counts cycles between moves dim doorCheck:doorCheck = 0 'Checks for ball traps during ball search dim TargetLocation:TargetLocation = 0 'Location of the Target dim TargetTarget:TargetTarget = 0 'Where were are trying to move the Target dim TargetDelay:TargetDelay = 0 'How long until the targets start moving dim TargetNewSpeed:TargetNewSpeed = 0 'What speed to set once Delay Timer is up dim TargetSpeed:TargetSpeed = 600 'Speed (in cycles) to move Target, set to 0 to indicate target acquired dim TargetTimer:TargetTimer = 0 'Counts cycles between moves dim GhostLocation:GhostLocation = 0 'Rotation of Ghost. dim ghostTarget:ghostTarget = 0 'Where we want the ghost to go dim ghostSpeed:ghostSpeed = 0 'How often the ghost changes location dim ghostTimer:ghostTimer = 0 'Timer to set Ghost Speed dim sfxVolume(2) 'Volume of SFX dim musicVolume(2) 'Volume of the left and right channels dim lastMusic(2) 'What music WAS playing dim currentMusic(2) 'What music is currently playing dim musicDefault:musicDefault = 35 'Default music volume dim sfxDefault:sfxDefault = 75 'Default SFX volume dim leftVolume:leftVolume = 100 dim rightVolume:rightVolume = 10 dim SolTimer(24) '32 bit system-based timer for solenoids dim AutoEnable:AutoEnable = 0 'Which solenoids can auto-fire with PC commands 'dim coilSettings():coilSettings() = {300, 15, 15, 10, 30, 30, 0} 'Flipper, Slings, Pops, Left Vuk, Right Scoop, Autolauncher, etc... dim coilDefaults:coilDefaults = Array(9, 9, 9, 8, 3, 9, 8, 4, 0) 'Flipper, Slings, Pops, Left Vuk, Right Scoop, Autolauncher, Load strength, Drain kick strength, null dim coilSettings:coilSettings = Array(9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 5, 6, 0) 'Flipper, Slings, Pops, Left Vuk, Right Scoop, Autolauncher, Load strength, Drain kick strength, null Const autoPlungeFast= 208 '2084 'What setting gives an "instant" autoplunge Const autoPlungeSlow= 292 '2917 'Slower version dim autoPlungeCheck:autoPlungeCheck = 0 'If an autoplunge should wait for drained ball to be kicked back dimo trough before loading '-------------------------Define Game Settings. Production Game Only------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Variable (User Changeable) Coil Settings------------------------------ dim FlipPower:FlipPower = 300 'Default flipper high power winding ON time, in cycles dim SlingPower:SlingPower = 15 'How hard the slings hit dim PopPower:PopPower = 15 'Default auto power for pop bumpers dim vukPower:vukPower = 25 'Power of the left VUK behind door dim scoopPower:scoopPower = 45 'Power of the right basement scoop dim plungerStrength:plungerStrength = 30 'How hard the autolauncher kicks it out dim loadStrength:loadStrength = 6 'How hard the ball loader is dim drainStrength:drainStrength = 12 '15 How hard it gets out of drain dim drainTries:drainTries = 0 'If a drain kick doesn't work, this increments and is added to the Drain Strength until all 4 balls are loaded dim drainPWMstart:drainPWMstart = 5850 'When to switch from Drain Kick power kick to PWM hold 'Static Coil / Magnet Settings----------------------------------------- 'Const loadStrength 10 'How hard the ball loader is 'Const drainStrength 10 '15 How hard it gets out of drain Const holdTop= 50 '250 'Used to PWM the hold coil on flippers Const holdHalf= 25 '125 'Save a calculation later Const magPWM= 100 '350 'How many cycles between magnet pulses to hold it on Const magFlagTime= 2 'How many MS long each magnet cycle pulse is (stay under 10 else it's always on) 'Sets the ramp-up per switch. The switch must be on XXX many cycles in order to register a hit 'dim cabRampDBTime():cabRampDBTime() = {200, 200, 200, 5, 5, 200, 200, 200, 'unused, Door, User0, RFlip, LFlip, Menu, Enter, Coin ' 25, 0, 5, 200, 200, 2, 2, 200,} 'Tilt, ghostOpto, doorOpto, unused, Start, ghostOpto, doorOpto, unused 'Sets the debounce time per switch. The switch must be off XXX cycles before it can be re-triggered 'dim cabDBTime():cabDBTime() = {200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 'unused, Door, User0, RFlip, LFlip, Menu, Enter, Coin ' 20000, 2500, 7500, 200, 200, 5000, 7500, 200,} 'Tilt, ghostOpto, doorOpto, unused, Start, ghostOpto, doorOpto, unused '-----Assign Solenoid Pin #'s to a logic number listing 'NEW NEW 'dim SolPin():SolPin() = {22, 23, 32, 25, 31, 30, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85} 'Solenoid pin #'s assigned to an array (0-23) ' sol0 Const Magnet= 0 Const sol1= 1 'GI 1 Const sol2= 2 'GI 2 Const sol3= 3 'GI 3 Const sol4= 4 Const sol5= 5 Const leftBackglass= 6 Const rightBackglass= 7 Const LSling= 8 ' Const RSling= 9 ' Const ScoopKick= 10 ' Const LeftVUK= 11 ' Const sol12= 12 Const Bump0= 13 Const Bump1= 14 Const Bump2= 15 Const RFlipHigh= 78 ' 'These need to be set to actual PIN#'s, not solenoid #'s. Const RFlipLow= 79 ' 'These need to be set to actual PIN#'s, not solenoid #'s. Const LFlipHigh= 80 ' 'These need to be set to actual PIN#'s, not solenoid #'s. Const LFlipLow= 81 ' 'These need to be set to actual PIN#'s, not solenoid #'s. Const LoadCoil= 20 ' 'Ball Load Const drainKick= 21 'Drain Kick (Unused on Ben's prototype) 'Const Plunger= 22 ' 'Plunger Const sol23= 23 ' sol23 Const solenable= 28 '------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dimer-processor communication pins------------------ 'Const ATN 14 'Const SDI 14 'Const CLK 15 'Const SDO 16 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Cabinet switch shift register inputs------------------ 'Const cdatain 45 'Const cclock 37 'Const clatch 43 'Const GIdata 29 Const startLight= 13 'Shift register bit # declarations (New Pinheck System)------------ 'Const Door 1 'Const User0 2 'Const RFlip 3 'Const LFlip 4 'Const Menu 5 'Const Enter 6 'Const Coin 7 'Const Tilt 8 'Const TCBDTWN7 9 'Const TCBDTWN6 10 'Const TCBDTWN5 11 'Const Start 12 'Const ghostOpto 13 'TCBDTWN #1 / Opto 1 'Const doorOpto 14 'TCBDTWN #2 / Opto 2 'Const StartLight 51 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Servo Assignments 'Const HellServo 0 'Const DoorServo 1 'Const GhostServo 2 'Const Targets 3 'Const TargetDown 160 'PRODUCTION VERSION Const TargetDown= 0 'Const TargetJog 40 'Const TargetUp 5 'PRODUCTION VERSION Const TargetUp= 53 'Const hellUp 160 Const hellUp= 150 'Const hellStuck 60 Const hellStuck= 100 'Const hellDown 10 Const hellDown= 25 'Const DoorOpen 5 'PRODUCTION VERSION Const DoorOpen= 80 'Const DoorClosed 90 '95 Const DoorClosed= -18 'Const GhostDistracted 120 'Where the ghost turns to when distracted (decreases each time) Make sure it's a multiple of 20 + GhostAtDoor Const GhostDistracted= 120 'Const GhostMiddle 70 'Halfway back to the Spooky Door Const GhostMiddle= 70 'Const GhostAtDoor 20 'Ghost guarding the Spooky Door. Const GhostAtDoor= 20 'Const subwayTime 15000 'Amount of time it takes for ball to exit hellavator and hit Middle Subway Switch Const subwayTime= 1500 '--------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Subway Switch Numbers Const subUpper= 35 Const subLower= 36 '************************************************ '* Shoopity's variables '************************************************ Dim CenterCounter:CenterCounter = 0 Dim Pi Dim Sw16, Sw17, Sw18, Sw19, Sw20, Sw21, Sw22, Sw23, Sw24, Sw25, Sw26, Sw27, Sw28, Sw29, Sw30, Sw31, Sw32, Sw33, Sw34, Sw35, Sw36, Sw37, Sw38, Sw39, Sw40, Sw41, Sw42, Sw43, Sw44, Sw45, Sw46, Sw47, Sw48, Sw49 Dim Sw50, Sw51, Sw52, Sw53, Sw54, Sw55, Sw56, Sw57, Sw58, Sw59, Sw60, Sw61, Sw62, Sw63 Dim CustNumbersUL, CustNumbersUR, CustNumbersBL, CustNumbersBR 'EP- What to put in the upper left/right and lower left/right corners of the DMD CustNumbersUL = "" CustNumbersUR = "" CustNumbersBL = "" CustNumbersBR = "" Dim SwLFlip, SwRFlip 'EP- Variables for indicating if the flipper switches are pushed (1) or not (-1) Dim BallsInTrough:BallsInTrough = 4 'EP- Number of Balls in trough, used for virtual implementation of trough Dim mMagnaSave Dim AutoPlunger Dim Coin Dim OldDMDPrio:OldDMDPrio = 0 'EP- Currently playing DMD Scene priority Dim EoBStep:EoBStep = 1 'EP- Used in Stepping through the End Of Ball animation Dim rgbfadeamount:rgbfadeamount = 1 'EP- How fast the lights fade Dim RGBTarget 'EP- What the lights are fading to Dim SndPlaying, SndChannel 