set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $form=$TadDataCenter->getForm($mode, $form_tag, $name, $type, $value, $options, $attr, $sort); ///批次表單 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $TadDataCenter->assignBatchForm($form_tag, $data_arr = array(), $type = '', $attr=[]) ///儲存資料: use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $TadDataCenter->saveData(); 或 $data_arr=[ $data_name => [0 => $data_value], $data_name => [0 => $data_value], ]; $TadDataCenter->saveCustomData($data_arr = array()); ///取得資料陣列: use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $data=$TadDataCenter->getData($name,$sort=0); $xoopsTpl->assign('TDC', $data); <{$TDC.data_name.0}> ///刪除資料: use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $TadDataCenter->delData($name,$sort); ///------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///後台自訂問卷界面 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $xoopsTpl->assign('CustomSetupForm', $TadDataCenter->getCustomSetupForm($action)); <{$CustomSetupForm|default:''}> ///顯示問卷 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $xoopsTpl->assign('CustomForm', $TadDataCenter->getCustomForm($use_form = true, $use_submit = false, $action = '', $lw = 3, $rw = 9)); <{$CustomForm|default:''}> ///後台自訂問卷設定儲存 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $TadDataCenter->saveCustomSetupForm(); ///前台自訂問卷答案儲存 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $TadDataCenter->saveData(); ///自訂表單填答列表(表格) use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $getCustomAns=$TadDataCenter->getCustomAns(); ///自訂表單題目 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $CustomSetup = $TadDataCenter->getCustomSetup(); ///自訂表單填答陣列 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $TadDataCenter->set_col($col_name,$col_sn); $getCustomAnsArr=$TadDataCenter->getCustomAnsArr(); ///文字轉表單 use XoopsModules\Tadtools\TadDataCenter; $TadDataCenter=new TadDataCenter($module_dirname); $Form = $TadDataCenter->strToForm($str); 資料表: CREATE TABLE `模組名稱_data_center` ( `mid` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '模組編號', `col_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '欄位名稱', `col_sn` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '欄位編號', `data_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '資料名稱', `data_value` text NOT NULL COMMENT '儲存值', `data_sort` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '排序', `col_id` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '辨識字串', `sort` mediumint(9) unsigned COMMENT '顯示順序', `update_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '更新時間', PRIMARY KEY (`mid`,`col_name`,`col_sn`,`data_name`,`data_sort`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; */ class TadDataCenter { public $col_name; public $col_sn; public $ans_col_name; public $ans_col_sn; public $module_dirname; public $mid; public $TadDataCenterTblName; public $col_id; public $attr_merge = true; public $col_kind = [ 'radio' => ['form_tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'radio'], 'checkbox' => ['form_tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'checkbox'], 'select' => ['form_tag' => 'select', 'type' => 'select'], 'textarea' => ['form_tag' => 'textarea', 'type' => 'textarea'], 'hidden' => ['form_tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'hidden'], 'const' => ['form_tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'hidden'], 'text' => ['form_tag' => 'input', 'type' => 'text'], ]; public function __construct($module_dirname = '') { global $xoopsDB; if (!empty($module_dirname)) { $this->set_module_dirname($module_dirname); } $this->TadDataCenterTblName = $xoopsDB->prefix("{$this->module_dirname}_data_center"); } //設定模組名稱 public function set_module_dirname($module_dirname = '') { $this->module_dirname = $module_dirname; $this->set_mid(); } //設定模組編號 public function set_mid() { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsModule; if ('' != $this->module_dirname) { $sql = 'SELECT `mid` FROM `' . $xoopsDB->prefix('modules') . '` WHERE `dirname` = ?'; $result = Utility::query($sql, 's', [$this->module_dirname]) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); list($this->mid) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); } elseif ($xoopsModule) { $this->mid = $xoopsModule->mid(); } return $this->mid; } public function set_col($col_name = '', $col_sn = '') { $this->col_name = $col_name; $this->col_sn = $col_sn; } public function set_var($name = '', $val = '') { $this->$name = $val; } public function set_ans_col($ans_col_name = '', $ans_col_sn = '') { $this->ans_col_name = $ans_col_name; $this->ans_col_sn = $ans_col_sn; } //取得表單 public function getForm($mode, $form_tag, $name, $type = '', $def_value = '', $options = [], $attr = [], $sort = null, $ans_col_name = '', $ans_col_sn = '') { global $xoopsTpl, $xoopsUser; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if ('checkbox' === $type) { $dbv = $this->getData($name, null, $ans_col_name, $ans_col_sn); $value = isset($dbv[$name]) ? $dbv[$name] : $def_value; } elseif ($sort > 0) { $dbv = $this->getData($name, $sort, $ans_col_name, $ans_col_sn); if (is_array($dbv)) { $value = isset($dbv[$name]) ? $dbv[$name] : $def_value; } else { $value = isset($dbv) ? $dbv : $def_value; } } else { $dbv = $this->getData($name, null, $ans_col_name, $ans_col_sn); $value = isset($dbv[$name]) ? $dbv[$name][0] : $def_value; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($v); } } else { $value = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($value); } if (in_array($type, ['radio', 'checkbox', 'checkbox-radio'])) { $defalut_attr = ['class' => 'form-check-input']; } elseif (in_array($form_tag, ['user_name', 'user_email'])) { $defalut_attr = ['class' => "my-text"]; } elseif (in_array($form_tag, ['SchoolCode'])) { $defalut_attr = ['class' => "my-input"]; } elseif (in_array($type, ['file'])) { if (empty($dbv[$name][0]) || $dbv[$name][0] == 'files=') { $require = $attr['require']; } $attr = []; $defalut_attr = ['class' => 'form-check-input']; } else { $defalut_attr = ['class' => ['my-input', 'my-100'], 'id' => $name . $sort]; } if ($this->attr_merge) { $attr = array_merge_recursive($attr, $defalut_attr); } $attr_str = ''; foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $attr_str .= is_array($v) ? " {$k}=\"" . implode(' ', $v) . "\"" : " {$k}=\"{$v}\""; } $arr = !is_null($sort) ? "[$sort]" : ''; switch ($form_tag) { case 'input': if ('radio' === $type) { $form = ''; $tmp_id = $this->rand_str(); $idi = 0; foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $checked = $v == $value ? 'checked' : ''; $form .= "
\n"; $idi++; } } elseif ('checkbox' === $type) { $form = ''; $tmp_id = $this->rand_str(); $idi = 0; foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $checked = in_array($v, $value) ? 'checked' : ''; $form .= "
\n"; $idi++; } } elseif ('checkbox-radio' === $type) { $form = ''; $tmp_id = $this->rand_str(); $idi = 0; foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $checked = in_array($v, $value) ? 'checked' : ''; $form .= "
\n"; $idi++; } } elseif ('date' === $type) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/tadtools/cal.php'; $cal = new My97DatePicker(); $cal::render(); $form = ""; } elseif ('file' === $type) { $file_name = $name; $TadUpFiles = new TadUpFiles($this->module_dirname, '/' . $file_name); if ($require) { $TadUpFiles->set_var('require', true); } //必填 $TadUpFiles->set_var("show_tip", false); //不顯示提示 $TadUpFiles->set_col($this->ans_col_name, $this->ans_col_sn); $form = $TadUpFiles->upform('list', $file_name, $maxlength, true, implode(',', $options), true, '', true); $form .= " "; } elseif ('datetime' === $type) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/tadtools/cal.php'; $cal = new My97DatePicker(); $cal::render(); $form = ""; } elseif ('' == $type) { $form = ""; } else { $form = ""; } break; case 'select': $options_str = ''; foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $selected = $k == $value ? 'selected' : ''; $options_str .= "\n"; } $form = ""; break; case 'textarea': $form = ""; break; case 'ckeditor': $ck = new CkEditor($this->module_dirname, "TDC[{$name}]{$arr}", $value); $ck->setHeight(120); $ck->setToolbarSet('tadSimple'); $form = $ck->render(); break; case 'note': $options_str = implode('', $options); $form = "
"; break; case 'user_name': $user_name = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->name() : ''; $value = empty($value) ? $user_name : $value; $form = ""; break; case 'user_email': $email = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->email() : ''; $value = empty($value) ? $email : $value; $form = ""; break; case 'SchoolCode': $SchoolCode = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->user_intrest() : ''; $value = empty($value) ? $SchoolCode : $value; if (!empty($value)) { // $handle = fopen("$value&mode=andCounty", "rb"); // $school_name = stream_get_contents($handle); // $school_name = file_get_contents("$value&mode=andCounty"); $school_name = Utility::vita_get_url_content("$value&mode=andCounty"); // die($school_name); } if (empty($SchoolCode)) { $form = " "; } else { $form = " "; } break; } if ($xoopsTpl and 'assign' === $mode) { $xoopsTpl->assign($name, $form); } else { return $form; } } //套用文字框到Smarty public function assignBatchForm($form_tag, $data_arr = [], $type = '', $attr = []) { foreach ($data_arr as $col_name) { $this->getForm('assign', $form_tag, $col_name, $type, '', '', $attr); } } //儲存資料 $data[]=['name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value, 'sort'=>$sort] 需修改 public function saveData() { global $xoopsDB; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $TDC = $_POST['TDC']; $dc_op = Request::getString('dc_op'); $sort = 0; foreach ($TDC as $name => $value) { $name = $myts->addSlashes($name); $values = []; if (!is_array($value)) { $values[0] = $value; } else { $values = $value; } $this->delData($name, '', $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, __FILE__, __LINE__); foreach ($values as $data_sort => $val) { if ('saveCustomSetupForm' === $dc_op and empty($val)) { continue; } $val = $myts->addSlashes($val); $col_id = $this->col_id ? $this->col_id : "{$this->mid}-{$this->col_name}-{$this->col_sn}-{$name}-{$data_sort}"; $sql = 'REPLACE INTO `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` (`mid`, `col_name`, `col_sn`, `data_name`, `data_value`, `data_sort`, `col_id`, `sort`, `update_time`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())'; Utility::query($sql, 'isisssisi', [$this->mid, $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, $name, $val, $data_sort, $col_id, $sort]) or die($xoopsDB->error()); } $sort++; } if ($_POST['uploads']) { foreach ($_POST['uploads'] as $name => $file_name) { $TadUpFiles = new TadUpFiles($this->module_dirname, '/' . $file_name); $TadUpFiles->set_col($this->col_name, $this->col_sn); if (!empty($_FILES[$file_name]['name'][0])) { $TadUpFiles->upload_file($file_name, 1920, 640, '', '', true, false, 'files_sn'); } $files = $TadUpFiles->get_file(); $files_sn_arr = array_keys($files); $data_sort = 0; $col_id = $this->col_id ? $this->col_id : "{$this->mid}-{$this->col_name}-{$this->col_sn}-{$name}-{$data_sort}"; $sql = 'REPLACE INTO `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` (`mid`, `col_name`, `col_sn`, `data_name`, `data_value`, `data_sort`, `col_id`, `sort`, `update_time`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())'; Utility::query($sql, 'isissisis', [$this->mid, $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, $name, "files=" . implode(',', $files_sn_arr), $data_sort, $col_id, $sort]) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__, true); $sort++; } } } //儲存資料 $data_arr=[$name=>array($sort=>$value)] public function saveCustomData($data_arr = [], $mode = '') { global $xoopsDB; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $sort = $old_data_sort = 0; foreach ($data_arr as $name => $value) { $name = $myts->addSlashes($name); // 若為接續模式,取出目前最大 data_sort if ($mode == 'append') { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`data_sort`) FROM `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` WHERE `mid` = ? AND `col_name` = ? AND `col_sn` = ? AND `data_name` = ?'; $result = Utility::query($sql, 'isis', [$this->mid, $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, $name]) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); list($old_data_sort) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); $old_data_sort++; } $values = []; if (!is_array($value)) { $values[0] = $value; } else { $values = $value; } foreach ($values as $data_sort => $val) { if ($mode == 'append') { $data_sort += $old_data_sort; } $v = json_decode($val, true); $val = $myts->addSlashes($val); $this->delData($name, $data_sort, $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, __FILE__, __LINE__); $col_id = isset($v['col_id']) ? $v['col_id'] : ''; if (!empty($this->col_id)) { $col_id = $this->col_id; } $sql = 'REPLACE INTO `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` (`mid`, `col_name`, `col_sn`, `data_name`, `data_value`, `data_sort`, `col_id`, `sort`, `update_time`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())'; Utility::query($sql, 'isissisi', [$this->mid, $this->col_name, $this->col_sn, $name, $val, $data_sort, $col_id, $sort]) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $sort++; } } //取得資料 public function getData($name = '', $data_sort = null, $ans_col_name = '', $ans_col_sn = '', $data_value = '') { global $xoopsDB; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $and_name = ('' != $name) ? "and `data_name`='{$name}'" : ''; $and_sort = ('' != $data_sort) ? "and `data_sort`='{$data_sort}'" : ''; $and_value = ('' != $data_value) ? "and `data_value`='{$data_value}'" : ''; $def_col_name = !empty($ans_col_name) ? $ans_col_name : $this->col_name; $def_col_sn = !empty($ans_col_name) ? $ans_col_sn : $this->col_sn; $and_col_name = ('' != $def_col_name) ? "and `col_name`='{$def_col_name}'" : ''; $and_col_sn = ('' != $def_col_sn) ? "and `col_sn`='{$def_col_sn}'" : ''; $sql = "desc `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` `sort`"; $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql); $orderby = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) ? "order by `sort` , `data_sort`" : "order by `data_sort`"; $sql = "select `col_sn`,`data_name`,`data_sort`, `data_value` from `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` where `mid`= '{$this->mid}' {$and_col_name} {$and_col_sn} {$and_name} {$and_value} {$and_sort} {$orderby}"; $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql); if (isset($data_sort)) { list($col_sn, $data_name, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); return $data_value; } $values = []; while (list($col_sn, $data_name, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { if (empty($def_col_sn) and ('' != $name)) { $values[$col_sn][$data_sort] = $data_value; } elseif (strpos($data_value, 'files=') !