#!/usr/bin/python3 ############################################################# ## NeewerLite-Python ver. [2024-04-20-BETA] ## by Zach Glenwright ############################################################ ## > https://github.com/taburineagle/NeewerLite-Python/ < ############################################################ ## A cross-platform Python script using the bleak and ## PySide2 libraries to control Neewer brand lights via ## Bluetooth on multiple platforms - ## Windows, Linux/Ubuntu, MacOS and RPi ############################################################ ## Originally based on the NeewerLight project by @keefo ## > https://github.com/keefo/NeewerLite < ############################################################ import os import sys import tempfile import argparse import asyncio import threading import time import platform # used to determine which OS we're using for MAC address/GUID listing from importlib import metadata as ilm # used to determine which version of Bleak we have running from subprocess import run, PIPE # used to get MacOS Mac address from datetime import datetime # IMPORT BLEAK (this is the library that allows the program to communicate with the lights) - THIS IS NECESSARY! try: from bleak import BleakScanner, BleakClient except ModuleNotFoundError as e: print(" ===== CAN NOT FIND BLEAK LIBRARY =====") print(" You need the bleak Python package installed to use NeewerLite-Python.") print(" Bleak is the library that connects the program to Bluetooth devices.") print(" Please install the Bleak package first before running NeewerLite-Python.") print() print(" To install Bleak, run either pip or pip3 from the command line:") print(" pip install bleak") print(" pip3 install bleak") print() print(" Or visit this website for more information:") print(" https://pypi.org/project/bleak/") sys.exit(1) # you can't use the program itself without Bleak, so kill the program if we don't have it importError = 0 # whether or not there's an issue loading PySide2 or the GUI file # IMPORT PYSIDE2 (the GUI libraries) try: from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QItemSelectionModel from PySide2.QtGui import QColor, QKeySequence from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QTableWidgetItem, QShortcut, QMessageBox except Exception as e: importError = 1 # log that we can't find PySide2 # IMPORT THE GUI ITSELF try: from ui_NeewerLightUI import Ui_MainWindow except Exception as e: if importError != 1: # if we don't already have a PySide2 issue importError = 2 # log that we can't find the GUI file - which, if the program is downloaded correctly, shouldn't be an issue # IMPORT THE HTTP SERVER try: from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer import urllib.parse # parsing custom light names in the HTTP server except Exception as e: pass # if there are any HTTP errors, don't do anything yet CCTSlider = -1 # the current slider moved in the CCT window - 1 - Brightness / 2 - Hue / -1 - Both Brightness and Hue sendValue = [120, 135, 2, 50, 56, 50] # an array to hold the values to be sent to the light lastSelection = [] # the current light selection (this is for snapshot preset entering/leaving buttons) lastSortingField = -1 # the last field used for sorting purposes availableLights = [] # the list of Neewer lights currently available to control # List Subitems (for ^^^^^^): # [0] - UpdatedBLEInformation object (replaces Bleak object, but retains information) Object (can use .name / .realname / .address / .rssi / .HWMACaddr to get specifics) # [1] - Bleak Connection (the actual Bluetooth connection to the light itself) # [2] - Custom Name for Light (string) # [3] - Last Used Parameters (list) # [4] - The range of color temperatures to use in CCT mode (list, min, max) <- changed in 0.12 # [5] - Whether or not to send Brightness and Hue independently for old lights (boolean) # [6] - Whether or not this light has been manually turned ON/OFF (boolean) # [7] - The Power and Channel data returned for this light (list) # [8] - Whether or not this light uses the new Infinity light protocol (int - 0: no, 1: yes, 2: protocol, but not Infinity light) # Light Preset ***Default*** Settings (for sections below): # NOTE: The list is 0-based, so the preset itself is +1 from the subitem # [0] - [CCT mode] - 5600K / 20% # [1] - [CCT mode] - 3200K / 20% # [2] - [CCT mode] - 5600K / 0% (lights are on, but set to 0% brightness) # [3] - [HSI mode] - 0° hue / 100% saturation / 20% intensity (RED) # [4] - [HSI mode] - 240° hue / 100% saturation / 20% intensity (BLUE) # [5] - [HSI mode] - 120° hue / 100% saturation / 20% intensity (GREEN) # [6] - [HSI mode] - 300° hue / 100% saturation / 20% intensity (PURPLE) # [7] - [HSI mode] - 160° hue / 100% saturation / 20% intensity (CYAN) # The list of **default** light presets for restoring and checking against defaultLightPresets = [ [[-1, [120, 135, 2, 20, 56, 50]]], [[-1, [120, 135, 2, 20, 32, 50]]], [[-1, [120, 135, 2, 0, 56, 50]]], [[-1, [120, 134, 4, 0, 0, 100, 20]]], [[-1, [120, 134, 4, 240, 0, 100, 20]]], [[-1, [120, 134, 4, 120, 0, 100, 20]]], [[-1, [120, 134, 4, 44, 1, 100, 20]]], [[-1, [120, 134, 4, 160, 0, 100, 20]]] ] customLightPresets = defaultLightPresets[:] # copy the default presets to the list for the current session's presets threadAction = "" # the current action to take from the thread serverBusy = [False, ""] # whether or not the HTTP server is busy asyncioEventLoop = None # the current asyncio loop setLightUUID = "69400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA99" # the UUID to send information to the light notifyLightUUID = "69400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA99" # the UUID for notify callbacks from the light receivedData = "" # the data received from the Notify characteristic # SET FROM THE PREFERENCES FILE ON LAUNCH findLightsOnStartup = True # whether or not to look for lights when the program starts autoConnectToLights = True # whether or not to auto-connect to lights after finding them printDebug = True # show debug messages in the console for all of the program's events maxNumOfAttempts = 6 # the maximum attempts the program will attempt an action before erroring out rememberLightsOnExit = False # whether or not to save the currently set light settings (mode/hue/brightness/etc.) when quitting out rememberPresetsOnExit = True # whether or not to save the custom preset list when quitting out acceptable_HTTP_IPs = [] # the acceptable IPs for the HTTP server, set on launch by prefs file customKeys = [] # custom keymappings for keyboard shortcuts, set on launch by the prefs file whiteListedMACs = [] # whitelisted list of MAC addresses to add to NeewerLite-Python enableTabsOnLaunch = False # whether or not to enable tabs on startup (even with no lights connected) lockFile = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + "NeewerLite-Python.lock" anotherInstance = False # whether or not we're using a new instance (for the Singleton check) globalPrefsFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs" + os.sep + "NeewerLite-Python.prefs" # the global preferences file for saving/loading customLightPresetsFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs" + os.sep + "customLights.prefs" # FILE LOCKING FOR SINGLE INSTANCE def singleInstanceLock(): global anotherInstance if os.path.exists(lockFile): # the lockfile exists, so we have another instance running anotherInstance = True else: # if it doesn't, try to create it try: lf = os.open(lockFile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL) # try to get a file spec to lock the "running" instance with os.fdopen(lf, 'w') as lockfile: lockfile.write(str(os.getpid())) # write the PID of the current running process to the temporary lockfile except IOError: # if we had an error acquiring the file descriptor, the file most likely already exists. anotherInstance = True def singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(exitCode): try: os.remove(lockFile) # try to delete the lockfile on exit except FileNotFoundError: # if another process deleted it, then just error out printDebugString("Lockfile not found in temp directory, so we're going to skip deleting it!") sys.exit(exitCode) # quit out, with the specified exitCode def doAnotherInstanceCheck(): if anotherInstance == True: # if we're running a 2nd instance, but we shouldn't be print("You're already running another instance of NeewerLite-Python.") print("Please close that copy first before opening a new one.") print() print("To force opening a new instance, add --force_instance to the command line.") sys.exit(1) try: # try to load the GUI class MainWindow(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) # set up the main UI self.connectMe() # connect the function handlers to the widgets if enableTabsOnLaunch == False: # if we're not supposed to enable tabs on launch, then disable them all self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(0, False) # disable the CCT tab on launch self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, False) # disable the HSI tab on launch self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(2, False) # disable the SCENE tab on launch self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(3, False) # disable the LIGHT PREFS tab on launch self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) if findLightsOnStartup == True: # if we're set up to find lights on startup, then indicate that self.statusBar.showMessage("Please wait - searching for Neewer lights...") else: self.statusBar.showMessage("Welcome to NeewerLite-Python! Hit the Scan button above to scan for lights.") if platform.system() == "Darwin": # if we're on MacOS, then change the column text for the 2nd column in the light table self.lightTable.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setText("Light UUID") # IF ANY OF THE CUSTOM PRESETS ARE ACTUALLY CUSTOM, THEN MARK THOSE BUTTONS AS CUSTOM if customLightPresets[0] != defaultLightPresets[0]: if customLightPresets[0][0][0] == -1: # if the current preset is custom, but a global, mark it that way self.customPreset_0_Button.markCustom(0) else: # the current preset is a snapshot preset self.customPreset_0_Button.markCustom(0, 1) if customLightPresets[1] != defaultLightPresets[1]: if customLightPresets[1][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_1_Button.markCustom(1) else: self.customPreset_1_Button.markCustom(1, 1) if customLightPresets[2] != defaultLightPresets[2]: if customLightPresets[2][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_2_Button.markCustom(2) else: self.customPreset_2_Button.markCustom(2, 1) if customLightPresets[3] != defaultLightPresets[3]: if customLightPresets[3][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_3_Button.markCustom(3) else: self.customPreset_3_Button.markCustom(3, 1) if customLightPresets[4] != defaultLightPresets[4]: if customLightPresets[4][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_4_Button.markCustom(4) else: self.customPreset_4_Button.markCustom(4, 1) if customLightPresets[5] != defaultLightPresets[5]: if customLightPresets[5][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_5_Button.markCustom(5) else: self.customPreset_5_Button.markCustom(5, 1) if customLightPresets[6] != defaultLightPresets[6]: if customLightPresets[6][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_6_Button.markCustom(6) else: self.customPreset_6_Button.markCustom(6, 1) if customLightPresets[7] != defaultLightPresets[7]: if customLightPresets[7][0][0] == -1: self.customPreset_7_Button.markCustom(7) else: self.customPreset_7_Button.markCustom(7, 1) self.show() def connectMe(self): self.turnOffButton.clicked.connect(self.turnLightOff) self.turnOnButton.clicked.connect(self.turnLightOn) self.scanCommandButton.clicked.connect(self.startSelfSearch) self.tryConnectButton.clicked.connect(self.startConnect) self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentChanged.connect(self.tabChanged) self.lightTable.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.selectionChanged) self.effectChooser.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.effectChanged) # Allow clicking on the headers for sorting purposes horizHeaders = self.lightTable.horizontalHeader() horizHeaders.setSectionsClickable(True) horizHeaders.sectionClicked.connect(self.sortByHeader) # COMMENTS ARE THE SAME THE ENTIRE WAY DOWN THIS CHAIN self.customPreset_0_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(0)) # when you click a preset self.customPreset_0_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(0)) # when you right-click a preset self.customPreset_0_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(0)) # when the mouse enters the widget self.customPreset_0_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(0, True)) # when the mouse leaves the widget self.customPreset_1_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(1)) self.customPreset_1_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(1)) self.customPreset_1_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(1)) self.customPreset_1_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(1, True)) self.customPreset_2_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(2)) self.customPreset_2_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(2)) self.customPreset_2_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(2)) self.customPreset_2_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(2, True)) self.customPreset_3_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(3)) self.customPreset_3_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(3)) self.customPreset_3_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(3)) self.customPreset_3_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(3, True)) self.customPreset_4_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(4)) self.customPreset_4_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(4)) self.customPreset_4_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(4)) self.customPreset_4_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(4, True)) self.customPreset_5_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(5)) self.customPreset_5_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(5)) self.customPreset_5_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(5)) self.customPreset_5_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(5, True)) self.customPreset_6_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(6)) self.customPreset_6_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(6)) self.customPreset_6_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(6)) self.customPreset_6_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(6, True)) self.customPreset_7_Button.clicked.connect(lambda: recallCustomPreset(7)) self.customPreset_7_Button.rightclicked.connect(lambda: self.saveCustomPresetDialog(7)) self.customPreset_7_Button.enteredWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(7)) self.customPreset_7_Button.leftWidget.connect(lambda: self.highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(7, True)) # Connect the sliders to the computation function self.colorTempSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.brightSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.GMSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.RGBSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.colorSatSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.brightDoubleSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.RGBDoubleSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.colorTempDoubleSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.speedSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.sparksSlider.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) self.specialOptionsChooser.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda: self.computeValues()) # CHECKS TO SEE IF SPECIFIC FIELDS (and the save button) SHOULD BE ENABLED OR DISABLED self.customName.clicked.connect(self.checkLightPrefsEnables) self.colorTempRange.clicked.connect(self.checkLightPrefsEnables) self.saveLightPrefsButton.clicked.connect(self.checkLightPrefs) self.resetGlobalPrefsButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setupGlobalLightPrefsTab(True)) self.saveGlobalPrefsButton.clicked.connect(self.saveGlobalPrefs) # SHORTCUT KEYS - MAKE THEM HERE, SET THEIR ASSIGNMENTS BELOW WITH self.setupShortcutKeys() # IN CASE WE NEED TO CHANGE THEM AFTER CHANGING PREFERENCES self.SC_turnOffButton = QShortcut(self) self.SC_turnOnButton = QShortcut(self) self.SC_scanCommandButton = QShortcut(self) self.SC_tryConnectButton = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Tab_CCT = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Tab_HSI = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Tab_SCENE = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Tab_PREFS = QShortcut(self) # DECREASE/INCREASE BRIGHTNESS REGARDLESS OF WHICH TAB WE'RE ON self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large = QShortcut(self) # THE SMALL INCREMENTS *DO* NEED A CUSTOM FUNCTION, BUT ONLY IF WE CHANGE THE # SHORTCUT ASSIGNMENT TO SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE NORMAL NUMBERS # THE LARGE INCREMENTS DON'T NEED A CUSTOM FUNCTION self.SC_Dec_1_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_1_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_2_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_2_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_3_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_3_Small = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_1_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_1_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_2_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_2_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Dec_3_Large = QShortcut(self) self.SC_Inc_3_Large = QShortcut(self) self.setupShortcutKeys() # set up the shortcut keys for the first time # CONNECT THE KEYS TO THEIR FUNCTIONS self.SC_turnOffButton.activated.connect(self.turnLightOff) self.SC_turnOnButton.activated.connect(self.turnLightOn) self.SC_scanCommandButton.activated.connect(self.startSelfSearch) self.SC_tryConnectButton.activated.connect(self.startConnect) self.SC_Tab_CCT.activated.connect(lambda: self.switchToTab(0)) self.SC_Tab_HSI.activated.connect(lambda: self.switchToTab(1)) self.SC_Tab_SCENE.activated.connect(lambda: self.switchToTab(2)) self.SC_Tab_PREFS.activated.connect(lambda: self.switchToTab(3)) # DECREASE/INCREASE BRIGHTNESS REGARDLESS OF WHICH TAB WE'RE ON self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(0, -1)) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(0, 1)) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(0, -5)) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(0, 5)) # THE SMALL INCREMENTS DO NEED A SPECIAL FUNCTION- # (see above) - BASICALLY, IF THEY'RE JUST ASSIGNED THE DEFAULT NUMPAD/NUMBER VALUES # THESE FUNCTIONS DON'T TRIGGER (THE SAME FUNCTIONS ARE HANDLED BY numberShortcuts(n)) # BUT IF THEY ARE CUSTOM, *THEN* THESE TRIGGER INSTEAD, AND THIS FUNCTION ^^^^ JUST DOES # SCENE SELECTIONS IN SCENE MODE self.SC_Dec_1_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(1, -1)) self.SC_Inc_1_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(1, 1)) self.SC_Dec_2_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(2, -1)) self.SC_Inc_2_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(2, 1)) self.SC_Dec_3_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(3, -1)) self.SC_Inc_3_Small.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(3, 1)) # THE LARGE INCREMENTS DON'T NEED A CUSTOM FUNCTION self.SC_Dec_1_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(1, -5)) self.SC_Inc_1_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(1, 5)) self.SC_Dec_2_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(2, -5)) self.SC_Inc_2_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(2, 5)) self.SC_Dec_3_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(3, -5)) self.SC_Inc_3_Large.activated.connect(lambda: self.changeSliderValue(3, 5)) # THE NUMPAD SHORTCUTS ARE SET UP REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE CUSTOM INC/DEC SHORTCUTS ARE self.SC_Num1 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("1"), self) self.SC_Num1.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(1)) self.SC_Num2 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("2"), self) self.SC_Num2.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(2)) self.SC_Num3 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("3"), self) self.SC_Num3.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(3)) self.SC_Num4 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("4"), self) self.SC_Num4.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(4)) self.SC_Num5 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("5"), self) self.SC_Num5.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(5)) self.SC_Num6 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("6"), self) self.SC_Num6.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(6)) self.SC_Num7 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("7"), self) self.SC_Num7.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(7)) self.SC_Num8 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("8"), self) self.SC_Num8.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(8)) self.SC_Num9 = QShortcut(QKeySequence("9"), self) self.SC_Num9.activated.connect(lambda: self.numberShortcuts(9)) def sortByHeader(self, theHeader): global availableLights global lastSortingField if theHeader < 2: # if we didn't click on the "Linked" or "Status" headers, start processing the sort sortingList = [] # a copy of the availableLights array checkForCustomNames = False # whether or not to ask to sort by custom names (if there aren't any custom names, then don't allow) for a in range(len(availableLights)): # copy the entire availableLights array into a temporary array to process it if theHeader == 0 and availableLights[a][2] != "": # if the current light has a custom name (and we clicked on Name) checkForCustomNames = True # then we need to ask what kind of sorting when we sort sortingList.append([availableLights[a][0], availableLights[a][1], availableLights[a][2], availableLights[a][3], \ availableLights[a][4], availableLights[a][5], availableLights[a][6], availableLights[a][7], \ availableLights[a][0].name, availableLights[a][0].address, availableLights[a][0].rssi, \ availableLights[a][8]]) else: # we clicked on the "Linked" or "Status" headers, which do not allow sorting sortingField = -1 if theHeader == 0: sortDlg = QMessageBox(self) sortDlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) sortDlg.setWindowTitle("Sort by...") sortDlg.setText("Which do you want to sort by?") sortDlg.addButton(" RSSI (Signal Level) ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) sortDlg.addButton(" Type of Light ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) if checkForCustomNames == True: # if we have custom names available, then add that as an option sortDlg.addButton("Custom Name", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) sortDlg.addButton("Cancel", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole) sortDlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) clickedButton = sortDlg.exec_() if clickedButton == 0: sortingField = 10 # sort by RSSI elif clickedButton == 1: sortingField = 8 # sort by type of light elif clickedButton == 2: if checkForCustomNames == True: # if the option was available for custom names, this is "custom name" sortingField = 2 else: # if the option wasn't available, then this is "cancel" sortingField = -1 # cancel out of sorting - write this! elif clickedButton == 3: # this option is only available if custom names is accessible - if so, this is "cancel" sortingField = -1 # cancel out of sorting - write this! elif theHeader == 1: # sort by MAC Address/GUID sortingField = 9 if sortingField != -1: # we want to sort self.lightTable.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicatorShown(True) # show the sorting indicator if lastSortingField != sortingField: # if we're doing a different kind of sort than the last one self.lightTable.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator(theHeader, Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder) # force the header to "Ascending" order if sortingField != 10: # if we're not looking at RSSI doReverseSort = False # we need an ascending order search else: # we ARE looking at RSSI doReverseSort = True # if we're looking at RSSI, then the search order is reversed (as the smaller # is actually the higher value) else: # if it's the same as before, then take the cue from the last order if self.lightTable.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorOrder() == Qt.SortOrder.DescendingOrder: if sortingField != 10: doReverseSort = True else: doReverseSort = False elif self.lightTable.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorOrder() == Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder: if sortingField != 10: doReverseSort = False else: doReverseSort = True sortedList = sorted(sortingList, key = lambda x: x[sortingField], reverse = doReverseSort) # sort the list availableLights.clear() # clear the list of available lights for a in range(len(sortedList)): # rebuild the available lights list from the sorted list availableLights.append([sortedList[a][0], sortedList[a][1], sortedList[a][2], sortedList[a][3], \ sortedList[a][4], sortedList[a][5], sortedList[a][6], sortedList[a][7], \ sortedList[a][11]]) self.updateLights(False) # redraw the table with the new light list lastSortingField = sortingField # keep track of the last field used for sorting, so we know whether or not to switch to ascending else: self.lightTable.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicatorShown(False) # hide the sorting indicator def switchToTab(self, theTab): # SWITCH TO THE REQUESTED TAB **IF IT IS AVAILABLE** if self.ColorModeTabWidget.isTabEnabled(theTab) == True: self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(theTab) def numberShortcuts(self, theNumber): # THE KEYS (IF THERE AREN'T CUSTOM ONES SET UP): # 7 AND 9 ADJUST THE FIRST SLIDER ON A TAB # 4 AND 6 ADJUST THE SECOND SLIDER ON A TAB # 1 AND 3 ADJUST THE THIRD SLIDER ON A TAB if theNumber == 1: if customKeys[16] == "1": self.changeSliderValue(3, -1) # decrement slider 3 elif theNumber == 2: pass elif theNumber == 3: if customKeys[17] == "3": self.changeSliderValue(3, 1) # increment slider 3 elif theNumber == 4: if customKeys[14] == "4": self.changeSliderValue(2, -1) # decrement slider 2 elif theNumber == 5: pass elif theNumber == 6: if customKeys[15] == "6": self.changeSliderValue(2, 1) # increment slider 2 elif theNumber == 7: if customKeys[12] == "7": self.changeSliderValue(1, -1) # decrement slider 1 elif theNumber == 8: pass elif theNumber == 9: if customKeys[13] == "9": self.changeSliderValue(1, 1) # increment slider 1 def changeSliderValue(self, sliderToChange, changeAmt): if self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() == 0: if sliderToChange == 1: self.colorTempSlider.setValue(self.colorTempSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif sliderToChange == 2 or sliderToChange == 0: self.brightSlider.setValue(self.brightSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif sliderToChange == 3: self.GMSlider.setValue(self.GMSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() == 1: if sliderToChange == 1: self.RGBSlider.setValue(self.RGBSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif sliderToChange == 2: self.colorSatSlider.setValue(self.colorSatSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif sliderToChange == 3 or sliderToChange == 0: self.brightSlider.setValue(self.brightSlider.value() + changeAmt) elif self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() == 2: if sliderToChange == 0: self.Slider_ANM_Brightness.setValue(self.Slider_ANM_Brightness.value() + changeAmt) def checkLightTab(self, selectedLight = -1): currentIdx = self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() if currentIdx == 0: # if we're on the CCT tab, do the check if selectedLight == -1: # if we don't have a light selected self.setupCCTBounds(3200, 5600) # restore the bounds to their default of 56(00)K else: # set up the gradient to show the range of color temperatures available to the currently selected light self.setupCCTBounds(availableLights[selectedLight][4][0], availableLights[selectedLight][4][1]) elif currentIdx == 3: # if we're on the Preferences tab instead if selectedLight != -1: # if there is a specific selected light self.setupLightPrefsTab(selectedLight) # update the Prefs tab with the information for that selected light def setupCCTBounds(self, startRange, endRange): startRange = int(startRange / 100) endRange = int(endRange / 100) self.colorTempSlider.changeSliderRange([startRange, endRange]) self.colorTempDoubleSlider.changeSliderRange([startRange, endRange]) def setupLightPrefsTab(self, selectedLight): # SET UP THE CUSTOM NAME TEXT BOX if availableLights[selectedLight][2] == "": self.customName.setChecked(False) self.customNameTF.setEnabled(False) self.customNameTF.setText("") # set the "custom name" to nothing else: self.customName.setChecked(True) self.customNameTF.setEnabled(True) self.customNameTF.setText(availableLights[selectedLight][2]) # set the "custom name" field to the custom name of this light # SET UP THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM TEXT BOXES defaultRange = getLightSpecs(availableLights[selectedLight][0].name, "temp") if availableLights[selectedLight][4] == defaultRange: self.colorTempRange.setChecked(False) self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setEnabled(False) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setEnabled(False) self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setText(str(defaultRange[0])) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setText(str(defaultRange[1])) else: self.colorTempRange.setChecked(True) self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setEnabled(True) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setEnabled(True) self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setText(str(availableLights[selectedLight][4][0])) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setText(str(availableLights[selectedLight][4][1])) # IF THE OPTION TO SEND ONLY CCT MODE IS ENABLED, THEN ENABLE THAT CHECKBOX if availableLights[selectedLight][5] == True: self.onlyCCTModeCheck.setChecked(True) else: self.onlyCCTModeCheck.setChecked(False) self.checkLightPrefsEnables() # set up which fields on the panel are enabled def checkLightPrefsEnables(self): # enable/disable fields when clicking on checkboxes # allow/deny typing in the "custom name" field if the option is clicked if self.customName.isChecked(): self.customNameTF.setEnabled(True) else: self.customNameTF.setEnabled(False) self.customNameTF.setText("") # allow/deny typing in the "minmum" and "maximum" fields if the option is clicked if self.colorTempRange.isChecked(): self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setEnabled(True) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setEnabled(True) else: selectedRows = self.selectedLights() # get the list of currently selected lights defaultSettings = getLightSpecs(availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].name, "temp") self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setText(str(defaultSettings[0])) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setText(str(defaultSettings[1])) self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.setEnabled(False) self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.setEnabled(False) def checkLightPrefs(self): # check the new settings and save the custom file selectedRows = self.selectedLights() # get the list of currently selected lights # CHECK DEFAULT SETTINGS AGAINST THE CURRENT SETTINGS defaultSettings = getLightSpecs(availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].name) if self.colorTempRange.isChecked(): newRange = [testValid("range_min", self.colorTempRange_Min_TF.text(), defaultSettings[1][0], 1000, 5600, True), testValid("range_max", self.colorTempRange_Max_TF.text(), defaultSettings[1][1], 1000, 10000, True)] else: newRange = defaultSettings[1] changedPrefs = 0 # number of how many preferences have changed if len(selectedRows) == 1: # if we have 1 selected light - which should never be false, as we can't use Prefs with more than 1 if self.customName.isChecked(): # if we're set to allow a custom name if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] != self.customNameTF.text(): availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] = self.customNameTF.text() # set this light's custom name to the text box changedPrefs += 1 # add one to the preferences changed counter else: # we're not supposed to set a custom name (so delete it) if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] != "": availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] = "" # clear the old custom name if we've turned this off changedPrefs += 1 # add one to the preferences changed counter # IF A CUSTOM NAME IS SET UP FOR THIS LIGHT, THEN CHANGE THE TABLE TO REFLECT THAT if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] != "": self.setTheTable([availableLights[selectedRows[0]][2] + " (" + availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].name + ")" "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].rssi) + " dBm]", "", "", ""], selectedRows[0]) else: # if there is no custom name, then reset the table to show that self.setTheTable([availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].name + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[selectedRows[0]][0].rssi) + " dBm]", "", "", ""], selectedRows[0]) if self.colorTempRange.isChecked(): # if we've asked to save a custom temperature range for this light if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][4] != newRange: # change the range in the available lights table if they are different if defaultSettings[1] != newRange: availableLights[selectedRows[0]][4][0] = newRange[0] availableLights[selectedRows[0]][4][1] = newRange[1] changedPrefs += 1 # add one to the preferences changed counter else: # the ranges are the same as the default range, so we're not modifying those values printDebugString("You asked for a custom range of color temperatures, but didn't specify a custom range, so not changing!") else: # if the custom temp checkbox is not clicked if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][4] != defaultSettings[1]: # and the settings are not the defaults availableLights[selectedRows[0]][4] = defaultSettings[1] # restore them to the defaults changedPrefs += 1 # add one to the preferences changed counter if availableLights[selectedRows[0]][5] != self.onlyCCTModeCheck.isChecked(): availableLights[selectedRows[0]][5] = self.onlyCCTModeCheck.isChecked() # if the option to send BRI and HUE separately is checked, then turn that on changedPrefs += 1 if changedPrefs > 0: # IF ALL THE SETTINGS ARE THE SAME AS THE DEFAULT, THEN DELETE THE PREFS FILE (IF IT EXISTS) if defaultSettings[0] == self.customNameTF.text() and \ defaultSettings[1] == newRange and \ defaultSettings[2] == self.onlyCCTModeCheck.isChecked(): printDebugString("All the options that are currently set are the defaults for this light, so the preferences file will be deleted.") saveLightPrefs(selectedRows[0], True) # delete the old prefs file else: saveLightPrefs(selectedRows[0]) # save the light settings to a special file else: printDebugString("You don't have any new preferences to save, so we aren't saving any!") def setupGlobalLightPrefsTab(self, setDefault=False): if setDefault == False: self.findLightsOnStartup_check.setChecked(findLightsOnStartup) self.autoConnectToLights_check.setChecked(autoConnectToLights) self.printDebug_check.setChecked(printDebug) self.rememberLightsOnExit_check.setChecked(rememberLightsOnExit) self.rememberPresetsOnExit_check.setChecked(rememberPresetsOnExit) self.maxNumOfAttempts_field.setText(str(maxNumOfAttempts)) self.acceptable_HTTP_IPs_field.setText("\n".join(acceptable_HTTP_IPs)) self.whiteListedMACs_field.setText("\n".join(whiteListedMACs)) self.SC_turnOffButton_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[0]) self.SC_turnOnButton_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[1]) self.SC_scanCommandButton_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[2]) self.SC_tryConnectButton_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[3]) self.SC_Tab_CCT_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[4]) self.SC_Tab_HSI_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[5]) self.SC_Tab_SCENE_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[6]) self.SC_Tab_PREFS_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[7]) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[8]) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[9]) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[10]) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[11]) self.SC_Dec_1_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[12]) self.SC_Inc_1_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[13]) self.SC_Dec_2_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[14]) self.SC_Inc_2_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[15]) self.SC_Dec_3_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[16]) self.SC_Inc_3_Small_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[17]) self.SC_Dec_1_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[18]) self.SC_Inc_1_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[19]) self.SC_Dec_2_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[20]) self.SC_Inc_2_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[21]) self.SC_Dec_3_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[22]) self.SC_Inc_3_Large_field.setKeySequence(customKeys[23]) else: # if you clicked the RESET button, reset all preference values to their defaults