# Reading the config file $config = Get-Content -Path Bastion_config.json | ConvertFrom-Json # Switching to the proper subscription Write-Host "Switching subscription to: " $config.Subscription az account set --subscription $config.Subscription if (! $?) { Write-Host "Subscription change failed. Maybe it is time to login again: az login" exit 0 } else { Write-Host "Successfully changed subscription" } # Check Jumpserver and start if needed. Write-Host "Checking JumpServer's state..." $vmState=(az vm show --ids $config.JumpServerResourceID --show-details --query powerState -o tsv) if (! $?) { Write-Host "VM is not found. Please check the resource ID in the config file." exit 0 } if ($vmState = "VM running") { Write-Host "VM is running" } else { Write-Host "VM is not running. Waking up VM." az vm start --ids $config.JumpServerResourceID if (! $?) { Write-Host "VM wake up failed." exit 0 } } # Starting the tunnels $jobs = @() foreach ($tunnel in $config.Tunnels) { if ($tunnel.Enabled) { $jobs += Start-ThreadJob -StreamingHost $Host -ThrottleLimit 200 -ScriptBlock { $c = $using:config $t = $using:tunnel while ($true) { Write-Host "Opening Bastion tunnel via jumpserver to: " $t.Description &{az network bastion tunnel ` --target-resource-id $c.JumpServerResourceID ` --ids $c.BastionResourceID ` --port $t.LocalAggregatorPort ` --resource-port 22} *>&1 | Out-Host Write-Host "Bastion tunnel failed to: " $t.Description Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } # Wait 5 seconds to establish the Bastion tunnel Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $jobs += Start-ThreadJob -StreamingHost $Host -ScriptBlock { $c = $using:config $t = $using:tunnel while ($true) { Write-Host "Opening SSH aggregator tunnel for: " $t.Description &{ssh -L "$($t.LocalPort):$($t.RemoteHost):$($t.RemotePort)" ` -p "$($t.LocalAggregatorPort)" ` -N ` -o TCPKeepAlive=false ` -o ServerAliveInterval=10 ` -o ServerAliveCountMax=525600 ` -o StrictHostKeyChecking="no" ` "$($c.JumpServerUser)@" ` -i "$($c.JumpServerKeyPath)"} *>&1 | Out-Host Write-Host "SSH aggregator tunnel failed to: " $t.Description Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } } } Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "`n`nTunnels are configured..." Wait-Job -Job $jobs