== false) { $files_sn = str_replace('files=', '', $data_value); $TadUpFiles = new TadUpFiles($this->module_dirname, '/' . $data_name); $TadUpFiles->set_col($this->col_name, $this->col_sn); $values[$data_name][$data_sort] = $TadUpFiles->get_file($files_sn); } else { $values[$data_name][$data_sort] = $data_value; } } return $values; } //取得問卷題目資料 public function getDcqData($sort = '') { global $xoopsDB; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $and_sort = ('' != $sort) ? "and `data_sort`='{$sort}'" : ''; $sql = "desc `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` `sort`"; $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql); $orderby = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) ? "order by `sort` , `data_sort`" : "order by `data_sort`"; $sql = "select * from `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` where `mid`= '{$this->mid}' and `col_name`='{$this->col_name}' and `col_sn`='{$this->col_sn}' and `data_name`='dcq' {$and_sort} {$orderby}"; $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($sort) { $all = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); return $all; } $values = []; while ($all = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $data_sort = $all['data_sort']; $all['name'] = "{$all['col_name']}_{$all['col_sn']}_dcq_{$all['col_id']}"; $all['data_json'] = json_decode($all['data_value'], true); $values[$data_sort] = $all; } return $values; } //取得問卷題目簡易資料 public function getDcqSimpleData($key = 'name', $val = 'title') { $col_arr = []; $dcq = $this->getDcqData(); foreach ($dcq as $col) { $json = json_decode($col['data_value'], true); $col_arr[$col[$key]] = $json[$val]; } return $col_arr; } //刪除資料 public function delData($name = '', $data_sort = '', $col_name = null, $col_sn = null, $file = '', $line = '', $trash_can_table = '') { global $xoopsDB; $and_name = ('' != $name) ? "and `data_name`='{$name}'" : ''; $and_sort = ('' != $data_sort) ? "and `data_sort`='{$data_sort}'" : ''; $col_name = !is_null($col_name) ? $col_name : $this->col_name; $col_sn = !is_null($col_sn) ? $col_sn : $this->col_sn; if (!empty($trash_can_table)) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $xoopsDB->prefix($trash_can_table) . " SELECT * FROM `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` WHERE `mid`= '{$this->mid}' and `col_name`='{$col_name}' and `col_sn`='{$col_sn}' {$and_name} {$and_sort}"; $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, $file, $line); } $sql = "delete from `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` where `mid`= '{$this->mid}' and `col_name`='{$col_name}' and `col_sn`='{$col_sn}' {$and_name} {$and_sort}"; $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, $file, $line); } public function mk_form_group($left_width, $right_width, $label, $form, $input_group = false, $help = '', $require = '') { $help_text = $help ? '
' . $help . '
' : ''; $ig_tag_start = $input_group ? '
' : ''; $ig_tag_body = $input_group ? '' . $input_group . '' : ''; $ig_tag_end = $input_group ? '
' : ''; $require_mark = 1 == $require ? '*' : ''; $padding_top = ''; if (strpos($form, 'form-check-inline') !== false) { $padding_top = ' style="padding-top: 8px;"'; } $main = '
' . $ig_tag_start . ' ' . $form . ' ' . $ig_tag_body . ' ' . $ig_tag_end . ' ' . $help_text . '
'; return $main; } //$form_arr[]=array('0'=>4,'1'=>'xxx','2'=''); public function mk_form_group_arr($form_arr, $id_content = '', $theme = '') { $main = $theme == 'vtable' ? "' : ''; return $main; } //從界面取得自訂表單 public function getCustomSetupForm($action = "", $use_form = true, $id = "dcq_sort", $theme = 'vtable') { global $xoTheme; $action = empty($action) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $action; $DcqData = $this->getDcqData(); $sort = 0; // Utility::dd(count($DcqData)); $item_count = count($DcqData); if ($item_count > 0) { $form_count = "var {$id}_count={$item_count};"; } else { $form_count = "var {$id}_count=0; {$id}_count = clone_{$id}({$id}_count);"; } $document_ready = ' $(document).ready(function(){ $("#' . $id . '").