#!/bin/sh #!/bin/bash ### syslog-ng-debun: syslog debug bundle generator ### Written/Copyright: Gyorgy Pasztor , (c) 2014-2016. ### Further enhancements: Janos Szigetvari - jszigetvari at gmail dot com, (c) 2016-2022. ### This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of GNU GPLv2 ### http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html unalias -a LANG=en_US LC_ALL=C export LANG LC_ALL version="" ### Check for "local" variable support if type local | grep builtin >/dev/null; then : elif type bash >/dev/null; then exec bash $0 "$@" else printf "No local variable support on this system\n" >&2 exit 1 fi ### ### Global defaults ### Do not overwrite them, parameters or distro / OS specific detections will do that if neccessary ### argv_backup="${@}" engage=0 os="none" dist="none" default_debug_params="-Fedv --enable-core" default_ldebug_params="-Fev" default_pcap_params="port 514 or port 601 or port 53" extras="" sngallpids="" wecpid="" debugpid=none debugtailpid=none pcappid=none tracepids="" ipconfig="ip addr" routeconfig () { netstat -nr ; } netstatnlp () { netstat -nlp ; } netstatlunp () { netstat -lunp ; } netstatpunt () { netstat -punt ; } netstatpn () { netstat -pn ; } netstatsu="netstat -su" binprefix=/opt/syslog-ng absscldirs="/usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl" relscldirs="share/include/scl share/syslog-ng/include/scl" workdir=/tmp lsof="lsof -p" no_lsof_fallback() { echo "No lsof in path."; } pscmd="ps auxwwwwwf" pseao="ps -eao" cpiopdL="cpio -pdL" findL () { find -L "$@" ; } dfk="df -k" dfh="df -h" dfi="df -i" duks="du -ks" grepq="fgrep -q" lddcmd="ldd" topcmd () { top -b -n 1 -c >"${1}"; } opensslcmd="openssl" sed_equivalent_cmd="sed -Ee" mount=mount varlimit=1000 myplimit () { echo "Plimit query is not supported on this platform" >&3 ; } distpkgoffile () { echo "Package file search is not supported (yet) on this platform" >&3 ; } distpkgstatus () { echo "Package status query is not (yet) supported on this platform" >&3 ; } selftar="tar cf - ." gzipcmd="gzip -9" showdep="dpkg -S" pcapifparm=-i w=w vmstat=vmstat dmesg=dmesg timestamp () { date +%s ; } tcpdumpcmd="tcpdump" tcpdumpopts="-p -s 1500 -w" opensslmajor=0 getsyslogpids () { pidof syslog-ng ; } os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum ; } dfk_parser () { tail -1 | while read FS ALL USED AVAIL UPERC MP; do if echo ${AVAIL} | ${grepq} '%'; then echo ${USED} ; else echo ${AVAIL} ; fi done ; } trace="strace -s256 -ff -ttT -f" initfile="/etc/init.d/syslog-ng" service_stop="${initfile} stop" service_start="${initfile} start" service_status="${initfile} status" #checkpid () { [ -d /proc/"$1" ]; } #some old Unix versions did not have procfs, and kill -0 allows to check whether a PID exists #for reference: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/kill.html checkpid () { [ -n "$1" ] && kill -0 "$1" 2>/dev/null ; } #mywait () { jobs -p >${tmpdir}/sdn.jobs ; for i in `grep -v "\<$tailpid\>" ${tmpdir}/sdn.jobs` ; do wait $i ; done ; } mywait () { jobs -p >${tmpdir}/sdn.jobs ; for i in $( grep -v "^$tailpid\$" ${tmpdir}/sdn.jobs ) ; do wait $i ; done ; } is_available () { which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; } distpkgoffile_cleanup () { : ; } ### ### Show Usage ### debun_usage () { cat <&2 ; exit 1 ; } [ -z "$tmpdir" ] && { printf "Could not create a temp directory\n" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } # Start redirections #exec 3>&1 >${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt 2>${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt exec 3>&1 >${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt 2>&1 echo "Syslog-NG DEBUg buNdle generator" sync while [ ! -f ${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt ] ; do sleep 1 ; done #nohup tail -f ${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt >&3 & tail -f ${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.debun.txt >&3 & tailpid=$! #disown } debun_finish_debug () { if [ -n "$debug_mode" ]; then printf 'Generating second batch of statistics\n' acquire_syslog_stats fi if [ "${debugpid}" != "none" ]; then if checkpid ${debugpid} ; then kill -INT $debugpid checkpid ${debugpid} && sleep 1 checkpid ${debugpid} && kill -9 $debugpid checkpid ${debugpid} && sleep 1 checkpid ${debugpid} && echo "I gave up... debugger pid doesn't die" fi printf 'Debugpid: "%s"\n' "${debugpid}" ( exec 3>&- ; $service_start ; ) fi if checkpid ${debugtailpid} ; then kill $debugtailpid fi if checkpid ${pcappid} ; then kill -INT $pcappid fi if [ -n "$tracing" ]; then for i in ${tracepids} ; do checkpid $i && kill -INT $i done sleep 2 for i in ${tracepids} ; do checkpid $i && kill -9 $i 2>/dev/null done fi mywait } debun_do_tarball () { cd ${tmpdir} touch ${tmpdir}.tgz chmod 600 ${tmpdir}.tgz ${selftar} | ${gzipcmd} >${tmpdir}.tgz cd .. rm -r "${tmpdir}" printf "Terminating live message watcher: " sync kill ${tailpid} sync sleep 1 } debun_generate_hashes () { cd ${tmpdir} os_hash_helper > debun.manifest } debun_final() { debun_finish_debug [ -n "$service_status" ] && $service_status >${tmpdir}/svc.post # Generating stats again for the EPS counter if [ -z "$debug_mode" ]; then printf 'Generating second batch of statistics\n' acquire_syslog_stats fi printf "\nGenerating hashes..." debun_generate_hashes printf " done.\nDebug Bundle generation: Done.\n" exec >&3 2>&1 debun_do_tarball printf "\n\nYour debug bundle will be stored at %s.tgz\n" "$tmpdir" } add_extra () { extras="${extras}${extras:+ }$@" } ### ###PROCESS HANDLING FUNCTIONS ### getparent () { local self local parent local ret local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/getparent.$$.txt $pseao pid,ppid >$tmpfile # Default value, learned after getchilds()'s forkbomb case unset ret while read self parent ; do [ "$1" = "$self" ] || continue ret=$parent done < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo $ret } getchilds () { local childs local dummy local child local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/getchilds.