'EP- Keeps track of the name of the sound playing in which channel; Keeps track of the priority of the sound playing in the channel SndChannel = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) SndPlaying = Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") Dim PauseAdjuster:PauseAdjuster = 60 'EP- variable for the DMD pause; this may change as UltraDMD changes Dim MusicRepeats:MusicRepeats = 0 'EP- 0 means No, 1 means yes Dim BankDir:BankDir = -1 'EP- The speed at which the targets are moving; the direction they're moving TargetTarget = TargetDown Dim MusicRestart:MusicRestart = 0 Dim DoorDir:DoorDir = 1 'EP- Is the Door opening or closing Dim GhostDir 'EP- Is the Ghost turning left or right Dim ElevatorDir:ElevatorDir = 1 'EP- Is the Elevator going up or down Dim BallElevator 'EP- Object for moving the ball in the elevator Dim GhostFast, GhostSlow 'Ep- The fastest the ghost moves in real life, and the slowest it moves GhostFast = 1.5 GhostSlow = 0.5 Dim ElevatorFast, ElevatorSlow 'EP- The fastest the elevator moves in real life, and the slowest ElevatorFast = 1 ElevatorSlow = 0.1 Dim DoorFast, DoorSlow 'EP- Same as above, but for the door DoorFast = 0.75 DoorSlow = 0.1 Dim TargetFast, TargetSlow TargetSlow = 0.25 TargetFast = 1 Dim gfadespeed:gfadespeed = 1 'EP- Fading for the ghost Dim GhostFadespeed:GhostFadespeed = 1 'EP- I put this here to make ghost fading speed easily adjustable dim BallInElevator 'EP- is there a ball in the elevator '******************************************************************** End Variables************************************************ '******************************************************************** '* Light Show '******************************************************************** 'Constant declarations for Light Shows 'animatePF(starting frame, number of frames, repeat); 'Start, # of Frames ' 0, 30 Original Attract Mode Lights ' 30, 14 GLIR whoosh left to right, short highlight on scoop ' 44, 30 Minion Kill animation! ' 74, 30 Ball Locked Vertical Wipe ' 104, 15 Minion Hit! ' 119, 30 Psychic Scoring background ' 149, 30 Ball drain fade ' 179, 10 Center Ghost Burst Out ' 190, 10 Left Orbit Shot 0 Chase ' 200, 10 Door Shot 1 Chase ' 210, 10 Shot 2 Up Center ' 220, 10 Shot 3 Up Ramp Hotel ' 230, 10 Shot 4 Right Orbit Theater ' 240, 10 Scoop Explode! Dim lightFrame:lightFrame = 0 'Which lightshow frame we're showing Dim lightShow(251) LightShow(0) = "0007777700000000000000000000000000000000700000007000000070000000"'Frame0 LightShow(1) = "0005555577777777770000000000000011100000070000005707100057000000"'Frame1 LightShow(2) = "0002222255555555070077770000000022200000000000002576210025700000"'Frame2 LightShow(3) = "0000000022222222700755550777777733300000700000000255321002570000"'Frame3 LightShow(4) = "0070000000000000000722220755555544407777070000000024432100257000"'Frame4 LightShow(5) = "0050000000000000007000000722222255505555007777770004543200025700"'Frame5 LightShow(6) = "0020000000000000007000007000000066602222700555550003654300002570"'Frame6 LightShow(7) = "0000000000000000070000007000000077700000070222220002765400000257"'Frame7 LightShow(8) = "0070000000000000070000007000000066600000000000000001676570000025"'Frame8 LightShow(9) = "0050000000000000007000000700000055500000700000000070567657000002"'Frame9 LightShow(10) = "7027000070000000007070000770000044407000070700000750456725700000"'Frame10 LightShow(11) = "6007700077000000000777000777000033307700000770007520345602570000"'Frame11 LightShow(12) = "5007770077700000000777707077700022207770000777005200234500257000"'Frame12 LightShow(13) = "4007777077770000007077777077770011107777000777700000123400025700"'Frame13 LightShow(14) = "3007777777777000007000007077777000000000000777777000012300002570"'Frame14 LightShow(15) = "2000000077777700070077770777777711107777000000005700101200000257"'Frame15 LightShow(16) = "1007777777777770070000000700000022200000000777772570210170000025"'Frame16 LightShow(17) = "0770000077777777000077770777777733307777000000000250321077000002"'Frame17 LightShow(18) = "0657777700000000011100007000000044400000000777770020432177700000"'Frame18 