:do { /system script remove [find name=ha_checkchanges_new] add name=ha_checkchanges_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":if ([:len [/system script job find where script=\"ha_checkchanges\"]] > 1) do={:error \"already running checkchanges\"; }\ \n:global isMaster\ \n:global isStandbyInSync\ \n:global haPassword\ \n:global haAddressOther\ \n:global haCheckLastCheckTS \"\$[/system clock get date] \$[/system clock get time] \$[/system clock get time-zone-name]\"\ \n:global haCheckStandbyVer\ \n:global haCheckMasterVer\ \n:do {\ \n :if (\$isMaster) do={\ \n /file print file=HA_get-version.txt; /file set [find name=\"HA_get-version.txt\"] contents=\":global haConfigVer\\n[:put \\\"XXX \\\$haConfigVer YYYY\\\"]\\n\\n\\n\\n\"\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_get-version.txt dst-path=HA_get-version.auto.rsc address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n /file remove [find name=\"HA_standby-haConfigVer.txt\"]\ \n /tool fetch upload=no src-path=HA_get-version.auto.log dst-path=HA_standby-haConfigVer.txt address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n :local haCheckStandbyVerTmp [/file get [find name=\"HA_standby-haConfigVer.txt\"] contents]\ \n :local xxxOffset [:find \$haCheckStandbyVerTmp \"XXX \"]\ \n :local yyyOffset [:find \$haCheckStandbyVerTmp \" YYYY\"]\ \n #Safety check that auto is running.\ \n #:put \$haCheckStandbyVerTmp\ \n :if (([:typeof \$xxxOffset] = \"nil\") || ([:typeof \$yyyOffset] = \"nil\")) do={\ \n :put \"ha_checkchanges: unable to find xxx/yyy! is auto working on this platform? xxxOffset: \$xxxOffset yyyOffset: \$yyyOffset\"\ \n :error \"ha_checkchanges: unable to find xxx/yyy! is auto working on this platform? xxxOffset: \$xxxOffset yyyOffset: \$yyyOffset \$haCheckStandbyVerTmp\"\ \n }\ \n :global haCheckStandbyVer [:pick \$haCheckStandbyVerTmp (\$xxxOffset+4) \$yyyOffset]\ \n :global haMasterConfigVer\ \n [/system script run [find name=\"ha_setconfigver\"]]\ \n :global haCheckMasterVer \$haMasterConfigVer\ \n /file remove [find name=\"HA_standby-haConfigVer.txt\"]\ \n :put \"MASTER VERSION: ! \$haCheckMasterVer !\"\ \n :put \"STANDB VERSION: ! \$haCheckStandbyVer !\"\ \n :if (\$haCheckStandbyVer != \$haCheckMasterVer) do={\ \n :put \"NEED TO PUSH\"\ \n :global isStandbyInSync false\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_pushbackup\"]\ \n } else={\ \n :global isStandbyInSync true\ \n :put \"GOOD\"\ \n }\ \n }\ \n} on-error={\ \n :put \"GOT ERROR\"\ \n :global isStandbyInSync false\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_config_new] add name=ha_config_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="/system script run [find name=\"ha_config_base\"]\ \n:global haNetwork \"\"\ \n:global haNetmask \"\"\ \n:global haNetmaskBits \"24\"\ \n:global haAddressA \"\"\ \n:global haAddressB \"\"\ \n:global haAddressVRRP \"\"\ \n" remove [find name=ha_functions_new] add name=ha_functions_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":global HADebug do={\ \n :put \$1\ \n /log warning \$1\ \n}\ \n\ \n:global HAPushStandby do={\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_pushbackup\"]\ \n}\ \n\ \n:global HASyncStandby do={\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_checkchanges\"]\ \n}\ \n\ \n:global HAInstall do={\ \n #\$HAInstall interface=\"ether8\" macA=\"E1:81:8C:35:13:8C\" macB=\"E1:81:8C:35:10:08\" password=\"a25d89ba41236c40726ff9e7ffee1d202992f61c\"\ \n :if ([:typeof \$interface] = \"nothing\") do={:error \"interface missing\"};\ \n :if ([:typeof \$macA] = \"nothing\") do={:error \"macA missing\"};\ \n :if ([:typeof \$macB] = \"nothing\") do={:error \"macB missing\"};\ \n :if ([:typeof \$password] = \"nothing\") do={:error \"password missing\"};\ \n /system script remove [find name=ha_config_base]\ \n /system script add name=ha_config_base owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=\":global haPassword \\\"\$password\\\"\\\ \n \\n:global haInterface \\\"\$interface\\\"\\\ \n \\n:global haMacA \\\"\$macA\\\"\\\ \n \\n:global haMacB \\\"\$macB\\\"\\\ \n \\n:global haPreferMac \\\"\\\"\"\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_install\"]\ \n}\ \n\ \n:global HASwitchRole do={\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_switchrole\"]\ \n}\ \n\ \n:global HALoopPushStandby do={\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_loop_push_standby\"]\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_install_new] add name=ha_install_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="/system script run [find name=\"ha_config\"]\ \n:global haPassword\ \n:global haInterface\ \n:global haMacA\ \n:global haMacB\ \n:global haNetmaskBits\ \n:global haAddressOther\ \n:global isMaster\ \n:global haMacOther\ \n\ \n:if ([:len [/interface find where default-name=\"\$haInterface\" name=\"\$haInterface\"]] != 1) do={\ \n :error \"Unable to find interface named \$haInterface with default-name that matches name. Make sure you don't rename these interfaces, leave default-name as-is.\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:local mac [[/interface ethernet get [find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"] orig-mac-address]]\ \n:if (\$mac != \$haMacA and \$mac != \$haMacB) do={\ \n :error \"Interface \$haInterface MAC \$mac does not match (A=\$haMacA or B=\$haMacB) - please check config\\r\\nUse orig-mac address!\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:local pingMac \$haMacA\ \n:if (\$mac = \$haMacA) do={\ \n :set pingMac \$haMacB\ \n}\ \n\ \n:put \$mac\ \n:put \$pingMac\ \n\ \n:if ([/ping \$pingMac count=1] = 0) do={\ \n :error \"Are you sure the other device is configured properly? I am unable to ping MAC \$pingMac\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:if ([:len [/ip address find where interface=\"\$haInterface\" and comment!=\"HA_AUTO\"]] > 0) do={\ \n :error \"Interface \$haInterface has IP addresses. HA should completely own the interface and it cannot be used by anything else. Please correct\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:if ([:len [/file find name=HA_backup_beforeHA.backup]] = 0) do={\ \n system backup save name=HA_backup_beforeHA dont-encrypt=yes\ \n /export file=HA_backup_beforeHA.rsc\ \n}\ \n\ \n:if (!\$isMaster) do={\ \n :put \"I am not master - running ha_startup first\"\ \n :global haAllowBootstrap\ \n :set haAllowBootstrap true\ \n /system script run \"ha_startup\"\ \n} else={\ \n :put \"I am already master! Skipping my own bootstrap...\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:put \"###\"\ \n:put \"#Maybe try: /tool mac-telnet \$haMacOther\"\ \n:put \"###PASTE THIS ON THE OTHER DEVICE - YOUR CONFIG WILL BE RESET AND LOST!!!###\"\ \n:put \":global mac [[/interface ethernet get [find default-name=\\\"\$haInterface\\\"] orig-mac-address]]\"\ \n:put \":if (\\\$mac != \\\"\$haMacA\\\" and \\\$mac != \\\"\$haMacB\\\") do={\"\ \n:put \" :error \\\"Interface \$haInterface MAC \\\$mac does not match (A=\$haMacA or B=\$haMacB) - please check config\\\\r\\\\nUse orig-mac address!\\\"\"\ \n:put \"}\"\ \n#Try to backup the local device before HA, just in case.\ \n:put \":if ([:len [/file find name=HA_backup_beforeHA.backup]] = 0) do={\"\ \n:put \" /system backup save name=HA_backup_beforeHA dont-encrypt=yes\"\ \n:put \" /export file=HA_backup_beforeHA.rsc\"\ \n:put \"}\"\ \n#Oh this is ridicullous, we can't create a file that doesn't end in .txt any other way. Use export to create a rsc file extension.\ \n:put \"/export file=HA_bootstrap.rsc\"\ \n#Seems to be a race condition between the export and the visibility, delay a bit.\ \n:put \"/delay 2\"\ \n:put \"/file print file=HA_bootstrap.rsc\"\ \n#Need delays here similar to ha_startup, sometimes the interfaces arent ready when this runs.\ \n:put \"/file set [find name=HA_bootstrap.rsc] contents=\\\":local haBootstrapOK false; :while (!