%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Something that looks like a regular LaTeX file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \begin{document} \title{My Paper} \maketitle A first paragraph with some stuff, some \textbf{bold text} and other things, like a citation\cite{my:paper} .The text is not evenly spaced. Hello world! The tex also, contains error of \emph{gramar and and spelling}. or use this text too see an few of of the problems that LanguageTool can detecd. What do you thinks of grammar checkers? Please not that they are not perfect. Style issues get a blue marker: It's 5 P.M. in the afternoon. LanguageTool 3.8 was released on Thursday, 27 June 2017. \begin{figure} \includegraphics{C:/Sylvain/my_fig} \caption{The figure's caption} \label{fig:thisfig1} \end{figure} \section{a first section} Here,I forget to put a space after a comma. I refer to \ref{fig:thisfig1} in the text, but I do not refer to the second one. \\ I can mention a filename such as \verb+myfile.txt+; some rules don't apply to this special markup; however, if I write myfile.txt, I'm likely to get a warning about a period not followed by a space. \begin{equation*} 4.3 \times 8.4 = foo a.b \end{equation*} \begin{itemize} \item Hello % This is a comment \item World \end{itemize} \subsection{ My subsection. } Some other text, part of which is <>, very "special", like $4 \times 5 = 21$. % \begin{figure} % \includegraphics{my_fig} % \caption{The figure's caption} % \label{fig:thisfig2} % \end{figure} \begin{lstlisting} import Cowtest from 'cowtest'; const seedUrl = ""; const tests = `${__dirname}/test.js`; const connector = "ava"; const report = "html"; const dataSaveMethod = { method: 'jsonl', coStr:`${__dirname}/data.jsonl` } Cowtest({ seedUrl, tests, connector, dataSaveMethod, report }); \end{lstlisting} \section{ THIS TITLE IS IN CAPS AND SHOULD NOT} %%% I noticed these lines caused an infinite loop to occur in textidote %%% leaving here for testing purposes: %% %% The "author" command and its associated commands are used to define %% the authors and their affiliations. %% Of note is the shared affiliation of the first two authors, and the %% "authornote" and "authornotemark" commands %% used to denote shared contribution to the research. \author{Some Author} % Specifically, this line: \email{asdfgh.zxcvbnm@123.12345678.ca} \end{document} %% :wrap=soft: