Description =========== Moonscripty is a package for [Sublime Text 2/3]( for MoonScript developers. It adds a live parser based on [LuaSublime]( and [Love]( completions to [moonscript-tmbundle]( Installation ============ You can install this package through [Package Control](, simply use Command Palette: Package Control Install Package -> Moonscripty. Alternatively, you can install this package by running the following command in your Packages directory: git clone git:// Error checking -------------- By default any moon file will be run through moonc -p and the first encountered error is outlined. To disable or change this behavior ```json { "live_parser": true, "live_parser_style": "{dot|circle|outline}", "live_parser_persistent:" false, "moonc_path": "moonc" } ``` in Moonscript > User Settings. Syntax highlighting ------------------- ![alt text]( "syntax hightlighting") Command Palette: Set Syntax: Moonscript Completions ----------- LuaDoc tags are available in comments. For example. "@param" expands to "-- @param type name desc". Love2D functions are available by default. To disable them, simply delete the Love.sublime-completions file. Build Modes ----------- * Ctrl + B: Run script with moon * Ctrl + Shift + B: Compile file with moonc * Command Palette: "moonc: show Lua" will output to the build panel. * Command Palette: "ldoc" commands generate documentation using [LDoc]( * Command Palette: "love" commands execute the current file (or project directory) with [Love](