import type { InputFormats, JSZip, SqlJsStatic } from "./deps.ts"; import * as Schema from "./schema.ts"; export interface Media { filename: string; data: InputFormats; } export interface Deck { /** deck ID */ id: number; updated?: number; name: string; description?: string; } export interface Note { guid?: string; /** note ID */ id: number; deck: Deck; noteType: NoteType; updated?: number; tags?: string[]; fields: string[]; } export interface NoteType { name: string; /** note type ID */ id: number; updated?: number; /** @default "default" deck is selected */ deck?: Deck; fields: Field[] | string[]; templates: Template[]; latex?: [string, string]; css?: string; isCloze?: boolean; } export interface Field { name: string; description?: string; rtl?: boolean; font?: string; fontSize?: number; } export interface Template { name: string; question: string; answer: string; example?: [string, string]; } export const makeCollection = ( notes: Note[], sql: Pick, ): Uint8Array => { const db = new sql.Database(); const conf: Schema.Conf = { activeDecks: [1], addToCur: true, collapseTime: 1200, curDeck: 1, curModel: "1435645724216", dueCounts: true, estTimes: true, newBury: true, newSpread: 0, nextPos: 1, sortBackwards: false, sortType: "noteFld", timeLim: 0, }; const deckSchemas: Record = {}; const deckIdMap = new Map(); { const deckIdGen = makeIdGenerator(); deckIdGen(1); deckSchemas[1] = { collapsed: false, conf: 1, desc: "", dyn: 0, extendNew: 10, extendRev: 50, id: 1, lrnToday: [0, 0], mod: 0, name: "Default", newToday: [0, 0], revToday: [0, 0], timeToday: [0, 0], usn: 0, }; const decks = new Set( notes.flatMap((note) => note.noteType.deck ? [note.deck, note.noteType.deck] : [note.deck] ), ); for (const deck of decks) { const d = makeDeck(deck, deckIdGen); deckSchemas[] = d; deckIdMap.set(deck,; } } const modelSchemas: Record = {}; const noteTypeIdMap = new Map(); { const modelIdGen = makeIdGenerator(); const noteTypes = new Set( => note.noteType)); for (const noteType of noteTypes) { const deckId = noteType.deck ? deckIdMap.get(noteType.deck) : undefined; const model = makeNoteType(noteType, deckId, modelIdGen); modelSchemas[] = model; noteTypeIdMap.set(noteType,; } } const noteSchemas: Record = {}; const cardSchemas: Record = {}; { const cardIdGen = makeIdGenerator(); const noteIdGen = makeIdGenerator(); for (const note of notes) { const noteTypeId = noteTypeIdMap.get(note.noteType); if (noteTypeId === undefined) { throw Error("Note type id must be already generated"); } const deckId = deckIdMap.get(note.deck); if (deckId === undefined) { throw Error("Deck id must be already generated"); } const n = makeNote(note, noteTypeId, noteIdGen); noteSchemas[] = n; for (const card of makeCards(note, deckId,, cardIdGen)) { cardSchemas[] = card; } } } const dconf: Record = { 1: { autoplay: true, id: 1, lapse: { delays: [10], leechAction: 0, leechFails: 8, minInt: 1, mult: 0, }, maxTaken: 60, mod: 0, name: "Default", new: { bury: true, delays: [1, 10], initialFactor: 2500, ints: [1, 4, 7], order: 1, perDay: 20, separate: true, }, replayq: true, rev: { bury: true, ease4: 1.3, fuzz: 0.05, ivlFct: 1, maxIvl: 36500, minSpace: 1, perDay: 100, }, timer: 0, usn: 0, }, }; const template = ` PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE col ( id integer primary key, crt integer not null, mod integer not null, scm integer not null, ver integer not null, dty integer not null, usn integer not null, ls integer not null, conf text not null, models text not null, decks text not null, dconf text not null, tags text not null ); INSERT INTO "col" VALUES( 1, 1388548800, 1435645724219, 1435645724215, 11, 0, 0, 0, '${JSON.stringify(conf)}', '${JSON.stringify(modelSchemas)}', '${JSON.stringify(deckSchemas)}', '${JSON.stringify(dconf)}', '{}' ); CREATE TABLE notes ( id integer primary key, /* 0 */ guid text not null, /* 