====================================================================================== @Shaynemk and @Arttumiro on the pwnagotchi boards added timestamps, altitude, and satellites to former code ====================================================================================== This is just the android part of the whole guide but the rest can be found here https://community.pwnagotchi.ai/t/setting-up-paw-gps-on-android ====================================================================================== ====================================================================================== Site of the app I use : http://paw-android.fun2code.de (It needs a lot of permissions but it will not do anything automatically) Dont worry about incompatibility warnings, the gps code should still work even with that. Downloading the app and pressing the button to start it should be all you need to do on the app itself. Then you create the file to allow the pwnagotchi to retrieve gps data. Create a file in the internal storage /paw/html folder on your phone called gps.xhtml Systemik (the original author) used Mixplorer and that seems to work well. Any other file file explorer should still work. Copy and paste everything from to down below and paste it into the file (You might need to name it gps.txt first, paste and save the code, and then rename it back to gps.xhtml) ====================================================================================== ====================================================================================== (Start copying from under this text, so from line 22 to the end) import de.fun2code.android.pawserver.AndroidInterface; import org.json.*; import android.content.Context; import android.location.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; service = server.props.get("serviceContext"); lm = service.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); crit = new Criteria(); crit.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); provider = lm.getBestProvider(crit, true); loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(provider); // gps.py output matching variables updated = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSZ"); // Network provider as fallback if (loc == null) { provider = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER; loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(provider); } else if (loc != null) { json = new JSONObject(); json.put("Updated", updated.format(loc.getTime())); json.put("Latitude", loc.getLatitude()); json.put("Longitude", loc.getLongitude()); json.put("NumSatellites", loc.getExtras().getInt("satellites")); //could be 0 if using NETWORK_PROVIDER or phone isnt implementing it. json.put("Altitude", loc.hasAltitude()?loc.getAltitude():0); request.sendResponse(json.toString().getBytes(), "text/plain"); request.out.flush(); request.out.close(); } else {} To test, from the pwnagotchi you can do a : pi@pwnagotchi:~/pwnagotchi$ curl