# Switch Settings This Sublime Text package makes it possible to switch another settings (`User/Preferences.sublime-settings`). If you want to change settings depending on the situation, this package provides the function to store some settings and to quickly change these settings. ![demo](http://i.imgur.com/rZSfI81.gif) ## Installation __With the Package Control__: - Open the Command Palette: `cmd + shift + p` or `ctrl + shift + p` - `Command Palette` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `Switch Settings` __With Git__: Clone this repository into `Packages/` folder of ST. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/t8m8/SwitchSettings.git ``` ## Usage __Command Palette__: - open the Command Palette: `cmd + shift + p` or `ctrl + shift + p` - `Command Palette` > `Switch Settings: *` __Keymaps__: - Change Settings: `ctrl + alt + c` - Delete Settings: `ctrl + alt + d` - Show Settings-List: `ctrl + alt + s` - Create New Settings: `ctrl + alt + n` - Rename Settings: `ctrl + alt + r` ## License under the MIT license.