1 */ mid integer not null, /* 2 */ mod integer not null, /* 3 */ usn integer not null, /* 4 */ tags text not null, /* 5 */ flds text not null, /* 6 */ sfld integer not null, /* 7 */ csum integer not null, /* 8 */ flags integer not null, /* 9 */ data text not null /* 10 */ ); CREATE TABLE cards ( id integer primary key, /* 0 */ nid integer not null, /* 1 */ did integer not null, /* 2 */ ord integer not null, /* 3 */ mod integer not null, /* 4 */ usn integer not null, /* 5 */ type integer not null, /* 6 */ queue integer not null, /* 7 */ due integer not null, /* 8 */ ivl integer not null, /* 9 */ factor integer not null, /* 10 */ reps integer not null, /* 11 */ lapses integer not null, /* 12 */ left integer not null, /* 13 */ odue integer not null, /* 14 */ odid integer not null, /* 15 */ flags integer not null, /* 16 */ data text not null /* 17 */ ); CREATE TABLE revlog ( id integer primary key, cid integer not null, usn integer not null, ease integer not null, ivl integer not null, lastIvl integer not null, factor integer not null, time integer not null, type integer not null ); CREATE TABLE graves ( usn integer not null, oid integer not null, type integer not null ); ANALYZE sqlite_master; INSERT INTO "sqlite_stat1" VALUES('col',NULL,'1'); CREATE INDEX ix_notes_usn on notes (usn); CREATE INDEX ix_cards_usn on cards (usn); CREATE INDEX ix_revlog_usn on revlog (usn); CREATE INDEX ix_cards_nid on cards (nid); CREATE INDEX ix_cards_sched on cards (did, queue, due); CREATE INDEX ix_revlog_cid on revlog (cid); CREATE INDEX ix_notes_csum on notes (csum); COMMIT; `;; const noteStmt = db.prepare( "insert or replace into notes values(:id,:guid,:mid,:mod,:usn,:tags,:flds,:sfld,:csum,:flags,:data)", ); for (const note of Object.values(noteSchemas)) { Object.fromEntries( [...Object.entries(note)].map(( [key, value], ) => [`:${key}`, value]), ), ); } const cardStmt = db.prepare( "insert or replace into cards values(:id,:nid,:did,:ord,:mod,:usn,:type,:queue,:due,:ivl,:factor,:reps,:lapses,:left,:odue,:odid,:flags,:data)", ); for ( const card of Object.values(cardSchemas) ) { Object.fromEntries( [...Object.entries(card)].map(( [key, value], ) => [`:${key}`, value]), ), ); } return db.export(); }; export const makePackage = ( ankiDB: Uint8Array, media: Record | Map, Zip: new () => JSZip, options?: Omit, "type">, ): Promise => { const zip = new Zip(); zip.file("collection.anki2", ankiDB); const entries = [ ...(media instanceof Map ? media.entries() : Object.entries(media)), ]; const filenameMap: Record = Object.fromEntries([filename], index) => [index, filename]), ); zip.file("media", JSON.stringify(filenameMap)); entries.forEach(([, data], index) => zip.file(`${index}`, data)); return zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob", ...options }); }; const separator = "\u001F"; const makeNote = ( note: Note, modelId: number, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Note => { const flds = note.fields.join(separator); return { id: idGen(, guid: note.guid ?? makeNoteGUID(), tags: note.tags?.map?.((tag) => tag.replaceAll(" ", "_"))?.join?.(" ") ?? "", mid: modelId, mod: note.updated ??, flds, sfld: flds, usn: -1, flags: 0, data: "", csum: 0, // can be ignore }; }; const makeCards = ( note: Note, deckId: number, noteId: number, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Card[] => note.noteType.isCloze ? makeClozeCards(note, deckId, noteId, idGen) : makeNormalCards(note, deckId, noteId, idGen); const makeNormalCards = ( note: Note, deckId: number, noteId: number, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Card[] => { const fieldNames = => typeof field === "string" ? field : ); return note.noteType.templates.flatMap((template, ord) => { for ( const [, fieldName] of template.question.matchAll( /{{(?:type\:|hint\:|#|\/)?