LightShow(19) = "0520000077777777022277777077777755507777000000000000543277770000"'Frame19 LightShow(20) = "0407777700000000033300007000000066600000000777770000654377777000"'Frame20 LightShow(21) = 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0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 0, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Targets_Hit (idx) PlaySound "target", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolTarg, AudioPan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 0, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Metals_Thin_Hit (idx) PlaySound "metalhit_thin", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolMetal, AudioPan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Metals_Medium_Hit (idx) PlaySound "metalhit_medium", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolMetal, AudioPan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Metals2_Hit (idx) PlaySound "metalhit2", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolMetal, AudioPan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Gates_Hit (idx) PlaySound "gate4", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolGates, AudioPan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub Sub Spinner_Spin PlaySoundAtVol "fx_spinner", Spinner, VolSpin End Sub Sub Rubbers_Hit(idx) dim finalspeed finalspeed=SQR(activeball.velx * activeball.velx + activeball.vely * activeball.vely) If finalspeed > 20 then PlaySound "fx_rubber2", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End if If finalspeed >= 6 AND finalspeed <= 20 then RandomSoundRubber() End If End Sub Sub Posts_Hit(idx) dim finalspeed finalspeed=SQR(activeball.velx * activeball.velx + activeball.vely * activeball.vely) If finalspeed > 16 then PlaySound "fx_rubber2", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolPo, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End if If finalspeed >= 6 AND finalspeed <= 16 then RandomSoundRubber() End If End Sub Sub RandomSoundRubber() Select Case Int(Rnd*3)+1 Case 1 : PlaySound "rubber_hit_1", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) Case 2 : PlaySound "rubber_hit_2", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) Case 3 : PlaySound "rubber_hit_3", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Select End Sub Sub LeftFlipper_Collide(parm) RandomSoundFlipper() End Sub Sub RightFlipper_Collide(parm) RandomSoundFlipper() End Sub Sub RandomSoundFlipper() Select Case Int(Rnd*3)+1 Case 1 : PlaySound "flip_hit_1", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) Case 2 : PlaySound "flip_hit_2", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) Case 3 : PlaySound "flip_hit_3", 0, Vol(ActiveBall)*VolRH, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 1, 0, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Select End Sub Dim LeftCount:LeftCount = 0 Sub wirerampleft_hit:playsoundAtVol "WireRamp",ActiveBall, 1:LeftCount = LeftCount + 1:End Sub Sub wirerampleftdrop_hit If LeftCount = 1 then playsound "BallDrop" End If LeftCount = 0 End Sub Dim RightCount:RightCount = 0 Sub wirerampright_hit:playsoundAtVol "WireRamp",ActiveBall, 1:RightCount = RightCount + 1:End Sub Sub wireramprightdrop_hit If RightCount = 1 then playsound "BallDrop" End If RightCount = 0 End Sub Sub TiDebug_Timer() tbdebug.text = HSCheck End Sub '***************************************** ' JP's VP10 Collision & Rolling Sounds '***************************************** Const tnob = 5 ' total number of balls ReDim rolling(tnob) InitRolling Sub InitRolling Dim i For i = 0 to tnob rolling(i) = False Next End Sub Sub RollingTimer_Timer() Dim BOT, b BOT = GetBalls ' stop the sound of deleted balls For b = UBound(BOT) + 1 to tnob rolling(b) = False StopSound("fx_ballrolling" & b) Next ' exit the sub if no balls on the table If UBound(BOT) = -1 Then Exit Sub ' play the rolling sound for each ball For b = 0 to UBound(BOT) If BallVel(BOT(b) ) > 1 Then rolling(b) = True if BOT(b).z < 130 Then ' Ball on playfield PlaySound("fx_ballrolling" & b), -1, Vol(BOT(b) ), Pan(BOT(b) ), 