$$.txt $pseao ppid,pid >$tmpfile # Need to initialize it with a default value, since dash allows to inherit the caller's value, even if it's a local variable unset childs while read dummy child ; do [ "$1" = "$dummy" ] || continue childs="${childs}${childs:+ }$child" done < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo ${childs} } getallchilds () { local childs local subchilds childs=$( getchilds ${1} ) local i # Default value, learned after getchilds()'s forkbomb case unset subchilds for i in ${childs} ; do subchilds="${subchilds}${subchilds:+ }$(getallchilds $i)" done echo ${childs} ${subchilds} } acquire_debun_info () { pwd > ${tmpdir}/debun.pwd echo "${0} ${argv_backup}" > ${tmpdir}/debun.argv echo "${version}" > ${tmpdir}/debun.version id > ${tmpdir}/debun.runas echo $PATH > ${tmpdir}/debun.path } acquire_system_info () { printf "System's full uname: " uname -a | tee "${tmpdir}/sys.uname" free >${tmpdir}/sys.free vmstat >${tmpdir}/sys.vmstat topcmd "${tmpdir}/sys.top" if is_available ${opensslcmd}; then ${opensslcmd} version >${tmpdir}/sys.openssl.version fi if is_available java; then java -version >${tmpdir}/sys.java.version 2>&1 fi } acquire_network_info () { printf "Getting network-interface information: " if $ipconfig >${tmpdir}/net.ip ; then printf "Success\n" else printf "Failed\n" fi printf "Getting network routes: " if routeconfig >${tmpdir}/net.route ; then printf "Success\n" else printf "Failed\n" fi printf "Getting DNS resolution-related information: " [ -f /etc/nsswitch.conf ] && cp /etc/nsswitch.conf ${tmpdir}/sys.nsswitch.conf [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ] && cp /etc/resolv.conf ${tmpdir}/sys.resolv.conf [ -f /etc/hosts ] && cp /etc/hosts ${tmpdir}/sys.hosts printf "Done\n" } acquire_system_process_info () { echo "List all processes" $pscmd >${tmpdir}/sys.ps } acquire_filesystem_info () { echo "Mount and disk free info collection" $dfk >${tmpdir}/sys.df_k $dfh >${tmpdir}/sys.df_h $dfi >${tmpdir}/sys.df_i 2>/dev/null $mount >${tmpdir}/sys.mount } acquire_system_other_info () { $w >${tmpdir}/sys.w $dmesg >${tmpdir}/sys.dmesg netstatnlp >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.ltn netstatlunp >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.lunp netstatpunt >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.est netstatpn >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.pn $netstatsu >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.su [ -f /proc/net/udp ] && cp /proc/net/udp ${tmpdir}/sys.proc.net.udp } ### Here comes the general info acquiring parts acquire_general_info () { printf "\nStart general info collection\n" acquire_debun_info acquire_system_info [ -n "$privacy_mode" ] && return acquire_network_info acquire_system_process_info acquire_filesystem_info acquire_system_other_info } pki_is_certificate () { grep "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "${1}" 2>/dev/null | ${grepq} -v "REQUEST" } pki_count_certificates () { grep -c "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_private_key () { ${grepq} "PRIVATE KEY" "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_public_key () { ${grepq} "PUBLIC KEY" "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_rsa () { ${grepq} "RSA " "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_dsa () { ${grepq} "DSA " "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_ecdsa () { ${grepq} " EC " "${1}" 2>/dev/null } pki_is_encrypted () { if ${grepq} "ENCRYPTED" "${1}"; then return 0 else local buffer_error buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} rsa -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "problems getting password"; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } pki_parse_public_key () { oneline_cert=$( tr -d '\n' | tr -d ' ' ) [ -z "${oneline_cert}" ] && printf "NO_PUBLIC_KEY_COULD_BE_EXTRACTED;" && return if echo "${oneline_cert}" | $grepq "UnabletoloadPublicKey"; then printf "OPENSSL_TOO_OLD|NO_ECDSA_SUPPORT_IN_OPENSSL;" else if echo "${oneline_cert}" | $grepq "PublicKey:X509v3extensions"; then printf "NO_PUBLIC_KEY_COULD_BE_EXTRACTED;" else echo "${oneline_cert}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's/^.*(Modulus|modulus|pub)(\([0-9]+bit\))?:([a-f0-9:]+).*$/Public Key=\3;/' fi fi } pki_guess_certificate () { local header fsize buffer_pubkey buffer_rest hashopts hashnum fsize=$( wc -c "${1}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^ *([0-9]+) .*$:\1:' ) if [ ${opensslmajor} -gt 0 ]; then hashopts="-subject_hash -subject_hash_old" hashnum="2;" else hashopts="-hash" hashnum="1;" fi certcount=$( pki_count_certificates "${1}" ) [ "${certcount}" -gt 1 ] && header="STACKED_CERTIFICATE(${certcount});${1};" || header="CERTIFICATE;${1};" buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} x509 -in "${1}" -text -noout 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) buffer_rest=$( ${opensslcmd} x509 -in "${1}" -noout ${hashopts} -serial -dates -fingerprint -subject -issuer | tr '\n' ';' ) printf "${header}${fsize};${buffer_pubkey}${hashnum}${buffer_rest}" } pki_guess_private_key () { local header fsize buffer_pubkey buffer_error fsize=$( wc -c "${1}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^ *([0-9]+) .*$:\1:' ) if pki_is_encrypted "${1}"; then header="PRIVATE_ENCRYPTED;${1};" else if pki_is_rsa "${1}"; then header="PRIVATE_RSA;${1};" buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} rsa -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) elif pki_is_dsa "${1}"; then header="PRIVATE_DSA;${1};" buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} dsa -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) elif pki_is_ecdsa "${1}"; then header="PRIVATE_EC;${1};" buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} ec -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "'ec' is an invalid command"; then buffer_pubkey="NO_ECDSA_SUPPORT_IN_OPENSSL;" elif echo "${buffer_error}" | $grepq "unable to load"; then buffer_pubkey="OPENSSL_TOO_OLD;" else buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} ec -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) fi else header="UNKNOWN_PRIVATE;${1};" buffer_pubkey=";" fi fi printf "${header}${fsize};${buffer_pubkey}" } pki_guess_public_key () { # Public keys do not have their type in the PEM header/footer local header fsize buffer_pubkey buffer_error header="PUBLIC;${1};" fsize=$( wc -c "${1}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^ *([0-9]+) .