([^}]+)}}/g, ) ) { const index = fieldNames.indexOf(fieldName); if (index < 0) continue; if (!note.fields[index]) return []; } return [makeCard({ ord, noteId, deckId, created: noteId, }, idGen)]; }); }; const makeClozeCards = ( note: Note, deckId: number, noteId: number, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Card[] => { const qfmt = note.noteType.templates[0].question; const clozeReplacements = new Set( [ ...qfmt.matchAll(/{{[^}]*?cloze:(?:[^}]?:)*(.+?)}}/g), ...qfmt.matchAll(/<%cloze:(.+?)%>/g), ].map(( [_, fieldName], ) => fieldName), ); const cardOrds = new Set( [...clozeReplacements].flatMap((fieldName) => { const fieldIndex = note.noteType.fields .findIndex((field) => (typeof field === "string" ? field : === fieldName ); const fieldValue = fieldIndex < 0 ? "" : note.fields[fieldIndex]; const updates = [...fieldValue.matchAll(/{{c(\d+)::.+?}}/g)].map(( [_, m], ) => parseInt(m)).flatMap((m) => m >= 1 ? [m - 1] : []); return updates; }), ); if (cardOrds.size === 0) cardOrds.add(0); return [...cardOrds].map((cardOrd) => makeCard({ ord: cardOrd, noteId, deckId, created: noteId, }, idGen) ); }; interface Card { ord: number; created: number; updated?: number; noteId: number; deckId: number; } const makeCard = ( card: Card, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Card => ({ ord: card.ord, id: idGen(card.created), nid: card.noteId, did: card.deckId, mod: card.updated ?? Math.round(card.created / 1000), usn: -1, type: 0, queue: 0, due: 0, ivl: 0, factor: 0, reps: 0, lapses: 0, left: 0, odue: 0, odid: 0, flags: 0, data: "", }); const makeNoteType = ( noteType: NoteType, deckId: number | undefined, idGen: IdGen, ): Schema.Model => ({ vers: [], name:, tags: [], did: deckId ?? 1, usn: -1, req: [[0, "all", [0]]], flds:, index) => makeField(field, index)), sortf: 0, latexPre: noteType.latex?.[0] ?? "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n\\special{papersize=3in,5in}\n\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n\\usepackage{amssymb,amsmath}\n\\pagestyle{empty}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0in}\n\\begin{document}\n", tmpls:, index) => makeTemplage(template, index) ), latexPost: noteType.latex?.[1] ?? "\\end{document}", type: noteType.isCloze ? 1 : 0, id: idGen(, css: noteType.css ?? ".card {\n font-family: arial;\n font-size: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n color: black;\nbackground-color: white;\n}\n", mod: noteType.updated ?? Math.round( / 1000), }); const makeField = (field: string | Field, ord: number): Schema.Field => typeof field === "string" ? ({ name: field, description: "", media: [], sticky: false, rtl: false, ord, font: "Arial", size: 20, }) : ({ name:, description: field.description ?? "", media: [], sticky: false, rtl: field.rtl ?? false, ord, font: field.font ?? "Arial", size: field.fontSize ?? 20, }); const makeTemplage = (template: Template, ord: number): Schema.Template => ({ name:, ord, did: null, qfmt: template.question, bafmt: template.example?.[0] ?? "", afmt: template.answer, bqfmt: template.example?.[1] ?? "", }); const makeDeck = (deck: Deck, idGen: IdGen): Schema.Deck => ({ collapsed: false, conf: 1, desc: deck.description ?? "", dyn: 0, extendNew: 10, extendRev: 50, id: idGen(, lrnToday: [545, 0], mod: deck.updated ?? Math.round( / 1000), name:, newToday: [545, 0], revToday: [545, 0], timeToday: [545, 0], usn: -1, }); type IdGen = (id: number) => number; const makeIdGenerator = (): IdGen => { let counter = -1; return (id) => { if (counter < id) { counter = id; return id; } return ++counter; }; }; const table = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"; export const makeNoteGUID = (): string => { let n = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); let buf = ""; while (n > 0) { const q = Math.floor(n / table.length); const r = n % table.length; buf += table[r]; n = q; } return buf.split("").reverse().join(""); };