\\\\\\\$haBootstrapOK) do={:do { /ip address add address=\\\\\\\"\$haAddressOther/\$haNetmaskBits\\\\\\\" interface=\$haInterface; /user add name=ha group=full password=\\\\\\\"\$haPassword\\\\\\\"; :set haBootstrapOK true;} on-error={/log warning \\\\\\\"ha_startup: 0.0 B bootstrap failed...waiting\\\\\\\"; :delay 5};}\\\"\"\ \n:put \"/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes keep-users=no skip-backup=yes run-after-reset=HA_bootstrap.rsc\"\ \n:put \"###END OF PASTE FOR OTHER DEVICE###\"\ \n:put \"###\"\ \n" remove [find name=ha_loop_push_standby_new] add name=ha_loop_push_standby_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="#Debugging stress test tool for new RouterOS testing\ \n###Helper note for testing (disable automatic schedule, import, loop push):\ \n# /system scheduler disable [find name=\"ha_checkchanges\"]; /system scheduler disable [find name=\"ha_auto_pushbackup\"]; \$HALoopPushStandby\ \n###\ \n:for pushCount from=1 to=10000 do={\ \n :put \"\$pushCount pushing\"\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_pushbackup\"]\ \n :put \"\$pushCount push done\"\ \n :delay 200\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_checkchanges\"]\ \n :put \"\$pushCount sync ok\"\ \n :delay 10\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_onbackup_new] add name=ha_onbackup_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":global isMaster false\ \n:global haNetmaskBits\ \n:global haInterface\ \n:execute \"/routing bgp peer disable [find]\"\ \n:execute \"/interface bonding disable [find]\"\ \n:execute \"/interface ethernet disable [find where default-name!=\\\"\$haInterface\\\" and comment!=\\\"HA_RESCUE\\\"]\"\ \n:execute \"ha_setidentity\"\ \n:do { :local k [/system script find name=\"on_backup\"]; if ([:len \$k] = 1) do={ /system script run \$k } } on-error={ :put \"on_backup failed\" }\ \n" remove [find name=ha_onmaster_new] add name=ha_onmaster_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":global isMaster true\ \n:global haNetmaskBits\ \n:global haInterface\ \n:execute \"/interface ethernet enable [find]\"\ \n:execute \"/interface bonding enable [find]\"\ \n:execute \"/routing bgp peer enable [find]\"\ \n:execute \"ha_setidentity\"\ \n:do { :local k [/system script find name=\"on_master\"]; if ([:len \$k] = 1) do={ /system script run \$k } } on-error={ :put \"on_master failed\" }\ \n" remove [find name=ha_pushbackup_new] add name=ha_pushbackup_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":if ([:len [/system script job find where script=\"ha_pushbackup\"]] > 1) do={:error \"already running pushbackup\"; }\ \n:global haPassword\ \n:global isMaster\ \n:global haAddressOther\ \n:if (!\$isMaster) do={\ \n :error \"NOT MASTER\"\ \n} else={\ \n #Really? this is the only way to create directories?\ \n :local mkdirCode \":do { /ip smb shares add comment=HA_AUTO name=mkdir disabled=yes directory=/skins } on-error={}\"\ \n\ \n :foreach k in=[/file find type=\"directory\"] do={\ \n :local xferfile [/file get \$k name]\ \n if ([:pick \"\$xferfile\" 0 3] != \"HA_\") do={\ \n :set mkdirCode \"\$mkdirCode\\r\\n/ip smb shares set [find comment=HA_AUTO] directory=\\\"\$xferfile\\\"\"\ \n }\ \n }\ \n\ \n :set mkdirCode \"\$mkdirCode\\r\\n/ip smb shares remove [find comment=HA_AUTO]\\r\\n\"\ \n #eh - good chance to keep files in sync, just delete everything, we will reupload. is this going to reduce life of nvram?\ \n :local purgeFilesCode \":foreach k in=[/file find type!=\\\"directory\\\"] do={ :local xferfile [/file get \\\$k name]; if ([:pick \\\"\\\$xferfile\\\" 0 3] != \\\"HA_\\\") do={ :put \\\"removing \\\$xferfile\\\"; /file remove \\\$k; } }\"\ \n :set mkdirCode \"\$purgeFilesCode;\\r\\n/delay 2;\\r\\n\$mkdirCode\"\ \n\ \n /file print file=HA_mkdirs.txt\ \n /file set [find name=\"HA_mkdirs.txt\"] contents=\$mkdirCode\ \n :put \"mkdirCode: \$mkdirCode end_mkDirCode\"\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_mkdirs.txt dst-path=HA_mkdirs.auto.rsc address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n \ \n :foreach k in=[/file find type!