# VERSION: 1.0 # prowlarr.py # AUTHORS: swannie-eire (https://github.com/swannie-eire) # CONTRIBUTORS: # Diego de las Heras (ngosang@hotmail.es) # ukharley # hannsen (github.com/hannsen) import json import os from urllib.parse import urlencode, unquote from urllib import request as urllib_request from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from novaprinter import prettyPrinter from helpers import download_file ############################################################################### # load configuration from file CONFIG_FILE = 'prowlarr.json' CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), CONFIG_FILE) CONFIG_DATA = { 'api_key': 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', # prowlarr api 'tracker_first': False, # (False/True) add tracker name to beginning of search result 'url': '', # prowlarr url } def load_configuration(): global CONFIG_PATH, CONFIG_DATA try: # try to load user data from file with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f: CONFIG_DATA = json.load(f) except ValueError: # if file exists but it's malformed we load add a flag CONFIG_DATA['malformed'] = True except Exception: # if file doesn't exist, we create it with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(CONFIG_DATA, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # do some checks if any(item not in CONFIG_DATA for item in ['api_key', 'tracker_first', 'url']): CONFIG_DATA['malformed'] = True load_configuration() ############################################################################### class prowlarr(object): name = 'prowlarr' url = CONFIG_DATA['url'] if CONFIG_DATA['url'][-1] != '/' else CONFIG_DATA['url'][:-1] api_key = CONFIG_DATA['api_key'] supported_categories = { 'all': None, 'anime': 5070, 'books': 8000, 'games': "1000&categories=4000", 'movies': 2000, 'music': 3000, 'software': 4000, 'tv': 5000, } def download_torrent(self, download_url): # fix for some indexers with magnet link inside .torrent file if download_url.startswith('magnet:?'): print(download_url + " " + download_url) response = self.get_response(download_url) if response is not None and response.startswith('magnet:?'): print(response + " " + download_url) else: print(download_file(download_url)) def search(self, what, cat='all'): what = unquote(what) category = self.supported_categories[cat.lower()] # check for malformed configuration if 'malformed' in CONFIG_DATA: self.handle_error("malformed configuration file", what) return # check api_key if self.api_key == "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE": self.handle_error("api key error", what) return if category is not None: prowlarr_url = self.url + "/api/v1/" + 'search?query=' + what.replace(' ', '+') + '&apikey=' + self.api_key + '&indexerIds=' + "-2" + "&categories=" + str(category) else: prowlarr_url = self.url + "/api/v1/" + 'search?query=' + what.replace(' ', '+') + '&apikey=' + self.api_key + '&indexerIds=' + "-2" response = self.get_response(prowlarr_url) if response is None: self.handle_error("connection error", what) return x = json.loads(response) # process search results for result in x: res = {} title = result.get('title') tracker = result.get('indexer') if CONFIG_DATA['tracker_first']: res['name'] = '[%s] %s' % (tracker, title) else: res['name'] = '%s [%s]' % (title, tracker) if 'downloadUrl' in result: res['link'] = str(result.get('downloadUrl')) elif 'magnetUrl' in result: res['link'] = str(result.get('magnetUrl')) else: res['link'] = "no link to downlaod" res['size'] = str(result.get('size')) res['seeds'] = result.get('seeders') res['seeds'] = -1 if res['seeds'] is None else res['seeds'] res['leech'] = result.get('leechers') res['leech'] = -1 if res['leech'] is None else res['leech'] res['desc_link'] = result.get('infoUrl') if res['desc_link'] is None: res['desc_link'] = str(result.get('guid')) res['desc_link'] = '' if res['desc_link'] is None else str(res['desc_link']) # note: engine_url can't be changed, torrent download stops working res['engine_url'] = self.url prettyPrinter(self.escape_pipe(res)) def generate_xpath(self, tag): return './{http://torznab.com/schemas/2015/feed}attr[@name="%s"]' % tag # Safety measure until it's fixed in prettyPrinter def escape_pipe(self, dictionary): for key in dictionary.keys(): if isinstance(dictionary[key], str): dictionary[key] = dictionary[key].replace('|', '%7C') return dictionary def get_response(self, query): response = None try: # we can't use helpers.retrieve_url because of redirects # we need the cookie processor to handle redirects opener = urllib_request.build_opener(urllib_request.HTTPCookieProcessor(CookieJar())) response = opener.open(query).read().decode('utf-8') except urllib_request.HTTPError as e: # if the page returns a magnet redirect, used in download_torrent if e.code == 302: response = e.url except Exception: pass return response def handle_error(self, error_msg, what): # we need to print the search text to be displayed in qBittorrent when # 'Torrent names only' is enabled prettyPrinter({ 'seeds': -1, 'size': -1, 'leech': -1, 'engine_url': self.url, 'link': self.url, 'desc_link': 'https://github.com/test', # noqa 'name': "Prowlarr: %s! Right-click this row and select 'Open description page' to open help. Configuration file: '%s' Search: '%s'" % (error_msg, CONFIG_PATH, what) # noqa }) if __name__ == "__main__": prowlarr_se = prowlarr() prowlarr_se.search("ubuntu")