############ Create remote messages to notify users in the app #################
## When app starts, it will first try to load this file from online.
## You should place this file somewhere publically reachable online, like Github.
## This file should not be included in your app deployment.
## Add the url of this file to the SPS option `note_url` in "global.R" file
# type: one of 'package' or 'general', required
# expire: note will be displayed before the date, required, YYYY-MM-DD format
# title: string, required
# icon: any font-awesome icon name, default is the "info-circle"
# status: one of primary, success, info, warning, danger, default is "primary"
# pkg_name: string, required if type == 'package', such as "systemPipeShiny"
# version: string, required if type == 'package', such as "1.0.0"
# message: string, optional, the text body of the notification. Be careful with indentations.
- note:
type: general
title: Notification broadcasting
expire: 2099-01-01
message: |
## SPS notifications
What you are looking at is the SPS notification broadcasting system. It
display messages to your users by reading a remote `yaml` file stored
online. SPS will fetch the content of this file and translate it to different
notes you can see here. So you do not need to re-deploy the app every time
there is a new notification.
1. You can customize your own notifications by
using [this file as template](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny/master/inst/remote_resource/notifications.yaml).
2. After the modification, place this file in public accessible location, like
Github, do not inlcude this file in app deployment.
3. During app deployment, indicate the URL of this file in `global.R`
file, `note_url:` option.
Read more details on [our website](https://systempipe.org/sps/adv_features/notification/).
- note:
type: package
pkg_name: systemPipeShiny
version: 1.6.0
title: SPS 1.6.0 available
expire: 2022-12-31
status: info
message: |
## New version of SPS
SPS 1.6.0 has come out together with the new bioconductor release.
In this version, we remade the welcome page. New version is compatible
with the latest SPR, SPRdata, where we made a lot of change in those
Read the change log on [github](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny/blob/master/NEWS.md)
or [our website](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/sps/news/index.html)
- note:
type: general
title: Manual updated
expire: 2099-01-01
message: |
## sysPipe website
We have created the website for systemPipeR,
systemPipeShiny and all related packages.
You can also read the user manual of SPS on the website
- note:
type: package
pkg_name: spsComps
version: 0.3.2
title: spsComps 0.3.2 available
expire: 2022-12-31
message: |
## spsComps 0.3.1
v0.3.1 is on [Github](https://github.com/lz100/spsComps) and CRAN.
## New features
See all new features in [change log](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/spscomps/news/index.html)
and [demo](https://lezhang.shinyapps.io/spsComps)