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, cursor: "move", update: function() { var order = $(".' . $id . '_arr").serialize(); // console.log(order); $.post("' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/tadtools/ajax_file.php?dcq_op=save_dcq_sort&col_sn=' . $this->col_sn . '&col_name=' . $this->col_name . '&dirname=' . $this->module_dirname . '", order, function(theResponse){ $("#save_msg").html(theResponse); location.reload(); }); } }); ' . $form_count . ' $("#add_' . $id . '").click(function(){ ' . $id . '_count = clone_' . $id . '(' . $id . '_count); }); $(".remove_' . $id . '").click(function(){ console.log($(this).prop("id")); $(this).closest("#form_data_' . $id . '" + $(this).prop("id")).remove(); }); }); function clone_' . $id . '(' . $id . '_count){ //複製一份表單 $("#' . $id . '").append($("#form_data_' . $id . '").clone().prop("id","form_data_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count)); $("#form_data_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count + " input").each(function(){ $(this).prop("name", $(this).prop("id") + "[" + ' . $id . '_count+"][" + $(this).data("col-name")+"]"); $(this).prop("id",$(this).prop("id").replace("][","_").replace("[","_").replace("]","_") + ' . $id . '_count); }); $("#form_data_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count + " select").each(function(){ $(this).prop("name",$(this).prop("id") + "[" + ' . $id . '_count+"][" + $(this).data("col-name")+"]"); $(this).prop("id",$(this).prop("id").replace("][","_").replace("[","_").replace("]","_") + ' . $id . '_count); }); $("#form_data_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count + " a.remove_' . $id . '").each(function(){ $(this).prop("id", ' . $id . '_count); }); var new_num=' . $id . '_count+1; $("#form_data_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count + " span.num").each(function(){ $(this).prop("id", "' . $id . '-num-"+' . $id . '_count).text("#" + new_num); }); $(".remove_' . $id . '").click(function(){ console.log($(this).prop("id")); $(this).closest("#form_data_' . $id . '" + $(this).prop("id")).remove(); }); // $("#remove_' . $id . '" + ' . $id . '_count).click(function(){ // $(this).closest("#form_data_' . $id . '" + $(this).prop("name")).remove(); // }); ' . $id . '_count++; return ' . $id . '_count; } '; if ($theme == 'vtable') { if ($xoTheme) { $main = ''; $xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/tadtools/css/my-input.css'); $xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/tadtools/css/vtable.css'); $xoTheme->addScript('', null, $document_ready); } else { $main = ' '; } } else { if ($xoTheme) { $main = ''; $xoTheme->addScript('', null, $document_ready); } else { $main = ' '; } } $main .= $use_form ? '
' : ''; $id_col = $use_form ? '' : 'id="' . $id . '"'; if ($theme == 'vtable') { $main .= '
'; } else { $main .= '
'; } foreach ($DcqData as $sort => $data) { $main .= $this->getCustomSetupCol($sort, $data['data_value'], $data['col_id'], $id, $theme); $sort++; } // 樣板 $main .= $theme == 'vtable' ? "\n\n" : "\n\n\n"; $main .= $this->getCustomSetupCol($sort, 'template', '', $id, $theme); $sort++; $main .= $theme == 'vtable' ? "\n\n" : "\n\n"; $main .= "\n
題號 欄位名稱 提示或說明 欄位類型 選項(用 ; 隔開) 必填 隨機唯一碼
\n"; $main .= ''; $main .= ''; $main .= $use_form ? '
' : ''; $main .= $use_form ? '' : ''; $main .= ''; $SweetAlert = new SweetAlert(); $SweetAlert->render('del_' . $this->col_name . '_dcq_col', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/tadtools/ajax_file.php?dcq_op=del_dcq_col&col_name={$this->col_name}&col_sn={$this->col_sn}&dirname={$this->module_dirname}&col_id=", 'col_id'); return $main; } //取得設定界面的單一欄位 private function getCustomSetupCol($sort, $json = '', $col_id = '', $id = '', $theme = '') { $val = $json != 'template' ? json_decode($json, true) : []; $id_content = $json != 'template' ? '' : 'id="form_data_' . $id . '"'; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $col_type_arr['input=text'] = _TDC_INPUT; $col_type_arr['input=radio'] = _TDC_RADIO; $col_type_arr['input=checkbox'] = _TDC_CHECKBOX; $col_type_arr['input=date'] = _TDC_DATE; $col_type_arr['input=file'] = _TDC_FILE; $col_type_arr['select'] = _TDC_SELECT; $col_type_arr['textarea'] = _TDC_TEXTAREA; $col_type_arr['ckeditor'] = _TDC_CKEDITOR; $col_type_arr['note'] = _TDC_NOTE; $col_type_arr['user_name'] = _TDC_USER_NAME; $col_type_arr['user_email'] = _TDC_USER_EMAIL; $col_type_arr['SchoolCode'] = _TDC_SCHOOL_CODE; $option = ''; foreach ($col_type_arr as $type => $text) { $selected = $val['type'] == $type ? 'selected' : ''; $option .