=\"directory\"] do={\ \n :local xferfile [/file get \$k name]\ \n if ([:pick \"\$xferfile\" 0 3] != \"HA_\") do={\ \n :put \"Transferring: \$xferfile\"\ \n :do {\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=\$xferfile dst-path=\$xferfile address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp\ \n } on-error={\ \n :put \"Failed to transfer \$xferfile\"\ \n }\ \n }\ \n }\ \n\ \n :if ([:len [/file find name=HA_dsa]] <= 0) do={ \ \n /ip ssh export-host-key key-file-prefix=\"HA\"\ \n }\ \n\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_dsa dst-path=HA_dsa address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_rsa dst-path=HA_rsa address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n\ \n\ \n :global haMasterConfigVer\ \n [/system script run [find name=\"ha_setconfigver\"]]\ \n /file print file=HA_run-after-hastartup.txt\ \n /file set [find name=HA_run-after-hastartup.txt] contents=\":global haConfigVer \\\"\$haMasterConfigVer\\\"\"\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_run-after-hastartup.txt dst-path=HA_run-after-hastartup.rsc address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n\ \n /export file=HA_b2s.rsc\ \n /system backup save name=HA_b2s.backup password=p\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_b2s.rsc dst-path=HA_b2s.rsc address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_b2s.backup dst-path=HA_b2s.backup address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n /file print file=HA_restore-backup.rsc; /file set [find name=\"HA_restore-backup.rsc.txt\"] contents=\"/system backup load name=HA_b2s.backup password=p\"\ \n :do {\ \n /tool fetch upload=yes src-path=HA_restore-backup.rsc.txt dst-path=HA_restore-backup.auto.rsc address=\$haAddressOther user=ha password=\$haPassword mode=ftp \ \n } on-error={\ \n :put \"OK - status failed is OK from last fetch, standby is rebooting.\"\ \n }\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_report_startup_new] add name=ha_report_startup_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="#Attempt to kick the timing clients into a forced update so we get accurate timestamps to syslog on the report.\ \n:do {/ip cloud force-update} on-error={};\ \n:if ([/system ntp client get enabled]) do={\ \n /system ntp client set enabled=no\ \n :delay 16\ \n /system ntp client set enabled=yes\ \n}\ \n\ \n:delay 65\ \n\ \n:local badCount [:len [/log find where message~\"ha_startup.*(FAILED)\"]]\ \n:local goodCount [:len [/log find where message~\"ha_startup.*(DONE)\"]]\ \n:local delay1Count [:len [/log find where message~\"ha_startup.*(delaying1)\"]]\ \n:local delay2Count [:len [/log find where message~\"ha_startup.*(delaying2)\"]]\ \n:local uptime [/system resource get uptime]\ \n:local routerVersion [/system resource get version]\ \n:local firmwareVersion [/system routerboard get current-firmware]\ \n\ \n:global isMaster\ \n:global haStartupHasRun\ \n:global haStartupHAVersion\ \n:global haInitTries\ \n:global haPreferMac\ \n/log info \"ha_startup: ha_report_startup debug version=\$routerVersion firmware=\$firmwareVersion badC=\$badCount goodC=\$goodCount delay1C=\$delay1Count delay2C=\$delay2Count uptime=\$uptime isMaster=\$isMaster haPreferMac=\$haPreferMac haInitTries=\$haInitTries haStartupHasRun=\$haStartupHasRun haStartupHAVersion=\$haStartupHAVersion\"\ \n:execute \"/log print\" file=\"HA_boot_log.txt\"\ \n\ \n#Debugging helper for spinning reboots of the standby - you probably don't want to mess with this.\ \n:if (false) do={\ \n :if (\$isMaster) do={\ \n #Just because we are master doesnt mean we really are, we could have a failed startup but it is too risky to do anything else.\ \n :put \"I am master - do nothing\"\ \n } else={\ \n :if (\$goodCount = 1) do={\ \n :put \"REBOOT\"\ \n /system reboot\ \n } else={\ \n :put \"STAY\"\ \n #Disable all interfaces if they havent already, so the primary doesnt sneak in and we lose the failed state.\ \n /interface bonding disable [find]\ \n /interface ethernet disable [find]\ \n }\ \n }\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_setconfigver_new] add name=ha_setconfigver_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":local verHistory [:tostr [:pick [/system history print detail as-value] 1]]\ \n:local verCertificate [:tostr [/certificate find]]\ \n:local verFile [:tostr [/file find name~\"^[^H][^A][^_]\"]]\ \n:local haVer \"history=\$verHistory file=\$verFile certificate=\$verCertificate\"\ \n:global haMasterConfigVer \$haVer\ \n" remove [find name=ha_setidentity_new] add name=ha_setidentity_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":global haIdentity\ \n:global isMaster\ \n:local sysIdentity [/system identity get name]\ \n:local haPos [:find \$sysIdentity \"_HA_\" 0]\ \nif (\$haPos > 0) do={\ \n :set sysIdentity [:pick \$sysIdentity 0 \$haPos]\ \n}\ \n:if (\$isMaster) do={\ \n /system identity set name=\"\$sysIdentity_HA_\$haIdentity_ACTIVE\"\ \n} else={\ \n /system identity set name=\"\$sysIdentity_HA_\$haIdentity_STANDBY\"\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_startup_new] add name=ha_startup_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="#:do {\ \n#Prevent double running of the startup. Is there a bug in the scheduler? It seems that sometimes our start-time=startup ha_startup\ \n#fires again on newer versions of RouterOS.\ \n:global haAllowBootstrap\ \n:global haStartupHasRun\ \n:global uptime [/system resource get uptime]\ \n:if (!\$haAllowBootstrap && ([:typeof \$haStartupHasRun] != \"nothing\" || uptime > 2m)) do={\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: ERROR ATTEMPTED TO RUN AGAIN!!! \$haStartupHasRun \$uptime\"\ \n :error \"ha_startup: ERROR ATTEMPTED TO RUN AGAIN!!! \$haStartupHasRun \$uptime\"\ \n} else={\ \n:set haStartupHasRun [/system resource get uptime]\ \n:set haAllowBootstrap false\ \n:execute \"/interface print detail\" file=\"HA_boot_interface_print.txt\"\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: START\"\ \n/system script run [find name=ha_functions]\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 0.1\"\ \n/system script run [find name=\"ha_config\"]\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 0.2\"\ \n:global haInterface\ \n#Sometimes the hardware isn't initialized by the time we get here. Wait until we can see the interface.\ \n#https://github.com/svlsResearch/ha-mikrotik/issues/1\ \n:while ([:len [/interface find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"]] != 1) do={\ \n /log error \"ha_startup: delaying1 for hardware...cant find \$haInterface\"\ \n #Avoid HA_VRRP becoming Master on CCR equipment during slow hardware initialization\ \n /interface vrrp disable [find where name=\"HA_VRRP\" and disabled=no]\ \n #Avoid bonding flapping on CCR equipment during slow hardware initialization\ \n /interface bonding disable [find disabled=no]\ \n :delay .05\ \n}\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 0.2b\"\ \n#Disable HA_VRRP on startup to avoid this interface becoming master on slave device before \$haInterface\ \n#has been initialized successfully\ \n/interface vrrp disable [find where name=\"HA_VRRP\" and disabled=no]\ \n#Disable bonding to avoid flapping during startup\ \n/interface bonding disable [find disabled=no]\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 0.3\"\ \n#Finally take care about all ethernet interfaces\ \n/interface ethernet disable [find disabled=no]\ \n:global haStartupHAVersion \"0.7test15 - 7a36ae066ee95b1d83b75577f98bce7afb8fb40d\"\ \n:global isStandbyInSync false\ \n:global isMaster false\ \n:global haPassword\ \n:global haMacA\ \n:global haMacB\ \n:global haAddressA\ \n:global haAddressB\ \n:global haAddressVRRP\ \n:global haNetmask\ \n:global haNetmaskBits\ \n:global haNetwork\ \n:global haMacOther\ \n:global haMacMe\ \n:global haAddressOther\ \n:global haAddressMe\ \n:global haPreferMac\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: version \$haStartupHAVersion\"\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 1 \$haInterface\"\ \n/system scheduler remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n\ \n#Pause on-error just in case we error out before the spin loop - hope 5 seconds is enough.\ \n/system scheduler add comment=HA_AUTO name=ha_startup on-event=\":do {:global haInterface; /system script run [find name=ha_startup]; } on-error={ :delay 5; /interface bonding disable [find disabled=no]; /interface ethernet disable [find where disabled=no and default-name!