--- title: "systemPipeShiny Documentation" linkTitle: "systemPipeShiny" type: docs --- **systemPipeShiny** (SPS) extends the widely used [systemPipeR](/spr/) (SPR) workflow environment with a versatile graphical user interface provided by a [Shiny App](https://shiny.rstudio.com). This allows non-R users, such as experimentalists, to run many systemPipeR's workflow designs, control, and visualization functionalities interactively without requiring knowledge of R. Most importantly, `SPS` has been designed as a general purpose framework for interacting with other R packages in an intuitive manner. Like most Shiny Apps, SPS can be used on both local computers as well as centralized server-based deployments that can be accessed remotely as a public web service for using SPR's functionalities with community and/or private data. The framework can integrate many core packages from the R/Bioconductor ecosystem. Examples of SPS' current functionalities include: - A default interactive workflow module to create experimental designs, visualize and customize workflow topologies with previews, and programming free workflow execution within the application. - An interactive module with extensive plot options to visualize downstream analysis of a RNA-Seq workflow. - A quick ggplot module to make all variety of scientific plots from any user defined tabular data. - An extendable set of visualization functionalities makes it easy to design custom Shiny Apps under SPS framework without any knowledge of Shiny. - A 'Canvas Workbench' to manage complex visual results. It allows users to organize and to compare plots in an efficient manner combined with a session screenshot feature to edit scientific and publishable figures. - Three other supporting packages to help all users from beginners and advanced developers to extend under current SPS framework or on their own visualization apps. ## Demos ### Shinyapps.io demos View our online demo app: | Type and link| option changed | notes | | --- | --- | --- | | [Default full installation{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny/) | [See installation](#installation) | full app | | [Minimum installation{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny/) | [See installation](#installation) | no modules installed | | [Login enabled{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading/) | `login_screen = TRUE; login_theme = "empty"` | no modules installed | | [Login and login themes{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading_theme/) | `login_screen = TRUE; login_theme = "random"` | no modules installed | | [App admin page{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading/?admin) | `admin_page = TRUE` | or simply add "?admin" to the end of URL of demos | For the login required demos, the app account name is **"user"** password **"user"**. For the admin panel login, account name **"admin"**, password **"admin"**. **Please DO NOT delete or change password when you are using the admin features.** _shinyapp.io_ will reset the app once a while, but this will affect other people who are trying the demo simultaneously. ### Rstudio Cloud demo There is an [Rstudio Cloud project](https://rstudio.cloud/project/2493103) instance that you can also play with. You need to create a free new account. Two Bioconductor related modules - workflow & RNAseq are not installed. They require more than 1GB RAM to install and to run which is beyond the limit of a free account. ### Docker Use [systempipe_docker](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systempipe_docker) for instructions. ## Other packages in systemPipeShiny | Package | Description | Documents | Function reference | Demo | | --- | --- | --- | :---: | --- | |[systemPipeShiny{blk}](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny) | SPS main package |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/sps/reference/) | [demo{blk}](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny/)| |[spsComps{blk}](https://github.com/lz100/spsComps) | SPS UI and server components |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/spscomps/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/spscomps/reference/) | [demo{blk}](https://lezhang.shinyapps.io/spsComps)| |[drawer{blk}](https://github.com/lz100/drawer) | SPS interactive image editing tool |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/drawer/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/drawer/reference/) | [demo{blk}](https://lezhang.shinyapps.io/drawer)| |[spsUtil{blk}](https://github.com/lz100/spsUtil) | SPS utility functions |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/spsutil/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/spsutil/reference/) | NA|