*$:\1:' ) if [ ${opensslmajor} -gt 0 ]; then buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} pkey -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "unable to load"; then header="UNKNOWN_PUBLIC;${1};" buffer_pubkey="OPENSSL_TOO_OLD|NO_ECDSA_SUPPORT_IN_OPENSSL;" else buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} pkey -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) fi else buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} rsa -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "expecting an rsa key"; then buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} dsa -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "expecting a dsa key"; then buffer_error=$( ${opensslcmd} ec -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>&1 >/dev/null ) if echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "expecting a ec key"; then header="UNKNOWN_PUBLIC;${1};" buffer_pubkey=";" elif echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "'ec' is an invalid command"; then header="UNKNOWN_PUBLIC;${1};" buffer_pubkey="NO_ECDSA_SUPPORT_IN_OPENSSL;" else buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} ec -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) fi else buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} dsa -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) fi elif echo "${buffer_error}" | ${grepq} "unable to load"; then header="UNKNOWN_PUBLIC;${1};" buffer_pubkey="OPENSSL_TOO_OLD|NO_ECDSA_SUPPORT_IN_OPENSSL;" else buffer_pubkey=$( ${opensslcmd} rsa -pubin -in "${1}" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | pki_parse_public_key ) fi fi printf "${header}${fsize};${buffer_pubkey}" } pki_other_file () { local fsize fsize=$( wc -c "${1}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^ *([0-9]+) .*$:\1:' ) printf "OTHER_FILE;${1};${fsize};" } pki_process_file () { local output_buffer if pki_is_certificate "${1}"; then output_buffer=$( pki_guess_certificate "${1}" ) else if pki_is_private_key "${1}"; then output_buffer=$( pki_guess_private_key "${1}" ) elif pki_is_public_key "${1}"; then output_buffer=$( pki_guess_public_key "${1}" ) else output_buffer=$( pki_other_file "${1}" ) fi fi echo "${output_buffer}" } acquire_syslog_pki_info () { printf "Gathering PKI information... " if is_available ${opensslcmd}; then local OPENSSL OPENSSLVER OPENSSLDAY OPENSSLMONTH OPENSSLYEAR REST read OPENSSL OPENSSLVER OPENSSLDAY OPENSSLMONTH OPENSSLYEAR REST <${tmpdir}/sys.openssl.version opensslmajor=${OPENSSLVER%%.*} cd "${confdir}" findL . -name '*.0' -o -name '*.1' -o -name '*.key' -o -name '*.crt' -o -name '*.pem' >${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.pki.files 2>/dev/null while read FILE; do pki_process_file "${FILE}" >>${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.pki.info.csv done <${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.pki.files printf "done.\n" else printf "no openssl found in PATH.\n" fi } remove_passwords_from_file () { # # Double quotes are used because escaping single quotes within a single quoted string is ugly. # [ \t\r\n\v\f] class is used for matching whitespaces, because \s is unavailable. # The goal is matching substrings that look like this, to replace the password string, and preserve original formatting: # password ( 'password-string' ) --> password ( '___PASSWORD_REMOVED___' ) ### ${sed_equivalent_cmd} "s|password([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)\(([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)([\"']?)[^)\"']+\3([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)\)|password\1(\2\3___PASSWORD_REMOVED___\3\4)|g" <"${1}" | \ ${sed_equivalent_cmd} "s|token([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)\(([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)([\"']?)[^)\"']+\3([ \t\r\n\v\f]*)\)|token\1(\2\3___AUTH_TOKEN_REMOVED___\3\4)|g" | \ ${sed_equivalent_cmd} "s|Authorization: [^\"']+|Authorization: ___AUTH_TOKEN_REMOVED___|g" >"${1}.bak" [ -s "${1}.bak" ] && mv "${1}.bak" "${1}" } acquire_syslog_config () { echo "Copy configuration files from $confdir" cd "${confdir}" mkdir ${tmpdir}/config findL . > ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files touch ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.removed if [ -z "$saveprivatekeys" ]; then grep '\.key$' ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files >> ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.removed grep '\.jks$' ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files >> ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.removed grep '\.keytab$' ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files >> ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.removed grep -v '\.key$' ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files | grep -v '\.jks$' | grep -v '\.keytab$' | \ while read FILE; do \ if pki_is_private_key "${FILE}" 2>/dev/null; then echo "${FILE}" >> ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.removed else echo "${FILE}" fi done > ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.saved else cp ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.saved fi $cpiopdL ${tmpdir}/config < ${tmpdir}/syslog.etc.files.saved findL ${tmpdir}/config -name "*.conf*" | \ while read FILE; do \ remove_passwords_from_file "${FILE}" done echo "Copy SCL configuration files" mkdir ${tmpdir}/scl for dir in ${absscldirs}; do if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then cd "${dir}" local dirname=$( echo "${dir}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's/\//_/g' ) mkdir "${tmpdir}/scl/${dirname}" findL . | $cpiopdL "${tmpdir}/scl/${dirname}" fi done for dir in ${relscldirs}; do if [ -d "${binprefix}/${dir}" ]; then cd "${binprefix}/${dir}" local dirname=$( echo "${binprefix}/${dir}" | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's/\//_/g' ) mkdir "${tmpdir}/scl/${dirname}" findL . | $cpiopdL "${tmpdir}/scl/${dirname}" fi done } acquire_syslog_pids () { echo 'Old "getsyslogpids":' >${tmpdir}/syslog.pids getsyslogpids >>${tmpdir}/syslog.pids if [ -r "${piddir}/syslog-ng.pid" ]; then sngpid=$( cat ${piddir}/syslog-ng.pid ) else # Handle when fhs is "linux"-like sngpid=$( $pseao pid,args | grep "[s]yslog-ng " | head -1 | while read PID CMD; do echo $PID; done ) fi ppid=$( getparent $sngpid ) sngallpids="$( getallchilds $sngpid )" echo "SVpid: $ppid SNGpid: $sngpid Chpids: ${sngallpids}" >>${tmpdir}/syslog.pids tail -1 ${tmpdir}/syslog.pids if [ -n "$ppid" ]; then sngallpids="$ppid $sngpid ${sngallpids}" else sngallpids="$( getsyslogpids )" fi # drop out the unneeded white spaces, since that disturb the ps command sngallpids=$( echo ${sngallpids} ) if [ -n "${sngallpids}" ]; then printf 'ps -l -f -p "%s"\n' "${sngallpids}" >>${tmpdir}/syslog.pids ps -l -f -p "${sngallpids}" >>${tmpdir}/syslog.pids fi wecpid=$( $pseao pid,args | grep "[w]ec " | while read PID CMD; do echo $PID; done ) [ -n "$wecpid" ] && echo $wecpid >${tmpdir}/wec.pid || echo "No wec was found running." >${tmpdir}/wec.pid [ -n "$service_status" ] && $service_status >${tmpdir}/svc.pre } acquire_syslog_stats () { local tsdata tsdata=$( timestamp ) #handy-dandy delay magic, triggered when we'd step on our own foot [ -f ${tmpdir}/syslog.stats.${tsdata} ] && sleep 5 && tsdata=$( timestamp ) ${syslogngctlbin} stats > ${tmpdir}/syslog.stats.${tsdata} 2>&1 echo ${syslogngctlbin} stats tsdata=$( timestamp ) ${syslogngctlbin} query get "*" > ${tmpdir}/syslog.query.all.${tsdata} 2>/dev/null echo ${syslogngctlbin} query get "*" if [ -x ${syslogngquerybin} ]; then #if we reach this brach, then syslog.query.all - as generated above - will not contain any meaningful data rm ${tmpdir}/syslog.query.all.${tsdata} tsdata=$( timestamp ) ${syslogngquerybin} sum "*" > ${tmpdir}/syslog.query.all.${tsdata} 2>/dev/null echo ${syslogngquerybin} sum "*" fi } acquire_syslog_info () { ls -la "${binprefix}" > ${tmpdir}/syslog.lsl.install_dir 2>&1 printf "Syslog-ng's exact version: " $syslogbin --version > ${tmpdir}/syslog.version head -1 ${tmpdir}/syslog.version [ -x ${binprefix}/sbin/wec ] && ${binprefix}/sbin/wec -v 2>&1 > ${tmpdir}/wec.version if [ -z "$debug_mode" ]; then acquire_syslog_stats fi if ${syslogngctlbin} show-license-info > ${tmpdir}/syslog.license-usage 2>&1; then ${syslogngctlbin} show-license-info --json > ${tmpdir}/syslog.license-usage.json 2>/dev/null fi echo ${syslogngctlbin} show-license-info ${syslogngctlbin} credentials status > ${tmpdir}/syslog.credentials.status 2>&1 echo ${syslogngctlbin} credentials status for i in ${sngallpids} ; do is_available ${lsof%% *} && $lsof $i >${tmpdir}/syslog.$i.lsof 2>/dev/null || no_lsof_fallback $i >${tmpdir}/syslog.$i.lsof myplimit $i >${tmpdir}/syslog.$i.limits done if [ -n "$wecpid" ]; then while read i; do is_available ${lsof%% *} && $lsof $i >${tmpdir}/wec.$i.lsof || no_lsof_fallback $i >${tmpdir}/wec.$i.lsof done < ${tmpdir}/wec.pid fi $syslogbin -s --preprocess-into "${tmpdir}/syslog.pp.conf" [ -f "${tmpdir}/syslog.pp.conf" ] && remove_passwords_from_file "${tmpdir}/syslog.pp.conf" } acquire_syslog_var () { ls -laR "${vardir}" >${tmpdir}/syslog.lslR.var 2>&1 $duks "${vardir}/" >${tmpdir}/syslog.duks.var read vardu dir <${tmpdir}/syslog.duks.var mkdir ${tmpdir}/var cd "${vardir}" freek_tmp=$( ${dfk} ${tmpdir} | dfk_parser ) # # low disk-space => only copy the persist file and the pid file ### if [ "${freek_tmp}" -gt "${vardu}" ] ; then if [ "$vardu" -lt "$varlimit" ] ; then findL . | grep -v run\\/syslog-ng.ctl$ | $cpiopdL ${tmpdir}/var else printf "Size of ${vardir} is larger than $varlimit kilobytes.\n" printf "Do you really want to copy all of its contents? Type 'YES' with all capitals: " read ans if [ "$ans" = "YES" ]; then findL . | grep -v "syslog-ng*\.ctl" | $cpiopdL ${tmpdir}/var else printf "Only copying most important files on user request.\n" findL . \( -name "*.persist" -o -name "*.state" -o -name "*.pid" -o -path "*/reports/*" \) | grep -v "syslog-ng.*\.ctl" | $cpiopdL ${tmpdir}/var fi fi else printf "TOO LOW free disk space on the filesystem holding ${tmpdir}\n" printf "to create a full copy of ${vardir}!\nOnly copying most important files.\n" findL . \( -name "*.persist" -o -name "*.state" -o -name "*.pid" -o -path "*/reports/*" \) | grep -v "syslog-ng.*\.ctl" | $cpiopdL ${tmpdir}/var fi } format_ldd_output () { while read x ; do # libsyslog-ng-5.0.5.so => /opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng-5.0.5.so (0x00007f9b42990000) #/opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng-5.0.5.so (0x00007f9b42990000) x="/${x#*/}" #/opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng-6.0.2.so (0x00007f034c8c0000) #/opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng-6.0.2.so x="${x%% (*}" #AIX: #/opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng.a(libsyslog-ng-5.0.14.so) #/opt/syslog-ng/lib/libsyslog-ng.a x="${x%%(*}" [ "${x}" != "/ " ] && [ -f "${x}" ] && echo "$x" done } acquire_syslog_ldinfo () { $lddcmd $syslogrealbin |grep -v needs >${tmpdir}/syslog.ldd format_ldd_output <${tmpdir}/syslog.ldd >${tmpdir}/syslog.ldfiles for i in $( cat ${tmpdir}/syslog.ldfiles ) ; do distpkgoffile $i >>${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg done distpkgoffile_cleanup sort <${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg | uniq >${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg.u mv ${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg.u ${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg for i in $( cat ${tmpdir}/syslog.ldpkg ) ; do distpkgstatus $i >>${tmpdir}/syslog.ldinfos done } acquire_syslog_startup_method () { printf "Detecting init system: " if [ -d "/run/systemd/system" ]; then acquire_syslog_startup_systemdunit elif [ -d "/lib/svc/method" ]; then acquire_syslog_startup_smf else acquire_syslog_startup_initscript fi for i in /etc/default/syslog-ng* ; do [ -f "${i}" ] && cp "${i}" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.default.