# sublime-bemmet > Sublime plugin to expand [bemmet](https://github.com/tadatuta/bemmet) abbreviation into [BEMJSON](https://en.bem.info/technology/bemjson/). ## Install Install `bemmet` with [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net) and restart Sublime. **You need to have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org) installed.** Make sure it's in your `$PATH` by running `node -v` in your command-line. On OS X you need to make sure it's in `/usr/local/bin` or symlink it there. ## Getting started In a BEMJSON file, open the Command Palette *(Cmd+Shift+P)* and choose `Expand bemmet abbreviation`. You can alternatively create one or more selections before running the command to only expand those parts. ### Keyboard shortcut You can set up a keyboard shortcut to run the command by opening up "Preferences > Key Bindings - User" and adding your shortcut with the `bemmet` command. Example: ```json [ { "keys": ["super+b"], "command": "bemmet" } ] ``` ## License MIT © [Vladimir Grinenko](https://github.com/tadatuta/)