# Bitcoin is not private property _v. 0.1c_ ## Not a physical scarce mean ### Finite Game A _Finite Game_ is a competition that must end, such as: two players must alternately speak a valid word, incrementing the player's score. An invalid word increases the opponent's score and ends the game. A word is valid if it's unique, starts with a certain letter, exists in a certain dictionary and if is said within a certain time period. Note that _thinking_ first in a word does not relate it to the ownership of any player. Not even _writing it down_ on a sheet of paper changes that. If the player A drops a sheet of paper with some valid words written on and then player B takes a glance at it, Player B is free to use them. Player A cant claim he has a right to the use of force because words are not scarce physical means despite the set of all the valid words being finite. An element of a finite set of symbolic strings _can't be_ a private property. I refer to symbol as an abstract form that _ought to be_ _interpreted_ in order to have any meaning. [Comment]: # (Note that the interpretation is a prerequisite for ALL (human) argument AND (human) action:.. Maybe explore that) [Comment]: # (some feedback points out the definition difference between a finite set and a scarse physical mean.. Maybe explore that) ### Mental Bitcoin A _Mental Bitcoin_ is defined as the following: a population can maintain a Bitcoin system using only their own bodies and minds. Participants only _remember_ the past and the incremental blockchain data; calculations, checks and execution protocols are _done inside the mind_; data transmission is transmitted by the _spech_ (or scream). This is theoretically possible if the population had a great memory, a lot of cognitive intelligence and powerful throats. [Comment]: # (some feedback points out that mind thinking and calculations exist in the physical world, otherwise we are talking about religion.. Maybe explore that) We can change the Mental Bitcoin in order to make it more practical for their users: Let them use papers to _annotate the blockchain_, use calculators to _facilitate the arithmethics oprations_ and do phone calls to _increase the communication's reach_. With the introduction of computers, let the blockchain be saved on the hard drives, the calculations, checks and the implementation of the protocols be left for the processing units and to carry out the communication via the Internet. We get the standard Bitcoin, despite being initially referring to the Mental one. Thus, both Bitcoins are equivalent in essence, although the tools used to keep it running are more (or less) appropriate or practical. ## Not contractual ### Informal Network In the Mental Bitcoin the network is formed informally by individuals who decided to, but without giving any guarantee of, "participate" on it. Since the blockchain, private keys and transaction messages are strings of symbols, they aren't free of absolute and arbitrary changes by each participant. Each one is absolutely free to forget and ignore everything, such as transaction messages (and other messages under the protocol) that happens around. Also, the individual's _interference_ to the network is _null_ if the other participants decide to ignore or deny the information communicated from him/her. So each individual should decide to ignore (or not) the _non propositional_ information transmitted. If one decides to not ignore, then they must decide to arbitrarily change or not their memory of the blockchain, according to their arbitrary interpretation of it and of the message. Remember that if this individual is not intended to be ignored in the future by other participants in the Bitcoin network, then they probably will _decide_ to interpret the blockchain and information communicated in a _certain_ way. [Comment]: # (This type of relationship between the individual and the network is equivalent to a mental game where participation is informal, entry and exit is free and one who does not obey certain rules can be ignored by other participants.)