=\\\"\\\$haInterface\\\" and comment!=\\\"HA_RESCUE\\\"]; /log error \\\"ha_startup: FAILED - DISABLED ALL INTERFACES\\\" }\" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=Jan/01/1970 start-time=startup\ \n/system scheduler add comment=HA_AUTO name=ha_report_startup on-event=\"ha_report_startup\" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=Jan/01/1970 start-time=startup\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 2\"\ \n\ \n#Spin this initialization code until we succeed. Sometimes RouterOS gives us an error when we try to find an interface\ \n#that is in some sort of transient state, unclear why.\ \n#https://github.com/svlsResearch/ha-mikrotik/issues/7\ \n:global haTmpMac \"\"\ \n:global haTmpInterfaceName \"\"\ \n:global haTmpMaxInitTries 120\ \n:global haInitTries 0\ \n#Used to be backwards compatible with pre-bridge config.\ \n:global haInterfaceLogical\ \n:while (\$haTmpMac = \"\" && \$haInitTries <= \$haTmpMaxInitTries) do={\ \n :do {\ \n :set haInitTries (\$haInitTries+1)\ \n #Reset the MAC on the single HA interface - if they are connected via a switch, they need to be unique.\ \n /interface ethernet reset-mac-address [find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"]\ \n /ip address remove [find interface=\"\$haInterface\"]\ \n /ip address remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n /interface bridge port remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n /interface bridge remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n /interface vrrp remove [find name=\"HA_VRRP\"]\ \n /ip address remove [find interface=\"HA_VRRP\"]\ \n /ip firewall filter remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n /ip service set [find name=\"ftp\"] disabled=yes\ \n /interface ethernet enable [find where disabled=yes and default-name=\"\$haInterface\"]\ \n /interface ethernet enable [find where disabled=yes and comment=\"HA_RESCUE\"]\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 2.1 \$haInitTries\"\ \n /interface ethernet get [find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"] orig-mac-address\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 2.2 \$haInitTries\"\ \n :set haTmpMac [[/interface ethernet get [find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"] orig-mac-address]]\ \n :set haTmpInterfaceName [[/interface ethernet get [find default-name=\"\$haInterface\"] name]]\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 2.3\"\ \n /interface bridge add name=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" protocol-mode=none fast-forward=yes comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n /interface bridge port add bridge=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" interface=\"\$haTmpInterfaceName\" comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n :set haInterfaceLogical \"bridge-\$haInterface\"\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 3 \$haTmpMac \$haInitTries\"\ \n } on-error={\ \n /log error \"ha_startup: delaying2 for hardware...\$haInitTries\"\ \n :delay 1\ \n }\ \n}\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 3.1 \$haTmpMac \$haInitTries\"\ \n\ \n:local mac \"\$haTmpMac\"\ \n\ \n:if (\"\$mac\" = \"\$haMacA\") do={\ \n :global haIdentity \"A\"\ \n /log warning \"I AM A\"\ \n /ip address add interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" address=\$haAddressA netmask=\$haNetmask comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n :global haAddressMe \$haAddressA\ \n :global haAddressOther \$haAddressB\ \n :global haMacMe \$haMacA\ \n :global haMacOther \$haMacB\ \n} else={\ \n :if (\"\$mac\" = \"\$haMacB\") do={\ \n :global haIdentity \"B\"\ \n /log warning \"I AM B\"\ \n /ip address add interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" address=\$haAddressB netmask=\$haNetmask comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n :global haAddressMe \$haAddressB\ \n :global haAddressOther \$haAddressA\ \n :global haMacMe \$haMacB\ \n :global haMacOther \$haMacA\ \n } else={\ \n #This is a very strange bug...maybe just in the CCR? Sometimes when the unit comes up, ethernet interfaces sometimes have swapped positions?