${i##*/}" done for i in /etc/sysconfig/syslog-ng* ; do [ -f "${i}" ] && cp "${i}" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.sysconfig.${i##*/}" done } acquire_syslog_startup_initscript () { if [ -n "${initfile}" ]; then printf "falling back to SystemV init style...\n" cp "${initfile}" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.init.syslog-ng" chmod 0660 "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.init.syslog-ng" else printf "none.\n" fi } acquire_syslog_startup_systemdunit () { printf "systemd detected...\n" systemctl list-units --type=service --plain --no-legend --no-pager --all | grep syslog | grep -vE '(not-found|masked)' | tee "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.systemd-instances" | \ while read SERVICE LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION ; do output_buffer=$( systemctl show -p FragmentPath ${SERVICE} ) ; echo "${output_buffer##FragmentPath=}" ; done | \ while read UNITFILE; do SUFFIX=$( echo "${UNITFILE}" | tr / . ); cp "${UNITFILE}" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.systemd-service${SUFFIX}" ; done } acquire_syslog_startup_smf () { printf "Solaris SMF detected...\n" cp "/lib/svc/method/syslog-ng" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.svc-method.syslog-ng" chmod 0660 "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.svc-method.syslog-ng" cp "/var/svc/manifest/system/syslog-ng.xml" "${tmpdir}/sys.startup.svc-manifest.syslog-ng.xml" svcs -H system/syslog* >"${tmpdir}/sys.startup.svc-instances" } acquire_syslog_all () { printf "\nStart Syslog-specific info collection\n" acquire_syslog_config acquire_running_syslog_config acquire_syslog_pki_info acquire_syslog_pids acquire_syslog_info acquire_syslog_var acquire_syslog_ldinfo acquire_syslog_startup_method } acquire_syslog_nprv () { printf "\nStart Syslog-specific info collection (light)\n" acquire_running_syslog_config acquire_syslog_pids acquire_syslog_info acquire_syslog_ldinfo acquire_syslog_startup_method } acquire_running_syslog_config() { if ${syslogngctlbin} config >/dev/null 2>&1; then ${syslogngctlbin} config -p > "${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.ctl.running.conf" 2>&1 [ -z "$saveprivatekeys" ] && remove_passwords_from_file "${tmpdir}/syslog-ng.ctl.running.conf" fi } fhs_set_linux () { confdir=/etc/syslog-ng vardir=/var/lib/syslog-ng piddir=/var/lib/syslog-ng syslogbin=/usr/sbin/syslog-ng syslogngctlbin=/usr/sbin/syslog-ng-ctl syslogngquerybin=/usr/sbin/syslog-ng-query syslogrealbin=/usr/sbin/syslog-ng } fhs_set_unix () { : } rpm_verify () { local found=0 for pkg in "${@}"; do if rpm -q "${pkg}" ; then rpm -V "${pkg}" && echo "${pkg}: Package files are intact" ((found+=1)) fi done [ ${found} -eq 0 ] && return 1 || return 0 } ### Here comes the linux & distro specific parts debun_extra_debian () { printf "\nDebian specific checks\n" printf "Check package files integrity\n" cd / for package in $(dpkg -l syslog-ng\* | grep "ii" | awk -F " " '{print $2}') do dpkg --verify ${package} && printf "Package ${package} files are intact\n" done printf "list syslog-related packages\n" dpkg -l |grep syslog > ${tmpdir}/deb.packages } debun_extra_redhat () { printf "\nRedhat specific checks\n" printf "Check package files integrity\n" rpm_verify syslog-ng-premium-edition syslog-ng-premium-edition-client syslog-ng-premium-edition-compact || \ printf "No syslog-ng RPM packages have been found!\n" printf "list syslog-related packages\n" rpm -qa |grep syslog > ${tmpdir}/rpm.packages } debun_extra_slackware () { printf "\nSlackware Linux specific checks\n" printf "list syslog-related packages\n" find /var/log/packages -name "*sys*log*" | while read -r FILE; do echo "${FILE##*/}"; done > ${tmpdir}/pkg.packages } debun_extra_suse() { printf "\nSuSE specific checks\n" printf "Check package files integrity\n" rpm_verify syslog-ng-premium-edition syslog-ng-premium-edition-client syslog-ng-premium-edition-compact || \ printf "No syslog-ng RPM packages have been found!\n" printf "list syslog-related packages\n" rpm -qa | grep syslog > ${tmpdir}/rpm.packages #on opensuse "ss utility, iproute2-ss071016" crashes when run with the -punt CLI options if is_available netstat; then #this info should only be collected if the user has not requested privacy mode #we value our customer's sense of privacy if [ -z "$privacy_mode" ]; then netstat -punt >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.est.noss netstat -pn >${tmpdir}/sys.netstat.pn.noss fi fi } debun_extra_genlinux () { if is_available getenforce; then getenforce >"${tmpdir}/sys.selinux" if ${grepq} Enforcing "${tmpdir}/sys.selinux"; then echo "SELinux is in Enforcing mode! If you encounter any problems with debug bundle collection, consider temporarily switching to Permissive mode!" fi ${pscmd}Z >"${tmpdir}/sys.ps.selinux" semodule -l >"${tmpdir}/sys.selinux.modules" else echo "No getenforce in path." >"${tmpdir}/sys.selinux" fi if is_available sysstat ; then sysstat -P ALL 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.cpu sysstat -d 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.disk elif is_available sar ; then sar -P ALL 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.cpu sar -d 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.disk fi if is_available top; then top -b -H -n 1 -c >${tmpdir}/sys.top.threads fi [ -n "$privacy_mode" ] && return if is_available dmidecode; then dmidecode >"${tmpdir}/sys.dmidecode" fi if is_available lspci; then lspci >"${tmpdir}/sys.lspci" else echo "No lspci in path." >"${tmpdir}/sys.lspci" fi sysctl -a >"${tmpdir}/sys.sysctl.all" 2>/dev/null cp /proc/cpuinfo "${tmpdir}/sys.cpuinfo" } debun_linux () { case "${dist}" in "Debian"|"Ubuntu") add_extra debun_extra_debian ;; "CentOS"|"RedHatEnterprise"|"RedHatEnterpriseServer"|"RHEL"|"OracleServer"|"EnterpriseEnterpriseServer") add_extra debun_extra_redhat ;; "SUSE LINUX") add_extra debun_extra_suse ;; "Slackware") add_extra debun_extra_slackware ;; *) echo "Unknown Distro, perhaps unsupported" ;; esac add_extra debun_extra_genlinux } debun_extra_gensolaris () { sysdef >${tmpdir}/sys.sysdef kstat >${tmpdir}/sys.kstat cp /etc/release ${tmpdir}/sys.release if is_available showrev ; then showrev >${tmpdir}/sys.showrev fi if is_available sar ; then sar -u 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.cpu sar -d 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.disk fi if is_available top; then top -b -t -n 1 -c >${tmpdir}/sys.top.threads fi [ -x "/usr/platform/$( uname -i )/sbin/prtdiag" ] && /usr/platform/$(uname -i)/sbin/prtdiag -v &>${tmpdir}/sys.prtdiag } ### Here comes solaris specific parts debun_solaris () { add_extra debun_extra_gensolaris pkginfo | grep -i syslog > ${tmpdir}/pkg.packages } debun_extra_freebsd() { if is_available top; then top -b -d1 -H >${tmpdir}/sys.top.threads fi } debun_freebsd() { add_extra debun_extra_freebsd } debun_extra_hpux () { sysdef >${tmpdir}/sys.sysdef swlist >${tmpdir}/sys.swlist if is_available sar ; then sar -u 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.cpu sar -d 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.disk fi } debun_hpux () { add_extra debun_extra_hpux } debun_extra_aix () { alog -o -t console >${tmpdir}/sys.console-log oslevel -s >${tmpdir}/sys.aix.oslevel-s oslevel -sq >${tmpdir}/sys.aix.oslevel-sq if is_available sar ; then sar -u 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.cpu 2>/dev/null sar -b 1 5 >${tmpdir}/sys.sar.disk 2>/dev/null1 fi } debun_aix () { add_extra debun_extra_aix echo "Check package files integrity" rpm_verify syslog-ng-premium-edition syslog-ng-premium-edition-client syslog-ng-premium-edition-compact || \ echo "No syslog-ng RPM packages have been found!" echo "list syslog-related packages" rpm -qa |grep syslog > ${tmpdir}/rpm.packages } detect_env_linux () { if is_available lsb_release ; then lsb_release -a | tee ${tmpdir}/sys.linux.lsb-all dist=$( lsb_release -si ) fi if [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then cat /etc/debian_version >${tmpdir}/sys.linux.os-release dist="Debian" elif [ -r /etc/redhat-release ]; then cat /etc/redhat-release >${tmpdir}/sys.linux.os-release dist="RHEL" elif [ -r /etc/slackware-version ]; then cat /etc/slackware-version >${tmpdir}/sys.linux.os-release dist="Slackware" elif [ -r /etc/SuSE-release ]; then cat /etc/SuSE-release >${tmpdir}/sys.linux.os-release dist="SUSE LINUX" else echo "Unknown or unsupported Linux distribution!" cat /etc/*release /etc/*version >${tmpdir}/sys.linux.os-release 2>/dev/null fi } detect_env () { ### ### Detecting syslog-ng ver: ose or pe ### echo "Start environment detection" if [ -x /opt/syslog-ng/bin/loggen ] ; then syslogfhs=unix echo "Unix-like FHS detected" elif [ -d /etc/syslog-ng/ ]; then syslogfhs=linux echo "Linux-type FHS detected" else syslogfhs=unknown confdir=/nonexistent echo "No syslog-ng detected" fi os=$( uname -s ) if [ "$os" = "Linux" ]; then detect_env_linux fi } setup_env_debian () { unset distpkgoffile unset distpkgstatus distpkgoffile () { local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.$$.tmp dpkg -S $1 >$tmpfile read x < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo "${x%: /*}" } distpkgstatus () { echo "@@@Package info for: ${1}" dpkg -s ${1} echo "" } } setup_env_redhat () { unset distpkgoffile unset distpkgstatus distpkgoffile () { local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.$$.tmp rpm -qf $1 >$tmpfile read x < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo "$x" } distpkgstatus () { echo "@@@Package info for: ${1}" rpm -qi ${1} echo "" } } setup_env_suse () { unset distpkgoffile unset distpkgstatus distpkgoffile () { local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.$$.tmp rpm -qf $1 >$tmpfile read x < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo "$x" } distpkgstatus () { echo "@@@Package info for: ${1}" rpm -qi $1 echo "" } } setup_env_slackware () { initfile="/etc/rc.d/rc.syslog" service_start="${initfile} start" service_stop="${initfile} stop" if [ -f "/var/run/syslog-ng.pid" ]; then piddir="/var/run" fi unset service_status unset distpkgoffile unset distpkgstatus distpkgoffile () { local LINKTARGET local PKGLOGFILENAMES local SEARCHSTRING PKGLOGFILE= LINKTARGET=$( readlink -f "${1}" 2>/dev/null ) SEARCHSTRING="${LINKTARGET##/}" PKGLOGFILENAMES=$( \ ( grep -r -m 1 -E "^${SEARCHSTRING}\$" /var/log/packages ; \ [ "${SEARCHSTRING%%/*}" = "lib" ] && grep -r -m 1 -E "^lib/incoming/${SEARCHSTRING#*/}\$" /var/log/packages ; \ [ "${SEARCHSTRING%%/*}" = "lib64" ] && grep -r -m 1 -E "^lib64/incoming/${SEARCHSTRING#*/}\$" /var/log/packages ) | \ while read -r RESULT; do RESULT="${RESULT%%:*}" echo "${RESULT##*/}" done ) if [ -n "${PKGLOGFILENAMES}" ]; then echo "${PKGLOGFILENAMES}" else echo "No installed package for '$1' found!" >&2 fi } distpkgstatus () { local PIVOT local LASTLINE local PKGINFO echo "@@@Package info for: ${1}" PKGINFO=$( \ ( find /var/log/packages/ -name "${1}*" ) | \ while read -r PKGLOGFILE; do PIVOT=$( fgrep -n "FILE LIST:" "${PKGLOGFILE}" ) LASTLINE=$(( ${PIVOT%%:*} - 1 )) 2>/dev/null head -n ${LASTLINE:-16} "${PKGLOGFILE}" echo "" done ) if [ -n "${PKGINFO}" ]; then echo "${PKGINFO}" else echo "The package '${1}' is not installed, or does not exist!" >&2 fi } } setup_env_genlinux () { unset myplimit no_lsof_fallback myplimit () { [ -f "/proc/$1/limits" ] && cat /proc/$1/limits ; } no_lsof_fallback() { ls -l /proc/${1}/fd ; } if is_available systemctl ; then service_stop="systemctl stop syslog-ng" service_start="systemctl start syslog-ng" service_status="systemctl status syslog-ng" fi # sed -E uses extended regexes, and normally works on Linux and BSD, where perl is not present by default. # -e and -E patterns use different syntax, but the great thing is that the -E format also works with perl. # However older GNU sed versions do not support the -E option, so we have no other choice but perl in # these cases. if echo "eee" | sed -E 's/eee/fff/g' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then : else sed_equivalent_cmd="perl -p -e" fi } setup_env_linux () { case "${dist}" in "Debian"|"Ubuntu") setup_env_debian ;; "CentOS"|"RedHatEnterprise"|"RedHatEnterpriseServer"|"RHEL"|"OracleServer"|"EnterpriseEnterpriseServer") setup_env_redhat ;; "SUSE LINUX") setup_env_suse ;; "Slackware") setup_env_slackware ;; *) echo "Unknown Distro, perhaps unsupported" ;; esac setup_env_genlinux } setup_env_solaris () { dfi="df -o i" lsof=pfiles ipconfig="ifconfig -a" pscmd="ps -eaf" tcpdumpcmd="snoop" tcpdumpopts="-P -q -o" pcapifparm="-d" trace="truss -r all -w all -u libc:: -f" netstatpunt() { netstat -n ; } netstatpn() { netstat -n ; } netstatsu="netstat -s" grepq="/usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q" sed_equivalent_cmd="perl -p -e" unset -f mypidof unset -f getsyslogpids unset -f netstatlunp unset -f netstatnlp unset -f myplimit unset -f topcmd unset -f free unset -f distpkgoffile unset -f distpkgstatus unset -f is_available unset -f os_hash_helper unset -f timestamp unset -f findL is_available () { which "$1" | $grepq "no $1 in" && return 1 || return 0 ; } mypidof () { $pseao pid,comm | while read pid bin ; do [ "$bin" = "$1" ] && echo $pid ; done ; } getsyslogpids () { mypidof "${syslogrealbin}" ; } netstatnlp () { netstat -na ; } netstatlunp () { netstat -P udp -na ; } myplimit () { plimit $1 ; } free () { prtconf | grep Mem ; printf Pagesize:\ ; pagesize -a ; } timestamp () { perl -e 'print time, "\n";' ; } distpkgoffile () { FILE="$1" if [ -L "/lib/64" ]; then FILE=$( perl -sae '$libarch=readlink("/lib/64"); $filename =~ s/lib\/64/lib\/$libarch/; print "$filename\n";' -- -filename="$1" ) fi pkgchk -l -p $FILE | \ perl -ne 'if ( /^Referenced by the/ ) { $p=1; } elsif (/:/ or /^$/ ) { $p=0; } elsif ($p) { s/^\s+//; print ; } else { print "FAIL:".$_; }' } distpkgstatus () { echo "@@@Package info for: ${1}" pkginfo -l $1 echo "" } if find -L /bin >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then findL() { find -L "$@" ; } else findL() { dir="$1"; shift; find "$dir" -follow "$@" ; } fi if is_available top; then topcmd () { top -b -n 1 -c > "${1}" ; } else topcmd () { ( uptime ; echo ; echo "::memstat" | mdb -k ; sar -u 1 1 ; echo ; ps -eao user,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,s,stime,args | head -n 1; ps -eao user,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,s,stime,args | grep -v COMMAND | sort -rn +3 ) >"${1}" 2>/dev/null ; } fi if is_available md5sum; then os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum ; } elif is_available digest; then os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -exec digest -a md5 -v '{}' \; | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^md5 (\(.*\)) = \([a-z0-9]\{32\}\)$:\2 \1:' } else os_hash_helper () { : ; } fi if is_available svcadm ; then service_stop="svcadm disable system/syslog-ng:default" service_start="svcadm enable system/syslog-ng:default" service_status="svcs system/syslog-ng:default" fi if is_available ${opensslcmd}; then : else [ -x /usr/sfw/bin/openssl ] && opensslcmd="/usr/sfw/bin/openssl" fi } setup_env_freebsd () { netstatpunt() { netstat -n ; } netstatpn() { netstat -n ; } netstatsu="netstat -s" ipconfig="ifconfig -a" pseao="ps xao" trace="truss -a -d -f -s 256" initfile="/etc/rc.d/syslog-ng" service_stop="${initfile} stop" service_start="${initfile} start" service_status="${initfile} status" unset -f free unset -f netstatnlp unset -f netstatlunp unset -f mypidof unset -f topcmd unset -f getsyslogpids unset -f distpkgoffile unset -f distpkgstatus unset -f os_hash_helper free () { top -bt 0 ; } netstatnlp () { sockstat ; } netstatlunp () { netstat -na | grep -E "(Internet|Proto|udp)" ; } topcmd () { top -b -d1 > "${1}" ; } mypidof () { $pseao pid,comm | while read pid bin ; do [ "$bin" = "$1" ] && echo $pid ; done; } getsyslogpids () { mypidof syslog-ng ; } distpkgoffile () { : ; } distpkgstatus () { : ; } os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -exec md5 '{}' \; | ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^MD5 (\(.*\)) = \([a-z0-9]\{32\}\)$:\2 \1:' } } setup_env_hpux () { gzipcmd="/usr/contrib/bin/gzip -9" lddcmd="/usr/ccs/bin/ldd" trace="/usr/local/bin/tusc -p -l -u -f" netstatsu="netstat -s" netstatpunt() { netstat -n ; } netstatpn() { netstat -n ; } ipconfig="netstat -ni" pscmd="ps -eaf" dfh="df" initfile="/sbin/init.d/syslog-ng" service_stop="${initfile} stop" service_start="${initfile} start" service_status="${initfile} status" sed_equivalent_cmd="perl -p -e" cpiopdL="cpio -pdh" unset -f free unset -f netstatnlp unset -f netstatlunp unset -f mypidof unset -f topcmd unset -f os_hash_helper unset -f getsyslogpids unset -f getparent unset -f getchilds unset -f is_available unset -f dfk_parser unset -f distpkgoffile unset -f distpkgstatus unset -f distpkgoffile_cleanup unset -f findL export UNIX95=1 is_available () { which "$1" | $grepq "no $1 in" && return 1 || return 0 ; } free () { swapinfo -tam ; } netstatnlp () { netstat -na | grep -E "(Internet|Proto|LISTEN)" ; } netstatlunp () { netstat -na | grep -E "(Internet|Proto|udp)" ; } topcmd () { top -d 1 -f "${1}" ; } dfk_parser () { grep free | while read AVAIL REST_TEXT; do echo ${AVAIL}; done } findL() { dir="$1"; shift; find "$dir" -follow "$@" ; } os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; } mypidof () { ps -e -f | while read uid pid ppid c stime tty time command extra ; do if [ "${stime%%:*}" = "${stime}" ] then [ "${extra%% *}" = "$1" ] && echo $pid else [ "${command%% *}" = "$1" ] && echo $pid fi ; done ; } getsyslogpids () { mypidof "${syslogrealbin}" ; } getparent () { local self local parent local ret local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/getparent.$$.txt ps -ef >$tmpfile while read user pid ppid dummy ; do [ "$1" = "$pid" ] || continue ret=$ppid done < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo $ret } getchilds () { local childs local dummy local child local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/getchilds.