self.findLightsOnStartup_check.setChecked(True) self.autoConnectToLights_check.setChecked(True) self.printDebug_check.setChecked(True) self.rememberLightsOnExit_check.setChecked(False) self.rememberPresetsOnExit_check.setChecked(True) self.maxNumOfAttempts_field.setText("6") self.acceptable_HTTP_IPs_field.setText("\n".join(["", "192.168.", "10."])) self.whiteListedMACs_field.setText("") self.SC_turnOffButton_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+PgDown") self.SC_turnOnButton_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+PgUp") self.SC_scanCommandButton_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+S") self.SC_tryConnectButton_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+C") self.SC_Tab_CCT_field.setKeySequence("Alt+1") self.SC_Tab_HSI_field.setKeySequence("Alt+2") self.SC_Tab_SCENE_field.setKeySequence("Alt+3") self.SC_Tab_PREFS_field.setKeySequence("Alt+4") self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small_field.setKeySequence("/") self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small_field.setKeySequence("*") self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+/") self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+*") self.SC_Dec_1_Small_field.setKeySequence("7") self.SC_Inc_1_Small_field.setKeySequence("9") self.SC_Dec_2_Small_field.setKeySequence("4") self.SC_Inc_2_Small_field.setKeySequence("6") self.SC_Dec_3_Small_field.setKeySequence("1") self.SC_Inc_3_Small_field.setKeySequence("3") self.SC_Dec_1_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+7") self.SC_Inc_1_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+9") self.SC_Dec_2_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+4") self.SC_Inc_2_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+6") self.SC_Dec_3_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+1") self.SC_Inc_3_Large_field.setKeySequence("Ctrl+3") def saveGlobalPrefs(self): # change these global values to the new values in Prefs global customKeys, autoConnectToLights, printDebug, rememberLightsOnExit, \ rememberPresetsOnExit, maxNumOfAttempts, acceptable_HTTP_IPs, whiteListedMACs finalPrefs = [] # list of final prefs to merge together at the end if not self.findLightsOnStartup_check.isChecked(): # this option is usually on, so only add on false finalPrefs.append("findLightsOnStartup=0") if not self.autoConnectToLights_check.isChecked(): # this option is usually on, so only add on false autoConnectToLights = False finalPrefs.append("autoConnectToLights=0") else: autoConnectToLights = True if not self.printDebug_check.isChecked(): # this option is usually on, so only add on false printDebug = False finalPrefs.append("printDebug=0") else: printDebug = True if self.rememberLightsOnExit_check.isChecked(): # this option is usually off, so only add on true rememberLightsOnExit = True finalPrefs.append("rememberLightsOnExit=1") else: rememberLightsOnExit = False if not self.rememberPresetsOnExit_check.isChecked(): # this option is usually on, so only add if false rememberPresetsOnExit = False finalPrefs.append("rememberPresetsOnExit=0") else: rememberPresetsOnExit = True if self.maxNumOfAttempts_field.text() != "6": # the default for this option is 6 attempts maxNumOfAttempts = int(self.maxNumOfAttempts_field.text()) finalPrefs.append("maxNumOfAttempts=" + self.maxNumOfAttempts_field.text()) else: maxNumOfAttempts = 6 # FIGURE OUT IF THE HTTP IP ADDRESSES HAVE CHANGED returnedList_HTTP_IPs = self.acceptable_HTTP_IPs_field.toPlainText().split("\n") if returnedList_HTTP_IPs != ["", "192.168.", "10."]: # if the list of HTTP IPs have changed acceptable_HTTP_IPs = returnedList_HTTP_IPs # change the global HTTP IPs available finalPrefs.append("acceptable_HTTP_IPs=" + ";".join(acceptable_HTTP_IPs)) # add the new ones to the preferences else: acceptable_HTTP_IPs = ["", "192.168.", "10."] # if we reset the IPs, then re-reset the parameter # ADD WHITELISTED LIGHTS TO PREFERENCES IF THEY EXIST returnedList_whiteListedMACs = self.whiteListedMACs_field.toPlainText().replace(" ", "").split("\n") # remove spaces and split on newlines if returnedList_whiteListedMACs[0] != "": # if we have any MAC addresses specified whiteListedMACs = returnedList_whiteListedMACs # then set the list to the addresses specified finalPrefs.append("whiteListedMACs=" + ";".join(whiteListedMACs)) # add the new addresses to the preferences else: whiteListedMACs = [] # or clear the list # SET THE NEW KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS TO THE VALUES IN PREFERENCES customKeys[0] = self.SC_turnOffButton_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[1] = self.SC_turnOnButton_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[2] = self.SC_scanCommandButton_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[3] = self.SC_tryConnectButton_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[4] = self.SC_Tab_CCT_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[5] = self.SC_Tab_HSI_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[6] = self.SC_Tab_SCENE_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[7] = self.SC_Tab_PREFS_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[8] = self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[9] = self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[10] = self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[11] = self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[12] = self.SC_Dec_1_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[13] = self.SC_Inc_1_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[14] = self.SC_Dec_2_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[15] = self.SC_Inc_2_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[16] = self.SC_Dec_3_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[17] = self.SC_Inc_3_Small_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[18] = self.SC_Dec_1_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[19] = self.SC_Inc_1_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[20] = self.SC_Dec_2_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[21] = self.SC_Inc_2_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[22] = self.SC_Dec_3_Large_field.keySequence().toString() customKeys[23] = self.SC_Inc_3_Large_field.keySequence().toString() self.setupShortcutKeys() # change shortcut key assignments to the new values in prefs if customKeys[0] != "Ctrl+PgDown": finalPrefs.append("SC_turnOffButton=" + customKeys[0]) if customKeys[1] != "Ctrl+PgUp": finalPrefs.append("SC_turnOnButton=" + customKeys[1]) if customKeys[2] != "Ctrl+Shift+S": finalPrefs.append("SC_scanCommandButton=" + customKeys[2]) if customKeys[3] != "Ctrl+Shift+C": finalPrefs.append("SC_tryConnectButton=" + customKeys[3]) if customKeys[4] != "Alt+1": finalPrefs.append("SC_Tab_CCT=" + customKeys[4]) if customKeys[5] != "Alt+2": finalPrefs.append("SC_Tab_HSI=" + customKeys[5]) if customKeys[6] != "Alt+3": finalPrefs.append("SC_Tab_SCENE=" + customKeys[6]) if customKeys[7] != "Alt+4": finalPrefs.append("SC_Tab_PREFS=" + customKeys[7]) if customKeys[8] != "/": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_Bri_Small=" + customKeys[8]) if customKeys[9] != "*": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_Bri_Small=" + customKeys[9]) if customKeys[10] != "Ctrl+/": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_Bri_Large=" + customKeys[10]) if customKeys[11] != "Ctrl+*": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_Bri_Large=" + customKeys[11]) if customKeys[12] != "7": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_1_Small=" + customKeys[12]) if customKeys[13] != "9": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_1_Small=" + customKeys[13]) if customKeys[14] != "4": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_2_Small=" + customKeys[14]) if customKeys[15] != "6": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_2_Small=" + customKeys[15]) if customKeys[16] != "1": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_3_Small=" + customKeys[16]) if customKeys[17] != "3": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_3_Small=" + customKeys[17]) if customKeys[18] != "Ctrl+7": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_1_Large=" + customKeys[18]) if customKeys[19] != "Ctrl+9": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_1_Large=" + customKeys[19]) if customKeys[20] != "Ctrl+4": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_2_Large=" + customKeys[20]) if customKeys[21] != "Ctrl+6": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_2_Large=" + customKeys[21]) if customKeys[22] != "Ctrl+1": finalPrefs.append("SC_Dec_3_Large=" + customKeys[22]) if customKeys[23] != "Ctrl+3": finalPrefs.append("SC_Inc_3_Large=" + customKeys[23]) # CARRY "HIDDEN" DEBUGGING OPTIONS TO PREFERENCES FILE if enableTabsOnLaunch == True: finalPrefs.append("enableTabsOnLaunch=1") if len(finalPrefs) > 0: # if we actually have preferences to save... with open(globalPrefsFile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as prefsFileToWrite: prefsFileToWrite.write(("\n").join(finalPrefs)) # then write them to the prefs file # PRINT THIS INFORMATION WHETHER DEBUG OUTPUT IS TURNED ON OR NOT print(f"New global preferences saved in {globalPrefsFile} - here is the list:") for a in range(len(finalPrefs)): print(f" > {finalPrefs[a]}") # iterate through the list of preferences and show the new value(s) you set else: # there are no preferences to save, so clean up the file (if it exists) print("There are no preferences to save (all preferences are currently set to their default values).") if os.path.exists(globalPrefsFile): # if a previous preferences file exists print("Since all preferences are set to their defaults, we are deleting the NeewerLite-Python.prefs file.") os.remove(globalPrefsFile) # ...delete it! def setupShortcutKeys(self): self.SC_turnOffButton.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[0])) self.SC_turnOnButton.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[1])) self.SC_scanCommandButton.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[2])) self.SC_tryConnectButton.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[3])) self.SC_Tab_CCT.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[4])) self.SC_Tab_HSI.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[5])) self.SC_Tab_SCENE.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[6])) self.SC_Tab_PREFS.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[7])) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[8])) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[9])) self.SC_Dec_Bri_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[10])) self.SC_Inc_Bri_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[11])) # IF THERE ARE CUSTOM KEYS SET UP FOR THE SMALL INCREMENTS, SET THEM HERE (AS THE NUMPAD KEYS WILL BE TAKEN AWAY IN THAT INSTANCE): if customKeys[12] != "7": self.SC_Dec_1_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[12])) else: # if we changed back to default, clear the key assignment if there was one before self.SC_Dec_1_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) if customKeys[13] != "9": self.SC_Inc_1_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[13])) else: self.SC_Inc_1_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) if customKeys[14] != "4": self.SC_Dec_2_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[14])) else: self.SC_Dec_2_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) if customKeys[15] != "6": self.SC_Inc_2_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[15])) else: self.SC_Inc_2_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) if customKeys[16] != "1": self.SC_Dec_3_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[16])) else: self.SC_Dec_3_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) if customKeys[17] != "3": self.SC_Inc_3_Small.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[17])) else: self.SC_Inc_3_Small.setKey(QKeySequence()) self.SC_Dec_1_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[18])) self.SC_Inc_1_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[19])) self.SC_Dec_2_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[20])) self.SC_Inc_2_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[21])) self.SC_Dec_3_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[22])) self.SC_Inc_3_Large.setKey(QKeySequence(customKeys[23])) # CHECK TO SEE WHETHER OR NOT TO ENABLE/DISABLE THE "Connect" BUTTON OR CHANGE THE PREFS TAB def selectionChanged(self): selectedRows = self.selectedLights(True) # get the list of currently selected lights if len(selectedRows[0]) > 0: # if we have a selection self.tryConnectButton.setEnabled(True) # if we have light(s) selected in the table, then enable the "Connect" button if len(selectedRows[0]) == 1: # we have exactly one light selected self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(3, True) # enable the "Preferences" tab for this light # SWITCH THE TURN ON/OFF BUTTONS ON, AND CHANGE TEXT TO SINGLE BUTTON TEXT self.turnOffButton.setText("Turn Light Off") self.turnOffButton.setEnabled(True) self.turnOnButton.setText("Turn Light On") self.turnOnButton.setEnabled(True) self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(0, True) if availableLights[selectedRows[0][0]][5] == True: # if this light is CCT only, then disable the HSI and ANM tabs self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, False) # disable the HSI mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(2, False) # disable the ANM/SCENE tab else: # we can use HSI and ANM/SCENE modes, so enable those tabs self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, True) # enable the HSI mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(2, True) # enable the ANM/SCENE tab if selectedRows[1] > 0: # if we have an Infinity or Infinity-style light self.GMSlider.setVisible(True) else: self.GMSlider.setVisible(False) currentlySelectedRow = selectedRows[0][0] # get the row index of the 1 selected item self.checkLightTab(currentlySelectedRow) # if we're on CCT, check to see if this light can use extended values + on Prefs, update Prefs # RECALL LAST SENT SETTING FOR THIS PARTICULAR LIGHT, IF A SETTING EXISTS if availableLights[currentlySelectedRow][3] != []: # if the last set parameters aren't empty if availableLights[currentlySelectedRow][6] != False: # if the light is listed as being turned ON sendValue = translateByteString(availableLights[currentlySelectedRow][3]) # make the current "sendValue" the last set parameter so it doesn't re-send it on re-load sendValue["infinityMode"] = selectedRows[1] self.setUpGUI(**sendValue) else: self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # switch to the CCT tab if the light is off and there ARE prior parameters else: self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # switch to the CCT tab if there are no prior parameters else: # we have multiple lights selected # SWITCH THE TURN ON/OFF BUTTONS ON, AND CHANGE TEXT TO MULTIPLE LIGHTS TEXT self.turnOffButton.setText("Turn Light(s) Off") self.turnOffButton.setEnabled(True) self.turnOnButton.setText("Turn Light(s) On") self.turnOnButton.setEnabled(True) # ENABLE ALL OF THE TABS BELOW self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(0, True) self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, True) # enable the "HSI" mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(2, True) # enable the "ANM/SCENE" mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(3, False) # disable the "Preferences" tab, as we have multiple lights selected if selectedRows[1] == True: self.GMSlider.setVisible(True) else: self.GMSlider.setVisible(False) else: # the selection has been cleared or there are no lights to select currentTab = self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() # get the currently selected tab (so when we disable the tabs, we stick on the current one) self.tryConnectButton.setEnabled(False) # if we have no lights selected, disable the Connect button # SWITCH THE TURN ON/OFF BUTTONS OFF, AND CHANGE TEXT TO GENERIC TEXT self.turnOffButton.setText("Turn Light(s) Off") self.turnOffButton.setEnabled(False) self.turnOnButton.setText("Turn Light(s) On") self.turnOnButton.setEnabled(False) self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(0, False) # disable the "CCT" mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, False) # disable the "HSI" mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(2, False) # disable the "ANM/SCENE" mode tab self.ColorModeTabWidget.setTabEnabled(3, False) # disable the "Light Preferences" tab, as we have no lights selected if currentTab < 2: self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(currentTab) # disable the tabs, but don't switch (unless ANM or Preferences) else: self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # if we're on Prefs, then switch to the CCT tab self.checkLightTab() # check to see if we're on the CCT tab - if we are, then restore order # SET UP THE GUI FOR USING INFINITY MODE/SWITCHING EFFECTS LIST def setInfinityMode(self, infinityMode = 0): countOfCurrentEffects = self.effectChooser.count() if infinityMode == 0: if countOfCurrentEffects == 0 or countOfCurrentEffects == 18: self.effectChooser.clear() self.effectChooser.addItems(["1 - Cop Car", "2 - Ambulance", "3 - Fire Engine", "4 - Fireworks", "5 - Party", "6 - Candlelight", "7 - Lightning", "8 - Paparazzi", "9 - TV Screen"]) else: if countOfCurrentEffects == 0 or countOfCurrentEffects == 9: self.effectChooser.clear() self.effectChooser.addItems(["1 - Lightning", "2 - Paparazzi", "3 - Defective Bulb", "4 - Explosion", "5 - Welding", "6 - CCT Flash", "7 - Hue Flash", "8 - CCT Pulse", "9 - Hue Pulse", "10 - Cop Car", "11 - Candlelight", "12 - Hue Loop", "13 - CCT Loop", "14 - INT Loop (CCT)", "14 - INT Loop (HSI)", "15 - TV Screen", "16 - Fireworks", "17 - Party"]) # ADD A LIGHT TO THE TABLE VIEW def setTheTable(self, infoArray, rowToChange = -1): if rowToChange == -1: currentRow = self.lightTable.rowCount() self.lightTable.insertRow(currentRow) # if rowToChange is not specified, then we'll make a new row at the end self.lightTable.setItem(currentRow, 0, QTableWidgetItem()) self.lightTable.setItem(currentRow, 1, QTableWidgetItem()) self.lightTable.setItem(currentRow, 2, QTableWidgetItem()) self.lightTable.setItem(currentRow, 3, QTableWidgetItem()) else: currentRow = rowToChange # change data for the specified row # THIS SECTION BELOW LIMITS UPDATING THE TABLE **ONLY** IF THE DATA SUPPLIED IS DIFFERENT THAN IT WAS ORIGINALLY if infoArray[0] != "": # the name of the light if rowToChange == -1 or (rowToChange != -1 and infoArray[0] != self.returnTableInfo(rowToChange, 0)): self.lightTable.item(currentRow, 0).setText(infoArray[0]) if infoArray[1] != "": # the MAC address of the light if rowToChange == -1 or (rowToChange != -1 and infoArray[1] != self.returnTableInfo(rowToChange, 1)): self.lightTable.item(currentRow, 1).setText(infoArray[1]) if infoArray[2] != "": # the Linked status of the light if rowToChange == -1 or (rowToChange != -1 and infoArray[2] != self.returnTableInfo(rowToChange, 2)): self.lightTable.item(currentRow, 2).setText(infoArray[2]) if infoArray[3] != "": # the current status message of the light if rowToChange == -1 or (rowToChange != -1 and infoArray[2] != self.returnTableInfo(rowToChange, 3)): self.lightTable.item(currentRow, 3).setText(infoArray[3]) self.lightTable.resizeRowsToContents() def returnTableInfo(self, row, column): return self.lightTable.item(row, column).text() # CLEAR ALL LIGHTS FROM THE TABLE VIEW def clearTheTable(self): if self.lightTable.rowCount() != 0: self.lightTable.clearContents() self.lightTable.setRowCount(0) def selectRows(self, rowsToSelect): self.lightTable.clearSelection() indexes = [self.lightTable.model().index(r, 0) for r in rowsToSelect] [self.lightTable.selectionModel().select(i, QItemSelectionModel.Select | QItemSelectionModel.Rows) for i in indexes] # TELL THE BACKGROUND THREAD TO START LOOKING FOR LIGHTS def startSelfSearch(self): global threadAction threadAction = "discover" self.statusBar.showMessage("Please wait - searching for Neewer lights...") # TELL THE BACKGROUND THREAD TO START CONNECTING TO LIGHTS def startConnect(self): global threadAction threadAction = "connect" # TELL THE BACKGROUND THREAD TO START SENDING TO THE LIGHTS def startSend(self): global threadAction if threadAction == "": threadAction = "send" # CLEAR THE SCENE TABS OF ALL SLIDERS def cleanSlate(self): self.colorTempSlider.hide() self.brightSlider.hide() self.GMSlider.hide() self.RGBSlider.hide() self.colorSatSlider.hide() self.brightDoubleSlider.hide() self.RGBDoubleSlider.hide() self.colorTempDoubleSlider.hide() self.speedSlider.hide() self.sparksSlider.hide() self.specialOptionsSection.hide() # CHANGING FX TYPES ON THE SCENE TAB def effectChanged(self, effectID): self.cleanSlate() # delete every slider off of the current tab wX = [8, 290] # X positions for widgets - [0], left half [1], right half wY = [30, 95, 160] # Y positions for widgets - [0], first [1], 2nd [2], 3rd if self.effectChooser.itemText(0) == "1 - Lightning": # Infinity mode if effectID == 0: # Light(n)ing self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 1 or effectID == 2: # Paparazzi or Defective Bulb self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 3: # Explosion self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1], True) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[1], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.sparksSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 4: # Welding self.brightDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 5: # CCT Flash self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 6: # Hue Flash self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.RGBSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.colorSatSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 7: # CCT Pulse self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 8: # Hue Pulse self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.RGBSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.colorSatSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 9: # Cop Car self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.setUpColorOptions(effectID, 2, wX[0], wY[1] + 5) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 10: # Candlelight self.brightDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1], True) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[1], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.sparksSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 11: # Hue Loop self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.RGBDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 12: # CCT Loop self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 13: # INT Loop (CCT) self.brightDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 14: # INT Loop (HSI) self.brightDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.RGBSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) elif effectID == 15: # TV Screen self.brightDoubleSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[1]) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 16: # Fireworks self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.setUpColorOptions(effectID, 1, wX[0], wY[1] + 5) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2], True) self.sparksSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[1], wY[2], True) elif effectID == 17: # Party! self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) self.setUpColorOptions(effectID, 1, wX[0], wY[1] + 5) self.speedSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[2]) else: # we're using an older style Neewer light, so we don't need all the custom parameters self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.ANM, wX[0], wY[0]) def setUpColorOptions(self, theTab, defaultEffect, posX, posY): self.specialOptionsChooser.clear() if theTab == 9: # Cop Car effect colors self.specialOptionsChooser.addItems(["Red", "Blue", "Red and Blue", "White and Blue", "Red, Blue and White"]) else: # Fireworks and Party colors self.specialOptionsChooser.addItems(["Single Color", "Multiple Colors", "Combined"]) self.specialOptionsChooser.setCurrentIndex(defaultEffect) self.specialOptionsSection.move(posX, posY) self.specialOptionsSection.show() # IF YOU CLICK ON ONE OF THE TABS, THIS WILL SWITCH THE VIEW/SEND A NEW SIGNAL FROM THAT SPECIFIC TAB def tabChanged(self, i): currentSelection = self.selectedLights(True) # get the list of currently selected lights if i == 0: self.colorTempSlider.presentMe(self.CCT, 8, 10) self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.CCT, 8, 80) self.GMSlider.presentMe(self.CCT, 8, 150) if currentSelection[1] == True: self.GMSlider.setVisible(True) else: self.GMSlider.setVisible(False) elif i == 1: self.RGBSlider.presentMe(self.HSI, 8, 10) self.colorSatSlider.presentMe(self.HSI, 8, 80) self.brightSlider.presentMe(self.HSI, 8, 150) elif i == 2: self.setInfinityMode(currentSelection[1]) self.effectChanged(self.effectChooser.currentIndex()) elif i == 3: # we clicked on the PREFS tab if len(currentSelection[0]) == 1: self.setupLightPrefsTab(currentSelection[0][0]) elif i == 4: # we clicked on the Global PREFS tab self.setupGlobalLightPrefsTab() def computeValues(self): currentTab = self.ColorModeTabWidget.currentIndex() # get the current tab that's active if currentTab == 0: calculateByteString(colorMode="CCT",\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value()) elif currentTab == 1: calculateByteString(colorMode="HSI",\ hue=self.RGBSlider.value(),\ saturation=self.colorSatSlider.value(),\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value()) elif currentTab == 2: currentEffect = self.effectChooser.currentIndex() + 1 if self.effectChooser.itemText(0) == "1 - Lightning": # Infinity mode if currentEffect == 1: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 2 or currentEffect == 3 or \ currentEffect == 6 or currentEffect == 8: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 4: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value(),\ sparks=self.sparksSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 5: brightRange = self.brightDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ bright_min=brightRange[0],\ bright_max=brightRange[1],\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 7 or currentEffect == 9: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM", effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ hue=self.RGBSlider.value(),\ saturation=self.colorSatSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 10: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ specialOptions=self.specialOptionsChooser.currentIndex(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 11: brightRange = self.brightDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ bright_min=brightRange[0],\ bright_max=brightRange[1],\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value(), sparks=self.sparksSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 12: hueRange = self.RGBDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM", effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ hue_min=hueRange[0],\ hue_max=hueRange[1],\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 13: tempRange = self.colorTempDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ temp_min=tempRange[0],\ temp_max=tempRange[1],\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 14: brightRange = self.brightDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ bright_min=brightRange[0],\ bright_max=brightRange[1],\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 15: brightRange = self.brightDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ bright_min=brightRange[0],\ bright_max=brightRange[1],\ hue=self.RGBSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 16: brightRange = self.brightDoubleSlider.value() calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ bright_min=brightRange[0],\ bright_max=brightRange[1],\ temp=self.colorTempSlider.value(),\ GM=self.GMSlider.value(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 17: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ specialOptions=self.specialOptionsChooser.currentIndex(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value(),\ sparks=self.sparksSlider.value()) elif currentEffect == 18: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=currentEffect,\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value(),\ specialOptions=self.specialOptionsChooser.currentIndex(),\ speed=self.speedSlider.value()) else: calculateByteString(colorMode="ANM",\ effect=(currentEffect + 20),\ brightness=self.brightSlider.value()) self.statusBar.showMessage("Current value: " + updateStatus()) self.startSend() def turnLightOn(self): setPowerBytestring("ON") self.statusBar.showMessage("Turning light on") self.startSend() def turnLightOff(self): setPowerBytestring("OFF") self.statusBar.showMessage("Turning light off") self.startSend() # ============================================================== # FUNCTIONS TO RETURN / MODIFY VALUES RUNNING IN THE GUI # ============================================================== # RETURN THE ROW INDEXES THAT ARE CURRENTLY HIGHLIGHTED IN THE TABLE VIEW def selectedLights(self, returnExtraInformation = False): selectionList = [] infinityStatus = 0 tempBounds = [3200, 5600] # the boundaries of color temps this selection can accomplish if threadAction != "quit": currentSelection = self.lightTable.selectionModel().selectedRows() for a in range(len(currentSelection)): selectionList.append(currentSelection[a].row()) # add the row index of the nth selected light to the selectionList array if returnExtraInformation == True: # check to see if any lights in the selection are Infinity control lights for a in range(len(selectionList)): if availableLights[selectionList[a]][8] > 0: infinityStatus = 1 break # get the min and max CCT bounds for the current selection for a in range(len(selectionList)): currentBounds = availableLights[selectionList[a]][4] if currentBounds[0] < tempBounds[0]: tempBounds[0] = currentBounds[0] if currentBounds[1] > tempBounds[1]: tempBounds[1] = currentBounds[1] tempBounds[0] = int(tempBounds[0] / 100) tempBounds[1] = int(tempBounds[1] / 100) if returnExtraInformation == False: return selectionList # return the row IDs that are currently selected, or an empty array ([]) otherwise else: return [selectionList, infinityStatus, tempBounds] # return the row IDs, and a flag whether or not an Infinity light is selected # UPDATE THE TABLE WITH THE CURRENT INFORMATION FROM availableLights def updateLights(self, updateTaskbar = True): self.clearTheTable() if updateTaskbar == True: # if we're scanning for lights, then update the taskbar - if we're just sorting, then don't if len(availableLights) != 0: # if we found lights on the last scan if self.scanCommandButton.text() == "Scan": self.scanCommandButton.setText("Re-scan") # change the "Scan" button to "Re-scan" if len(availableLights) == 1: # we found 1 light self.statusBar.showMessage("We located 1 Neewer light on the last search") elif len(availableLights) > 1: # we found more than 1 light self.statusBar.showMessage(f"We located {len(availableLights)} Neewer lights on the last search") else: # if we didn't find any (additional) lights on the last scan self.statusBar.showMessage("We didn't locate any Neewer lights on the last search") for a in range(len(availableLights)): if availableLights[a][1] == "": # the light does not currently have a Bleak object connected to it if availableLights[a][2] != "": # the light has a custom name, so add the custom name to the light self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][2] + " (" + availableLights[a][0].name + ")" + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "Waiting", "Waiting to connect..."]) else: # the light does not have a custom name, so just use the model # of the light self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][0].name + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "Waiting", "Waiting to connect..."]) else: # the light does have a Bleak object connected to it if availableLights[a][2] != "": # the light has a custom name, so add the custom name to the light if availableLights[a][1].is_connected: # we have a connection to the light self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][2] + " (" + availableLights[a][0].name + ")" + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "LINKED", "Waiting to send..."]) else: # we're still trying to connect, or haven't started trying yet self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][2] + " (" + availableLights[a][0].name + ")" + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "Waiting", "Waiting to connect..."]) else: # the light does not have a custom name, so just use the model # of the light if availableLights[a][1].is_connected: self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][0].name + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "LINKED", "Waiting to send..."]) else: self.setTheTable([availableLights[a][0].name + "\n [ʀssɪ: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dBm]", availableLights[a][0].address, "Waiting", "Waiting to connect..."]) # THE FINAL FUNCTION TO UNLINK ALL LIGHTS WHEN QUITTING THE PROGRAM def closeEvent(self, event): global threadAction # WAIT UNTIL THE BACKGROUND THREAD SETS THE threadAction FLAG TO finished SO WE CAN UNLINK THE LIGHTS while threadAction != "finished": # wait until the background thread has a chance to terminate printDebugString("Waiting for the background thread to terminate...") threadAction = "quit" # make sure to tell the thread to quit again (if it missed it the first time) time.sleep(2) if rememberPresetsOnExit == True: printDebugString("You asked NeewerLite-Python to save the custom parameters on exit, so we will do that now...") customPresetsToWrite = [] # the list of custom presets to write to file # CHECK EVERY SINGLE CUSTOM PRESET AGAINST THE "DEFAULT" LIST, AND IF IT'S DIFFERENT, THEN LOG THAT ONE if customLightPresets[0] != defaultLightPresets[0]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(0)) if customLightPresets[1] != defaultLightPresets[1]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(1)) if customLightPresets[2] != defaultLightPresets[2]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(2)) if customLightPresets[3] != defaultLightPresets[3]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(3)) if customLightPresets[4] != defaultLightPresets[4]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(4)) if customLightPresets[5] != defaultLightPresets[5]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(5)) if customLightPresets[6] != defaultLightPresets[6]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(6)) if customLightPresets[7] != defaultLightPresets[7]: customPresetsToWrite.append(customPresetToString(7)) if customPresetsToWrite != []: # if there are any altered presets, then write them to the custom presets file createLightPrefsFolder() # create the light_prefs folder if it doesn't exist # WRITE THE PREFERENCES FILE with open(customLightPresetsFile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as prefsFileToWrite: prefsFileToWrite.write("\n".join(customPresetsToWrite)) printDebugString(f"Exported custom presets to {customLightPresetsFile}") else: if os.path.exists(customLightPresetsFile): printDebugString("There were no changed custom presets, so we're deleting the custom presets file!") os.remove(customLightPresetsFile) # if there are no presets to save, then delete the custom presets file # Keep in mind, this is broken into 2 separate "for" loops, so we save all the light params FIRST, then try to unlink from them if rememberLightsOnExit == True: printDebugString("You asked NeewerLite-Python to save the last used light parameters on exit, so we will do that now...") for a in range(len(availableLights)): printDebugString(f"Saving last used parameters for light {a + 1} of {len(availableLights)}") saveLightPrefs(a) # THE THREAD HAS TERMINATED, NOW CONTINUE... printDebugString("We will now attempt to unlink from the lights...") self.statusBar.showMessage("Quitting program - unlinking from lights...") QApplication.processEvents() # force the status bar to update asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("disconnect", [-1])) # disconnect from all lights in parallel printDebugString("Closing the program NOW") def saveCustomPresetDialog(self, numOfPreset): if (QApplication.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.AltModifier) == Qt.AltModifier: # if you have the ALT key held down customLightPresets[numOfPreset] = defaultLightPresets[numOfPreset][:] # then restore the default for this preset # And change the button display back to "PRESET GLOBAL" if numOfPreset == 0: self.customPreset_0_Button.markCustom(0, -1) if numOfPreset == 1: self.customPreset_1_Button.markCustom(1, -1) if numOfPreset == 2: self.customPreset_2_Button.markCustom(2, -1) if numOfPreset == 3: self.customPreset_3_Button.markCustom(3, -1) if numOfPreset == 4: self.customPreset_4_Button.markCustom(4, -1) if numOfPreset == 5: self.customPreset_5_Button.markCustom(5, -1) if numOfPreset == 6: self.customPreset_6_Button.markCustom(6, -1) if numOfPreset == 7: self.customPreset_7_Button.markCustom(7, -1) else: if len(availableLights) == 0: # if we don't have lights, then we can't save a preset! errDlg = QMessageBox(self) errDlg.setWindowTitle("Can't Save Preset!") errDlg.setText("You can't save a custom preset at the moment because you don't have any lights set up yet. To save a custom preset, connect a light to NeewerLite-Python first.") errDlg.addButton("OK", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) errDlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) errDlg.exec_() else: # we have lights, we can do it! selectedLights = self.selectedLights() # get the currently selected lights saveDlg = QMessageBox(self) saveDlg.setWindowTitle("Save a Custom Preset") saveDlg.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.RichText) saveDlg.setText("Would you like to save a Global or Snapshot preset for preset " + str(numOfPreset + 1) + "?" + "
" "A Global Preset saves only the currently set global parameters (mode, hue, color temperature, brightness, etc.) and applies that global preset to all the lights that are currently selected.