\ \n #A reboot clears this error - it is very odd, I don't know if it is a race condition in hardware initialization or something.\ \n #I'm not sure this covers ALL cases, since it only checks the MAC of the one interface our HA runs over. It might not right now :(\ \n #Do we need to track all MACs to make sure they are in the right order? This seems like a general problem with the platform but I don't understand the extent of it.\ \n #Am I causing this?\ \n :global haIdentity \"UKNOWN\"\ \n /log warning \"I AM UNKNOWN - WRONG MAC\"\ \n /delay 15\ \n :execute \"/system reboot\"\ \n /delay 1000\ \n }\ \n}\ \n\ \n:local vrrpPriority 100\ \n\ \n:if (\"\$haMacMe\" = \"\$haPreferMac\") do={\ \n :set vrrpPriority 150\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 3.5 haPreferMac=\$haPreferMac is me! new vrrpPriority=\$vrrpPriority\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n/ip route remove [find comment=\"HA_AUTO\"]\ \n/ip route add gateway=\$haAddressOther distance=250 comment=HA_AUTO\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 4\"\ \n\ \n#If firewall is empty, place-before=0 won't work. Add first rule.\ \n:if ([:len [/ip firewall filter find]] = 0) do={\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 4.1\"\ \n /ip firewall filter add chain=output action=accept out-interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n /ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n} else={\ \n /log warning \"ha_startup: 4.2\"\ \n /ip firewall filter add chain=output action=accept out-interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" comment=\"HA_AUTO\" place-before=0\ \n /ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" comment=\"HA_AUTO\" place-before=0\ \n}\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 4.3\"\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 5\"\ \n/interface vrrp add interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\" version=3 interval=1 priority=\"\$vrrpPriority\" name=HA_VRRP on-backup=\"ha_onbackup\" on-master=\"ha_onmaster\" disabled=yes\ \n/ip address add address=\$haAddressVRRP netmask= interface=HA_VRRP comment=\"HA_AUTO\"\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 6\"\ \n/system scheduler add comment=HA_AUTO interval=10m name=ha_exportcurrent on-event=\"/export file=\\\"HA_current.rsc\\\"\" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=Jan/01/1970 start-time=00:05:00\ \n/system scheduler add interval=10m name=ha_checkchanges on-event=ha_checkchanges policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=Jan/01/1970 start-time=00:10:00 comment=HA_AUTO\ \n#Still need this - things like DHCP leases dont cause a system config change, we want to backup periodically.\ \n/system scheduler add comment=HA_AUTO interval=24h name=ha_auto_pushbackup on-event=ha_pushbackup policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=Jan/01/1970 start-time=05:00:00\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 7\"\ \n:if ([:len [/file find name=\"HA_dsa\"]] = 1) do={\ \n /ip ssh import-host-key private-key-file=HA_rsa\ \n}\ \n:if ([:len [/file find name=\"HA_rsa\"]] = 1) do={\ \n /ip ssh import-host-key private-key-file=HA_rsa\ \n}\ \n/user remove [find comment=HA_AUTO]\ \n/user add address=\"\$haNetwork/\$haNetmaskBits\" comment=HA_AUTO group=full name=ha password=\"\$haPassword\"\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 8\"\ \n\ \n#So you dont get annoyed with constant beeping - try catch because this may fail on some platforms (x86).