0, Pitch(BOT(b) ), 1, 0, AudioFade(BOT(b) ) Else ' Ball on raised ramp PlaySound("fx_ballrolling" & b), -1, Vol(BOT(b) )*.5, Pan(BOT(b) ), 0, Pitch(BOT(b) )+50000, 1, 0, AudioFade(BOT(b) ) End If Else If rolling(b) = True Then StopSound("fx_ballrolling" & b) rolling(b) = False End If End If Next End Sub '********************** ' Ball Collision Sound '********************** Sub OnBallBallCollision(ball1, ball2, velocity) PlaySound("fx_collide"), 0, Csng(velocity) ^2 / (VolDiv/VolCol), Pan(ball1), 0, Pitch(ball1), 0, 0, AudioFade(ball1) End Sub ' ******************************************************************************************************* ' Positional Sound Playback Functions by DJRobX ' PlaySound sound, 0, Vol(ActiveBall), Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 0, 1, AudioFade(ActiveBall) ' ******************************************************************************************************* ' Play a sound, depending on the X,Y position of the table element (especially cool for surround speaker setups, otherwise stereo panning only) ' parameters (defaults): loopcount (1), volume (1), randompitch (0), pitch (0), useexisting (0), restart (1)) ' Note that this will not work (currently) for walls/slingshots as these do not feature a simple, single X,Y position Sub PlayXYSound(soundname, tableobj, loopcount, volume, randompitch, pitch, useexisting, restart) PlaySound soundname, loopcount, volume, AudioPan(tableobj), randompitch, pitch, useexisting, restart, AudioFade(tableobj) End Sub ' Set position as table object (Use object or light but NOT wall) and Vol to 1 Sub PlaySoundAt(soundname, tableobj) PlaySound soundname, 1, 1, AudioPan(tableobj), 0,0,0, 1, AudioFade(tableobj) End Sub 'Set all as per ball position & speed. Sub PlaySoundAtBall(soundname) PlaySoundAt soundname, ActiveBall End Sub 'Set position as table object and Vol manually. Sub PlaySoundAtVol(sound, tableobj, Volum) PlaySound sound, 1, Volum, Pan(tableobj), 0,0,0, 1, AudioFade(tableobj) End Sub 'Set all as per ball position & speed, but Vol Multiplier may be used eg; PlaySoundAtBallVol "sound",3 Sub PlaySoundAtBallVol(sound, VolMult) PlaySound sound, 0, Vol(ActiveBall) * VolMult, Pan(ActiveBall), 0, Pitch(ActiveBall), 0, 1, AudioFade(ActiveBall) End Sub 'Set position as bumperX and Vol manually. Sub PlaySoundAtBumperVol(sound, tableobj, Vol) PlaySound sound, 1, Vol, Pan(tableobj), 0,0,1, 1, AudioFade(tableobj) End Sub '********************************************************************* ' Supporting Ball & Sound Functions '********************************************************************* Function AudioFade(tableobj) ' Fades between front and back of the table (for surround systems or 2x2 speakers, etc), depending on the Y position on the table. "table1" is the name of the table Dim tmp tmp = tableobj.y * 2 / table1.height-1 If tmp > 0 Then AudioFade = Csng(tmp ^10) Else AudioFade = Csng(-((- tmp) ^10) ) End If End Function Function AudioPan(tableobj) ' Calculates the pan for a tableobj based on the X position on the table. "table1" is the name of the table Dim tmp tmp = tableobj.x * 2 / table1.width-1 If tmp > 0 Then AudioPan = Csng(tmp ^10) Else AudioPan = Csng(-((- tmp) ^10) ) End If End Function Function Pan(ball) ' Calculates the pan for a ball based on the X position on the table. "table1" is the name of the table Dim tmp tmp = ball.x * 2 / table1.width-1 If tmp > 0 Then Pan = Csng(tmp ^10) Else Pan = Csng(-((- tmp) ^10) ) End If End Function Function AudioFade(ball) ' Can this be together with the above function ? Dim tmp tmp = ball.y * 2 / Table1.height-1 If tmp > 0 Then AudioFade = Csng(tmp ^10) Else AudioFade = Csng(-((- tmp) ^10) ) End If End Function Function Vol(ball) ' Calculates the Volume of the sound based on the ball speed Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / VolDiv) End Function Function Pitch(ball) ' Calculates the pitch of the sound based on the ball speed Pitch = BallVel(ball) * 20 End Function Function BallVel(ball) 'Calculates the ball speed BallVel = INT(SQR((ball.VelX ^2) + (ball.VelY ^2) ) ) End Function