" "A Snapshot Preset saves the currently set parameters for each light individually, allowing you to recall more complex lighting setups. You can also either set a snapshot preset for a series of selected lights (you have to select 1 or more lights for this option), or all the currently available lights. If you save a snapshot preset of a series of selected lights, it will only apply the settings for those specific lights.") saveDlg.addButton(" Global Preset ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.YesRole) saveDlg.addButton(" Snapshot Preset - All Lights ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.YesRole) selectedLightsQuestion = 0 if selectedLights != []: saveDlg.addButton(" Snapshot Preset - Selected Lights ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.YesRole) selectedLightsQuestion = 1 saveDlg.addButton(" Cancel ", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole) saveDlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) clickedButton = saveDlg.exec_() if clickedButton == 0: # save a "Global" preset saveCustomPreset("global", numOfPreset) elif clickedButton == 1: # save a "Snapshot" preset with all lights saveCustomPreset("snapshot", numOfPreset) elif clickedButton == 2: # save a "Snapshot" preset with only the selected lights saveCustomPreset("snapshot", numOfPreset, selectedLights) if clickedButton != (2 + selectedLightsQuestion): # if we didn't cancel out, then mark that button as being "custom" if numOfPreset == 0: self.customPreset_0_Button.markCustom(0, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 1: self.customPreset_1_Button.markCustom(1, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 2: self.customPreset_2_Button.markCustom(2, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 3: self.customPreset_3_Button.markCustom(3, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 4: self.customPreset_4_Button.markCustom(4, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 5: self.customPreset_5_Button.markCustom(5, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 6: self.customPreset_6_Button.markCustom(6, clickedButton) if numOfPreset == 7: self.customPreset_7_Button.markCustom(7, clickedButton) def highlightLightsForSnapshotPreset(self, numOfPreset, exited = False): global lastSelection if exited == False: # if we're entering a snapshot preset, then highlight the affected lights in green toolTip = customPresetInfoBuilder(numOfPreset) # LOAD A NEWLY GENERATED TOOLTIP FOR EVERY HOVER if numOfPreset == 0: self.customPreset_0_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 1: self.customPreset_1_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 2: self.customPreset_2_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 3: self.customPreset_3_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 4: self.customPreset_4_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 5: self.customPreset_5_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 6: self.customPreset_6_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) elif numOfPreset == 7: self.customPreset_7_Button.setToolTip(toolTip) lightsToHighlight = self.checkForSnapshotPreset(numOfPreset) if lightsToHighlight != []: for a in range(len(lightsToHighlight)): for b in range(4): self.lightTable.item(lightsToHighlight[a], b).setBackground(QColor(113, 233, 147)) # set the affected rows the same color as the snapshot button else: # if we're exiting a snapshot preset, then reset the color of the affected lights back to white lightsToHighlight = self.checkForSnapshotPreset(numOfPreset) if lightsToHighlight != []: for a in range(len(lightsToHighlight)): for b in range(4): self.lightTable.item(lightsToHighlight[a], b).setBackground(Qt.white) # clear formatting on the previously selected rows def checkForSnapshotPreset(self, numOfPreset): if customLightPresets[numOfPreset][0][0] != -1: # if the value is not -1, then we most likely have a snapshot preset lightsToHighlight = [] for a in range(len(customLightPresets[numOfPreset])): # check each entry in the preset for matching lights currentLight = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0]) if currentLight != []: # if we have a match, add it to the list of lights to highlight lightsToHighlight.append(currentLight[0]) return lightsToHighlight else: return [] # if we don't have a snapshot preset, then just return an empty list (no lights directly affected) # SET UP THE GUI BASED ON COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS def setUpGUI(self, **modeArgs): if modeArgs["colorMode"] == "CCT": if "GM" in modeArgs: GM = int(modeArgs["GM"]) else: GM = 50 self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) self.colorTempSlider.setValue(modeArgs["temp"]) self.brightSlider.setValue(modeArgs["brightness"]) self.GMSlider.setValue(GM) self.computeValues() elif modeArgs["colorMode"] == "HSI": self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) self.RGBSlider.setValue(modeArgs["hue"]) self.colorSatSlider.setValue(modeArgs["saturation"]) self.brightSlider.setValue(modeArgs["brightness"]) self.computeValues() elif modeArgs["colorMode"] == "ANM": self.ColorModeTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) FX = modeArgs["effect"] if "infinityMode" in modeArgs: infinityMode = modeArgs["infinityMode"] FX = convertFXIndex(infinityMode, FX) else: if FX < 20: infinityMode = True else: infinityMode = False FX = FX - 20 self.setInfinityMode(infinityMode) if FX < 14: FX = FX - 1 else: # if we're using Infinity presets and we have an FX index over 14, then we need to take special considerations if FX == 14: if "temp" in modeArgs: # INT Loop (CCT) FX = 13 else: # INT Loop (HSI) FX = 14 self.effectChooser.setCurrentIndex(FX) if "brightness" in modeArgs: self.brightSlider.setValue(modeArgs["brightness"]) if "bright_min" in modeArgs: self.brightDoubleSlider.setValue("left", modeArgs["bright_min"]) if "bright_max" in modeArgs: self.brightDoubleSlider.setValue("right", modeArgs["bright_max"]) if "temp" in modeArgs: self.colorTempSlider.setValue(modeArgs["temp"]) if "temp_min" in modeArgs: self.colorTempDoubleSlider.setValue("left", modeArgs["temp_min"]) if "temp_max" in modeArgs: self.colorTempDoubleSlider.setValue("right", modeArgs["temp_max"]) if "GM" in modeArgs: self.GMSlider.setValue(modeArgs["GM"]) if "hue" in modeArgs: self.RGBSlider.setValue(modeArgs["hue"]) if "hue_min" in modeArgs: self.RGBDoubleSlider.setValue("left", modeArgs["hue_min"]) if "hue_max" in modeArgs: self.RGBDoubleSlider.setValue("right", modeArgs["hue_max"]) if "saturation" in modeArgs: self.colorSatSlider.setValue(modeArgs["saturation"]) if "speed" in modeArgs: self.speedSlider.setValue(modeArgs["speed"]) if "sparks" in modeArgs: self.sparksSlider.setValue(modeArgs["sparks"]) if "specialOptions" in modeArgs: self.specialOptionsChooser.setCurrentIndex(modeArgs["specialOptions"]) self.effectChanged(FX) except NameError: pass # could not load the GUI, but we have already logged an error message def setUpAsyncio(): global asyncioEventLoop try: asyncioEventLoop = asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: asyncioEventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop() except AttributeError: asyncioEventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncioEventLoop) def saveLightPrefs(lightID, deleteFile = False): # save a sidecar file with the preferences for a specific light createLightPrefsFolder() # create the light_prefs folder if it doesn't exist # GET THE CUSTOM FILENAME FOR THIS FILE, NOTED FROM THE MAC ADDRESS OF THE CURRENT LIGHT exportFileName = splitMACAddress(availableLights[lightID][0].address) # take the colons out of the MAC address exportFileName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs" + os.sep + "".join(exportFileName) if deleteFile == True: if os.path.exists(exportFileName): os.remove(exportFileName) # delete the old preferences file (if it exists) else: customName = availableLights[lightID][2] # the custom name for this light defaultSettings = getLightSpecs(availableLights[lightID][0].name) if defaultSettings[1] != availableLights[lightID][4]: customTempRange = f"{availableLights[lightID][4][0]},{availableLights[lightID][4][1]}" # the color temperature range available else: customTempRange = "" # if the range is the same as the default range, then just leave this entry blank if defaultSettings[2] != availableLights[lightID][5]: onlyCCTMode = str(availableLights[lightID][5]) # whether or not the light can only use CCT mode else: onlyCCTMode = "" # if the CCT mode enable is the same as the default value, then just leave this entry blank exportString = customName + "|" + customTempRange + "|" + onlyCCTMode # the exported string, minus the light last set parameters if rememberLightsOnExit == True: # if we're supposed to remember the last settings, then add that to the Prefs file if len(availableLights[lightID][3]) > 0: # if we actually have a value stored for this light lastSettingsString = ",".join(map(str, availableLights[lightID][3])) # combine all the elements of the last set params exportString += "|" + lastSettingsString # add it to the exported string else: # if we don't have a value stored for this light (nothing has changed yet) exportString += "|" + "120,135,2,50,56,50" # then just give the default (CCT, 5600K, 100%) params # WRITE THE PREFERENCES FILE with open(exportFileName, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as prefsFileToWrite: prefsFileToWrite.write(exportString) if customName != "": printDebugString(f"Exported preferences for {customName} [{availableLights[lightID][0].name}] to {exportFileName}") else: printDebugString(f"Exported preferences for [{availableLights[lightID][0].name}] to {exportFileName}") # WORKING WITH CUSTOM PRESETS def customPresetInfoBuilder(numOfPreset, formatForHTTP = False): toolTipBuilder = [] # constructor for the tooltip numOfLights = len(customLightPresets[numOfPreset]) # the number of lights in this specific preset if numOfLights == 1 and customLightPresets[numOfPreset][0][0] == -1: # we're looking at a global preset if formatForHTTP == False: toolTipBuilder.append("[GLOBAL PRESET]") else: toolTipBuilder.append("[GLOBAL PRESET]") else: # we're looking at a snapshot preset if formatForHTTP == False: toolTipBuilder.append("[SNAPSHOT PRESET]") else: toolTipBuilder.append("[SNAPSHOT PRESET]") toolTipBuilder.append("") for a in range(numOfLights): # write out a little description of each part of this preset if customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0] == -1: if formatForHTTP == False: toolTipBuilder.append(" FOR: ALL SELECTED LIGHTS") # this is a global preset, and it affects all *selected* lights else: toolTipBuilder.append(" FOR: ALL LIGHTS AVAILABLE") # this is a global preset, and it affects all lights else: currentLight = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0]) # find the light in the current list if currentLight != []: # if we have a match, add it to the list of lights to highlight if availableLights[currentLight[0]][2] != "": # if the custom name is filled in toolTipBuilder.append(f" FOR: {availableLights[currentLight[0]][2]} [{availableLights[currentLight[0]][0].name}]") else: toolTipBuilder.append(f" FOR: {availableLights[currentLight[0]][0].name}") else: toolTipBuilder.append("FOR: ---LIGHT NOT AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT---") # if the light is not found (yet), display that toolTipBuilder.append(f" {customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0]}") # this is a snapshot preset, and this specific preset controls this light toolTipBuilder.append(updateStatus(customValue=customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][1])) if numOfLights > 1 and a < (numOfLights - 1): # if we have any more lights, then separate each one if formatForHTTP == False: toolTipBuilder.append("----------------------------") else: toolTipBuilder.append("") if formatForHTTP == False: return "\n".join(toolTipBuilder) else: return "
".join(toolTipBuilder) def recallCustomPreset(numOfPreset, updateGUI=True, loop=None): global availableLights global lastSelection changedLights = [] # if a snapshot preset exists in this setting, log the lights that are to be changed here for a in range(len(customLightPresets[numOfPreset])): # check all the entries stored in this preset if customLightPresets[numOfPreset][0][0] == -1: # we're looking at a global preset, so set the light(s) up accordingly if updateGUI == True: # if we are in the GUI if mainWindow.selectedLights() == []: # if we have no lights selected mainWindow.lightTable.selectAll() # select all of the lights available time.sleep(0.2) changedLights = mainWindow.selectedLights() # get the lights that are currently selected else: changedLights = [] # fill changedLights with all of the lights available for b in range(len(availableLights)): changedLights.append(b) for b in range(len(changedLights)): availableLights[changedLights[b]][3] = customLightPresets[numOfPreset][0][1][:] else: # we're looking at a snapshot preset, so see if any of those lights are available to change currentLight = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0]) if currentLight != []: # if we have a match availableLights[currentLight[0]][3] = customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][1][:] changedLights.append(currentLight[0]) if changedLights != []: if updateGUI == True: lastSelection = [] # clear the last selection if you've clicked on a snapshot preset (which, if we're here, you did) mainWindow.lightTable.setFocus() # set the focus to the light table, in order to show which rows are selected mainWindow.selectRows(changedLights) # select those rows affected by the lights above global threadAction threadAction = "send|" + "|".join(map(str, changedLights)) # set the thread to write to all of the affected lights else: processMultipleSends(loop, "send|" + "|".join(map(str, changedLights)), updateGUI) def saveCustomPreset(presetType, numOfPreset, selectedLights = []): global customLightPresets if presetType == "global": customLightPresets[numOfPreset] = [[-1, sendValue]] elif presetType == "snapshot": listConstructor = [] if selectedLights == []: # add all the lights to the snapshot preset for a in range(len(availableLights)): listConstructor.append([availableLights[a][0].address, availableLights[a][3]]) else: # add only the selected lights to the snapshot preset for a in range(len(selectedLights)): listConstructor.append([availableLights[selectedLights[a]][0].address, availableLights[selectedLights[a]][3]]) customLightPresets[numOfPreset] = listConstructor def customPresetToString(numOfPreset): returnedString = "customPreset" + str(numOfPreset) + "=" # the string to return back to the saving mechanism numOfLights = len(customLightPresets[numOfPreset]) # how many lights this custom preset holds values for for a in range(numOfLights): # get all of the lights stored in this preset (or 1 if it's a global) returnedString += str(customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][0]) # get the MAC address/UUID of the nth light returnedString += "|" + "|".join(map(str,customLightPresets[numOfPreset][a][1])) # get a string for the rest of this current array if numOfLights > 1 and a < (numOfLights - 1): # if there are more lights left, then add a semicolon to differentiate that returnedString += ";" return returnedString def loadCustomPresets(): global customLightPresets # READ THE PREFERENCES FILE INTO A LIST with open(customLightPresetsFile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fileToOpen: customPresets = fileToOpen.read().split("\n") for a in range(0, len(customPresets)): currentLine = customPresets[a][14:].split(";") paramsList = [] for b in range(len(currentLine)): currentParams = currentLine[b].split("|") # convert all values after the MAC address to integer values for c in range(1, len(currentParams)): currentParams[c] = int(currentParams[c]) if currentParams[0] == "-1": currentParams[0] = -1 # convert to an integer to denote GLOBAL presets if currentParams[1] == 120: # we have a new-style list of parameters, so copy them as-is paramsList.append([currentParams[0], currentParams[1:]]) else: # we have an old-style list of parameters, so we need to convert them to the new style if currentParams[1] == 8 or currentParams == 7 or currentParams == 9: convertedParams = [120, 129, 1, 2] # convertedParams = [currentParams[1]] # we want to turn the lights off else: convertedParams = [120] if currentParams[1] == 5: # CCT mode convertedParams.extend([135, 2]) convertedParams.append(currentParams[2]) # brightness convertedParams.append(currentParams[3]) # color temperature convertedParams.append(50) # GM (value not used, but this plays nicer with Infinity lights) elif currentParams[1] == 4: # HSI mode convertedParams.extend([134, 4]) # convert the HUE stored in an old preset to a bytestring for a new preset hue = currentParams[3] convertedParams.append(int(hue) & 255) convertedParams.append((int(hue) & 65280) >> 8) convertedParams.append(currentParams[4]) # saturation convertedParams.append(currentParams[2]) # brightness elif currentParams[1] == 6: # ANM/SCENE mode convertedParams.extend([136, 2]) convertedParams.append(int(currentParams[3]) + 20) # effect convertedParams.append(currentParams[2]) # brightness paramsList.append([currentParams[0], convertedParams]) # add the params list to the appropriate button if "customPreset0=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[0] = paramsList elif "customPreset1=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[1] = paramsList elif "customPreset2=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[2] = paramsList elif "customPreset3=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[3] = paramsList elif "customPreset4=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[4] = paramsList elif "customPreset5=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[5] = paramsList elif "customPreset6=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[6] = paramsList elif "customPreset7=" in customPresets[a]: customLightPresets[7] = paramsList # RETURN THE CORRECT NAME FOR THE IDENTIFIER OF THE LIGHT (FOR DEBUG STRINGS) def returnMACname(): if platform.system() == "Darwin": return "UUID:" else: return "MAC Address:" # TEST TO MAKE SURE THE VALUE GIVEN TO THE FUNCTION IS VALID OR IN BOUNDS def testValid(theParam, theValue, defaultValue, startBounds, endBounds, returnDefault = False): if theParam == "temp": if len(theValue) > 1: # if the temp has at least 2 characters in it theValue = theValue[:2] # take the first 2 characters of the string to convert into int else: # it either doesn't have enough characters, or isn't a number printDebugString(f" >> Error with --temp specified (not enough digits or not a number), so falling back to default value of {defaultValue}") theValue = defaultValue # default to 56(00)K for color temperature try: # try converting the string into an integer and processing the bounds theValue = int(theValue) # the value is assumed to be within the bounds, so we check it... if theValue < startBounds or theValue > endBounds: # the value is not within bounds, so there's an error if returnDefault == False: # if the value is too high or low, but we aren't set to return the defaults, make it the lowest/highest boundary if theValue < startBounds: # if the value specified is below the starting boundary, make it the starting boundary printDebugString(f" >> --{theParam} ({theValue}) isn't between the bounds of {startBounds} and {endBounds}, so falling back to closest start boundary of {startBounds}") theValue = startBounds elif theValue > endBounds: # if the value specified is above the ending boundary, make it the ending boundary printDebugString(f" >> --{theParam} ({theValue}) isn't between the bounds of {startBounds} and {endBounds}, so falling back to closest ending boundary of {endBounds}") theValue = endBounds else: # if the value is too high or low, but we're set to return the default, do that here printDebugString(f" >> --{theParam} ({theValue}) isn't between the bounds of {startBounds} and {endBounds}, so falling back to the default value of {defaultValue}") theValue = defaultValue return theValue # return the within-bounds value except ValueError: # if the string can not be converted, then return the defaultValue printDebugString(f" >> --{theParam} specified is not a number - falling back to default value of {defaultValue}") return defaultValue # return the default value # PRINT A DEBUG STRING TO THE CONSOLE, ALONG WITH THE CURRENT TIME def printDebugString(theString): global serverBusy if printDebug == True: now = datetime.now() currentTime = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") statusString = f"[{currentTime}] {theString}" print(statusString) if serverBusy[0] == True: # set the server status string to the debug string if theString != "Processing HTTP arguments": # show the last status from the debug string (not "Processing..." as we know that...) serverBusy[1] = statusString else: # clear it if the server isn't busy if serverBusy[1] != "": serverBusy[1] = "" def splitMACAddress(MACAddress, returnInt = False): MACAddress = MACAddress.split(":") if returnInt == False: return MACAddress # return the MAC address as a list else: # return the integer values of each part of the MAC address MACReturn = [] if len(MACAddress) == 6: for part in MACAddress: MACReturn.append(int(part, 16)) else: pass # if the MAC address doesn't correctly split, we need to deal with that here return MACReturn # CALCULATE THE BYTESTRING TO SEND TO THE LIGHT def calculateByteString(returnValue = False, **modeArgs): if modeArgs["colorMode"] == "CCT": # We're in CCT (color balance) mode computedValue = [120, 135, 2] computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["brightness"])) # the brightness value computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["temp"])) # the color temp value, ranging from 32(00K) to 85(00)K - some lights (like the SL-80) can go as high as 8500K computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["GM"])) # the GM compensation value, from -50 to 50 elif modeArgs["colorMode"] == "HSI": # We're in HSI (any color of the spectrum) mode computedValue = [120, 134, 4] computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["hue"]) & 255) # hue value, up to 255 computedValue.append((int(modeArgs["hue"]) & 65280) >> 8) # offset value, computed from above value computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["saturation"])) # saturation value computedValue.append(int(modeArgs["brightness"])) # intensity value elif modeArgs["colorMode"] == "ANM": # We're in ANM (animation) mode computedValue = [120, 136, 2] if "effect" in modeArgs: effect = int(modeArgs["effect"]) if "brightness" in modeArgs: brightness = int(modeArgs["brightness"]) if "bright_min" in modeArgs: bright_min = int(modeArgs["bright_min"]) if "bright_max" in modeArgs: bright_max = int(modeArgs["bright_max"]) if "temp" in modeArgs: temp = int(modeArgs["temp"]) if "temp_min" in modeArgs: temp_min = int(modeArgs["temp_min"]) if "temp_max" in modeArgs: temp_max = int(modeArgs["temp_max"]) if "GM" in modeArgs: GM = int(modeArgs["GM"]) if "hue" in modeArgs: hue = int(modeArgs["hue"]) hue = [hue & 255, (hue & 65280) >> 8] if "hue_min" in modeArgs: hue_min = int(modeArgs["hue_min"]) hue_min = [hue_min & 255, (hue_min & 65280) >> 8] if "hue_max" in modeArgs: hue_max = int(modeArgs["hue_max"]) hue_max = [hue_max & 255, (hue_max & 65280) >> 8] if "saturation" in modeArgs: saturation = int(modeArgs["saturation"]) if "speed" in modeArgs: speed = int(modeArgs["speed"]) if "sparks" in modeArgs: sparks = int(modeArgs["sparks"]) if "specialOptions" in modeArgs: specialOptions = int(modeArgs["specialOptions"]) if effect == 1: # Lightning computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, temp, speed]) elif effect == 2 or effect == 3 or effect == 6 or effect == 8: # Paparazzi, Defective Bulb, CCT Flash or CCT Pulse computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, temp, GM, speed]) elif effect == 4: # Explosion computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, temp, GM, speed, sparks]) elif effect == 5: # Welding computedValue.extend([effect, bright_min, bright_max, temp, GM, speed]) elif effect == 7 or effect == 9: # Hue Flash or Hue Pulse computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, hue[0], hue[1], saturation, speed]) elif effect == 10: # Cop Car computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, specialOptions, speed]) elif effect == 11: # Candlelight computedValue.extend([effect, bright_min, bright_max, temp, GM, speed, sparks]) elif effect == 12: # Hue Loop computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, hue_min[0], hue_min[1], hue_max[0], hue_max[1], speed]) elif effect == 13: # CCT Loop computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, temp_min, temp_max, speed]) elif effect == 14: # INT Loop (CCT) computedValue.extend([14, 0, bright_min, bright_max, 0, 0, temp, speed]) elif effect == 15: # INT Loop (HSI) computedValue.extend([14, 1, bright_min, bright_max, hue[0], hue[1], 0, speed]) elif effect == 16: # TV Screen (effect is #15) computedValue.extend([15, bright_min, bright_max, temp, GM, speed]) elif effect == 17: # Fireworks (effect is #16) computedValue.extend([16, brightness, specialOptions, speed, sparks]) elif effect == 18: # Party (effect is #17) computedValue.extend([17, brightness, specialOptions, speed]) # OLD EFFECT PARAMETERS RETROFITTED WITH INFINITY COMMANDS elif effect == 21: # OLD EFFECT: Cop Car computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 2, 5]) elif effect == 22: # OLD EFFECT: Ambulance computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 75, 50, 5]) elif effect == 23: # OLD EFFECT: Fire Engine computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 0, 0, 55, 0, 10]) # this doesn't *exactly* match the old FX, but it's close elif effect == 24: # OLD EFFECT: Fireworks computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 49, 0, 20, 1, 8]) # HUE LOOP actually matches more closely to the old FX elif effect == 25: # OLD EFFECT: Party computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 1, 10]) elif effect == 26: # OLD EFFECT: Candlelight computedValue.extend([effect, 2, brightness, 32, 50, 10, 4]) elif effect == 27: # OLD EFFECT: Lightning computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 75, 10]) elif effect == 28: # OLD EFFECT: Paparazzi computedValue.extend([effect, brightness, 75, 50, 10]) elif effect == 29: # OLD EFFECT: TV Screen computedValue.extend([effect, 2, brightness, 75, 50, 10]) else: computedValue = [0] if returnValue == False: # if we aren't supposed to return a value, then just set sendValue to the value returned from computedValue global sendValue sendValue = computedValue else: return computedValue # return the computed value # RECALCULATE THE BYTESTRING FOR CCT-ONLY NEEWER LIGHTS INTO HUE AND BRIGHTNESS SEPARATELY def calculateSeparateBytestrings(sendValue): # CALCULATE BRIGHTNESS ONLY PARAMETER FROM MAIN PARAMETER newValueBRI = [120, 130, 1, sendValue[3]] # CALCULATE HUE ONLY PARAMETER FROM MAIN PARAMETER newValueHUE = [120, 131, 1, sendValue[4]] if CCTSlider == -1: # return both newly computed values return [newValueBRI, newValueHUE] elif CCTSlider == 1: # return only the color temperature value return newValueHUE elif CCTSlider == 2: # return only the brightness value return newValueBRI # CALCULATE THE CHECKSUM FROM A BYTESTRING AND ADD IT TO THE END OF THE LIST def tagChecksum(sendValue): returnArray = [] checkSum = 0 for a in range(len(sendValue)): if sendValue[a] < 0: checkSum = checkSum + int(sendValue[a] + 256) else: checkSum = checkSum + int(sendValue[a]) returnArray.append(sendValue[a]) checkSum = checkSum & 255 returnArray.append(checkSum) return returnArray def setPowerBytestring(onOrOff): global sendValue if onOrOff == "ON": sendValue = [120, 129, 1, 1] # return the "turn on" bytestring else: sendValue = [120, 129, 1, 2] # return the "turn off" bytestring def getInfinityPowerBytestring(onOrOff, lightMACAddress): powerByteString = [120, 141, 8] powerByteString.extend(splitMACAddress(lightMACAddress, True)) if onOrOff == "ON": powerByteString.extend([129, 1]) else: powerByteString.extend([129, 0]) return powerByteString def translateByteString(customValue = None): if customValue == None: customValue = sendValue translatedByteString = {} if customValue[1] == 129: # we're turning the light on or off if customValue[3] == 1: translatedByteString["colorMode"] = "ON" elif customValue[3] == 2: translatedByteString["colorMode"] = "OFF" elif customValue[1] == 134: # we're in HSI mode translatedByteString["colorMode"] = "HSI" translatedByteString["hue"] = customValue[3] + (256 * customValue[4]) translatedByteString["saturation"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[6] elif customValue[1] == 135: # we're in CCT mode translatedByteString["colorMode"] = "CCT" translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[3] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["GM"] = customValue[5] elif customValue[1] == 136: # we're in FX/ANM/SCENE mode FX = customValue[3] translatedByteString["colorMode"] = "ANM" translatedByteString["effect"] = FX if FX == 1: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[6] elif FX == 2 or FX == 3 or FX == 6 or FX == 8: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["GM"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[7] elif FX == 4: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[6] elif FX == 5: translatedByteString["bright_min"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["bright_max"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["GM"] = customValue[7] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[8] elif FX == 7 or FX == 9: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["hue"] = customValue[5] + (256 * customValue[6]) translatedByteString["saturation"] = customValue[7] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[8] elif FX == 10: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["specialOptions"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[6] elif FX == 11: translatedByteString["bright_min"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["bright_max"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["GM"] = customValue[7] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[8] translatedByteString["sparks"] = customValue[9] elif FX == 12: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["hue_min"] = customValue[5] + (256 * customValue[6]) translatedByteString["hue_max"] = customValue[7] + (256 * customValue[8]) translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[9] elif FX == 13: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["temp_min"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["temp_max"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[7] elif FX == 14: loopMode = customValue[4] # get whether we're in CCT or HSI mode with loopMode translatedByteString["bright_min"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["bright_max"] = customValue[6] if loopMode == 0: # if we're in CCT mode translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[9] else: # we're in HSI mode translatedByteString["hue"] = customValue[7] + (256 * customValue[8]) # convert this from 2 values translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[10] elif FX == 15: translatedByteString["bright_min"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["bright_max"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["temp"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["GM"] = customValue[7] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[8] elif FX == 16: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["specialOptions"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[6] translatedByteString["sparks"] = customValue[7] elif FX == 17: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] translatedByteString["specialOptions"] = customValue[5] translatedByteString["speed"] = customValue[6] else: if FX == 26 or FX == 29: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[5] else: translatedByteString["brightness"] = customValue[4] return translatedByteString # MAKE CURRENT BYTESTRING INTO A STRING OF HEX CHARACTERS TO SHOW THE CURRENT VALUE BEING GENERATED BY THE PROGRAM def updateStatus(splitString = "", infinityMode = 0, customValue = None): if customValue == None: statusInfo = translateByteString(sendValue) else: statusInfo = translateByteString(customValue) if "effect" in statusInfo: statusInfo["effect"] = convertFXIndex(infinityMode, statusInfo["effect"]) if statusInfo["colorMode"] == "OFF" or statusInfo["colorMode"] == "ON": returnStatus = "(Turn light " + statusInfo["colorMode"].lower() + ")" else: returnStatus = "(" + statusInfo["colorMode"] + " Mode):" + splitString if statusInfo["colorMode"] == "HSI": returnStatus += " H: " + str(statusInfo["hue"]) + u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' returnStatus += " / S: " + str(statusInfo["saturation"]) returnStatus += " / I: " + str(statusInfo["brightness"]) elif statusInfo["colorMode"] == "CCT": returnStatus += " TEMP: " + str(statusInfo["temp"]) + "00K" returnStatus += " / BRI: " + str(statusInfo["brightness"]) returnStatus += " / GM: " + str(statusInfo["GM"] - 50) elif statusInfo["colorMode"] == "ANM": returnStatus += " FX: " + str(statusInfo["effect"]) return returnStatus # Use this class to store information in a format that plays nicer with Bleak > 0.19 class UpdatedBLEInformation: def __init__(self, name, address, rssi, HWMACaddr = None): self.name = name # the corrected name of this device (SL90 Pro) self.realname = name # the real name of this device (NW-2342520000FFF, etc.) self.address = address # the MAC address (or in the case of MacOS, the GUID) self.rssi = rssi # the signal level of this device self.HWMACaddr = HWMACaddr # the exact MAC address (needed for MacOS) of this device # FIND NEW LIGHTS async def findDevices(limitToDevices = None): global availableLights if limitToDevices == None: printDebugString("Searching for new lights...") else: printDebugString("Searching for the lights you requested...") currentScan = [] # add all the current scan's lights detected to a standby array (to check against the main one) bleak_ver = ilm.version('bleak').split(".") # the version of Bleak that we're using devices = [] # master list of found devices (changed for getting MacOS MAC addresses) # after Bleak 0.19, RSSI information is stored in an Advertisement variable # instead of the BLEDevice itself, so it needs to be obtained differently! if int(bleak_ver[0]) == 0 and int(bleak_ver[1]) < 19: device_scan = await BleakScanner.discover() # scan all available Bluetooth devices nearby for d in device_scan: devices.append(UpdatedBLEInformation(d.name, d.address, d.rssi)) else: device_scan = await BleakScanner.discover(return_adv=True) # scan all available Bluetooth devices nearby and return Advertisement data for device, adv_data in device_scan.values(): devices.append(UpdatedBLEInformation(device.name, device.address, adv_data.rssi)) for d in devices: # go through all of the devices Bleak just found if limitToDevices != None: # we're looking for devices using the CLI, so we need *specific* MAC addresses/GUIDs if d.address in limitToDevices: d.name = getCorrectedName(d.name) currentScan.append(d) else: # we're doing a normal device discovery/re-discovery scan if d.address in whiteListedMACs: # if the MAC address is in the list of whitelisted addresses, add this device printDebugString(f"Matching whitelisted address found - {returnMACname()} {d.address}, adding to the list") d.name = getCorrectedName(d.name) currentScan.append(d) else: # if this device is not whitelisted, check to see if it's valid (contains "NEEWER" in the name) if d.name != None: acceptedPrefixes = ["NEEWER", "NW-", "SL", "NWR"] for a in range(len(acceptedPrefixes)): if acceptedPrefixes[a] in d.name: d.name = getCorrectedName(d.name) # fix the "newer" light names, like NW-20220057 with their correct names, like SL90 Pro currentScan.append(d) break for a in range(len(currentScan)): # scan the newly found NEEWER devices newLight = True # initially mark this light as a "new light" # check the "new light" against the global list for b in range(len(availableLights)): if currentScan[a].address == availableLights[b][0].address: # if the new light's MAC address matches one already in the global list printDebugString(f"Light found! [{currentScan[a].name}] {returnMACname()} {currentScan[a].address} but it's already in the list. It may have disconnected, so relinking might be necessary.") newLight = False # then don't add another instance of it # if we found the light *again*, it's most likely the light disconnected, so we need to link it again availableLights[b][0].rssi = currentScan[a].rssi # update the RSSI information availableLights[b][1] = "" # clear the Bleak connection (as it's changed) to force the light to need re-linking break # stop checking if we've found a negative result if newLight == True: # if this light was not found in the global list, then we need to add it printDebugString(f"Found new light! [{currentScan[a].name}] {returnMACname()} {currentScan[a].address} RSSI: {currentScan[a].rssi} dBm") customPrefs = getCustomLightPrefs(currentScan[a].address, currentScan[a].name) if len(customPrefs) == 4: # we need to rename the light and set up CCT and color temp range availableLights.append([currentScan[a], "", customPrefs[0], [120, 135, 2, 50, 56, 50], customPrefs[1], customPrefs[2], True, ["---", "---"], customPrefs[3]]) # add it to the global list elif len(customPrefs) == 5: # same as above, but we have previously stored parameters, so add them in as well availableLights.append([currentScan[a], "", customPrefs[0], customPrefs[3], customPrefs[1], customPrefs[2], True, ["---", "---"], customPrefs[4]]) # add it to the global list if threadAction != "quit": return "" # once the device scan is over, set the threadAction to nothing else: # if we're requesting that we quit, then just quit return "quit" def getCustomLightPrefs(MACAddress, lightName = ""): customPrefsPath = splitMACAddress(MACAddress) customPrefsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs" + os.sep + "".join(customPrefsPath) defaultPrefs = getLightSpecs(lightName) if os.path.exists(customPrefsPath): printDebugString(f"A custom preferences file was found for {MACAddress}!") # READ THE PREFERENCES FILE INTO A LIST with open(customPrefsPath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fileToOpen: customPrefs = fileToOpen.read().split("|") if customPrefs[1] == "True": # original "wider" preference set expands color temps to 3200-8500K customPrefs[1] = [3200, 8500] elif customPrefs[1] == "False": # original "non wider" preference set color temps to 3200-5600K customPrefs[1] = [3200, 5600] elif customPrefs[1] == "": # no entry means we need to get the default value for color temps customPrefs[1] = defaultPrefs[1] else: # we have a new version of preferences that directly specify the color temperatures colorTemps = customPrefs[1].replace(" ", "").split(",") # TEST TO MAKE SURE VALUES RETURNED FROM colorTemps ARE VALID INTEGER VALUES if len(colorTemps) == 2: # we NEED to have 2 values in the list, or it's not a correct declaration (min,max) customPrefs[1] = [testValid("custom_preset_range_min", colorTemps[0], defaultPrefs[0], 1000, 5600, True), testValid("custom_preset_range_max", colorTemps[1], defaultPrefs[1], 1000, 10000, True)] else: # so if we have a different number of elements, we're wrong - revert to defaults printDebugString("Custom color range defined in preferences is incorrect - falling back to default values!") customPrefs[1] = defaultPrefs[1] if customPrefs[2] == "True": customPrefs[2] = True # convert "True" as a string to an actual boolean value of True elif customPrefs[2] == "False": customPrefs[2] = False # convert "False" as a string to an actual boolean value of False else: # if we have no value, then get the default value for CCT enabling customPrefs[2] = defaultPrefs[2] if len(customPrefs) == 4: # if we have a 4th element (the last used parameters), then load them here customPrefs[3] = customPrefs[3].replace(" ", "").split(",") # split the last params into a list for a in range(len(customPrefs[3])): # convert the string values to ints customPrefs[3][a] = int(customPrefs[3][a]) customPrefs.append(defaultPrefs[3]) # append the Infinity flag to the custom prefs list return customPrefs else: # if there is no custom preferences file, still check the name against a list of per-light parameters return getLightSpecs(lightName) # get the factory default settings for this light # GET A MORE CORRECT VERSION OF THE NEWER LIGHT NAMES def getCorrectedName(lightName): newLightNames = [ ["20200015", "RGB1"], ["20200037", "SL90"], ["20200049", "RGB1200"], ["20210006", "Apollo 150D"], ["20210007", "RGB C80"], ["20210012", "CB60 RGB"], ["20210018", "BH-30S RGB"], ["20210034", "MS60B"], ["20210035", "MS60C"], ["20210036", "TL60 RGB"], ["20210037", "CB200B"], ["20220014", "CB60B"], ["20220016", "PL60C"], ["20220035", "MS150B"], ["20220041", "AS600B"], ["20220043", "FS150B"], ["20220046", "RP19C"], ["20220051", "CB100C"], ["20220055", "CB300B"], ["20220057", "SL90 Pro"], ["20230021", "BH-30S RGB"], ["20230022", "HS60B"], ["20230025", "RGB1200"], ["20230031", "TL120C"], ["20230050", "FS230 5600K"], ["20230051", "FS230B"], ["20230052", "FS150 5600K"], ["20230064", "TL60 RGB"], ["20230080", "MS60C"], ["20230092", "RGB1200"] ] for a in range(len(newLightNames)): if newLightNames[a][0] in lightName: lightName = newLightNames[a][1] break return lightName # RETURN THE DEFAULT FACTORY SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIGHTS def getLightSpecs(lightName, returnParam = "all") -> list: # 3-18-24 - re-arranged the list of lights in alphabetical order # to reduce parsing complexity at finding the light -- STRUCTURE: # NAME, CCT Temp Min, CCT Temp Max, CCT Only, Infinity Mode* # * (0 - normal, 1 - infinity, 2 - infinity *protocol*, but not Infinity *light*) masterNeewerLightList = [ ["Apollo", 5600, 5600, True, 0], ["BH-30S RGB", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["CB60 RGB", 2500, 6500, False, 1], ["CL124", 2500, 10000, False, 2], ["GL1", 2900, 7000, True, 0], ["GL1C", 2900, 7000, False, 2], ["MS60B", 2700, 6500, True, 1], ["NL140", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["RGB C80", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB CB60", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB1", 3200, 5600, False, 1], ["RGB1000", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB1200", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB140", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB168", 2500, 8500, False, 0], ["RGB176", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB176 A1", 2500, 10000, False, 0], ["RGB18", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB190", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB450", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB480", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB512", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB530", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB530PRO", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB650", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB660", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB660PRO", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB800", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["RGB960", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB-P200", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["RGB-P280", 3200, 5600, False, 0], ["SL70", 3200, 8500, False, 0], ["SL80", 3200, 8500, False, 0], ["SL90", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["SL90 Pro", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["SNL1320", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SNL1920", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SNL480", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SNL530", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SNL660", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SNL960", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SRP16", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["SRP18", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["TL60", 2500, 10000, False, 1], ["WRP18", 3200, 5600, True, 0], ["ZK-RY", 5600, 5600, False, 0], ["ZRP16", 3200, 5600, True, 0] ] customPrefs = ["", [3200, 5600], False, False] # the default list of preferences for a in reversed(range(len(masterNeewerLightList))): # scan the list of preset specs above to find the current light in them # check the master list to see if the current light is found - if it is, then change the prefs to reflect the light's spec if lightName.find(masterNeewerLightList[a][0]) != -1: # customPrefs[0] = masterNeewerLightList[a][0] # the name of the light (for testing purposes) customPrefs[1] = [masterNeewerLightList[a][1], masterNeewerLightList[a][2]] # the HSI color temp range customPrefs[2] = masterNeewerLightList[a][3] # whether or not to allow RGB commands customPrefs[3] = masterNeewerLightList[a][4] # whether or not this light uses Infinity mode break # stop looking for lights if we found it! if returnParam == "all": # we want to return all information (the default) return customPrefs elif returnParam == "temp": # we only want to return color temp ranges for this light return customPrefs[1] elif returnParam == "CCT": # we only want to return CCT-only status for this light return customPrefs[2] elif returnParam == "Infinity": # we only want to return the Infinity mode for this light return customPrefs[3] # CONNECT (LINK) TO A LIGHT async def connectToLight(selectedLight, updateGUI=True): global availableLights isConnected = False # whether or not the light is connected returnValue = "" # the value to return to the thread (in GUI mode, a string) or True/False (in CLI mode, a boolean value) lightName = availableLights[selectedLight][0].name # the Name of the light (for status updates) lightMAC = availableLights[selectedLight][0].address # the MAC address of the light (to keep track of the light even if the index number changes) lightIdx = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(lightMAC)[0] createNewBleakInstance = False # CHECK TO SEE IF A BLEAK OBJECT EXISTS if availableLights[lightIdx][1] == "": createNewBleakInstance = True else: # if the object exists, but nothing is connected to it, then make a new instance if not availableLights[lightIdx][1].is_connected: createNewBleakInstance = True if createNewBleakInstance == True: # FILL THE [1] ELEMENT OF THE availableLights ARRAY WITH A NEW BLEAK CONNECTION OBJECT availableLights[lightIdx][1] = BleakClient(availableLights[lightIdx][0].address) await asyncio.sleep(0.25) # wait just a short time before trying to connect # TRY TO CONNECT TO THE LIGHT SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE GIVING UP THE LINK currentAttempt = 1 while isConnected == False and currentAttempt <= maxNumOfAttempts: if threadAction != "quit": try: if not availableLights[lightIdx][1].is_connected: # if the current device isn't linked to Bluetooth printDebugString(f"Attempting to link to light [{lightName}] {returnMACname()} {lightMAC} (Attempt {currentAttempt} of {maxNumOfAttempts})") isConnected = await availableLights[lightIdx][1].connect() # try connecting it (and return the connection status) else: isConnected = True # the light is already connected, so mark it as being connected except Exception as e: printDebugString(f"Error linking to light [{lightName}] {returnMACname()} {lightMAC}") if updateGUI == True: if currentAttempt < maxNumOfAttempts: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "NOT\nLINKED", f"There was an error connecting to the light, trying again (Attempt {currentAttempt + 1} of {maxNumOfAttempts}...)"], lightIdx) # there was an issue connecting this specific light to Bluetooth, so show that else: returnValue = False # if we're in CLI mode, and there is an error connecting to the light, return False currentAttempt = currentAttempt + 1 await asyncio.sleep(4) # wait a few seconds before trying to link to the light again else: return "quit" if threadAction == "quit": return "quit" else: if isConnected == True: printDebugString(f"Successful link on light [{lightName}] {returnMACname()} {lightMAC}") if availableLights[selectedLight][8] == 1: # we're an Infnity light, we need the physical MAC address printDebugString(f"Checking for Hardware MAC address on Infinity light [{lightName}] {returnMACname()} {lightMAC}") if platform.system() == "Darwin": # we're on MacOS, so this needs a little finesse... # run the System Profiler and get the Bluetooth specific devices command = ["system_profiler", "SPBluetoothDataType"] output = run(command, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # get the location in the above output dealing with the specific light we're working with light_offset = output.stdout.find(availableLights[selectedLight][0].realname) # find the address adjacent from the above location address_offset = output.stdout.find("Address: ", light_offset) # clip out the MAC address itself output_parse = output.stdout[address_offset + 9:address_offset + 26] availableLights[selectedLight][0].HWMACaddr = output_parse else: # we're on a system that uses MAC addresses, so just duplicate the information availableLights[selectedLight][0].HWMACaddr = availableLights[selectedLight][0].address printDebugString(f">> Found Hardware MAC address: {availableLights[selectedLight][0].HWMACaddr}") if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "LINKED", "Waiting to send..."], lightIdx) # if it's successful, show that in the table else: returnValue = True # if we're in CLI mode, and there is no error connecting to the light, return True else: if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "NOT\nLINKED", "There was an error connecting to the light"], lightIdx) # there was an issue connecting this specific light to Bluetooh, so show that returnValue = False # the light is not connected return returnValue # once the connection is over, then return either True or False (for CLI) or nothing (for GUI) async def readNotifyCharacteristic(selectedLight, diagCommand, typeOfData): # clear the global variable before asking the light for info global receivedData receivedData = "" try: await availableLights[selectedLight][1].start_notify(notifyLightUUID, notifyCallback) # start reading notifications from the light except Exception as e: try: # if we've resorted the list, there is a possibility of a hanging callback, so this will raise an exception await availableLights[selectedLight][1].stop_notify(notifyLightUUID) # so we need to try disconnecting first await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # wait a little bit of time before re-connecting to the callback await availableLights[selectedLight][1].start_notify(notifyLightUUID, notifyCallback) # try again to start reading notifications from the light except Exception as e: # if we truly can't connect to the callback, return a blank string return "" # if there is an error starting the characteristic scan, just quit out of this routine for a in range(maxNumOfAttempts): # attempt maxNumOfAttempts times to read the characteristics try: await availableLights[selectedLight][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(diagCommand)) except Exception as e: return "" # if there is an error checking the characteristic, just quit out of this routine if receivedData != "": # if the recieved data is populated if len(receivedData) > 1: # if we have enough elements to get a status from if receivedData[1] == typeOfData: # if the data returned is the correct *kind* of data break # stop scanning for data else: # if we have a list, but it doesn't have a payload in it (the light didn't supply enough data) receivedData = "---" # then just re-set recievedData to the default string break # stop scanning for data else: await asyncio.sleep(0.25) # wait a little bit of time before checking again try: await availableLights[selectedLight][1].stop_notify(notifyLightUUID) # stop reading notifications from the light except Exception as e: pass # we will return whatever data remains from the scan, so if we can't stop the scan (light disconnected), just return what we have return receivedData async def getLightChannelandPower(selectedLight): global availableLights returnInfo = ["---", "---"] # the information to return to the light powerInfo = await readNotifyCharacteristic(selectedLight, [120, 133, 0, 253], 2) try: if powerInfo != "": if powerInfo[3] == 1: returnInfo[0] = "ON" elif powerInfo[3] == 2: returnInfo[0] = "STBY" # IF THE LIGHT IS ON, THEN ATTEMPT TO READ THE CURRENT CHANNEL chanInfo = await readNotifyCharacteristic(selectedLight, [120, 132, 0, 252], 1) if chanInfo != "": # if we got a result from the query try: returnInfo[1] = chanInfo[3] # set the current channel to the returned result except IndexError: pass # if we have an index error (the above value doesn't exist), then just return -1 except IndexError: # if we have an IndexError (the information returned isn't blank, but also isn't enough to descipher the status) # then just error out, but print the information that *was* returned for debugging purposes printDebugString(f"We don't have enough information from light [{availableLights[selectedLight][0].name}] to get the status.") printDebugString(f">> {powerInfo}") availableLights[selectedLight][7][0] = returnInfo[0] if availableLights[selectedLight][1] != "---" and returnInfo[1] != "---": availableLights[selectedLight][7][1] = returnInfo[1] def notifyCallback(sender, data): global receivedData receivedData = data # DISCONNECT FROM A LIGHT async def disconnectFromLight(selectedLight, updateGUI=True): returnValue = "" # same as above, string for GUI mode and boolean for CLI mode, default to blank string if availableLights[selectedLight][1] != "": # if there is a Bleak object attached to the light, try to disconnect try: if availableLights[selectedLight][1].is_connected: # if the current light is connected await availableLights[selectedLight][1].disconnect() # disconnect the selected light except Exception as e: returnValue = False # if we're in CLI mode, then return False if there is an error disconnecting printDebugString(f"Error unlinking from light {selectedLight + 1} [{availableLights[selectedLight][0].name}] {returnMACname()} {availableLights[selectedLight][0].address}") printDebugString(f">> {e}") try: if not availableLights[selectedLight][1].is_connected: # if the current light is NOT connected, then we're good if updateGUI == True: # if we're using the GUI, update the display (if we're waiting) mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "NOT\nLINKED", "Light disconnected!"], selectedLight) # show the new status in the table else: # if we're not, then indicate that we're good returnValue = True # if we're in CLI mode, then return False if there is an error disconnecting printDebugString(f"Successfully unlinked from light {selectedLight + 1} [{availableLights[selectedLight][0].name}] {returnMACname()} {availableLights[selectedLight][0].address}") except AttributeError: printDebugString(f"Light {selectedLight + 1} has no Bleak object attached to it, so not attempting to disconnect from it") return returnValue # GET THE RIGHT FX # FOR PRESETS - CONVERT BETWEEN THE OLD FX INDEX AND THE INFINITY INDEX def convertFXIndex(infinityMode, effectNum): if infinityMode > 0: # we're getting the FX # for an Infinity style Neewer light if effectNum > 20: if effectNum == 21: return 10 elif effectNum == 22: return 8 elif effectNum == 23: return 12 elif effectNum == 24: return 12 elif effectNum == 25: return 17 elif effectNum == 26: return 11 elif effectNum == 27: return 1 elif effectNum == 28: return 2 elif effectNum == 29: return 15 else: return effectNum else: # we're getting the FX # for an older style Neewer light if effectNum < 20: if effectNum == 10: return 1 elif effectNum == 16: return 4 elif effectNum == 17: return 5 elif effectNum == 11: return 6 elif effectNum == 1: return 7 elif effectNum == 2: return 8 elif effectNum == 15: return 9 else: # we're in Ambulance or Fire Engine mode return 10 else: # we're recalling a light preset designed for older lights return effectNum - 20 # WRITE TO A LIGHT - optional arguments for the CLI version (GUI version doesn't use either of these) async def writeToLight(selectedLights=0, updateGUI=True, useGlobalValue=True): global availableLights returnValue = "" # same as above, return value "" for GUI, or boolean for CLI startTimer = time.time() # the start of the triggering printDebugString("Going into send mode") try: if updateGUI == True: if selectedLights == 0: selectedLights = mainWindow.selectedLights() # get the list of currently selected lights from the GUI table else: if type(selectedLights) is int: # if we specify an integer-based index selectedLights = [selectedLights] # convert asked-for light to list currentSendValue = [] # initialize the value check # if there are lights selected (otherwise just dump out), and the delay timer is less than it's maximum, then try to send to the lights selected while (len(selectedLights) > 0 and time.time() - startTimer < 0.4) : if currentSendValue != sendValue: # if the current value is different than what was last sent to the light, then send a new one currentSendValue = sendValue[:] # get this value before sending to multiple lights, to ensure the same value is sent to each one for a in range(len(selectedLights)): # try to write each light in turn, and show the current data being sent to them in the table currentLightIdx = int(selectedLights[a]) # THIS SECTION IS FOR LOADING SNAPSHOT PRESET POWER STATES if useGlobalValue == False: # if we're forcing the lights to use their stored parameters, then load that in here if availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] != 1: # we're not using an Infinity light await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray([120, 129, 1, 1, 251]), False) # force this light to turn on else: # we're using an Infinity light await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(getInfinityPowerBytestring("ON", availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].HWMACaddr))), False) availableLights[currentLightIdx][6] = True # set the ON flag of this light to True await asyncio.sleep(0.05) currentSendValue = availableLights[currentLightIdx][3] # set the send value to set the preset downstream if availableLights[currentLightIdx][1] != "": # if a Bleak connection is there try: if availableLights[currentLightIdx][5] == True: # if we're using the old style of light if currentSendValue[1] == 135: # if we're on CCT mode if CCTSlider == -1: # and we need to write both HUE and BRI to the light splitCommands = calculateSeparateBytestrings(currentSendValue) # get both commands from the converter # WRITE BOTH LUMINANCE AND HUE VALUES TOGETHER, BUT SEPARATELY await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(splitCommands[0])), False) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) # wait 1/20th of a second to give the Bluetooth bus a little time to recover await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(splitCommands[1])), False) else: # we're only writing either HUE or BRI independently await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(calculateSeparateBytestrings(currentSendValue))), False) elif currentSendValue[1] == 129: # we're using an old light, but we're either turning the light on or off await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(currentSendValue)), False) elif currentSendValue[1] == 134: # we can't use HSI mode with this light, so show that if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "", "This light can not use HSI mode"], currentLightIdx) else: returnValue = True # we successfully wrote to the light (or tried to at least) elif currentSendValue[1] == 136: # we can't use ANM/SCENE mode with this light, so show that if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "", "This light can not use ANM/SCENE mode"], currentLightIdx) else: returnValue = True # we successfully wrote to the light (or tried to at least) else: # we're using a "newer" Neewer light if availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 1: # we're using the newest kind of light, so we need to tweak the send value if currentSendValue[1] == 135: # we're in CCT mode infinitySendValue = [120, 144, 11] elif currentSendValue[1] == 134: # we're in HSI mode infinitySendValue = [120, 143, 11] elif currentSendValue[1] == 136: # we're in SCENE/FX mode infinitySendValue = [120, 145, 6 + (len(currentSendValue) - 2)] elif currentSendValue[1] == 129: # we need to turn the light on or off infinitySendValue = [120, 141, 8] if availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 1: infinitySendValue.extend(splitMACAddress(availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].HWMACaddr, True)) # THE LAST 2 VALUES FOR CCT MODE ARE: # G/M COMPENSATION (WIP) # ...........4. NOT REALLY SURE **WHY** IT'S 4, BUT... IT'S 4. if currentSendValue[1] == 135: # CCT mode infinitySendValue.extend([currentSendValue[1], currentSendValue[3], currentSendValue[4], currentSendValue[5], 4]) elif currentSendValue[1] == 134: # HSI mode infinitySendValue.extend([currentSendValue[1], currentSendValue[3], currentSendValue[4], currentSendValue[5], currentSendValue[6]]) elif currentSendValue[1] == 136: # SCENE/FX mode infinitySendValue.append(139) infinitySendValue.append(convertFXIndex(True, currentSendValue[3])) for i in range(4, len(currentSendValue)): infinitySendValue.append(currentSendValue[i]) # CYCLE POWER TO INFINITY LIGHT BEFORE SENDING THE ANIMATION PARAMETERS await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(getInfinityPowerBytestring("OFF", availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].HWMACaddr))), False) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(getInfinityPowerBytestring("ON", availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].HWMACaddr))), False) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) elif currentSendValue[1] == 129: # we need to turn the light on or off infinitySendValue.extend([129, currentSendValue[3]]) await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(infinitySendValue)), False) else: if currentSendValue[1] == 135: # you're in CCT mode if availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 0: # you're using an old-style Neewer light await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(currentSendValue[0:5])), False) elif availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 2: # you're using an Infinity-protocol hybrid valueToSend = currentSendValue[:] valueToSend[2] = 3 # this light requires 3 parameters await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(valueToSend)), False) elif currentSendValue[1] == 136: # if we're in ANM/scene mode, we need to convert the Infinity command back to a normal command if availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 0: valueToSend = currentSendValue[0:5] # SWITCH THE 2 ELEMENTS TO THE CORRECT ORDER FOR OLDER LIGHTS currentEffect = valueToSend[3] valueToSend[3] = valueToSend[4] valueToSend[4] = convertFXIndex(False, currentEffect) await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(valueToSend)), False) elif availableLights[currentLightIdx][8] == 2: valueToSend = currentSendValue[:] valueToSend[1] = 139 # change the mode to Inifnity-style FX mode valueToSend[2] = len(valueToSend) - 3 # there are (total - 3) parameters in this command await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(valueToSend)), False) else: await availableLights[currentLightIdx][1].write_gatt_char(setLightUUID, bytearray(tagChecksum(currentSendValue)), False) if updateGUI == True: # if we're not looking at an old light, or if we are, we're not in either HSI or ANM modes, then update the status of that light if not (availableLights[currentLightIdx][5] == True and (currentSendValue[1] == 134 or currentSendValue[1] == 136)): if currentSendValue[1] != 129: # if we're not turning the light on or off mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "", updateStatus(splitString="\n", infinityMode=availableLights[currentLightIdx][8], customValue=currentSendValue)], currentLightIdx) else: # we ARE turning the light on or off if currentSendValue[3] == 1: # we turned the light on availableLights[currentLightIdx][6] = True # toggle the "light on" parameter of this light to ON changeStatus = mainWindow.returnTableInfo(currentLightIdx, 2).replace("STBY", "ON") mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", changeStatus, "Light turned on"], currentLightIdx) else: # we turned the light off availableLights[currentLightIdx][6] = False # toggle the "light on" parameter of this light to OFF changeStatus = mainWindow.returnTableInfo(currentLightIdx, 2).replace("ON", "STBY") mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", changeStatus, "Light turned off\nA long period of inactivity may require a re-link to the light"], currentLightIdx) else: returnValue = True # we successfully wrote to the light availableLights[currentLightIdx][3] = currentSendValue # store the currenly sent value to recall later except Exception as e: if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "", "Error Sending to light!"], currentLightIdx) else: # if there is no Bleak object associated with this light (otherwise, it's been found, but not linked) if updateGUI == True: mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "", "Light isn't linked yet, can't send to it"], currentLightIdx) else: returnValue = 0 # the light is not linked, even though it *should* be if it gets to this point, so this is an odd error if useGlobalValue == True: startTimer = time.time() # if we sent a value, then reset the timer else: break # don't do the loop again (as we just want to send the commands once instead of look for newly selected lights) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) # wait 1/20th of a second to give the Bluetooth bus a little time to recover if updateGUI == True: selectedLights = mainWindow.selectedLights() # re-acquire the current list of selected lights except Exception as e: printDebugString(f"There was an error communicating with light {currentLightIdx + 1} [{availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].name}] {returnMACname()} {availableLights[currentLightIdx][0].address}") printDebugString(f">> {e}") if updateGUI == True: returnValue = False # there was an error writing to this light, so return false to the CLI if threadAction != "quit": # if we've been asked to quit somewhere else in the program printDebugString("Leaving send mode and going back to background thread") else: printDebugString("The program has requested to quit, so we're not going back to the background thread") returnValue = "quit" return returnValue # THE BACKGROUND WORKER THREAD def workerThread(_loop): global threadAction # A LIST OF LIGHTS THAT DON'T SEND POWER/CHANNEL STATUS lightsToNotCheckPower = ["NEEWER-RGB176"] if findLightsOnStartup == True: # if we're set to find lights at startup, then automatically set the thread to discovery mode threadAction = "discover" delayTicks = 1 # count a few ticks before checking light information while True: if delayTicks < 12: delayTicks += 1 elif delayTicks == 12: delayTicks = 1 printDebugString("Background Thread Running") # CHECK EACH LIGHT AGAINST THE TABLE TO SEE IF THERE ARE CONNECTION ISSUES for a in range(len(availableLights)): if threadAction == "": # if we're not sending, then update the light info... (check this before scanning each light) if availableLights[a][1] != "": # if there is a Bleak object, then check to see if it's connected if not availableLights[a][1].is_connected: # the light is disconnected, but we're reporting it isn't mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "NOT\nLINKED", "Light disconnected!"], a) # show the new status in the table availableLights[a][1] = "" # clear the Bleak object else: if not availableLights[a][0].name in lightsToNotCheckPower: # if the name of the current light is not in the list to skip checking _loop.run_until_complete(getLightChannelandPower(a)) # then check the power and light status of that light mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "LINKED\n" + availableLights[a][7][0] + " / ᴄʜ. " + str(availableLights[a][7][1]), ""], a) else: # if the light we're scanning doesn't supply power or channel status, then just show "LINKED" mainWindow.setTheTable(["", "", "LINKED", ""], a) if threadAction == "quit": printDebugString("Stopping the background thread") threadAction = "finished" break # stop the background thread before quitting the program elif threadAction == "discover": threadAction = _loop.run_until_complete(findDevices()) # add new lights to the main array if threadAction != "quit": mainWindow.updateLights() # tell the GUI to update its list of available lights if autoConnectToLights == True: # if we're set to automatically link to the lights on startup, then do it here #for a in range(len(availableLights)): if threadAction != "quit": # if we're not supposed to quit, then try to connect to the light(s) _loop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("connect", [-1])) # connect to each available light in parallel threadAction = "" elif threadAction == "connect": selectedLights = mainWindow.selectedLights() # get the list of currently selected lights if threadAction != "quit": # if we're not supposed to quit, then try to connect to the light(s) _loop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("connect", selectedLights)) # connect to each *selected* light in parallel threadAction = "" elif threadAction == "send": threadAction = _loop.run_until_complete(writeToLight()) # write a value to the light(s) - the selectedLights() section is in the write loop itself for responsiveness elif threadAction != "": threadAction = processMultipleSends(_loop, threadAction) time.sleep(0.25) def processMultipleSends(_loop, threadAction, updateGUI = True): currentThreadAction = threadAction.split("|") if currentThreadAction[0] == "send": # this will come from loading a custom snapshot preset lightsToSendTo = [] # the current lights to affect for a in range (1, len(currentThreadAction)): # find the lights that need to be refreshed lightsToSendTo.append(int(currentThreadAction[a])) threadAction = _loop.run_until_complete(writeToLight(lightsToSendTo, updateGUI, False)) # write the value stored in the lights to the light(s) return threadAction async def parallelAction(theAction, theLights, updateGUI = True): # SUBMIT A SERIES OF PARALLEL ASYNCIO FUNCTIONS TO RUN ALL IN PARALLEL parallelFuncs = [] if theLights[0] == -1: # if we have no specific lights set, then operate on the entire availableLights range theLights = [] # clear the selected light list for a in range(len(availableLights)): theLights.append(a) # add all of availableLights to the list for a in range(len(theLights)): if theAction == "connect": # connect to a series of lights parallelFuncs.append(connectToLight(theLights[a], updateGUI)) elif theAction == "disconnect": # disconnect from a series of lights parallelFuncs.append(disconnectFromLight(theLights[a], updateGUI)) await asyncio.gather(*parallelFuncs) # run the functions in parallel def processCommands(listToProcess=[]): inStartupMode = False # if we're in startup mode (so report that to the log), start as False initially to be set to True below # SET THE CURRENT LIST TO THE sys.argv SYSTEM PARAMETERS LIST IF A LIST ISN'T SPECIFIED # SO WE CAN USE THIS SAME FUNCTION TO PARSE HTML ARGUMENTS USING THE HTTP SERVER AND COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS if len(listToProcess) == 0: # if there aren't any elements in the list, then check against sys.argv listToProcess = sys.argv[1:] # the list to parse is the system args minus the first one inStartupMode = True # ADD DASHES TO ANY PARAMETERS THAT DON'T CURRENTLY HAVE THEM AS WELL AS # CONVERT ALL ARGUMENTS INTO lower case (to allow ALL CAPS arguments to parse correctly) for a in range(len(listToProcess)): if listToProcess[a] != "-h" and listToProcess[a][:2] != "--": # if the dashes aren't in the current item (and it's not the -h flag) if listToProcess[a][:1] == "-": # if the current parameter only has one dash (typed wrongly) listToProcess[a] = "--" + listToProcess[a][1:].lower() # then remove that, and add the double dash and switch to lowercase else: # the parameter has no dashes at all, so add them if listToProcess[a][:11] == "custom_name": # if we're setting a custom name for the light, DON'T LOWERCASE THE RESULT listToProcess[a] = "--" + listToProcess[a] # add the dashes (but don't make it lowercase) else: listToProcess[a] = "--" + listToProcess[a].lower() # add the dashes + switch to lowercase to properly parse as arguments below else: # if the dashes are already in the current item listToProcess[a] = listToProcess[a].lower() # we don't need to add dashes, so just switch to lowercase # ARGUMENTS EACH MODE HAS ACCESS TO # 3-17-24 - added Infinity-style effect parameters to the list after --force_instance acceptable_arguments = ["--light", "--mode", "--temp", "--hue", "--sat", "--bri", "--intensity", "gm", "--scene", "--animation", "--list", "--on", "--off", "--force_instance", "bright_min", "bright_max", "temp_min", "temp_max", "hue_min", "hue_max", "speed", "sparks", "specialOptions"] # MODE-SPECIFIC ARGUMENTS if inStartupMode == True: # if we're using the GUI or CLI, then add these arguments to the list acceptable_arguments.extend(["--http", "--cli", "--silent", "--help"]) else: # if we're using the HTTP server, then add these arguments to the list acceptable_arguments.extend(["--custom_name", "--discover", "--nopage", "--link", "--use_preset", "--save_preset"]) # KICK OUT ANY PARAMETERS THAT AREN'T IN THE "ACCEPTABLE ARGUMENTS" LIST for a in range(len(listToProcess) - 1, -1, -1): if not any(x in listToProcess[a] for x in acceptable_arguments): # if the current argument is invalid if inStartupMode == True: if listToProcess[a] != "-h": # and the argument isn't "-h" (for help) listToProcess.pop(a) # delete the invalid argument from the list else: # if we're not in startup mode, then also delete the "-h" flag listToProcess.pop(a) # delete the invalid argument from the list # IF THERE ARE NO VALID PARAMETERS LEFT TO PARSE, THEN RETURN THAT TO THE HTTP SERVER if inStartupMode == False and len(listToProcess) == 0: printDebugString("There are no usable parameters from the HTTP request!") return [] # FORCE VALUES THAT NEED PARAMETERS TO HAVE ONE, AND VALUES THAT REQUIRE NO PARAMETERS TO HAVE NONE for a in range(len(listToProcess)): if listToProcess[a].find("--silent") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--silent" elif listToProcess[a].find("--cli") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--cli" elif listToProcess[a].find("--html") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--html" elif listToProcess[a].find("--discover") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--discover" elif listToProcess[a].find("--off") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--off" elif listToProcess[a].find("--on") != -1: listToProcess[a] = "--on" elif listToProcess[a] == "--link": listToProcess[a] = "--link=-1" elif listToProcess[a] == "--custom_name": listToProcess[a] = "--custom_name=-1" elif listToProcess[a] == "--use_preset": listToProcess[a] = "--use_preset=-1" elif listToProcess[a] == "--save_preset": listToProcess[a] = "--save_preset=-1" # PARSE THE ARGUMENT LIST FOR CUSTOM PARAMETERS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Scan for nearby Neewer lights and list them on the CLI") # list the currently available lights parser.add_argument("--http", action="store_true", help="Use an HTTP server to send commands to Neewer lights using a web browser") parser.add_argument("--silent", action="store_false", help="Don't show any debug information in the console") parser.add_argument("--cli", action="store_false", help="Don't show the GUI at all, just send command to one light and quit") parser.add_argument("--force_instance", action="store_false", help="Force a new instance of NeewerLite-Python if another one is already running") # HTML SERVER SPECIFIC PARAMETERS if inStartupMode == False: parser.add_argument("--custom_name", default=-1) # a new custom name for the light parser.add_argument("--discover", action="store_true") # tell the HTTP server to search for newly added lights parser.add_argument("--link", default=-1) # link a specific light to NeewerLite-Python parser.add_argument("--nopage", action="store_false") # don't render an HTML page parser.add_argument("--use_preset", default=-1) # number of custom preset to use via the HTTP interface parser.add_argument("--save_preset", default=-1) # option to save a custom snapshot preset via the HTTP interface parser.add_argument("--on", action="store_true", help="Turn the light on") parser.add_argument("--off", action="store_true", help="Turn the light off") parser.add_argument("--light", default="", help="The MAC Address (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) of the light you want to send a command to or ALL to find and control all lights (only valid when also using --cli switch)") parser.add_argument("--mode", default="CCT", help="[DEFAULT: CCT] The current control mode - options are HSI, CCT and either ANM or SCENE") parser.add_argument("--temp", "--temperature", default="56", help="[DEFAULT: 56(00)K] (CCT mode) - the color temperature (3200K+) to set the light to") parser.add_argument("--hue", default="240", help="[DEFAULT: 240] (HSI mode) - the hue (0-360 degrees) to set the light to") parser.add_argument("--sat", "--saturation", default="100", help="[DEFAULT: 100] (HSI mode) The saturation (how vibrant the color is) to set the light to") parser.add_argument("--bri", "--brightness", "--intensity", default="100", help="[DEFAULT: 100] (CCT/HSI/ANM mode) The brightness (intensity) to set the light to") parser.add_argument("--gm", "--GM", default="0", help="[DEFAULT: 0] (CCT mode) The GM Compensation adjustment (-50 to 50) to set the light to (for Infinity lights)") parser.add_argument("--scene", "--animation", default="1", help="[DEFAULT: 1] (ANM or SCENE mode) The animation to use in Scene mode") # 3-17-24 - ADDED ADDITIONAL INFINITY-SPECIFIC SCENE PARAMETERS parser.add_argument("--bright_min", default="0", help="[DEFAULT:0] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The minimum brightness for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--bright_max", default="100", help="[DEFAULT: 100] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The maximum brightness for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--temp_min", default="32", help="[DEFAULT: 32(00)K] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The minimum color temperature for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--temp_max", default="56", help="[DEFAULT: 56(00)K] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The maximum color temperature for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--hue_min", default="0", help="[DEFAULT: 0] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The minimum hue for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--hue_max", default="360", help="[DEFAULT: 360] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The maximum hue for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--speed", default="5", help="[DEFAULT: 5] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The speed for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--sparks", default="0", help="[DEFAULT: 0] (Infinity light SCENE mode) The sparks for the current scene") parser.add_argument("--specialoptions", "--specialOptions", default="1", help="[DEFAULT: 1] (Infinity light SCENE mode) Special options for the current scene") args = parser.parse_args(listToProcess) if args.force_instance == False: # if this value is True, then don't do anything global anotherInstance anotherInstance = False # change the global to False to allow new instances if args.silent == True: if inStartupMode == True: if args.list != True: # if we're not looking for lights using --list, then print line printDebugString("Starting program with command-line arguments") else: printDebugString("Processing HTTP arguments") args.cli = False # we're running the CLI, so don't initialize the GUI args.silent = printDebug # we're not changing the silent flag, pass on the current printDebug setting if args.http == True: return ["HTTP", args.silent] # special mode - don't do any other mode/color/etc. processing, just jump into running the HTML server if inStartupMode == False: # HTTP specific parameter returns! if args.custom_name != -1: return [None, args.nopage, args.custom_name, "custom_name"] # rename one of the lights with a new name (| delimited) if args.discover == True: return[None, args.nopage, None, "discover"] # discover new lights if args.link != -1: return[None, args.nopage, args.link, "link"] # return the value defined by the parameter if args.list == True: return [None, args.nopage, None, "list"] if args.use_preset != -1: return[None, args.nopage, testValid("use_preset", int(args.use_preset), 1, 1, 8), "use_preset"] else: # If we request "LIST" from the CLI, then return a CLI list of lights available if args.list == True: return["LIST", False] # CHECK TO SEE IF THE LIGHT SHOULD BE TURNED OFF if args.on == True: # we want to turn the light on return [args.cli, args.silent, args.light, "ON"] elif args.off == True: # we want to turn the light off return [args.cli, args.silent, args.light, "OFF"] GM = 50 + int(args.gm) # IF THE LIGHT ISN'T BEING TURNED OFF, CHECK TO SEE IF MODES ARE BEING SET if args.mode.lower() == "hsi": return [args.cli, args.silent, args.light, "HSI", testValid("hue", args.hue, 240, 0, 360), testValid("sat", args.sat, 100, 0, 100), testValid("bri", args.bri, 100, 0, 100)] elif args.mode.lower() in ("anm", "scene"): return [args.cli, args.silent, args.light, "ANM", testValid("scene", args.scene, 1, 1, 29), testValid("temp", args.temp, 56, 25, 100), testValid("bri", args.bri, 100, 0, 100), testValid("GM", GM, 50, 0, 100), testValid("hue", args.hue, 240, 0, 360), testValid("sat", args.sat, 100, 0, 100), testValid("bright_min", args.bright_min, 0, 0, 100), testValid("bright_max", args.bright_max, 100, 0, 100), testValid("temp_min", args.temp_min, 32, 20, 100), testValid("temp_max", args.temp_max, 52, 20, 100), testValid("hue_min", args.hue_min, 0, 0, 360), testValid("hue_max", args.hue_max, 360, 0, 360), testValid("speed", args.speed, 5, 0, 10), testValid("sparks", args.sparks, 0, 0, 10), testValid("specialoptions", args.specialoptions, 1, 0, 4)] else: # we've either asked for CCT mode, or gave an invalid mode name if args.mode.lower() != "cct": # if we're not actually asking for CCT mode, display error message printDebugString(" >> Improper mode selected with --mode command - valid entries are") printDebugString(" >> CCT, HSI or either ANM or SCENE, so rolling back to CCT mode.") # RETURN CCT MODE PARAMETERS IN CCT/ALL OTHER CASES return [args.cli, args.silent, args.light, "CCT", testValid("temp", args.temp, 56, 25, 100), testValid("bri", args.bri, 100, 0, 100), testValid("GM", GM, 50, 0, 100)] def processHTMLCommands(paramsList, loop): global threadAction, serverBusy if threadAction == "": # if we're not already processing info in another thread serverBusy[0] = True threadAction = "HTTP" if len(paramsList) != 0: if paramsList[3] == "discover": # we asked to discover new lights asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(findDevices()) # find the lights available to control # try to connect to each light if autoConnectToLights == True: asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("connect", [-1], False)) # try to connect to *all* lights in parallel elif paramsList[3] == "link": # we asked to connect to a specific light selectedLights = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(paramsList[2]) if len(selectedLights) > 0: asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("connect", selectedLights, False)) # try to connect to all *selected* lights in parallel elif paramsList[3] == "use_preset": recallCustomPreset(paramsList[2] - 1, False, loop) elif paramsList[3] == "save_preset": pass elif paramsList[3] == "custom_name": if paramsList[2] != "-1": # if we haven't returned a negative value, process it nameInfo = paramsList[2].split("|") # split the command into 2 parts if len(nameInfo) > 1: # if we have more than 1 parameter (correct), process it nameInfo[0] = int(nameInfo[0]) # make sure the first element is an integer nameInfo[1] = urllib.parse.unquote(nameInfo[1]) # decode URL string for new light name availableLights[nameInfo[0]][2] = nameInfo[1] # change the custom name in the list saveLightPrefs(nameInfo[0]) # save the new custom name to the prefs file else: # we want to write a value to a specific light if paramsList[3] == "CCT": # calculate CCT bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=paramsList[3], temp=paramsList[4], brightness=paramsList[5], GM=paramsList[6]) elif paramsList[3] == "HSI": # calculate HSI bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=paramsList[3], hue=paramsList[4], saturation=paramsList[5], brightness=paramsList[6]) elif paramsList[3] == "ANM": # calculate ANM/SCENE bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=paramsList[3], effect=paramsList[4], temp=paramsList[5], brightness=paramsList[6], GM=paramsList[7], hue=paramsList[8], sat=paramsList[9], bright_min=paramsList[10], bright_max=paramsList[11], temp_min=paramsList[12], temp_max=paramsList[13], hue_min=paramsList[14], hue_max=paramsList[15], speed=paramsList[16], sparks=paramsList[17], specialOptions=paramsList[18]) elif paramsList[3] == "ON": # turn the light(s) on setPowerBytestring("ON") elif paramsList[3] == "OFF": # turn the light(s) off setPowerBytestring("OFF") selectedLights = returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(paramsList[2]) if len(selectedLights) > 0: asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(writeToLight(selectedLights, False)) threadAction = "" # clear the thread variable serverBusy[0] = False else: printDebugString("The HTTP Server requested an action, but we're already working on one. Please wait...") def returnLightIndexesFromMacAddress(addresses): foundIndexes = [] # the list of indexes for the lights you specified if addresses == "*": # if we ask for every light available, then return that for a in range(len(availableLights)): foundIndexes.append(a) else: # break down what we're asking for into indexes addressesToCheck = addresses.split(";") for a in range(len(addressesToCheck)): if addressesToCheck[a].isdigit(): # we can get an index out of this request currentLight = int(addressesToCheck[a]) - 1 if currentLight < 0 or currentLight > len(availableLights): currentLight = -1 # if the index is less than 0, or higher than the last available light, then... nada else: # find the index from the MAC addresses currentLight = -1 for b in range(len(availableLights)): if addressesToCheck[a].upper() == availableLights[b][0].address.upper(): # if the MAC address specified matches the current light currentLight = b break if currentLight != -1: # the found light index is valid foundIndexes.append(currentLight) # add the found index to the list of indexes return foundIndexes class NLPythonServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def _send_cors_headers(self): self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, OPTIONS") def do_OPTIONS(self): self.send_response(200) self._send_cors_headers() self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): if self.path == "/favicon.ico": # if favicon.ico is specified, then send a 404 error and stop processing try: self.send_error(404) except ConnectionAbortedError: printDebugString("Could not serve the error page, the HTTP server is already busy with another request.") return else: # CHECK THE LENGTH OF THE URL REQUEST AND SEE IF IT'S TOO LONG if len(self.path) > 159: # INCREASED LENGTH DUE TO ADDITION OF doAction IN THE URL # THE LAST REQUEST WAS WAY TOO LONG, SO QUICKLY RENDER AN ERROR PAGE AND RETURN FROM THE HTTP RENDERER writeHTMLSections(self, "httpheaders") writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlheaders") writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks") writeHTMLSections(self, "errorHelp", "The last request you provided was too long! The NeewerLite-Python HTTP server can only accept URL commands less than 132 characters long after /NeewerLite-Python/doAction?") writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks") writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlendheaders") return # CHECK TO SEE IF THE IP REQUESTING ACCESS IS IN THE LIST OF "acceptable_HTTP_IPs" clientIP = self.client_address[0] # the IP address of the machine making the request acceptedIP = False for check in range(len(acceptable_HTTP_IPs)): # check all the "accepted" IP addresses against the current requesting IP if acceptedIP != True: # if we haven't found the IP in the accepted list, then keep checking if acceptable_HTTP_IPs[check] in clientIP: acceptedIP = True # if we're good to go, then we can just move on # IF THE IP MAKING THE REQUEST IS NOT IN THE LIST OF APPROVED ADDRESSES, THEN RETURN A "FORBIDDEN" ERROR if acceptedIP == False: self.send_error(403, "The IP of the device you're making the request from (" + clientIP + ") has to be in the list of accepted IP addresses in order to use the NeewerLite-Python HTTP Server, any outside addresses will generate this Forbidden error. To use this device with NeewerLite-Python, add its IP address (or range of IP addresses) to the list of acceptable IPs") return acceptableURL = "/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?" if not acceptableURL in self.path: # if we ask for something that's not the main directory, then redirect to the main error page self.send_response(302) self.send_header('Location', acceptableURL) self.end_headers() return else: # if the URL contains "/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?" then it's a valid URL writeHTMLSections(self, "httpheaders") # BREAK THE URL INTO USABLE PARAMTERS paramsList = self.path.replace(acceptableURL, "").split("&") # split the included params into a list paramsList = processCommands(paramsList) # process the commands returned from the HTTP parameters if len(paramsList) == 0: # we have no valid parameters, so show the error page writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlheaders") writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks") writeHTMLSections(self, "errorHelp", "You didn't provide any valid parameters in the last URL. To send multiple parameters to NeewerLite-Python, separate each one with a & character.") writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks") writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlendheaders") return else: # if we just asked the server to do something other than list the contents, set the busy state of the server to True before rendering the page... # ...long explanation, but this happens *first* before any HTTP processing itself, so it needs to be set on the front-end if paramsList[3] != "list": global serverBusy serverBusy[0] = True if paramsList[1] == True: writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlheaders") # write the HTML header section writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks-timer") # put the quicklinks (with timer) at the top of the page self.wfile.write(bytes("