$$.txt ps -ef >$tmpfile while read user pid ppid dummy ; do [ "$1" = "$ppid" ] || continue childs="${childs}${childs:+ }$pid" done < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo ${childs} } distpkgoffile () { local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.tmp if [ ! -f $tmpfile ]; then swlist -l file > "$tmpfile" fi grep $1 $tmpfile | cut -d : -f 1 | while read x; do echo "$x" done } distpkgstatus () { printf "@@@Package info for fileset/patch: %s\n" "$1" swlist -l fileset -a title -a description $1 | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^\"" printf "\n" } distpkgoffile_cleanup () { if [ -f "${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.tmp" ]; then echo "Removing package list cache" rm "${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.tmp" fi } } setup_env_aix () { ipconfig="ifconfig -a" pscmd="ps -eaf" dfh="df -k" netstatsu="netstat -s" netstatpunt() { netstat -n ; } netstatpn() { netstat -n ; } dmesg="alog -o -t boot" trace="truss -r all -w all -u libc:: -f" initfile= service_stop="/usr/bin/stopsrc -s syslog-ng" service_start="/usr/bin/startsrc -s syslog-ng" service_status="/usr/bin/lssrc -s syslog-ng" sed_equivalent_cmd="perl -p -e" cpiopdL="/usr/sysv/bin/cpio -pdL" unset -f initfile unset -f netstatnlp unset -f netstatlunp unset -f routeconfig unset -f free unset -f dfk_parser unset -f getsyslogpids unset -f mypidof unset -f topcmd unset -f format_ldd_output unset -f os_hash_helper format_ldd_output () { ${sed_equivalent_cmd} 's:^[^/]*\(.*\)$:\1:' -e 's:^\(.*\)(.*)$:\1:'; } netstatnlp () { netstat -na | grep -E "(Active|Proto|LISTEN)" ; } netstatlunp () { netstat -na | grep -E "(Internet|Proto|udp)" ; } dfk_parser () { tail -1 | while read FS ALL AVAIL UPERC IUPERC MP; do echo ${AVAIL}; done } routeconfig () { if netstat -nr 2>&1 | $grepq 'Permission error' ; then echo 'WPAR without its own routing table.' ; else netstat -nr ; fi ; } free () { svmon -G -O unit=KB ; } topcmd () { ( uptime ; svmon -G | head -n 3 ; sar -u 1 1 ; echo ; ps auxwww | head -n 1; ps auxwww | grep -v COMMAND | sort -rn +2 ) >"${1}" 2>/dev/null ; } mypidof () { ps -eaf | while read user pid ppid c stime tty time cmd extra; do if [ "${stime%%:*}" = "${stime}" ] then [ "${extra%% *}" = "$1" ] && echo $pid else [ "${cmd%% *}" = "$1" ] && echo $pid fi ; done ; } getsyslogpids () { mypidof "${syslogrealbin}" ; } unset distpkgoffile unset distpkgstatus distpkgoffile () { local tmpfile=${tmpdir}/distpkgoffile.$$.tmp rpm -qf $1 >$tmpfile read x < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile echo "$x" } distpkgstatus () { printf "@@@Package info for: %s\n" "$1" rpm -qi $1 printf "\n" } os_hash_helper () { find . '!' \( -name debun.manifest -o -name syslog-ng.debun.txt \) -type f -exec csum -h MD5 '{}' \; } } setup_env_generic_pre () { : } setup_env_generic_post () { ### Check if ss is available (should only be present on Linux) if is_available ss ; then unset -f routeconfig unset -f netstatnlp unset -f netstatlunp routeconfig () { ip route show ; } netstatnlp () { ss -nlp ; } netstatlunp () { ss -lunp ; } netstatpunt() { ss -punt ; } netstatpn() { ss -pn ; } fi if is_available netstat; then : else is_available nstat && netstatsu="nstat" fi } setup_env() { setup_env_generic_pre ### ### Decide OS (switch-like) ### printf "\nOperating System Name: %s\n" "$os" if [ "$os" = "Linux" ]; then setup_env_linux elif [ "$os" = "SunOS" ]; then setup_env_solaris elif [ "$os" = "FreeBSD" ]; then setup_env_freebsd elif [ "$os" = "HP-UX" ]; then setup_env_hpux elif [ "$os" = "AIX" ]; then setup_env_aix else printf "Unkonwn or (yet) unhandled system\n" fi setup_env_generic_post } debun_run () { if [ "$os" = "Linux" ]; then debun_linux elif [ "$os" = "SunOS" ]; then debun_solaris elif [ "$os" = "FreeBSD" ]; then debun_freebsd elif [ "$os" = "HP-UX" ]; then debun_hpux elif [ "$os" = "AIX" ]; then debun_aix fi } run_specific_extras () { for i in ${extras}; do $i done } run_debug () { printf "\nStart Debug collection\n" if [ -n "${pcap_params}" ]; then if is_available $tcpdumpcmd ; then echo "Start packet dump in background with filters: ${pcap_params}" ${tcpdumpcmd} ${tcpdumpopts} ${tmpdir}/debug.pcap ${pcap_iface:+$pcapifparm} ${pcap_iface} ${pcap_params} & pcappid=${!} else echo "tcpdump/snoop is not available" >&2 fi fi if [ -n "${tracing}" ] && [ -z "${debug_params}" ]; then if is_available "${trace%% *}"; then for i in ${sngallpids}; do ${trace} -o ${tmpdir}/trace.${i}.txt -p ${i} & tracepids="${tracepids}${tracepids:+ }${!}" done else echo "Tracing was requested but ${trace%% *} was not available!" fi fi if [ -n "${waitforit}" ]; then [ -n "${pcap_params}" ] && sleep 1 echo "Waiting ${waitforit} secs before stop system's syslog-ng, and restart in debug mode." pad='' bs='' for i in $( seq 1 ${#waitforit} ); do pad="${pad} " ; bs="\b${bs}" ; done printf "Start countdown: ${pad}" >&3 for i in $( seq ${waitforit} -1 1 ); do printf "${bs}${pad:${#i}}$i" >&3 ; sleep 1 ; done print "0\n">&3 touch ${tmpdir}/syslog.debug fi if [ -n "${debug_params}" ]; then ${service_stop} # We should implement a better waiting for the system service's shutdown, sleep 1 works for now sleep 1 echo "Start syslog-ng debug with params: ${debug_params}" if [ -n "$tracing" ]; then if is_available "${trace%% *}"; then ${trace} -o ${tmpdir}/trace.dbg.txt ${syslogbin} ${debug_params} >>${tmpdir}/syslog.debug 2>&1 & i=${!} tracepids="${i}" debugpid="$( getchilds ${i} )" echo "Trace: ${i} Debug: ${debugpid}" else echo "Tracing was requested but ${trace%% *} was not available!" ${syslogbin} ${debug_params} >>${tmpdir}/syslog.debug 2>&1 & debugpid=${!} fi else ${syslogbin} ${debug_params} >>${tmpdir}/syslog.debug 2>&1 & debugpid=${!} fi fi if [ -n "$debug_mode" ]; then sleep 1 acquire_syslog_stats fi [ -n "${timeout}" ] || echo "When you want to stop collecting data, press ENTER" >&3 if [ -n "${waitforit}" ]; then sleep 1 # Let's give time the user, to read the message about stopping tail -f ${tmpdir}/syslog.debug >&3 & debugtailpid=${!} #disown fi if [ -n "${timeout}" ]; then sleep "${timeout}" else read line fi } ### ### Main program tasks ### debun_init detect_env setup_env debun_run [ "$syslogfhs" = "linux" ] && fhs_set_linux [ "$syslogfhs" = "unix" ] && fhs_set_unix run_specific_extras acquire_general_info if [ -n "$privacy_mode" ]; then acquire_syslog_nprv else acquire_syslog_all fi [ -n "$debug_mode" ] && run_debug debun_final