\ \n:do {/system routerboard settings set silent-boot=yes} on-error={};\ \n\ \n:foreach service in=[:toarray \"ftp\"] do={\ \n :local serviceAddresses \"\"\ \n :foreach k in=[/ip service get [find name=\$service] address] do={\ \n :if (\$k != \"\$haAddressA/32\" and \$k != \"\$haAddressB/32\" and \$k != \"\$haAddressVRRP/32\") do={\ \n :set serviceAddresses \"\$serviceAddresses,\$k\"\ \n }\ \n }\ \n :set serviceAddresses \"\$serviceAddresses,\$haAddressA,\$haAddressB,\$haAddressVRRP\"\ \n /ip service set [find name=\$service] address=[:toarray \$serviceAddresses]\ \n}\ \n\ \n:if ([:len [/file find where name=\"HA_run-after-hastartup.rsc\"]] > 0) do={\ \n /import HA_run-after-hastartup.rsc\ \n}\ \n/delay 5\ \n#We need FTP to do our HA work\ \n/ip service set [find name=\"ftp\"] disabled=no\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 9\"\ \n/interface vrrp set [find interface=\"bridge-\$haInterface\"] disabled=no\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: 9.1\"\ \n\ \n/log warning \"ha_startup: DONE\"\ \n:put \"ha_startup: DONE\"\ \n\ \n#} on-error={\ \n# /log warning \"ha_startup: FAILED got error! disabling all interfaces!\"\ \n# /interface bonding disable [find]\ \n# /interface ethernet disable [find]\ \n#}\ \n\ \n:do { :local k [/system script find name=\"on_startup\"]; if ([:len \$k] = 1) do={ /system script run \$k } } on-error={ :put \"on_startup failed\" }\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_switchrole_new] add name=ha_switchrole_new owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source=":global isMaster\ \n:global haAddressOther\ \n:global haInterface\ \n:global haInterfaceLogical\ \n:global haPreferMac\ \n\ \n:local haPingInterface\ \n:if ([:typeof \$haInterfaceLogical] = \"nothing\") do={\ \n :set haPingInterface \"\$haInterface\"\ \n} else={\ \n :set haPingInterface \"\$haInterfaceLogical\"\ \n}\ \n\ \n:put \"Using ping interface \$haPingInterface\"\ \n\ \n:if (([:typeof \$haPreferMac] != \"nothing\") && (\$haPreferMac != \"\")) do={\ \n :put \"You are using haPreferMac (\$haPreferMac) - switch role does not make sense.\"\ \n return 0\ \n}\ \n\ \n:if (\$isMaster) do={\ \n :put \"I am master - switching role\"\ \n /system script run [find name=\"ha_pushbackup\"]\ \n :delay 5\ \n :local haWaitCount 0\ \n while ([/ping \$haAddressOther count=1 interface=\$haPingInterface ttl=1] = 0) do={\ \n :set haWaitCount (\$haWaitCount+1)\ \n :put \"Still waiting for standby \$haWaitCount...\"\ \n :delay 1\ \n }\ \n :put \"Standby available \$haWaitCount...delaying 10s\"\ \n /delay 10\ \n :if (\$isMaster && [/ping \$haAddressOther count=1 interface=\$haPingInterface ttl=1] >= 1) do={\ \n :put \"REBOOTING MYSELF\"\ \n :execute \"/system reboot\"\ \n } else={\ \n :put \"NOT REBOOTING MYSELF! SLAVE IS NOT UP OR I AM NOT MASTER!\"\ \n }\ \n} else={\ \n :put \"I am NOT master - nothing to do\"\ \n}\ \n" remove [find name=ha_checkchanges_old] remove [find name=ha_checkchanges] set name=ha_checkchanges [find name=ha_checkchanges_new] remove [find name=ha_config_old] remove [find name=ha_config] set name=ha_config [find name=ha_config_new] remove [find name=ha_functions_old] remove [find name=ha_functions] set name=ha_functions [find name=ha_functions_new] remove [find name=ha_install_old] remove [find name=ha_install] set name=ha_install [find name=ha_install_new] remove [find name=ha_loop_push_standby_old] remove [find name=ha_loop_push_standby] set name=ha_loop_push_standby [find name=ha_loop_push_standby_new] remove [find name=ha_onbackup_old] remove [find name=ha_onbackup] set name=ha_onbackup [find name=ha_onbackup_new] remove [find name=ha_onmaster_old] remove [find name=ha_onmaster] set name=ha_onmaster [find name=ha_onmaster_new] remove [find name=ha_pushbackup_old] remove [find name=ha_pushbackup] set name=ha_pushbackup [find name=ha_pushbackup_new] remove [find name=ha_report_startup_old] remove [find name=ha_report_startup] set name=ha_report_startup [find name=ha_report_startup_new] remove [find name=ha_setconfigver_old] remove [find name=ha_setconfigver] set name=ha_setconfigver [find name=ha_setconfigver_new] remove [find name=ha_setidentity_old] remove [find name=ha_setidentity] set name=ha_setidentity [find name=ha_setidentity_new] remove [find name=ha_startup_old] remove [find name=ha_startup] set name=ha_startup [find name=ha_startup_new] remove [find name=ha_switchrole_old] remove [find name=ha_switchrole] set name=ha_switchrole [find name=ha_switchrole_new] /system script run [find name=ha_functions] }