use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Expect; plan skip_all => 'See'; my $bc = '/usr/bin/bc'; if ( not -x $bc ) { diag "Could not find bc in $bc"; my $which = `which bc`; diag "which bc: '$which'"; plan skip_all => "Need to have $bc installed to run this test"; } plan tests => 2; if ($^O !~ /^(openbsd|solaris|midnightbsd|dragonfly)$/) { my $bc_version = `$bc -v`; diag "--------- bc version on $^O"; diag $bc_version; diag '---------'; # just some notes: # on the systems with the above 'osname', bc does not have any banner (the warranty stuff) # and the also don't have a -v flag } subtest raw_pty_bc => sub { if ($^O =~ /^(openbsd|netbsd|freebsd|solaris|darwin|midnightbsd|dragonfly)$/) { plan skip_all => "This test fails on \$^O == \$Config{'osname'} == '$^O'"; } #if ($^O =~ /^(darwin)$/) { # diag "This test will almost certainly fail on \$^O == \$Config{'osname'} == '$^O'. You can install the module skipping this test, but please report the failure."; # #plan skip_all => "This test fails on $^O"; #} plan tests => 3; my $e = Expect->new; $e->raw_pty(1); $e->spawn($bc) or die "Cannot run bc\n"; my $warranty; $e->expect( 1, [qr/warranty'\./ => sub { $warranty = 1 } ] ); ok $warranty, 'warranty found' or do { diag $e->before; return; }; $e->send("23+7\n"); my $num; $e->expect( 1, [qr/\d+/ => sub { $num = 1 }] ); ok $num, 'number found' or do { diag $e->before; return; }; my $match = $e->match; is $match, 30, 'the number'; $e->send("quit\n"); }; subtest pty_bc => sub { plan tests => 6; my $e = Expect->new; $e->spawn($bc) or die "Cannot run bc\n"; my $warranty; $e->expect( 1, [qr/warranty'\./ => sub { $warranty = 1 } ] ); SKIP: { skip "No banner on $^O ", 1 if $^O =~ /^(openbsd|freebsd|netbsd|solaris|midnightbsd|dragonfly)$/; ok $warranty, 'warranty found' or do { diag $e->before; return; }; } $e->send("23+7\n"); my $expr; $e->expect( 1, [qr/23\+7/ => sub { $expr = 1 }] ); ok $expr, 'echo input'; my $num; $e->expect( 1, [qr/\d+/ => sub { $num = 1 }] ); ok $num, 'number found' or do { diag $e->before; return; }; my $match = $e->match; is $match, 30, 'the number'; my $EMPTY = qr/^[\r\n]*$/; like $e->before, $EMPTY, 'before'; like $e->after, $EMPTY, 'after'; $e->send("quit\n"); };