# Jasmine Scaffold A Sublime Text plugin to help scaffold out your [Jasmine](https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine) tests without the JS. ### Installation You can install via [Sublime Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation). Open 'Package Control: Install Package' in your Command Palette and search for 'jasmine scaffold'. The plugin should be picked up automatically. If not then you may need to restart Sublime Text. ### Usage * Write your specifications in plain English, indenting where required. e.g. ``` a unit of code when correctly initialised should run the desired functionality when incorrectly initialised should return the correct error ``` * Run Jasmine Scaffold (you can run for the whole file or highlight a selection of your file and run only for that): * Ctrl Cmd Shift + J for OSX users * Ctrl Alt Shift + J for Windows & Linux users or * Right click within the file editor area and click 'Run Jasmine Scaffold' Your specification will immediately be formatted into JavaScript code ready for tests to be added. e.g. ```javascript describe('a unit of code', function() { describe('when correctly initialised', function() { it('should run the desired functionality', function() { }); }); describe('when incorrectly initialised', function() { it('should return the correct error', function() { }); }); }); ``` ### Contributing Contributions are more than welcome, no matter how large or small. The workflow I used for working on the plugin as follows (YMMV): * On your command line navigate to the packages folder for Sublime Text, which by default for Sublime Text 3 is located at `Users\”Username”\Library\Application Support\Sublime Text 3\Packages` on OSX and `C:\Users\”Username”\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages` on Windows. * Fork the project within GitHub. * Clone your fork & `cd` into it ``` git clone git@github.com:"Username"/jasmine-scaffold-sublime-text.git & cd jasmine-scaffold-sublime-text ``` You'll then be able to test the plugin as you make changes directly in Sublime Text. There are sample files to test on within the `test` directory. Commit your work, push it to GitHub and submit a pull request with an explanation of the patch. ### License Released under the MIT license: [opensource.org/licenses/MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)