= ''; } if ($json != 'template') { $del = ($col_id) ? "col_name}_dcq_col('{$col_id}')\" style='color:red;'> " : ''; } else { $del = ' '; } $i = $sort + 1; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '1' : 'px-2 nw'; $form_arr[] = [$class, '', $del . "#{$i}"]; $col_name_sn = 'dcq[' . $this->col_name . '][' . $this->col_sn . ']'; $name_id = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][title]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="title"'; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '2' : 'c'; $form_arr[] = [$class, '#' . $i, '']; $name_id = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][placeholder]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="placeholder"'; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '1' : 'c'; $form_arr[] = [$class, _TDC_DESCRIPTION, '']; $name_id = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][type]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="type"'; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '1' : 'c'; $form_arr[] = [$class, _TDC_TYPE, '']; $name_id = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][opt]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="opt"'; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '2' : 'c'; $form_arr[] = [$class, _TDC_OPTIONS, '']; $name_id = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][require]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="require"'; $checked = 1 == $val['require'] ? 'checked' : ''; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '1' : 'px-2 nw'; $form_arr[] = [$class, _TDC_REQUIRE . $i, '']; $name_id1 = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][old_col_id]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="old_col_id"'; $name_id2 = $json != 'template' ? 'name="' . $col_name_sn . '[' . $sort . '][col_id]"' : 'id="' . $col_name_sn . '" data-col-name="col_id"'; $class = $theme == 'vtable' ? '1' : 'c'; $form_arr[] = [$class, _TDC_COL_ID, '']; $main = $this->mk_form_group_arr($form_arr, $id_content, $theme); return $main; } //儲存自訂表單設定 public function saveCustomSetupForm($redirict = true, $new_col_sn = '') { $dc_op = Request::getString('dc_op'); if ('saveCustomSetupForm' === $dc_op) { $this->saveDcqData($new_col_sn); if ($redirict) { header("location: {$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']}"); exit; } } } //儲存自訂問卷資料資料 private function saveDcqData($new_col_sn = '') { global $xoopsDB; $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $dcq = Request::getArray('dcq'); $dc_op = Request::getString('dc_op'); foreach ($dcq as $col_name => $dcq_items) { foreach ($dcq_items as $col_sn => $dcq_item) { if (!empty($new_col_sn)) { $col_sn = $new_col_sn; } foreach ($dcq_item as $data_sort => $item) { if ('saveCustomSetupForm' === $dc_op and empty($item['title'])) { continue; } $json_val = json_encode($item, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $json_val = $myts->addSlashes($json_val); $this->delData('dcq', $data_sort, $col_name, $col_sn, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!empty($item['col_id'])) { $col_id = $item['col_id']; } else { if ($item['type'] == "SchoolCode") { $col_id = 'schoolcode'; } elseif ($item['type'] == "user_name") { $col_id = 'username'; } elseif ($item['type'] == "user_email") { $col_id = 'useremail'; } else { $col_id = $this->rand_str(); } } $sql = "replace into `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` (`mid` , `col_name` , `col_sn` , `data_name` , `data_value` , `data_sort`, `col_id` , `sort`, `update_time`) values('{$this->mid}' , '{$col_name}' , '{$col_sn}' , 'dcq' , '{$json_val}' , '{$data_sort}' , '{$col_id}' , '{$sort}' , now())"; $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($item['col_id'] != $item['old_col_id']) { $this->update_col_id($item['old_col_id'], $item['col_id']); } } } } } //更新辨識碼 private function update_col_id($old_col_id, $new_col_id) { global $xoopsDB; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` SET `data_name`=? WHERE `data_name`=?'; $params = [$this->col_name . '_' . $this->col_sn . '_dcq_' . $new_col_id, $this->col_name . '_' . $this->col_sn . '_dcq_' . $old_col_id]; Utility::query($sql, 'ss', $params) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } //取得自訂表單題目設定 public function getCustomSetup() { $DcqData = $this->getDcqData(); $dcq_arr = []; foreach ($DcqData as $sort => $data) { $dcq = json_decode($data['data_value'], true); list($dcq['form_tag'], $dcq['type']) = explode('=', $dcq['type']); $dcq['name'] = "{$this->col_name}_{$this->col_sn}_dcq_{$data['col_id']}"; $options = explode(';', $dcq['opt']); $option_arr = []; foreach ($options as $opt) { if (false !== mb_strpos($opt, '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $opt); } else { $key = $val = $opt; } $option_arr[$key] = $val; } $dcq['option_arr'] = $option_arr; $dcq_arr[$sort] = $dcq; } return $dcq_arr; } //取得自訂表單 public function getCustomForm($use_form = true, $use_submit = false, $action = '', $lw = 3, $rw = 9, $muti_sort = null) { global $xoTheme; $action = empty($action) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $action; $DcqData = $this->getDcqData(); $form_col = ''; foreach ($DcqData as $data) { // 該欄位的細項設定 $dcq = json_decode($data['data_value'], true); list($form_tag, $type) = explode('=', $dcq['type']); $name = "{$this->col_name}_{$this->col_sn}_dcq_{$data['col_id']}"; $options = explode(';', $dcq['opt']); $option_arr = []; foreach ($options as $opt) { if (false !