Request Successful!

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("Last Request: " + self.path + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("From IP: " + clientIP + "

\n", "utf-8")) if paramsList[3] != "list": if paramsList[1] == True: self.wfile.write(bytes("Provided Parameters:
\n", "utf-8")) if len(paramsList) <= 2: for a in range(len(paramsList)): self.wfile.write(bytes("  " + str(paramsList[a]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) else: if paramsList[3] == "use_preset": self.wfile.write(bytes("  Preset to Use: " + str(paramsList[2]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) elif paramsList[3] == "save_preset": pass # TODO: implement saving presets! else: self.wfile.write(bytes("  Parameters: " + str(paramsList[2]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Mode: " + str(paramsList[3]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) if paramsList[3] == "CCT": self.wfile.write(bytes("  Color Temperature: " + str(paramsList[4]) + "00K
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Brightness: " + str(paramsList[5]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) elif paramsList[3] == "HSI": self.wfile.write(bytes("  Hue: " + str(paramsList[4]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Saturation: " + str(paramsList[5]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Brightness: " + str(paramsList[6]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) elif paramsList[3] == "ANM" or paramsList[3] == "SCENE": self.wfile.write(bytes("  Animation Scene: " + str(paramsList[4]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Brightness: " + str(paramsList[5]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("

\n", "utf-8")) # PROCESS THE HTML COMMANDS IN ANOTHER THREAD htmlProcessThread = threading.Thread(target=processHTMLCommands, args=(paramsList, asyncioEventLoop), name="htmlProcessThread") htmlProcessThread.start() if paramsList[1] == True: # if we've been asked to list the currently available lights, do that now totalLights = len(availableLights) # JAVASCRIPT CODE TO CHANGE LIGHT NAMES self.wfile.write(bytes("\n\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n\n", "utf-8")) if totalLights == 0: # there are no lights available to you at the moment! self.wfile.write(bytes("NeewerLite-Python is not currently set up with any Neewer lights. To discover new lights, " + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?discover", "click here") + ".
\n", "utf-8")) else: self.wfile.write(bytes("List of available Neewer lights:

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) for a in range(totalLights): self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light ID # if serverBusy[0] == False: # add the "Edit" button to set a custom name for this light self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light custom name else: # if the server is busy with another request, just list the current custom name self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light custom name self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light type self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light MAC address self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # light RSSI (signal quality) try: if availableLights[a][1].is_connected: self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # is the light linked? else: self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # is the light linked? except Exception as e: self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # is the light linked? self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) # the last sent value to the light self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("
ID #\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" Custom NameLight TypeMAC Address/GUIDRSSILinkedLast Sent Value
" + str(a + 1) + "  " + availableLights[a][2] + "" + availableLights[a][2] + "" + availableLights[a][0].name + "" + availableLights[a][0].address + "" + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + " dbM" + "Yes" + "" + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?link=" + str(a + 1), "No") + "" + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?link=" + str(a + 1), "No") + "" + updateStatus(customValue=availableLights[a][3]) + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("List of available custom presets to use:

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) for a in range(4): # build the list itself, showing 2 presets next to each other currentPreset = (2 * a) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" \n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("
Preset\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" Preset ParametersPreset\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(" Preset Parameters
" + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?use_preset=" + str(currentPreset + 1), str(currentPreset + 1)) + "" + customPresetInfoBuilder(currentPreset, True) + "" + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?use_preset=" + str(currentPreset + 2), str(currentPreset + 2)) + "" + customPresetInfoBuilder(currentPreset + 1, True) + "
\n", "utf-8")) if paramsList[1] == True: writeHTMLSections(self, "quicklinks") # add the footer to the bottom of the page writeHTMLSections(self, "htmlendheaders") # add the ending section to the very bottom def writeHTMLSections(self, theSection, errorMsg = ""): global serverBusy if theSection == "httpheaders": self.send_response(200) self._send_cors_headers() self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8") self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") self.send_header("Pragma", "no-cache") self.send_header("Expires", "0") self.end_headers() elif theSection == "htmlheaders": self.wfile.write(bytes("\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("NeewerLite-Python [2024-04-20-BETA] HTTP Server by Zach Glenwright\n\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n", "utf-8")) elif theSection == "errorHelp": self.wfile.write(bytes("

Invalid request!

