/* Takipi StatsD integrations. More information at http://docs.takipi.com/user-interface-and-settings/statsd Instructions: Uncomment the relevant backend to ship metrics from Takipi to it. */ { // Start of configuration flushInterval: 60000, // This number should be similar to the Takipi flush interval. Contact Takipi support for help with this configuration: support@takipi.com // port: 8125, // port to listen on data. UDP. // dumpMessages: true, // log all incoming messages // debug: true, // Print to log debug statements /* // Graphite start deleteCounters: true, graphite: { prefixCounter: "", prefixGauge: "", globalPrefix: "", legacyNamespace: false, }, graphitePort: 2003, // port of Graphite server graphiteHost: "", //hostname or IP of Graphite server backends: [ "./backends/graphite" ] // identify this backend as Graphite // Graphite end */ /* // Hosted Graphite start graphitePort: 2003, graphiteHost: "carbon.hostedgraphite.com", graphite: { legacyNamespace: false, globalPrefix: "your-api-key-here" } // Hosted Graphite end */ /* // AWS CloudWatch start cloudwatch: { accessKeyId: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID', // See here: http://amzn.to/1sT9aw0 secretAccessKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', // See here: http://amzn.to/1sT9aw0 region: 'YOUR_REGION' //Example: EU_WEST_1 or US_EAST_1 }, backends: [ "aws-cloudwatch-statsd-backend" ] //identify this as AWS CloudWatch // AWS CloudWatch end */ /* // Librato start librato: { email: "myemail@example.com", // the email with which you signed up for Librato token: "", // api key obtained from the Librato account page. source: "takipi" // a logical identifier for this set of metrics within Librato, defaults to node name }, backends: ["statsd-librato-backend"] // identify this as a Librato backend // Librato end */ /* // Datadog start datadogApiKey: "", // You can get it from this page: https://app.datadoghq.com/account/settings#api backends: ["statsd-datadog-backend"] // identify this as a Datadog backend // Datadog end */ /* // Zabbix start zabbixPort: 10051, // Zabbix port zabbixHost: "localhost", // Zabbix host zabbixSender: "/usr/bin/zabbix_sender", // Zabbix sender backends: ["statsd-zabbix-backend"] // Identify this as a Zabbix backend // Zabbix end */ /* // InfluxDB start influxdb: { host: 'localhost', // InfluxDB host. (default port: 8086, // InfluxDB port. (default 8086) version: 0.9, // InfluxDB version. (default 0.8) database: 'mydb', // InfluxDB database instance. (required) flush: { enable: true // Enable regular flush strategy. (default true) }, }, backends: ["statsd-influxdb-backend"] // identify this as an InfluxDB backend // InfluxDB end */ /* // OpenTSDB start opentsdbHost: 'localhost', //the location of the DB node opentsdbPort: 4242, // the port on which the DB is listening opentsdbTagPrefix: '_t_', // tag support. See more here - http://bit.ly/1N1oJhB backends: ['statsd-opentsdb-backend'] //identify this as OpenTSDB backend // OpenTSDB end */ /* // Anodot start anodotApiToken: "", // The API key anodotApiHost: “, // The API host backends: ["statsd-anodot-backend"], // Identify this as an Anodot backend // Anodot end */ /* // Alerting (PagerDuty / Slack / Sentry) start backends: ["statsd-alerting-backend"], //identify this as an alerting backend alerts: { dispatchers: { // UNCOMMENT THE DISPATCHER YOU WANT // slackDispatcher: { //this defines a an integration into Slack // type: "slack", // config: { // host: "https://hooks.slack.com", // token: "", //your Slack API key. See more here - http://bit.ly/1hwuDdF // username: "statsd-alerts", //the user name which is posting the alert // channel: "#alerts" //the target Slack channel to which this alert will be posted // } // }, // // pagerdutyDispatcher: { //this defines a an integration into PagerDuty // type: "pagerduty", // config: { // key: "" // PagerDuty API key. See more - http://bit.ly/1UBKu8Q // } // }, // // sentryDispatcher: { //this defines a an integration into Sentry // type: "sentry", // config: { // dsn: "" // } // }, // // hipchatDispatcher: { // type: "hipchat", // config: { // key: "", // Hipchat API key from: https://.hipchat.com/account/api // room: "takipi", // Room to send alerts to // color: "red" // } // } }, events: [{ name: "*", //any metric fired matching this pattern will be sent out as an alert dispatcher: "pagerdutyDispatcher" //the service to which it will be reported }], metrics: [{ name: "*", //name of the metric type: "counters", gte: 1, //operator: gte, gt, lte, lt, eq, delta, delta_gte, delta_gt, delta_lte, delta_lt, delta_eq //delta is the difference between the current sample and the previous one dispatcher: "pagerdutyDispatcher" //the service (e.g,PagerDuty) to which this alert is sent. }] } */ // Alerting (PagerDuty / Slack / Sentry) start /* // New Relic start newRelicLicense: '', newRelicApp: 'Takipi', globalMetricPrefix: 'Takipi', backends: ['statsd-newrelic-backend'], // New Relic end */ /* // App Dynamics start appdynamics: { base_url: 'http://localhost:8081/machineagent/metrics', // the URL to the Machine Agent listener hide_statsd: false // enable to suppress out the statsd.bad_lines_seen and statsd.packets_received metrics }, backends: ["statsd-appdynamics-backend"] // App Dynamics end */ } // End of configuration