== mb_strpos($opt, '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $opt); } else { $key = $val = $opt; } $option_arr[$key] = $val; } $require = 1 == $dcq['require'] ? ' validate[required]' : ''; if (in_array($type, ['radio', 'checkbox', 'checkbox-radio'])) { $attr_arr = ['class' => $require]; } elseif (in_array($form_tag, ['user_name', 'user_email', 'SchoolCode'])) { $attr_arr = ['class' => $require]; } elseif (in_array($type, ['file'])) { $attr_arr = ['require' => $dcq['require']]; } else { $attr_arr = ['class' => "my-input my-100 $require"]; } $muti_sort = $muti_sort ? $muti_sort : null; $col = $this->getForm('return', $form_tag, $name, $type, null, $option_arr, $attr_arr, $muti_sort, $this->ans_col_name, $this->ans_col_sn); $form_col .= $this->mk_form_group($lw, $rw, $dcq['title'], $col, false, $dcq['placeholder'], $dcq['require']); } if ($form_col) { if ($xoTheme) { $form = ''; $xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/tadtools/css/my-input.css'); } else { $form = ''; } if ($use_form) { $FormValidator = new FormValidator('#myForm', false); $FormValidator->render('topLeft'); $form .= '
'; } $form .= $form_col; $form .= ' '; $form .= $use_submit ? $this->mk_form_group($lw, $rw, '', '') : ''; $form .= ''; $form .= $use_form ? '
' : ''; return $form; } } //已填答案列表: $del_col_name= 'uid'(顯示刪除,並以 uid 為參數) ,$display_mode=vertical public function getCustomAns($call_back_func = '', $del_col_name = false, $display_mode = '') { global $xoTheme; $DcqData = $this->getDcqData(); if ($xoTheme) { $xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/tadtools/css/vtable.css'); $main = ''; } else { $main = ''; } $col_type = []; if ('vertical' === $display_mode) { $main .= "
"; foreach ($DcqData as $sort => $data) { $dcq = json_decode($data['data_value'], true); list($form_tag, $type) = explode('=', $dcq['type']); if ('note' === $form_tag) { continue; } $dcq_title = $dcq['title']; $data_name = "{$this->col_name}_{$this->col_sn}_dcq_{$data['col_id']}"; $ans = $this->getDcqDataArr($data_name); $col_type[$data_name] = $dcq['type']; $answer = []; foreach ($ans as $a) { $answer[] = nl2br(implode('、', $a[$data_name])); } $dcq_answer = implode(';', $answer); $main .= "
  • $dcq_title
  • $dcq_answer
"; } if ($del_col_name) { $main .= "
  • " . _TAD_FUNCTION . "
"; } $main .= '
'; } else { $main .= " '; } if ($del_col_name) { $data_name = implode('|', $data_name_arr); $SweetAlert = new SweetAlert(); $SweetAlert->render('del_dcq_ans', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/tadtools/ajax_file.php?dcq_op=del_dcq_ans&data_name={$data_name}&dirname={$this->module_dirname}&col_name={$del_col_name}&col_sn=", 'col_ans_sn'); } return $main; } //已填答案陣列 public function getCustomAnsArr() { $DcqData = $this->getDcqData(); foreach ($DcqData as $sort => $data) { $dcq = json_decode($data['data_value'], true); list($form_tag, $type) = explode('=', $dcq['type']); if ('note' === $form_tag) { continue; } $name[] = "{$this->col_name}_{$this->col_sn}_dcq_{$data['col_id']}"; } $ans = $this->getDcqDataArr($name); return $ans; } //取得填答資料陣列 public function getDcqDataArr($data_name = '') { global $xoopsDB; $and_col_name = $this->ans_col_name ? "AND `col_name`=?" : ''; $and_col_sn = $this->ans_col_sn ? "AND `col_sn`=?" : ''; $values = []; $params = []; if (is_array($data_name)) { foreach ($data_name as $name) { $params[] = $this->mid; $params[] = $name; if ($this->ans_col_name) { $params[] = $this->ans_col_name; } if ($this->ans_col_sn) { $params[] = $this->ans_col_sn; } $sql = 'SELECT `col_sn`, `data_sort`, `data_value` FROM `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` WHERE `mid`= ? AND `data_name`=? ' . $and_col_name . ' ' . $and_col_sn . ' ORDER BY `col_sn`'; $result = Utility::query($sql, str_repeat('s', count($params)), $params) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while (list($col_sn, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { $values[$col_sn][$name][$data_sort] = $data_value; } $params = []; // Reset params for the next iteration } } else { $params[] = $this->mid; $params[] = $data_name; if ($this->ans_col_name) { $params[] = $this->ans_col_name; } if ($this->ans_col_sn) { $params[] = $this->ans_col_sn; } $sql = 'SELECT `col_sn`, `data_sort`, `data_value` FROM `' . $this->TadDataCenterTblName . '` WHERE `mid`= ? AND `data_name`=? ' . $and_col_name . ' ' . $and_col_sn . ' ORDER BY `col_sn`'; $result = Utility::query($sql, str_repeat('s', count($params)), $params) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while (list($col_sn, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { $values[$col_sn][$data_name][$data_sort] = $data_value; } } return $values; } // public function getDcqDataArr($data_name = '') // { // global $xoopsDB; // $and_col_name = $this->ans_col_name ? "and `col_name`='{$this->ans_col_name}'" : ''; // $and_col_sn = $this->ans_col_sn ? "and `col_sn`='{$this->ans_col_sn}'" : ''; // $values = []; // if (is_array($data_name)) { // foreach ($data_name as $name) { // $sql = "select col_sn, data_sort ,data_value from `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` // where `mid`= '{$this->mid}' and `data_name`='{$name}' $and_col_name $and_col_sn order by col_sn"; // $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // while (list($col_sn, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { // $values[$col_sn][$name][$data_sort] = $data_value; // } // } // } else { // $sql = "select col_sn, data_sort ,data_value from `{$this->TadDataCenterTblName}` // where `mid`= '{$this->mid}' and `data_name`='{$data_name}' $and_col_name $and_col_sn order by col_sn"; // $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) or Utility::web_error($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // while (list($col_sn, $data_sort, $data_value) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { // $values[$col_sn][$data_name][$data_sort] = $data_value; // } // } // return $values; // } // 文字轉表單 public function strToForm($setup = '') { global $xoTheme; if ($xoTheme) { $main = ''; $xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/tadtools/css/my-input.css'); } else { $main = ''; } $cols = $this->getAllCols($setup); $sort = 0; foreach ($cols as $col) { $sort++; $form = $this->getForm('return', $col['form_tag'], $col['label'], $col['type'], $col['value'], $col['options'], $col['attrs']) . $col['other']; $main .= $this->mk_form_group(2, 10, $col['label'], $form, false, $col['help'], $col['require']); } return $main; } // 取得所有的欄位設定 public function getAllCols($setup) { $setups = \explode("\n", $setup); $cols = []; foreach ($setups as $setup) { $cols[] = $this->getColSetup($setup); } return $cols; } // 取得所有欄位的某個項目值 public function getAllColItems($setup, $item = 'label') { $setups = \explode("\n", $setup); $items = []; foreach ($setups as $setup) { $col = $this->getColSetup($setup); $label = $col['label']; // $items[$label] = $col[$item]; $items[] = $col[$item]; } return $items; } // 取得欄位設定 public function getColSetup($setup) { $setup = \trim($setup); $cols = \explode(",", $setup); if (!isset($cols[1])) { $cols[1] = ''; } $options = $attrs = []; $type = $help = $other = ''; $require = ''; unset($value); foreach ($cols as $i => $col) { if (\strpos($col, '#') !== false) { $help = \str_replace('#', '', $col); } elseif ($i == 0) { $label = $col; if (\strpos($label, '*') !== false) { $require = 1; $attrs['class'][] = 'validate[required]'; $label = \str_replace('*', '', $label); } } elseif ($i == 1) { if (strpos($cols[1], '=') === false) { $col_kind = $cols[1]; if (!empty($col_kind) && isset($this->col_kind[$col_kind])) { $form_tag = $this->col_kind[$col_kind]['form_tag']; $type = $this->col_kind[$col_kind]['type']; } else { $form_tag = 'input'; $type = 'text'; } } else { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $cols[1]); $attrs[$k] = $v; $form_tag = 'input'; $col_kind = $type = 'text'; } } else { if (\strpos($col, '+') !== false) { $col = \str_replace('+', '', $col); if ($type == 'checkbox') { $value[] = $col; } else { $value = $col; } } elseif ($cols[1] == 'const') { $other = $value = $col; } elseif ($cols[1] == 'hidden') { $value = $col; } if (\in_array($type, ['select', 'radio', 'checkbox'])) { $options[$col] = $col; } elseif (strpos($col, '=') !== false) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $col); $attrs[$k] = $v; } } } $col_setup['form_tag'] = $form_tag; $col_setup['label'] = $label; $col_setup['type'] = $type; $col_setup['value'] = $value; $col_setup['options'] = $options; $col_setup['attrs'] = $attrs; $col_setup['other'] = $other; $col_setup['help'] = $help; $col_setup['require'] = $require; $col_setup['kind'] = $col_kind; return $col_setup; } private function rand_str($len = 6, $format = 'ALL') { switch ($format) { case 'ALL': $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; break; case 'CHAR': $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; break; case 'NUMBER': $chars = '0123456789'; break; default: $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; break; } list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $seed = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); // die('seed=' . $seed); mt_srand($seed); $password = ''; while (mb_strlen($password) < $len) { $password .= mb_substr($chars, (mt_rand() % mb_strlen($chars)), 1); } return $password; } }