--- title: "Quick ggplot" linkTitle: "Quick ggplot" type: docs weight: 3 --- ## Quick {ggplot} module This module enables you to quickly upload datasets and make a {[ggplot{blk}](https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/)} in a second by using some functionalities from {[Esquisse{blk}](https://dreamrs.github.io/esquisse/index.html)}. ### Upload data
![quickgg](../img/sps_quckgg_upload.png) Upload data
1. The first thing you come to this module is to upload a tabular data file. You can choose to use the example or upload your own. The example is just the `iris` data. - 1.1. If you choose to upload, there will be a upload button where you need to choose your own file. 2. By default, it assumes you upload a ".csv" file with "#" as comments. If not you can choose the file delimiter and comment character. 3. You can view your uploaded data and use the boxes below each column name to perform some filters, but you are not allowed to edit the data. 4. If everything looks good, you can submit to proceed to the plot making panel. ### Make a plot
![quickgg](../img/sps_quickgg.jpg) Make a plot
**Figure 8** Quick ggplot 1. Provide a tabular data table by uploading or use example. 2. Drag variables from into different ggplot aesthetic boxes to make a ggplot. 3. Change to different plot types. 4. Customize other different plotting options. For a more specific guide, read [Esquisse official guide{blk}](https://dreamrs.github.io/esquisse/articles/get-started.html).