==================== 2019-09-21 ==================== ==================== 2019-09-20 ==================== * frameworks/base 15bd52a Merge "base: SystemUI: make storage notification channel blockable" into 9.0 [blinov.in] * packages/apps/Settings 0bc3384 Merge "Developer opts: set default notification channel warnings" into 9.0 [blinov.in] dc4820d Merge "Settings: show battery times in summary" into 9.0 [blinov.in] ==================== 2019-09-19 ==================== * frameworks/av f366e74 fix audioflinger integer mulplication overflow [wendy lin] * frameworks/base 5c436c4 base: SystemUI: make storage notification channel blockable [maxwen] * frameworks/opt/telephony ea39f2f telephony: Query LTE thresholds from CarrierConfig [Artem Borisov] 056b07f telephony: Squashed support of dynamic signal strength thresholds [Paul Keith] 559c42b Implement signal strength hacks used on Huawei devices [codeworkx] * packages/apps/Settings 3798701 Developer opts: set default notification channel warnings [Marko Man] 94e8e22 Settings: show battery times in summary [maxwen] * vendor/xiaomi 571d882 msm8996-common: fix adsprpcd permission [mhkjahromi] 50a987b msm8996-common: Update missed adsp blobs [mhkjahromi] e1c365f msm8996-common: Update adsp blobs [RadixCube] 255aa8b gemini: update com.qti.location.sdk fom op3 pie [RadixCube] 5914f96 Import missing tui & post processing blobs [RadixCube] ded6770 gemini: Import com.qti.location.sdk blob [Offain] 3482e0e Update blobs to 8.11.22 [mhkjahromi] ==================== 2019-09-18 ==================== ==================== 2019-09-17 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy 6d402a8 sepolicy: label persist.vendor.bluetooth.a4wp [Marc Bourgoin] ==================== 2019-09-16 ==================== ==================== 2019-09-15 ==================== * build/make 8917cc0 check_boot_jars: Add CAF IMS to whitelist [Felix] * frameworks/base 0c14847 Revert "Keylayout for xbox controllers" [blinoff82] 76d5530 Revert "Add keylayout for Xbox One USB controller" [blinoff82] 4df41ce Revert "Remap PS key to BUTTON_MODE" [blinoff82] f5ccc35 Revert "Fallback BUTTON_MODE to HOME" [blinoff82] 2e67fdc Revert "Added mapping files for DualShock3 and DualShock4" [blinoff82] 2ea6ff2 Revert "Update Xbox BT controller mapping to support upcoming controller firmware update" [blinoff82] 7ecc93f Merge "Network Traffic: Update traffic arrow icon" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 8e5be40 Merge "core: Update default material popup animations" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 29ab926 Merge "ActivityManagerService: dont be so hectic on cpu battery stats" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 0398d5f Merge "SystemUI: Make dem animations faster" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 28f696b Merge "core: Shorten wait time for shutdown time optimization" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 71bc07d Merge "core: ViewRootImpl: Stop the 'requestLayout() improperly called' logspam" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 3175a9b Merge "ConnectivityService: Kill some log spam" into 9.0 [blinov.in] b81f0d1 Merge "NavigationBarView: Always add shadow on home button on some cases" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 99d554c Merge "permissions: Add Location & Storage to Default Dialer App" into 9.0 [blinov.in] 56468cd Merge "Notification ticker: don't tick in do not disturb" into 9.0 [blinov.in] * packages/apps/Settings 52ff2ba Settings: display fstype for mounted volumes [maxwen]