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("Last Request: " + self.path + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes(errorMsg + "

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("Valid parameters to use -
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("list - list the current lights NeewerLite-Python has available to it and the custom presets it can use
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?list
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("discover - tell NeewerLite-Python to scan for new lights
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?discover
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("nopage - send a command to the HTTP server, but don't render the webpage showing the results (useful, for example, on a headless Raspberry Pi where you don't necessarily want to see the results page)
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?nopage
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("link= - (value: index of light to link to) manually link to a specific light - you can specify multiple lights with semicolons (so link=1;2 would try to link to both lights 1 and 2)
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?link=1
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("light= - the MAC address (or current index of the light) you want to send a command to - you can specify multiple lights with semicolons (so light=1;2 would send a command to both lights 1 and 2)
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?light=11:22:33:44:55:66
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("mode= - the mode (value: HSI, CCT, and either ANM or SCENE) - the color mode to switch the light to
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?mode=CCT
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("use_preset= - (value: 1-8) - use a custom global or snapshot preset
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?use_preset=2
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("(CCT mode only) temp= or temperature= - (value: 3200 to 8500) the color temperature in CCT mode to set the light to
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?temp=5200
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("(HSI mode only) hue= - (value: 0 to 360) the hue value in HSI mode to set the light to
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?hue=240
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("(HSI mode only) sat= or saturation= - (value: 0 to 100) the color saturation value in HSI mode to set the light to
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?sat=65
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("(ANM/SCENE mode only) scene= - (value: 1 to 9) which animation (scene) to switch the light to
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?scene=3
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("(CCT/HSI/ANM modes) bri=, brightness= or intensity= - (value: 0 to 100) how bright you want the light
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    Example: http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?brightness=80
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("

More examples -
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Set the light with MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66 to CCT mode, with a color temperature of 5200 and brightness of 40
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?light=11:22:33:44:55:66&mode=CCT&temp=5200&bri=40

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Set the light with MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66 to HSI mode, with a hue of 70, saturation of 50 and brightness of 10
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?light=11:22:33:44:55:66&mode=HSI&hue=70&sat=50&bri=10

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Set the first light available to SCENE mode, using the first animation and brightness of 55
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?light=1&mode=SCENE&scene=1&bri=55

\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("  Use the 2nd custom preset, but don't render the webpage showing the results
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("    http://(server address)/NeewerLite-Python/doAction?use_preset=2&nopage
\n", "utf-8")) elif theSection == "quicklinks" or theSection == "quicklinks-timer": footerLinks = "Shortcut links: " footerLinks = footerLinks + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?discover", "Scan for New Lights") + " | " footerLinks = footerLinks + formatURLForHyperlink("doAction?list", "List Currently Available Lights and Custom Presets") self.wfile.write(bytes("

" + footerLinks + "
\n", "utf-8")) if theSection == "quicklinks-timer": # write the "This page will refresh..." timer if serverBusy[0] == True: self.wfile.write(bytes("
🚫The HTTP Server is busy with a request, so another one can not be made yet...🚫
\n", "utf-8")) if serverBusy[1] != "": self.wfile.write(bytes("
Last Update: " + serverBusy[1] + "
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("

\n", "utf-8")) elif theSection == "htmlendheaders": self.wfile.write(bytes("
NeewerLite-Python [2024-04-20-BETA] / HTTP Server / by Zach Glenwright
\n", "utf-8")) self.wfile.write(bytes("\n", "utf-8")) def formatURLForHyperlink(theURL, theText): global serverBusy # whether or not the HTTP server is busy if serverBusy[0]: return theText else: return "" + theText + "" def formatStringForConsole(theString, maxLength): if theString == "-": # return a header divider if the string is "=" return "-" * maxLength else: if len(theString) == maxLength: # if the string is the max length, then just return the string return theString if len(theString) < maxLength: # if the string fits in the max length, then add spaces to pad it out return theString + " " * (maxLength - len(theString)) else: # truncate the string, it's too long return theString[0:maxLength - 4] + " ..." def createLightPrefsFolder(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs"): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + os.sep + "light_prefs") def loadPrefsFile(globalPrefsFile = ""): global findLightsOnStartup, autoConnectToLights, printDebug, maxNumOfAttempts, \ rememberLightsOnExit, acceptable_HTTP_IPs, customKeys, enableTabsOnLaunch, \ whiteListedMACs, rememberPresetsOnExit if globalPrefsFile != "": printDebugString("Loading global preferences from file...") with open(globalPrefsFile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fileToOpen: mainPrefs = fileToOpen.read().splitlines() acceptable_arguments = ["findLightsOnStartup", "autoConnectToLights", "printDebug", "maxNumOfAttempts", "rememberLightsOnExit", "acceptableIPs", \ "SC_turnOffButton", "SC_turnOnButton", "SC_scanCommandButton", "SC_tryConnectButton", "SC_Tab_CCT", "SC_Tab_HSI", "SC_Tab_SCENE", "SC_Tab_PREFS", \ "SC_Dec_Bri_Small", "SC_Inc_Bri_Small", "SC_Dec_Bri_Large", "SC_Inc_Bri_Large", \ "SC_Dec_1_Small", "SC_Inc_1_Small", "SC_Dec_2_Small", "SC_Inc_2_Small", "SC_Dec_3_Small", "SC_Inc_3_Small", \ "SC_Dec_1_Large", "SC_Inc_1_Large", "SC_Dec_2_Large", "SC_Inc_2_Large", "SC_Dec_3_Large", "SC_Inc_3_Large", \ "enableTabsOnLaunch", "whiteListedMACs", "rememberPresetsOnExit"] # KICK OUT ANY PARAMETERS THAT AREN'T IN THE "ACCEPTABLE ARGUMENTS" LIST ABOVE # THIS SECTION OF CODE IS *SLIGHTLY* DIFFERENT THAN THE CLI KICK OUT CODE # THIS WAY, WE CAN HAVE COMMENTS IN THE PREFS FILE IF DESIRED for a in range(len(mainPrefs) - 1, -1, -1): if not any(x in mainPrefs[a] for x in acceptable_arguments): # if the current argument is invalid mainPrefs.pop(a) # delete the invalid argument from the list # NOW THAT ANY STRAGGLERS ARE OUT, ADD DASHES TO WHAT REMAINS TO PROPERLY PARSE IN THE PARSER for a in range(len(mainPrefs)): mainPrefs[a] = "--" + mainPrefs[a] else: mainPrefs = [] # submit an empty list to return the default values for everything prefsParser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # parser for preference arguments # SET PROGRAM DEFAULTS prefsParser.add_argument("--findLightsOnStartup", default=1) prefsParser.add_argument("--autoConnectToLights", default=1) prefsParser.add_argument("--printDebug", default=1) prefsParser.add_argument("--maxNumOfAttempts", default=6) prefsParser.add_argument("--rememberLightsOnExit", default=0) prefsParser.add_argument("--acceptableIPs", default=["", "192.168.", "10."]) prefsParser.add_argument("--whiteListedMACs" , default=[]) prefsParser.add_argument("--rememberPresetsOnExit", default=1) # SHORTCUT KEY CUSTOMIZATIONS prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_turnOffButton", default="Ctrl+PgDown") # 0 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_turnOnButton", default="Ctrl+PgUp") # 1 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_scanCommandButton", default="Ctrl+Shift+S") # 2 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_tryConnectButton", default="Ctrl+Shift+C") # 3 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Tab_CCT", default="Alt+1") # 4 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Tab_HSI", default="Alt+2") # 5 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Tab_SCENE", default="Alt+3") # 6 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Tab_PREFS", default="Alt+4") # 7 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_Bri_Small", default="/") # 8 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_Bri_Small", default="*") # 9 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_Bri_Large", default="Ctrl+/") # 10 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_Bri_Large", default="Ctrl+*") # 11 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_1_Small", default="7") # 12 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_1_Small", default="9") # 13 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_2_Small", default="4") # 14 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_2_Small", default="6") # 15 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_3_Small", default="1") # 16 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_3_Small", default="3") # 17 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_1_Large", default="Ctrl+7") # 18 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_1_Large", default="Ctrl+9") # 19 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_2_Large", default="Ctrl+4") # 20 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_2_Large", default="Ctrl+6") # 21 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Dec_3_Large", default="Ctrl+1") # 22 prefsParser.add_argument("--SC_Inc_3_Large", default="Ctrl+3") # 23 # "HIDDEN" DEBUG OPTIONS - oooooh! # THESE ARE OPTIONS THAT HELP DEBUG THINGS, BUT AREN'T REALLY USEFUL FOR NORMAL OPERATION # enableTabsOnLaunch SHOWS ALL TABS ACTIVE (INSTEAD OF DISABLING THEM) ON LAUNCH SO EVEN WITHOUT A LIGHT, A BYTESTRING CAN BE CALCULATED prefsParser.add_argument("--enableTabsOnLaunch", default=0) mainPrefs = prefsParser.parse_args(mainPrefs) # SET GLOBAL VALUES BASED ON PREFERENCES findLightsOnStartup = bool(int(mainPrefs.findLightsOnStartup)) # whether or not to scan for lights on launch autoConnectToLights = bool(int(mainPrefs.autoConnectToLights)) # whether or not to connect to lights when found printDebug = bool(int(mainPrefs.printDebug)) # whether or not to display debug messages in the console maxNumOfAttempts = int(mainPrefs.maxNumOfAttempts) # maximum number of attempts before failing out rememberLightsOnExit = bool(int(mainPrefs.rememberLightsOnExit)) # whether or not to remember light mode/settings when quitting out rememberPresetsOnExit = bool(int(mainPrefs.rememberPresetsOnExit)) # whether or not to remember the custom presets when quitting out if type(mainPrefs.acceptableIPs) is not list: # we have a string in the return, so we need to post-process it acceptable_HTTP_IPs = mainPrefs.acceptableIPs.replace(" ", "").split(";") # split the IP addresses into a list for acceptable IPs else: # the return is already a list (the default list), so return it acceptable_HTTP_IPs = mainPrefs.acceptableIPs if type(mainPrefs.whiteListedMACs) is not list: # if we've specified MAC addresses to whitelist, add them to the global list whiteListedMACs = mainPrefs.whiteListedMACs.replace(" ", "").split(";") # RETURN THE CUSTOM KEYBOARD MAPPINGS customKeys = [mainPrefs.SC_turnOffButton, mainPrefs.SC_turnOnButton, mainPrefs.SC_scanCommandButton, mainPrefs.SC_tryConnectButton, \ mainPrefs.SC_Tab_CCT, mainPrefs.SC_Tab_HSI, mainPrefs.SC_Tab_SCENE, mainPrefs.SC_Tab_PREFS, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_Bri_Small, mainPrefs.SC_Inc_Bri_Small, mainPrefs.SC_Dec_Bri_Large, mainPrefs.SC_Inc_Bri_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_1_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_1_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_2_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_2_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_3_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_3_Small, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_1_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_1_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_2_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_2_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Dec_3_Large, \ mainPrefs.SC_Inc_3_Large] enableTabsOnLaunch = bool(int(mainPrefs.enableTabsOnLaunch)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Display the version of NeewerLite-Python we're using print("---------------------------------------------------------") print(" NeewerLite-Python ver. [2024-04-20-BETA]") print(" by Zach Glenwright") print(" > https://github.com/taburineagle/NeewerLite-Python <") print("---------------------------------------------------------") singleInstanceLock() # make a lockfile if one doesn't exist yet, and quit out if one does if os.path.exists(globalPrefsFile): loadPrefsFile(globalPrefsFile) # if a preferences file exists, process it and load the preferences else: loadPrefsFile() # if it doesn't, then just load the defaults if os.path.exists(customLightPresetsFile): loadCustomPresets() # if there's a custom mapping for presets, then load that into memory setUpAsyncio() # set up the asyncio loop cmdReturn = [True] # initially set to show the GUI interface over the CLI interface if len(sys.argv) > 1: # if we have more than 1 argument on the command line (the script itself is argument 1), then process switches cmdReturn = processCommands() printDebug = cmdReturn[1] # if we use the --quiet option, then don't show debug strings in the console if cmdReturn[0] == False: # if we're trying to load the CLI, make sure we aren't already running another version of it doAnotherInstanceCheck() # check to see if another instance is running, and if it is, then error out and quit # START HTTP SERVER HERE AND SIT IN THIS LOOP UNTIL THE END if cmdReturn[0] == "HTTP": doAnotherInstanceCheck() # check to see if another instance is running, and if it is, then error out and quit webServer = ThreadingHTTPServer(("", 8080), NLPythonServer) try: printDebugString("Starting the HTTP Server on Port 8080...") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") # start the HTTP server and wait for requests webServer.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: printDebugString("Stopping the HTTP Server...") webServer.server_close() # DISCONNECT FROM EACH LIGHT BEFORE FINISHING THE PROGRAM printDebugString("Attempting to unlink from lights...") asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("disconnect", [-1], False)) # disconnect from all lights in parallel printDebugString("Closing the program NOW") singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(0) # delete the lock file and quit out if cmdReturn[0] == "LIST": doAnotherInstanceCheck() # check to see if another instance is running, and if it is, then error out and quit print("NeewerLite-Python [2024-04-20-BETA] by Zach Glenwright") print("Searching for nearby Neewer lights...") asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(findDevices()) if len(availableLights) > 0: print() if len(availableLights) == 1: # we only found one print("We found 1 Neewer light on the last search.") else: # we found more than one print(f"We found {str(len(availableLights))} Neewer lights on the last search.") print() if platform.system() == "Darwin": # if we're on MacOS, then we display the GUID instead of the MAC address addressCharsAllowed = 36 # GUID addresses are 36 characters long addressString = "GUID (MacOS)" else: addressCharsAllowed = 17 # MAC addresses are 17 characters long addressString = "MAC Address" nameCharsAllowed = 79 - addressCharsAllowed # the remaining space is to display the light name # PRINT THE HEADERS print(formatStringForConsole("Custom Name (Light Type)", nameCharsAllowed) + \ " " + \ formatStringForConsole(addressString, addressCharsAllowed)) # PRINT THE SEPARATORS print(formatStringForConsole("-", nameCharsAllowed) + " " + formatStringForConsole("-", addressCharsAllowed)) # PRINT THE LIGHTS for a in range(len(availableLights)): lightName = availableLights[a][2] + "(" + availableLights[a][0].name + ")" print(formatStringForConsole(lightName, nameCharsAllowed) + " " + \ formatStringForConsole(availableLights[a][0].address, addressCharsAllowed)) print(formatStringForConsole(" > RSSI: " + str(availableLights[a][0].rssi) + "dBm", nameCharsAllowed)) else: print("We did not find any Neewer lights on the last search.") singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(0) # delete the lock file and quit out printDebugString(f" > Launch GUI: {cmdReturn[0]}") printDebugString(f" > Show Debug Strings on Console: {cmdReturn[1]}") printDebugString(f" > Mode: {cmdReturn[3]}") if cmdReturn[3] == "CCT": # if the default value for GM returned is "0", then the actual value is "50", so reset that if int(cmdReturn[6]) == 0: cmdReturn[6] = 50 printDebugString(f" > Color Temperature: {cmdReturn[4]}00K") printDebugString(f" > Brightness: {cmdReturn[5]}") printDebugString(f" > GM Compensation: {int(cmdReturn[6]) - 50}") elif cmdReturn[3] == "HSI": printDebugString(f" > Hue: {cmdReturn[4]}") printDebugString(f" > Saturation: {cmdReturn[5]}") printDebugString(f" > Brightness: {cmdReturn[6]}") elif cmdReturn[3] == "ANM": printDebugString(f" > Scene: {cmdReturn[4]}") printDebugString(f" > Brightness: {cmdReturn[5]}") if cmdReturn[0] == False: # if we're not showing the GUI, we need to specify a MAC address if cmdReturn[2] != "": MACAddresses = cmdReturn[2].upper().split(",") # uppercase and split list of mutliple MAC addresses printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(" > CLI >> MAC Addresses/UUIDs of lights to send command to: ") for a in range(len(MACAddresses)): printDebugString(f' {MACAddresses[a]}') printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(findDevices(limitToDevices = MACAddresses)) # get Bleak object linking to this specific light and getting custom prefs else: printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(" > CLI >> You did not specify a light to send the command to - use the --light switch") printDebugString(" > CLI >> and write either a MAC Address (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) to a Neewer light or") printDebugString(" > CLI >> ALL to send to all available Neewer lights found by Bluetooth") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") if cmdReturn[0] == True: # launch the GUI with the command-line arguments if importError == 0: try: # try to load the GUI # set QT up to scale the GUI to the right size, regardless of high-DPI displays os.environ["QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR"] = "1" QApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) app = QApplication(sys.argv) # launch the GUI itself if anotherInstance == True: # different than the CLI handling, the GUI needs to show a dialog box asking to quit or launch errDlg = QMessageBox() errDlg.setWindowTitle("Another Instance Running!") errDlg.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.RichText) errDlg.setText("There is another instance of NeewerLite-Python already running. Please close out of that instance first before trying to launch a new instance of the program.

If you are positive that you don't have any other instances running and you want to launch a new one anyway, click Launch New Instance below. Otherwise click Quit to quit out.") errDlg.addButton("Launch New Instance", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.YesRole) errDlg.addButton("Quit", QMessageBox.ButtonRole.NoRole) errDlg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) errDlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) button = errDlg.exec_() if button == 1: # if we clicked the Quit button, then quit out sys.exit(1) mainWindow = MainWindow() # SET UP GUI BASED ON COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS if len(cmdReturn) > 1: if cmdReturn[3] == "CCT": # set up the GUI in CCT mode with specified parameters (or default, if none) mainWindow.setUpGUI(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], temp=cmdReturn[4], brightness=cmdReturn[5], GM=cmdReturn[6]) elif cmdReturn[3] == "HSI": # set up the GUI in HSI mode with specified parameters (or default, if none) mainWindow.setUpGUI(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], hue=cmdReturn[4], saturation=cmdReturn[5], brightness=cmdReturn[6]) elif cmdReturn[3] == "ANM": # set up the GUI in ANM mode with specified parameters (or default, if none) mainWindow.setUpGUI(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], scene=cmdReturn[4], brightness=cmdReturn[5]) mainWindow.show() # START THE BACKGROUND THREAD workerThread = threading.Thread(target=workerThread, args=(asyncioEventLoop,), name="workerThread") workerThread.start() ret = app.exec_() singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(ret) # delete the lock file and quit out except NameError: pass # same as above - we could not load the GUI, but we have already sorted error messages else: if importError == 1: # we can't load PySide2 print(" ===== CAN NOT FIND PYSIDE2 LIBRARY =====") print(" You don't have the PySide2 Python library installed. If you're only running NeewerLite-Python from") print(" a command-line (from a Raspberry Pi CLI for instance), or using the HTTP server, you don't need this package.") print(" If you want to launch NeewerLite-Python with the GUI, you need to install the PySide2 package.") print() print(" To install PySide2, run either pip or pip3 from the command line:") print(" pip install PySide2") print(" pip3 install PySide2") print() print(" Or visit this website for more information:") print(" https://pypi.org/project/PySide2/") elif importError == 2: # we have PySide2, but can't load the GUI file itself for some reason print(" ===== COULD NOT LOAD/FIND GUI FILE =====") print(" If you don't need to use the GUI, you are fine going without the PySide2 pacakge.") print(" but using NeewerLite-Python with the GUI requires the PySide2 library.") print() print(" If you have already installed the PySide2 library but are still getting this error message,") print(" Make sure you have the ui_NeewerLightUI.py script in the same directory as NeewerLite-Python.py") print(" If you don't know where that file is, redownload the NeewerLite-Python package from Github here:") print(" https://github.com/taburineagle/NeewerLite-Python/") sys.exit(1) # quit out, we can't run the program without PySide2 or the GUI (for the GUI version, at least) else: # don't launch the GUI, send command to a light/lights and quit out if len(cmdReturn) > 1: if cmdReturn[3] == "CCT": # calculate CCT bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], temp=cmdReturn[4], brightness=cmdReturn[5], GM=cmdReturn[6]) elif cmdReturn[3] == "HSI": # calculate HSI bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], hue=cmdReturn[4], saturation=cmdReturn[5], brightness=cmdReturn[6]) elif cmdReturn[3] == "ANM": # calculate ANM/SCENE bytestring calculateByteString(colorMode=cmdReturn[3], effect=cmdReturn[4], brightness=cmdReturn[5]) elif cmdReturn[3] == "ON": # turn the light on setPowerBytestring("ON") elif cmdReturn[3] == "OFF": # turn the light off setPowerBytestring("OFF") if availableLights != []: for a in range(len(availableLights)): availableLights[a][3] = sendValue # use the specified parameters in every light's "last used parameters" value printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(f" > CLI >> Configuration to send to light: {updateStatus()}") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(" > CLI >> Attempting to connect to lights...") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("connect", [-1], False)) # connect to each available light in parallel printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(" > CLI >> Attempting to write to lights, sending commands in 3 passes...") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") multipleSendString = "send" for a in range(len(availableLights)): multipleSendString += "|" + str(a) # add all lights to the list of lights to send commands to for iteration in range(3): printDebugString(f'Sending command to light (Pass {iteration + 1} of 3)...') processMultipleSends(asyncioEventLoop, multipleSendString, False) printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(" > CLI >> Attempting to disconnect from lights...") printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") asyncioEventLoop.run_until_complete(parallelAction("disconnect", [-1], False)) # disconnect from each available light in parallel singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(0) # delete the lock file and quit out else: printDebugString("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") printDebugString(f" > CLI >> Calculated bytestring: {updateStatus()}") singleInstanceUnlockandQuit(0) # delete the lock file and quit out